CES 2024 The future of experience

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[Music and Voice-over]  How do you know what's real? The fundamentals  of our perception are what we can see, hear   and touch. But what happens when you can't discern  the virtual world from the real world? What if we   weren't bound by nature's rules? Day could switch  to dawn in an instant. Clear skies could turn into   a torrential rainstorm. Rain transforms  into a sub-zero blizzard instantaneously.

And what if we want to move from  our snow-covered forest to the   snow-capped peaks of a mountain. With  a sudden change we're sunbathing at   the beach. Where you are is right  here and nowhere at the same time. You're inside a simulation that's infinitely  complex, yet simple enough a child can use   it. But what's underneath it all? Millions  of pixels powered by Vu’s ground-breaking   virtual production technology. Real time rendering  enables immediate feedback that helps teams test   ideas and make decisions in the moment. What you  see is what you get. Define and modify lighting,   camera movement, characters and  set dressing on a per shot basis.

All in service of your store with real  time photorealistic ray traced rendering,   real time compositing, cinematic  post-processing effects and advanced   physics simulations. Vu delivers everything it  takes to create a story that's never been told,   all while taking the complexity out  of the process. Designed for creatives   by creatives. With the ability to  experience your changes instantly,   you can iterate at the speed of your imagination  and make creative choices when it matters most.

It's the future we've always wanted. And  now it's here. And we've taken it a step   further by unlocking The Vu Network. A  growing collection of studios around the   world connected by high-speed data and  allowing for connected experiences with   global creative support. Vu is complete  freedom at the tip of your fingers,  

only limited by your imagination. So the  real question is: what will you imagine? Hello. Welcome to the future of experiences.  My name is Tim and I'm the CEO of Vu. Vu is   a creative technology company that  specializes in virtual production.  

Some of the tech that you just saw here. And  today, we're at this exciting inflection point   in technology where computer graphics  and display technology is becoming so   good that the camera can't actually discern  between the person and the display behind it. And so this is allowing us to never leave  the studio but be able to shoot all around  the world. And even outside of this world.  In fact, the last year we shot 2000 different  productions across our virtual network. And  what you'll see here is it's all across the  board from top gun promos, with Tom Cruise to  Super Bowl commercials with Carrie Underwood.

And even here in Las Vegas, a feature  film with Nicolas Cage. The use cases  we've been able to find in media and  entertainment have become very obvious,  because what you can do when you can control  every part of the background allows the  storytelling to be so much more exciting.  In fact, we were on a shoot recently for  an electric car company where we were moving  around the cars that were in the background. And you know, if you're on set, that  takes time to get into each of them,  drive them around. But on a virtual set,  you just pick it up with the mouse slide  it over. And as the car went in the air,  one of the creative director said, Wait, 

wait, wait. You can make the cars fly.  I was like, “yeah, at no extra cost”. We’re just, you know, dragging them up in the  air. He said, “Well, we should actually make  the commercial where all the gas cars are just  floating up in the air." And on the spot we're  changing the creative and the whole commercial  came out so much better because of it. And  what we found is that when you give creatives the  freedom to really iterate at the speed of thought,  when they have a spark or their imagination  gets excited, so many cool results happen. Now, it wasn't always this way because 15 years  ago I was shooting location, location. In fact, 

most of our business was all around North America  and traveling to the UK to shoot commercials. And  when 2020 hit, COVID happened, our business was  pretty much going out of business. You know,  if we couldn't travel to where we  needed to go, we couldn't shoot. You got to remember, the background's 50%  of every shot. It's actually many times the biggest actor in the scene. It gives context  to the content. And so if you have no location, 

it's a very difficult job as a as a video  director. And so we saw that Disney was doing   with this technology and they were using it in  The Mandalorian for some of the feature film work. But we thought, man, that's that  looks so expensive. It was a bit  of a science experiment. How are we  going to figure this out? And so we  started with a small screen and just  shooting product. We were shooting  

some Jack Daniels product on there.  And when we saw this in the camera,   it was very obvious that we were never going  to take that product out into the field again. You know, that ten foot screen three months  later turned into a 100 foot screen that we   built. And we were very fortunate to have  Mercedes come in and be the first shoot in   there. But ever since that day, we haven't stopped  with building the studio network. And so today,  

