Dell Technologies PowerOne - Overview

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Hey. How's it gonna skew thousand from the CTL visor and no that's not the CTO, of Iser data center you're seeing the backtest the Dale EMC. EVC, data center we're in Naperville. Illinois right, outside of Chicago this, video is sponsored by, Dale. EMC. And Dale power one I have with me Connor. Duffy, Connor welcome to the, program Keith I'm excited, to be here. You know this I've been a big fan of yours, and your whole team for a very long time, I think, the work that you guys do, is extraordinary. I really do so we really appreciate that but, you know what this is the CTO visor we're gonna get right it right to it so, Connor I was at the power1 launched back in November, a lot. Of drones a lot of talk about Economist's. Infrastructure. Help. Help break, that down to me in layman terms what is power one and what does it have to do automation, right. So, let me give you the most, condensed, description, of the product, and then we're gonna get right into the software, because, that's the most important, aspect that is the protagonist of our, story here, so power, one is a completely, engineered system. Consisting. Of best-of-breed, infrastructure. Exclusively. From dell technologies, dell storage, compute. Network. Management. And services. So I haven't seen this in a CI system before I haven't seen a CI system, from. One. Complete. Vendor. You. Guys have a history with CI yeah. Then why did you have to start over no. It's, it's actually very important, attribute. We've. Been in this business for over ten years we've, been a leader in the CI space so, we, have a lot of best practices process. And knowledge when it comes to engineering. And, designing and supporting these systems at scale, in. The field so, these, things are rack stack labeled, cable pre designed tested validated you. Know in collaboration. With VMware, and because. We're the manufacturer. With, the engineering, teams that design these products, so, the. Actual, physical. Product, itself while important, because it's consistent, of all the best technology, in the marketplace, today what, really makes this come to life Keith is the, intelligent, software that we've developed we've. Been spending a couple of years in development of this we just launched power one before the Christmas break and we're. Getting a tremendous tremendous. Amount, of reception, on this you. Know especially. With the ideology, around. Autonomous. Infrastructure. And what. The controller, brings, to the market that is not comparable, so, far as PC so help me out with this concept, of autonomous, infrastructure, because because, from a marketing, perspective I've heard from all the CI vendors, that you, know some of these same points, that one saves. You time from engineering, perspective so, up front is engineer, system which I believe, in the concept of engineer systems, I'm an SI p guy so you know I don't want to spend time on, the, on making, sure that the firmware from. Storage. Array is compatible, with the CERN firmware, for the, hypervisor. I don't care about any of that stuff but, when I hear. Automation. Autonomous. Infrastructures. Michael Dell describe describe it I think, of I can take my people and I, can have them do things other, than, configure. Nose and do, day to operations. That's, that's, what I want, that's not what I'm getting the CI systems, today right. Is power, one providing. That capability, for me yeah in a very different, way right, so the. Key to, reducing operational. Complexity. Is through automation, to. Codify. The. Processes. That happen, so that we can reduce human. Effort right now, where, the vast majority, of the market is going in this regard is, building. Exactly that they're. Investing, in fact we just did a survey and one-third. Of all IT budget, apparently. Is going to be going towards automation, right, the. Problem is that building automation, in, house, is a, very, challenging thing that, often people keep, they don't appreciate and I'll tell you why because. If you're gonna go out and build automation, which is the the, dominating. Narrative that's in the marketplace, right now all of these tools Gartner, says the average IP shop has 10 tools that they're using to automate. You, have to have the right people, who. Know how, to build automation, this is a programming. Level skill set they, also have to have the tribal, knowledge the best practice, is to know exactly what their programming. Secondly. Their. Infrastructure. Must, be automatable. If. That's a word but it has to have an API that.

