NASA Awards Contract to Lockheed Martin to Build X-Plane

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You. You. You. Hello. I'm JD Harrington, public affairs officer, for NASA's Aeronautics research, Mission Directorate, I'd, like to welcome you today to this news conference where. We will announce the, agency's, plans for, the next experimental. Aircraft or, explained otherwise, known, is the low boom flight demonstrator, or lb FD before. We begin a few items to discuss there, will be multiple segments. In this news conference the. First thing will only evolve one person, who, will come up make some brief remarks and then announce. Who. Will build the next X plane so, we're leading right from the start after. That will show a brief video from NASA's associate, administrator. Who. Really wanted to be here today but unfortunately had, a prior engagement, down in Florida yesterday, you might have watched it launch to the ISS, the. Next segment I'll bring up a representative from the vendor that's going to build or explain and finally. I'll invite still, a few more people up to the, panel to answer. Any and all questions you, might have about, the low boom flight demonstrator. Now. This. Telecon, is limited to just one hour but. This basic rundown I'd like to introduce and bring to the podium dr., J. Juan Shen associate, administrator of, NASA's. Aeronautics. Research, Mission Directorate. Welcome. Oni, thank, you all for coming to, this news conference. Today. Is, really, history-making. Day because. We are announcing, the winner of the, Logan, flight demonstrator, contract. With. This announcement NASA, is really opening. A new era, the. 24th. Century explain. Erin throughout. Last century, NASA as we all know NASA has flown many, explains. In partnership, with the US. Air. Force in, our. US, industry. Achieving. Amazing, breakthroughs, in, aviation I'm, so, happy and, excited, to. Announce today, our. Long tradition. Absorbing. The toughest, problems, of. Flight through. Explains. Continues. In. A moment I will announce the name of the. NASA's. New partner. That. Has won, two. Hundred forty seven point. Five, million. Dollars, NASA. Contract, to design and, build a, supersonic, explain. This. Piloted. Explain, will. Be built specifically. To fly, technologies. That. Reduce the, loudness. Of a sonic boom to. Their oboe gentle, firm, you, heard at the beginning that's, illustrative. It's not a scientifically. Generated, sound. But it's illustrative. Sound, so. We will fly this X plane at supersonic, speeds. Overland, but. Quietly. We. Apply fly. It over select, US cities and ask. The people living and working, in those communities. To tell, us what they heard if. Anything. We. Will provide the scientifically. Collected, human, response, data to. The FAA in, international. Civil aviation, organization. Or. ICAO, so. That they can use the data to. Change the current rule that. Completely. Bans civil. Supersonic, flights, and, when. The rule is changed. The. Door will open to an. Aviation. Industry, ready. To enter new. Supersonic. Market. In. Our country, in around the world this. Explain, is a critical, step closer, to that exciting, future. There. Are so many people at NASA who. Have put in their best effort, to. Get, us to this point I want, to thank all of them for their. Efforts, and I, think it is appropriate to, call out the, source, evaluation. Board for. Their outstanding job. To chair, and the, chief, procurement, officer, with. Us today, to celebrate, the. Outstanding, job, I believe. Today, is the new beginning for NASA Aeronautics. People. Enjoying, affordable. Quiet. Supersonic. Flights in the future would. Say April. 3rd. 2018. Was. The day it all began. Therefore. It. Is super, exciting for me to. Announce our new partner, the. Winner of the, contract. Lockheed. Martin aeronautics. Company. Palmdale. California.