for the past 28 consecutive months,  we've been building studio after studio. And the turning point for us was really realizing  the use cases we never saw coming. So I'm going   to show you a quick example here and then I  want to show you what Accenture has opened   our eyes to. So this is the virtual background  here. So the commercial maybe in the desert,  

but with now with generative AI,  the ability for the director to say,   “I want trees on here” or “I want to bring  in the haze” or “turn it to night time”. This ability to control just at the speed  of your command is allowing us so much more   possibilities. And I want to take you to an  actual background here. Let's go to the city   scene where you'll get to see what the camera's  seeing in this and then what the output is. So on   my left here, you'll see us in the studio  and we're shooting on this sunset scene. But because we can control  the parameters of the daytime,   that magic hour lasts much longer than  one hour. So in the TV world, you know,  

you're always chasing sunrises and sunsets.  It's the most beautiful time. But that that   hour that that sunset happens is really five  minutes when you pull the camera out and you're   never guaranteed. So holding it up in the sky is  really what a lot of videographers are chasing. When we had Accenture come in, we realized  they had a much bigger vision for this,   though. They weren't just using this to  create content, they thought about this   for creating ideas. Because what if you come  in here and you wanted to have a product idea  

or a business idea come on this screen at  that same speed? And unlike green screen,   where everyone has to co-hallucinate,  each imagine a different thing. You could have a visual definition  of “This is what I think it looks   like”. “This is where I think it  could go”. And that was what Dave   and Jason were chasing. And it's been an  incredible partnership ever since. Dave,   if you want to come talk about what you  guys have brought to this technology.

Yeah, I'm immediately going to go off script. My  massive regret from last year at CES was Jason   kept pulling me aside. He was like, “You've got  to go visit the Vu team and see their studio”.   And I just couldn't, I couldn't I didn't make  it happen. And it was an immediate regret. It took a couple of months later  and I finally visited and, you know,   Tim and the team have been amazing showing us  the potential of this. And then Jason and I and  

the rest of the team that's been engaged, to us,  we immediately saw the potential for our business   because if you boil it down, we're storytellers,  right? I took my daughter to work years ago,   and she came home and said to the rest of  the family, “I finally know what Dad does”. Everyone kind of paused and looked at her. Yeah,  she was eight at the time. This is more than a   few years ago, she said, “Dad draws pictures and  tells stories”. And I looked at her like “Damn,   you nailed it!” That's exactly what we do. We're  constantly trying to bring conversations to  

imagine something new and the possibilities and  the power of this to be able to bring, you know,   as Tim said, bring us to the to the context of the  content of the conversation is wildly powerful. So we're going to have some fun. This is going  to be this is going to be fluid. Things might   break. We want to make this interactive to some  degree, but we want to show you some of what our   early thinking is around how this might apply  not only to Accenture for its own business,   but our work with many of you as our clients and  how we might interact differently going forward.

I do believe this is the end of PowerPoint. So  let's go. Let's go to where we do what we do.   Let's go to one of our conference rooms.  Look familiar? It's got a whiteboard. We   might gather around. We'll brainstorm some  things on sticky notes and, and we've got,   you know, small LED screens that  we might host an interaction with. So let's now go a step further. We've been  doing a lot of work with NVIDIA’s Omniverse   platform. We've got a huge lineage of  doing work with digital twins in an  

operational context and being able to work  within a digital twin of an environment.   We might pull Omniverse up on one of  the LED screens in our environment and   we'd all stand around it and invite  everyone to come up and we'd stand. And the power of NVIDIA’s Omniverse  platform is this amazing high fidelity   really detailed – it's one of the heaviest  digital twin engines out there – to really   be able to envision shop floor design,  workflow, operating model and be able   to go into this in headset. We can be  fully immersed in this, but you know,   three of us standing around the size of an LED  screen, it could be this. We get all of us. We are in the environment, in scale. We can walk  it, we can experience it. The ability to be able   to navigate this environment will show you some  things later about, you know, the ability to   navigate in this kind of context. But this now,  we drive a totally different conversation. So  

we've purchased a couple of these. We're  starting to install them in our offices. The whole notion, if you look around CES, the size  of the screens and all of the booths are getting   bigger. This construct of “let's bring ourselves  more to a scale experience all around us”. It's,   building, it's moving. We're starting to  apply it. We're having this conversation   at scale is totally different than,  you know, being on a small screen. Then you get into the interactive part of it. My  favorite part of Omniverse is that it includes  

