Manufacturing the Future Panel ChileMass Innovation Day Panel

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So. My name is Brittany, McDonough I'm a member of the chili mass board and, I've been involved with, chili maskel it was still the chili mess Alliance so back, in the day someone, already mentioned it in, 2012, when. Everything was signed and there was all the events the State House I was serving in governor, Patrick's administration, and it was really, encouraging. To see all the work that happened I think I'm. Going to say it as a no, longer member of the administration that this is the most effective MOU. That the Commonwealth has so. I also serve as the director of global partnerships, for mass challenge and work with really, great startups. From all over the world and helping them thrive and grow and work in an. Ecosystem like Boston but also globally. In Mexico, Israel, Chile, all over so, I would like to actually and at this one will invite the panelists up so. Just, so we're all aware the functionality. Of this program. For the rest of the evening I know we're almost done through, the last one but, each of the panelists, will be giving a brief presentation. On their organizations, themselves and their engagement and then we'll have brief, timing for questions and then we'll be ending at. That so, I would. Actually like we'll just jump right into it Luke if I could have you so, you couldn't feel free to present from there or up here wherever you're most comfortable to. Do. So click okay. Don't. Click. Don't take this away please. Thank. You. So. What advanced is it for. Actually. It says. That's. Robotics, first. Do. You want to go yeah sure. Okay. Is. This on. Hello. Everyone. Let. Me start with a story story. Starts back in. 2003. In Egypt. And this, is where I was born Gray's dedicated. I. Studied mechanical engineering but, I always had passion for business and technology and innovation and it didn't know exactly. How this would lead me and. Then I working, for technology, companies in, fact, they used work for Siemens and Nokia for eight years and. After. A while kind. Of hated, it and I want to do something different, so I quit my job I. Came. To MIT I. Did, a program called system, design and management which was, a joint program between Sloan, School of Management and. The School of Engineering and, I. Basically, focused all my work around small, companies, and how, they grow and how they scale over time and what's the impact of the, ecosystem. On those companies, and. I did this from. Kind, of modeling. Perspective. From a complex system perspective, so, it was a lot of fun I was kind of quite. Different. From the rest of the normal. Students, in my cohort but, anyway I started. My first company while, at school didn't. Have much success but, we ended up license, technology to the City of Boston and then, I got very much involved into robotics, and. In. This. Time. I basically, got exposed to lots of robotics, technology, from, machine. Vision manipulation. Autonomous, navigation all, these cutting-edge, to excuse. Me all. These cutting-edge technologies, and. One. Thing I realized that, wow. This is amazing the u.s. the. Government of the US invest, every, billions, of dollars in developing. These cutting-edge technologies. But. The the challenge is not, all of these technologies, or even, I mean the majority of the see the, the next stage after prototyping. So most of these technologies, they basically stop at the stage of prototyping. And then, I thought that this is a unique problem for my company, and I started working on that for some time and then very. Quickly I realized that this is not a unique problem to, the company I was working in this is actually a common, problem across many tech. And robotics, companies in, the US and this. Was kind of the aha moment, being, involved in robotics seeing this commercialization.

Problem, And linking. To the work I did at MIT and my corporate experience and I, said there is something to be done there and, I. Join forces with other, folks, who are much smarter than me from Draper labs and, math, TLC, and basically we co-founded an organization which. Is called mass robotics, and, this. Was back in 2014, fast, forward now mass. Robotics, is the. Largest commercial commercialization. Hub for robotics technologies, in the u.s., so. I'm. Very proud of what, we achieved as a team, but. I think a key, success, for what. We were working. On is. This. Articulation. Of, how. This organization is different than the other amazing. Incubators. Accelerators startup. Competitions, out there and as, you can see in this graphics. Which. Is kind of simplifying, the very complex, very tricky. Entrepreneurship. Or startup, creation, process. Going. From an idea to a prototype, to a finished product. There. Are lots of players there and, when. You think of software, the, incubation, acceleration. Program, model. Have been very effective because. Once you have a prototype you're good to go you can put it online let the people use it and if. If. There is any problem you can always send updates and upgrades and, you can fix the product, but you cannot do the same in hardware you cannot do the same in robotics, if you if you, ship a prototype, of a robotic. Product, and someone. Gets hurt or there is a problem there is lots of course there is lots of risk associated. So. The, incubation, acceleration. Model actually is not very complete. Although. It's very helpful for robotics, companies so there, was a need for another kind, of organization. That basically helped. Companies especially, robotics, companies or hardware companies, basically. Move from prototyping. Close to production so, we. Couldn't we. Couldn't find any bright words for that and we had to invent a new term for that so, basically we. Call the startup escalators. And. This. Was the kind, of articulation, we had for mass robotics. The the, core. Part of the the escalation, process is not only, having a physical infrastructure, of office. And lab space but, also the corporate strategic infrastructure.

