Cases with Disturbing Video Evidence

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Do you find yourself scrolling through YouTube  late at night looking for some new unsettling   content to enjoy? well look no further than  HauntTV a channel that's all about the Paranormal   HauntTV's investigators explore and  document some of the world's most   haunted locations from abandoned asylums to  Cursed homes using Advanced Equipment and   techniques they capture evidence of ghostly  activities and bring you along for the ride   by subscribing to their channels you'll get  access to exclusive full-length paranormal   shows like Paranormal Survivor bogeymen  and haunting Australia as well as live   streams of Investigations that are bound  to fuel your nightmares but the hunt begin and brings the darkness into  light I can hear something hello help he wants revenge brace  yourself for ultimate Terror watch more on Heart TV YouTube don't miss out on  this opportunity to immerse yourself in the world   of the Paranormal check out horntv on YouTube  today via the link in my description and start   watching hundreds of chilling paranormal shows  for free thanks 1tb for sponsoring today's video they say that he'll have no fury like a woman  scorned and this first case is a testament to that   with evidence caught on a ring doorbell camera  this is the story of Austin's fatal love triangle 25 year old athlete and Dartmouth  graduate Anna Moriah Wilson,   or Mo as she preferred to be called, was a former  downhill skier turned world class Pro gravel racer   she took up professional cycling in 2019 and by  2021 was already dominating pretty much every race   she took part in no surprise given that she came  from a family of athletes vivacious successful   and yet still humble most spent her free time  cooking writing and traveling she particularly   loved Italy taco Tuesdays Maple creamies  and playing Settlers of Catan with friends   in October of 2021 Moe and her first big race in  brentonville Arkansas the 103.8 mile big sugar   it was while celebrating that evening  she met an admirer, Caitlin Cash,   a fellow female Rider who had been following most  career with interest the pair quickly became good   friends and within a few weeks Mo was frequently  crashing at Cash's house on Maple Avenue Austin   the pair spent most evenings discussing  upcoming races over home-cooked meals   it was during that time that moose Korea  really began to take off with her winning   almost every single big race that she took part in  grapplehugger Rock cobbler Sea Otter the Belgian   waffle ride Mo was quickly making a name for  herself in the world of professional cycling   a rising star in the prime of her life a  real force to be reckoned with on the track   The Bookies favorite in near most  every race she participated in   but it was while her candle was burning brightest  that it would sadly be extinguished that order   at a race in the Rocky Mountains surrounding  Ketchum Mo met fellow pro cyclist Colin Strickland   the American gravel racer Community is said to be  small and closely knit with members often lending   each other a helping hand and looking out for  one another in the sea of friendly bases Colin   stood out to Mo as one of the nicest and most  Charming he helped Mo get several sponsorship   deals and described her as the best female  cyclist in the country and possibly the world   the pair had a brief romantic relationship  that lasted until the end of the season   text messages shared between the two later  showed that by January the couple were on a break   they did however remain good  friends and often met to go riding   now it's not unusual for young relationships  to fizzle out for one reason or another   but in most cases the consequences  of those relationships aren't fatal   in May 2022 Mo was back in Austin and once  again staying at Cash's place on Maple Avenue   preparing for gravel Locos a big race in  nearby haiko on the warm spring evening of   May 11th Mo went out for a swim with Colin  with whom she was still in regular contact   after a dip in nearby Deep Eddy pool the pair  had dinner together at a local burger joint   Colin dropped Mo back at the house at 8 24 PM by  which point cash had already gone out for dinner   with a group of friends when cash returned at 10  pm that night she found the front door unlocked   after entering was greeted with silence  and that was odd an app on her phone had   alerted her but her front door  had unlocked at around 8 30 pm   with borrowed brow cash pushed open the  door to the bathroom and turned on the light   sprawled out on the floor in front  of her was her best friend MO Wilson   covered in blood and completely unresponsive  as her autopsy would later reveal she'd been   shot twice in the head and then once again in  the chest after she had collapsed onto her back   the rounds used to