AMAZON advertising Fake Nvidia GPUs Intel s deceptive benchmark practices BBQ Pipebomb EP05

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Are. You ready. No. Fellow hardware enthusiasts. This is the sorcerer from hardware BB Q and I know I. Know, it's, been a while it's been, a long couple of weeks, Moomba, is officially. Humid and it takes time for me to get used to the new working conditions. Whoo. Wow. So. For, this week let's talk about Nvidia and Intel some, of us know about it, some. Of us that's. Why I have this pipe. Bomb but. The news about Nvidia is a bit closer to home but this is something, which is happening worldwide it is, important, because of, the timing of the series of events remember. Whatever we talked about today all the, relevant links. Are in the description, a few, days ago I talked, about fake, NVIDIA, GeForce, graphic, cards being advertised, by Amazon India as its, bestseller these ads were on Instagram and I. Noticed, at four o'clock in, the morning, at a time the, card in question the brand's name is, XH, VGA ok, you, guys may, not fall for it but let's, be honest there are some people who look for good deals and there, are some domestic brands which. Does. The job, so, it. Makes, an impression to, be one of those Chinese, domestic brands, like yes turn but, it's a scam where, they renamed, the BIOS on the unsold, lot of gtx, 550 and, by 660ti. And similar. Cars they renamed it as gtx, 960. Or even a 10 gtx, 1050, TI they slap a different looking knockoff. GPU cooler and they. Put on a new packaging, voila. There. You go this. Is an issue because many people fell for it and it, took them a long time to figure it out that the cake is a lie one. Best example, is a complaint, on NVIDIA. GeForce, forums. Of all cases where, only, one user told him while, others. Were troubleshooting, on a so called performance, loss so, there's a large information. Gap because people are not informed this, has been happening for a while the news was. LTTE forums Tom's Hardware forums so this, is not a secret it is not an isolated incident, since, it's sold on sites like Amazon, even Amazon us many, youtubers, around, the world has talked about it the main issue is that Amazon, India advertised, is faked in gtx 960, as the, best-selling, graphics. Card in Instagram, a few, days after breaking, the story techpowerup, released. A gpu-z. Update. Which detects. Such, graphic, cards and labels, them as a fake it replaces, the chipset logo and places. A caution, sign it, names, the graphic card as a fake, this, way you know that you have been - I know it doesn't solve the problem but this, way you, can't detect the problem sooner than later this. Is important, because the main issue is that most, of the users do not find out until it's too late since the BIOS is rewritten and identifies. Itself as a graphic, card they intended, to buy they, take their word for it the currently available Nvidia. Drivers provide, legacy, support for these obsolete graphics, cards and therefore, many. Might think that hey it's all fine that is of course until, they. Start, gaming and, find. Out the, performance is not. What they expected, it's very disappointing yes. We, have to acknowledge tech, power of has done and great service for a community base why, who. Else did it surely not in media tech, power of has an archive, of unverified. Buyers from such graphic arts to even, the long-dead, brands, like a bird's name was, found in these BIOS details our news post has more details in it so, here's the thing we, all would expect Nvidia to acknowledge, this nuisance happening, all over the world and issue a caution, through its newsletters.

And Press release these, cards are essentially, gtx, 550. Ti 660, or even, something else as well whose v bios are renamed to appear as gtx, 960, and 1050, TI also. It turns out according to, tech, power-ups gpu-z logs there, are more chips that, were found to be renamed, like, it or not geforce, name, is on the core and therefore, it's dragged in a bad situation today. It's with an unknown branding, tomorrow. These guys will get bowled, guaranteed. They will take chances, or have a name similar to the journey and brands out there they, will do it Nvidia could have had the same detection. Tool in its drivers, to warn about an installation. Of a fake, graphic, card with an obsolete, renamed chip if techpowerup can, do it with gpu-z nvidia. Could, surely do the same or, something, similar you would expect a green man from Planet Earth to inform, its customers, that this, is a problem and if, it happens to them the, best L do is warn, them as soon as the drivers are installed excess. VG is just one, of multiple, and, unknown names out there it, got caught because it was sold worldwide it's a problem that needs to be killed while, it's still new ish they. Also need to talk about this to sites, like Aliexpress. For, sure I asked. A couple of benchmark, utility, makers to see if this is something they. Would like to implement we. Need, this because. If a major online retailers, advertising. A fake car as a best-seller, and NVIDIA, is keeping quiet it's a red flag no. Pun intended to. You my comrades, how do you want to interpret this, lack of action that my, friends is up to you I can, imagine some managers, getting a kick out of this the. Pannier pilot will say how holy. Our graphical, is for it to be faked and you know paneer tikka masala will say ha our cards, are scam I, know. Some of these fellas don't even pretend you, would have not said that but, aim D should keep, an eye out if, and, when this happens on their graphics, card let's, be serious and be vigilant, red, or green, or blue, such nuisance, will affect, everyone think. About your users think. About your community be. Ready for a game instead of just using it as a punch line. And. Now it's, time for Intel, and boy, oh boy what. Are these people doing what. Are these people doing Intel. Core i 999, hundred k is announced, nine, gents are nouns skylake. X CPUs, are announced soldered. IHS, is announced, and before, I start off with this let me get something out of my chest, there, is this guy from. India who, went to New York to cover, this launch I don't, know if he covered a launch or covered lunch because.

