Celebrating the History of Women In Science Technology Engineering Mathematics & Medicine 16 9

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Dr.. Safir Jax Blake was, a physician and campaigner who fought for women's rights to study medicine she. Founded the Edinburgh, seven a group of aspiring female doctors, at Edinburgh University although. They were allowed to attend, University the, seven were charged higher fees and was segregated, from their male colleagues their. Presence eventually led to riots a riot. Broke out when the seven tried to sit the anatomy exam but, were pelted with mud by a large hostile crowd of male counterparts, who threw a live sheep into the exam hall however. Despite, the adversity Sofia, did finally qualify as a doctor and co-founded. Two medical schools for, women. Born. In Hannover, Germany Caroline. Was only permitted a rudimentary education prepared. For a life in service however, after, her father's death she moved to bath in England to be with her brother William both. Of them initially pursued, careers in music but. Astronomy, became a nighttime hobby, and after, a series of unsuccessful musical. Performances, they took up astronomy full-time. Working. Closely to support her brother including. Developing, better astronomical. Instruments, she, became a successful, astronomer. In her own right she discovered, eight new comets, and contributed, about 500, deep sky objects, to what became the new general catalogue a, classification, system that is still used today, caroline. Was the first woman in England to be appointed to an official government position, and the, first woman to receive a salary for her scientific, work, she. Was also the first woman to be awarded the gold medal of the Royal Astronomical Society. Since. First being awarded in 1936. Miriam made mathematics, history in 2014. When she became both the first woman and the first Iranian, honored, with the Fields Medal the, most prestigious award in mathematics, her. Work focused, on understanding the symmetry of curved surfaces and, it, has a potential, to influence many, areas of study such. As material, science engineering, quantum. Field theory and even cosmology. She. Loved to read books and enjoyed writing stories and had considered that she would be an author. As an. Artist conservationist. And children's, author Beatrix. Potter's contributions, to science are frequently forgotten alongside, her literary achievements, she, was accomplished, in many aspects of natural history including. Botany archaeology. And taxonomy her, greatest scientific, achievements, were in the field of mycology where. Her detailed, technical illustrations. Of the fungi of the Lake District are still used for species classification. She. Also raised scientific, papers based, on years of careful research. Unfortunately. She faced widespread rejection. From the scientific establishment due. To her gender and her self-taught, status. Caroline. Was the founder of the journal the woman engineer the, first secretary, of the women's engineering, society, as well as co-founder. And later the director of the Electrical Association, for women her. Main goal was to empower women with the use of electrical, engineering they. Are buying releasing, them from household, chores so they could pursue their own ambitions, the.

W Es built, on the gains made by women during the war attempted. To break down the prejudices, of employers, towards, women in the workplace and, perhaps most important, of all to ensure that women gained access to universities, and engineering, institutions, that had previously only been open to men, caroline. Has helped inspire at least two generations, of young women to pursue their career as engineers. Maggie. Was born in London to Nigerian, parents and is an English space scientist, and science educator. She. Has worked on many projects, in private industry academia. In government, and she has Co presented, the long-running astronomy. TV programme the sky at night since, 2014. She. Moved between 13, schools during her childhood and, struggled, with dyslexia, once. When she told the teacher she wanted to be an astronaut, it was suggested she try nursing instead. Maggie is committed, to inspiring new, generations of. Astronauts, engineers and, scientists, and she has spoken to about 25,000. Children many. Of them in inner-city schools telling. Them how and why she is a scientist, busting. Myths about careers class and gender in. 2009. She was appointed an MBE for her services to science and education. In. The late 19th, century at Harvard Observatory Cambridge. Massachusetts the. Work of a group women made fundamental contributions, to, their birth - true, Charles. Pickering director, of the Salvatori thought that women were more passionate men, and he, hired Wilhelmina, Fleming a Scottish, teacher who had immigrated to the United, States who, at that time was. Working her home as a knight she. Became the first star Spectre catalog at Harbor, let. Me hire Dawson's women, who analyzed large sets of data but. And less. Than secretary, many. Of the women were kinder became, very important, astronomers, such, as Annie John Kernan Henrietta, Leavitt Antonia Murray who. Developed, a new, method in premier Wilhelmina's, one Pickering. Disagreed with her system, and with her permission of the difference in language speed of the stars so she decided, to leave the hospital, however. This new method was, later used by, her teams in his system, of identifying, Dianna, Dover stores. You. Maria, was a german-born, American, theoretical, physicist, she. Was the second woman to win the physics Nobel Prize for the nuclear shell model she. Wanted to study maths at university but, there were no public institutions. That would accept women so, she had to continue her education in, the private school frauen, Stadium run, by suffragettes. She. Was an expert in quantum mechanics and applied her knowledge to other disciplines such as chemical, physics and nuclear physics, even. Though she worked for the Manhattan Project, she was also active in the campaigns against, military control, of nuclear energy, she. Had a great interest in Native American pottery and archaeology. Alice. Roberts studied medicine before pursuing, a PhD in paleo pathology, the, study of disease in ancient human remains she. Lectures in anatomy, embryology. And physical, anthropology, Alice. Was promoted, in 2012, to professor of public engagement in, science at, the University, of Birmingham the. First professorship, of its kind, she. Has written seven popular, science books and presents a number of television programs, including, the, incredible human journey origins. Of us and digging. For Britain she. Enjoys watercolor, painting surfing, cycling, gardening, and pub quizzes. Delia. Derbyshire was an English musician and, composer of, electronic, music she. Worked for the BBC Radio, phonic, workshop and she had a fundamental influence. In the course of electronic, music in the UK she. Is best known for her electronic, arrangement of the theme music to the series Doctor Who but.

