Vice President Pence Delivers Remarks at the Second Meeting of the National Space Council

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NASA, Administrator Lightfoot. Thank, you for that kind introduction and. Why. Don't we give Robert another round of applause for doing an outstanding job, leading. This. Vital American agency. Thank. You all for being here the members of the cabinet members, of, Congress, honored. Guests, gathered, heroes. It. Is great to be back at. America's, Space Coast at this historic, place, with the men and women. Of the John F Kennedy, Space. Center, the. Pride. Of the nation. It's. My honor to welcome you all here today to the second meeting of the newly reconstituted National. Space Council, before. I get started. Standing. Here in Florida. Allow. Me to take a moment. To. Address what I know is on the hearts of every American. The. Terrible attack that took place in, this state last, week. You. Know in America we mourn. With those who mourn and we grieve with those who grieve. And. Let me assure. All. Floridians. Especially. Those affected, by this terrible, attack. That. As president Trump said our entire nation, with, one heavy. Heart. He's. Praying for you all. As. The president said, no child no teacher, should, ever be. In danger in an American, school. Earlier. This week President Trump called on Congress to strengthen, background checks and. Yesterday. Directed, the Attorney General, in the Department of Justice to expedite, the. Regulation, of bump stocks. Later. Today I'll travel back to Washington, to join the, president, for a listening session where. We'll gather together with students parents and teachers, from. Parkland Florida and. From, communities, that have been impacted by past shootings who put in Columbine and Sandy Hook, and. Later this week when the president meets, with the nation's governors in Washington DC. President. Trump will. Make the safety of our nation's, schools, and. Our top, priority. This, president, in our entire administration, will continue to focus renewed. Energy on making our schools safe on. Taking a fresh look at giving law enforcement and, families, the. Tools they need to deal with those struggling, with dangerous, mental illness. And. As we move forward we will continue to pray for God's grace and comfort, for all the families impacted, by this terrible attack in, the difficult days that lie ahead, and. Let's also pray for God's wisdom, for. All of us in positions of authority that we might find a way to come together as, a nation to, confront.

And End this. Evil in our time once, and for all. So. Thank you for that. Once. Again, it. Is my great honor to welcome all of you to this second meeting of the national space Council, and I. Bring greetings first. And foremost, from, a passionate, champion of. America's, Space Coast and America's, space program a, visionary, who, I can assure you is committed. To American, leadership. In the boundless expanse of, space I bring greetings from the 45th, President. Of the United States of America. President Donald Trump. Just, over a year ago, President. Trump declared that our nation stands, in his words at the birth of the new millennium, ready. To unlock the, mysteries of space and today after, the first year of our administration, the record is clear under, President. Donald Trump. America. Is leading in space, once, again. It's. Really remarkable to think of all that we've accomplished, together in the past 13 months we. Relaunched, this National Space Council an. Organization, of vital importance, to America's, future in space that had laid dormant for nearly a quarter century our. Administration, established a new national, security strategy that's, spurring. The development, of space technology, the technology, that we need to defend our national security and, protect, our way of life in December, President, Trump signed an executive order, space policy, directive one that. Makes it a national policy, of the United States to, return to, the moon put, Americans, on Mars, and bring renewed. Focus, to human, exploration, in, space. Last. Week the president proposed, a budget that prepares NASA to extend, its exploration expeditions. For the outer reaches, of our solar system it. Redirects, government support of the International, Space Station by 2025. And, encourages. America's, pioneering space, companies. In the private sector to, increase their, activity in low-earth orbit, where, the government will be a partner, and a, customer, not, a competitor. And, just last night it was my great privilege to announce that we've selected our nominees, for the national space council's user, advisory. Group, it's, an extraordinary. Group of Americans, that's bringing together some of the brightest, minds in this country to, accelerate, innovation across our nation space Enterprise all. Of the individuals, nominated. For the users advisory, group are pioneers, in their field they're, explorers, they're builders, some. Have built rockets some have built businesses each. Of them have played a critical, role in building America's. Space future many. Of them are with us here today so I'd like to ask those. Among the 29 nominees, of our user advisory, group to to, please stand and join me in thanking and congratulating.