Congratulations. As. JD mentioned our acting. Administrator. Robert Lightfoot, who. Has, been real champion, of this, effort. Is. Unable to be. Here with us but, sends this message. Hey. Folks I'm so sorry I couldn't be with you today on this exciting, event just. About two years ago former. Administrator, Charlie Bolden joined, the NASA Aeronautics team to, announce the winner of a contract, to develop the preliminary, design for, this low boom supersonic. Flight demonstrator. Now. I have the privilege of witnessing this, next milestone, on my watch just, about. Two months ago I unveiled, our FY 19, budget, a new. Agency strategic plan, both. Were framed by the phrase. Exploration. It's, what we do I apply. This credo, just as strongly to our work in aeronautics. The. Drive to explore ways to make flight more efficient, led, to NASA develop technologies, being on board every, commercial, aircraft, flying today and. Now. The drive to explore solving. The challenges, of the sonic boom can lead to just as far-reaching an impact, possibly. Enabling, commercial, supersonic, flight, over, land anywhere, in the, world. Years. Of NASA research, from, all four Aeronautics centers have, brought us to this day. Exploring. The science of sonic booms flying. Modified, aircraft to test methods for quieting, the signing cone trying. Out new ideas and wind tunnels, taking. Advantage of new concepts, and computational. Simulations. Now. We are hard at work achieving, this next, big mission this. Time even with others in the NASA family like Kennedy and Johnson Space Center's they're. Supportive flight campaigns, in their neighborhoods. This, low boom supersonic. Demonstration, mission the, x-plane and the community, flights to come is. Truly a game changer. NASA. And the nation will enjoy watching this much-anticipated aircraft. Take form during, the next couple of years and. I look forward to feeling, the excitement all and. Pride. When. I see it take to the skies for the first time. So. Congratulations they, want. Congratulations. To the low boom flight demonstration. Mission teams at NASA Ames. Armstrong. Glenn and Langley, for creating, the technologies, to make this possible. And. Congratulations to the newest member of the low boom team Lockheed. Martin aeronautics, company. The. Great aviation, transformation. Begins, today. That. Was Robert Lightfoot NASA's, Acting Administrator on, lb FD I'd. Like to bring to the stage now Dave Richardson, who's the director for air vehicle. Design and technologies, from, Lockheed Martin's skunk works for, a few remarks. Lockheed. Martin is honored, by this to. Be awarded this opportunity, to work with NASA its. Historic. Centers as well, as it's amazing, people in, developing. The low boom flight demonstrator, this, is a, experimental. Research aircraft this, is really the first I think for and. Experimental. Research aircraft for NASA for I think a generation, so. That makes it exciting but I think what else is really exciting about this is that, it. Joins the the, annals of other historic, explains, that have in, history, that have pushed back the frontiers, of aviation. Technology, science, innovation. But. We're talking earlier, about as we're looking at the airplane I think one of the most, important, things is that it will inspire the imagination of generations to come as. These, other explains did meet when I was a kid. There, have been people as we've talked about this airplane and we've showcased it, during.

The Last two years of development that have asked questions like where, the passengers, fit or. Again. Lockheed Martin we do defense, contracts and people have said well where the missiles go thinking. That this is maybe about acoustic. Stealth, or something like that I want, to be clear that this. Airplane much like the the, classic, bell x-1 or the, the, North, American x-15, this is a purpose-built. Experimental. Research aircraft. It. Is not a prototype. For a supersonic. Business, jet it is not a prototype, for some, weapon system or it. Is not a derivative or a modification, of, some other existing, airplane, NASA. Gave very specific and unique requirements. For this aircraft, and. This aircraft was designed from a clean sheet, to. Perform. One. Safety of the pilot. But, there's some performance, parameters, and then the low, boom characteristics. And as, that low boom characteristic. That I think is is, is really important in understanding, that it's not about making a new. Airplane for airplane sake although I love airplanes, like. All these explains, and, to NASA's. Tenants. It's, about the data that will be correct collected. Jae-won. Talked about that earlier about. This aircraft having, data taken over test ranges as well as in communities, and it's. That data that, is used then to, shape, the future, just. Like these other explains in the past they, they. Generated, data and, and. That data is the, data that we use today as we design aircraft, this, data will be used to inform, decisions, that are made as well, as set guidelines, for. Future commercial, supersonic, aviation. And to that extent we're really thrilled to be part of this I always, mentioned that this is day one, actually. This goes back probably for. Some, 50. Years, and. The efforts that have been made to bring. Supersonic. Overland flight in the United States and across the world, for. For, NASA again it's just decades, and decades and all that technology has been brought onboard this aircraft, as well as processes. And tool sets that have been, developed by NASA for Lockheed. We've. Been at this for a little over 25, years and again. All of those things that we have been working on as far as technologies. Processes. Concepts. Have all been leveraged in the design of this low boom flight demonstrator. To. That end we're. Very confident, as, we go forward from here in. The design that we have in being able to achieve that. Low boom signature, to. Deliver this aircraft to fly in 2021, that's. A little a little, over two years away early in 2021, I think that it will go by really fast and it'll go by really slow, I think, I'll lose a lot more hair in the time between, now and then but again, we're