Akamai Technologies Wikipedia audio article

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Akamai. Technologies Inc. Is an American content. Delivery, network, CDN. And cloud service, provider, headquartered in, Cambridge, Massachusetts in, the United States. Akamai's. Content, delivery, network, is one of the world's, largest distributed. Computing, platforms. Responsible. For serving between 15%. And, 30% of. All web traffic. The. Company, operates, a network of servers around the world and rents out capacity on, these servers to customers, who want their websites, to work faster, by distributing. Content from locations. Close to the user when. A user navigates. To the URL, of an Akamai, customer, their browser is redirected. To one of Occam eyes copies, of the website the. Company. Was founded, in 1998. By Daniel, M Lewin, then a graduate, student at MIT an, MIT, applied. Mathematics. Professor, Tom Layden, Lewin. Was killed aboard American, Airlines, flight 11 which. Crashed, in the September, 11th, attacks of 2001. Lathan, currently, serves as Akamai, CEO. Akamai. As a Hawaiian word, meaning. Intelligent. Or, clever. Topic. History. Akamai. Technologies entered. The 1998. MIT. $50,000. Competition. With a business, proposition based. On their research on consistent. Hashing and were selected as one of the finalists. By. August, 1998. They had developed, a working prototype, and with the help of Jonathan, Selig, and Randall, Kaplan, they began taking steps, to incorporate, the company in late 1998. And, early 1999. A group of business, professionals, joined the founding, team, most. Notably, Paul Sagan former, president, of new media for Time Inc and George can raids former, chairman, and chief executive officer, of BBN. Corp and senior, vice president, of US operations for. IBM, can. Raids became, the chief executive. Officer, of Akamai, in April 1999. And, led the company from startup, to sustain, profitability and. Positive, free cash flow, before turning the reins over to Sagan, in 2005. The. Company launched, its commercial, service, in April 1999. And, was listed on the Nasdaq, stock market, from October, 29. 1999. On July, 1st 2001. Akamai. Was added to the Russell 3000. Index and, Russell 2000. Index in, 2001. Co-founder. Daniel M Lewin died in the September, 11th, attacks at the age of 31. Lewin. Was aboard American Airlines, flight 11 the, first plane to crash into the world trade center in, 2005. Paul Sagan was named chief executive, officer, of Akamai. Seguin. Worked to differentiate, Akamai, from its competitors by expanding, the company's breadth of services.

Under. His leadership the, company grew, to, 1.37, billion, dollars in revenues. Seguin. Served as chief executive officer. Until co-founder. And current CEO Tom. Leighton was elected, to the position in, 2013. Topic. Technologies. You. Topic. Akamai, intelligent. Platform. The, Akamai, intelligent. Platform is a distributed. Cloud computing. Platform that operates, worldwide it, is. A network, of over 240. Thousand, servers deployed, in more than 120. Countries, these. Servers, reside, in more than. 1500. Of the world's networks gathering, real-time, information, about traffic, congestion and trouble, spots, each. Akamai, server is equipped with proprietary. Software that, uses complex, algorithms. To process, requests. From nearby users, and then serve the requested, content. Topic. Content. Delivery, process. The, content, delivery process, begins, with a user submitting. A request to, a browser. When. A user enters a URL, a DNS, request, as triggered, and an IP address, is retrieved, with. The IP address. The browser can then contact a web server directly. For subsequent, requests, in a. Content, delivery network structure. The domain name of the URL, is translated. By the mapping system into, the IP address. Of an edge server to serve the content to the user Akamai, delivers, web content, over its intelligent. Platform