Celsius AMA February 4th 2022

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hello to everybody coming to you live live live  from new york city february 4th um great day today   markets are roaring right i think uh amazon  had great numbers last night and looks like   everybody changed their mind and decided that  it's risk on again right um as always we have   zach with us coming in from reno and we have  two special guests we'll talk about them later   uh but we have a few things uh that looks  a few things went live right overnight   yes spicy spicy things on top of it yeah so  we'll cover all that so for the luna lovers   it's live in the wallet right now and  as you know it takes a lot of effort to   get through the legal hurdles and the compliance  hurdles and all the things that are involved in   getting these things approved and integrated and  tested and then the messaging and everything else   and actually here in the audience we have somebody  who works on that every day so if you wonder   uh who is holding it up no just  kidding who gets all these things who you you met before so ron uh ron and i and  the rest of the team were here till midnight   last night making sure that everything all  the t's were crossed the eyes were dotted   and we can do a successful launch so thanks ron  and you see you can see he's getting less sleep   than even me yeah i did go home and come back  yes i had to kick him out at five minutes to   midnight i was like okay guys do you need pillows  or you're going home which one is it going to be   but obviously you can see a big acceleration  in january and february of the things that   we're releasing and you haven't seen anything  yet i mean the i was just talking to ron about   the long list of things that we can't talk  about i was like can we talk about this can   we talk about this and so on so i was like no  no no no no so but we can definitely talk about   luna going live and as we said uh next week solana  is going live yeah that's exciting also uh we   launched the higher yield for sale tokens and now  if you're a platinum you're earning 6.42 starting   today instead of the 5.1 percent so a big big  boost for the sell token hodlers and uh what else   you're going to spill the beans or something or  no you're going to i mean it's not all uh tightly   coins we have uh transactions we have other things  other things we're doing congratulate credo right   right so so credit announced a big  ground that was it 400 million 380 oh   460 million dollar valuation and uh this time  celsius did make an investment we we are partners   with credo and we obviously wish them well and  very excited about all the success that they're   having so uh we are big supporters you know we  invested in one inch we invested in uh other   uh protocols yeah including a big one i can't  even announce that when is that going live everyone ron is the one that said that's keeping  everything under wraps but it's like uh all of   2021 we were building and building we were  planting the seeds and now those seeds are   starting to sprout and growing everything is  sprouting exactly yeah so so it is coming in   you know it's like a flood now and and uh you  know it's good because now our prep for all of   these amas is what uh what we can squeeze into one  ama and what has to be overflow to the next one   because it's too much stuff to talk about well we  have a whole lot we're very bullish on the amount   of slides that we have each yeah thanks ryan  yeah thanks ron for coming and again thanks you   and your team for doing uh a lot of the work again  compliance legal right contractual relationships   all the stuff uh you know celsius mining  celsius x so a lot of different initiatives that   require a lot of legal work making sure again  we're compliant in many countries and and ron   dodge is hiring so if you have crypto experience  and uh you're passionate about what we're doing   and you have legal skills right you should  definitely come and and apply so talking   about jobs and hiring we have a special guest from  atlanta uh trenchano ramos who's been with us for   quite some time hi john cena how are you hello  how's everybody doing how are you doing alex i'm   good i'm er i'm uh you know i can't can't  wait to get a little bit of sleep over the   weekend i'm like i need to catch up on my z's  you know like been being a very busy few weeks   in a good way you know so um but uh you know  you you we always every show we try to make   your life easier by explaining to people that we  have over a hundred open jobs open opportunities   and i wanted to uh give you an  opportunity to actually talk about it and   explain to people because i think a lot of  people are like you know i applied three   times no one got back to me or or you know like  i don't understand why i don't fit into the   into the job description look at all my experience  so maybe share with uh all of our viewers   what's the process and how to use best practices  to actually get to be part of the amazing celsius   community well so i'll start out with happy friday  i'm like you i'm excited that it's friday um and   fridays are usually a really good day for us  because of the ama and um you're always sending   out all the you know pitches for us to let people  know hey we're hiring this is what you need to do   email us so we appreciate that thank you and  um hi to zach hi to the community and everyone   um so yeah we we have a lot of positions that are  open and i tell you i think the last time i was on   the ama at that time i think there may have only  been myself and maybe a couple of other people   and we're trying to get through all of the resumes  the emails that are coming in so thankfully we did   hire more recruiters um our recruiting team our  talent acquisition team they we have about nine   recruiters in the entire team they're about 13  because we have people sourcing trying to get   through the resumes and the emails and then we  have the recruiters who are calling and screening   so the team is growing but i tell you i think our  community is growing much faster so it takes us   a little bit of time to get through those resumes  but um one of the things that you know we did last   year was we opened up this celsius opportunities  so that you even if you couldn't find a particular   role that you thought you were interested in  you could submit your information to us that way   we realized then that we still didn't have  enough people to to sort through and to find   people and to find the right roles for them but  um this year what we want to do is really focus   on bringing in people who have crypto experience  a love for crypto love for celsius and what we do   and how we do it and they also have the skills  um to do the jobs for all of these positions   that we have open so we're asking you uh to be  creative um to highlight your crypto experience   um you know we're going to show and talk a little  bit about some of the positions that we have open   but if you're interested in one of those  positions then you know send us an email   to jobs at celsius.com saying hey you know i'm  an hr professional with crypto experience are   you know i own you know crypto i hold