Live from the Mobile Training Unit CO2 refrigeration for Food Retail Cooling United Live

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Hello, and welcome to this session, where we will  focus on our CO2 solutions within food retail.   Today, we will start by focusing  on our solutions for hyper markets,   then we move on to our solutions for smaller  stores such as discounters, then we'll focus   on gas detection and last but not least we will  present to you our brand new SFA10 for co2.   We have convinced our great product managers  to go out in the mobile training unit and do   live presentations for you, so let's see  if we can connect. Are you ready guys?   Yeah thank you Anya, thank you very much  yes we are indeed here in the training unit,   Kalinsky and myself and we are going to  introduce some of the new components, some of the   updates for components that we have invested in  recently for the for the CO2 solutions that we're   offering so this includes both the multi ejector  and also the updated pack controller. And the pack   controller is what i'm going to talk about just  now, so please follow me to the to the panel here,   one of the many panels we have in the training  unit. So inside we have the AKPC 782 installed,  

and the 782 is the market leading CO2 controller  and we are we are continuously investing into the   782 technology in terms of control methods and  algorithms. The 782 is a is a highly flexible   controller, so whether you have the smallest,  simple mini booster with a few compressors and,   you know, technology that fits your store that  have come to the market 10 years ago or you're   using the newest technology in terms of ejectors,  and maybe with 10 or 12 compressors, then the 782   is flexible and it can be scaled in terms of  number of compressors the technology you choose   and also different options to cover your  full application needs on the pack side. So   as you define your your application the number  of features increases and also the number of   i o points and types of io's that you need also  increases and this puts demands on the hardware.  

And here on the left hand side you have the  pack controller itself so this is a 782.   and depending on which i o types and number  of i o you need you expand your hardware with   expansion modules, so here we have a 103 we have  a 205 that offers different io types that fits   with the specific application. So in this way  both the hardware and the software is flexible We have a highly efficient solution we  have invested in CO2 for for many years   and we have refined this solution throughout the  years and today CO2 is feasible in all climates   throughout the technologies that we're offering.  

Also in terms of reliability the Danfoss pack  controllers are state of the art, so it's not   just a cost efficient solution for you to buy but  it's also a solution that you can trust in so the   algorithms are efficient and they're also very  robust, and that means that they can cover many   different applications and they are also able to  maintain cooling and overcome difficult periods   with difficult operational conditions so that  the cooling capacity of your store is maintained.   The 782 features up to 12 compressors it has up to  three suction groups so your MT, your LT and also   your parallel intermediate compressors and that's  all all integrated and coordinated in the 782.   It masters the the high pressure control so in the  gas cooler where you have more than 100 bar and   the receiver pressure where we are creating the  pressure for the for the rest of the evaporators.  

In the high pressure gas cooler we have also  very high temperature and this is one of the   the keys to to obtaining a good efficiency,  that is that you can also on top of the   normal efficiency you can you can  harvest the energy from the gas cooler   and here also the 782 has a state-of-the-art  built-in function where you can choose to have   up to two heat recovery circuits that maintain  your general heating and your your hot water   and increase the whole efficiency of the of the  installation. So this is the the 782 in terms of   robustness, efficiency flexibility which are the  one of the some of the trademarks of the of the   782. So thank you and over to you Anja. Thank you  Brian, that was a good presentation it is clear   that the controller is a vital part of the system  but another vital part is of course the ejector.  

Therefore, let's go back to the mobile  training unit and see if Sjammick is ready.   Hello, in this presentation i will focus on the   CTM multi-ejector which is the vital part  of the Danfoss multi-ejector solution.   Historically the CO2 system efficiency has been a  challenge in warm ambient conditions with the CTM   multi-ejector the CO2 equator has been eliminated.  This solution makes the CO2 refrigeration systems   economically competitive with a standard HFC  system no matter what is the ambient temperature.   Please follow me, and let's have a look where  the CTM is located in the mobile training unit.   So here you can see the CTM multi-ejector  which is a very special type. It contains the  

liquid ejector, the low pressure ejectors  and also the high pressure ejectors it is not   something what is open for the regular sales, but  in order to to run different types of applications   and simulate different working conditions we  are having this very specific version here.   For the sake of simplicity  and better understanding   let's have a look on this standard  transcritical system with IT compressors. The multi-ejector is located here between  the gas cooler and the receiver. Here you   can see that it's mounted in parallel with the  high pressure valve but it is done in that way   only for the training purposes. In a standard  system the high pressure valve becomes redundant   and the multi ejector takes over its  functionality. It takes over its functionality   and it gives much more it is designed in a  way to lift some gas leaving the empty cases.