Get That you can speak to and things, that people don't appreciate when, you're building automation. Where. Exactly are you are your developers, or, DevOps, people building. This automation they, have to have an environment right and that's, another cost and that environment should be similar. To production I mean you don't build and test automation, in. Production. Right so, some, would argue and you exactly. And you also have these challenges, around. You. Know managing, the strategy, where. And what are you gonna automate, and what makes business, sense first, so there's a whole challenge associated. With building, the automation, so. Let's break this down from a practical, perspective, when. My, CIO. CTO. Came to me and say you know what Keith. I've. Read all the gardening stuff everything. That Connor said is absolutely true so. Let's go out and we build it so we go out and we get our tell of Tara forms, we go out we get our bare metal provisioning. Services, puppet, chef we buy all these, tools I actually put out a rag for automation, engineer, we get them in-house and this, all fails, well, because, not only is it a challenge keith to. Build automation, in-house and to get the right people and have the right tooling environment, but then you've got to run that automation you think where are you gonna run this what, exactly runs this who's, gonna maintain it right new automation. Systems, have overhead, I got exactly. Hire people to manage, the automation, systems, so you are teeing this up perfectly. From a philosophical, perspective, the. Paradigm, shift with power one is we thought is there, another way is. Building. And running, and managing. Infrastructure. The right way and it turns out that, if you really think about what you want you. Want all the benefit, without, the effort like everything in life I want a six-pack but I don't want to do any setups. You. Want you want to consume, automation. You don't want to have to build it right, all right you. Want to run that, automation, in a declarative. Way you, don't want to have to figure out the runtime, of that automation so. This is precisely the, fundamental. Problem statement, that we started from in the engineering, process with, power one he started, with in-house, writing. Tens of thousands. And validating, lines, of discrete. Automation, code so, think about a library, that talks about everything, that we can automate from servers, to Drac cards, to storage, to fabric, to network to you, know hypervisor, deployment, and what have you so when you've got this this, library of automation, the, customer, doesn't have to build it right that's number one or maintain, it but how do you run that automation, and this is just, let me finish this one thread because, I don't want to lose my train of thought so. We. Built a database of extensive, automation, for this system that you buy but. To run the automation we. Well, we use, a lot of different software when we built a microservices, I kind of think of it as a cerebral. Layer like our brain like a runtime, and that, sequences. Orchestrates. And. Controls. The automation so, when you want, to declare an outcome so you have a power one system and it delivers and you say give me a vSphere, Kuster with these resources. The. Controller, will take charge, of sequencing. All of those automation, tens, of thousands, of potential steps, that, we are alleviating, from a customer, so in conclusion.

