Сommunity Stream with the Stobox Exchange Team

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by statistics there are more than 10 million users on the daffy side if you talk about the seo process you would have to work at and sync at least four different providers they can provide operational sac marketing and so on if you look at the market of synchronization today but not even seeing each other it's not about competition it's about [Music] cooperation [Music] hi guys hi everyone welcome to starbucks today yeah so my name is jean jeff i'm say of the company ceo starbucks we have ross chief operating officer here with us we have igor who is chief operating officer of starbucks exchange and max rubin uh cfo guy so again welcome everybody and as you know every week we go through uh starbucks developments our recent activities and today we're also to speak about what happened uh last week what are and what were the main focus for us and what we're doing at the moment and uh today we gonna focus on answering of your questions that a lot of people have have sent to us from our community so we'll be happy to provide more insightful answers on whatever your your questioning but uh you know let's let's move on so uh just i will give you a brief outlook of what happened last week also uh if you follow starbucks activities if you follow our development you can see that we're publishing our weekly reports again on a weekly basis so you can go to our blog and and have a look at this find out exactly what we're doing from the from the roadmap standpoint um so just to give you a brief uh brief outlook we're finishing uh redesign and refactoring of our dashboard product we have several companies waiting outstanding to perform security talking offering on our software on the dashboard and this week as well as last week we were focusing on finishing up the development of the ds dashboard so we're gonna have um we're gonna have a live session with our first client mariana mining uh which is gonna happen on this thursday i don't actually remember the exact time but you can find that out so we're going to speak about their sto and how stomachs helps to actually perform their security so that's from ds dashboard standpoint also are focusing on the second part of the dashboard which is a swap security swap and this is exact perfect signing when we start uh focus on that from the architectural standpoint and i know that some of you were asking what is aotsu means for starbucks i can you know i will explain that later on stay with us so our swap for the securities will be hopefully based on the lsu protocol so that's something regarding sto and the securities part the from their exchange standpoint uh where building api is still a complex process for us we're building and testing our api first of all to be able to connect to liquidity providers to make sure we have uh enough depth for uh the trading activity of our of our users so that's what we're focusing at the moment in terms of this topics exchange and i hope that within next two to four weeks again hot's month of august will be very hard from the development standpoint of the starbucks exchange so we're gonna we're gonna continue with the more aggressive marketing of our exchange starting from uh september so that's a brief outlook of what's happening on the development side also i would like to mention that we're working on the lp mining it's based on ethereum network on the unit swap v2 but we know that we're on actually we would like to have our liquidity pull much deeper than we have at the moment and we used to have a usdt liquidity pool it's no longer workable so we'd like to restore it and restoring it via provision not only for this taking opportunity for our community members but also for the pulley which basically is um a liquidity liquidity mining where you guys can help us by creating a liquidity by staking uh let's say your lps with our infrastructure but again that's something that we're still in the development mode and hopefully by the end of this week we will be ready to release it and to tell you more on that so that's uh the updates from my side ross thank you yeah great gin thank you hello guys uh i want to add and i want to mention that today's stream have a main focus on answering your questions uh so we will let you know and share with you some updates and new developments of our company and there will go straight to the questions prepared questions from from from the community and life questions from you and for the most three interested questions we will reward their participants of 500 sws so please ask your questions if you have something and i want to mention that we are currently also in the process of listing with two tier one exchanges as you know it takes some time and we're currently working on the on that so currently we are in the process and also uh today we announced it the that we have already distributed all rewards uh to the participants of the second bounty program on stopbox exchange so check check out your your account and see ceo rewards on on the stopbox exchange uh last week uh from the production perspective from the marketing uh we announced it there analytical article their educational article about the staking and you can check it on our blog and share your thoughts about it also we have published on our youtube their video from our co-founder boris pikalov about the security tokens and share compliant digital assets very actual questions from apac region and also we announced their educational article about tokenization of natural resources and use cases of that because as you know guys there are a lot of industries where sto works best and works better and nature resources it is one of them and this week also we will we will do once we finish the live stream we will publish the best questions we will make the post-production cut this video and published on on our main youtube channel and also we are planning to conduct as gene