CES 2025: A Declaration of Autonomy. Accenture Tech Vision Session

CES 2025: A Declaration of Autonomy. Accenture Tech Vision Session

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Hi everyone thank you and thank you Karthik for having me here today it's great to be here for 25 years Accenture has been laying out its Tech vision and actually if you look back you've been remarkably accurate uh multiple times but now it feels like trying to predict the future is harder than ever given how fast AI and technology is moving how did you even begin to approach this problem of what are we going to predict for a year where it seems where everything is changing yeah first of all thank you for being here and you know being part of this launch yeah it's an interesting um interesting thing to be in the middle of predicting where the future is going especially in a space like technology uh we do that through you know multitudes of inputs we have a research team that surveys interviews and collects data throughout the year the other input is we work with almost every big you know technology ecosystem player you know the large comp how many how many customers and clients do you have customers and clients do you have are close to 6,000 clients we have and and we work with most of the fortune uh 500 or G 2,000 clients so the input from what's cooking what the ecosystem is building is a very important input we also stay very close to the Academia because a lot of early stage research gives us an indication and last but not the least the most important is working with these clients where we are seeing the problem at hand and What needs to come to solve it when we put all of these together we are able to um do this annual you know forecast of where technology is going and how Enterprises need to get ready to handle that and we've been directionally accurate what is the problem at hand I think I would say there is an opportunity at hand as we that's the optimist in you that’s the optimist in me I think AI is truly at an inflection point AI has been there for a very long time but it's truly at an inflection point where it's reaching human level capabilities on several Dimensions the progress that it is made in vision language reasoning and recently in physics is accelerating all of this and we are seeing signs of a lot of these manifesting into you know Foundation models or large language models agentic architectures you know ability to fine-tune and make the model your own all of these are also happening and we also seeing certain other leading indicators our own economic forecast is about 10.3 trillion of economic value will get created over the next 15 years uh if you look at the role or the contribution of Technology as a share of GDP we see that you know accelerating its contribution the Nobel winners in physics and chemistry are computer scientists and we are opening nuclear power plants that were shut down to power AI so this time I think it's there's a lot of indicators pointing to one direction and it's all about the scaled adoption of AI and AI reaching the stage of autonomy so your vision for 2025 starts out with quote a binary Big Bang which sounds exciting but also a little ominous what exactly do you mean yeah we believe that we are reaching um or we would be getting into the stage where we are calling this as a uh Declaration of AI autonomy to begin with and what we mean by that is there's been isolated efforts on using AI that's happening since the Advent of ChatGPT at an accelerated pace and these isolated efforts are proof of concepts projects use cases and so on and so forth whether consciously or inadvertently We believe enterprises will start connecting all of these together and they would form something called a cognitive digital brain that's what we believe will get created and the cognitive digital brain is not one thing or one piece of software It's a combination of an enterprise data curated into semantic knowledge all the models that they have access to the frontier models and the customizable open source models and so on so forth access to agentic AI and all the infrastructure hardware and architecture all of this would come together to create that cognitive digital brain and once they all come together we believe that will manifest into four Trends the first of which is this binary Big Bang so what can this cognitive brain do the cognitive brain will be able to provide the recent knowledge of an organization as well as the knowledge of all the history that an organization has gone through it can encompass the personality and culture of an organization and it could help make decisions for organizations and we believe that this cognitive digital brain even though the manifestation of it will happen a lot at enterprise level but it's going to be at various levels of society you know starting from individuals having access to their own personal cognitive brains to enterprises having it industry having it for cross industry collaboration and so on so forth and governments to drive policy governance and citizen and business services this cognitive digital brain will act as this companion that will raise the efficiency and Innovation quotient of everybody that's involved there are the skeptics and the optimists about AI or the doomers and the evangelists whatever you want to call it how would you rate the level of trust in AI and is it misunderstood there is real challenges in AI and in fact the way we called this this year's vision is that all of this autonomy that we are talking about the promise of the Limitless possibilities can be limited only by trust not being there and I think trust is not understood holistically rather than saying misunderstood we are you know dividing trust into two dimensions emotional trust