The 1 Best Kept Real Estate Lead Generation Secret For Real Estate Agents

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What's up guys Jason, Wardrop here and I'm with my good friend Jojo is out of Florida, you're in Florida right now right oh yeah. Over. Here in snow Utah, and he's just you know out there he's probably gonna go tanning later hit the beach and, have some fun time so today, we. Are gonna this is gonna be awesome guys Joe's, got a ton of experience in the real estate marketing, lead generation industry. Which have, him talked to that here in a little bit but. One thing that we've, been talking a lot about over the last several months and a, lot of agents that I talked with where. You struggle is really, that follow up process right like anyone, could go through generate a lead and whether. It's truly a Zillow Facebook. Whatever it is whatever price you're paying that's. Great that's cool but. Then once that lead comes in like how are you actually falling up with that it's not like you give them a phone call email text, get an appointment scheduler. Facebook, message like there's, so many ways to go through and connect and contact, that person and. So we want to dissect what. We've seen that's been working recently what. You can try in your business, and all that stuff so that's, just kind of quick little intro guys and with. That said Joe give, us a little background, on, you how you got in the real estate space and what you're currently doing right now cool. Well listen, thanks for having me on the show guys, Jason's. A genius so make sure you're watching him every, single night he puts out a new video I'm. Constantly, stealing from one he just doesn't know it anyway. Good. But. Nevertheless. Yeah. My, name is Joe Gillette II I'm a third generation real. Estate investor, last agent I'm an agent now, my. Grandfather, was an agent back in like the 54, sixties my dad worked in that agency whole life and then, yeah. I love mark mean I really could care less about it real estate but real. Estate was like the world I knew about and so I'm actually. In 2016. I started an agency and put. The from zero to 80 clients, and in 2017. And. Now. We're on track to close over a billion, dollars in real estate in 2018, and most of that is due to the fact of really figuring out the back end power there's, a lot of people who can generate leads there's, very few people that compose leaves that's the game changer and so that's what we're talking about today. Well yeah so, anyway guys here that billion. Dollars in 2018 which super exciting I mean that is a that's, a lot to goal but they are definitely on pace to to make that happen so they're doing some really cool stuff out. In Florida and I know you're working with agents all across the country though right thank. You mine yep yep so anyway, guys this this model if you're kind of like well I'm not you talking out in Florida I don't know this is really gonna work for me it's, the same thing across the country same thing Canada, we've done stuff in Europe it's across, the board, people. Are people so you got, to go through interact. Behave with them the same exact way no, matter what country what language, you're in whatever you're doing right so, anyway. So find, out a dollar for, every time an agent Anthony will this work in my area, like I would already have a billion, dollars myself, you don't I'm playing I'm not waiting yet I'm with you man. So. True so anyway. Joe. Do you want just like kind of walk us through. The. Lead comes in they, go through they type in their name phone email on to a landing page or something like that what's. Kind of like that next process, give us like the seven-day layout. And then kind. Of share with us what you're doing right now that, you've seen this been working well and then I'll share some different things that we're doing I bet, you a lot of stuff is overlapping, but, anyway.