mentioned the live stream with our first stock client mariana mining it is my own company from georgia during the live stream we will present this project and it also a great investment opportunity for our communities because we are preparing all the sto process for this client and if you will like this project it could be a great opportunity for you as well so the live stream as jin mentioned will be conducted on thursday at 4 pm gmt time and also we are planning to release and and publish the updates about the referral program on the stopbox exchange because last week we have updated our environment yep gene and currently the referral program of the starbucks exchange is available so you have the possibility to check how many participants joined the starbucks exchange through your referral link yep great so also last week we announced that we successfully participated uh in the creation of their vision of virtual assets in cooperation with ministry of digital transformation of ukraine and we continue continue communicating and contributing to our key partners to educate the the market and to share our expertise to share this unique expertise with participants and with competent authorities as well as participating in roundtables with gdf and as i know boris picalap our third co-founder contributed to the july's monthly report of global digital finance association that will be released in a few days so stay tuned if you have some updates you you have five minutes to to share your thoughts and updates that you have thank you thank you thank you gene um you already tell about exchange everything i just could remind george unity i just could read my community that bounty participants you could already check your rewards on your stopbox account we already finished the referral program so also you could check this point and remind you guys that as jin mentioned before that we are now focusing on attack part of exchange so that's why we are not um promoting our exchange that part is more necessary most necessary now because you know for fiat integration we need api for listing on some uh listing sites like coin market cap calling the echo et cetera et cetera et cetera it's everything you need the api and tech documentation from our site so we are focusing on it now and this is what we are doing now um regarding our updates you already know about it in the last video we tell you about our roadmap what we plan what we will do so you could check it in our website and probably since it's all because you all guys um tell about everything what happened now yep eager eager means that currently we successfully launched our public beta of the stopbox exchange and you thank you for your contribution and we conducted a lot of improvements in our stopbox exchange to finalize our product from their better launch perspective and to to prepare all necessary nuances uh to make the powerful main lounge of their product and to find from the first days of their public official lounge their market fit and to provide their convenient solutions for our target audience so in this case yeah in this case all your suggestions and all your bug bounties actions and all of your thoughts were very efficient for us yeah and very helpful for us i just want to also remind you why it's so long as you think because it's not white liability we are building from ourselves from from scratch yes smells great so that's why we are focusing more uh more our activities to the tech part so be patient soon we will announce when will the main lounge and hope you will enjoy with us this is a great product i guess we could switch to the questions and maybe maybe max if you have something to add you could i also would like to summarize him yes perfect please yes max if you have something to say please do otherwise i'll summarize and we'll move on to the questions and answers please go ahead it's it's hard it's hard to uh to add anything after after all three of you have spoken maybe perfect so there's something that i would like to uh to point out so as as already said we're finishing on the dashboard 2.0 our own infrastructure our own security tokens stbx and the environment will be updated at the end of this week so it will be live in the beginning of next week fully workable on the production level which means that we are now focusing on our security token offering it's a very important we have to secure the funds and for our future growth we're securing one billion dollars at the evaluation of tsunam of our starbucks technologies inc that's that's the main company so we are now focusing on uh speaking to uh individuals to funds to angels to our community as uh one of our main goals is to perform the sto the way that we actually um seed and we have also already received a set of commitments from our partners from our investors and uh we hope that we will close this round very shortly it's also very important to say that once we close the round and it's a very unique situation is on the market that usually secondary trading is not unlocked before or you know meanwhile the company is at non-ipo stage or at least secondary training is somehow uh controlled by the brokers in our case in the case of sto secondary trading will be unlocked after we perform the sto and we have a lot of news and we have a lot of fundamentals as you may as you may know that and we have a lot of clients that are uh would go basically the same way as we do with an sto so we uh pretty much uh strongly believe that uh that the future of our security token is kind of uh it's bright and safe so uh again it's very important to mention that it's not a classical startup it's not a business where you invest and you have no liquidity option with starbucks with how we gonna implement the decentralized trading protocol and we use the dex and this is a stomach swab for trading and swapping security tokens of our company that will be unlocked within month or so after we complete our security token offering so if