and cognitive or rational trust emotional trust is what everybody has been talking about when you hear about deep fakes and you know safety and bias and so on and so forth uh lot has been talked about it a lot more has to be done about it and you know uh that's the sphere or spectrum of responsible AI but the other dimension of trust is this cognitive trust which is you know do you believe that it will perform based on what you are expecting it to perform and this is a complex subject because ever since the advent of technology from the world assembler code was created every technology that is been created is an instruction driven technology which means there is a human who's writing instruction to a computer to make it do exactly what that human did as long as the human programmed it correctly you know like the they say a computer never lies it will exactly do and it never gets tired it exactly does but AI is a different technology you give it the right surrounding it's almost like raising a child that you give them all the right surrounding and you hope and pray that they grow you know as the right smart citizens that we want them to be AI is the same thing you actually you you use this metaphor as AI is like a child and we the parents which really resonated with me and in the same breath you brought up your Indian upbringing where you said much credit or discredit is given to the parents based on how the child turns out explain this metaphor yeah so look at it this way you know at home you know when my wife does all the work and I tell her you know why don't you ask me to do it I will do this and her answer for that is if you would do this correctly I would allow you to do it sorry okay so there is onus on both sides one is there is onus in my wife to teach me how exactly she expects me to do that work and there is onus in me to demonstrate accurately consistently you know predictably that I'm able to do that work right only if both these happens then that work will get delegated that's exactly the thing with AI we need to be able to teach it with all this right kind of input and data for it to be able to perform an action or an activity as we expect it to do and it needs to keep showing us accurately consistently predictably and in an explainable way when it goes wrong we should be able to figure out why it went wrong so I can correct it so that is the trust that needs to be built and this is hard yards that you need to do this you know almost in a blind way you cannot go and correct it you know give it different inputs to see how it changes I feel the same way about my husband so I'm glad I'm not alone once the cognitive digital brain is formed what happens what what's the next trend I think we believe that this cognitive digital brain will manifest into these four trends that we are calling out uh the first being the binary Big Bang which is we believe that there's going to be an inflection point in how technology is going to get created and how technology is going to transform enterprises the second thing is that AI we are already seeing is if the use case number one is coding assistance and digitized coding the second use case or use case 1.5 is using AI in Customer Service Customer engagement And if every um customer engagement or every engagement that I have as a customer is through AI how will every company differentiate themselves right is going to be are they all going to start to sound the same yeah that is the risk because there's a lot of effort going into hyper personalization and what is hyper personalization it's about understanding me as a customer and telling everything that I need and providing everything that I need but think about it if somebody who I do not know is coming and telling everything about me about my family one that'll freak me out number two that's not impressive because I would think that that individual is probably Googled me and found something about me and just you know showing off that they know about me but on the other hand somebody that I know say you the next time you meet you ask me about my family you ask me about things that we talked last time then I know you as a personality and I will enjoy that conversation and I will relate to you even more that's how we get closer so hyper personalization is one dimension that is being focused on what the cognitive digital brain will do is bring personified AI which means that bringing the personality or the Persona of an Enterprise into the AI so that every AI looks different like if I go to a shop a Costco versus a Target and a Walmart all three gives me different experience not that one is better than another experience but you get a different experience how does AI bring that unique personality is what this is going to do we're also hearing a lot about how AI software now meets hardware and that you know I've heard 2025 is the year of the robot and you do have a very specific view about um what this means for Hardware Innovation you know what is the next Frontier is this really the year of the robot or the beginning of the next you know decade of everyone saying it's the year of the robot I think it's a step change you know I wouldn't be doing Justice to what Jensen talked about yesterday which was fascinating I think the biggest breakthrough is foundations models coming into robots robots were you know instruction tuned or trained with specific instruction small set of instruction to perform certain set of activities with extreme level of accuracy that's how manufacturing happened and that's how a lot of robotic activities happened now what is happening is foundation models which means that you are teaching it to perform a wide set of activities and you will you know fine tune it to perform one set of activities you know to begin with