we're. Excited about this I can't emphasize enough how thrilled we are at Lockheed Martin to, be working with NASA to. Continue working with NASA to. To. Realize this, vehicle and have it fly in the next several years so thank you very much. Thanks. Dave as, we get ready for the Q&A session I need, to bring up still three more people to the podium for, the QA once. They make wow they're making their way up here will let you watch this short video on the low, boom flight demonstrator. Good. Stuff we're. Really excited about this I'd, like to welcome our panelists, on. The stage right now first we have ed Wagner, program. Director for NASA's integrated, aviation, systems program, at NASA headquarters here. In Washington, DC he's. Responsible for ensuring the low boom flight demonstrators, built on time and on, budget and. Can also talk about lb-ft, role in air MDS, overall. Portfolio. Next. Ed we have Peter Cohen project. Manager for NASA's commercial supersonic technology. Project, from NASA's Langley Research Center, in Hampton Virginia. Peter. Is a NASA's main point of contact for all community. Research. Community. Response research, that, lb-ft, will help conduct. Next. To Peter we have another Peter Peter Joseph, etus I hope I pronounced, that properly, who's, the low boom flight demonstrator, program, manager on the Lockheed Martin side he's, based out of the company skunk works facility, in Palmdale, California. Welcome. Gentlemen. We're. Now going to start the question and answer session we, have several reporters, here in the room as well as many, on the telephone, bridge and. We're also going to take questions from. Social. Media from the general public now. Because, we have so many people that are involved we will need to limit everyone. To one question with one follow-up and once, everyone's had a chance to ask a question we'll start from the beginning once again I ask. That everyone identify, yourself, your media affiliation and, please. Direct your question to a specific, panelist, if possible.

To Eliminate any confusion, for. Those dialing, in push, the star one keys on your telephone to be placed in the queue and for, social media use the hashtag ask, NASA. To. Ask your question and with that let's, get started, anyone. From the room here have, a question. All. Right we have one question here yes, thank you Tom Ryan with eres Miss America, congratulations. And, good. Luck on the project I was wondering, have you done, any work on the community response, planning. I know you sought to build the plane but, response. Of people who are gonna be mirror though because the the boom rolls for 40 kilometers in either direction so you'll have to plan out where this is gonna happen have you planned out where you will do the test flights eventually. So, we. NASA has been working quite some time on, planning. And Risk Reduction for the community response testing, phase that will take place, we've, done tests, at NASA. Armstrong, using, an f-18, and, a unique dive maneuver that creates something, that sounds like a low boom sound to. Start to test how you do. Surveys. How. You how you measure the the noise how. You record the information. We're. Planning a risk reduction test in the near future over. A larger, community again. Using that f-18 dive, maneuver but with people that are not experienced. With the sound, as. The. Community. As the aircraft. Is being built in parallel, we will be planning in detail, the community response testing, we'll be working with the international, community to make, sure we get the survey questions, that. Will satisfy the needs of those. Regulatory bodies, we'll. Be working with local. Authorities and, national, authorities to, to get the permissions, or the you know that, are required before. We fly supersonic over land and we'll be selecting the communities, but we have not it's elected any particular. Community yet, we. Will be surveying, large numbers of people we're talking about as you mentioned it's 40 kilometers, wide our. Basic mission calls for a 50 by 50 foot 50, by 50 square mile. Test. Area so that's a lot of people to survey but that's the kind of data that we want, to get to. Ensure that we've got a good representation, of the. Population that will be potentially, exposed to supersonic, over flight yeah. Just to kind of piggyback on what Peter. Said so it's really important, that the data. That, we, obtain, is representative, of a wide diversity, of communities, because. That's that's, who we're going to be exposed, to. The. Sound and so we'll be flying over medium-sized. Cities. Large, cities urban, areas, small towns urban. Populations. As well as rural, populations. So that when we gather these data and we, look at it it will be representative. Of the. Diversity of the populations, that we'll be exposed to. The sounds that's really, important, to us to make sure that we capture all of those data. Alright. Thanks that we're. Now going to the ofone bridge I believe we have Alan Boyle from, geek wire on. Yes. Hello I'm Alan Boyle with key choir I wanted. To follow up on that question maybe, you could talk a little bit about the, time. Frame I know you're supposed to start flying in 2021. How. Long do you expect the test, period to last and will you be using. Data. From experiments. Such. As the flights that were flown with Honeywell. Or, is this strictly, based, on Lockheed Martin technology. So. The. Plan, is for the first flight for the libman flight demonstrator to be in fiscal. Year 21. The summer of, 2000. 21, after. The first flight there'll be a. Flight. Clearance phase will prove that the airplane safe to fly and that it meets the mission performance. Following. That phase will be what we call the acoustic validation, phase where we'll find out does the does, the aircraft do this the quiet, supersonic. Signature, that. We expect, notice, I'm not using the word sonic, boom I'm trying to ban that from both everybody's, vocabulary. So. That except that's expected, to last through about September. Of, 2022. And immediately, following that we will conduct our first community. Response, test will pretty. Much have that ready to go. That test will be conducted flown, from.