These. Newest, members, of the user advisory. Group for stepping, up to serve our country, at this vital, moment in. The life of our space program. We. Are as President, Trump says a nation, of pioneers, and. I can assure you he firmly believes, that our past triumphs, draw us onward and upward to, begin new journeys of exploration of, our own and reclaim. Our destiny. As the vanguard, of humanity's, great adventure, into. The outer reaches, of space what. We choose to do in space like every frontier, plays a vital role in the lives of our people in the future of this nation here, on earth it. Accelerates. Scientific, discovery, Spurs. Groundbreaking. Innovations, fuels. Our businesses, serves, as the eyes and ears of America's, war fighters and quite literally, creates. The jobs of the future and, it. Isn't just here on America's, Space Coast where you see the importance of our nation's space enterprise, you, see it in Alabama and Mississippi in. California. And Washington State and in, every one of America's, 50 states where, there are hard-working, men and women who get up every day to, help build the world's most advanced rockets, satellites. And spaceships in fact. Thousands. Of companies across the country today are working. On America's, deep-space exploration systems. Alone and as. We continue to push further into our solar system, new, businesses, and entire, enterprises. Will be built to seize the infinite possibilities before. Us and there, will be no limit, to the, jobs and prosperity, that. Will be created, across this country, over. The past year I've had the privilege to travel across this country to meet with men and women who are forging America's, future in space in. Huntsville Alabama I meant the engineers, and technicians working, on the Space Launch System that will send American, astronauts back. To the, Magnificent, desolation, of the moon and on to the red sands of Mars at, Calif, and California's. Mojave spaceport I, climbed aboard a spaceship, that will carry the first generation, of space tourists, to, the edge of the Earth's atmosphere to peer into the cosmic. Expanse, of the heavens and I, walked atop the massive, vessel that will soon launch satellites while, soaring, through the skies I saw. With my own eyes the innovations, that are born when America's, entrepreneurs and. Captains. Of industry turned, their gaze to the infinite frontier. And it's, inspiring, and, Schriever. Air Force Base I saw the strength, of, our surveillance navigation. And communication, system that support, America's. Men and women in uniform as they defend our families, and our freedom around the world and. At the Redstone Arsenal I saw. The steps we're taking to strengthen our national security capabilities. In space and, to, meet, threats that are posed by aggressive. Pursuit of anti-satellite, capabilities. America. Will continue to be as dominant, in the, heavens as we. Are on the earth, at. The Johnson Space Center in Houston I met with the newest class of American astronauts, inspiring.

Americans, All I saw, their courage the pioneering, spirit that's always, defined this country and continues, to spur our people to break barriers set. New records and carry our nation to even greater heights and this. Week I've. Returned to America's Space Coast two of the facilities, of this launching pad for our national, heroes and this, permanent, symbol of our nation's unquestioned, leadership, in space, President. Trump and our entire administration, believed, that, America's, prosperity security. And even. Our national, character, depend. On American. Leadership, in space and over, the past year the. World has seen the vital, role the private enterprise, plays, to advance American, leadership in. Outer space we've. Seen the increasing, number of American, businesses, sending experiments. To the International Space, Station we've, witnessed the power, of commercial, satellites, to reconnect, isolated, communities, in the wake of natural. Disasters, and of course just a couple of weeks ago the. World watched with wonder is the Falcon, Heavy, blasted. Off from this very, shoreline. And then moments, later sent. Two of its boosters, sailing, back down, to earth where they landed, side-by-side. Intact. Less. Than a mile from, where they'd lifted off. Very. Impressive. Indeed. The. Evidence is clear. The. Evidence is clear while. The government can blaze new trails into. Exploring. The outer, expanse. Of space like all frontiers, ultimately, that'll be settled by the dreams of our people by. The brilliance, of our innovators, the energy of entrepreneurs, and the daring of our explorers, together, this. Truth echoes through the history of the Kennedy Space Center named. For a president, challenged, the American people to marshal the best of our in his, words energies, and skills to. Become the world's leading spacefaring, nation. It. Was here in, the early summer morning of 1961. That Alan Shepard, crawled into the mercury capsule, freedom 7 perched. Atop an 82, foot rocket, and ventured into the void it. Was here just over eight years later that the crew of Apollo 11 carried, the hopes and dreams of the American people to the moon and. Claimed our place as the undisputed. Leader, of, the exploration, of space and it's, here today in the 21st century, that, the modern marvels that launched, from these grounds, proved that the public and private sectors, are achieving, far more together than we. Ever have apart, since. January, of last year more than 20 rockets, that were designed built and sent into space by America's, pioneering space, companies, have launched from the Space Coast with. Names like Falcon Delta. Atlas. And Minotaur and as, these feats of American enterprise and ingenuity attest much. More than the bridge to space. Kennedy. Space Center is the. Bridge to the future. Today. As, we speak American, businesses are developing new rockets, I saw, a few last night, spaceships. Satellites, that are taking us further into space than ever before and. Renewing. Our confidence, that we can and will achieve. The. Impossible once. Again not. Long ago no one would have dreamt of landing a vehicle on an asteroid, to, mine its minerals, are opening, a private space station for tourists scientists, and entrepreneurs are.