add a second set add a third set like humans do you could keep adding it that's number one the second thing is because LLM is becoming an interface you don't need to go and code you know for every new instruction to be given you could talk to it and make it perform these activities and there's Technology Innovation going on in hardware to bring physics and spatial um awareness into these robots so that these robots need not be kept behind a you know a glass wall for it to perform it can operate safely for us to begin with so you work with you 6,000 different customers, clients what are the biggest mistakes that you see businesses governments making right now I think the rather than saying you know mistakes where I would expect businesses and governments to focus on goes to the fourth Trend which is the clarifying the role of humans people in their Organization vis-a-vis AI. AI by definition is a learning technology and can be used as a supporting technology you know everybody you know throughout you know Humanity humans want to do better tomorrow than yesterday that's been in the in the DNA of our society every human wants to do that and they could do that by training their own personal AI assistant which understands what the human is expecting them to do and also over time understands the things that the humans do not want to do so this augmentation of work with an AI with its own cognitive digital brain we believe we create this continuous you know learning Loop or the virtuous learning cycle within organization and empowering employees and giving them an AI for them to perform better and for them to you know enjoy you know don't give them immediate goal that okay you need to perform you know a lot faster and deliver a lot more can you deliver higher quality output can you innovate faster does it give you more thinking time because you're getting mundane activities so we need to have a lot of change management in the way organizations work with this for that diffusion of AI to accelerate there's so much fear about Job losses so once this new learning Loop is completed or maybe it's you know this sort of infinite Loop what is the net job situation and what are the jobs that we're actually doing like I feel like I'm pretty productive how much more productive can I be uh you are pretty productive on the set of tasks that you do on a daily basis but then if I offload a few more of those to my husband then maybe I'll be exactly right you could do a lot more and you could do a lot more stuff that you like to do and the things that you feel are more enriching you know this basically can take you up the Maslow’s need hierarchy you know by having the lower set of activities you know when I say lower the things that you don't like to do right of which there are many sure yeah there are many so how quickly do you see this playing out is this something that happens you know within the space of 2025 and then 2026 where you know we've got some completely new trends I mean because it's just it seems impossible you know like standing still for a second and we're behind how quickly does this all play out I think this is of all the years of Tech Vision that we have come up with I think this year's Tech Vision feels you know actionable today because a lot of pre-work groundwork is being done in Enterprises and governments today if you see several governments signing up their own sovereign AI initiatives that they are saying my government is going to have a new AI for itself and so on so forth everybody is doing this Preparatory work what we are you know proposing and forecasting is that there's going to be a shift in the way this readiness is going to be approached you know don't stumble into an accidental creation of cognitive digital brain over a period of time be very programmatic and systematic to it so that you could build this it's a it's a long-term effort because it's like a learning technology like the analogy that I gave about raising a child you know this needs to be grown you need to curate all the you know collect all the data curate data for certain kinds of things you need to create synthetic data be careful not to you know inject bias in it privacy of data is extremely important so there's a lot of Preparatory work that is required but this is the age or this is the year of AI foundation and scaling AI and once this gets created the manifestation of that will be solving big problems and big outcomes so this is almost like building the central nervous system you know of an Enterprise and that needs to be developed and that needs to be built and that's going to happen this year and I think the trend going forward is going to be newer you know avatars and newer manifestations of this cognitive digital brain as to what are the other fields and spectrums and industry nuances that it will be able to solve is what we will see coming from this all right um well we're going to talk about some of how some of your clients are approaching these problems so I'd like to bring on Kevin Lopes of ESPN he is the Vice President of Sports Business Development and Innovation there and I'm going to embarrass you for just a moment because he also is I for two years in a row is the champion of his family fantasy league so my first question is Kevin what do you know that we don't uh Lamar Jackson should be the MVP in my opinion but no I mean when you work at ESPN and then you're expected to perform well in fantasy and I omitted the first 20 years of my fantasy career when we were talking earlier and only referenced the last two but he's in fact 100% accurate I the back-to-back champion in the ESPN fantasy league all right so now we all want to know your secrets even more you know given what Karthik and I have been talking about what sort of resonates