end her life had been  nine millimeter Jags which break apart on   impact causing devastating damage only  one thing was missing from the house   Mo's bike it was found tossed in a bamboo  Grove just 68 feet from The house's entrance   since there weren't any signs of a forced  entry the authorities immediately paid a visit   to the prime suspect Colin Strickland  the person who had last seen Mo alive   he denied ever entering Cash's home after  dropping them off that night after investigators   reviewed footage from Cash's ring surveillance  camera it was clear he was telling the truth   that footage showed Colin dropping Mo  off and then leaving on his motorcycle   but that same footage went on to reveal something  else just two minutes after Colin departed from   the scene a black Jeep Grand Cherokee with a  bike rack on the back drove past Cash's house the vehicle was quickly identified it belonged  to a 34 year old woman named Kaitlin Armstrong a   cyclist a yoga teacher a licensed realtor and also  the longtime living girlfriend of Colin Strickland   he and Kaitlin have been together since 2019.  they built our business together shared an   apartment the whole shebang and they were quite  different people but they supported each other   however in late October of 2021 around  the time when he met Mo Colin ended his   relationship with Kaitlin saying  that she deserves someone better   just a few short days later he began dating  Mo not the classiest of moves but he had at   least officially ended things with Kaitlin  instead of sneaking around behind her back   when news of Colin's new romance reached  Caitlyn though she contacted Mo directly   and told her to back off in fact she called  her so many times that Mo blocked her number   time passed Kaitlin stood in her jealousy and  Colin and mo decided to remain just friends   by January of 2022 Colin and Kaitlin had rekindled  their relationship things were as they once were   except they weren't behind Kaitlin's back and  against her wishes Colin continued seeing MO   it's yet to be confirmed whether the two of  them were still involved romantically or if   they were just meeting up platonically but  whatever the case Colin obviously knew he   was doing something he shouldn't be he had saved  most number under a different name in his phone   and strategically deleted text messages so Kaitlin  would never know that they were still in contact   after all what she didn't know wouldn't  hurt her right trouble was Kaitlin found out   according to the authorities she learned  that Colin was going for a swim with him on   May 11th after looking through his laptop which  he had accidentally left open on his countertop   mode sent Colin a message that morning saying  hey so I'd like to talk to you at some point   I'd originally texted you on Friday but it  appears my texts aren't going through again   this weekend was strange for me and  I just want to know what's going on   if you just want to be friends which seems to  be the case then that's cool but I'd like to   talk about it because honestly my mind's been  going in circles and I don't know what to think   Colin then set up a rendezvous for later that  day the pair of them swam and eight burgers   completely unaware that a scorned Kaitlin was  following them watching them from a distance   she trailed them back to cash his home after Colin  was gone wasted no time in exacting her revenge   we don't know yet how Kaitlin  gained access to the building   either Moe had left the front door unlocked  or she had let Kaitlin in to talk things over   or she had assumed that it was Colin ringing  the doorbell we also don't know if any words   were exchanged between the two women or if Mo was  caught completely off guard by her killer all we   can say with certainty is then in a bit of jealous  rage Kaitlin fired three shots into her love rival   rather than blame her potentially cheating  partner she chose to blame The Other Woman   and instead of walking away she chose vengeance  their in-camera footage was damning enough   but on top of that a friend of Kaitlin's  also called an attempt to the authorities   apparently days before the killing took place  Kaitlin had confessed to this friend that Colin's   fling with Mo had angered her greatly This friend  advised Kaitlin to Simply dump Colin and move on   Kaitlin explained that she and Colin were now  in a much better place but that if Mo ever got   between them again she would kill her Kaitlin  also admitted that she had obtained a Sig Sauer   p365 and that she'd been going to the firing  range with her sister to learn how to use it   this friend didn't take Kaitlin's words too  seriously but once news of most Slaughter   became public she immediately  knew who had pulled the trigger   officers picked Kaitlin up the day after most  slaying on an unrelated warrant out for her   she had apparently gotten