crypto and  i love celsius um highlight yourself make the   title of the email crypto experience okay and and  maybe let's put that slide with all the contact   information so you know who to send information  to so again depending on what your job is or what   your role is you have to understand we have 5 000  resumes right so there's a lot of competition so   you have to stand out right and and and to stand  out you gotta emphasize i worked for this in this   company i built this product i launched this  stuff and you know i did i participated in this   uh you know dao or ico or whatever those  are the things that differentiate you from   many other applicants who might have also relevant  experience yeah and it's not just we have networks   yeah the sometimes it takes more than  once right the consistency and the   the um trying over period time too it's not  always the first application that gets seen but   um keep trying keep trying and and  eventually we'll we'll find those best people   yeah that's we're asking people to highlight  themselves but yeah you're right zach sometimes   it will take two or three times please don't  get discouraged you know we are doing our best   to get through all of the resumes we are looking  to um we're bringing in a new system to help us   manage the volume and the number of resumes that  we get to provide responses to everybody to make   sure that we're getting back to everyone to say  hey we have your resume we're reviewing it and   the goal is to review those resumes and to get  back to people within 72 hours what we're finding   is a lot of time it's taken about seven days  but don't give up yep and again our needs change   so if you applied three months ago and we didn't  have a role for you we may have a role for you now   so like zach said uh you have  to resubmit or you have to see a   different post a different job opening and try  to go for it and we'll we'll spend some time   later on in the show to kind of go through the  details of of actually what are the positions   what do they represent what do they mean  usually we skip through those pretty quickly   you know we just show you here's what tushar needs  here is what ron deutsch needs and so on and and   you have to figure it out here you have a chance  to also post your questions to trenchetta and and   and get specific answers of a you know i have this  skill or that skill or i work remote or anything   like that and and really understand what celsius  is willing to do and not willing to do some things   we just can't do right but some teams needs need  hand on uh look like for example our vegas team   needs you to be on location and be part of that  office to be in the call center or to be part of   the lending team or whatever but many other jobs  can be done remote all right so we'll get back   to that in a minute we do have another guest  with us today and georgie from uh public mint   and uh jordy's coming to us from portugal right  from uh bravo yes exactly to dubai to the bank some of you may remember we were in uh in  lisboa and just a few months ago if you   how long ago was that i can't even my brain  is all mixed up was it three months ago in yeah it's been it was i think november last  year where were we yeah when were we in portugal   oh is that for the web summit three  months ago yes confirmed three months ago   so um um yeah we were at the web summit  conference so it was like there was like   60 000 people from all over uh also a week  later was the solana hackathon yeah and uh um   so george's uh uh just launched uh on their  mobile app they just launched the yield product   as a partnership with celsius as you know we have  many partners if you want to know who they are   they're all listed on our website and public means  is one of the new partners that we just launched   the yield program with and georgie thanks for  uh thanks for uh coming to the ama my pleasure   so so portugal is is a lot  of people talking about um um   countries that are adopting crypto and they're  all excited about el salvador and about uh you   know some other small countries but portugal  is one of the most crypto friendly places in   the world right so maybe tell us you live there  you get to spend time with the community every   day we were just tourists in and out yeah well  portugal is very open for for the outside um   we're a relatively small country a lot of a lot  of people here speak you know portuguese english   french spanish um and we've we've seen  more and more people move down here   um primarily as as people started adopting  you know more of a remote type of of work   um and i think it's uh it started part of  it is because uh for instance lisbon has you   know great weather it's a great city to live in  but increasingly there's a there's a bigger and   bigger community in the crypto space out here  um from um from a governmental uh perspective   it's it's interesting to see how people  in the government are aware of crypto it's   not as if they're they don't know what's  happening but they've take they've kind of   taken a a hands back approach and say you  know let's see where this goes let's see   um where where how this evolves before we actually  start uh trying to do anything with it um and   more importantly we've seen like i'm part of a  group with around 300 people here in portugal   um and in that group we have um like one of the  top lawyers from what would be the portuguese sec   uh we have people in government that join and are  just just sharing and learning from the community   so uh that's that's really good  then there's a financial aspect   of how you know uh in portugal we it's gains on  crypto are not taxed yet uh and i say yet because   i'm not sure this is something that is going to  last forever but there's a good approach of you   know standing back and letting people uh innovate  in this space well i think it's one of the fewest   very few places in the world maybe the only place  in the world where you can have uh gains on crypto   convert them into fiat and not have any taxes  also very low cost of living compared to some   of the other european and north american cities  so so you get to keep all the money you make   and you can live with quality of life yeah yes you  can live like a king when we were there somebody   offered us uh to buy a castle and that castle cost  less than uh uh an apartment here in new york city   so yeah i was very tempted you know but my years  my portuguese is not good enough you know i i'm uh   uh no fa la portuguez you know so  it's okay we speak english it's fine so anyway so let's let's talk a little bit  about your experience of partnering with celsius   because you know a lot of people kind of are want  to create an app or they want to create a service   and usually again it's very hard to build  everything yourself i think the crypto community   is very good at creating these building blocks  right of either d5 protocols or c5 protocols and   if you pull them together you assemble them well  then you can launch a product like you guys did   so tell us about your experience partnering  with celsius yeah so i've i've known celsius   since basically since you guys started um i've  used the products myself