So We went out and we spoke with many, of the, corporates. And foundations. Organizations. Out there and basically, got, them to buy into the need to buy into the. Fact that there are lots of companies who need their help and support beyond, the prototyping, stage and right. Now we, have 35. Corporate, partners actually today we announced, two new partnerships. With. Honda. Innovation. And Husqvarna. So. We. Have a growing, base of corporate, partners that not, only provide, the financial, support for mass robotics, but they are very active very, engaged, with the startups, help, them build, and. Grow their products. We. Have been attracting, different. Robotics technologies, in different, segments, and different verticals, and right. Now we are working at full capacity we. Have close to 35. Resident. Startups, in, fact. The. Startup that can't mention in his, presentation, that do the robotic furniture is one of our residents, Ori. Very. Proud of what they have achieved the arm production, stage now they are actually shipping units, and. They have been growing their team and over, the last couple, of years we graduated. Three companies and actually last month we graduated, the fourth. Resident. And. What do you mean by graduation, those are basically companies that come to mass robotics, with two three founders have, an idea about the concept proof of concept or a prototype, they, build it in mass robotics, they scale the team up to 15 to any people they, manage to close on the second. Round of financing and basically. They outgrow, the space so. The, pricing, model of the space is designed in a way that it's self-regulating. So basically. Once you grow the team to a certain stage it's better for you to go out get your own office so. We're very proud of those companies, American. Robotics, is a drone. Company in the agriculture space where robot doing, autonomous, on the road robot for oil, tanks inspection, real-time. Robotics, doing. A, special, processor, special circuit. Board that optimized. For collaborative robots, so. Now. We are expanding. The. Governor of Massachusetts, invested, 2.5, million last year in the. Expansion, of mass robotics, so, we. Will be growing to a. New, space basically, a whole floor 25,000. Square feet that. Would allow us to help and support, more companies, I, want, also to mention that back in 2016. I got, invited by Chile mass, yulie, and the, MIT reap to, go to to. Chile and it, was an amazing trip it was my first time in in Chile and I. Had a chance to visit, lots of organizations, lots of companies, I met with corfu Codelco, and actually, went to one. Of the largest underground, mines, El, Teniente which. Was a, mind-blowing. Experience seeing, a whole city, underground. And I. Came, back from this trip believing. That there, is tons of opportunities, for robotics. And mining because, basically they fit the three DS of, Robotics. Which is dirty, doll, and danger, so, I, think there's. Tons of opportunities, it's a question of. Figuring. Out the, right model, the right engagement. Approaches. And. Basically. I'm looking forward for more discussion, today with with, all of you thank, you. Perfect. Excellent and I think next we'll have Luca, Phuket have you join us thank, you. Okay. See. It's. Great to be here this afternoon to. Talk about two things I really care about that's, 3d, printing and Chile it's actually been quite. A while since I've heard words like got giant Bowl I still. Say I still, save luck on a lot with my kid so, that's I'm. Never gonna lose that one so. I represent. A company called. Form labs so we're actually based in Somerville and we're, the global, leader in professional. 3d. Printing about 500 people globally and, we. Designed, to manufacture, a variety of different. 3d. Printers anywhere from desktop, to to, some larger versions. So. At the at the highest level what form, labs does is we. Are expanding, access to, digital fabrication in, general so. That anyone. Can make anything right. Now. We're most, focused on 3d printing so I have to ask the quick, question is what is 3d printing the way I like to put it is 3d, printing is 2d, printing a lot so, you you. You basically take a bunch of 2d layers you stack them up like sheets of paper and eventually you have a have a three-dimensional object. Turns, out there's a ton of different ways that you can do that so there's this chart up here not, going to go through the entire chart, but, you can see like some of the core technologies at the top branches. Out into some, sub technologies, and that branches out into hundreds. And hundreds of companies doing. These different kinds of things form. Labs plays in two, main areas so that photo polymerization, and powder, bed fusion so we have a variety of stereo lithography 3d, printers as, well as as selective. Laser sintering printers. But.