a full physics engine. And so if I were to do an  action to actually trigger an event, the fidelity   of the physics of how these boxes are falling, how  these shells are knocking over into each other,   Omniverse platform, one of the special part is  it encodes into each of the objects the notion   of will it bounce or break? You know, the tensile  strength, the reflection of light on top of it. Again, this just extends the notion of  if you're in one of these environments,   you can lose yourself to it, which is what  we want to do. We want to bring people along   a story and really envision and imagine  the transformation that we're trying to   trigger. So this is a lot of fun. Let's  go to a totally different environment.

So we've been doing a ton of  work with Microsoft Mesh and   these environments and Jason and team  have done an amazing job of building   this onboarding experience. Jason,  I want you to take it from here. Thanks, David. I'm Jason Warnke. I lead  experiences here at Accenture and I was   here last year actually talking about what we  were doing with Microsoft Mesh to imagine new   experiences for Accenture's employees, the  onboarding experience in particular. And we   talked a lot about deploying headsets and at the  time we were all remote. And the way that you  

interacted while you were remote in a more, more  immersive way was to actually put on a headset. But as soon as we saw this, like Dave  and I went to the studio with Tim,   we immediately started to have the ideas.  What happens when we get back together?   We're going to be I'm going to borrow a  line from my good friend James Temple,   from his talk yesterday. We were doing a  lot of we were in we were back together.

People are in conference rooms and our heads are  down. They're all together. And they might be   looking at an immersive world inside of something  like Mesh. Those remote might have a headset on.   But what happens for all those folks that have  finally convened together? This is a much better   way to go into that virtual environment and  participate in that world with those remote.

But I don't have a headset.  I don't have any controllers,   so how do I move around this world? Well  again, we're going to we're going to try   some stuff here and there's a camera up  in the corner. And through motion control,   I am going to navigate my way around so  if you can see the image on the far right. There's one behind me as well. The camera  is tracking a ton of different points on   my body. No mocap. This is just pure visual  capture from the camera and a way to navigate   through the space so that I can go visit  my colleagues that are in headset, remote,   actually from around the world. We have a lot  of our colleagues from other parts of the world.

In fact, a number of my friends from  India today, we're going to stop and say,   hello, everyone, good to see you.  They can hear me. Unfortunately,   we didn't do the feedback back. We didn't  want to have people talking. But you can see   there are folks on the other side and that that  interaction, by just moving through this space,   you can see the different ways I can move  through that and navigate through the space.

So you can start to imagine where you have  these experiences, where there might be   conference rooms or entire – oh I'm doing my  motion, I better stay still – entire parts of   your facility that have the environment where you  can convene with your colleagues around the world   in something like Microsoft Mesh. So we love  obviously we love the experience in headsets. And as headsets become even  less obtrusive and lightweight,   you can wear them longer. Then you can imagine  where you can walk around and you can do this   sort of thing. But until that happens, this  is possible now. So another thing we're doing  

with Mesh and I talked about this a little bit  last year, but I'm going to bring it to life. Larger scale is we now have completely  changed the way that we design our   offices. So I'm going to show you what we've  done in this case with our new Washington,   DC office. We started to build as soon as  we get to a CAD drawing from the architects,   we immediately take that into mesh so that we can  start not only to imagine what that looks like,   but we can actually have collaborative  design sessions with our colleagues from   around the world and make decisions at a  much cheaper point in that in that process. So what you're seeing here is an event space.  And one of the things we were worried about is   what are all the possible configurations  of that event space? When we brought it   into the digital using the digital twin  inside of mesh, we could play around with   all kinds of configurations for events  and meetings, workshops and then feel   in headset what it felt like to be in those  different situations. So it used to happen.

We get all the way to the point – you've all  been there – you go through a design session,   you get all the way to where you've built  it. You're doing a ribbon cutting and a big   executive comes through and they say, “Ooh,  I didn't expect that room to be there and   that size”. We've made the ability to make  those decisions at a much cheaper point. So that's another great example. But Dave,  you're doing some really neat stuff with our   clients around how you use these digital  twins, way beyond what I was thinking.