The. Essence. Of power one is we're saying, you. Need to consume, the, benefits of automation you're you're buying this product not because it's a tool for you to build your automation, on but. So that you can achieve business, outcomes so I'm buying two parts. Or two things when I'm buying power one one I'm buying I would. Say I will call it a control, plane II similar. To when. I'm consuming public. Cloud let's, say that I'm doing VMware. Cloud on AWS, a dell technologies, company VMware. Is and I, go and provision, a B. We're, cloud yeah there's, a bunch, of stuff that happens, in the back end that I really, don't care about right, and there's. An API that calls that stuff to happen so, what, you're saying is akin, to that that, when I want to provision. A. Bare-metal. Workload, or whatever. It is I can, go to this, control, plane, make. That request and you guys do all of those automations. So. I. See. The value on that because. You know Delos, obviously has this engineer system which is point two I'm buying the engineer, system, that, allows you to do that but. This is still really, really hard, stuff, like there's so many variations, and, so, many things that can go wrong you already mentioned tens of thousands of lines of code inside. Of the database. Am. I buying another. Headache. Yeah, when I'm buying this so all of that is abstracted, away from the user so this controller, that. Powers, the power one the power one controller, is. An appliance, it, is not software, so I don't have to manage it you, do not have to manage it it is completely out of band it's resilient, and, it has authoritative. Control. All over all the element, managers which you still have the flexibility, of accessing, as well so I don't have I'm not a Linda's administrator, so forgive, me I don't have to go in doing yum update on, to the controller to, pull down a new play bugs and, I mean. I don't, again. I'm really, of these types of systems I don't want to manage I don't want to have to open a rack for power one administrator. You're telling me Dell is doing that stuff for ya absolutely and, so there's two ways that you can interface, with the, appliance, with the power one controller the, first one is through, a restful, api that we expose, this. Is built with API first methodology. So this really helps to ease with system, integration, process, integration within, an. Environment and, we, also have a UI in html5 a modern. Responsive. UI. Experience, that you can go in and provision, and the way I'd like to think about the power one is it really is a vending machine of clusters, right. And all, of the complexity, is abstracted. Away we. A lot of the complexities. Extracted. Abstracted. Away you're. Also looking at a system that can scale and be, provisioned very. Very efficiently, and. Grow, and scale. Resources. In the enemy, so. I like this concept of HTML. HTML. 5, interface, but, what, can i practically, do like give me some practical, what what can my engineers. Do and poked, and prodded in this in this, interface to. Really. Simplify the experience. We've. Organized, a lot of the features within the power1 controller, into three key categories, it'll, make it very easy for you and your your audience to remember so. We have an unboxing feature, set that we call launch assist so, what I want you to think about is just like a racing, car launching, off of the poll so, it's all about how quickly we, can get you from 0 to 60 from, an unbox from. Unboxing, all the way into production, so this is a wizard, driven experience, that will allow you to get up and running very, very quickly once. You're up and running just, like a racecar, you're, gonna have to take a Pitt occasionally right you need to change the tires you need to do maintenance and it's no different in the data center key code. Changes, software. Changes. Firmware. Network. Operating, system all sorts of components need to be life cycle and we have a capability called lifecycle, assist this, is the category, of automation within, our UI or API that can be called on that will, change the wheels so you're talking single. Button, systems. Or Hardware. Hypervisor. Updates. Of the, technology. This is a huge, burden that we're relieving, from the customer and finally. Is the expansion. Assist, so, expansion, assist is scaling. The system adding. Servers adding, storage. Creating. More clusters, new clusters, to the system in an automated fashion, so there's launch assist right. Unboxing. Automated, experience, very frictionless, very fast X life. Cycle assist getting in and out of the pits really quickly doing all change management, in an automated fashion an expansion.