Just Kind of like break down that whole strategy, of how people can skate going with the follow up yeah. So I, mean full disclosure I would say a lot, of what, we're doing because I'm changes were making in 2018, aren't even dialed, in to the point where we, needed to be this good like I'm gonna share with you what we're doing but right. Now just to share like our numbers and, by the way this really helped station with. People I think when they understand, the expectations, that was the big problem that started, for me in 2017. Let me just share that real quick yeah 13, we're, doing we're getting all these great leads some agents are doing great some agents are doing terrible like what the world so, we go ahead and we figure, out okay there's something going on in the back so, we hire an outside company that way we had consistency. And, have them follow up on the lease well, when they followed up on the leads we spent $600. And we closed. $60,000. In GTA well. That's another time fan sprint I mean you know I know, Facebook, master maybe I am but, that's a pretty good ROI you know I'm saying yes so it's like I'm not really a master of Facebook coming Facebook me Facebook's, easy part um but. Nevertheless. So. We realized like okay it's not the lead like all the agents were giving up there like journeys, that give you your cramps that a little black alright cuz I'm gonna look like there's really, no such thing as a bad lead real estate agents I turn it off now sorry days and I ruined yourself but, they're all going to say oh yeah, well, yeah if it's not the right name or contact information sure, that's a bad leak the Russia now care, enough about real estate to, fill out their information accurately. Like that's, not a bad leak crash nevertheless. But. Here's the thing so, this is what's kind of exciting so looking. At that and I'm thinking well what if we could do some cool liz bang stuff like what if I had that that silver bullet Jason, driver I could just solve this once and for all and never, have a problem again I thought what if I use messenger. Box like, I on the back end got them talking and did, all this stuff so that we conserve our 5%. Of our leads to appointments no let me go study as of, today right now in the last month our conversion, rate is 2% event. - so. Back. At the end of last year though I'm a 5%, have you ever taken just so I'm not doing a soliloquy here have you ever thought about like what percentage, at least so I actually need to close from the leaves that are coming in your have. You ever talked to agent to look at that man not. Really don't I mean I know those numbers just because like I get into the analytics marketing, and all that stuff but most age like they, actually actually shot a video on this the other day where, I feel, like a lot of times people, are successful, where there's some real estate or anything else because they don't give themselves enough a chance, to be successful we're like if you. Go through and you know you only close 10%. Of phone calls that you're making but, you only make five phone calls you. Didn't even give yourself a chance to get one deal you, know so like I think yeah.

That's, Where a lot of this plays into of just like knowing, your numbers and knowing like okay you're. Gonna generate a hundred leads how, many of those 100 are you gonna actually close but no those hundred how many phone calls do, you need to make to actually make me go and then at that point honestly it's, easy it's almost like cheating when, you know your numbers because it's like okay. In order, to get one close deal I need to generate X amount of leads make this many phone calls send. Maybe this many texts or Facebook messages and if, I just do X I'll get one deal and then if I want to get two deals I just double it three Dale's triple it same, type of thing I don't even understand, like who invited me on this program today no no. That's. It, right like and that's the problem when you really and I did this I did this for nine months with 85, and didn't realize just. How good everything was like I kept questioning myself, and, I'm like okay. I just convert, behind percent then within 5% would, be awesome but here's what happened I ran. The numbers so that was you know probably average three dollars Li but I ran the numbers at five dollars a week we choosed our high side and it's. Like I'm, dollars Ali we, spent five hundred dollars. To. Get a hundred leads how. Many of those do we actually have to convert and usually. We're in areas half a million above I like to focus in higher price why not. And so. Here's. What I found I was, killing. Myself to, get to five percent and if, I met in one-tenth, of that in, other words one half of one percent. Killing. The game like my ROI is like ten, to twenty times whatever. I'm spending on Facebook is I'm, getting them closings, in the first 90 to 120, days not, even including. All of the leads that come later and all of the closings that come later is revocable so yes the. First thing I really want to push like look at your numbers but I think a lot of times. The. Poverty mindset comes, in where you're like afraid to spend the money on and you're like oh no you know how much I want you're thinking man you, know somebody, told a story on Facebook and they got a listing, for 1 million dollars and only spent $30. On that and you're thinking hmm, man. $30. I could spend $300. And have 10 million dollars listed and it's like no, only that's, not how it works let's get a true every, to what it should cost you testing. Clothes they have million dollars in real estate that, way you're thinking about it right before you even get out the gate and I was doing that wrong and so, I just like to encourage over here to start with knowing like.