Mix it with the gas leaving the gas cooler and  send it to the receiver at the medium pressure   level in the next step the pre-compressed gas  is taken by the IT compressors which operates   more efficiently thanks to the  lower pressure lift required.   To sum up this part let me focus on the  benefits for both OEMs and end users   so the high pressure valve it becomes redundant so  it is a clear saving for the for the OEM secondly   you can use either less or smaller it  compressors because they operate with   pre-compressed gas. And the end  users they will be happy to see   lower energy consumption resulting in smaller  energy bills and fast payback time. Let's go  

back to the podium so we can look into different  types of the ejectors which we have in our family. By using this two pager and answering  questions about the ambient temperature   and the system type, the store type  and system size you can very easily   determine which type of the multi ejector  you should use. We have four different types:   there is a low pressure type which  is dedicated for booster systems,   we have the high pressure multi  ejector which is dedicated for   parallel compression systems, there  is a liquid one which is suitable for   all types of trans-critical refrigeration  systems and finally there is a combi block   which is a combination of the high pressure valves  and liquid valves. Inside of one aluminium block   we have different sizes, there is a  big one the CTM6 which can have either   four five or six individual ejectors we have also  smaller size like here that which is a CTM1 with   one ejector inside there is also CTM2 which can  have two ejectors. And what is important is that  

irrespective from the size we have a built-in  strainer which is very easily to access and to   make a service. Please make sure that you will  watch a presentation with my colleague Preben,   who will present all the details how to make  the the cleaning of the of this trainer.   As a final words let me emphasize that the CTM  multi-ejector and the AKPC782 pac controller,   they were developed in order to take the  CO2 refrigeration systems to the next level.   Please try use it and experience a full  benefit of the CO2 as the refrigerants   thank you and back to studio. Thank you Shamik  for that great presentation. Now we move over to   our small store formats and introducing CO2 mini  pack solution. Brian are you ready? Yeah thank you   Anya and hi again everyone, and now we're going  to talk about the mini pack solution of Danfoss.  

consists of electronic components as well of  mechanic components. This is an application area   we have invested in in recent years and this  is a market that has opened up since the new   technology as well, as legislation and public  opinion moves from traditional refrigerants to   natural refrigerants. So we will talk about the  mini pack solution and my focus today will be the   the 572 in this session so the AKPC572 solution  consists of a battery backup module the EKE2U.  

It consists of two extension modules, EKE1P and  it consists of the pac controller itself AKPC572   if you take the components in that order  then the battery backup module is there for   safeguarding the closure of the valves in case of  a power outage. You don't want the high pressures   in the in the refrigeration system to drift to  locations that you are not in control of during a   power outage. So if the if the power goes then the  battery backup module will ensure the safe closing   of the valve. Also the the status of the battery  backup module is available in the pack controller,  

so this means if the battery backup backup  model is charging, if it's closing the valves,   this information is available in the package  pack controller as a as one solution you can say.   In the same way we have the two valve drivers  the EKE1P this is also a fully transparent module   we use this to extend the io of the pack  controller so here we have one stepper valve   on one module stable valve on the other module  and we also use utilizing some of the other ios to   to to have sufficient input output on the  solution. We have two modules and the way that   the pack controller distinguish whether it's the  one module or the other is simply that you apply   a wire short circuiting on one of the analog input  and this tells the module that now you are the the   module that controls the gas bypass valve and  the one without the short circuit controls the   high pressure valve. So this is typically the  only configuration you have to do of the KE1   modules that is to apply a short circuit then we  have the the pack controller itself the AKPC572   this is built on the market leading algorithms  and robustness that we know from the from the   market leading in 782, so so here you will get  the same level of efficiency, you'll get the the   same level of safety of the system. Where we are  distinguishing this solution from the 782 is that   this is a dedicated solution and this is one  of the ways we have made CO2 easy to work with   and this is important in an application like this  because typically we have smaller stores, you   might have a different OEMs or installers service  engineers that service a smaller installation   compared to the traditional large installation and  therefore it's very imminent that we have made CO2   easy to work with. You don't have to do revisits  you don't have to spend a long time to do the  

