Charles Osong chats with us_An Introduction to ONPASSIVE GOFOUNDERS ASHMUFAREH GAMECHANGER

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good evening mr charles yes how are you i'm fighting several you say i am i'm passively blessed how about yourself everything you say thank you very much for for your time i know it will appease the men i thank you for the time you have allocated to us i know that you supposed to be in another way now in a short while so let's just make use of the term that i asked you to be here can you can you just introduce yourself to the quest please mr awesome well of course my name is charles osan i live in the united states for over 36 years now i worked in i.t department for a very long time but five years ago almost i turned on my resignation and was doing business for myself right because i got tired of working for people i got tired of having a job i wanted to be on my own and then i saw on passive a couple couple of years later and i said to myself wow this this is a revolution and i want to be part of it so i've been involved with on passive for two and a half years now full time not doing anything else not interested in anything else because i know how big this is gonna be so that's who i am okay yeah thank you very much no problem you know i i just like the way you put it that uh you're doing nothing but an impressive and because you know that he's gonna bigger than anything else that is what i always tell people that i come across i myself got into truth in passive about a year almost six months now because i got involved in november 2020 and ever since i caught here i can see the light i know that i will do everything else so mr musso without testing any more time of your time said you can just kindly talk to our audience what really isn't possible well and passive is like i say a revolution in the making is an ai it company right it's an i.t company powered by artificial intelligence and what we are doing is everything that we need in the digital space if you're a business person small large then you work online whatever services you need we are providing them in one place in it we'll call it single sign-on that means you need a vpn you got it okay you need a tracking software you got it you need a communication software you got it virtual education you got it doesn't matter what it is that you need autoresponder domain name service all of that we'll put them in one place and then for those of us who are coming in as founders before the company launches we are going to be benefiting from the customers that come in once we launch to the public the great thing is we don't have to recruit we don't have to sell the company uses is ai traffic component to bring in the customers on our behalf to recruit on our behalf to sell on our behalf and after selling they follow up with customer support using our revolutionary chat bot that even includes video okay so everything just everything is done for us we just sit back fool our arms and money in our bank account it is history in the making and i always say it's gonna be an internet quick is gonna be a shake up of the internet mark my words all hell is going to break loose online when we launch all hell is going to break loose online yeah you know uh i i i love that the way you you always express uh how the launch of the positive is going to be and one of the things one of the the phrases that i like about you that you already say about the passive is it we're gonna smoke the competition i'd love to say that and now a lot of people uh my leader will talk to them about pasty they're just not grasping exactly what it is on passive times because yes we talk about what an itty company because if you launch him with all these products so if they just briefly touch on what it is that we are going to be doing on the internet because we talk about the person yes we have ig company we're going to be launching but gonna speak to a lot of people they don't ask what well online will have so many different services like i said earlier we have webinar services just like this one this is stream yard some people use microsoft teams some use skype some zoom this is a webinar platform right and we are bringing in a revolutionary webinar platform 3d the pictures are so much clearer it is end-to-end encrypted very secured okay and it is scalable right that is going to be revolutionary other services online email marketing a lot of people use email marketing blog emailing okay ip tracking applications where people track ip addresses vpn virtual private network okay people use that online domain name service so what on passive is gonna be doing search engine optimization all these different services on passive is providing them and they are better and they are more affordable in other words at a lower price point so what on passive is doing integrating all of this and making it available for those those of you who have been around since the 90s okay you realize what bill gates did in the 90s okay we used to have a spreadsheet application called lotus one two three that's what we were using we used to have a wordperfect document for word document called the word perfect these are different companies netscape navigator db2 different for databases and bill gates came along and said you know what i can put all of this in one application called microsoft office that's right so now microsoft office came it has excel which is the spreadsheet okay it has internet explorer we use that to go online it has microsoft word which is a word document it has microsoft access which is a database the guest added some more things visual other things in it in that one package made it cheaper you remember what that did it made bill gates the richest person on earth for decades until recently for decades right so now think about that so what we are doing we are taking all this application that i just told you about and more and they're putting them in one place and integrating them and best of all using artificial intelligence which is yet the most disruptive technology mankind has ever known how can you beat that if you can wrap your head around it that's what i tell