What's The reason number let's think it out of real estate if you go to a mortgage broker right now and say what, would they have a. Metric. Called cost per finance, transaction, across her finance week TEFL. And so, if, they spent in between a thousand, and two thousand dollars to. Close. A mortgage. Leap right that's a two, hundred thousand and above that's. Good okay, that's good well, same, thing for us like, if you could spend a thousand, dollars to, get a five thousand, dollar commission like I mean. Better. Than Warren Buffett does right. So. So, that's the thing so I just want you to start there like really, much for those numbers that you're seeing yeah it's true people, do closed transactions. For thirty bucks people, do closed transactions, for a hundred bucks but I would say it's probably is a little bit easier about 100 to 200 thousand, dollar range, however, like. What's the real metric is it five hundred dollars per transaction is it three hundred dollars, for transaction. And just, understand, the number and work the averages, like Jason said and you'll. Feel so much better and I'm talking with this tone you notice I have a little bit of tone there was this say exactly, cuz, I feel like such an idiot that I missed it like I messes, up a time, last year I was already, at the place where I could flow the billion dollars my mind just wasn't bright well, how much it would cost me and how to work that matter so I just wanted to start there I didn't may have three question yes sorry no you're good man I think, that was good to get out of the way we'll get, all the way and also just say it because actually it was coming to my mind before we even jumped with this call of like gosh we, should probably hit like the numbers of knowing your numbers and knowing what you need to do because, honestly. All, this other stuff is just mumbo jumbo until, you actually know, those numbers so. Anyway. If. You're not going to spend but I'm gonna do a thousand dollars a month on Facebook like I. Mean. You can close one in a hundred three people out there that brag they closed in a hundred I mean, I don't. But. I'm focused on half a million and above right yes so for us it's we're between eleven, hundred and two thousand dollars for every million dollars closed which, means enzymes. Are. I. Mean. I'm, sure Jason, confessed yet but you know I'm, happy with this no I. Be amazing that'd be amazing I'd be totally, fine with that as well, yeah. I mean guys and if it is time-honored so and by the way that's in the first 90 days right you've got the rest of the year to, nurture the rest of those leads right we're going to talk about how we do that in order, to turn that I talked to somebody that earlier, today they were at about, 14% of their leaves to convert over the course of a year well, he got a hundred leaves and let's say those leaves constitute more, than they are let's say the cost you have thousand dollars instead of five hundred dollars right and it's like you could get 100. Leaves and 14 of them close I don't, care what your price point and your numbers are gonna be fantastic right. Yeah. Yeah. No. That's killer, yeah, and so um but. Let's let's hit let's roll into kind of like the fall across like one first. Thing that I would stress. And it's funny because I get this I get this question from time to time in our Facebook group and, people, were like I generated, lead I'm so excited what should I do now right, like the.

First Thing that you should do anytime you get a lead and guys this goes to and, I've made, past videos on this where there's like MIT and, Harvard studies, done on this where. If you contact, the lead within the first five minutes like. The chances of that person, actually one answering, the phone call and -, converting. Into a close sale I, can't. Remember the numbers I'll have to go get the MIT study but it goes up it's right 500. Times. Like. 500, times so like it's. So key like as soon as you get that lead, go. Through and that's why I like all days it's we work with we have the email and text, notification, or it's like hey, Lee just came in here's the name phone number email address address all this info so, they can go through and follow up and contact that person right away so that's. Number one and you. Should have an email automated, email setup and the, thing is here guys, everyone. Responds, a little bit differently some people are more email people some. People want to jump on a phone call some, people would rather text somebody, people would rather Facebook, message so, if you can get all these things done like. Instantly. Having, an automated email going out an automated, text going out you're jumping on the phone if they don't answer leaving, a voicemail and then, even if you had some way of getting the Facebook message out there to just shoot him a quick, Facebook message you get in contact like. You don't know which channel, if they prefer, and. So you want to be able to go cast a broad net like. Back in the day 20 years ago right you only had pretty much phone. Calls so, you just jump on the phone or I mean you had an email too but, email. And phone calls but, now you got like everyone's, pretty much more texting, everyone's. Facebook, Messenger, all these other platforms so, that is. I would say the number one thing is make sure you're on all these different channels of communication. And getting, your message out there and trying to connect with them and and. Leave like with value, so it's not like you're just another, realtor. That you. Know you should there not just be that another annoying person, right you want to go through add value, connect, see how you can actually help them I. Agree. I hope ever since I mean to. Me I always think of five ways right you got phone. Text. Email. Retargeting. And messenger yes those, are the primary five in theory you could set them direct mail if you had access to that information and, takes, every leaf in, the address isn't that right be pretty awesome cuz I doubt anybody's doing that we're not doing talking. About station. But, for the most part it's those by right, you know we need to talk about what we do with these other sides but ABS like within five minutes that's huge right we already know that that's like data proven. But I didn't want to say one thing that a lot of people don't say about this every. Course or thing that I'm looking at of different people's were you know leaders in the industry for real estate they, always talk about following, the lease and I believe, that I'm not saying you shouldn't probably but. Here's what our data suggests. When. For example I'll just use the example of the lead that we spent $600, we closed four deals and. In hence 60,000, and GCI. One. Of those four deals came from phone calls. The. Others came from, text. Messenger. And, or. And maybe some mix of, your. Thank You page is. Huge with a node.js and your being on that Thank, You page and setting the appointment off to thank you base that surprisingly. Happened so yeah. Phone, calls are only. Responsible. As a first, point of contact for about 25% of the transactions, I find, that people are way. More interested. In conversing via, text and messenger. Immediately. As opposed to phone and then you move it from there to phone and that's opposed to an appointment right yes but, sometimes we're getting appointments directly, a messenger distant conversations, directly affects but a lot of people hurt that way and I think it will continue to move that way and the real estate industry tends, to be backwards of, slower even though there's all the good new technologies, for trying to about the, mentality, of the industry moves more slowly and, so.