A Quick, question for you since there's so many different kinds of technologies. There's like what's the most advanced 3d printer in the world. And. Unfortunately. I actually can't say it's it's one of our printers but, it's it's fortunately, I get to give a shout out to my wife the. Most advanced 3d printer in the world she. Luckily, she 3d printed my beautiful son and I, also get to, I get to give a big shout-out to my mom as well for being a prolific 3d printer printing five boys. Other. Other than being 3d printed myself I didn't really realize, it was gonna be such a big part of my life I came. From New Mexico I came to Boston to study chemistry and physics was going to go off into the sciences and then, I, won this fellowship that took me off to to Chile and this is why it's it's very close to my actually. Spent, about five years in Santiago. I started, out living in in, an orphanage called organic Spade Anza just doing helping out in any way I could this was in La Florida in Santiago. Loved. The work loved, the direct impact they could have on the kids lives, things. Like that so I ended up starting a nonprofit that works with a network. Of community, centers orphanages. Shelters, things, like that. What. I started to grow a little bit frustrated, with though was how hard it is to scale a non-profit of this sort where our. Day to day programs, aren't necessarily tied to revenue, so I had the second job called fund raising and. I decided to come back to the United States to answer a question. The, big question is how, do you scale impact, like these guys now. You may not think about Apple, or Google or, Tesla immediately, in terms of social impact and things like that but. There's billions, of smart phones across, the world in people's pockets and you can pull that smart phone out of your pocket you can access the world's information it has changed the way we do everything then. You have a car, company that's actually changing, the way we, interact with our with our energy system, and so, that. Over. The past couple years him. Duke came to an answer of this and that's what. You need to do is build a business that democratizes. Technology, so first of all you need to make it affordable. Second. You need to make it powerful so that it's actually useful, and third, you need to make it easy and you see this acceleration, curve with with. Computing where you start with mainframes, and you accelerate it up into different kinds of technologies, that touch, literally, everyone, on the planet, and. That, brings me to 2012, where, I met these three guys this is max not on and and David, and the founders, of form Labs and so they were at the Media Lab I think bunch of you guys have been able able. To go over and check it out with. What, they had was at the Media Lab was they had access to machines like this so this is an industrial-grade 3d printer. It's a 3d systems VIPRE does really amazing stuff 3d prints but, it costs $300,000. You. Need to be specially trained to use it and so guess who has access to these things rich, universities, like MIT and rich companies like GE and, Gillette, and things like that when, I met them they had this crazy idea on the. Crazy idea is what, if we can make a 3d printer that is just as powerful as this machine but. Let's also make it easy to use and then just for a kicker let's, divide the price by a hundred and. So I was convinced that jump done is the first business guy into the team and. In. 2012, we launched our first product on Kickstarter, so it's a desktops tear lithography 3d printer called the form 1 and, about 60%, of the functionality, of the, industrial machine so we weren't quite you, know competing, head-to-head but. It still cost the price of a laptop in, 2014. We upgraded it to about 70% of the functionality, same price and, then in 2015, we launched a game-changer, which is the form 2 and this, one I'd say had about like 95% of the functionality, of those industrial machines, and. And, so they, don't like us very much because it still costs about the price of a laptop I, would, say that the story ends there but actually just last week I'm able to talk about something we haven't been able to talk about but that's been under works for several years we just launched the form 3 in, the form 3 L which, is a much bigger version of the 3 L and, I want to talk in terms of percentages, of functionality, but they.

They, Basically have peerless functionality, so. The big question though is what happens when you take a technology like this and you make it so much more accessible and easy to use you. Have an explosion, of usage and so we have shipped more than 50,000 of the of our, printers, worldwide. To. Put that in perspective there's, companies that have been around for more than 30 years that have shipped less than that and, so we've been dramatically, expanding access to, make that number even more exciting. We. Have had more, than 40 million prints, on our 3d printers and so you could just see that the usage going like crazy that's. Exciting in and of itself but what's more exciting is what what, people are actually doing with our products so. The bread and butter of 3d. Printing, and, as well as our company's been product, design going from digital to, physical. To to mass. Manufacturing. But. One of the things that's been, my heart is by. Lowering the price of this technology we've been able to get students, hands-on very advanced technology I was excited to see that the Fab Lab allowed that Chile actually has some of our printers so, Chilean students are actually getting access to this kind of thing but. It's also allowing. Innovators. To do amazing, things like innovate and prosthetics, in their basement like Lyman Conner it's, allowing, people at the University, of Indiana to create prosthesis for someone who lost his jaw due to cancer. It's. Allowed us to become the biggest player 3d, printing player in dentistry, so these dentures were actually, printed. And manufactured, on our printers and so there's hundreds of thousands of devices. Manufactured, on our printers and. Then. We have partnerships to. Push mass customization further. And further so we partnered with New Balance to actually code develop materials. So we can actually manufacture shoes, on our printers and. Then today you can actually go to, the.