by, transparently. Mirroring, elements, such as HTML. CSS. Software. Downloads, and media, objects, from customers, servers, the. Akamai, server is automatically. Picked depending, on the type of content and the user's network location. Receiving. Content, from an Akamai, server close to the user allows, for faster, download, times and less vulnerability. To network congestion. Akamai. Claims to provide better scalability, by. Delivering, the content over the last mile from servers, close to end-users avoiding. The middle mile bottleneck, of the Internet, the. Download, delivery, product, line includes. HTTP. Downloads, for large downloadable. Objects, a customizable. Application. For consumers, and analytics, tools with metrics, that monitor, and report on the download, process. Topic. Peer-to-peer, networking. In, addition, to using Akamai, zone servers, Akamai, delivers, content, from other end users computers, in a form of peer-to-peer networking. When. Users request, a download, of some large file served by this system it prompts, them to download and install, Akamai. Next session interface, a download. Manager used. To reduce download. Time and to increase quality. However. This software, operates. Not merely as a download, manager delivering. Content from the Internet to the users computer but, also as a peer-to-peer, server. Delivering. Content cached, on the user's computer to, other users computers. Topic. Network, operations. Command center. Akamai's. Network Operations, Command Center NOC. C is used for proactive monitoring. And troubleshooting of, all servers in the global a Kamino. The. NOC C, provides, real-time statistics, of, Occam eyes web traffic, the. Traffic metrics. Update. Automatically. And provide a view of the Internet traffic conditions. On Akamai, servers, and customer, websites. Topic. State, of the Internet. The, state of the internet report, as a quarterly, report, Akamai releases, based on data gathered, from its intelligent. Platform which, provides global internet, statistics. Such as connection. Speed broadband. Adoption attack. Traffic, network, connectivity, and mobile, connectivity. Topic. Visualizing. The Internet. Akamai's. Data, visualization. Tools display how data is moving across the Internet in real time, viewers. Are able to see global, web conditions, malicious, attack traffic and Internet connectivity, in, addition. The net usage, indices, monitor, global news consumption, industry. Specific, traffic and mobile, trends. Akamai. Also, offers, the internet visualization. Application. Which allows users to view real-time, data on their mobile device. Topic. Open. Initiative. On October. 9th 2013. Akamai, announced, its open initiative at the 2013, Akamai. Edge conference. Open. Allows customers. And partners to develop and customize, the way they interact with the Akamai, intelligent. Platform, key. Components. Of open includes, system, and development, operations. Integration. Real time big data integration, and a single point user interface. Topic. Primary. Domains. Akamai. Technologies owns. About sixty, other domains, but the primary domains, it uses include. Topic. Corporate. Akamai. Calm. Calm, eyes domain. Topic. Content. Delivery, networks. And domains. Akamai, dotnet. Akamai, edge net. Akamai's. Dotnet. Akamai. Dotnet, a content, delivery network used. By companies like Ubisoft, Steam, Twitter, and Facebook to speed up their services.