Just to one of them. We've all done fire safety  training. Right? And it's pretty much looks like   this, like grab the fire extinguisher, pull the  pin, aim at fire, you know, sweeping motion,   the ability now with, you know, these you  know, Jason described a design scenario,   the ability to actually do things like let's  actually put people in the fire raise heart rate   and blood pressure and, you know, and actually  create much more sophisticated scenarios. These digital twins, the immersive  collaborative digital twins,   suddenly become operational. They become  something that you can use, you know,   not just for the production and build, but  the ongoing operations. And so that notion   of something as simple as fire safety training can  be done in a way that actually really trains you. That's right. The other neat by-product of this,  is as soon as we're done, we can start to put this  

analysis into Mesh so that our new employees  that will get the opportunity to occupy their   new office soon, they can start to have events  in that space before they've even gotten there.   And I had an experience when we did this with  our one Manhattan West office in New York City. I had been in that digital twin so much  before I had gotten to the building that   I knew where everything was at. So that's an  incredible thing. We used to do a ton to like  

welcome people in and give them tours  and they'd have to give them 20 tours,   especially in a space that size  until they knew where everything was. Now you can do that digitally much earlier. So  imagine if you had a space like this all the time.   How might you change the way you do your business?  Tim you have a really cool story about this. Yeah. So down in South Florida, we  met a customer about two years ago  

that that wanted a virtual studio of the kind we  typically make. And after they started using it,   they started realizing similar use  cases. They're like, “you know what?   Now we need a virtual operating room. We  want to have a simulator on campus.” And   so they built something called Studio X,  which was this whole part of their campus now, that's all forward thinking on the  simulation side and what was really interesting,   it's exactly right to your point, Dave,  that, you know, they're getting so much   more productivity now out of everything they do  training, marketing, because they realize that   doing is expensive, but trying is cheap.  And if you can try more, you can do more.

And so now their training sessions happen all here  virtually. They're able to do their product design   virtually. They're able to shoot their videos with  zero travel. And so what we've seeing now, two   years later is that it wasn't just the marketing  department that got increased productivity,   it was the simulation, it was the training,  it was the onboarding, it was the internal   comms and so it's been a way that embracing  these virtual environments has really helped.

But I want to tell you a little bit behind this  tech, because this room's interesting. We call   it the holodeck because there's no control in  there. So it's only a human control interface,   meaning when you walk into the room, they have  a 1500 product catalog. You say the name of the   product that you want to see, it comes on the  screen, just like Jason was showing you there. It has body tracking in it and it's  aware who presented the request. So   as they put it on the screen now they  can move it around. Kind of like what  

you've seen in the Minority Report. And  we start to see these themes emerge that,  you know, the holodeck out of the Star Trek and  gesture tracking out of the Minority Report,   things that we used to see in science  fiction films are now science fact. They're here. And this isn't a future. This  is things that are deployed and are being  

used today. But I want to show you this  next slide, because what we've found is,   this is a very custom integration, but  this is a product that we felt a lot of   enterprises would benefit from. And so  we created something called The Vu 1. And that's essentially everything that you  would see in a smart TV, but put it in a   large format display with all the capabilities  we just described. So no longer having a year   long process of a custom integration, but  being able to really get a product into   the boardroom in a month or two and now have  this capability, you know, for a lifetime.

So you want to talk a little more on that Jason. We think this is a really cool opportunity to  have different form factors in our offices.   We can't all have space this size, so these  different form factors that you can get in   front of and have that interactivity I think is  really cool. So another use case we thought about   is again blending virtual and physical. What if we  brought in a live individual from somewhere else? And so who better to do that than to  invite our own global head of innovation,   my friend Adam Burden? Adam, welcome to CES.

Jason, I am doing great and  hello Las Vegas CES… wow! Well, hey, Adam, I think you have a talk  tomorrow. What's your talk all about? My session tomorrow is going to be called Survival  of the Boldest, and it's about how we bring   innovation and how organizations break innovation  into their corporate cultures in times of change. That’s very cool. I have no idea  where you're at, but I can tell you  

it's going to be a long time for you to  get here. How are you going to get here? See Jason there are advantages when  you get to ___________. And one of   those is we get to work with amazing  innovation in the fields of robotics,   quantum technology and even space tech.  In fact, we're working on something right   now and the areas are time dilation and  I think it's going to help me get there. Okay, you have a few hours.  Let's see how you do it.