Razor Maker website, by Gillette and actually order a customized, razor that will be manufactured, on one of our printers and so you could see us going from like prototyping, to actually mass customization in, an and. Mass manufacturing, of different sorts and so, you, know today we're at about 40 million prints our ten-year, vision is to, help, make every physical, product in the world and, including. In places like Chile so. Thank you very much. Thanks. Our next presenter is bird inaudible. Hello. Everyone. Some. Disclaimers, I I don't know much about the advanced, manufacturing so, so that's one thing the. Second thing is that the I am I, will not be a say let's. Say a good seller of the country I think we've seen all the whole day you know the bright side of our country which is say and they've done a good job you know investing a call for Peter, and Claudio. So, I will more I will consider we, concentrate more on the gaps and what, are the enabling, conditions that we should work, in Chile to so as to have you know guys like this you know doing, things in Chile or sorry I'll go for, Chile mossad so that would be the focus. Of my initial, work, remarks. So. Basically let. Me tell you what who we are we are so for fights the federation of chilean industries is the, the most representative, institution. That basically. Represent them is a sector. Almost. 200 member companies which are one. Of the largest is some of the largest companies of chile of all, sectors of the economy from, let's say energy. To agro, to services, to i T we. Have weird they're also members of so FOFA 22, regional and 48. Associations. Of all, the country and our mission, is to systematically, validate, the role of enterprises, as, trusted, and relevant actors in the project of making chile and more developed model and inclusive country, and. Let. Me before going into the advanced part of the advanced manufacturing some. Figures of manufacture, in chile it's a shrinking, as a percentage, of gdp that's a light blue part. Of it it used to be 15% in 96 now, it's closer to 10%, another. Data. Productivity. From. Being the engine of our economic growth is now the lugger of economic, growth if. You see that the line. Which is below the zero it's, basically the non mining productivity. Growth rates in Chile which, has been negative, from year 2000, so. Basically. And and not only that but also last. Year we had very, healthy, growth rates, in the country but that the pace of growth is, not been reflected at, the.

Employment. And salaries, so that's another issue we were facing, even. Though chill has been really. Improving. The environmental, standards in all the sectors of the economy we, still we still have some areas of Chile where, some industrial errors of Chile where you have as some a, lot. Of pollution Klaudia showed the city of santiago in the middle of the winter, this is quintero Bay where there is a huge industrial complex, and not, not long ago there was an episode of pollution, that, basically, provoked the the, intoxication. Of people, so so. Basically we have a tribal challenge it's a it's a Productivity challenge is, an, employment challenge, and it's a sustainable, sustainability, challenge, and we have to basically challenge, ourself to. Address them simultaneously. And. I, think advanced manufacturing it's, a huge, opportunity for this I don't see it as a threat I think, and but for that to become. A reality we, have to be much faster in terms of technology adoption and on. The other hand we have to be really fast also if people reckon Bashan and upskilling I. Think. Whatever, the gaps we have in Chile to to do advance, faster on this respect I think I call, this problem the failure to adopt, basically. Because of again, talked about legacy, legacy, cultures, legacy, business models and we. Have that in Chile I. Can, give you examples and you know when were in our conversation, afterwards and, also we have a legacy of an educational. And training system, which is not up to the challenges of the 21st century, also, we have this parity of adoption maybe the large corporations they, could be at the frontier of adoptions, of these technologies. But. It's not the case at all you know SMEs, so we have a huge disparity, of adoption and I remember, they said presentation. Done by this the. Confederation, of British industry saying, that if each. Frame. The UK firm, raise. The productivity at. The level of the of the German equivalent it. Would create, worth, for the UK economy of more than a hundred billion pound, so I think that, comment can also be made in other magnitude, of course to. Chile, so. But I am of the optimist, even, though that we have some gaps we have some pending challenges, I am very optimist, and because. Enterprises. In Chile have proved that they have an, adaptation capacity.