Operating, A satellite, refueling, station hundreds of miles above the earth but today, these. Are all emerging, businesses, and like. The railroads, that opened up the. American, West to explorers, and entrepreneurs, these technologies. Will extend the range of American action, and values. Into. New worlds and usher. In a new era of job creation, and innovation. Driven. By space, but. While American, industry and Technology have leaped. Toward the future our. Government agencies too often have remained stuck in the past. Consider. The case of satellite, servicing. To begin with a transformative. New technology, that will dramatically, extend the life of our nation's satellites, and unlock untold. New opportunities, in the space industry in the, past whenever. A satellite, ran out of fuel that had to be replaced an. Expensive, and time-consuming process. Like. Buying a new car every time it runs out of gas. We. Now have within our reach the technology, to get around this problem but. As this National Space Council has already come to understand. American. Businesses, that want to launch satellite. Servicing, missions are often stifled, by, a convoluted. Maze of bureaucratic, obstacles and, outdated, regulatory, processes. Today's. Launch licensing. Regime is, plagued by burdensome. Government barriers, to and to, make matters worse launch. License. Can't be transferred, often. From one site to another, as we, learned at the last meeting of the National Space Council, so. If, a company receives its licenses, to launch a rocket from the Kennedy Space Center but, then wants to move their mission to California, or even just a few miles away from Cape Canaveral that. Same company must complete the entire process. All of again from start to finish, you. Know the government's figured out how. To honor driver's, licenses. Across, state. Lines. There's, no reason, we can't do, the same for, rockets. And, more to the point there's no reason our own federal, government should stand in the way of trailblazing companies. That are forging. And reforging. American, leadership in space today. The National Space Council will discuss new policy, recommendations. To break down these bureaucratic, hurdles these. Recommendations I, believe will. Transform, the licensing, regimes that oversee launch, re-entry, and new commercial, space operations, and they'll. Empower American, businesses, to create the jobs of the future attract. New investment to, our shores and unlock new, opportunities, new technologies.

And New sources of, American, prosperity with. These reforms, American private enterprise will usher in a new era of space leadership, that, will propel our economy, strengthen, our national security and. Rekindle. Our belief that America, can and will, continue. To accomplish, anything we put our minds to, as, president. Trump has said quote it is. America's, destiny, to, be the leader amongst, nations on our, adventure, into the great unknown and. We're going to write that next chapter of, that adventure with American, industry, and American. Ingenuity, as, our partner, this. I know will do because it's what the American people have always done, if. You think about it less. Than 35. Years, after Lewis and Clark returned, from their expedition, to the wilderness. Nearly. Half of our new nation's population, had. Already moved west. There. Were pioneers, and settlers traders, and entrepreneurs. And. Above all they were Americans, fellow. Travelers. On our. Nation's never-ending, journey to, explore undiscovered. Lands venture to far-off places, and expand the. Horizons, of our influence, no. Sooner had we attained the Wild West that America's, destiny beckoned, us to the skies above at the turn of the last century two, brothers from Ohio, one. Of whom was born in Indiana. Sped. Down the sands, of Kitty Hawk to, become the first in flight in, just, 66, years later we won the race to the moon like. Many of you some, of the most precious memories of my youth were gathered around a black-and-white television. Watching. Our heroes our. Heroes hurtling into the heavens, and making. History like Buzz. Aldrin who, gathers with us today the second man, on the moon. And. Today. Rising. Generation. Is filled with the same wonder and pride every time they see the new triumphs, and adventures, of America's. Leadership in space. Now. As then every photograph, of a faraway galaxy, that we transmit across our solar system to our classrooms, inspires, us to, dream big. Dreams. Every. Galactic discovery. That helps us unlock a mystery, here on earth stretches, our minds beyond the limits of our. Earthbound existence, and every rocket that we launch into the Stars proves that, in America, the. Sky is not. The limit. Today. We. Stand at the dawn of the, new era of American leadership, in space and we do well, to. Remember the words spoken by the late Gene Cernan the. Last man to walk on the moon before. He boarded the lunar module 45, years ago he. Said and I quote America's. Challenge, of today has, forged man's destiny, of tomorrow. The. Apollo astronauts, were the first Americans, to tell their children and grandchildren that they went. To the heavens and, stood. On another place. It's. Our duty to ensure. By. Our work that. They will not be the last Americans.

To. Set foot in the great unknown. So. As we embark on our journey and we begin our work again. Today we go with confidence and, and. I believe we. Go with faith. You. Know today our nation awoke to the sad news of the passing of one of the greatest Americans. Of, the 20th century the. Reverend Billy Graham. His. Ministry, and his matchless voice changed, the lives of millions and, inspired, our nation. Billy. Graham ever reminded, us to look to. The ancient truths, of God's Word. Asking. With the psalmist. When, I look at your heavens the work of your fingers the moon and the stars. What. Is man that you are mindful of him. And. So. Even. As we remember Reverend, Graham this morning, and. Keep his family in our hearts. We. Continue this renewed work a. Renewed. Commitment to America's, leadership in space. With. Confidence, and, with. A faith but. Has ever carried the American, people. To. The great unknown, and. We, go forward with. The courage to dream bigger. Determined. To work harder and let's. Carry that same confidence of, trailblazers. Who came before us today. And. I have it with. Your support with. The good work of this National Space Council, with. All who work in labor here at the Kennedy Space Center and throughout our space program, it's. A strong leadership of President, Donald Trump the, support of the American people, and. With. God's help I know. America. Will, once again. Astonish. The world with, the Heights we, reach and the wonders we, achieve, so. Thank you god. Bless you, god. Bless this great work and god bless the United States.


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