people listen richard branson most of us know him founder of atlanta airlines virgin galactica he said if someone offers you an amazing opportunity but you don't understand it say yes then learn about it later this is an amazing opportunity that only costs 97 say yes and then begin to learn about it and by the way it gets even better you have 30 days if you don't like what you see what you hear get your money back how do you beat that but guess what not everybody is going to be a founder that's acceptable okay founder it's a special people who have vision okay and if everybody's your founder what's going to be your medical doctor who's going to be your lawyer who's going to be a counter who's going to be a driver who's going to be a cook so it's ok right because you don't need them to succeed but those who come along they will be glad they did that's all i can tell you wow yeah that is just so uh precise and then just so short the way you you putting it because you know the battle that we find is that people will talk to them about this opportunity and they're just not grasping the fact that he has a company that is saying that we've got so much to offer and we so much gonna be revolutionary and so much for being giving you a price point with a scale level but you know it just i think it's just not telling people that something like this is out there and an invitation is extended because i think what the problem is uh with people is that they they the money says that people who already come to them invite them over these things other people don't respect them but now what we're saying passive is in order to recruit them we're not convincing we're just sharing the opportunity those of us who've got the vision who can you know hear what's being said here it's it's just a no-brainer you know and it's just amazing how many people can talk about this only a few will grasp i thank you for your explanation it's just out there simple as we always say now my leader obviously you i know that you've got so many years experience in i.t

industry you've been doing that for for a long time is it's easy for you to grasp the opportunity to craft your vision to know what embossing is all about so now why did you join passive out of everything that you've done in the past in about 20 years here comes the opportunity that what you do or passive was present to you in 2018 of july i'm not sure where about you you came across the opportunity but if you could just share with us what was it why did you decide to join in passive after all to know about internet and id okay calvin so like i said i was working the i.t industry for more than about 31 years really but i have a big family in the united states outside of the united states i always need money the money was never enough by the time i was done paying bills and helping a few years and then i am broke again so i said it's going to be a better way so i started looking for ways to make passive residual income okay and one buffer said very well if you don't find a way to make money while you sleep you're going to walk until you die another thing i knew my life i did not want to walk until i died before making my decision i have to find another way right i was doing these different things i all kinds of stuff i've done i mean it's easier to count the things that i have not done than to count the ones that i have done i've done so many things and every time i fail because you have to fail right but when i feel i feel forward that means i learn from my mistakes i try to figure out why did this feel okay and i realized as i went along that number one people are having problems recruiting you see something it looks so easy for you you say oh i can get people into this stuff before you know it they are not responding your friends start running away from you family members start running away from you they don't pick your phone calls and i okay this isn't working out right so i said that's one thing then i started looking for something that can earn me money if i do not recruit okay that was very important and i went and i started doing investments cryptocurrencies all kinds of stuff didn't have to recruit but i was making money but yes what happened a lot of them failed a lot of them went out of business a lot of them so i started asking myself what happened why did they go out of it why did i not succeed after all only to find out they don't have viable products okay so as i'm going along i am looking at reasons when um passive came in fact prior to unpassive i gave myself three things that if i don't see in a business if i don't see it i'm not even touching it with a long pole okay number one if i do not sell or recruit am i going to make money and i'm in serious money not just little change okay that's number one number two do i have to pay a monthly ownership every month pays on bill because what happens is when people have to pay a monthly bill and they run into any kind of hardship that's the first thing that goes out the window okay so that was my second question and then the third question is do they have a legitimate viable product by legitimate i mean legal by viable i mean necessary something that mankind you and i we need every day right like your cell phone like wi-fi internet access right in this day and age now look back i don't know how we used to live without the internet without cell phone you see what about absolutely those are final products right so so once a company doesn't have viable products that company is a time bomb that company will go out of business at some point in time so it is very rare to find a company that has all these three things that i just mentioned in fact i haven't seen it in any company but on passive to tell you the truth right and the reason it is in on passive simple because of traffic ai driven traffic that's it no other company has it the ones that tell you they have legitimate viable products right you must pay a monthly ownership okay you must recruit okay the ones that you don't have to recruit you don't have legitimate viable products but to find a company with all of these three things that is your security net that is what makes