NASA Armstrong, but. We'll take place in a community in the southern. Southwestern. US that's, not normally, exposed to. Sonic booms we, plan to do about to community, response tests per year, we're. Looking to get a total of four to six total, tests, again. As I'd mentioned to get that good representative. Representative. Database, of cities towns and in rural, areas in. Across the United States. As. Far as the technology, goes you. Know the the shape of the aircraft was. Was, developed, by Lockheed Martin based. On on work done with NASA in the past so, that I guess is there that that's their piece, we, will be using flight. Planning, software. That's, that will be very important, for getting the exposure, the. Sonic movement exposure that we want we, haven't really decided whether or not we'll need a display. Such. As the Honeywell, and Rockwell. Activities. That were, recently sponsored by NASA under, an NRA a cockpit. Display of the boom but, we will have flight planning and flight. Management software, on the airplane to enable us to fly the. Missions and get, the boom exposure, levels, that we want to have so. I guess one additional, thing these these tests, will last about, three years we think and are, structured, to mesh up with, key. International, meetings. Where, we'll provide these data for. The International, rule, makers so, it's really important, that we stay on schedule. That we begin these tests, in. 23, early 23, when we hope then fly 23. 24, 25, and being, worked working, with both the US community, through the FAA and the international. Community to make sure we're providing the right data at the, right time. Thanks. Peter once, again if you have a question here in the room just raise your hand if you're on the phone bank you can push the star one key and you, can use asknasa, on social media right, now I have to admit I can't do everything myself I have a partner, in crime that's helping with helping me with social media I'd, like to introduce Stacia massingill. Do. We have any social media questions we. Do we, a question. From Facebook is NASA. Building, a commercial, supersonic, prototype. Aircraft. Shall, we say it in unison no. As, Dave, as Dave explained, this. Is this is a this is an explained, experimental. Aircraft design, for, a specific purpose. To. Collect data. About, low. Noise supersonic. Flight and collect. Data about public, response to, supersonic, flight. The. Technology. And the information that comes out of this program could eventually be used in a commercial product, but this is not a prototype. For a commercial aircraft. Alright. Thanks Peter once. Again we're going back to social if, anybody has any questions don't hesitate to raise your hand we'll come to the audience. Here in just a moment patient, one. More question from Facebook, you, call this an X plane when will it get an X number and what is the process.

So. Essentially. That's the the mission, designation. Series, for. Aircraft the F the F the B the, X is. Handled. By the DoD now. That we've selected Lockheed, as a contractor. It is they actually the manufacturer. Of, the, product, the, aircraft that. Applies. For that designation. With the military NASA. Will support that application. It'll be reviewed by the DoD and an explained designation. Will be issued most, likely fairly quickly we expect certainly by the end of the summer to have a next, number. Alright, we've got one on one, question, from the audience here. Great. Great work Aviation, Week here can, I just ask looking, at the aircraft here is there any difference. Significant. Difference between the. Design. That you ended up with at the end of PDR and what, you will build. Actually. What, you see here today in. Front of you was, produced. About a year and a half ago and the, design that we showed. That the polymer, design review last summer is almost, identical one. Of I would, like to compliment ass on is they, have established very good, requirements. Mission, requirements, for this airplane and those requirements have have stayed stable, throughout. This entire process, which. Has not changed the design and therefore has allowed the whole program, to proceed exactly as, planned, and that's. A complan compliment to NASA because that's rarely the case typically. You have a lot of design changes as you learn in over the last two two, years we, have not seen that. Thanks. Peter. One last chance we got any questions here in the audience or in the media, telecon. Okay. Another question here. Caroline. Tucker with NBC owned stations and I, have. Two quick questions one, when is the. Build-out, on this going to begin the construction of this experimental, plane and also. How. Do you want commercial. Entities to end up using this data in the future. I'll. Take the first part as far as one we're gonna start building it we, will start immediately right. Now in taking the, preliminary, sign that. Was developed, last summer and now taking that to a details not detail design and then moving forward with the actual manufacturing, which, will start, in earnest. Approximately. Next summer. As. Far as the, second part of your question Peter, probably better suited to answer that so if. You look at the, way aircraft, are certified, today there are regulations that that, describe how the aircraft must perform. Both. In terms of safety and the. Best example is noise all, aircraft are certified to meet a certain, noise level, so one of the things that we really hope that this data will will give the international community, is that, noise level, so.