you have any questions on the product if you're a member of the fund if you're a startup if you're a potential investor if you are interested in sto write down to us uh starting from next week we will start uh spreading more information on how to use dashboard on how to use it from the business perspective from the investors perspective and why we believe that's the this that that's the future of the investments in comparison to the old legacy systems of let's say non-tradable uh shares and so on so please stay focused and that's one of our focus that's exactly what i want to uh share with you guys yeah thank you gene thank you so guys let's go straight to the second part of our session of our live stream it is the answering the questions from our community that that we have and the first question is hi does stopbox work on their use case of sw what will be the most interesting use case that will drive the value of not only the company but especially the value of sw gene max it will be great if you could answer um let me answer that initially when we when we were creating and we are thinking about the business model obviously we put sdbu as the commission commission token and whatever we perform any trades on our technology stbu is used as the utility token on that but we all understand that uh moving and actually promoting starbucks exchange which is a centralized exchange uh in our business uh reality it's only viable via new corporate clients that were on board as the security center can offer in compliance so they have a double model where uh where they have a utility token and security and security tokens so we we lazyday utility tokens on our exchange and uh you know it may be a long journey i understand that uh not many investors would like to weigh that much so what we're doing at the moment is very important that maybe that's i know already the question so maybe i'm kind of answering it already the second one but i think they're very connected um in terms of the most i think the most impact on stbu will be short-term short-term done by liquidity provision so that's the demand that would have on a cpu to get the reward but again that's the speculation part from the natural from the organic demand uh we are working on the l2 um lsu protocol and also part of the technology as we all know that ethereum network is uh switching to layer 2 protocols which dramatically decrease the commission level and dramatically increase the speed of transactions so what we're doing at the moment is that we're looking how uh staking and farming and basically these daffy technologies can be put on the el zoo model where it will be much faster and much quicker especially giving the fact that this technology has to be used for security tokens well so we kind of bring two worlds into one product we need to have that secondary protocol for our digital securities and we also work on the crypto side of that so and where sdbu would be the main fuel to create a pool regardless if it's a security token or utility token so we're talking about the pool creation on our infrastructure uh where the rewards would be uh paid in sw tokens so that's probably kind of similar uh similar ideology to whatever pancake did but pancake is on the binance uh we definitely don't go that way we look at the ethereum as the main infrastructure and we'll look at the level 2 or theory 1.2 as the main technical infrastructure and i think the demand for such products in the close future would be overwhelming and we believe that we will launch that technology uh you know anytime soon so that's something that also corresponds to the ds swap but again we tried to increase the functionality of the swap from digital securities to basically to any digital assets on your c20 standard so that that's a second and main uh driver of uh steve price and of course to be you demand and also we have a different other like our customers sometimes pay with us to be you for our services we definitely charge them per trading fee so you know there's even some merch can be sold in nsw tokens so we believe that sometime soon we will have a massive demand on that coming from lp from staking and then from uh daffy processes daffy activity on our own infrastructure yep jin thank you for a detailed answer the second one what partners does the team already have i know there are some unannounced deals and collaborations this answer i will answer by myself uh as you know guys building their fully digital assets ecosystem very hard to build uh alone that's why we are connected uh through and we are building our own network of our partnerships so one of them are for example associations we we are the active participant of two association one of them it is crypto valley it is the most recognized uh blockchain association in europe they are originally from switzerland and second one it is global digital finance and we are working with companies uh for example in gdf their members such as stopbox are the recognized company such as bitfinex such as cardano foundation chain analysis coinbase consensus dash arsene young ethereum classic huobi ledger and many others and working together in working groups and contributing to the reports we collaborate with this company uh it's open for us the potential synergies and potential use cases of sw of aesthetics of our products of stock box exchange of step box dashboard and etc and also we are the active participants of crypto valley as i mentioned and you can see that they have the members such as bit panda algo trader it is very recognized a liquidity provider the companies such as kpmg kraken ledger empty bellerin starbucks of course and collaborating with crypto valley we are doing together some uh marketing activities and i know that in this autumn we scheduled some conferences and some together live streams to educate their european uh market about digital securities and it is one part of our network it is association the second part it is digital authorities