botox surgery  several months prior and ran off without paying   during her initial interrogation  detectives noted that Kaitlin was,   quote: "very still and didn't move at all" she  remained silent when shown this video of her   vehicle passing the crime scene minutes before  most life was taken she refused to opine on   my spent shell casing from her nine millimeter  matched perfectly with the shells at the scene   when questioned about the secret relationship  between Colin and mo she apparently turned to her   head and rolled her eyes in an angry manner she  mostly referred to Mo as that girl Not only was   Kaitlin giving off all the telltale signs of guilt  but there was a Monumental amount of evidence   against her it was clear to the investigators  that they were talking with moose killer   however during that same interview session it  came to light that the arrest warrant wasn't valid   somebody had filled in the wrong date of birth  because of that they had to let Kaitlin walk free   the following day she sold her black Jeep  Grand Cherokee before the authorities   could re-arrest her she went on the Run  disappearing from their radar entirely   for the next month and a half detectives worked  tirelessly to track Kaitlin Armstrong down and   bring her to Justice but there was no trace of her  anywhere eventually it came to light that their   missing fugitive hadn't only fled the state but  had fled the country surveillance images captured   at Newark International Airport on May 18th showed  Kaitlin boarding a flight banned for San Jose   Costa Rica it's believed that she made use of her  sister's identity and passport to escape the US   thanks to a combined effort with the Costa  Rican authorities U.S investigators were   able to pinpoint Caitlyn's exact location  she was finally apprehended on June 29 2022   having spent 43 days on the Run as it turned  out Caitlyn had managed to make her way down   to Santa Teresa Beach a historical Hideaway  for people who wanted to Disappear Completely   there she had reportedly undergone plastic  surgery and drastically altered her appearance   she had then spent the better part of a month  bouncing between hostels checking in using a   variety of different aliases yet despite her best  efforts she had been unable to outrun her pursuers   with dyed hair a bandaged nose and discolored eyes  she tried to convince her arresting officers that   she wasn't this Kaitlin Armstrong they were  looking for but realizing that The Jig was up   soon gave up the act and was extradited back to  Texas as it currently stands Kaitlin Armstrong   has pled not guilty to most homicide and is being  held on a 3.5 million bond in Travis County Jail   she claims that she bled the US and changed her  appearance not because she was guilty but because   she was trying to hide from her murderous ex  Colin Strickland the person actually responsible   for most demise there's no evidence that that  was the case Kaitlin's trial is set to begin   on October 30th this year No Doubt new details  related to the incident will come to light then   as for Colin Strickland he's remained mostly  silent about this whole thing though that   hasn't stopped thousands of people online from  voicing their opinions about him many have taken   to his social media accounts saying that he's  indirectly responsible for what happened to Mo   let his lies were the spark that licked Kaitlin's  views and that he is equally as guilty as her   others have come to his defence stating that  even though Colin was cheating on Kaitlin he   wasn't in any way responsible for her actions  the fact of the matter is that although being   unfaithful isn't moral it isn't against the law  either so while Kaitlin faces the consequences for   her actions in a court of law Colin will have  to do the same in the court of public opinion   Mariah Wilson's life was short but by  all accounts she lived it to the fullest   and her Legacy continues to inspire others  to take up cycling and lead a healthier life 26 year old military officer an all-around nice  guy Matt Flores was a young ambitious man with a   bright future ahead of him Matt enjoyed his time  serving in the US Army very much the camaraderie   the adrenaline the sense of adventure and he  had made quite the name for himself during   Operation Desert Storm but then 1994 came and met  circumstances changed his wife Denise had just   given birth to their daughter Danielle for obvious  reasons Matt was eager to find a less hazardous   job and spend more time with his loved ones after  serving four years with the U.S army Matt was  