Edgesweep, Net. Edge. Gannett. SR, IP dotnet. Akamai. Technologies dot-com. A content, delivery network used. By companies like Adobe. Akamai. Technologies. Fr. Topic. DNS. Servers. Akamai, Tecna. A, cadenza. Net, a. Kinetic. Uh my stream net. Akamai. Edge net. Akamai, dotnet. Kamae, calm. Topic. Customers. On July. 21st. 1999. At Macworld Expo, New, York Apple and akamai announced, a strategic, partnership, to build Apple's, new media network QuickTime, TV, q TV based on QuickTime, streaming, server, both. Companies, later, announced, that Apple had made a twelve point five million dollars, investment, in the company the previous, month, Apple. Continues, to use Akamai, as their primary content. Delivery, network, for a wide range of applications. Including software. Downloads, from Apple's website QuickTime. Movie trailers, and the iTunes Store, in September, 1999. Microsoft. And Akamai, formed, a strategic, relationship to. Incorporate. Windows Media technology. And Akamai x' free flow service, as well as to facilitate the, porting of the free flow product, to the Windows platform this relationship. Exists, to this day. Microsoft. Azure offers. Akamai, along, with Verizon, as options, for its standard. CDN. Service arabic, news network, al-jazeera. Was a customer, from march 28. 2003. Until, April 2nd, 2003. When Akamai, decided, to end the relationship, the. Network's, english-language. Managing, editor claimed this was due to political pressure in, June, 2008. The news market teamed with Akamai, to accelerate, dynamic, content, and applications. To global, media ahead of the Beijing Olympics, the BBC, iplayer uses, Akamai, to stream, its recorded, and live programs, focused, through an XML, playlist. The. Entire, China, Central, Television website. CCTV. Comm, including. Its streaming video has been hosted, on Akamai xej servers, since late 2009. Hulu, uses, Akamai, for hosting video MIT. OpenCourseWare. Utilizes. Akamai, xej suite for its content, delivery, network, Trend, Micro, uses Akamai, for their house call anti-virus, application. Valve. Corporation. Steam software. Service, uses Akamai, x' content. Delivery, network, for storing screenshots. And icon uploaded, by users. Akamai. Provided, streaming, services, to ESPN. Star India, during the course of the ICC. Cricket World Cup 2011. Rackspace's. Cloud, files, use, Akamai, x' content. Delivery, network, CDN. For storing, its customers, files. Other. Customers. Include, Adobe Systems, Airbnb. AMD. Autotrader.com. ESPN. The great courses Hewlett, Packard Hilton, Worldwide IBM. JCPenney. Lysed, MTV. Networks NASA. National. Academy, of Recording Arts. And Sciences, NBC. Sports Pearson. Education. Red Bull GmbH, Red. Hat Sony, Playstation. And Yahoo in August, 2017. Nintendo. Launched its new game console, and mobile gaming applications. Simultaneously around. The world Viacom eyes media, delivery, solutions. Topic. Acquisitions. On February, 10th. 2000. Akamai, acquired, Network 24, communications. For an aggregate, purchase price of two hundred three million, six hundred thousand. Dollars on. April. 20th, 2002. Maya acquired interview, Inc for an aggregate, purchase, price of two billion eight hundred million, dollars, in. July. 25. 2009. Cultish. Shots aimed for an aggregate, purchased, price of three million seven, hundred thousand, dollars On. June. 10th 2005. Akamai. Acquired, speed era Networks, Inc for, an aggregate, purchase, price of, 142. Million two hundred thousand. Dollars, in. December, 13th. 2006. Akamai, acquired, nine Systems, Inc for an aggregate, purchase, price of. 157. Million. $500,000. On. March. 13th, 2007. Akamai. Acquired, Netley, Inc Netley, for an aggregate, purchase, price of, 154. Million. $400,000. On. April. 12 2007. Akamai. Acquired, red swoosh Inc for an aggregate, purchase, price of 18, million. $700,000. On. November. 3rd 2008. Akamai, acquired, a cirno Inc for an aggregate, purchase, price of 90, million eight hundred thousand. Dollars On. June. 10th 2010. Akamai. Acquired, velocity, LLC. For an aggregate, purchase, price of twelve million dollars, On, February. 7. 2012. Akamai. Acquired, blaze software, inc for an aggregate, purchase, price of 19, million. $300,000. On. March. 6 2012. Akamai, acquired, Kat endo Inc for an aggregate, purchase, price of, 278. Million. $900,000. On. September. 13, 2012. Akamai, acquired, fast soft, Inc for an aggregate, purchase, price of 14, million. $400,000. On December. 4th 2012.