And. I can say that I've seen it tuns my grandfather, right back in the day yeah, the Pennock in the matter is if people are moving away from, home we all know that if you got a call from a number you that know the only reason mr. Lister's real-estate agent you're answering it that you're hoping it's somebody want even, list or house yeah, exactly. Yeah. Cuz if it's me I don't. Answer any number I don't know even sometimes I'll forget that I set up an appointment with somebody across the country that I forgot am I. Oh, wait, crap I actually, had a meeting, with that person so yeah. I'm with you man so. Brings. Up a really big point okay I'm sorry to interrupt you that. Voicemail you mentioned is important, because. If you're gonna call, they're. They're not they're, not going to answer right or if they do congratulations. Right you're probably working with a baby boomer. I'd. Be a little bit easier close and some of these weird, Millennials. But. Nevertheless that. Voicemail, and, this. Is one thing. That I think we should talk about like just in that first well first of all to me and Dave let's talk about this first in that, first initial, thing, if it's text messenger, email. Maybe. Even retargeting, a little bit but primarily those three my. First, thing is like kind of a hook it's kind of like a really it's like, just. Putting someone out there to see if they'll respond the people who aren't responding they're, not they're not ready to move forward quickly and, you're, in most cases they become the long take people, respond, quickly that first initial conversation. Testing, testing. You know it's like two boxers when they jab to see how how, the other guy moves you know to see what's going on inside of that exchange, yeah same thing, bitch you want to put some out there so the one that I use a lot in days and I love to be sure you're like. A messenger, or tax a lot of times I'll put out any thanks for reaching out about. This house are, you looking for a home for yourself or for a friend we, it. Gives them that out, where, they can say a friend and then still converse yeah, it really adds around like if your hasn't in how many bedrooms and, what, size like they, didn't talk to their friends that said they wanted a three thousand five hundred and forty two square foot house you know I'm saying yeah. But. You play along with it that's a hey what's, the number I can reach out to your friend you know. Sorry, going to do know I like, that I mean we don't do that right now we kind, of jump jump into like the whole Bed Bath & Beyond, ya. Know. We just jump into that stuff and but. I like that I'm just kind of giving them that out because. Yeah. People people these days are just you know they definitely got their guard up and so. You. Got to be careful with that so I like that so kind. Of just going back to like what you were saying so if we look at this guy's and. If you've been on one of my trains in the past you kind of know the strategy, that I use where you got the landing page you well, first you got your facebook ad they, click on the Facebook ad they go to the landing page and then, after they put in their name phone email on that landing page, they'll. Hit a thank you page as Joe was talking about then, on there you're, gonna have you like your phone number right there or it's like hey call or text me at this, number for, any other questions cuz like they're gonna call or text you right away that's, a pretty hot lead or kind. Of like you're saying right here give them a little bit of an out but, a way that it still pushes them forward of saying hey or, you, can set up a call with me and so like we, use calendly, it's. Appointment scheduling, app that you can go through and set which days of the week that you're available and what times the days that you're available the cool thing is is a hundred percent free and it. Syncs with your Google Calendar Outlook, calendar your account like any one of your calendars that you use and then, it, just all happens, on autopilot so leave clicks on the Facebook ad ops and landing page clicks. On that go schedule the appointment, and then, it syncs with your calendar, sings with their calendar, and it, notifies both of you guys before, the appointment actually happens, so, that you don't get that tip, Cole like oh I, forgot, about the appointment or whatever the excuse, is because they.