unpassive different from all of those companies that you and i see and know out there and that is why i jump in head and foot because i know it's for the long term okay anybody that's in it believe me is going to win it yeah you just come in and you will win well absolutely you know because uh you know i uh the privileges that i've had to speaking to people i mean leaders that i've spoken to so far because i'm hearing this i've spoken to another couple of leaders or also like myself i've spoken to my i've spoken to julian wayne never spoken to comfort and and then you know even even those who are not in this country the thing is what we're talking about passing it is always i ask this question and i always get the same answers the reason why we trade in passive number one like you say if the products that are viable you know every person needs everything they need now but at some point they were leaving them and you and using them and then we got this month subscription i mean you just said that you've done so many things in your life that's you can't even count them because there's so so much that's so many of us my leader i mean so many people internet i've lost so much money it's always a promise people say that you know the people they say this they teach you this but it's always a lie you know they go through these things they lose money and they went up with some hope and then if you ask me that on passive is a company that gives us those products that we all could use in the internet at some time in our lives be it now or be linked so i think that only page will open the same level now malaya and now the message was clear that you know we were doing this because it is a company there's going to be a game changer it's going to be changing the ways that i don't internet today there's going to be a corruption to the next to the a to the corruption something has never been done before and out of all our products we know that there is one for each and everybody who's going to be using the internet if you don't just mind me asking you which of those products feed the class that is the one that you can talk about to us now with your id background just one point it will just share what it is how it's gonna work and how it's gonna be affecting you know people who wanna be using it okay so i'll talk about academy why because i'm an academician one of the products is academy and academy i use i used to teach i take classes online and i could just imagine i could imagine uh if academy was present when i used to do that how easy it would it would have been a total right so and academy is a virtual education platform where students and instructors can interact globally right and it has so many different things for young students because he has distraction detection so if you're teaching young kids and they're distracted you can tell i've got multilingual capabilities so you can teach in english for example and somebody is speaking german or french they can be able to get it in their language you see what i mean now the biggest thing that i see with academy is that it makes education affordable to everybody brings education to the poor so just imagine i see you are from south africa right so let's say let's say there's some kid or some students in a remote village in south africa for example and this student is interested in doing same mathematics for example okay okay now this student in that remote village as long as they have internet access can be able to through academy get the best quality mathematic mathematics instructor or instruction so is an instructor who maybe teaches at oxford or harvard or one of these ivy league universities right can have his or her program and that student in that village in south africa that student in the village in timbuktu in mexico all over the world for a very small amount of money can get access to that instructor so you don't have to go get a visa okay and fly to united states and go to boston massachusetts so you can go to harvard or get access to have attack education right from your own remote place you get access and now here's what's in it for those instructors you teach in one of those big universities maybe they're paying you hundred thousand a year okay that hundred thousand dollars you can make for teaching one course maybe within one month because just imagine just imagine globally globally you can have 100 000 students globally using academy and if all of them just pay one dollar just one dollar because that runs for one month you just made that money one month as an instructor okay so not only does it enable the students it enables the instructors and then you can do it once and happens over and over what do i mean by that they take that course videotape that course upload it right and students just pay for it and they are listening to something that you've done you don't have to do it all the time life okay so that student who is somewhere in timbuktu for example is getting as much education as somebody who is in boston massachusetts united states same education same instructor ivy league education that's huge very huge in my opinion okay it is it is it's absolutely you know because i i do not know whether i was speaking to all the uh for all educators but i know that you know in my country in south africa you know the educators they they they get so so little uh in terms of of of compensation or wages and salaries exactly yeah and then you know there was a time i think two three years back you know with all of our educators they were actually gonna reside from their schools and say they wanna go and get jobs in australia get jobs in the uk because they're all chasing for better pay you know getting paid in dollars and pounds and then and now now if you say that there's very a product like academy and passive let's go about giving our educators a fair chance you know to to use their skills and then and get compensated you know fairly for that surely it will be a product that will be a hit and popular with our educators and even now with these kinds of of this pandemic whereby little parents are taking the root of natural engineering online education so surely