Akamai, Acquired, very view Inc for an aggregate, purchase, price of 30 million nine hundred thousand. Dollars on. November. 8 2013. Akamai, acquired, vollis Networks, for an aggregate, purchase, price of 4 million. $300,000. In. February. 2014. Akamai, acquired, cyber security, provider, prolix acknowledged. EES for an aggregate, purchase, price of 390. Million dollars, in. February. 2015. Akamai, acquired, 0 Kalinka, a domain, name system, technology. Company, on. April. 6th 2015. Akamai, acquired, cloud, IPTV. Service, provider, octo, shape for an undisclosed, amount on. November. 2nd, 2015. Akamai, acquired, blocks, a provider, of secure, web gateway, swg. Technology. For an undisclosed, amount on. September. 28. 2016. Akamai, acquired, Concord. Systems, a provider, of technology. For the high-performance, processing. Of data at scale for an undisclosed, amount on. October. 4th 2016. Akamai, acquired, so has systems, an enterprise, secure, access delivered. As a service provider. For an undisclosed, amount on. December. 19th, 2016. Akamai. Acquired, cyber fend a bot and automation, detection. Solutions provider, for an undisclosed, amount on. March. 29th. 2017. Akamai, acquired, SOA, sta, a digital, performance, management, company, based in Mountain View California for. An undisclosed, all-cash, amount, on. October. 11th, 2017. Akamai, acquired, NA minim a carrier, grade DNS. And DHCP, provider. And one of the major players in the creation, of the modern DNS. System for an undisclosed, all-cash, amount. On January. 7th, 2018. Akamai. And Janrain. Announced, an agreement for the acquisition Janrain. A major see I am provider. Topic. Litigation. One, of Occam eyes patents, covers a method, of delivering, electronic. Data using, a content, delivery network. Internet. Website, proprietors. Content, providers, contract. With Akamai, to deliver, their website's content to individual, Internet users, the. Patented, method permits. Large files such, as video or music files, to be stored on Akamai, servers, and accessed, from those servers by Internet users, this. Increases, the speed with which Internet. Users access, the content, from websites. Unfortunately. For Akamai, it's patent, was written in a way that called, for or permitted, actions, by multiple, persons, or entities, such. As the content, provider, customer. And the company providing. The CDN, service. Akamai's. Competitor. Limelight, chose to operate, its allegedly, infringing, service. In that manner it performed. Most steps, of the patented, process and, its customers, performed, a so-called tagging, step, under. The interpretation. Of patent law at the time when Akamai, decided, to sue limelight, for patent infringement a method patent could be held infringed, only when a single actor, performed, all of the steps, the. Court therefore overturned. A forty million dollars, jury verdict, in Akamai, favor. Akamai. Initially, lost the case even taking, it to the Supreme, Court the Supreme Court. Returned, the case to the United States Court of Appeals for, the Federal Circuit however. With an invitation to re-evaluate. Its rule if it chose to do so that all the steps of a method had to be performed, by a single actor for there to be infringement. Unruhe, manned the Federal, Circuit, considered, the matter and Bank all active, judges of the circuit, and modified, its rule it. Now held that a patent, could also be directly, infringed, if an alleged. Infringer. Conditions. Participation. In an activity, or receipt, of a benefit, upon performance. Of a step or steps, of a patented, method and, establishes. The manner or timing, of that performance, on, that. Basis, the Federal Circuit, reinstate, the, $40,000,000. Jury verdict, it. Said that Akamai. Presented. Substantial. Evidence, demonstrating. That limelight, conditions.

Its Customers. Use of its content, delivery, network, upon, its customers, performance. Of, the. Steps that limelight, does not itself perform, this, has been considered, a substantial. Change in patent law for. Further discussion. Of the case see, Akamai, Tax Inc V. Limelight. Networks, Inc. Topic. Controversies. The, National, Security Agency. And Federal Bureau of Investigation. Have reportedly, used Facebook's. Akamai, content, delivery, network, CDN. To collect information on, Facebook, users, this. Report, appears to show intelligence. Analysts. Intercepting. Communications between. Facebook. And its CDN, provider, but does not indicate Akamai. As being complicit, in this process. According. To researchers, from the universities. Of Cambridge and, California. Berkeley, University. College, London an international. Computer Science Institute Berkeley. Akamai, has been blocking access, to websites for, visitors using tor this. Feature known, as network lists, is optional. For and implemented, by customers. Of Akamai, and as a legitimate, feature common, to many major IT vendors. That provide network. Security, feeds such, as emerging, threats which provides, such a feed for free. Topic. See also. Akhom, I'd tax Inc V, limelight. Networks Inc. Memcached. Equals. Equals nodes.


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