fine tuning of the different parameters so this  was one of the key objectives with this solution It features, even if it's less flexible,  it is a full booster pack so we can have   three compressors on the MT we  can have two compressors on the LT   we have a full control of the gas cooler  we have control of the receiver pressure   and we also have a number of optional features  like a heat recovery to increase the efficiency,   de-super heater to increase the you  know the capacity in very warm ambient,   gas bypass as a safety feature and other functions  that are optional. So this is all part of this   solution got made available in very easy way. So  let's have a look at at how the information is   presented. There will be a session later on that  demonstrates the wizard that we have applied here   but i would just for the purpose of this session  here i will show how we have made the application   available and visible so that it's easy to get an  overview. And here we have the 572 that is set up   as a single booster system so we see the  MT suction group and the key parameters   around that as well as the temperature control  around the gas cooler if we go to the next page   then we see further details on the suction group  we have details further details on the gas cooler   opening degree of the valve the reference and  so on. In terms of pressure and temperatures  

and also for the receiver we have a graphical  representation of the application so this is a   daily use picture where you can very easily get  an overview of how your application is running   in the same way. We have made it very easy to  set up the different types of denver valves   so if you want to choose for instance the newest  CCMT light valve then this is done easily through   a drop down list where that is the  only parameter that you have to set up   and I think that's actually the  next topic so back to you Anya.   Thank you Brian now let's have a look at the  valve side, we have our well-known CCMT range and   the new extension the CCMT light let's have  a look in the mobile training unit. Shaimick?   Hello everyone in this part i will focus on the  ccmt electric pressure regulating valves which   are optimized for the CO2 refrigerations.  Those valves have versatile applications   firstly they can be used as the high pressure  valve taking care of the pressure inside of   the gas cooler you will also find them between  the receiver and the compressors acting as the   gas bypass valve and finally they can be also  used as the expansion valves for evaporators.   In this case we have the AKVP but they can  be easily replaced by the ccmt CCMT valves.  

Follow me and let's have a look  on the family of the CCMT valves. there is a cc empty medium types from 2 up to  8 with a KV value of 0.8 cubic meter per hour   and that is the maximum value for those valves. CCMT light that is the newest addition  to our portfolio and exactly the same   the being able to replace the CCMT Medium in terms  of the capacity, because the maximum value which   they are having it is also 0.8 cubic meters  per hour. And finally there is a CCMT Large   types from 16 up to 42 with a capacity  from 1.6 up to 4.2 cubic meters per hour   it is fully serviceable free in one concept,  with a built-in filter. In this type which I have  

today you will see that there is a mbs pressure  transmitter integrated into the body but we also   have a version without this MBS. And those valves  are optimized for the systems above 100 kilowatts Coming back to our latest development and that is  the CCMT Light, the valve is very robust accurate   and easy to use. It is designed in a way to have  high tolerance for dirt and debris what reduces   the number of service related incidents and  improves the long performance of the valve and   the whole system. but in case there is a need to  make a maintenance thanks to the fact that it is a   cartridge design you can very easily take it apart  clean all the all the internal components replace   the o-rings or if necessary you can replace the  whole actuator. We have 12 different code numbers   with a different connection sizes and types which  are very easily to be installed in the application   and the installation time is very quick and  easy because you can simply remove the product   from the box and you can start the installation  procedure, and for sure it saves a lot of time   and energy for the OEMs. There is one more thing i  would like to show you so please follow me. Brian. Here you can see the cross section of the CCMT  Light. This valve has a linear opening curve  

and there is no capacity jump at the very  beginning. What is also important is that it   is having a low hysteresis and thanks to that  the pressure regulation is very accurate. And   all those features are combined with a very quick  operation of the valve, it takes only 2.1 seconds   from open to close position please make a zoom on  this part and you will see how quickly it operates it is still in the open position and now  you've been able to see how fastly it closes what i can promise to you is that ccmt lite and  ccmt family will grow so please watch out for   the next releases thank you and back to studio.  Thank you Shajmeck. Yes, we are very much looking  

forward to the extension of our CCMT family  now we will move over to something different,   now we'll focus on gas detection for all  stores. Over to you Brian. Yeah thank you Anya   yes and i will talk about a different part of the  refrigeration installation with namely the the gas   detection system. And we have in '19 introduced  the second generation of the gas detection   product range, which offers new features and and  state-of-the-art functions. So it's a wide product   range which I've introduced to you and we have  also installed the gas detector here in the mobile   training unit, so we have here to the left of  me we have a room and here we have a sensor head   installed inside in the room and above the room  we have with the remote cable we have the sensor   electronics that is safeguarding the the room  so to say. We also have the gas detector with  