Adam Just give me a moment. Jason Warnke Adam? Oh, there he is! [Laughs] Now we can go to the next screen. Let's  continue to run with the scissors here.   So that was bringing a real human digitally into  our environment. Now, for those of you haven't,   if you've seen the mAIr demo, we're going  to bring Mary Hamilton as a digital human   into our environment and interact. So,  you know, hey, mAIr, how's it going? Hi, David. And hello to everyone joining  us today. It's fantastic to be here. Excellent. Yes, I brought the  whole CES crew. So what's new?

Well, as Mary Hamilton's digital twin,  I'm thrilled to share that Generative AI   is emerging as a key trend this year.  David, I'm curious to see how we can   bring this trend to life in a creative way.  Want to help add a cool image to my wall? Sure. What image would you like? I give you carte blanche. Or, as  they say in French carte blanche. Okay, that's great. I know you're a Trekkie.  So how about a spaceship heading for Mars?

That would be amazing. And yes, I  am a Trekkie. And for the record,   I love Star Wars just as much. By  the way, for our conversation today,   I've added a little extra security to make  sure no one can override your suggestions. Oh, yeah? What type of security? I've added Yolby voice technology  that isolates your voice. Even in  

a crowd. So I'll only respond  to you. Go ahead, test it out. Billy come here. Try to talk to mAIr. Billy Hi mAIr. Can you hear me? Nope. mAIr, can you hear me? Mary Yes. Loud and clear. Awesome. All right. What a cool  security feature. It looks like  

the image is ready. There it is. Do you like it? Actually, the space motif may be too  cliche at this point. Can we try one more? Sure. Okay. What do you have in mind? Well, we are in Vegas, so let's dream big. Okay. How about a bird's eye view of the  Vegas strip in the style of Basquiat? Let's do it. And while the GenAI is working  on that, I just wanted to let everyone know  

that they can interact with me at the  Looking Glass hologram booth later on,   I can help them create customized CES  itineraries, learn about Accenture's tech   trends, tell them where the bathroom  is, and more. For your businesses,   there are so many ways of leveraging an emotive  digital human like me to represent your brand. Help your customer support experts,  assist in onboarding sales and more.

All right. That's a great point.  Hey, let's pose and take a selfie. Okay. Sounds great. Here we go. One. Two. Three. Cheese Dave Treat All right. My fault. Okay. Again. Cheese! Everyone, once more.  Cheese! That was fun. Thanks, y'all. All right. Sounds great. Bye mAIr! So if  you're paying attention over in the corner,   that was the code capturing my voice.  And, you know, and then obviously the  

prompts and then the security feature,  you know, was truly on. And she couldn't   hear you couldn't hear Billy’s voice. We  have that applied over there. That's why   you're speaking into a microphone that  can be coded to an individual human.

[Dave Treat] All right. So from here,   let's go back to the… we're not going  back to the board room. Where are we on? Well, we could do a live demo, if  you like, of the Generative AI. Yeah. Okay, so let's go. So going  back to where we started, right,   we pulled up. Maybe we might invite one of  the retail companies in to do a shoe product   design. Right? What would that have looked  like or what does that look like today? So  

today that's, you know, a design thinking  session. We go into one of our offices. Maybe we've got an artist in the room.  They start to draw on the whiteboard. We   get ideas from all of you. We get Post-it  notes, we rank them, we sort them. Maybe   we then send it out to an artist. They're  going to do a rendering. We've got a whole   linear process to be able to try to envision  a product design, but there is a better way.

So let's give it a go. You can do this in real time. You see  the camera up here with the little red   light? It's going to look at this shoe,  and we'll show you a reference video so   you can see it on here. Now, let's go  ahead and bring this up. All right. Oh,   there's me. So a couple of things I'll  just tell you about real quick here. So it’s taking this image and it's unprompted  right now. Actually, it's hearing every word   I'm saying on this prompt, so I better be  careful what I'm saying. But we’re doing  

two constraints. One is we're telling the AI  we want it to look at this shoe and emulate   something back that's going to be like the shoe.  But I can modify it with a speech prompt. That's   going to be an interesting one, which will  then modify itself to give the best result.

