Introduction of Infiniium UXR-Series Oscilloscopes

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Hi. I'm Melissa at keysight technologies. And i'm so, excited, to introduce the, entire, family, of the, Infinium uxr, series, oscilloscopes you. May have heard of our 110. Gigahertz oscilloscope. And now that, technology, has been leveraged, and optimized, all the way down to 13, gigahertz, of bandwidth, you, can develop what has never been developed, before and, achieve, a new level of accuracy in your design these. Oscilloscopes. Offer the world's best signal, integrity with, up to 6.8. Effective, number of bits this. Is particularly, important. As you start to design the next generation of, digital technologies. At the speeds were transferring, data these days, millivolts. Of noise can make the difference between passing. Or feeling compliance, there's, nothing, more frustrating than having schedule, delays because, you couldn't validate your designs due to measurement, system, noise the. Uxr only introduces, a record, low of 200. And 10 microvolt, of noise at 10, millivolts, per division on, the 13, gigahertz model, and as you'll hear later on in the video the noise specs and signal integrity are equally. Impressive at 110. Gigahertz. You. Also no longer have to worry about the notorious, issue, of bandwidth, dropping, when, you need to run multiple channels, at once all. Four, integrated channels, run at full bandwidth, all the time no matter how many channels you have turned on this, is especially important, if you're working on coherent, optical design and, need to validate your optical, receivers. Detailing. Test equipment, together to, get the right number of channels, is not only cost prohibitive, but it introduces complexity. And test setup and as extra, jitter between, channels there's less than 35. Femtoseconds. Of inner channel jitter keeping, multi, channel measurements, clean and accurate one of the best functions, of the uxr series is that these oscilloscopes. Can, grow with you over time as technology. Speeds continue. To increase and your designs, advanced all, 21, models, are fully upgradable, 13, gigahertz. Can be upgraded all the way to 110. Gigahertz and, to, channel models can be upgraded to floor channels, by, what you need now with the flexibility, to upgrade, in the future this, has been a major undertaking, of, not just our R&D team but, several groups, here at keysight and we are excited, to see how you use this technology to revolutionize. The world. A new, world that symbolizes. Man's dreams, hopes, and aspirations. We. Find inspiration. For new ideas and. The grounds, for a new faith in the future. Today. We have some keynote speakers to discuss several topics including, the technology, we created, an order to make a four-channel 110. Gigahertz oscilloscope. Or reality, and how, these oscilloscopes. Will change the game for, high-speed digital RF. And other industries, and stick, around to the end because, after our keynote speakers we'll be showing you some measurements, on the UX R and telling, you where you can get a third-party, review, so, without further ado we'll transition over to Jay Alexander, coming, to us from Santa Rosa. I'm. Jay. Alexander. I'm the chief technology officer. At keysight, technologies, the. New UX, our series, of oscilloscopes. Is, really a flagship. Example. Of keysight's, commitment. To leadership, in the, test and measurement markets. And when, we consider the specifications. On these products, we, can see why from. The 256. Gig of samples, per second, sample rates the. 10 bit a 2 D converter, 2. Giga points, of memory. Sub. Millivolt, levels of noise and 35. Femtoseconds. Of inter. Channel jitter, every. One of those market-leading. Specifications. And capabilities. Requires. One, or more, new technology. Blocks both, hardware, and. Associated. Software, those. Technology. Blocks are designed, developed. And, in, some cases, manufactured. At keysight. They, represent, key sites proprietary. Capabilities. And everything. That we're able to bring to bear to. Meeting the most demanding. Customer, needs we're doing it with the Scylla scopes we're doing it with Network analyzers. Signal. Analyzers signal, generators, arbitrary. Waveform, generators, and all, of the other key categories. In our industry, we. Do it so we can help our customers. Deliver. Their innovations. And their, breakthroughs, and help, lead the ecosystems. We're. Very honored to play this role, again the, uxr series, is just a great example of, keysight's. Commitment. To, these markets. When. We look at the big, drivers, in our end markets, today the.