so when we're out   looking for partners um you're you know a an easy  choice um and integrating with the with celsius uh   at the technical level was pretty  straightforward i think took our team   less than a month less than a month less than a  week to to build the actual integration tested   um and they're you know just pretty responsive  in terms of getting the legal agreements on   doing you know due diligence um it took  a little bit of the early time to do that did you just give him a compliment to our lawyer  that was here on the call before on the probably   yes very good all right because rarely we give  them a compliment you know we always just call   them and say why isn't it ready why is it late  when can we launch it it's the same with it you   know when you have you know people on the business  side and they want to see the product out there   i think there needs to be an appreciation for the  things you don't know and and one of the things   that i've learned in the last few years working  with a larger variety of roles in the crypto space   is to actually you know value compliance value  legal valid contractual relations if you don't   have those things it might seem like you're doing  going fast but then you get to to the size of   celsius or even as public medias and you you'd see  their absence right you'd notice their absence so   our experience with celsius and with  the whole integration process and the   partnering process was pretty pretty  straightforward and pretty pretty good   yeah and one of the reasons why we partner with  many companies is because they can develop the   things that we either don't have time or we don't  have the expertise to do and and you can see   many of the partners that we have uh cover  different services of different solutions   or do things differently than we do and one  of the things we just talked about right   before we started ama was launching the app  in portuguese or in in spanish and so on which   again we just don't have the resources to to  get done and obviously you guys should have   that expertise in house so those are uh great  reasons to partner and work together with others   to expand the crypto community right and make  make these services available to others as well   yeah on that note um i also i also didn't think  that you know on celsius side you have i see it   as you have two prongs right one on one side  you are offering loans and on the other side   you're capturing you know um liquidity in order  to evolve that process um and it's part of your   business model we on the other hand we're only  focused on reaching out to people to offer the   yield component because you are already handling  everything else so we can afford to try and pursue   uh a less tech savvy uh audience uh because we are  very single focused on the the yield offering and   not on the you know uh we also do loans basically  our crypto collateral and so on and so forth   so the infrastructure you build allows us to to  do something and be very very focused on that   yeah georgie getting a question from our users  here um asking can you explain how the earn   feature works um is it just on stable coins does  it work on fiat what is this new product that   you're launching with us right so the the earned  program is essentially started off as an idea to   kind of deal risk where your yield is coming from  um so we're partnering with a group of c fine   device solutions uh and spreading funds around  so as to the risk the where the the actual uh   yield generation process and it works with fiat  as well as stable coins so this is built on top   of the infrastructure that public built  which is essentially a blockchain based   blockchain uh dollar-based uh blockchain sorry  uh dollar-based blockchain where the dollar is   the native currency of the blockchain so  whenever you load funds whether it's via   ustc stablecoins or via wire transfer or ace or  other other other mechanisms we're essentially   sending out those funds to custodial partners and  then when you choose to move those funds into um   into the earned program those funds get sent  to our yield partners right um so it works for   any kind of dollars because once dollars are on  on the public blockchain it no longer matters   how they were or how they came in whether it was  stablecoin or actual fiat they just become dollars   on chain which are then transferred to to these  partners hope that answers the question yep no   thank you very much and uh thanks for partnering  with us with celsius and we obviously wish you the   best and let's let's come up with new features new  capabilities so we can expand the community and   next time we're in portugal we're going to come  and see you in braga we're going to go for sure   because you know we we hired a but we we we  went on a on a bus tour with the whole uh team   but you know we only got to kashkaish we never got  to go north than that oh gosh that's like going to   the us and never leaving manhattan exactly we got  we got to go to new jersey and that's it you know yeah yeah well so um what is braga famous for  what is the local uh well um there's there's the   you know the pg version of that but bruce lee  brag is known for its food uh and for being a   very uh old religious uh site right there was one  of the three roman cities in the in the peninsula   um that's not the case anymore but there it's  you can still see all the influence and all the   churches like from where i live i look around and  i can see 13 churches so it's it's crazy there's   a lot of presence there it's a really old city so  it's really really nice to visit and visit around   you know in america uh if something is 200  years old we we say that it's ancient but   when you go to portugal things are 3 000  years old you know and they're still standing   so uh so just a different completely  different uh my skin of history and still   you know i i drove on some roman roads that were  not maintained now for over 2 000 years it's still   still perfectly good we have to pick our roads  every year after after winter you know so we still   have to learn some tricks from the romans thank  you very much and we'll we'll uh we'll see you uh   we'll see you soon thank you and you're invited  to come over to our telegram group as well   and if you have any other questions um  we'll be there thanks for having me yeah   all right so um so again besides luna which is  obviously very exciting top 10 uh uh coin we also   added doge right so if you are uh uh you know  if you are a dog lover it's live in the wallet   it's one of the very few places where you  can actually earn yield on doge and on top   of it you'll be able to wrap the assets and  actually use it on other chains when we launch   celsius x later on in february towards  the end of the month we will be enabling   wrapping of assets if you've seen the hack  that solana had they had a bridge hack   right so they wrapped each and somebody managed to  steal that heath because they operate on layer two   uh celsius and celsius x are working on a layer  zero solutions we are natively issuing assets on   different chains without the ability of hackers to  look at the code or grab the coins or basically