The Comparative successful. Worldwide. Their. Evidence is too strong these are these are numbers of research done by the World Economic Forum, and in the network of light how factories, so, you you see huge, improvement, when applic when applying you know advanced manufacturing technology, that, technologies in productivity, agility, and customization. Of of, companies. So. The question is how do we break this legacy, how do we break this inertia, and. Address. This this problem that I call the failure to adopt problem, and I. Think the, we've. Talking we've talked about a lot. Of ecosystems, in in here in Boston I think, we, have to be honest we have not developed. An ecosystem in Chile so you have universities, working on this on the side you, have corporates, who assuming. That they can do innovation, on their own and then, you have the the ecosystem, entrepreneurs. On the third side so, we are not getting together is not very common to see for instance a sort. Of a start-up, raise, from a university, you don't. See you know research people you know and academia people, investing. In startups and maybe, and then going back you know to university, so it's not it's not in the culture, you. See a lot of companies doing their own innovation. Efforts and not participate, in open innovation, platforms so so, that's the main I think challenge. We have so that's why we are contributing to break this inertia in, so far we want to create this so far have we are already in the process of hiring, our executive, director we. Weren't a project from corfu to build a, center, of, translational. Technology, that's an idea. So we're working hard on that and the idea is to connect the. Challenges, some frictions and problems or large of large corporations in Chile with. Solutions. From, entrepreneurs from. Universities, and research, institutes, so it's sort of the other way around so we want to drive innovation, from. You know the the problems, and challenges for large, corporations and then to find solutions, in the Entrepreneurship, ecosystem, so. We. Think that there are a lot of common challenges, in in, Chile across industries, these are industries which are Paris off offer food and agriculture. Mining first report on paper plastics. Energy, wines and. The, challenge, where we will be we will be looking at our, they had to compare with this criterias. They had to be cross industry they, had to address at the same time productivity, employment, and sustainability, they, had to well. Where pre-competitive, collaboration. Brings more money to the table than individual, efforts where, public value created, is higher than than. The private value which is captured by each individual, corporation, and where. You, will need new business models new governance, schemes or, maybe regulatory. Frameworks to be changed so, one of those and I was not coordinated, with Peter but, one of those secret, economies so that will be there will be our initial focus of the hub and. Basically. The idea is to set. Up this Center, that managed networks. To encourage innovation in addressing, the, main technology. Technological. Governance, and regulatory challenges, related. To secure the economy and the idea is to find, these, technology. Enablers from. The biotechnology world, from, the physical, new, technologies, and digital combined. To. Basically facilitate and, promote circular. Economy the st. you can the same grants say, about energy, clean energy I think we also have to create. The ecosystem to to basically, incorporate. Into, our energy, matrix not. Only solar and wind but also everything. Else which is required I think that the revelation in Chile is not reckon it's not considering, that so, it's not putting signals, to put storage it's not putting signals to do that backup to, put you know a management, energy manager systems in the grid so, you, can think about a similar kind of scheme for, the for the energy and, the and the clean tech. Field. These, are the kinds, of the technologies, that could be enablers. Of Sequoia economy better mentioned, a lot of them and. These are the kind of challenges we are identifying, opak value change linear, product design linear, lock-in in, efficient collection and reverse logistics systems.

And Insufficient. Sorting and processing, infrastructure, and those. Are the solution areas for instance the, two guys that were they show in the first slide, there are collectors. And. Sorters. Of waste. And they, do that in a very manual way obviously there is not even there is not there, is not new, technology you know in the market today so, they will they we have two problems one is, how to incorporate, those technologies, and the other one is how to reconvert. Those, two guys who are now working you know collecting, waste in, a very manual way. So. Well Chile it's been said where we would be the host country for of a cop, 25 so. That will be a good mind stone to show advances, on a specific, and concrete projects, on this respect. And. To. Finish what. Chile. Mass is doing I think it's very important we, have to connect the, ecosystem, in Chile with the ecosystem in Boston and especially to learn how. To build an ecosystem as you, have done here in in Boston so. That's it thank you very much. Thank. You very much alright and for our last panelist, and presentation me up to Vienna and he has the clicker. Good. Afternoon, first, I would like to thank the must. Tell, em esteem for the imitating it's really my pleasure to, be here. In. This, day I will. Present, you and you initiative, that we have at the University, of Chile it's a program that I started this, year with the support of cORFO it's, called the advanced, manufacturing innovation, program. So. The outline I first will talk about briefly. About advanced, manufacturing and, the situation, until and, then I will explain what is this program about and what we are expecting, to get. So. Advanced. Manufacturing in, Chile first by, advanced manufacturing, we. Mean the digitalization. Of the manufacturing, sector, and. They. Say that it was a group of technologies disruptive. Technologies, that will transform, the manufacturing, sector by the year, 2025. And these technologies are related, to data. Power, and potato-powered, connectivity. We are talking about Big Data Internet. Of Things cloud. Computing. Also. What, do we do with this data how do we make a analysis. With the data so artificial, intelligence, machine learning advanced. Analytics, also. Technologies. Related to human machine interaction we. Are talking about beautiful and augmented. Reality and. Digital. To physical, convergence, and Alaska, is how do we get from a digital, thing that we have any computer, to a physical, and. This can be done for instance by 3d, printers by additive, manufacturing. Yeah. It is say that this transformation.