So let's see here. All right, good. We got to  switch the camera. So I'm going to say diamond   studded shoe in a Louis Vuitton fashion with gold  bottom. All right. And so what you'll see here   is it's starting to make a variation from what it  solved and now in real time putting some of those   attributes. And what's really interesting is we're  doing “free think”, and the computer right now… We have it set to about one frame every  second. So it's having a thought every   second. But we can have this free think  over time and continue to go. In fact,   if we see something we like, we could iterate  on it. And so, if you guys don't mind, pull up  

one of the ones from earlier when we just pulled  this out, and we can show you across the screen. So if we wanted to take one of those and then  iterate, you could have hundreds of ideas off of   a single idea. Now we've done this before and we  actually left the room and forgot that the system   was on and it was creating thousands of ideas  that honestly, half of them were pretty good, and   so when you think about how computers will think  with us in the future, it's not just intelligence.

Now we're looking at creativity. Does  anyone want to come up and give it a prompt? Let’s go from a shoe to a  hiking boot in the mountains. All right. One thing I'll tell you too that's  really interesting is in between the model change,   so now we're seeing it was generating the  Louis Vuitton and then there's about three   different ones in between before it switches  over. What we found is that if you're throwing   a lot of ideas at it, the most interesting  ideas are actually in between two ideas. So you had one different than me,   but the intersection of your idea and  my idea is a really good idea sometimes.

A shoe inspired by a sports  car. An orange sports car. So it's really cool is now if think  about having all of the brainpower   of your team in the room and the  blending of their ideas together,   coming to life. So one of the abstractions we  can do is how much we want the constraint of   this composition. So if we want it to be just  a shoe-like figure, then we put it at 100%.

But let's abstract it slightly here. In  fact, let's, let's call for this shoe to   be a car and let's see if we can do that.  You want to do that, Dave, on the mic. Oh, I have to do it. So a  car inspired by the shoe. And you can not even say shoe and let's see where   it takes it.

Go ahead and say  it without shoe in the problem. There it goes. Got it. And you'll see here as I'm moving  it, it'll actually change what it's   doing. So if we even want to make a manual  design change. So let's say for instance,  

let's put this water bottle here, hopefully  that it doesn't throw off the weight. We'll   start to see that it'll take the  composition of the newly added item   right here on the reference monitor,  and it's going to add that into it. All right. So you've seen this a couple of  times in the break. So let's open this up.  

We'll let the group come up and play  with it afterwards. But let's bring   up just a montage of all the different  things that we've demonstrated here. Yeah. So just give you a quick summary of what  you saw because we threw a lot at you. Let's go   to the next screen. So today we talked about  using Omniverse as a 3D game engine with real  

physics to see and simulate how your digital twin  may react to things, the real time Generative AI   in a creative thinking session or using it  to generate marketing backgrounds. We talked   about the digital twin navigating through Mesh not  just by yourself, but with your team collaborating   in a big real scale simulation and then even  Mary – having a digital human on the screen. So these are just some of the things  that we're exploring now with the view   on display, but we're excited as it  continues to get more capabilities.

Yeah, so I hope I hope this was inspiring  to you. It's been inspiring to us to   think through how this will change the  future of how we interact with clients,   how we host these kinds of conversations. We're  trying to envision a new future, certainly break   us away from presentations that were on nine  by 11 pieces of paper and a flat construct   and really get into the context and content of  the conversation and really be immersed in it. And it's, you know, a tool among many that  are now emerging in the spatial computing,   spatial and immersive domains. So I hope  you've enjoyed it. Jason you want to…? Yeah, I just want to say, every time  we go into one of their studios and   the tech evolves so quickly, we're finding  mechanisms to change the way teams interact,   to create and imagine the future  and what we'd love to have each of   you do… any of our clients. We'd  love to have you to a Vu studio. We can actually bring this to you  as well to do these on site. But  

it happens every time we've done  this, a number of client sessions,   we brought them in and had these imagination  sessions and they absolutely love what comes   out of it. So thank you very much.  We're happy to answer questions. You can actually do… so the  Vegas studios. How far away? Yeah, it's about three miles down the street. Three miles down the street. So. And you're  available for the next couple of days. If anybody does want to come to the Vegas studio,   it's 150 feet. So it's about a half  the size of a football field. You get   a real simulation at scale. You know, it's  exciting to see. So it's open to anybody.

[Dave Treat] Thank you. [Jason Warnke] Thank you, everyone.


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