with you most here knowing what's happening in the Sports World which you know there's it's just such a wealth of data y that's firing all the time yeah well when I read the report and I heard you just now backstage talking I think two things one selfishly the Big Bang is a I'm kind of minimizing the importance of it but to me as an Enterprise person AI I would love to see it get cheaper right so as it you know is more of an Enterprise solution I'd love for those costs to come down at ESPN we have millions of concurrent viewers on multiple platforms um we're a leader in so many different ways and so for us to deploy AI in the most like impactful way there's a lot of currency a lot of consumption so you know we're certainly we'll talk about later doing a lot of different things in AI but as those costs come down we can really turbocharge our business second I love the concept of learning for me you know at ESPN creativity and humans are the center of everything that we do and they continue to be the center of what we do in an AI world but we just want to have humans use AI to be better stronger faster and we've done some internal testing and we've done some looking at customer care right so if you order the UFC pay-per-view on ESPN plus and you can't quite get it to work you call a number and we've got people to help troubleshoot and again we've got millions of incurrent people so sometimes you know Grandma might have a hard time figuring out how to get it together and so you know someone will walk her through that and for us we had testing using AI to help those customer care agents and after the test was over we heavily looked at how did those humans feel about using that technology and they were upset that we took it away you know because it was it was a trial period for us to evaluate and after they're like well when will I actually get to use this because it summarized the call for me it searched all of Internal Documentation to lift up ways for them to move that call along faster it summarized it at the end they didn't need to spend time like you know recapping the call internally and so we saw 25% more productivity and I was most proud of that the humans were like I would love to utilize this technology and that's really how we think about at ESPN but I loved to hearing what you guys were talking about earlier now I'd love to talk about some of the specific examples of how you're integrating AI into the business for example we talked about the facts thing backstage explain how that works and how transformative you think it could be for sort of the broadcast part of the operation yeah so and we're fortunate to have something called The ESPN Edge Innovation Center and have tremendous Partners Accenture has been a founding partner with us Microsoft is also a partner and so you know when you have worldclass partners that they have worldclass technology available to them and so we had access to you know groundbreaking technology years ago and so we were you know looking at how we can utilize that technology behind the scenes for a good amount of time and so we started off with AI closed captions like is the right thing to do to closed caption all events you know for folks who are hearing impaired but also for people who are in an area that they can't you know read or hear the screen and so we used AI technology to closed caption content and now we can do everything closed caption not just what's legally required by law and so really proud of that initial project and that was one of the first things that came out of the center and it was a great thing that saved a lot of money but also did the right thing and created more content we've also you know utilized technology from Microsoft and OpenAI to take the closed caption logs and the play-by-play data ESPN data to create Recaps of content that we otherwise would not be able to create with humans and so I'm I went to the University of Rhode Island I love the University of Rhode Island's men's and women's basketball teams unfortunately we're not ranked in the top 25 and we just don't have resources to dedicate a human writer to just give us a simple recap of the event and so we can utilize available technology and that data to write that recap for us and so we can create thousands of more incremental content and then hyper personalize that to fans and so when I look at AI and the opportunity hyper personalization is is a massive thing for us and so talking about facts is at the ESPN Innovation conference who Lan backstage I was just talking to her I think she's coming next we announced that ESPN was working behind the scenes in an R&D effort to utilize available technology to create an AI generated Avatar that can help assist Talent break down complicated scenarios that would be difficult for them to do in real time and so not only sports fans are here but you have the college football playoff that's going on right now and it's the first year of a 12 team playoff and there's complicated scenarios on if Alabama beats Ole Miss but loses to Michigan where their odds on making the college football final and sometimes you want to be able to talk about that in real time and don't have a calculator or think about all the constraints of the multiple things that go into it and so we created an avatar that we grounded fine-tuned and trained with proprietary ESPN analytics data and so the avatar can converse with our talent so Talent or you know Tim Tebow would be the talent on SEC Nation talking to facts the avatar and he could just say facts like what are the odds that Alabama makes to CFB as of right now while games are going on and so we've got proprietary models that are running on what are the chances for each team to win a game immediately a talent would not a human Talent would not