First Big driver is data. Data. Usage. In mobile, networks are the record, high and the. Biggest challenge for customers, in in, today's world is to make that data usage, more efficient, at a higher data rate and there is complete, communication. Systems, redesign, all the way from chipsets, devices. To. Data centers that's occurring, and will continue to occur over the next 10 years the, next big driver is around the autonomous, car revolution, that's happening the, autonomous, car a revolution. Is creating. An electronic, ation, of a car at unprecedented. Levels, that makes a car look more like a smartphone, then, it looks like a conventional, car that we're used to today the aerospace and defense markets, the, threat scenarios, that are that, our security agencies have to deal with today are very different requiring. Higher and higher fidelity, radar. Signals that can sample, wider bandwidths, in. Order to capture capture. The threat environments, of the future all these, have profound, implications, to, the design and test industry, what. Was normal performance in the past is not, sufficient, in order to characterize these big drivers. Which, is why keysight, is very proud to introduce as, communications. Platform, the uxr that. Will is position, to solve problems, today for our customers, but, as extensibility. And applicability. For some of the problems that will come in over, the next decade. And the. Uxr with its industry-leading wide. Bandwidth technology, best. Fidelity, noise performance and, multi-channel. Coherent. Capabilities, enable. Our customers to start. With solving, the problems, of 400g, or terrible Ethernet or PCI, gen Phi today. But. Then extended, into solving the multiple, industry, problems, that, that will emerge over the next 10 years and we're very proud at keysight. To, be creating, with this investments, we have made Nora need to be creating this platform to, ensure our customer success, true. To our mission statement, to accelerate, innovation to, connect and secure the world. In. Colorado, Springs with me is Dave Cipriani, vice president, and general manager for. Keysight digital, and photonics, center of excellence Dave. I know you've been closely, connected with this project since it began can, you share with our audience the, goal we had in mind when we set out to take on this project and what, we've managed to create sure. When. Keysight, first began discussing, our next generation oscilloscope. Market. Drivers were demanding, higher bandwidth, extremely. Accurate, measurements, in a, multi-channel, system, terabit. Optical, data communications. Next-generation. Digital, bus standards, high, speed i/o in Asics, and FPGAs, new. Wireless standards, all of these applications, required, improve performance, keysight. Determined, that these next-generation measurements. Should, not be made by leveraging. Up performance. Points with existing, technologies, through, techniques like frequency, interleaving, the trade-offs.

With Measurement, quality are too impactful our. Objective. Was to deliver a system of low noise low. Jitter and a, high number of effective, bits or, enob, at, 110. Gigahertz to. Achieve this a multi-faceted, technology. Development, program was, initiated, across the company the. Starting point was our internal, indium phosphide, IC process, keysight. Developed, a next-generation, process. With, improved speed and noise, performance that, supports, direct signal capture at a hundred, ten gigahertz this. Process, was used to develop our front-end single, conditioning, ICS, including. A very low noise 110. Gigahertz input, amplifier, and a. 256. Gig of sample per second, 110. Gigahertz sampler. As, the. Market required flexible, input ranges we also developed, a 110. Gigahertz, electromechanical. Attenuator. The. IC process, packaging. And manufacturing. Processes, for, the front end module and the, attenuator, are, all keysight. Proprietary, behind, this advanced front-end is our, proprietary 10-bit, a 2d each acquisition. Board samples, at 256. Gig of samples per second, and there, are four full bandwidth channels per system that's. Over ten terabytes of data captured, per second put, another way the uxr. Makes 34, measurements, in the time it takes light to travel one. Centimeter, to. Process, all of this data our proprietary, 100, million gate 28, nanometer CMOS, ASIC, was developed, this, data processor, performs several functions, including. Hardware acceleration, of waveform, display and measurements. Along, with correction. Filters in providing memory management as a, result, the, uxr displays over, 100,000. Waveforms, per second, speeding. Up debug of any digital system and 1. Million real-time, i measures, are made per segment accelerating. The