a built-in sensor and we have here monitoring  the gas level here in the mobile training unit   we have a unit with a built-in with a built-in  sensor element. So the whole product range is   offering peace of mind and that's really the the  main value of the of the gas detection system.   And on top of that, we have we have  developed it so that it's something that fits   the food retail and general commercial building  industry, so that it's something that you can   take out of the box, install electrically  and then in in most cases you actually can   connect the power and you have your monitoring  system and gas detection system up and running.   The peace of mind is delivered  out of the box you can say,   firstly because we have a pre-calibrated sensor  and this comes with a calibration certificate   that has a certain validity or duration that it's  valid, and if we take a CO2 then the validity of   the certificate is actually five years. And that  is quite remarkable for for gas detection systems   like this. When it comes to to the expiration of  the of the validity of the of the calibration then  

the sensor will actually give a small warning  message so that you are aware that you need to   to do the calibration,and when the calibration is  due you can choose to follow the semi-automated   calibration process where you are guided through  some steps to do the calibration or you can choose   simply to to buy a new sensor element. You can  actually open the gas detection unit, you can   unplug the the sensor element while the power is  on and then you can plug in the new sensor element   and it will it will start detecting the gas based  on the new element so it's it's easy like this. One of the other features that is offering  peace of mind is a safe entry function. So   you can choose to to activate a function  which means that when you enter the room   you can you can you can activate the function and  that actually simulates an alarm of the system. So   before you enter a room for instance you  can do this on a daily basis you can do it   on a weekly basis depending on the the safety  measurements and standards of the end user.  

You press and hold a button and after some  seconds it will simulate an alarm and then you   can actually see that the warning unit of the gas  detection system is actually activating and that   means that the safety chain of the gas detection  system is is well functioning. The whole DDS is   not certified according to functional safety or  similar standards but it's actually developed in in a compliant, co2 compliant, development  process and that means that the way that   the product is designed and structured  gives the highest safety in the industry.   We have both a critical alarm relay which has a  threshold which depending on the gas allows you to   work a certain number of hours in the environment  even if you have reached the critical level   so it is a safe critical level but we also have  a warning level that allows you to to get a   pre-warning and and have a separate alarm relay  for this function. The whole range consists of   just five sensor elements but between these  five sense elements we actually cover more   than 30 refrigerants and that means that one  DDS will actually cover a range of refrigerants   which means that the logistics and the  inventory that you that you hold in your stock   is reduced. Also the whole range all the GDS's  are equipped for for communication they come   with a modbus communication capability. It's  an open modbus you can choose to integrate it   with the Danfoss system manager make it part of  your refrigerant refrigeration system and here in   the mobile mobile training unit we have done just  that so here we have a graphical representation   of of a pack and we can see here the icon of the  gas detection system, and right now we have 481   ppm in this mobile training unit. So that is how  you can you can monitor the gas detection you can  

follow the level you can do data logging and you  can do analysis of your gas detection system. Oo   that's a quick introduction to the DDS so back  to you Anya. Thank you Brian. Now we move over   to something completely different it is our brand  new SFA safety valve we are just launching it now,   today actually. So let's move over in the mobile  training unit and get it all straight from Jacob,   the product manager. Are you ready Jacob.  Yes i am thank you Anya. Hello and I would   like to today to present the two new products at  danfoss safety valve SFA10 coming together with   a DSV changeover valve products, which are  designed according to industrial standards.   It's applicable for capacities which is medium  low charge industrial systems but also CO2   transcritical small to medium sized systems. With  the industrial design that we are introducing here  

we are addressing some of the most common issues  in in the co2 transcritical systems, with leaks   with sudden reliefs and lost charges, something  that annoys everyone in the industry I think. It's applicable for your suction accumulators  it's applicable for LT empty suction lines   but also LT discharge lines up to a certain  capacity of course, you can calculate that   with our with the use of our  Coolselector 2 calculation software   at least once it's introduced to  the market by the end of the year Safety valves are subject to inspection every  one to six years. It really depends on where   you are in the world, but every one to six years  it's required that you actually access the valve   that you do an inspection and also a pressure  verification of the set pressure. Of course   you can also decide to replace, it scrap it,  and also to repair. It it's not widely in  