be able to calculate that immediately so we're not looking to replace human Talent with AI Talent we're looking to make our humans Better Stronger Faster in partnership with available ground breaking technologies that we Source through great Partnerships um I know I made some jokes earlier my husband is great he teaches our he coaches my kids’ baseball team and he always talks about them always being in the baseball already stance which Karthik you have this great metaphor using cricket as an example just about how businesses should be approaching this problem like can you explain that but you know the balls always coming to you yeah right yeah it's all about you know anticipation and I was talking about you know being paranoid could result in you know could you know could result in higher anticipation and if you have higher anticipation you are actually solving for multiple scenarios and that actually goes back to what Kevin you said and I really like this cost point that you mentioned the main aspect of your organization Innovation rests on experimentation and experimentation has two variables you know either you increase the probability of success you know or you increase the number of experiments and to increase the number of experiments the cost per experimentation needs to go down and this Binary Big Bang is truly that that vehicle through which you could do a lot more experimentation and a lot more you know Innovation and this kind of learning Loop that you talked creates a lot more anticipation because your data is feeding into what can be the next best idea based on all the things that your business is seeing so you know this is the reason it's the AI and the cognitive digital brain we believe is going to get embedded in every Enterprise and is going to help in multitude of ways and this is almost that's why I call it the central nervous system because the central nervous system is not designed to do you know n number of things it's so uh fungible that it could do so many things that is not anticipated at the beginning of the design of that system I'm just so fired up listen cognitive digital brain I mean I'm going to steal all these things I'm going to beg you backstage to come speak to my team I think we'd have a really good one two punch me and my sports guy lingo and this I mean I cognitive digital brain I'm going to take that that's okay so Kevin last question for you and this is kind of a big question you know I was thinking about sort of the Moneyball era of baseball and how that explosion of data really changed the sport and all sports really how do you see the explosion of AI changing sports today and then how does ESPN respond as a result yeah or I'll answer this a different ways I would say I touched on it before well one ESPN has a ton of data we have a ton of proprietary data like data's gold all the cliches and we have a lot of it we've got 225 people in the stats information group we've got world class analytics models and so selfishly we are best positioned to utilize groundbreaking technology with the data that we have and so we're really excited about doing that with that being said we're at a opportunity to hyper personalize sports for everyone like why can't there be a version of sports center just for me right so like again University of Rhode Island I always can always make fun of my own my own team like I follow the University of Rhode Island men's and women's teams on Instagram and I watched a female athlete on the University of Rhode Island come in eighth place in the NCAA Championship in the 400 meters I watched that highlight on Instagram on Meta Meta’s an innovation partner of ESPN I love Meta, they’re great but I would kind of love to watch that highlight on ESPN because we have the rights that airs on ESPN ABC and if we had AI crawling the audio and the in the in the video of that it the ESP ESPN app knows I'm a Rhode Island sports fan and so I can instantly or the next morning have a perfectly curated Sports Center or digital show rundown that's completely highly hyper-personalized to me and I think that's the biggest opportunity one of the biggest opportunities for sports is that everyone should have their own version of their interest and you shouldn't have to go searching for it on multiple platforms it should be served directly to you and I think ESPN based on our data and our Partnerships and Technology we're best position to do that but if I could spend 10 seconds talking about the moment that we're in right now in generative AI technology as like a sports guy the moment that that in my life where you see technology move so quickly anyone even if you don't have a mechanical engineering degree from MIT or degree from Harvard and I know really smart people go Harvard um anyone can see how great and fast the technology is moving and so you know in my life it's like you're in college in 2001 you've got an ethernet cord plugged into your computer and then you unplug that ethernet cord and you're still on the internet and wireless internet you're instantly going wow this is great this is going to change a lot this is incredible you have the Nokia brick phone great phone played Snake on it but like it was just you know the Matrix slide phone awesome phone really cool the Motorola Razar phone awesome when you first held that iPhone and went on the real internet and had a computer in the palm of your hand every single person who touched that phone knew that that was a giant leap forward in technology and so when GPT 3.5 came out and you saw