debug and analysis, of serial, buses and high-speed, io channels, the, overall system design focused. On minimizing noise the, u XR series has 40%. Lower noise density, than keysight's current generation, of products a 110. Gigahertz of measurement, at a sensitivity, setting, of 10 millivolts, per division only. Has, 750. Micro, volts of rms, noise and again. That's at 110. Gigahertz of bandwidth the clock generation, circuitry. Combined. With the low noise system, enables, an unprecedented. Very low twenty fifty seconds of jitter on a single, channel and the. Reason that's the spec is no instruments, can measure any lower, inner. Channel jitter is 3,500. Seconds the low noise and jitter mean larger, more, accurate, measure dyes and the extremely, low interchange, itter is important. In coherent, applications. But. Our technological, innovations. Do not stop there Bama this over 70, gigahertz require, one millimeter, connectors, which, are known to be easily damaged, and are, expensive, to. Overcome this key site design proprietary, recognized one millimeter, connectors, also, knowing that customers, who purchase aux our system, tube and the most accurate measurements. A proprietary. Calibrator, supporting. On-site measurement, calibration, was, design combining, all of this capability yields. A system, that can make, up 110, gigahertz measurement. With. An e knob of five effective, bits keysight. Started out with a goal to develop a next generation oscilloscope, with unprecedented, performance not.

Only Did we accomplish that we've invented the next generation communications. Platform. We've. Done a lot of talking today about the oscilloscope, so now let's go see it in action this. Is Joe Hebert the ux our product manager, Joe, is gonna demonstrate the, UX arts calibration, module so you can see one of the fastest, signals ever measured, on a real-time oscilloscope, and he's, also going to take some baseline, noise measurements, so we can look at the signal integrity of these oscilloscopes. Thanks. Melissa and thanks all of you for tuning in today you've. Heard some of the amazing. New innovations, that have gone into making Buicks are the most powerful and accurate high performance oscilloscope, in the world I'm gonna demonstrate the USSR's performance, and noise floor but, first let me explain what I'm using to create an edge fast enough to demonstrate the UX RS capabilities. What. I have in my hand here is what we call a calibration, module it, consists of a remote head that houses, an indium, phosphide, powered, step generator, capable, of creating a very clean fast edge and an, auto probe pod using keysight's new auto probe 3 technology, this is the same hardware used at the factory to calibrate the USR but we've made it available as an option, on the UX are the, module is calibrated, to hold NIST, traceable calibration, factors. Associated with remote heads various output signals and it stores them in the pod this, enables the uxr to self calibrate, his channels, based, on the various received input signals, and the, data that's stored inside, the calibration, pod the. End result is not only ability to demonstrate the, Scopes bandwidth capabilities but, also the, ability to do a full, factory, quality, frame calibration. On-site, and under, the scopes actual, environmental. Conditions, here I have the calibration, module, generating. A path edge into channel 2 I have, the UX R's bandwidth, set to 113. Gigahertz let, me turn on channel 2 so we can see the signal coming in from the calibration, module and I'll. Zoom in so you can get a better look. Okay. So, here we can see the fast edge coming into the USR from the calibration, module I'm. Gonna easily grab a. Falling. Edge measurement, and drop, it onto the signal. Down. Here we, actually see that the, average edge, being measured is three point four two picoseconds. That's. Truly amazing performance, and it's something that couldn't, be done before the USR but speed means nothing if your scope doesn't have the signal integrity and effective number of bits necessary, to provide meaningful measurements. Now how do we look at the noise floor of a scope an easy, way is to measure without, anything, connected to the oscilloscopes, channel so, what I'm going to do is I'm going to turn off channel two and. I'm going to turn on channel one we're. Now looking at the noise floor of the scope so I have nothing connected to channel one what. I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna zoom in. And. I'm. Gonna come in to 50. Millivolts, per division this is a common, vertical. Division that's used on data, sheets around the world for oscilloscopes, and that's a good place to show you the, performance of the Scopes noise floor so.