um   do any kind of flash loans or any any kind of  hacks or uh interference into the the minting   or the burning of these assets right so  uh celsius uh is really leaning towards   the safer more secure c5 implementation  of it versus the pure d5 implementation   that solana and others are trying to do and  again if you haven't read the vitalik's post you should because you can see vitalik is also  leaning towards c5 as the long-term solution for   uh minted assets and uh vitalik and i actually are  doing teaching a class at mit two weeks from now   and so i think he's doing the class about uh proof  of stake and i'll be doing the crowd class about   smart contracts and defy so mit is that uh  minnesota institute of uh tech or what is that   place machinski institute of technology yeah uh we  named it now so so uh uh yeah look mit is a one of   the best tech schools in the world and obviously  we the united states of america has some of the   best schools i would never get admitted as a  student there my grades were just not good enough   to go to mit but now i get to teach a class there  it's the same class actually that gensler uh used   to teach so uh thank you that for inviting me and  for uh keeping educating people training people   uh he's the professor who's actually teaching  the class i'm just a visiting uh lecturer   so or whatever visiting guest a but but  my point is really that again that that   you look at vitalik you look at what jack  dorsey is talking about you look at what   the most technical savvy people are  focused on they're talking about   very similar things to what celsius  already built right so we are   two or three years ahead of the curve here and if  you have not attended our event this week we won   twitter spaces with the founder one of the  founders of polygon with the founder of   quick swap really announcing uh the current  the first launch of this implementation and   as part of it we will be actually putting  uh hundreds of millions of dollars worth of   liquidity on quick swap together on on top  of polygon right to enable uh basically the   creation and the the trading of these different  minted assets right so so we're very excited we   aided avax and dodge and luna and a bunch of other  assets and many of these are going to be available   on this l2 where you can transact for one  penny right so very excited about that   the event was recorded i hope next week the  video will be available and we'll post at   least segments of it on our youtube but  you'll be able to go to quick swap and   uh watch the full event it was an hour and  a half with a lot of really good questions   from the community all right so and and this is  just one chapter of what we're doing with polygon   and so uh we will be making a few additional  announcements i'm very excited about them   but you'll find out about them later all right  so um crossing off some of the items here so a few more few more  things that we're announcing   uh if you're taking a loan until now you could  only do three years we now added the four and five   year options so when you go into the loan option  and even the five year option you can extend that   again and again so if you if you're worried  about oh my loan is going to come due   longer durations are now available i think celsius  has the longest durations and we already have   people that have stayed with us you know the for  three years renewed their loan without any issues   and so we want these loans for as long as  possible right because when you take a loan   your fees your interest is what's paying  the rest of the community right so those   are things that are good for you and good for the  community we have collateral so we're not worried   about your repayment uh so those are very exciting  things so go ahead try try the new loan features   take a small loan check it out one percent  loan right then no one else offers that so if   you're paying one percent but i think this came  from a demand of a lot of people wanted to make   uh very large purchases some people want to buy  commercial real estate some people buying houses   and they were concerned about keeping  that loan open long term and so now   with these five years options you can  extend it to even 10 or maybe 15 years   and make those major purchases with confidence  using a loan from celsius yeah you can brag about   the huddler you are like being uh look i'm doing  five year clips with celsius you know it's like uh   put puts you in a whole different uh category and  pay a much lower interest rate that's right yeah   you save a lot of money on that it's uh definitely  uh um you know take take a one percent loan and   pay off the 24 credit card loans that you have  right pay off all that credit card debt believe me   you'll feel better about it you'll have more cash  and get rid of all of that debt all right so we   let's show the promo codes again we have still a  lot of live promo codes you guys can use and so   again there is a live list updated list  on the website if you're if you if you're   not sure about it all you can always go to the  website take a look at it and also let's run the   ether promo you can make up to six hundred dollars  by just putting some more heath to work at celsius all right so yeah so that's a think of that six  hundred dollars as a yield booster right you put   you put some money to work and then celsius gives  you even more eath uh to crank it up right so   whatever uh yields you're seeing somewhere else  do the math you'll see that celsius gives you more   right so uh free money from celsius right  we need that eth we need to put it to work   um so trenchetto let's talk a little bit about  again these positions i know we have uh several   slides so maybe let's put the first light up and  and you can walk us through the opportunities yeah   and also alex you're you're going to be at mit so  we're also going to have um our couple people from   my talent acquisition team at mit with you um so  for those who are in the area for those students   um this will be a good opportunity if they're  interested to work for celsius so we'll be there   with you we're going to look for opportunity to  just meet with others in the community to make   sure that we're available and i'm finding  all of the wonderful talent that we can um   and since i'm here today we are talking about  some of the hr positions that we have open so   like i said we are you know we have all of these  resumes coming in we have all of our leaders and   managers who are saying hey we need help we need  more people so um and you know we want to actually   attract people and hire people who have the crypto  experience and who can also join us and do these   jobs so in hr we're looking for um executive hr  business partners to partner up with our leaders   um to make sure that we're driving and  supporting the business as best as we can   and we're looking for someone on the west coast  we're looking for someone on the east coast also   um we're looking for some hr generalists and we're  also looking for more recruiters and in hr we're   looking for people who have crypto experience if  you you know like i said if you have a love for   crypto and then let us know just highlight that  hey um send us an email to jobs at celsius.network  