CO2 transcritical systems to actually keep  the products alive but with this valve we   are introducing the possibility to actually repair  and keep the product alive rather than throwing it   away. To make that safe as required in the EN378  we're introducing also the DSV changeover valve   where you have the possibility to mount two SFAs  and you can then switch the port here close one   open another making sure that you always have one  safety valve in operation while yours can service   or replace or whatever on the other one. To make  that even more safe we also have made sure that   you know in which direction to turn the spindle  once you want to open for instance or shut port B you would have to turn it clockwise and opposite.   But let's look a bit into the product   and see what it means in terms of  industrial reliable and durable design there's a number of critical components inside  which basically define the function of the valve First of all you have the spring. The  spring is the one applying the pressure  

to the seat or through the cone, ensuring  you have the exact right opening pressure   this we have made in a slightly bigger size  compared to the competitors you have in co2   systems you can also see it that the the bonnet  is slightly bigger compared to competition.   And the main reason for that is that we  would don't want to stress the springs   because with the more stress you have, the more  relaxation you also have on the springs and with   relaxation you actually have a set pressure which  is dropping over time and we don't like that. We   want the set pressure to be steady at least until  you have the next service or inspection. Secondly   you want the valve to be tight many other brands  are using different kind of sealing methods   it can be flat sealing it can be a hard teflon  etc. Our experience is with safety valves that   these have to be that the o-ring give you the  best solution, the o-ring is by far due to the   elasticity of the product the best material in  order to compensate you know small differences   on the on the on the cone or or the seat of the  of the valve. In addition in our design we also   sealing, it's difficult to see here, but we are  sealing on the top and the inside of the seat.  

And let's say we have the higher pressure coming  in here on the downside here or the upstream side   that pressure is actually helping us to keep  the o-ring in good shape because we are sealing   against the inside of the seat. And keeping the  o-ring in the right shape rather than trying to   make it into a very strange shape and even popping  it out that actually help us to keep the valve   tight and also in place we don't pop the  o-ring out and because with that you would   have definitely have a sudden relief. Finally you  want to have a perfect reseating once you have   the product relieving which is quite common in CO2  systems due to the nature of of CO2 and standstill   you want a perfect re-seating again  the o-ring here will help us a lot   because you can have a little impurity coming from  the system and the product is actually capable of   taking at least to some extent these  particles and still ensure a tight seating. Making a safety valve is basically not that  difficult, Making one prototype that works is not   difficult, what matters to you as a customer that  is definitely that you have a manufacturer who can   manufacture one valve after another  and still they are performing as   specified. That requires you have a very  good quality assurance in your production.   In our design we know exactly how our tolerances  should be so that we ensure that we are always   in within the tolerances in our operation. And  this we have told and shared of course to our   suppliers that they have to fulfill and supply  parts with a very narrow tolerance and what   is called a high CPK value. If you want you  can also have the product certified by TUFF  

not only the product design but also that the  set pressure or pressure setting of the valve is   actually done correctly and is is verified by TUFF  at the same time you they also check that all the   materials are actually fulfilling the requirements  to a pressure bearing product. So, how can we make   a difficult or product that is you know quite  sensible easy to service how can we do that   well the concept is that we introduce this as our  service part. This is what we have pre-assembled   for you we have made sure that this o-ring is at  actually fitting 100 and is in the correct place   and the only thing you have to do would be  to assemble the product like i'm doing now. Into the valve, mount the seats with   sufficient torque of course, and then you can do  your adjustment of your spring make sure that it's   to the right set pressure. Butt this has to be  done by a accredited service provider that can  

ensure and measure that it is the exact  correct set pressure. So he will also be the   person who is actually verifying the set pressure  so can also of course set pressure setting   when you have replaced the the cone and the o-ring. So all in all  we're talking about a reliable product   you don't have to replace one valve after  another you know even more frequent than required   because you kind of have lost confidence in the  product. This product is reliable until the next   inspection is due. It's as you saw before  also repairable and by that we are introducing   definitely a sustainable solution. And as  our captain here on the background is saying   the SFA10 will sail for years without  losing its course and i hope now that   you understand a little what we are  referring to when we are phrasing things   like this so that is designed according  to to industrial standards. The product is  

available for sales with pressure setting up  to 65 bar around november 2020 this year so in   very short time you can buy the products  as singles it means that you can buy it   as separate code numbers but we also introducing  a an attractive code number where you can purchase   one changeover valve together with two safety  valves in one code number. So you can follow the   introduction of the product on our Dever site and  of course you will also hear much more about it   on our social medias at that time around november  so that was the product here and back to you and   thank you. Thank you Jacob for that great  introduction to the new safety valve   that was all we had to present to you guys  today about CO2, but tomorrow we'll have a   session focusing on applications and hands-on.  Now the product managers and i will go into a  

chat room to be able to answer your questions  so hope to see you all there thank you.


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