What I'm gonna do here again is I'm going to now switch to. A time a vertical, measurement and I'm. Gonna drop in RMS, measurement. Onto the signal and now. Down, here we, actually see that the average noise floor is 2.6. 4 millivolts, okay. Now that that is actually, best in industry, noise. Performance and is better than some scopes would half the bandwidth but what if you don't need 110, gigahertz of, bandwidth, well, let me set up a brick wall filter to 50 gigahertz. All. Right so we're gonna go to 50. Gigahertz. And now. Let's take a look at the noise floor 50 gigahertz all. Right here we are, 1.79. 1.8, millivolts. Okay, again truly amazing performance, now, you may be wondering what, about even lower bandwidth and higher sensitivities. Okay. Well let's take it down all. The way down to. 1. Gigahertz, and. Let's. Let's. Go down to. 5. Millivolts per division what. Do we see here. 79. Micro, volts of noise okay truly, amazing. Performance, so, what does all this really mean well, it means the uxr has the best signal integrity in the industry, and enables, you to see signals like they're actually being experienced. By your designs for, instance you, will now see, 40%. More open eyes and have the ability to use equalization, to open closed eyes that previously, couldn't be open before this. Additional, margin could be critical to, getting to market fast and first, ensuring. Compatibility. And even avoiding. Unnecessary redesigns. Because your oscilloscope noise, was obscuring, your actual, signal performance now we all know you don't get extra credit for using more bandwidth than you need that's, why the uxr offers models from 13, gigahertz all the way to 110. Gigahertz the, performance, and breadth of uxr series really opens up new dimensions, enable you to do what has never been done before. Hello. My name is Britt a si and I'm the director of strategic planning, for keysight's high-speed, digital solutions. I'm very proud to be part of keysight, to see such an innovative product come to market the ux r is the first scope to bring ten bits to market at greater than 8 gigahertz it brings an industry-leading, noise floor and junior. Measurement, florida market this is absolutely, critical debris, technology. Such as PCI Express and c6. To market today's, high-speed, digital, serial, buses are pushing the limits of speed and thus, reducing, critical, specifications. Such as eye height, and eye, with PCI, Express after you apply all the channel losses has, a nice specification. Of less than 20 millivolt, millivolts. That, specification, doesn't, build extra tolerances. For your design for things such as oscilloscope. Noise when, margins, are tight you, want to see what your signal truly is not, just your signal plus extra scope noise the uxr will, allow you to see your signal, closer to reality than any, real-time scope in the market today so now let's go back to the PCI, Express example, before the uxr I Heights would measure at best, 8, millivolts.

After, Taking the exact same measurement, on the uxr the eye height showed an incredible, 14, millivolts. This is absolutely, huge this, means greater than 40 percent higher, margins, than you've ever seen before, now, high-speed. Digital isn't, the only technology that will benefit, from the uxr in the communications. World everyone. Is talking about 5g, key bandwidth, for 5g are found at 28, and 39, gigahertz the uux are with it's a hundred and ten gigahertz of bandwidth allows, you to directly digitize, all 28, and 39, gigahertz it's, noise floor of a, hundred and sixty-four DBM, per Hertz and it's signal, to the noise and distortion ratio, of greater than 40 allows, you to see more of that 39, gigahertz, than you've ever seen before even better there is much discussion of 5g, moving above 39, gigahertz the uxr with its 110, gigahertz of bandwidth and really low noise to that full bandwidth, ensures. You are absolutely, future proof for any further bandwidth, extend of that 5g, Network the technologies, don't stop there, consider the 802, 11 a, Y specification. This is a wireless, LAN specification. And is designed to run at greater than 60 gigahertz with, multiple, and multiple out, technology, the, key test and measurement metric, for been, a Y signal, is EVM. Recently. The UX are measured, an incredible, EVM of less, than 1.5, percent. This. Has never ever been. Done before in addition, to an amazing EVM, the ux r features, four channels, of bandwidth