How to Become a Windows Server Admin Interview Preparation Q&A Crack Interview JOYATRES

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yeah just have a quick introduction about myself uh i have a 12 years of experience overall in iit industry and i worked in vipre technologies ibm and uh micro land so started career as a trainer and a system administrator currently working in one of the mnc company as a active directory architecture yeah so this call about to to understand how you need to face the interview and what kind of preparations you need to do how you can get a job by giving an interview confidently so you might know that is in current uh situation current environment right due to the covered impact and pandemic situation people are laid off many people are laid off and many people are uh move on to the different project and many projects are not in uh lined up in every company rights there is a situation is ups and down happen so in this scenario so who has a knowledge or who has a skill set he will be survived and he will be the continuing the project right so when we uh when we are getting into the pressure from the customer our management side and there is a project is going to laid off and we need to have only few resources due to the billing part and other resources should not continue so such scenario people will think about who is the key resource and whom we should do should tell to go home right so overall it's comes under for we should be having technically sound when we are in technical sound then no one will touch us and we will have a lot of opportunities we don't need to ask anybody help to do that we should have a lot of confident in terms of the technical in terms of the technical skill set so basically this session is scheduled for to help you guys to how do we prepare the interview what kind of the question might ask in during interview uh overall uh basically fresher are three to four years of experience are more than five years of experience and when we goes to the more than seven or eight years of experience we they don't need for this training so basically this call for two people who are struggling the job what they need to be done to get into the job and get selected during the interview basically the first most important their profile has to be up updated let me share my screen then we have talk about to the points what we are going to talk about hope you can able to see my screen the first most important everyone agree for our resume right the resume or we can say profile needs to be update so most of the people are having uh lacking up that is in the proper format the proper format of profile right and the lacking of what needs to be they're only taking some google points then they update it but they never know that isn't what kind of skills i have right because interviewer will look into the decision only for what you have updated in a profile so the content it must be important content must be updated as per your skill set and many people are referring to the other uh friends profile and some google profile and they're updating when they ask question during interview they will be stuck so basically there are two way in interview preparation while you're updating the profile you should know that it isn't there is a skill and there is experience so when you say skill skills on right when you say skills on so that will you have a knowledge on that subject or knowledge on the topic right remember this most important people are making the mistake knowledge on the specific topic or what your point referring but when you mentioned having experience on that then you worked on that you have worked on that and you have that hands-on experience so basically when we are updating our profile we must understand that when you learn something on powershell when you learn something on windows server and when you learn something azure right but you have basically experience on desktop you are working on experience and desktop like last three years last three years working in a desktop support but you want to upgrade yourself and you have learned so you have got training from the powershell windows server and azure and you wanted to update this technology saying that is in as having experience when you update it as experience then you should have knowledge and hands-on experience right this is a lacking here and when you updated the skill yes you have undergone the training then i know these things but people are asking for do you have the hands-on experience then we are stuck here so this call is to helping you after interview preparation you can update whatever you learned in a recently and even though you don't have a hands-on experience you can update by saying that is in hands-on experience hands-on experience on these so then they will ask question interview the first most interesting question why i'm telling you because i am also part of the interview uh when in my current organization the expectation should understand from the candidate the first is confident second one is communication then understood the region he's a knowledge and experience and skills right the most important first how you will speak how what is his confident level right are he speaking during the call talking with the server like that or he is stopping in between and lacking of uh having information and stuck with to explain explaining that respect to subject respect to answering that then we will come to know you'll not be fit for our project so basically you should have the confident what you are going to tell them and you should well prepared well prepared means number one you are applying the position for the windows server administrator position example overall it is a kind of l1 and l2 support right then what are things i need to be prepared l1 and l2 support when we talk about right when you are working in desktop support already also you are working in a windows server with a limitation limited access then you want to move in move into the next company or next project with expecting more package so how do we prepare it we have to prepare in the current situation there is a hell lot of competitions going on many peoples are available for the more skill set right so how do we overtake them and how do we get the job in the right manner so to do that this