Of The manufacturing, sector, is the industry. 4.0. The fourth, Industrial. Revolution and, that one that is that, it doesn't require a, large investment in the, last Revolution, which was automation. And it, required, a lot investment. Nearly. 80 to 90% of the equipment needed with replaced and in this case in the last revolution, only we, only need a partial replacement of 40 to 50. Percent of the equipment so it's mainly an update of the equipment, and as smart to use, the information, we are. Taking. From this from, the matine's. Now. The situation in Chile if but. Not already looked so a graph similar, to this if, we look at the participation. Of, the manufacturing, industry, in the gross domestic product, in Chile we will see that it's decreasing so. What does it mean that the manufacturing. Industries, are getting close, because. They're becoming less competitive. In Chile we. Need to rebase, University's. Tendency. And the way to do that is. By it advanced, manufacturing so, we need to introduce advanced. Manufacturing a, industry, until it's. Not just an opportunity is a must. And. What's. It eat way to need advanced manufacturing chilling. We had very little just a few examples in. General, there, is a very little little, knowledge of what advanced manufacturing is. We. Don't have enough people, trained, in a plans manufacturing, technologies, in, general. The. Companies, in Chile had very limited investment. In research and development and, we have very limited operation. With a camellia Academy. So. In this program what we well we want to try to help. Solving, some partly, these problems. Okay. So that was manufacturing, in, innovation. Program. Our. Mission, is to generalize, generate. Customized. Affordable. And, interoperable. Advanced, manufacturing solutions, for. The specific, problems, of the Chilean. Industry. We. We. Are formed, by a group of institutions, the. Universidad, de chile is, leading, the program but. Also participates. Universal Santiago, Chile in, a technological. Metropolitana, a cement. Which, is the association. Of metallica and metallurgical, industries. In chile and the company. Cycle robotics. We are also going, to work together with, some companies, associated, to the program we have three companies, that are already, confirmed. But we are adding we're in the process of including more company, you sorry gita, MCM. And in Murcia. And. Well. What's. The program I wrote a in advancement, of factoring there is a lot of things that we can study we will decide, we decided, to focus on three main areas. Which, are our strengths. The, first one is advanced. Reliability. The, second, one digit, had twins and the, last one is automaton. And robotics, the problem, will last for five years and during the first three years we, will be working in the development of the solutions, and in, the last two years we, have to work on the technology, transfer. Now. If I go I'm going to explain very briefly, each. Of this area if you want to know more in detail that in detail what are the projects we can talk later so. In the first area sake is. Advanced, systems, in reliability. And maintenance we. Want to develop mathilde. Learning and deep learning tools.

That, Will help us to predict failures, in equipment and also to predict human fatigue, and, we. Expect with this to decrease non-productive. Times on in the industry reduce the maintenance cost, and also, to reduce the number of catastrophic, failures. In. The second topic, digital. Twins we want to develop dieter, twins for, manufacturing, processes, and we, want to control and optimize, the puritans, in real-time and we want to be able to evaluate. Modifications. Without effecting, negativity, the process so, this evaluation is made in, the de de Crillon in the real part system and then, we can be taken to the real system. And. The. Last area. Is autumn. Advanced, automation, and robotics and. We will be working, a development, of control. Robotics. And computational, intelligence tools, to. Increase the quality and efficiency and, the process of parts. Recovery. Metallic, parallel cover is mainly, using, an. Advanced. Manufacturing. And. Additive. Manufacturing sorry. We. Want to increase the productivity of, robotic. Systems, and we, want to also increase, the job security mainly. Two jobs in mining industry, in Chile so. Okay, this program, is a consortium, as I already told you. Niversity, an industry, it's, important, that we will be working together from, the beginning in the development of the solutions, and what, we expect is to generate, innovative. Advanced, manufacturing solutions. We. Want to introduce, new, products, to the market to create new, business, to business models, and, we want to increase help. To increase the technical, capabilities, of the Chilean industry. Thank. You. Thank. You, so, we have a few minutes for questions and, I wanted to thank all the panelists, I love that each, of you are very connected both to the Commonwealth and to Chile and you have very specific advice, and. Probably a lot of thoughts on how we can continue the collaboration between Chile. And Massachusetts, the, specific. Question we have is actually bringing this panel together with, one of the other presentations, and it's for Luke and the, question, is how much of the formlabs printers, and the materials, are compatible with the circular, economy as, Peter described. The. Circular, economy is, Pedro described. That. That's a tough question I'm not exactly sure so in terms of the the circular economy. The. I. Honestly. Wasn't paying attention amazingly. Well to exactly what the circular, economy is. I don't think I can answer that question amazing.

Have. An example Sadako. Technologies, it's a the first urban waste, Thornton robot using artificial mission so, sorting, the waste you know and so. There's a lot of technologies, you know that we could apply to both, collecting, sorting and and. I'm. Sure that better could have another example to see. But this is a Spanish startup yeah do, you mean this from like a sustainability, perspective of. Okay. Now. I get it so I I. Mean I'd say so. A lot of our products actually aren't recyclable, but what's actually there interesting, about 3d. Printing is how much you can like, disrupt supply chains and minimize, usage. Of materials, and whatnot so if you're if you're thinking about sustainability, from that perspective you, can. Not. Only use almost, exactly the material that you need as opposed to having waste when you're cutting material, away from something, you can also manufacture. In a distributed fashion so, that instead. Of, shipping. Large. Amounts of finished goods all over the place you can ship just the raw materials, and actually produce on-site, so. I'd say like one of the most interesting, applications. Of that was that New Balance example that I was talking about where, I'm so, company, like New Balance they're looking to innovate in their product through like mass customization but, they're also looking to innovate in their supply chain as well so like if you think about shoes and things. Like that if you take one SKU of a shoe you, multiply that by both, genders so you have male and female shoes and then you have sizes, like 8 9 10 11 12 and, then you have all the different colors you end up having a huge amount of permutations, and so then your supply chain gets very expensive and whatnot if you can actually 3d. Print with those on site you. Can dramatically, change. The cost. Of that supply chain you can save gas you can save all kinds of different things and so I wouldn't say it's exactly that circular economy of, like recycling everything but that that's, the way I'd address just. The the points. Around sustainability. So. I like actually to have.