and regulators around the world so we are currently working with a ministry of digital transformation of ukraine because we are originally from ukraine and we advise uh to the ministry uh regarding the building the strategy of development of virtual assets because it is one of the key focuses of our government to provide the solution because as you know we have a very talented talented blockchain developers and for example the first asic miner was created in ukraine that's why we are the most active country in the world of blockchain and that's why we help our country uh to be uh attractive from the jurisdiction perspective and to attract uh some capital and to develop their ukrainian activities and also we worked with a multi-digital innovation authority and we also created a book that you can download on our website the book about how to make the sto in a proper way that we are created with mda with malta multiregulator also we have a big part and important part of our legal partners it is rlp lawyers it is una partners it is a very recognized lawyers from us such as super lawyer george and as you know one of the important part of the sto process it is legal site because we are running under uh act of securities and under the securities laws and that's why it is very important to be compliant with all legal regulations in different countries that's why we have more than 10 legal providers around the world to help stop box consult our clients regarding the best cases best scenarios of of their sto and also we have tech partners such as ideologic that help developing of our products and contributing to our products and for example they're creating currently all of our help us to create all of our def activities and the developing store box exchange and during this process we facing some dependency of recognized services that we are using and one of them it is their key management tools uh tatum that are currently on our exchange uh encoded in in our exchange and we are working with them as well also we are very active and i i would just say that we are the most active tokenization provider in in the world because we are producing a lot of professional content and we are contributing for example for medias such as btc news blockchain news security ceo the tokenist the technizer uh this recognized niche medias of digital assets and digital securities because we want to share our thoughts share our expertise with the market with the businesses to indicate what tokenization is and to spread the world with stockbox services and starbucks products so to sum up we are building the full ecosystem of digital assets and partners it is very it is a key element of this activities because we cannot do all at once alone that's why we have the partners uh in general from more than 30 countries that help uh provide the great solutions for our uh clients and for mariana mining as well to provide the best consulting services and from tech and from legal perspective as well okay guys yeah and i will combine the offline questions questions that we have from our community and online to stimulate to ask the questions uh currently during the live stream and one of the questions that we have now online it is what is your advantages over tokeny polymath or others i think these questions from the sto perspective let me answer that uh so first of all uh our focus and originally we started as the consulting company we never started as a tech company so we did tens of thousands of hours of research uh on how to do an sdm we have conducted a series of advisory ways for different clients even though we didn't have any technical or technological uh piece of software for that we started development after we found out what actually sto is and how to structure it uh as ross mentioned we have legal providers all over the world and we combine perfect knowledge and we actually do uh in our pipeline we focus all in one yeah max saying that we wrote a book or not uh it's a good i mean imagine you're a business it's difficult for you to work with uh at least four providers if you talk about the seo process you would have to work at and sync at least four different providers they can provide operational sac marketing and so on with starbucks you can have a one dedicated manager and then it's our own uh activity on how to perform best so we may structure you uh structure the offering and with the help of our a you know switch swiss advisors or with the help of a german advisor u.s adviser still we're going to manage whole process i'm not saying that we're better than someone i'm just saying that uh it's much easier for our customers to to follow that way that's the first second we have our own vision on that because many companies uh they either create a framework to create an seo or see sto as they tool for the public company so instead of being traded on officially recognized stock exchanges a public company can be traded on the blockchain we know that exists but that's not where we go our main activity and our main focus is to be able to bring tokenization to private companies to small companies uh where it's just impossible for them for being public for small and medium enterprise what they call the smes for companies that do not seek ippo and who would like to remain private for those companies they're having us and as an advisor as the technical provider as they support it because we're gonna support from a to z and obviously it's costs obviously it's a process uh it's a new process it's a new way of fundraising it's a new way of management of managing digital stocks but that's our focus so and just to add up if you look at the market of tokenization today but not even seeing each other okay it's not about competition it's about cooperation because uh whatever guys do from uh you know from our market from tokeny from from swarm from all the others so well i wish all good luck for them they're creating the industry it was never an existing industry it's still