academy will be the product that can be beneficial to both parents who want something better for their children and also for the children themselves who want a better education to be instructed by people with knowledge who up until now they couldn't be reached in across the borders and also the education themselves now they have an opportunity to go in and reach out to countries where maybe a client south africa can teach chinese or they can teach english to children in china asia or whatever surely there is a gonna be a win-win for everybody content awesome absolutely awesome awesome mr awesome yes now that we we we all remember so fun passive we know modern passive is you know by being public founders i'm sure each and every one of us at some point like we didn't mention this before that before we knew about the passive we were too busy changing other things now now that you know about the passive and we going out there speaking to our fellow countrymen like i'm doing now to myself south africans i know that you're doing it to your fellow country people you talking to your friends family about this and i know that we always meet this resistance because people are sometimes are just not open to change people we fear change they are so afraid to take things that happen to us in the past and always confuse them with what's happening now in our lives what sort of advice can you give to the audience people either heard about passive they're just no skeptic about it or people who have not cared about your passive what advice can you give mr auston to to get all the interpretation passes like like i said uh calvin at all passive we are sensitizing the people that we care about the people who care and love right to tell you the truth i have not talked to one passive or talk to somebody about on passive if i don't know that person if i don't love that person okay it's not one of those things where you have to solicit people that you don't know because with or without them you you are made right so when i saw on passive in my mind oh i made i can get as many accounts as i want and i'm fine okay and then i decided well let me help those that i know why because we are africans and not just africans globally right if you if you make it in life normally the next thing is you want to reach out and help the people you know and care about now what about if you teach them to fish rather than give them fish meaning that you can bring them in to make their own money that way they're not gonna change you when the time comes right so that was my mindset this is a perfect opportunity to alleviate poverty first all over africa secondly globally right but we say charity begins at home so you have to study around your area and if i do it say i'm from cameroon for example and i do it in cameroon you do it in south africa somebody does it in asia or europe you know different countries okay london australia and so on before you know it the world is a better place so we're gonna reduce the gap between the rich and the poor for those who want to accept it of course like i said earlier not everybody's going to be a founder right because if everybody is a founder who's going to be a doctor who's going to be accountable who's going to be a lawyer your driver okay your cook all of that stuff right so it is not for everybody keep that in mind and when you tell them it's just to exonerate yourself it's just to vindicate yourself because tomorrow when we launch i don't want somebody very close to me to say charles you found out about this once in a lifetime opportunity and you didn't say a word right that's the only reason i tell them and i tell them once i don't tell anybody twice i don't even ask you did you see it anymore what i do i make sure i have proof i send it to you to text or something that tomorrow when you come to me and said charles boy you saw this thing and you just kept it to yourself and i said to you go back to your text july 8th 2020 i sent you a text about it here's my proof and then guess what their mouth is shot right that's the only reason i do it and once i know that you've read the text maybe you've even beat your presentation and you think it's not for you you think it's this or that scam i don't even ask you what do you think about it i'm done okay so and sometimes the somebody will call me back and say charles what you sent me to this webinar you didn't even call me to ask i went i said i don't need to you should call me and say hey sounds good i want to be part of it or i'm not interested if you don't call me i forgot about you i've done my part it's not one of those things you have to go begging people you don't need to beg anybody that's it don't beg anybody you don't need them they need you you need to keep that in your mind they need you you do not need them you're just helping exonerate yourself that's it oh you know uh one of the reasons uh mr song i will tell you now that i am so strong and i'm growing and passive is because i i've listened to you to you on the webinars obviously when i joined that to go back with us now i know that as a founder i'll go to the back office or get you know notifications about webinars uh the last one uh the power of this one i i i hear you correctly i i i hate you and i even said i missed on the chat that they could tell something because at some point people will think that you come to them with these things and then maybe you need them to to to boost your your you your town lights and uplines people left but this misconception about the party because i think people have been doing too much of those other things those mlm they come now and they expect this to be the same way i invite you i must now follow up how was the webinar what did you think so i'm training now and then that's one of the things that i love about the passive is that the breath of fresh air well through none of those things i am so happy that you came to this uh live presentation that i'm going to be producing to my favorite people in south africa in the form of facebook and then on youtube and here's my leader who is saying the very same thing that i'm saying on passive we do not recruit we do not convince