She Also created music and sound for almost 200 radio. And television programmes, delia. Would literally cut tape, and stick, it back together in a new order to make the sound she desired, electronic. Music as it is today would not exist without, her influence, on the industry. Grossman. Was a stubborn and single-minded child, her parents came from humble backgrounds, but that did not stop Roslin, and her brother from striving, for something greater, Rosalyn. Began to read before she began, preschool. Her. Seventh grade chemistry teacher aroused, her interest in science and when, at university, she took a liking to nuclear physics her. Parents wanted her to become a school mistress but, instead she became a nuclear physicist who, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or medicine, together. With Salomon Burson she developed a radio immunoassay. Which. Is used to measure small concentrations. Of substances in the body such. As hormones, in the blood because. The method is so precise they were able to prove that type 2 diabetes, is caused by the body's inefficient, use of insulin. Emmy. Noether was a German mathematician and, theoretical, physicist, considered, the mother of modern abstract, algebra, her father was a mathematics, professor at the University, of our Langdon and any, had to attend his classes as a listener, because women really accepted, to universities, unofficially. She, worked in the gutting and Institute, of mathematics. On the equations, of Einstein's, theory of general relativity but. For many years she wasn't recognized, as a field investigator, and professor, because, of her gender and, furthermore, because she was Jewish a social democrat and, fist her, most famous theorem, the know--this theorem, explains. The connection, between symmetry in, physics and the fundamental, conservation laws, I. Mean. M common was an astronomer best known for the divine in the current system of a stellar classification, which. Classifies, a star according, to his temperature. She. Manually classified, hundreds, of thousands, of stars morning. A lifetime, than anyone else and discovered. Several hundred, bearable stars Navas and one spectroscopic binary, system, Annie. Was, a super additional member of the National, Woman's Party she. Was encouraged by her mother to pursue her patients who, also talks any day constellations, and household. Economics, when, she was young. Grace, Hopper was a leading computer scientist, he worked on machine independent programming. Language that is, programming. Languages, that could run on any machine in the early 1960s. The development, of COBOL an, acronym, for : business, oriented, language, resulted, from Graces previous work, COBOL. Was a programming, language designed for businesses, for, example in finance, administration. And insurance companies still. Used today her. Work was so central to the US Navy's computer systems that she was recalled out of retirement twice, finally. Retiring at the age of 80 grace. Was posthumously awarded, the Presidential. Medal of Freedom by, President Barack. Obama and is, one of the few women to have a u.s. Navy ship named after her a. Chinese. American scientists. Recognized, as one of the greatest experimental. Physicists, of her time she and she jung-woo was born in a little town near Shanghai her. Father who funded the first school for girls in China believed. In gender equality he. Also supported, her when she decided to study physics, we. Was a revolutionary, student leader during her time at the University, of Nanjing, where, she later became the ambassador, to the nationalist, cause in Taiwan previous. To 1956. It was thought that a property in particle physics called parity was conserved, in the weak interaction, between subatomic, particles. However. We, presented, the first experimental, proof that parity was not conserved in weak interactions, indeed Keeler beta decay, we. Was not recognized, until 1978. For this discovery with an award of the Wolf Prize even, though male colleagues Li and yang won, the Nobel Prize for the theoretical, proof in, 1957. Her book beta decay is still an essential read, for nuclear physics.