Instead. Of saying no supersonic. Flight over land the, FAA or that will say to the to the manufacturer, if, your airplane produces, a sound level less, than X DB, it's. Okay, to fly over land all you have to do is prove to us. Through. A certification process. That. Your aircraft meets, that level. And. We understand, the types of, guidelines. That are needed and being the vehicle so, you can look at this you can see you, know this is long it's slender. It's. Done as a system, it's not you. Know it's not a fuselage, then somebody put a wing on it and somebody put canards on it horizontal. Tail it was done as the system so that you when you can go nose to tail and understand. The volumetric. Changes. On all. The all the components, there and so, then when you do that right when you understand, those guidelines and, design, this right and build it right it, will be able to fly with. Significantly. Less noise, signature, than. What, we see today. Thanks. Dad once. Again if you're on the phone bridge and you'd like to ask a question you can push the star one key on your phone to, be placed in the queue we're going back to the phone bridge right now we, have Bloomberg's. Black. Hi, my. Question has. To do with the, the second. Claim. That NASA is, talked, about when, will you make a decision on that is the idea to allow, this one to fly and and, get. It see. If it works I guess on, the signature before, you make that decision or it could become, it could it come earlier. Right. Now right, now within the budget guidelines, that we have we're. Working we're focused on this vehicle and we're really excited about this vehicle many. Other subsonic, technologies. We're. Working, and trying to trying. To understand, the best way to validate. Those technologies. In a realistic environment, that most of the time it's flight because, they've been tested, in wind tunnels that, we've done, computational. Analyses, but. As far as specific. Plans for, another. Experimental. V Fulop experimental. Vehicle, we're, not working that right now right now we're focused on making sure that. We've got the resources. In. Place to build, the low boom flight demonstrator, that, we've got the the, monitoring, and control piece. In place so that will stay on time on budget and, that, we're well we're working these other technologies. Were. Looking at what, those opportunities, will, be in, the future as we're. Successful, on this, demonstrator. What, they'll be in the future to demonstrate, those other subsonic. Technologies, that we want to test. Thanks. Ed okay. We're gonna go around the room one more time any questions here okay, we have one more question over here on the left, hey it's Kerry Lynch with aviation International, News I was wondering if you could talk a little bit about the plane it's not itself, the size of it how fast you're hoping to get it to go, if. You've looked at what, engines, you've looked at I, can. Take that the airplane is 94, feet long it. Will fly at 1.4, Mach at 55,000. Feet what. You see in, front of you as far as the airplane is a brand, new shape everything, else within the airplane, is existing. Commercially, off-the-shelf or salvaged. From other aircraft, that was one of the guiding principles that we had in designing this airplane is to make it as affordable as possible so. The only thing is that is new is the shape the, canopy is off a back, seat of a t-38, the landing gear is from an f-16 and the. Engine is a General Electric for, 14400. And a lot of the subsystems, have come off of either f-16, or f-18, aircraft there's, really no new development, of any major components, as, part of this effort.