under underevaluated uh it's still an emerging industry so more uh traction and more activity that industry will perform better figures and more clients we will you know we will see within the market so i believe it's about uh it's not about competition and uh we definitely we definitely see ourselves as the as one of the providers global providers for tokenization of securities i'm completely agree with eugene that it is not a competition it is cooperation and i want to mention that a part of them are part of our network as well network of partnerships for example crypto 6 the company from the singapore that providing that organization services there the standard capital company from asia as well reynold from the us that providing the solutions for the real estate market so we have a lot of partners that help us as well and we are educating the market as uh through their media through their analytical content to educate businesses and it is great not only for starbucks but for of course for our competitors as well that's why we're collaborating to educate and to open uh the new possibilities for the companies because 99.9 of all of the companies in the world are private and we are focusing on the private companies so it is a huge trillion market and the main point it is the education awareness and knowledge about these solutions yeah i also would like i also would like to add that um you know in in any in any economics class of any maybe first or second year you will you will always know if if the industry or i don't know the part the part of the product that that is being developed is is at this like embryonic stage then the more um the more companies there are uh maybe you know come competing per se but you know the the the the the bigger the number of initial companies there is the better quality there is and the more buzz it creates in terms of the awareness in terms of the future adoption because if there will be only one company say from you know singapore or south or or south america they will just be you know developing mostly that market where they're you know mainly mainly reside but if we have if we have several several companies and we we all believe in will believe in in in the technician and of of private companies instead of them you know growing to the sizes of a 10 year old or a 15 year old company in order to enable themselves to go to nasdaq or whoever and pay like a lot of money for it then obviously this this ownership structure and the freedom and the freedom of of finance of of finance options and and and implementation just just for the for general people and for companies as well would be just much you know as as easy as sending in you know sending an email and i believe that that that would be so maybe you know in two in two or three years when people just realize that with the tools that we that we create and that other companies create it could be well uh it can be it can be well achieved because most of the people didn't even know like how like i personally didn't even know several years ago how to how to like you know whatever pain crypto right now see the title so that's the i will also add from cryptocite thank you mark that we already have a working product not prototype not mvp we're not raising money we are ico i or ido et cetera et cetera this is if you know what i mean this this is what we are doing now yeah plural my friend plural real deal one-stop shop with many products yes my last point to sum up what gene mentioned so what is our competitive advantage that we have all at once so we're providing the convenient solutions for the stock clients because currently through other tokenization providers you need to find your consulted consulting advisors you need to find the legal guys you need to find the tag guys you need to find their guys who will do the marketing for you and every time you need to explain your nuances of your project uh and to combine uh all in in one in one form uh and to educate what stor is and you pay for this education for the lawyers and uh to other participants and we did this mistake that's why currently we help companies to to not spend a lot of costs for the sto and to make it successful yeah one proper one-stop shop that's what it is and and oh after about all of this we have a secondary market trading product for for trading these securities this yeah you mentioned before solution like this in our competitors for example i heard that they have some plans to to to provide these services like we have but now it's also it's only a small talk yep yep guys thank you thank you for your uh commitments and let's move on for for for your year yeah let's let's move this we have the third questions uh prepared questions from the community during the last week so uh what is the unique selling point of the stock box exchange compared to other exchanges so i'm forwarding these questions to you igor no thank you very good questions as we know everyone knows the most important things for the action this is safety and regulations we are the most safe actions now because we are not as we mentioned before we we didn't buy some white labels we started building from ourselves and we tried to find all mistakes and everything from our site to to provide for you some security and second part this is regulations we will be fully regulated in uh bvi uh soon we will have a document uh from this part this is from two most important things about whole exchange and also what i could add this is is our features our features based on we we will not have some margin trading futures trading not some trailing stops or whatever it is not trading we are more for investments in our exchange you will invest in product like we will invest you will have that maybe 20 maybe 30 but only selected product projects which we will choose for you you will not be able to do some due diligence for them we will prepare this product we will lease this product for you and we they then you could invest in