and in the subject heading just say you know  i am crypto and i am celsius snakes recruiter   or celsius next um hr business partner and for  those roles we are looking for people in addition   to being you know uh lovers of crypto and celsius  people who understand hr who have some of the   basic fundamental experience and expertise to help  manage you know our payroll our benefits we also   have learning and development opportunities where  we have to roll out training for our employees   but anything related to employment then hr  would handle that so we're looking for people   who understand some of them that experience  the knowledge the background and then um you   know we were talking about some of the traveling  that we've done alex you've been doing a lot of   traveling we meet people everywhere a huge part  of what hr does is we also have to make sure that   we can employ people that we have the right  operations in place which we everybody saw   run on earlier he's a key part of that him and  the legal team we work really closely with him   to make sure that we're employing people the  right way we're providing the right benefits   um and we're looking to expand where we do that  so um people who can help us with this expansion   would also be great um so many different  areas yeah so so a lot of people   you know they show up and then we'll ask  them oh do you have a celsius wallet no   uh did you use any of our services no uh so  what do you do oh i'm a big defy guy okay well   you you if you have no interest in what celsius  does right you might be really excited about   something else and then it's hard for us to really  believe that you're going to become a celsius and   you're going to do good first and do well and so  on so it's very important that you show us that   you want to be part of community you heard georgie  right before before he became a celsius partner he   used the service right he used it for several  years and then he came in and said okay guys i   want to partner with you right so so these are  very important pieces that tell us that show us   uh uh that you're really here for the right  reasons you know uh josh who was on on the last   ama right two years being an ambassador putting  together the community doing events right and and   that that dedication comes through and through and  it was so easy to hire the guy right so so just   definitely you need to put that on your resume  right i organized this event for celsius in   whatever in in canada or in whatever right i  i attended these places i did this i did that   right i i referred 200 people to celsius right  this these are the things that show dedication   and it makes so much easier for the team to hire  you because then they're like oh of course look   this guy or this lady's already they already  they know everything they know more than me   about celsius right so so i think if you're  serious about this you see the opportunity   you want to become part of the team make it  easier for yourself to get across the finish   line and then highlight those items so let's i  can agree with you more on that um you know that   celsius being a community focused organization  everything we're doing here is for the community   and so understanding our product understanding  our community or coming from the community   i think is vitally important to the culture of the  company and helps us push our mission forward so   huge huge support on that statement yeah and  most of the people you've seen on the show   including zach used to be ambassadors right  so so if you don't know what ambassador does   a go to our website and sign up as an  ambassador talk to scott and other people   and and get involved right that's that if you're  serious about that finding the opportunity in   celsius being an ambassador is halfway there right  that brings you closer to the company you interact   with employees people put in a good words good  word for you they refer they send your resume   to trenchetta it's on the top of our inbox and  and that's how we get things done right so all   right so we have a bunch of uh slides here maybe  trencher if you want to talk about some of these   uh opportunities so what we've been  seeing is uh we've this is the slide   on the positions that we have open with  product um product we have senior director   senior product manager and so in these positions  right here we're looking for people either in tel   aviv or belgrade even san francisco and the reason  being is because we have employees there and a lot   of times we want to these groups people working  in these positions need to collaborate with   a group and then we also want to make sure we have  them set up for success so they have teams that   they're working with that they can partner with um  and that they can get acclimated um to celsius in   the company and uh before this slide i think we  may have shown a few positions that we have open   and marketing and as well as compliance now  compliance these are really really important roles   they work very closely with legal as well the  preferred locations of course would be new york   las vegas dallas and tampa because we want to make  sure that these positions and the people who feel   them are in these main hubs and we are looking  for people who can help us with our kyc onboarding   um here we have a list of marketing positions  that um we're looking to hire for and to feel and   you know i'm just watching the comments alex and i  i'm seeing people say you know hey i mean i have a   love for crypto and i have traditional experience  no crypto experience right so in those situations   i think you highlight that you um have a love  for crypto that you own crypto you've worked in   traditional companies but you really want to get  into the crypto industry um highlight that um from   a growth perspective and then i think maybe people  have heard tuchara talk a little bit about some of   the positions that he's looking for particularly  the same locations new york tel aviv san francisco   because these are the roles that are going to  help celsius continue to grow continue to scale   and they do have very specific job  requirements however and we list   those out in the job descriptions where these  positions are posted on linkedin on our celsius   website um but like we said you can send an email  to jobs at celsius and the subject fill highlight   you know i am crypto i am celsius snake's  you know product manager or growth manager   um and those are the emails that we're going to  give priority to um those are the people yeah i   think we have a history of um i really like to see  your personality as well famously what waseem's   um cold email to alex the subject was i want  to be a foot soldier in the fight against the   banks and like showing that level of charisma and  excitement i think really makes you stand out um   and then being a celsius on top of it and now he's  climbing walls every day right he's he's out there   climbing he's like uh instead of a foot soldier  now he's like a wall climber like yeah he's part   in the mountain uh mountain brigade i know so uh  look we on the