Thanks. Peter we're. Going to go back to the phone lines but in the meantime if, you have a question on social media you can use. Asknasa, ask, NASA the hashtag, ask NASA and I. Will get your question, here as soon as we can so, those on the phone bridge by, all means push, the star one key and we'll get, you in the queue right, now we're going back to the phone line we have mark Sellinger from, the defense daily. Hi. Thank you can you tell us whether there were any other bidders. For this contract. And, if. So why. Lockheed, was. Selected. And. Also what is the next milestone for. The program is it critical design review and, if so when. Yes. So we, ended, up with one bidder. We, had three. Inquiries. I think to the, request. For proposals, and we, provided them preliminary, design data so. That everybody. There would be a level playing field. While. We only had one bidder we went through an exhaustive. Analysis. And evaluation of, that bid and, quite. Honestly the. The bid, that Lockheed Martin put together was. Deemed excellent. In. Every, aspect, that we looked at so, we. After. We went through the initial evaluation of. The bid we, went out with a series of questions for, Lockheed Martin, to respond. To the responses. Again. Were just excellent, and so they clarified. Some some, places where, it wasn't exactly clear. From. From, the proposal but. From a government, point of view we think we're getting a bargain so, we laid out requirements. Withheld, those requirements, this. Vehicle, meets those requirements and. At, from, our point of view a very, affordable, price so, we've. Got the budget we've got the resources to do this we, think that Lockheed Martin, will be an incredible. Partner, and bringing. Expertise, to the table, to. Enable us to meet. Our schedule, and and. Cost, requirements. For this vehicle and we're. Convinced, and what, we've seen so far that this is going to meet the requirements, that we need to. Provide the data to the regulatory, community, that. Will allow us to change the noise standards as we. Have them in place right now. Thanks. For the question mark and, programmatically, the next step is a contract, kickoff meeting which, should which will take place in May, followed, by a Delta preliminary, design review planned, for the, July timeframe and then. Commercial. Design review is planned for September. Of 2019. Thanks. Peter we're. Going back to the social, media and Asia. Twitter. User Amanda. Got would like to know what is the science behind this project that, allows for the low boom as opposed to a regular, one and. Part. 2 could. The aircraft, be sized up to accommodate more passengers. I. Guess I'll take that one so, essentially, a sonic boom happens, because the air does not know that the airplane is coming, because. The airplane is traveling, faster, than sound and pressure. Only, travels at the speed of sound, all, pressure, changes, that take place as the air tries to flow around a supersonic, aircraft take place through shock waves and, there's. Shock waves on the nose of the aircraft on, the wings on the engine Inlet on the canopy all, those shock waves are different strengths, and they're kind of randomly, positioned along, the length of the airplane so. What happens is because they're different strengths, they start to catch up with one another and they, rapidly coalesce, into just the two pressure pulses, that you here as a bang-bang of, a sonic boom so. In Simmons, in simplest terms, sonic. Boom reduction, is. Controlling. The shape of. Controlling. The strength and the position, of the shockwaves. To, prevent, that coalescence. So, each wave travels, out from, the aircraft it travels towards the ground the. Only thing that happens to it is it attenuates they, tend not to merge and become that stronger. Stronger. Wave form so that. By. The time you reach the ground the, sound is attenuated, to a thump or a double thump. Instead. Of instead, of a boom. Let. Me just go a little further as to why. Why. This works, during. A different effort with NASA back, in 20011. Called. N + 2 we actually demonstrated, that we could predict the. Methods for predicting, that boom and then testing, it in a wind tunnel and, validating.

That The predictions, were actually very much in lockstep for the results, which, really allowed. The confidence, to be built to a point that now we thought we could actually go forward or NASA could go forward with a full-scale airplane, and achieve. The noise levels, that it will establish for this X plane, Peter. Peter makes a very important point when we started, the, idea was not to do an X plane the idea was to prove that we had the technology that. Could enable the. Design of a quiet, civil. Supersonic, air craft so, we tested, that in. A wind tunnel then, we said about well how are we gonna prove, that technology. And how are we gonna get this key data so. That's how we came up with the X plane if you look at the features of it, the length the, slenderness the position of the components, some, of the unique smaller lifting surfaces, such as the Kanade and the, and the small t tail though it's all about positioning, the shock waves but, in the end that, type of information will, aid in the design of a civil supersonic, aircraft but, you wouldn't physically, scale this airplane up big enough to put passengers, in it you take a new design approach, but. What this what, this will allow us to do is validate some, of the methodologies, that we have in place that will allow us then, to scale. It up and design a vehicle, that would be large enough to carry. Passengers so. We. Will be doing flight testing, we've got computational. Methodologies. And of course experimental. Methods that, all three, of those working together, builds. The confidence in, any, of the designs that we're doing so now we're gonna have something that we've got true flight, test data on from. An acoustic point, of view as well as an aerodynamic, point of view, structures. All of, these things then, that will all go together when, someone comes along after. The rules are changed, someone, comes along and can make that business case and is ready to design a commercial, vehicle. Thanks. Ed and, with that I think we're gonna close today's news conference I'd like to thank the panelists, and Asia for their time today for. More information about NASA's, low boom flight demonstrator, or any other NASA Aero related, project, or for, any other NASA project. For that matter you, can go to the web at. And. With that thanks for joining us today have a great day and remember. NASA's. With you when you fly.


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