One Particular question, answered with this panel is how do you think we. Can continue to develop the relationships, between Chile, and Massachusetts, and how would advanced, manufacturing play, a role within, that so you're each very much invested, in these industries and you actually add a great side at the end of your presentation but, we, don't have to go in order so whoever would like to jump in first you're welcome to you're already nodding so I'm just gonna go with you first jump right in. As. I, said before I think that they're the main challenge we have it to set up this this a ecosystem. You know whatever which is an essential condition, to, enabling, you, know they're faster, adoption of these technologies and, and you have great. Echo system in Boston so so that's I'm always surprised, when I go to Boston I go to Silicon Valley how, much collaboration, you have here you know how much receptive, people, are here you know sure, you know the experiences, so. That's, it that's a critical thing you know and we can apply that to clean energy advanced, manufacturing there's. So many things to be done over there that I think and I think that the fact that we are going to host is a cop. 25 my, concern is that for the cop 25 becomes the. 25 time, when we said you know a very nice target yeah and there is no action at all you know so that's a that's a that's a it's been the repetitive, case you know and then so we really have to bring into Chile and make a difference in Chile of, actions. Of regulatory. Changes and not repeat. For the 25 time that we have a nice target and with which is not basically, a compliant, by, actions. And revelatory changes, and that's done I think that's a huge opportunity to be symbolized project. Initiatives, and that. Could be coming from from Boston and I think Chile mass is the bridge for that you know. Yeah. I mean it's. A very interesting question and I. Would, I would add to to. What you just mentioned that I don't, think that the the challenge, that we have. Has. To do with the transfer of the knowledge of how to build the ecosystems, and how, to do all of that I think this is the easy part I think the difficult, part is. Overcoming. The differences, the cultural, differences, the way. Of doing things it I think this is this is not something new but sometimes, we forget that and I. Mean coming from Egypt and spending, the the first half of my career traveling. All around Europe, and in the Middle East and North Africa being. Exposed to different cultures it's, it's. Quite fascinating, and coming to the u.s. of course and. Learning. About this culture I thought that oh I mean I'm used to European culture and I'll, just mix. Into the the. U.s. culture and I mean obviously this. Was not true I mean it's a totally different culture of, ways, of doing things and different. Approaches, and lifestyles. So I think this is. This. Is the it's a challenge, and it's the it's. An opportunity to and. I think I, mean we, are all kind, of going back to Chile mass I think this is the the starting point is building.

This Bridge and it's not only a bridge of exchanging, ideas and. Projects. And innovation, but it's also a bridge to exchange. Mindsets. And mental, models and ways, of doing things I think this is where we need to spend more time I mean, I went to Chile back, in 2016, we had fun we, we. Drank, lots of wine and, it was lots of, interesting. Meetings. And activities but, when. I went back. Trying. To reflect on that and trying to see okay so how we can actually build. Something substantial. Between Chile or. Different organizations in Chile and mass robotics, and and it's not easy because the way we are used, to develop partnerships. And, projects. And innovation, and working with startups and working with large corporates, it's. A little bit different than the way things are done and in Chile so I, think, we. Need to have the humility and the the, modesty, to say that we don't know everything we need to learn about. This. Different. Culture from. The. Point of view of academia, which is what I know the best I, will say we, are already having. Collaborating, between meat and universities. In Chile so that's something that's already, happening, and it's, easy, to keep going on that I think for, our point of view what is more difficult how do we get this into, the Chilean industry. This. Is the part, that we are starting, out with this program we are starting, this relationship. And it's going to be hard to actually. Get the. Industry, to participate with, us. And. So, how do you think that an organization like Chile mask might be able to help with that, the. Integration I see exist with events. Like this we, can all talk together and the people. From the industry also from the academia can know what we are doing and we know each other, that's. A good thing so we should have Chile renovation, Day 2.0, in Santiago. Yes, I think that would be a great idea excellent. I, think. That seed and, look what are you what are your thoughts so the. The, first thing that comes to mind I mean obviously, there's sharing. Of Technology and whatnot but one of the biggest things I think about in, terms of just advancing an economy or adoption, of technology, is is really investing, in the workforce of the future so.