we do not beg if i talk to you about passive once you are lucky twice is never going to happen i love it oh yeah i loved it and it's a beautiful feeling right because human nature is like uh when they think that you need them okay and they're playing hide and seek because they think that they're helping you right you don't need them for me personally i've opened so many accounts so many i don't even need one person one i'll be just fine you'll be just fine right i'll be perfect i'll be perfectly fine however i feel obligated to reach out and tell people about it so that they two can help themselves because tomorrow someday somehow i'm going to meet my maker and he's going to say to me charles you know about this thing what did you do to help others right i want [Laughter] that you know doesn't know why uh you know leaders like yourselves and then and then far away to mike ellis to michael williams susie mcclare why you guys are a great red friend it's not because you are recruiting it is only because it's a you know there is an obligation of humanity to share you know because he has an opportunity so that you you elaborate putting knowledge someday on your video make a chance widely to share exactly and i said i said my lord i shared he said okay you do the right thing see what i mean exactly yes i know that you're very busy you needed to go to another arena yeah yeah i know so i i i thank you thank you i thank you very very much for your time uh we can never talk and be enough already because the only message we're trying to get across is here we are sharing neither are you with us or you're not but we take our part so i cannot keep you here more than we should i think the message has been it has been has been the course has been given i i thank you very much it's true leaders like yourself that we also become encouraged because like i said earlier i only met it in november i'm only six seven months to a passive and i want to listen to your videos i watch your webinars i love you your your knowledge i love the you you the giving of your time and what you're doing now because i also say that at this point on passive it's being pretty large it hasn't launched so there's none of us and you who are getting paid for to do it now it is just an obligation to creative community i i thank you very much for joining me i can look at you more than i should i'm just so privileged in order to stick with you i'm hoping that one day we'll talk about this when we have launched and now we're talking about other things about the passive not just sharing and sharing and sharing for people who don't hear and appreciate i thank you so much before i let you go no problem before you illustrate oh last words oh okay yeah so keep doing what you're doing calvin i i love it you know we need more people like you to to share because we need to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor that's all we're doing so it started with ash and then some of us picked it up and ran with it now we get people like you coming up and running with it we're gonna keep sending handing that baton it's like a relay right everybody's running their own little race and before you know it boom the whole world or pretty much most of the whole world is part of it and and i appreciate people like you and that's why as long as i have time i will be you know responding to this kind of calls and educating the world about what this opportunity is so those of you who are listening to this and you know you're part of this company you're still on the fence you need to jump over that fence you need to be part of the revolution it only happens once in a lifetime right and this is it this is your choice very very soon the window will close and that's it so thank you again calvin you keep doing your good work and uh your blessings will be unmatched okay all right malina i i thank you very much hey thank you have a great evening i'm gonna be joining you on our history line in no time i i thank you thank you once more this is kevin coming from south africa johannesburg speaking to malina charles osan all the way from usa he's a member from barcelona council he's one of those leaders who we all look up to we all appreciate who are giving off their time share about this opportunity and thank you so much for your time today have a great evening i will see you soon on the other webinars thank you so you have much our leader membership council leader charles song all the way from usa we are talking about the passive guys we will never stop talking about passive as you heard it from melita himself we're doing this because we're sharing if we don't do it or the passive is still going to launch with you or without you or nothing is going to launch you heard about my leader saying that you know he's doing this only because one day his days are over should it happen that the creator asked him charles you knew about this incredible opportunity it was going to change people's lives why didn't you share you know so i think now not many other food you know guys i'm doing this because i know as an opportunity that is going to change lives compulsive is fake and passive is huge azamara will never here's an opportunity come on board that should be the best 1005 you'll they were spending your entire life because i always say i can go to spare tomorrow maybe tomorrow go to attendance take a gender whatever i call you i can spend 1500 times but tomorrow i woke up at this uppercase yesterday i was here i spent money so can you give me the proceeds for treating holiday never happens this boy have him see i love you guys so i'm sharing this with you good night have a blessed evening god bless you all just remember this with or without you on passive is going to launch if there's somebody who has ever shared a possible passive with you please go back to the person and ask them how do i join if you have more answers the person cannot answer them reach out to us we reach out to our leadership council i'm speaking to our african child my sister my new friend edwardo shadare when we will be talking all things passive god bless peace out


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