He Posted absolutely. Nothing, about the issue involving, principle technologies, and the. Game mode issue among. Other settings, on the rise in 720 700 X, even. Though the information was, literally, under his nose he was there on the, event I was watching the livestream which, really covered a certain. Section, of the SK use they announced, how, can you miss something, this, huge this, is almost back core level controversy. Because independent, reviewers, are stalled, with, embargoes, three orders are taken, and these reports are based on testing, with game mode enabled, on the r7. 2,700 X with, many, questionable, settings you had the same access as those international, media did but you never talked about it never, revealed it nothing. Not even today even, now I did a better job than you did it's, just sad because of what people like you do or rather don't do the whole Indian, PC tech media is looked, down upon you. What. Are you doing with, a tenure like yours as an editor of a PC Magazine that sunk, eventually. You, should be doing more you, shouldn't do any of this if. You can't do it is right you shouldn't do this at all did. You look, at how the West has taken care of it are you even aware Hardware. Unboxed, PC world gamers, Nexus bit weight and Paul's, Hardware collaborated, with each other everyone. Called it out they, all came together and talked about their findings because, they care about their ears I broke, the news because, I care about my readers their. Pitchforks and, flamethrowers. Even plasma, cons worst of all they have keyboards, they, have mechanical. Keyboards. Yes they did come to know about it after the event but the point is nothing came out of you at all, ever. Better late it never but, is it really the opposite for you after. The second revision report, from principal technologies, I even made a comparison, even, though I disagree, with, some of the settings that they, have defended they, were still somewhat, comparable but. Not enough to make a purchase decision also. I pointed. Out that a aorist gtx, 980ti, has, two OSI profiles which. Principal. Technologies, did not disclose, which. One did I use on which platform, I hope, it's uniform, I hope it's the default OSI, profile but. You guys get a drift the rabbit hole is deep, my, comrades. But a PC, Indian, tech media and needs to be active, it needs to get that fire up as. It. Needs to be responsible, do, you still have the pride in you did, he ever had that pride at all. Back. To Intel back, to Intel well principal. Technologies, and then to inter you, guys can figure it out the core i7 9700. K and a core i5, 9600. K lacks hyper, threading, the, previous generation, always had it until now and, they disabled, it when they have an active competition. Of holidays, the, pre-orders, have started with no review from, independent, review sites because. Of the embargo why. Intel, is not enabling, this instruction, set which is traditionally. Enabled. On both series, hmm. And boy, the, train cannot stop over there can, it nope. When. Was the last time you heard about principal, technologies, I think they. Are more, for, internal, testing reports, rather than to generate reports for. Marketing, purposes and, have, their name out there at the same time, remember, when Nvidia large r-tx 20 series and they. Have this weird graphs, using, unheard, parameters. For, judging performance, that. Was dodgy but, this, was a whole level of misleading, because it, had a lot of benchmarking. And tales of testing methodology, which also help to call him out but it also had, showed, the, way they tested it because they, used game mode on, rise in 720 700 X which is originally meant for trade rapist if used like the 2990, WX, for, those who do not know game, mode essentially. Halves the core and thread-count this. Is to enable the ability to, comfortably. Game, on those, three triple. Platinum. Can't get the direction of which CPU to use this is not needed on the 2700. X because, one, of the purpose is gaming it's a mainstream CPU after, news and analysis, tearing, the online, report apart PT had to retest, them with, some chillies which take care not defend and then.

All Of a sudden Intel. Thanks them and pretend, they, did not know what was happening come, on you're, playing possum it's, impossible. These fellows did not know what was happening you, knew the, game mode was made for try to reverse accuser, it says easier to game on it you're possibly doing this to protect. Yourself from class-action, lawsuit, in the future I don't know it. Happened to Intel during, backward days and in, the end they had to pay a billion, dollars, to AMD, then, they were legally, obligated to say on Commission, reports, that, the test may have been optimized, for the, respective, platforms yeah. Well. They, didn't say that you should cheap, shot on the other platform they did hmm. At the end of the day PT, was paid to run those tests they are not journalists, and therefore. They are not obligated, towards, to readers the same way we, are, when, I say we as in journalists and reviewers, Intel, asked them to do something and they did that's fine that's fair enough they did not make any claims or endorsements, but Intel, had every intention to show rise in 720, 700 X as a weaker, chip against, okura 999, hundred K with the game mode enabled, this is so bizarre because. Intel. Does not need to do that MD does not have a mainstream, CPU like the core I $9.99, hundred K the. Core ID 999, hundred KS pre-order is above five hundred and thirty dollars rise in seven twenty seven hundred X it's $250. I, can buy a motherboard, and a rising seven CPU combo at a price of a single ninety, nine hundred K, and guess. What. Combos. Are sold with, an ex forty game in seven AC from, MSI so it's not a contest there is no contest between them as far as price is concerned until. Claim, about, core, I 999. Hundred K as the fastest, gaming processor in the world period. Could, be true because performance. Can be quantified we won't know until the reviews come on traditionally. Intel, eyes a single, credit performance, advantage, over Intel I PC, performance is, better on the core i7 8700. K against, the r7. 2,700, x r7, 2,700. X is 1080p, gaming performance, is, discouraging, let's, admit it it's not something AMD. Should shy away from either because, though, I would assume people would like to play on a higher resolution many. Users would rather play on 1080p, 240. Hertz refresh, rate to get that best possible, gaming experience, I have, a problem because it's, only done on the 1080p, resolution, the, benchmark, trend will tend, to look different at a higher resolution that's. The whole point the Intel, Core, i7 8700. K is a 6-quart. Well, thread our 720.