training will help you to understand the reason we have planned for the 10 hour uh for the interview preparation entry preparation you can say practice how do you do that so expectation that to attend this training expectation that you should have a skills on a windows server it means when i when i ask you that is in what is ad right what is active directory and uh the server operating system are windows 2012 windows 2016 and 2019 right these are the basic skill should needed to attend this training then it will help you to it will motivate you it will get confident you yes these are the questions i will prepare then if the well answering i should feel yes i have experience you need to explain such a way that i have experienced that because you recently completed the training but you don't have experience also you are working in a current uh organizations with l1 supporter l2 support and server administrator and i need to jump into that is another company maybe they are expecting more on a real scenario then this training will help you to to prepare your interview so basically the the expectation is everyone should have some basic knowledge on windows server and active directory and a basic knowledge on networking so they will ask question here right the question will ask do you know the first question they will ask can you please update yourself or you can say can you please tell yourself about yourself right the first question they'll ask you should be properly well throwed what needs to be done so you need to tell very short and sweet which is uh myself anil you should give that is in having uh 12 plus years of ite experience right and technology supported simple do not tell your native and all all and your family and everything no no need to tell technology worked on you can say windows server active directory gpu right powershell and [Music] guys i'm muting you so please go and mute if you don't have any question please unmute if you have any question please admit to yourself and ask question powershell sscm right vmware just you can update it what skills you have then you can say that this other and work the company okay the word company name you can say worked on ibm and we pro right and micro land just say these are the company i've worked it so the second question will ask what is the second question can you please elaborate or can you please tell us what is your day-to-day activity what is your day-to-day activity how your day will start so since your profile is updated as a system administrator right system administrator then you shouldn't tell that isn't more on desktop support and you can tell that is in confidently what activity you are doing day to day how you are getting are you working on ticket based are you working on ticket based which is itl process like incident right like uh service request like a problem ticket right like change ticket you might have heard about these are the itl process to getting the incident for the based on sla which is service level agreement which is a base on the priority priority which is you might heard over some people will talk about p1 right or some people will talk about severity one or priority one and p2 or p3 so that individual ticket has that is an sla which is uh you need to resolve the particular duration that what is the sl is it defined if the ticket is p1 you have to resolve the ticket should be within two hours right in this you have that is in a response time ticket response right ticket response in a p1 ticket you have to a response ticket it means a response means accepting the ticket right accepting the ticket within one minute and resolving resolving within two hours so these you should know this one you need to tell that is in this is how we are working if you already working in this kind of environment well and good who are not working you should learn this you should understand that is in because in a all maximum mnc companies are following uh the same process right so they'll ask question can you tell us what is your day-to-day activity you should well prepared thoroughly well prepared what needs to be explained them right and i'm working on uh biu i'm working on a biu team which is business as usual which is who worked on there is an incident right incident and if you're working on a project and it will be work on the design service request or you can say some email response so we need to understand that as in how our operations will start how the day-to-day uh work will start so it in opposite interviewer will come to know okay this is the platform you're working right what kind of issues you handled they'll ask you can you please tell me what kind of issues you are handling so here you should also be prepared well right we will help you to during throughout the 10 hours journey so every day one more hour we'll take it those use cases we will help you use cases say for example now i have a file server right file server and some of the users are unable to access unable to access their share path right their share path so what you need to be done what you are going to check one by one our few users are gpu are not applied what you are going to checking right and there is a request for you to create a trust right create a trust and there is a request for you to create a gpu group policy object we should know that you never done for in a real scenario right you never done the real scenario who are working on a desktop or who are having that is one l1 rl2 support for i'm talking about before seven years of experience right but you wanted to expecting the more package you want to expect it more package and to change a job you need this 10 hour interview preparation refreshment interview preparation refreshment it will help you rather than going through the complete training if you already gone through the training then you have a theoretical knowledge then how do i prepare it right so you can confidently do that you can confidently plan for the region uh yes i have a knowledge on this and i worked on this environment and these are the knowledge skills that i have right so then they will come to the next question do you know uh how the activator works are how good you are in active directory and how much rate yourself on active directory they'll talk about right how much rate yourself on active