Didn't Show up right so, anyway. Then never, happened, Jason how have you even a queue they have ever have any I don't know what you're talking they happen to be once it happened once so I just remember you know no. So anyway, guys so that's kind of what we're talking about and like the nice thing about technology and automation these, days is. You can have all this stuff happening, simultaneously of, like the. You, know as soon as a Optima any page having the email going out having the text message going out you're. Getting notified that the lead came in so you can see that data so you can call them as soon as you can get to it we're having your assistant, call them and then they go to the landing page they can go through set up that appointment with, you right, and then if, they don't do that initially you, can send out an email the next day you can sound a text the next day you can send like over, the next seven days or so I think Joe I think was you maybe. Who told me this but. I think there's like an agent in Florida. Yeah, is it like three times, different. San Diego San, Diego okay so he falls, up three. Times a days was it. Three. Calls three, texts, and three emails every day so nine, touches, for seven days yeah. Yeah. But he only gets 16, leaves a month and he closes eight of them so that it everybody's like everybody's. Like yeah but won't they be ticked off and it's like no you know what happens when you do that they. Call back and they say I'm so sorry I kept missing your call and it's so hilarious something. Like they're. Calling like Maine code and you're like hey snow promise, you. Know I'm a-gettin that's. Right that's right, no, so I mean like, and that goes to think to the point of like you, know if, you're kind of scared of that like Oh am I gonna be annoying or whatever. Yeah. You possibly, could but it's like if your numbers are gonna go from like one. Out of twenty closings, to eight out of sixteen, fifty percent of the deals or close or local leads I. Mean. Is it worth it to you on that part you know I mean like that, those numbers right there speak, to it of like and the thing is like you're saying people, respects. Persistence. And they play respects. Like that you're going out and doing your job and they if they see that you're as persistent with, getting, in touch with them like, if they're needing to sell a home they're, gonna want to hire you - because it's like man this guy like he's on or this girl is on top of things like gets, things done you know so anyway. I just remember that example still I was like man that's not such a part of the work I mean I don't know how deep we're going here today obviously we can't do a four-hour long yeah we'll, we'll wrap up here well, let's go another five or so minutes but, yeah. Any other things like a voicemail then because there's, another big point and this is there. Was one thing I could leave everybody. With that would probably just radically. Change your follow-up and your back end. It. Would be this. Pregnant. Pause. Make. An offer. Make. An offer. Like. People. Still. Don't. Care if they're a second, third time home buyer they, still don't understand, how. Real estate agents work for the most part they don't really care either they keep, to them you're just a professional, door opener you're not you provide a lot more value than that but that's what they say I tell you rest of the world illicit agents and, so when we talk about I'm looking, at my notes here because I want to to share a couple of things and I, actually I, had this recognition.