Assist Which is dealing with ongoing. Amendments. To clusters, and. Resource propagation. So, bill run deploy deploy. Or, some variation, of that but. You've kind of you you you've opened yourself up this line of question so you've done it to yourself okay. Expansion. Assist, let's. Talk about expandability. Because we're talking about sea is when. I. Buy. A CI, where, I've been burned in the past is, AI bi CI. Rigid, configuration, cuz it's the engineer, system and when, I need to expand it I need to buy another, CI. Pod, right next to it. I'm. Gonna put YouTube challenge can I just buy if I need more power. Max can I just buy more. Power, max absolute, service, yeah. Absolutely, you can so let me take a maybe, there's a good time to have a segment well with automation, with automation that's always going to be coupled with everything, we're talking about the software automation so let. Me say gwei a little bit and talk. About scalability. So. Right now what's. Very popular, in the marketplace, as an architecture, is what I refer to is symmetrically. Scaling, systems right right so tightly coupled homogeneous. Node so identical nodes like. Our, industry-leading. VX, rail is a prime example this, is a great fit for a lot of customers the resources, scale or. Linearly is very, simple to expand, and there. Is some granularity, you can scale the storage you know independently, but it's not, as flexible as you mention about just buying another storage. For your voice if, I'm using you if I'm using 60%, of my compute, 90%. Of my storage and I need a tremendous amount, of storage I don't want to steal that horizontally, I just want more storage so this, is the for, many customers, this is a problem, that may. Will make power one look a little bit more ideal or suitable for their use case you're, an environment, where you just need one more terabyte, of capacity, now, in a symmetrically. Tightly. Coupled system, you, have to buy an identical, server with. All those resources like CPU, and memory and it's going to consume network ports that you may not need and, lots all for licensing, the software licensing, is a big one because we know VMware in particular and almost every vendor license, on the socket the right so you're getting all this drag. You didn't need and. All, the op ex rapper you've, got to deploy now and integrate that you just needed one terabyte, so, in an ideal world you would want in architecture, we call asymmetrical. Scaling so you, can scale storage, capacity. Independent, of compute now sometimes, Keith it's not that one terabyte, more you need it's that one ion, so Rajan being able to add performance. Independent. As the Ohno shelf. Resiliency. More more disk so I can get more, I absolutely. Tweaking. But the key part in, systems. Before allowed me to tweak the the that. Linear or even asymmetric. Scale. But. I lose, the, integration. Of the, automation. So we're gonna bring these things together right we talked about the software in the controller so, ideally, you want to buy only what you need and scale those resources, independently. And this makes a lot of sense for many, customers, where their storage is growing out of multiple to their compute you. Might want compute. Clusters, of different, specifications. So build unique clusters, so you don't want homogeny, right you want complete. Flexibility. And you also keith's want the flexibility, of different. Types of technology, so, symmetrically, scaling systems are also on a single, track technology, you know that every, storage, technology, for example is optimized, for as you know a cost, performance, availability. Kind of balance right I kind, of call it 3d scaling, scale up scale out and scale with you, know, heterogeneous. Technology. The problem, statement with asymmetrical. Scaling, in the data center is that you now have to, manage, all of those points, yes right it's very complex, and especially at scale, it becomes unmanageable and so. Connor this is where, automation. And scale, has broke for me in the past you know I, get configuration, drift and day one the. Thing. Works perfectly, fine the next day. Upgrade. Some components. And now automation, is broke because I needed to scale just a small piece of it instead of these big blocks right, so, the, power one controller, is designed to address that challenge right, it's a fundamental. Value of the product, so I've talked about how this, isn't a tool to build automation, that imbued, with automation. It's, also imbued. And we've codified. Industry. Best practices. Configuration. Best practices, you don't have to worry about. Configuration. Incompatibilities and unknowns. That often, take down data centers and the. Delivery, of that so over time as you're going through change, the. Hardware, infrastructure, code, the, middleware, so think of the hypervisor all, of this is an automated, experience, for the customer, so from.

An Infrastructure, standpoint Keith is very much like the public cloud the, customer is not concerned, from. The hypervisor down, they're, just concerned about their VMs, their applications. Running and everything else is a service, and I keep saying that jokingly. That the power1 is very, much like a vending. Machine of, clusters, so the use case here is large, enterprises, medium. Enterprises perhaps, really, anyone, that wants to do consolidation. Multiple. Clusters consolidating. On a single, system, that can scale very, very efficiently. Asymmetrically. And it's, done in a repeatable, programmable. Way right, so you get this known consistent. Outcome, and you don't have to do all of the work to, build that automation, and that, is, what makes this product in my mind. Truly. Differentiated and, so. Far as I can see there is nothing comparable, in the marketplace, today to. That vision of a, controller, that has the intelligence this is what we're calling autonomous. Infrastructure, like an autonomous, car you, get in and declare an outcome take, me down the road it handles, all of the thousands. Of potential decisions, to get you there fast and safe similar. With our power. One controller you, declare, your outcome, I need a cluster, or I need to scale it you know storage, independently, add more storage add more confused maybe I need a cluster for short-lived this is a perfect, platform to host production, test. Development, test, and development in particular you. Know it's a really. Squash. Shadow, IT because. You can self-service. Deliver, clusters. Ring that is the unit of consumption with, this platform it's a vending machine of clusters. Programmatically. And with, our API integrated. Comprehensively. Into your processes, within. The enterprise. Well. Connor I really appreciate you giving, us this overview, of dill power one I actually, pretty pretty. Tough questions, and if, my questions, weren't tough enough for you our friends. Over at Gestalt, text field day did. A storage field day with power one a few weeks ago and you know what the delegates, did not go easy on the power one team I thought it was a really great conversation great little, review the architecture, I hope we feel them in some of the holes for you the.

Fat Out more about Dale power one you can go to Dale technology's, calm for slash power one and, you can follow me on the web at CTO adviser talking next, CTO, DOS.


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