all of the incredible things that you could do everyone knew that that was a major moment and so for me I was like I need to learn everything I can about this and I need to take it to our really smart people at ESPN the ESPN technology team the Disney technology team our world-class producers and say here's some awesome technology that I found from our partners here's some funding through our Innovation Partnerships what will you do with it and you know what will someone in their dorm room at Harvard come up with in two years I don't know but we do know that this technology is the worst it's ever going to be right now like the version of Soar is the worst it's ever going to be right now it's only going to get better and like Nova's come out and they're just keep it's going to continue to get better and so it's incumbent upon us in industry and Enterprise to harness that technology to serve a mission and for us that's to serve sports fans anytime anywhere all right Kevin Lopes everyone Kevin if you win your fantasy sports League next year then we're going to start getting suspicious okay I will I will not charge you for advice I'm here to help out any way I can thank you so thank you Kevin appreciate it um so you know obviously you mentioned NVIDIA has had some huge announcements here and also a big partner of yours so I want to bring on Justin Boitano of NVIDIA the vice president of Enterprise AI there as well as Lan Guan Chief AI officer of Accenture thank you so this is where I think we could really talk about your partnership and how Accenture and NVIDIA really intersect and Lan I actually want to start with you because you just unveiled not just 12 agents but 12 agent solutions which means hundreds of agents can you tell us a little bit about that and how Accenture partners will be able to benefit from them yeah I'm super excited about this new announcement of our industry AI agents so we're announcing 12 of them uh for now so 12 solutions uh basically enable Global Enterprise to you know the use agentic AI to uh transform their business functions all the way from Marketing sales to supply chain so that's just the beginning and basically the solutions say everything you need to you know including pre-assembled components things that you can take to your Enterprise to configure using your own data so that we can help clients to accelerate their agent AI journey so Justin I mean I think pretty unequivocally NVIDIA is the leader in AI right now what are you learning and what are you seeing that resonates the most based on what we you know the conversation we've been having today and the trends that Karthik has laid out yeah well I'll say the what's amazing is all the trends are driving really a massive change in data center computing and really what we see is everybody's moving to this new world of writing software where software uses AI models to write software by itself which means that architecture will run faster on GPUs and so the data center world is moving to what we call AI factories and these factories are going to take enterprise proprietary data and intelligence and institutional knowledge and really Infuse it into these models to drive productivity gains you know that are akin to what we saw in the last industrial Revolution so it's a it's going to have a big impact on the industry we're really excited about the work that we're doing and I think every CIO has to look at it as kind of this agentic wave they've got to get in front of because it's going to power their company from a competitive advantage into the future how do you get in front of it if it's moving so fast oh I mean I think first off our partnership with Accenture is one great way I think um when Meta launched LLAMA and open model wings it really kind of opened this up to every enterprise but every enterprise has to think of that as really a smart college graduate that doesn't know anything about their business and so you want to be able to fine-tune these models to understand everything about how you run your business and you got to onboard them you got to continually train them and so the partnership with Accenture to build AI Refinery is really the easy starting place for every enterprise they've built this global business practice with 30,000 people to help every enterprise globally so it's it's really quite simple it's built on three platforms from NVIDIA the first we call NVIDIA Nim their optimized microservices to drive better token efficiency and throughput the second um is the onboarding and operationalization platform that we call Nemo let's you fine tune the model you know get into production and guardrail it and then the third are we call AI blueprints they're easy reference examples so that you can run them for customer service you can use them for cyber security we had a couple agents yesterday that we announced doing like visual search and summarization so what's awesome is it will watch a video feed like this one it'll analyze and uh summarize everything that's happening in that video so if I want to ask it a question in natural language I just say you know where in this video did Kevin Lopes talk and instantly I'd get access to it instead of scrubbing through video so it's really powerful platforms that underpin AI Refinery from Accenture Karthik what do you think of this idea of AI factories you know sort of powering everything and how does that fit into the vision yeah I think this is in the traditional world we always had software development kits and you know we had DevOps environment that were used to produce traditional software I think the the equivalent of that in the AI world is going to be these AI factories and foundaries where the starting point is your data set in the curated data set and an idea and now with all these you know Big Bang the binary big bang you know that idea can be prompted and that idea can be converted into a design patterns and those design patterns can be converted into you know AI models and these AI models now with the using the NIMS framework