this product this is a i would like to add of course this please finish i will add please please okay uh by statistics there are more than 10 million users on the daffy side so from all the population of potential users of decentralized finance all the market is being grown on the amount of 10 million of people if you look at the barriers informational barriers to entry to those market and i guess most of that 10 million of people are somehow related to ic or close to it if you look at the non-iit market and we have conducted service the barrier to entry to that market is just insane you have to know what a mask is you have to make sure that you create the wallets save the wallets proceeds stake and stake i mean guys it's a very complex thing i mean there's a box written on daffy so so the barrier for a typical person that would like to invest let's say 1 000 on a monthly basis 12 000 a year into an alternative to what he does in a bank where he can go create an account okay that's a centralized account okay it's not a daffy i mean he has an option to study that all or he has an option to go to a simple exchange to a simple environment and invest and uh you know spread his risks and to invest into selected products select selected projects that actually create uh the crypto industry and we all i mean the people who are in the industry they we all know those names and i think the number of that assets uh you know are pretty much less than a hundred and uh we follow the market and that's exactly once you want to give once you give and non-sophisticated users uh that's why uh a fiat connection it's a very important so us because our users uh on this on the centralized exchange are not uh kids who play with finance for already three five years you know we're not trying to compete with pilots but what we're gonna do is that we're gonna be more customer friendly and we're gonna be more easier to play with and easier to invest and more safe from making a mistake because we're not pushing people to the margin trading we don't push people to the futures we just stick to a simple thing and it's a perfect market to be we say listen we have we will have like 50 digital assets on the balance and you can go and be safe investing and finding out it's a it's a crazy market just to learn it and and starbucks is the entrance to that market without you know having a desire to basically uh margin call you on on a second yeah it is it is it is honest approach because it is not comfortable for us currently to make for user swing highs and swing close with your margin calls because i believe 10 people 10 million of people were working on adafi and what's it's a more than 100 million uh wallets that's where active in the past 12 months i mean that's a huge market potential and i believe more and more companies will be present on the decentralized side those companies need and they seek investors they seek capital so we believe that traditional people should should look uh on the decentralized technologies via starbucks and invest there via starbucks in a much simpler way than reading daffy for dummies yeah thank you gene and regarding what you mentioned we we have a great question from the mike um what is the greater challenge for the investors on way to start investing in digital securities um that's that's a really good question i you know i think that's um [Music] first of all it's awareness on how things are being done and uh that's exactly what we're working at the moment uh we're building the support and the flows that you know make that flow kind of easier to digest for a person because a lot of people already aware again those 10 millions that i was speaking of uh on the side at least aware of how to buy and sell and swap from uh from a traditional sto people that don't even know that so we were and you know it's a hell of a job because we try to create a traditional flow which is uh which is based on the centralized flow which is based on the blockchain so i think the main challenge is the awareness and the readiness of people you know to play with and to to to accomplish that i think that we need more clients and exactly that's exactly that we're working on we will have and already we have what i think it's eight committed stos on the platform of uh of the dashboard so it's not our investors it's their investors who are gonna go and buy their stocks tokenized and we will provide first of all we will learn from the experience and we will contribute um you know gathering perfect knowledge so and uh we you know we did attachment with our vision with the clients rolling up we you know i think that we have to have you know to to to create that flow in a perfect understanding way for for for the for the investor and i think once the investor be more safe uh you know investing in those securities uh we will well he will see or she will see the uh dividends paying on how they're being paid so more traction goes uh i think more and more investors will look into securities on the blockchain i hope i answered your question yep gene thank you we have the second question from from yan you mentioned that you see asia as a k market are there any specific plans on how you want to approach this market like your marketing campaign business partners or exchange listings or your focuses ross will you answer that yep so from my perspective and what i see that asia it is very attractive and prospective region for the digital assets because they have a very high level of adoption of using the digital digital assets and currently we see their big evolution and development for example from from japan from china from malaysia from asia countries regarding the digital assets in general it is regarding the deaf activities their blockchain wallets created their activities on exchanges because they are historically very high adopted from their tech perspective and we at stopbox we see and we think that it is this market fits for us as well that's why what i