serious note the the uh dig into   the product right you want to be on the product  team on the growth team or whatever dig in and say   okay i know how to fix this so i think you guys  didn't implement the apis right or here are my   ideas about cell token here's how i would launch  celsius x right here is what you guys are doing   wrong in mining or whatever right so so showing  some initiatives showing that you care right you   you doing that that's like volunteering saying hey  i want the community to earn more right tells us   that you could do gooder uh uh and and that you  really wanna uh uh you know basically contribute   be part of a team you're a giver instead of  a taker right all those things are traits   uh that we're looking for because when we put you  put you into this team with that team uh uh we   wanna make sure that you get started you get you  you go running right away instead of like somebody   showing up not knowing anything about crypto and  then we have to spend six months uh getting them   up to speed so it is it's a huge learning  curve i mean just even understanding how to do   simple transactions or having different  wallets or understanding the main players   it is understanding crypto is like a job skill  in this industry so yeah you know language   yeah it's like learning a new language and  you you saw my portuguese wasn't too good   but i sp i speak fluent crypto you know  that's uh i'm pretty pretty i picked up   that language pretty good you know um all  right so we covered all the jobs again and   there are many other opportunities if you don't  see a good fit uh doesn't mean we don't we don't   want you right so you can always come in and  explain to us okay look i have these skills   uh or you can start in a in one job do a good  job there first and then transition with a lot of   movement inside the company uh so those are  things that we definitely want to uh focus on   so that's one of the the best things about working  with celsius is that flexibility and alex you   really promote uh people working in the areas that  they love and they enjoy doing so um you know i've   been able to move around the company a little  bit and move to a position that i really love   and i've seen other people do the same and really  appreciate having that flexibility internally   and i think that's the only thing about it the  people that we recruited like you look at last   year you know we hired over 600 people right um  they all came in loving celsius and wanted to do   whatever they could to help they came in some of  them would specialize experience and skills in one   role but then when the opportunity came about  for them to help out somewhere else you know   they had their hands raised and you know that  is absolutely the talent that we're looking for   yeah so uh i i still hear everybody on tv on the  news talking about inflation inflation inflation   we are creating deflation right i mean is  that a good thing or a bad thing because   people are confused you know they were educated  their entire life that deflation is a bad thing   so let maybe let's show the slide  that talks about celsius versus   all the other inflationary guys right so if you  were paying attention last week it was minus 0.42   now it's minus 0.63 meaning we are creating  more deflation we're accelerating the deflation   and we're doing that by increasing our burn right  so let's show those chart the burn chart and right   here we go so you can see record burn this week  84 000 right that increase is what's driving   the deflation if you have a fixed number of  cell tokens and you're burning more that means   you're accelerating deflation when you burn  84 000 cell tokens that translates into every   other cell token owner having less competition  right there's less sell tokens competing for all   of the yield that is being created by celsius so  you can see i'd like to point out if we could go   back to that last chart um the growth in this  burn is primarily coming from more and more   users earning and sell and more and more assets  earning in sales since we opened up u.s accredited   so we can see how how this u.s accredited launch  has really affected the flywheel um and we hope to   continue to see this kind of trend right and  it's a rollout right it's going to take some   time for us to get everybody on board to get  everybody accredited get them to switch over   get them to see that they're earning more for them  to click on more and more assets to earn and sell   but it's already happening you can see  the wheel the flywheel is accelerating   more assets more yield more yield sorry more more  people more users more assets more assets more   yield more yield more people earning and sell so  let's let's show the weekly numbers as well uh yep   very strong numbers this week uh registration 16  800 inflows 388 million outflows 272 million with   a very strong net positive transfer of and sixteen  million dollars worth of crypto incredible right   more us in coin yes that's more assets more people  earning and sell a burn goes up i mean it's almost   like we built a a very beautiful system here  alex i think i think you did an amazing job uh yeah but i hear we have competition i heard  that uh we have competition from paris   is that true is that is that just a rumor or  it's actually happening from paris this dad   joke just went straight over my head i didn't  catch this one paris hilton launched in her own   is that is that a rumor or is that true here  we go you see so you won yield or you won   paris so uh you know i guess these days anyone can  launch anything you know like no but look the nft   space is exploding in a good way in a positive  way right there's a lot of experimentation going   on as i mentioned we are we put our hat into the  ring we're gonna be launching something as well   we've been cooking something pretty big and  you know that's why ron deutsch doesn't get   any sleep one of the reasons why he's not getting  any sleep all right so um you know trencher i know   again you've been a leader in celsius again thank  you for joining you you showed leadership helped   bring many other people into the team and this  month is uh black history month and i know you're   this is dear to your heart so i wanted to  give you an opportunity to talk about it and   uh share the knowledge and the love with with  our community as well well so it's dear to my   heart but here's a wonderful thing the wonderful  thing is that it's dear to celsius heart you know   we talk about um celsius being a disruptor right  so celsius disrupting the the financial industry   and i think celsius also does an amazing  job at um disrupting the status quo   um disrupting the status quo so that many people  have the opportunity for financial freedom and   you know and i've talked about this and i  talk about this a lot with my team as well   as with others i think one of the greatest  experiences you can have as a professional   is to work for organization that values diversity  not only in our words but also in our actions and   it's not something that we just focus on once  a year but every day we want to make sure that   you know all of our community members  all of the candidates