and others can be used to train using all of this data and using NIMS and other capability can be used to run efficiently in production the beauty is that the similar setup for enterprise technology is now getting transposed to the world the physical world you know using Omniverse and Cosmos that was announced yesterday because you have another variable which is the spatial aspect of this and the physics aspect of this and you need to simulate multiple scenarios in the physical world because accidents are a lot more expensive there compared to in the digital world and also performance and latencies is going to be hugely hugely noticeable that you know if there's going to be a lag you're going to feel that in the physical world a lot more than you know cannot just add buy a faster PC and I will get things done so this manifestation into this physical world is going to accelerate and this is a completely uncharted territory and NVIDIA is breaking ground there and this is the place we are actually taking this AI Refinery that we built for enterprise and making an AI Refinery for simulation world we're also creating an AI Refinery for Sovereign AI because that has completely different guard rails and requirements let's talk about what happens with AI in the digital world because Jensen and NVIDIA unveiled this this whole idea of digital twins yesterday which I'm absolutely um fascinated by we were also talking about whether it really is the year of the robot and Justin you said it's the year of the digital robot can you tease some of that out for us yeah I you know so the big announcement that he made yesterday is just like Meta launched Open model Wings for LLAMA which gave the world great intelligence to start post training models with we launched World Foundation models is open model wings this is going to really help every robot developer autonomous car company revolutionize the Industrial Automation industry and so we see it as really kind of helping fasttrack that industry but I think to your point the reason I think this year starts as the world of digital robots is because we're there now we have AI agents we have AI Refinery we have really common use cases across Enterprises that showcase how much time is saved by employees and it really comes down to if every company can save time for their employees to do higher value work it's going to supercharge productivity for the industry so Lan you're the chief AI officer like it is your job to stay in front of the wave and make sure it doesn't drown you right and all of the companies that you work with what's your strategy for staying ahead and you know knowing where the wave is and just how powerful it is that's a really good question I would say two things uh I think first of all we always are at the forefront of innovation and we cannot do that all by ourselves right so working with worldclass Partners like NVIDIA to build this AI Refinery together so that we can bring this cognitive architecture to our joint clients that has to be a crucial part of our strategy I would say the second one even in the era of AI we're talking about people we're talking about talents so building the worldclass talents within my organizations so that we can you know help a lot of our uh clients embrace this wonderful technology to solve for what I call the enterprise messiness right the real world is very complex that has to go back to the this you know talent game so the clock is at zero and I'm told we have zero extra time Lan Justin thank you so much so way it's moving quickly and you've all given us more tools to be able to see where it's going thank you both for joining us um I'm going to go slightly over Karthik but you know what is for the people you know who are here and leave room what's the first question they should be asking themselves the first action that they should take to just try to get ahead I think the first thing is every enterprise need to self-reflect that we are in an era of continuous disruption and high volatility you know from everything that we see and as a result reinvention is a continuous Journey right how quickly how often should you be re-evaluating your strategy is it like every I think strategy as a term in my opinion has to be a North Star strategy should be changed to vision that where you want to go what kind of company do you need to be known for what kind of products do you need to create what kind of customers and users that you need to cater to and that sets your vision and hence you can create a rolling strategy which can be continuously reinvented and reinvention we've always said is going to happen through the use of technology data and AI this is like I been saying that the biggest the ever increasing share of your cost of goods sold will be technology okay and at some point for certain companies it's 100% of their cost of goods sold but for every company it'll start becoming a bigger share and for that you need to see in this age of AI do I need a new Foundation do I need a new skeleton structure do I need a new you know nervous system and that is by bringing your knowledge the use of all the models that is available AI models you know adopting agentic AI which takes AI from an analytical from an analytical discipline to a transactional discipline and wrap all of this with architectures that you know Justin talked about and create that cognitive digital brain and from there onwards start thinking about value how do I extract value from this asset that I'm creating within my organization where my culture is maintained my value systems is maintained you know and I'm able to do newer and newer things for my customers amazing Karthik Narain everyone thank you thank you so much so much

2025-01-14 03:00

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