mentioned in my first part of answering the questions we are building the network this small bridges to the to the asian countries and to asian markets through the local providers tokenization providers for example crypto providers we are listed on prohibit and we are opening for our communities the korean communities as well currently we're communicating with other exchanges from asia and from the around the world to opening the communities there also we tested we have already tested the asian market through our lucky bull initiative through our merch and you can see you can google that we are currently posting in the top asian media such as uh coin desk such as um we have the number of that that are published uh the news about the starbucks and yeah please i would just want to add that we plan to achieve a china market in asia of course we have their friends we have friends from gate iowa we provided a few times a few days ago a few a few weeks ago i'm a session with them we have friends from other exchange now we are focusing on our product and then we will provide a marketing in other areas we want to enter to the market with already conducted product and provide these products through their community because they didn't like to to only heard about we will plan to do something they want to see already existing product and already working product we plan to do this marketing activities we plan to do some uh collaborations of course as you could see we are now on probate exchange we are now on gate action soon will be other exchange this is just a question of time when we will start to promote our activities in in this area this is yes please team please i would like also to add one thing thank you igor thank you russ that we can't be uh we can't be everywhere at the same time so uh the the road map towards asia is not how we go there but is who are we going there with and uh therefore it would be i mean we'll understand that opening new markets for the real business it implies working with the local partners so uh we're definitely not going there by ourselves and we are definitely looking for the partners who who can we can we can go with again we have a series of products uh demanded products after we launch the deathly part on the l2 that will be a game changers more interesting in uh in regions like hong kong singapore and japan who are very attracted by the security stocking offering so there'll be more chemistry there and again we will be looking and we and we are looking on the long-term partnership with the local providers with the local funds with the local fintech companies or marketing companies or any players that can you know that can bring value and that can promote our partnership on the asian side so we definitely seek perfect knowledge we seek perfect partnership in that region and we definitely will be looking at that region via the partnerships yep so answer this question thank you thank you guys and moving forward so so i think it should be a last question guys yep let's do i highly believe in stopbox and team behind it what do we have in pipeline to reach bigger audience worldwide i would call it mission stopbox moon uh if that's a question to me uh man we have we have a lot of activities i mean we are saving the budget on the marketing side i know that there is uh and you know i'm very responsible on that uh being the chairman and ceo of the company i really believe that marketing can be a game changer but uh you have to build a product first and we know that for the crypto market being two years on on the market is already it's already a long time uh on first of august we've celebrated our three-year anniversary why because we try to be rational we try to build products and to touch them with the local exposure with the minimum exposure we are building the team without spending fortune on the marketing side once we gain more traction on the stl once we finish our activity on the stopbox exchange and move it from the berta version to the real live version i mean it's a life as well but from from the beta to the full product version then we have all the tools available to actually capture the demand and then our marketing activity our marketing dollar would have the maximum roi uh because the person who would see our advertising who would see our products uh you know could easily go there use them and enjoy and stay with us so as of now we're still on the pipeline towards that you know towards that from a security standpoint from the from the daffy standpoint from the starbucks exchange standpoint but that's that's the perfect sign so you know we're moving on we're building the team our we have two token system our shares uh are being offered to the market our utility token is being traded and will be utilized in all of our products and we have a great community thanks to you guys we're building it up and definitely we will scale it when the demand will be perfectly captured by our products and not anytime sooner yep thank you jean for your answer i think we run out of the time uh my feedback that it was a great format communicating with our community and answering all your questions that's why please visit our next live session next monday and ask comment on this please comment on this tell us tell us what you think share your thoughts uh share your advices uh very important i mean we're all in the same boat we all bring you know deliver technologies if you think that you can be helpful to stomachs you know as a as the as the member of the team as the potential advisor as the partner as whatever you feel uh share your thoughts with us you know we we're working uh our talk uh you know we make mistakes uh we create products that's a journey that we are on so you know we're very frank with you and stay with us and share whatever you feel share with us guys yeah thank you guys thank you thank you for your questions stay tuned very much bye bye bye bye


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