and an extremely flat frequency response. Meaning. That the EVM, measurement is, consistent, across multiple, measurements, and is absolutely, ideal for my, mo the UX R is good for high-speed digital 5g. Wireless, LAN, but, there's even more the scope is ideal, for your coherent, measurements, as well one. Of the key specifications for, coherent, measurements, is enob, this is the effective, number of bits of a scope coherent. Will use bandwidths, of 70, to 110, gigahertz which. GU XR has it. Also has 4 channels to properly look at IQ the u XR has these four channel, bandwidths which are calibrated, to have an inner Channel jitter of less, than 35. Femtoseconds. Yes, I said, 35. Femtoseconds. Now, back to e knob previously. At 70, gigahertz the best ena measurement, was around for the, u XR absolutely. Crushes, this measurement, with an effective number of bit of, greater than what 5.5, nearly, one and a half effective, bits better than anything that had ever been measured before this makes it very easy to see true 64, qualm signals, and your, coherent, measurements, now we, haven't even began to talk about satellite, communications. Automotive. Rater high-energy. Physics, quantum computing, and many, other technologies, that the UX R is the perfect, instrument to, make never-before-seen. Measurements. On it is not just, a high-speed digital instrument. It is an RF scope it is an optical modulation. Analyzer and. It's, time for you to, do what has never been done, before. Hi. I'm Stephanie Rubalcaba I'm an RD application, development engineer, specifically. I developed, pam-4 solutions. Noise can affect measurements on pam-4 signals, with. Noise as low as 200 10 micro volts RMS we can make accurate eye measurements, and truly know that our designs meet and exceed, the specifications. The pam-4 signal setup. Enables, you to set measurement, definitions, that represent, your receiver sampling, time and how the receiver, slices, the data you, can set receiver, sample time based on center. Of the eye per. Eye level and you. Can also define, that center location, by maxima eye width and eye height let's, set up the eye measurements. Using the pam-4 wizard. Setup. Data rate, the. Clock recovery I will set it up for first-order, PLL. At. 4 megahertz, which is the I Triple E specification. For clock.

Recovery The, it will automatically set the memory depth it. Will automatically, calculate the thresholds, for each eye based on the measurement definition, set previously you. Can select several common, measurements, such as noise t. Ie I. Hide. My width measurements, and. Rise. Fall time for each transition. Now. That we have Pam for eyes we know that we have accurate results, the ux r also has two combines apps an I Triple E application. That covers the BS and CD specifications. And the, CEI application. That covers the 56, gig vs, r mr & lr specs now, that we've made some basic eye measurements, we can dive deeper, into the pulse response signal. To noise distortion, ratio and SNRIs eye again, the noise is a key component of these measurements, and we are able to make them with such low noise from the scope that, we can see the true results, I'm going to go ahead and jump to a report, that I've ran for earlier. This. Shows the pulse response the input, and pulse. Corrected, waveform as well as the error the. UX R is the perfect, tool for design, verification and, margin, analysis, to the specification. So. Today we've shown you the calibration, module and the incredible. Speeds the hundred and ten gigahertz oscilloscope. Can measure plus. Some live baseline, noise measurements. With models, ranging, from 13, gigahertz to 110. Gigahertz there's, obviously, a lot more that we could do with these oscilloscopes, that we didn't have time to show you today but, if you're interested, in more information you, can check out the uxr webpages at. In, more exciting, check out the signal path he's, reviewed, the uxr and posted that review on his youtube channel he, has an amazing, engineer he's turned down a lot of oscilloscopes, so, go check out what he has to say about the uxr in the, comments, we'd love to hear whether you'd be able to design with the uxr series oscilloscopes and thank, you so much for joining us today. A new, world that symbolizes, man's dreams, prophecies. Hopes, and aspirations. We, find inspiration. For new ideas. For renewed faith in the future. You.


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