Patricia. Was a pioneer, in many areas, as a woman and as an african-american, she. Was the first african-american, female to receive a patent, for medical purposes, she was the inventor of the laser fake-o probe which, is used in the treatment of cataracts. Patricia founded, the American Institute, for the Prevention, of blindness, in Washington, DC in, 1976. And established. That eyesight, is a basic human right, during. Her youth she battled, with sexism racism, and, poverty and doesn't adult she pioneered volunteer, based outreach to bring I care to impoverished, people. One. Of the last women to arrive to the Harvard College Observatory was. An English American, astronomer Cecilia, playing abortion, she. Proofing her 1925. Doctoral thesis, that, hydrogen is the principal, component, of stars using, data collected by any junker, this. Work was considered at, the time to be the most brilliant thesis ever written a strong, however. Despite. The evidence he had found her, work was revealed by Henri hustle and he decided her from, her original, conclusion. As it once again stages of the time he. Is often created with the discovery when he came to the same conclusion, after getting repeated results. By a different method it he published four years later, Cecilia. Was an inspired seamstress, an emetic, needle, and a voracious reader as well as the first woman to be promoted, to professor, at Harvard University. And later the first female chair of the Department, of astronomy. English. Mathematician, and, writer ADA is recognized, as the first computer, programmer in history she, wrote an algorithm for Charles Babbage's, concept, of a digital programmable, analytical. Engine which is known today as the first algorithm actionable. By a computer, she, also predicted, the capacities, of computing, devices beyond, numerical, calculation, at. The age of 12 having studied the anatomy, of birds and the suitability of various, materials, she, Allah strated plans to construct a winged flying apparatus. Before. Moving on to think about powered flight in, the, 1840s. Lovelace. Began a gambling, habit. To her dwindling, finances and, had, to secretly pawn, and loveless family, diamonds. Lisa. Mike now was an Austrian, Swedish physicist who, worked on radioactivity, and, nuclear physics. She, co-led the team of scientists that discovered, nuclear fission but was inexplicably. Excluded. From the nobel prize awarded, to otto hahn for that work, Lisa, escaped, Sweden in 1939. Due to her Jewish origin, she, declined to collaborate, in the Manhattan Project declaring. I will, have nothing to do with the bomb, she. Played the piano was, a music aficionado and, was, an avid Walker enjoying. Hiking trips in the mountains. Hertha. Had a rebellious, personality. Which was noticed, by her teachers and classmates her. Cousin's introduced, her to science and maths and, when she was 16 years old she was working as a governess, she. Studied at Cambridge where, she was successful in getting a patent for a speak. More manometer. A blood-pressure meter, she, led the choral, society, founded, the all-women Girton, College Fire, Brigade and co-founded. A mathematical. During. Her life she registered, 26. Patents, she, also worked, in embroidery and teaching, Hertha. Won the Hughes medal, by the Royal Society for, her work on electric, arcs she, also conducted, research about. The formation of ripples, and sand and water, furthermore. She helped found the International. Federation, of University Women and the, National Union scientific. Murders. Beatriz, Tilly shilling was an acclaimed World War two British aeronautical. Engineer the. Merlin engines in raf hurricane, and spitfire aircraft, were cut out when subjected to negative, g-force maneuvers. During dogfights, with the enemy, after. Other attempts to find a solution had failed in 1941. It, was Tilly simple, solution of a thimble shaped, fuel flow restrictor, allowing, a short-term quick fix that kept the RAF competitive, during the darkest days of war, Tilly. Personally, visited, RAF bases helping. To install the restrictor, in hundreds of aircraft, after. The war she went on to work on the British blue streak rocket, and was a trailblazer, for women's rights in. The 1930s. She raced motorcycles and, after the war raced, modified, and tuned cars even, helping on engineering, issues in Formula One race cars into, the late 1960s. Hedy. Lamarr invented, the communication, system known as the spread spectrum transmission. Technique used. In many communication, technologies, to the present day including, Wi-Fi, she. Started to study engineering but was also an actor one. Of her films ecstasy, which.

Included, The first nude scene and it was the first non pornographic, movie to show an actress having an orgasm though. Showing no more than her face the, film was accused of sexual, scandal, and was banned in cinemas she. Was forced by her family, to marry Fritz Mandl, a Nazi, and extremely, jealous man from whom she later escaped, during. World War two she offered to help the USA and during, this time she developed, her communication, system her. Birthday the ninth of November is, celebrated. In her honor in Austria as inventors, day. A. Polish. French physicist, and chemist Marie. Curie, won two Nobel prizes in different, disciplines for her work in radioactivity, and for, the discoveries, of the elements polonium, and radium, Marie. Moved to France in 1891. Living, with her sister she, was able to attend University in Paris, she. Was also a war hero during. World War one she invented the pity Curie a mobile, x-ray unit able to take radiography. In the war front she, was even one of the drivers on the battlefield, her. Oldest daughter Irene, Curie also, won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry for. The discovery, of artificial, radioactivity. Her. Youngest daughter, Yves Curie, was, a famous writer journalist. And pianist. Professor. Elizabeth Liz Morris, OBE. Is, a British glaciologist. And polar scientist, she. Is a senior, associate at a Scott, Polar Research Institute. In Cambridge she. Has served as Arctic science advisor to the Natural, Environment Research, Council. And has led the ice and climate division of the British Antarctic Survey, she. Was formerly the principal, scientific officer at the Institute, of hydrology, and president. Of the International. Glaciology, Society. Professor. Morris is one of only eight women to have been awarded the polar medal in its 160. Year history. Henrietta. Was an American, astrophysicist on, began her career in astronomy, analyzing. Photographic, plates of stars with barium brightness, she, discovered, the relationship, between the luminosity and the period of variability of, Sofia, star a, remarkable. Discovery which led to been able to determine accurate. Distance, to motor galaxies, this, work aloft Edwin Hubble to show that the universe is expanding in his 1929.

Plane Due. To an illness during, the later years of her work she became, increasingly de, the. Leavitt crater on the moon is named after her, one, of the contributions, to science by people who are deaf her, colleague not a Haridas auditory that she had a happy Faculty, of appreciating, all that was worth the honorable in others and was. Possessed of a knitter so, full of sunshine that to, her full of life became beautiful improvement. You.


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