directory or you can say gpu then you know already the page in the conference you can tell honestly you can tell it don't uh make it something okay 10 of 10 like that whatever you have skill set you can tell okay i'm good with in the active directory i can say uh 5 out of 10 all right that's fine that's good then he will talk about next question that is in can you please uh tell me uh so can you tell can you please tell me about fsmo he will jump into directly what you because you have already updated this profile in your this topic you updated an already profile can you tell me how what are the uh what it may be fsm what the type of fsmo and how it works right so you can see the how the the l1 job and l2 job will be there in this you can easy to understand in this scenario let me show you one document and you can able to manage it and you can able to understand that is in how actually industry project will be there and what kind of l1 job will be there what kind of l2 activity will be there you can able to manage it let me show you the document where i kept here just give me a minute anybody has any question so these are the details you will get it get to know that is in so these are the you can you will be going to learn okay all l1 l1 java l2 java l3 job right so you can see here how to select your authentication over the forest rest right and uh you can see how to identity applications the replications you can go to the active directory sites and services and uh you can see that is in the expanded sites country every steps has been followed if you explain the same way then the interviewer will think about yes you have a knowledge and you can say that is fsmo service down you never never done as you are in foreign working in a desktop support or you are in very limited uh support working currently in uh as a system administrator but if the interview question asks you should be able to you should be able to answer right you can see urgent requirement where you need to do how to do all the steps has been followed here fsm service up right global catalog down whatever global catalog and if it's down how do we fix it right replication failed right now you can see these are the command these are the area we need to check all aspects you are going to be well thoroughly we are preparing you within 10 hours and you will get a lot of confidence along with your training who are already completed as i said the expectation is for to having a knowledge on at least you should have a knowledge on that is in windows server uh 2012 2016 2019 or you should have knowledge on windows active directory and uh some networking basic fundamental so these are the expectation would be required to join this 10 hour short course so you will be able to manage it and once this is 10 hour completed you will be getting confident and you will be thoroughly will be confidently answered because you have already well prepared well prepared for what needs to be explained by referring use cases this will help you to even though you don't have experience and you can tell them these kind of issues are we are handling then if you ask for the theoretically what is fsm rule and he will ask you how the 80's applications will work right so what is backup okay what are the type of backup if you ask question you will be able to answer confidently then yeah what was the next step you should be get selected then you will get a more package you can demand whatever it is there then once you join the company then within first two months you have to struggle a lot then you have to you should not uh you should not showcase that is as you don't know knowledge but you should put a lot of effort understand that is yourself then you should be in a part of team this is how you need to be start your career once you started to handling the uh request or incident by yourself confidently then your journey started work there uh two or two years right work there two year for uh in that company then you can start jumping again another company by expecting more package so at least the initial stage your journey has to start it how to start it here we are we are here to help you right so yeah your career then by the time after 10 years of experience right then your package would be at least you need to reach for 20 lakh per annum this is your target then plan accordingly then you would be either team lead or you should be in a manager position if you planned well well manner then you will be reaching for that is in a good position trust me i followed the same same way and i am in one of the positions and is a good package so this is the way we are going to help you to people who are struggling a lot how do we crack the interview how do we prepare the interview because you know that many people are giving the training but ultimately we need to help them to how do you get a job that's the most important yeah yeah there is all their activated db entities yeah such cases do come in produce it is there you have seen that already as shown in the in the document those also we will we will help you will will tell you that isn't how the tented yes did works and uh how you are going to take a backup how do you move that one day one database to other database everything you will be you will be get to know you will come to nishant everything during this 10 hour all right i am done with my session if you have any question feel free to shoot out anybody has any question unmute yourself and go ahead speak yeah yeah every day it is a one hour session correct uh yes we are planning to do that every day one hour or weekend we will come to we will help you the tamit will tell you and you can contact uh for more detail i'll share the number his number uh you can just check with him so timing not at confirmed based on the students requirement we will plan accordingly okay here is a number five four zero six six two eight zero six his name amit you can talk to him so tell me again please nine five four okay zero double six okay two eight zero six his name amit okay thanks good anybody has any question if no question can we wind up you you think about yourself then you plan accordingly contact amit for the further discussion then he will help you to form the batch sure yeah thank you guys take care bye


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