who apply to us   all have equal opportun opportunity for  job for growth for financial freedom and   celsius promotes that lives that breathes that  um in everything that we do so we're not just   disrupting the financial industry we're also  disrupting status quo as it relates to diversity   equity and inclusion and i think that is one  of the greatest experiences you can have as a   professional and it's one of yet many things that  makes celsius great yeah and you had a beautiful   quote there so i'm gonna let's bring it back give  you an opportunity to share it with our community as i said one of the greatest professional  experiences you can have is working for   an organization that values diversity not  only in their words but also their actions   not just once a year but every day um i wanna  yeah i wanted to pause on that just because   uh again a lot of people talk about it a lot of  people have it in their charter we have to do this   versus uh actually making sure it it  is part of the organization it's part   of the dna right and everybody lives  that every day right giving people the   opportunity that's what celsius community  is all about right we're all together   the whole point about celsius is all of us  together achieving financial freedom it's it means   different things for different people but we're  not leaving anybody else behind right we're all   going to use best practices we're all going to  huddle together we all gonna make sure that the   product the services we have the opportunities we  give the education right including other people   all those things are are what we do every day it's  not just one once a year or a month a year that we   kind of stop and start thinking about it we do  need reminders so this month is a good reminder   to say hey did you leave anybody behind are you  really caring for these people or you're just   putting it on your charter to make sure that  somebody else can go and say yes these people   have diversity they added uh one person of color  to their board or whatever for me that doesn't   mean anything right for me it's all about are  you providing equal opportunity are you providing   uh you know equal access equal treatment and again  helping the people that need help right the the   people that don't have the opportunity again i'm  an immigrant i came in with nothing right and this   country gave me an opportunity so this is about  remembering to give back remembering to spend   time on that again doing good first then  doing well right then not at the same time   doing good first and and many of our people you  know uh are givers you know like uh bethany runs   out of here sometimes early because she has  to go to the soup kitchen or she has to go to   volunteer and here and there and that's what make  celsius employees special right when you see that   you know that they are they're at the right place  they're the right company they came to work at the   right place again when you submit your resume to  tranchetta highlight those things show her that   you are a giver show her that you care about  others because we can teach you crypto but we   cannot teach you to be a giver and care for other  people all right um we have a birth thank you   yes so i wanted to make sure we highlighted  this a second time because i i felt like we   skipped over it a little bit and again this  is the the core foundation of what we are all   right so we have a burn we do a burn every week  so let's uh press the button and feel the burn the temperature is rising   the temperature is rising the temperature is rising staying right on the  track the temperature is rising spin it in y'all for those of you haven't noticed that number  used to be fifty thousand then sixty thousand   and seventy thousand eighty four thousand sell  tokens and people still send me emails and say   our message is saying why are you burning these  things you know so again when there's less of   if you want to read up on deflation don't  go and read what the inflation people are   telling you right you have to read austrian  economics and understand supply and demand   and understand how in this scenario deflation is  good for you it's not bad for you right and yeah   it's kind of interesting how like it traditional  economic thoughts have been dominated by this   idea of oh yes printing more money will help  everybody and that's not the case in any way   well again you you got a twelve hundred  dollar check and the big companies got   billions of dollars so they gave you a few crumbs  a few crumbs and you think you're doing great   meanwhile they printed 40 of all the money that  ever existed and gave it to all the rich people   so how that inflation of money helps you you  get the crumbs the leftovers from the crumbs   okay that's how little you got okay and  if you don't know what i'm talking about   do the math 200 million americans who got paid  1200 versus 10 trillion dollars that they printed   where did all the money go americans barely got  few hundred billion dollars right just four or   five percent of all the money that got printed 95  went to the fat cats 95 okay that's how bad it is   all right we um we attended uh ces right to char  uh represented celsius there so we have a video   roll from the event and we did a great job i think  they're kind of educating people about crypto   about yield about uh where are we going from  here why this is important so let's play that out   see a future where the concept of crypto or  even the word crypto kind of fades into the   background and this is just another opportunity  for me to take my money and do something and   all this technology is more stuff that happens for  the for the elite people behind the scenes or the   nerds behind the scenes to figure out look at the  arc of all the technologies we've had so far right   one of the things is our celsius founder was also  the one of the founders of voip voice over ip yeah   now all almost all of the phone calls we make  these days are all going through voice over ip   how many people can explain what voice over ips  no one can and they don't care right the fact   that we can make cheap calls internationally  and the and it's crystal clear uh you know   calls that's all that matters and so if you  take that technology and bring it back to   crypto that's basically what it is it's  like the promise that was made to me   does it work is it secure can i trust this  all the the other technologies on the back   end now there's there's going to be some of  these crypto natives that really want to know   you know which uh chain are you on and like  do i need to write smart contracts and get a   slightly higher yield and do i do staking right  there's always going to be people like that yeah great job to share thanks for that appearance  um so also to talking about jobs and stuff   we do have a bug bounty program if you can  find anything wrong with our systems again   knock on wood we didn't have any hacks but if  you can find any vulnerability that is usually a   hiring ticket right there and you don't even have  to fix it you just have to show us that you dug   through the system and found something that our  hundreds of engineers didn't find right that's   