700 X is an, 8 core 16. Thread. Processor. The, core i9 is also, an 8 core 16 thread so I can imagine, why Intel. Wants, to compare it this way but, price-wise. It's. Not. A fair, comparison so. You might imagine the, possibility, of it being the fastest, in gaming, there is a chance but, it should apply a respecter. Of the resolution, the, in-game setting, and a choice of graphic card against. In AMD's. Mainstream, offering for now this is fair enough but, claiming, it as the best ha. That. My friends, is a, hard pill to swallow and, some. People are good at swallowing they. Do not even chew their food, those monsters I tell you so, why. Not compare our seven 2700. X wear core. I7, 9700. Or realistically. Based. On a price difference the, core i5, 9600. K mmm, no. Hyper-threading, on those is. That why you paid a corn in 99 hundred K against, rice in 720 700 X your. Flagship, would be impressive on its own so you shouldn't, have, the need to bash are 720, 700 X weight, gamer on unless, you are trying to justifies, the price for, that performance gap but, you felt a need to have that Commission report with such settings knowingly. Or unknowingly we. Will, never know I'm very curious about those, core, i5 and core i7 CPU. Performance since. They do not have hyper threading and Intel, kept saying core I'd 999. Hundred K is the best, gaming, CPU, which, is hey well. The. Definition of best varies, they, didn't even cover core i7 ifi'm on the live stream the, plot is thicker. Than yesterday's, chutney, my comrades, the core I 999. Hundred K is a damn, expensive chip, and most, gamers wouldn't need it just to explain you during. The event, they ran two VMs with, two operating, systems with two games running on each of those VMs recording. And streamed, through the same PC, with a core I'd 999, hundred K how, many gamers would even do that huh. Stray she never talked about the content creation part like how they did with the eighth generation when. B&H is having the pre-order, so you can imagine they are hitting the intended. Audience for that content, creators but nothing, not even a word from Intel the claim they made is that this, is the best, gaming, process of period I wouldn't, be too sure because the definition, of best way is from a person to person and all, of them has a certain, logic for some the processors performance, and only the performance while, ignoring the price for, some include.

Surprising. For. Others the costing, of the motherboard and a processor, as a bundle plays, an important, role so Intel had to run two VMs and two games played, streamed, and recorded on, a single system with a core 99 100k that's the only way they, were trying to really justify it it's not not many people would do that not many gamers or streamers will do that a lot of people will look at the actual, mainstream choice. Like, the, core i5 core, i7, people, still stream, and play from a single PC some users even have a capture card i know one streamer, who dropped twenty thousand on an elgato 4k, gaming capture, card g6, you crazy man, I tell, you fella your dedication, hats off check out his channel and live stream I have mentioned. Him in the description. So there, are solutions, out there and we. Had these solutions for a long time they are expensive, and those. 4k capture cards generate a lot of heat but a solution is there if you see streamers. Going, at it with games, like fortnight pop G even 10 cent emulated, pop G mobile on PC counter-strike, dota 2 and many other games quake champions has a cult following never. Deny it but, its CPU, demands, in streaming, recording, and gaming, are not high enough to require, a core I nine ninety nine hundred K I haven't seen anyone live-streaming, a game in more than 1080p, and some even livestream up to 720p, and I'm talking about us-based, streamers, with twenty thousand followers and a good flow of donation, and sponsors, so the definition, of best, is debatable. The definition, of fastest, can be quantified so there you go folks keep an eye out fellas, stay, strong, and stay vigilant remember. The cake is a lie the cake is a french fry that's. It for today's pipe bomb enjoy, your breakfast, lunch or dinner and editing, in the middle of it and chew. Your food, god dammit and do. Not forget to visit hardware vbq comm your source for PC hardware news, reviews, guides and recommended. Hereís. Our, Asst. Horace. Horace. Goddamnit. Gigabyte, why can't he just say gigabyte. Such. A classy, name such. A classy, name I imagine. People had, to say issues or is. It azuz, who. Says zoos. Or. Asses, god. Dammit both, of you guys need to make a reviewers. Guide out of this.


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