One, Of the one of the things that obviously from the presentation, and whatnot that I get very excited about his education and also getting people's hands-on with technology so, I think one of the biggest exchanges, we can obviously have is sending more Chilean students here getting getting more exchange down there so. The more and more actual. Hands-on, access people can have to technology, that starts getting. Helping. You build the workforce of the future like. Something I worry about the most almost, every day with my job is recruiting, and having the right kind of talent to build, and build our company bigger and bigger and. One of the amazing things about, Massachusetts. And the Boston area is we have that kind of talent and so one of the biggest questions, is how can we help Chile. Develop more and more of that talent so that companies, like formlabs or others want to start establishing. Bases, and adopting, that kind of stuff, with. Formlabs some of the ways, I'd say we're we're, already collaborating, is providing, more access to 3d printing technology, we've already shipped several hundred printers to Latin America, Chile. Being one of the. The. Main places we've actually shipped a lot of our printers to so. We. Of course another. Idea is to very. Concrete, you know do two basic set up pilot. Projects. Collaboration. Between let's say the, Boston ecosystem, and our stuff of a hat on. Two specific issues, Sequoia. Economy and clean, technology in technology, meaning how. To to. Let's, say set, up grid. Which. Incorporates. Much, more views but. Also. Complemented. By storage. By, energy, management management, systems and Grid. Technologies, to. Better you know, manage. The load of the grid so that's, a very challenging Chile, it's a very good place to pilot there's, a lot of receptionist, about, that and the, same thing for seeker economy Peter Peter is there and we have we have to build you know specific, things and we are we.

Have The huge opportunity to show them at least some advances, on this milestone. Which. Will be cop 25, and, so APEC APEC meeting there will be 22, heads of states in Chile in, November so and they source for third summit which is the social impact investments. Have it in Chile so we have three, summits almost, 30,000, people going there so, I think my. Obsession. Is to show specific things, and not to fall into, general. Declarations of targets. Right. So it sounds like there's actually a lot of really interesting ways and newer, ways that we can engage we. Are just about actually, significantly, past time so I'd like to invite you guys to share some final thoughts and then we, wrapping up the panel so if does anyone have a thought or two that would like to end on. No. Okay. I have one so. I would like to invite everyone here to actually be really engaged with both Chile mass and the, panelists so this, is really meant to be an intention to start a conversation and, to not an end a conversation so I think many of you might actually be coming to MassChallenge, tomorrow we're, always around to talk more about what we can do one. Into the. Organization, as, to the masses really here to be an advocate on behalf of companies. And folks like yourselves so if, you guys have thoughts as well feel free to share them also, on Twitter you're very welcome to engage with us on social media and, we'll be talking through the rest of the week so thank. You all to our panelists it's been a big round of applause, yeah. Of. Course yeah. Come. On down. And, I'm sitting at the end The Ambassadors talking. The head of corfu stalking, Uli's. Talking, about Chile's, plans to, engage with Massachusetts since. I've been on the job over. 200, delegations, from. 74. Different countries have come to Massachusetts, so. It meant being the table thinking myself I'm. The doubting Boyd the, doubting Bart going this, is never gonna happen they're, gonna leave this meeting they got to go back to Chile I'll, never see him again that's, it so, what I want to do is encourage you all, of you have made this long trip my wife's Argentine. So I know about the long trip back and forth and South America. So. What, Chile's done in. Two years they, said we have a plan we're. Going to get different groups involved the, embassy is here, Corfu. Is here now, invest Chile is here you've. Sent members. Of Massachusetts. The clean energy advanced. Manufacturing, mass. Bio will be going for the height. Filling so, what I want to do is just to encourage, you that, in two years I've, gone from sitting at the end of this table saying to myself this. Is never gonna happen to, thinking, you. Know Massachusetts. Our goal is we're building bridges you. Can't be everything to everybody, you, know we do a lot with artists. A lot with Europe we're starting into Asia we. Don't really have anything going on right now with South America we, have the second-largest Brazilian, or Portuguese, community in the United States there's. Some but. There's no hub if you will in. Latin America, where, if companies came to me and said I'm interested in Latin America, where should I go so. From two years ago I now, would say to them go.

Talk To Chile with us so. I encourage you all, you want to the North animagus, one trip kind, of sitting out an amazing so many who was still here you, didn't leave to go to the Red Sox game today. That. You're still here so you're still extremely interested, so, I've been encourage, you to continue to work with Chile mass and the embassy and. Keep engaging with Massachusetts the studies you, know read, town laughs and the others going there it's a lot to. Go back and forth and to build the bridge but, we don't have one and I don't see any reason, why it shouldn't be chilling your economies, are very similar to ours and really. Except, for the, distance, you, know we'd be a lot closer neighbors so the other thing that you all needs to do after this is, everyone called the tan.


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