honorably discharged I just couldn't believe the  amount of people here in the amount of support   just one month later he landed his dream job at  Applied Materials Incorporated a computer company   based in Silicon Valley the early 90s was a time  of huge technological advancement the internet   was beginning to be adopted by the masses  and as a result computers were becoming both   more sophisticated and accessible and Matt was  going to be a part of that exciting Leap Forward   with a spring in his step he relocated  to California with his wife and daughter   this was Matt's Big opportunity his chance  to work a normal 9-5 job and provide for his   family far away from Harm's reach at least that  was the plan each morning madurai for training   at building 12 of Applied Materials located  at 3225 Oakmead Village Drive Santa Clara   his company planned on transferring him to Dallas  but first Matt needed to complete several months   of training to help him commute his new company  had rented him a vehicle a white Chevy Corsica   on March 24 1994 now precisely 8:12 am Matt  arrived for his ninth day of training at   Applied Materials he parked his corsaker in an  unassigned space like he always did at 8:14 am   the sound of a loud pop rang out through the car  park the noise startled one of Matt's co-workers   a woman who was sitting in the car parked  in front of his listening to a radio program   she immediately turned around and saw a  smartly Dressed Man slumped to the ground   she cautiously exited her  vehicle and approached the man   he was frozen in the kneeling position his head  and shoulders slumped against his white car   a fountain of red liquid was pouring from the  back of his skull after a moment of confusion   the reality of the situation dawned on the  woman and she let out a bone-chilling scream   approximately 20 people were in the car park at  the time and they all gathered to see what the   commotion was about help Scream the woman this  man's been shot a senior employee named Gary   Robertson picked up the lifeless victims wallet  and removed his driver's license Gary instantly   recognized the name and face on the ID it was  the man he had recently hired Flores the young   father who had relocated for a safer family  life moments After exiting his vehicle someone   had fired a shot into the back of his head at  point-blank range ending his life instantly   for some inexplicable reason though it took the  onlookers 11 minutes to call for an ambulance   they were all subsequently interviewed and  despite the incident occurring in broad   daylight none of them had gotten a look at  the Killer in all likelihood neither had met   from the very beginning detectives had very few  leads to work with by all accounts Matt was a   well-liked down-to-earth family  man with no enemies to speak of   as far as anyone knew he didn't have a secret  past nor a secret mistress and he was always   fair and respectful to others his slaying  seemed completely senseless and unprovoked   since none of the employees saw the Pub's  face or heard their voice detectives turned   their attention to the parking lot's most credible  Witnesses the security cameras this surveillance   footage has never been released to the public  but according to the authorities this is what   it showed 20 minutes before Matt arrived for work  that morning a two-door sports model Ford Explorer   was caught on camera entering the parking lot  seconds later a whiteboard probe also entered   the Explorer appeared to follow the probe for a  short time tailing it as if playing cat a mouse   after about a minute or so the Ford Probe  parked up and the Explorer left the lot   at 8 11 am just one minute before mad  arrived for work the Explorer reappeared   the footage was too grainy to see the face of the  driver or get a clear reading of the license plate   but regardless the detectives watching  the footage were filled with hope   Matt slaying had no doubt been caught on camera  and in a few short moments they'd see the face   of the man or woman responsible as the timestamp  on the video Hit 8 12 am Matt's rented Corsica   entered the lot and the Explorer which had  seemingly been lying in weight tailed him   the tape showed Matt driving to another  section of the car park pursued closely   by his soon-to-be killer he turned a corner  applied the brakes and parked in a blind spot   in a cruel twist of fate Matt had stopped his  vehicle just outside the camera's field of view   and as a result the event and the  perpetrator weren't caught on tape   just 20 seconds after Matt was slain  though that same Ford Explorer was seen   leaving the parking lot to this day neither the  vehicle nor its driver have been Tracked Down   since the footage was in black and white the  exact colour of the Explorer remains unknown   all the authorities could deduce with  certainty was that it wasn't black   white dark blue or dark green and that the car  had been manufactured between 1991 and 1994.   