like an instant employment uh uh ticket right  you get straight to the front of the line so   i need those emails sorry i need those emails and  and females yes emails and females so we need we   need more women also uh so again uh put that right  in the header right and again we we are it's very   important for us to have try to get to 50 or more  or more females in celsius again we cannot win   this revolution if there's only 15 percent  women in crypto we cannot we guaranteed to fail   because we're competing against other platforms  like the chinese yuan like uh cbdc's and so on and   they already have the entire population including  about 52 percent women which is the i think the   average worldwide right just a little bit more  than that so so what's important is that you know   if you look at the most progressive organizations  or the progressive companies the most successful   what you find about those companies is that they  are leading the way as it relates to diversity   um and diversity you know um race gender uh all  of those things they're driving equality and the   in inclusion these are the companies who are  leading the way and paving the way and others   are following and celsius you know as i said is  one of those companies who's leading the way um   and being a disruptive to the status quo making  sure that we're focusing on um and providing   um equality as it relates to diversity and  inclusion right and you should highlight that   right if you're a female engineer highlight  that some of our best product managers and   and programmers and so on are women and it makes  our product better right because again if we're   just designing a product by man for men guaranteed  it will not work well when when when our when our   some of our users or female are going to use it  they're like what what i don't know how to use   this thing this is not friendly okay so so it's a  very important piece for us again qa uh every part   of the product origination or customer service or  uh compliance again all of these jobs obviously   are open uh for female as well as for males and  you just have to prove convince us that you are   the best candidate for the job all right um all  right let me cover the news we have a bunch of uh   news articles here so i'm sharing my screen the  content is just jam-packed and last week and this   week too it's we got a solid hour and a half  of just announcements and news and updates and   this is awesome yeah so look bitcoin is up almost  10 today uh rocketing uh up and uh uh basically   bucking the trend right zach was saying right  before we started the the show that uh crypto is   uh definitely uh uh not behaving the way  the market is right you can see that uh   we were holding very well compared to the qqqs  right they were going down but we were holding   and now that the queues are going up a little bit  you can see that the crypto market is just ripping   higher and we always say to people look you never  know when this is going to happen so if you don't   if you're not ready if you're not there and you're  going to miss days like today where when it's up   almost 10 percent in a few minutes right this is  just a very short period of time uh you're never   going to catch up so sitting on the sidelines and  trying to time the market uh here you had lunch   and you missed 10 spike right that's it you  miss five days like this and and you will   never catch up with bitcoin so what celsius  does better than most right is that we're   always in the market and we're earning yield  on top of it meaning we're beating the index   again if you're not following uh me  on twitter or celsius please do so uh   we need your help in basically spreading the news  like this show share the show with others that's   how we are bringing people into crypto right and  we create these videos to educate and help others   uh join our community and i post regularly um  here's our post with public mint and georgie that   we just had as well as obviously many many other  uh pieces of content our launch with quick swap   and polygon so if you're missing all these things  uh that's because you're not following celsius   or me on this channel so again i was  on invest answers um i think this um   what do we have now 70 000 views so pretty good  uh attendance and uh george is always uh sorry   james is always a great interviewer he is a great  guest and great content i watch him regularly so   if you don't follow him it definitely you need to  right he's almost what is it almost half a million   followers so let's listen to him for a minute  on this tuesday morning with alex michinski uh   i refer to him as the true robin hood of the  crypto world alex all right we can stop right   there the true robin hood okay so uh what we  are we we give we give to our community what   others want and not robin hood not uh fidelity  not charles schwab will give you any of the sec   lending income yet celsius does that every week  every monday right so again block works we love   black works they cover the news pretty well here  is um trad fight talent flocking into crypto so if   you haven't read the article uh covers uh the top  executives that celsius has been able to attract   and again if you uh follow them on the news they  have a lot of great content and a lot of people   who are in the crypto sphere and so a lot of  great stuff here that you can basically benefit   great way to also learn about the top  content learn about d5 about nft is about   core crypto uh and and really get in the news  uh i highly recommend the content over here   so a great place to learn things uh so again  follow invest answers on his twitter handle   we also did uh a we are going to be  talking carl's going to be talking at the   nftnyc event we've been speaking there for the  last i think three or four years uh religiously   great event uh which you must attend if you  have anything to do with nfts you gotta be   in this event and get to know all the people who  are around it and we also did a panel for the   serbian entrepreneurship uh group and kind  of talked about celsius is this is my third   company in serbia uh so we have you know uh  created hundreds of jobs over there and really a   great place where we hire great talent and again  thousands and thousands of celsius in in serbia   we announced a quick swap  and celsius x partnership   so again this is a post on medium if you  haven't read it great content here that explains   why this is so special again celsius is  the uh the launch partner for chain link   for the asset verification for ccip  uh also launch partner for polygon   launch partner for quick swap and other chains  and these are all unique things that you can   see celsius is a leader in the space creating new  capabilities that others are just wishing they had   and all that helps the community we charge  no fees for minting or for wrapping assets   so when that launches later this month we're  going to unite pools of liquidity across many   different chains which is going to create much  more much faster adoption and much more yield   to everybody in d5 and c5 the imf right the imf is  urging el salvador to d


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