In That same agent, who. Does. That as, this great offer when, he leaves a voicemail yes. He leaves the entire, offer on the voicemail breaking, another rule pretty much anything you've been told to do like do the opposite, like. Know about of them to make a guess out of them way, more than you should you, know don't leave a long voice they'll leave a really, long voicemail okay so get yours, yours, yours this thing and I'm stealing this one guy named Alex rocky. But. He says it'll, be like hey thanks so much, you know for. Reaching out you know so, what is he calling on this new home like are you looking for how big alone I've got so many questions for you I can't wait to help you out you know our, last client, that we hope that we were able to give them a house really really quickly is house of their dreams are so excited, I wanted, to share with you what makes us different the way that we've worked so the first thing I want to share with you mystery from this is all the voice up there's the three promises. First. Of all I promise, you that if we work together I'm gonna be on time every. Single tonight if I'm not on time to any meeting that I met with you I will pay you a thousand dollars number. Two in second promise I'm gonna do what. I say I'm going to do every, time if you ever call me on it and I fail to do what I said I'm gonna do again I'm, gonna give you $1,000, promise. Number three is I'm, gonna be brutally brutally, honest, with you I don't want to like pander. To you and tell you things that aren't true if I'm not rude early on rescue again I know, you $1,000, because of that is, my promise to you but not only that there's three things I'm going to do for you Jason's. Like holy cow this is a long voice no no it's not I'm going to consult with you help you make a wise, decision about real estate all. Right number, two the, other thing I'm going to do is I'm going to negotiate for you I'm going to treat your money like, it's my money and I hope that's okay with you so I want. That. You're not getting raked over the coals number.

Three I'm going to handle all the details for you so there's, a lot of details on a real estate transaction there's actually over three, hundred and eighty-one details, in every real estate transaction. On average but the bottom line is I'm going to get the job done for you oh and. One last thing there's, three performance, guarantees I'd like to give you promise. Number one I guarantee, I'll save you ten thousand, dollars off of any house you purchase or I'm going to write you a check for $1,000 I guarantee. That my experience, I don't care what you bought in the past a car a skateboard, a house your, experience with me will be the best you ever had and it's not a closing, I'll pay, you $1,000. And lastly I guarantee, you that as my newest client you, can cancel at any, time I'm that certain that you love my service and if. You can cancel at any time there's, no cross beam whatsoever, is, that a good deal now real, quick if you could just reach out to me if I don't hear from you in three hours I'll. Give you a call back I'm gonna go look for a couple other houses that may meet the same criteria I'm. Looking forward to talking to you soon thanks, so much. That's. Awesome man that's. Great father. It's not mine right, I gave it three three for the rule to use the, point isn't that offer some of your like well what if I'm in a market that I can't say them seminars, okay find. Another way to save with $5,000. And guarantee that find a coupon book that pays an 5,000, no they won't furniture, purchases, or whatever, you need to do right to make that stuff happen or find, a different promise, that you're willing to make that would be valuable to them now. You've made an offer it's crazy but it's like in real estate we, forget to make an offer when our whole job is making, offers, right we remember to make the offer when it's been great the contractor, but we never make the offer to the buyer or seller a realistic, offer, provide. Some guarantees provide. Some huge value with, Jason said at the beginning of his call provide value that, is, a value right yeah. Love. It man I love, it okay. We're cool guys, well hopefully hopefully, everyone got something. Out of today's today's. A little call right here as far as like the follow up I can't. Stress enough guys know your numbers, just. Get it get it done if it takes some time if you want if you want to like cheat and ask me what the numbers are like I've worked with a lot of agents Joe's work with a lot of agents we, kind of know a little bit of what the numbers are right so. You. Guys can reach out to us comment, down below on the video as well and I. As you guys know I respond, to every single one of the comments, to make, sure you guys are getting your questions answered, but yeah. So anyway guys if you guys enjoyed this video today go, ahead give it a thumbs up we'll probably you know if you guys like it we'll have Joe back on because I think Joe adds and brings a lot of value not only on the follow ups know whatever. Do yeah, that's right.

So. Give a thumbs up for Joe comment. Down below let us know what you guys thought and if this you guys first time on the channel makes you guys hit that subscribe button because, I launched a new video every single day on how to generate more leads make, more money and grow, your business thanks so much guys and we'll see you all tomorrow.


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