it also had a distinct black  trim along its lower panel   based on their surveillance footage the  investigators believe that the individual behind   the wheel of this car was actively searching for  Matt that morning it's suspected that the driver   mistook the Ford Probe for Matt's vehicle hence  why they tailed it shortly before the incident   some have speculated whether Matt slang was  the result of road rage and whether he'd   simply ticked off the wrong guy at the wrong time  personally though I don't see how that could be   the case given that the Ford Explorer arrived  at the scene 20 whole minutes before Matt did   others have suggested that Matt slaying had  something to do with his time in the military   11 months prior to this incident a fellow soldier  who served under mat 1. Sergeant Nicholas Gage   mysteriously went AWOL disappearing from his  backs and leaving behind his wallet and keys   10 months later and just two weeks before Matt's  life was taken Sergeant gaines's body was found   in the woods about a mile from the barracks he  had vanished from his Cod has never been fully   explained curiously Matt's military records also  disappeared around the time of his untimely end   the Army's National Personnel record  Center couldn't locate his service   file when asked to do so stating they had  either been removed misplaced or destroyed   others still believe that Matt was taken  out by his employers a few months before   Matt's life was taken another employee had Applied  Materials hansokyeon also met with a grisly fate   stabbed in a motel room in Sunnyvale just  one mile from the company's headquarters   a 21 year old nanny in New York  later admitted to killing the man   however some have speculated whether hansokun  slaying was actually a hit away for the company   to silence an outspoken employee who might  have revealed some of their top secret research   which brings us to Matt he'd been dispatched  off with a single shot to the Head   some investigators and indeed matzo mother  believed that this was the work of a professional   could that explain why all 20 employees in  the parking lot failed to note any details   about either the perp or his vehicle and  why it took them 11 minutes to summon help   with that said the organization map worked  for in Applied Materials seemed to be a   run-of-the-mill tech company in Silicon Valley  and involved in the manufacture of semiconductors   not exactly the type of business where somebody  would need silencing and besides Matt was still   in training at the time his life was taken  so even if his facility was involved in some   top secret Tech production he wouldn't have  had much knowledge about it according to the   lead detective working the case a slaying had in  all likelihood being a case of mistaken identity   with this killer holding a grudge against  someone who drove a white Chevy Corsica   the car was a rental and perhaps one that Applied  Materials had used before could the previous   driver have been the intended target could  the killer of mistaken match Chevy for another   or could there be some missing piece of the  puzzle that the authorities haven't uncovered yet   well since no new information has been released  to the public all we can really do is speculate   today nearly three decades since his life was  cruelly snuffed out the identity of Matt Slayer   remains unknown a $100,000 reward is offered to  anyone with information that would lead to his   or her capture whoever did this to him I want them  to know what they've taken said Matt's wife Denise   one minute life was great we had everything  and the next minute it was shattered   I don't think Danielle even remembers  him anymore she was too little   I plan on showing her all the videos we have  so that she knows what kind of a daddy she had   but she'll never know what it feels like for  her daddy to hug her I lost everything that day Matt Flores seemed like a genuinely nice  guy with his whole future ahead of him   one which he should have been able to enjoy  with his family and yet that was taken away   from him perhaps because he was in the wrong  place at the wrong time in the wrong car   if that's true then it goes to show that any  one of us could through no fault of our own   cross paths with the wrong person and meet with a  terrible fate on any given day at any given time   so stay safe out there and  keep your wits about you a big thank you to my supporters here on YouTube  and over on patreon especially my biggest   supporters Ellen doloff Hamish K itai Allen nephis  1988 Lydia Kumo Alex grinsall Asia Mina Azrael   warakai bradhammer 33 Chief kochuake column munsma  conol ofan dudesi Gina Valera Ian billock Infamous   sempapi Leonardo Martinez Monica Mendoza Mrs Avon  Rankin Peter log Church Taylor and Monica grewing   Dustin and Tiffany Vanderpool GR the gaming  person the only Dorita TNS mum and verily verdant   thank you guys so much for your continued  support until next time the devil's in the detail


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