Liquid Avatar OTC LQAVF Metaverse Digital Real Estate GOLDRUSH - Land Sales BOOMING

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okay welcome everybody to wall street reporters  next super stock live stream december 8th 2021   and we are back with liquid avatar lqavf over  the counter lqid on the csc and uh we're here   with david lucas the ceo david welcome  back thanks jack it's great to be here   i know you're fresh from the la comic-con it was  a massive massive event we're going to get into   all that in just a bit but for anybody that's  born into our program our goal with wall street   reporters next super stock live stream is to  bring you those stocks which have that 10x to 100x   upside potential so these are companies going  after multi-billion dollar market opportunities   they are at a key inflection point and there  is a multiple catalysts in place to ignite that   increase in shareholder value we've had already  nine stocks that have increased between a thousand   percent and five thousand percent in the past  18 months and you know we need number 10 now   so we're going to find out if liquid avatar could  be our our 10th 10 bag or plus so um you know   the key with this program is um yeah i'm going to  ask david some questions and then the highlight is   ask your questions in the live chat so ask your  questions to david and then decide for yourself   if liquid avatar is going to be our next 10  bagger stock so uh david uh with that said   uh let i want to kind of start off with you know  the company liquid avatar you know you've it's   been getting a lot of attention from investors in  the last probably i don't know 30 45 days you know   because of the whole metaverse theme like the  metaverse is becoming like it's probably gonna   be one of the big investment themes coming into  the next 12 months everybody's talking about it's   making all the headlines and of course you know  uh i like to say that you know liquid avatar is   you know really one of the few really legitimately  pure play metaverse companies uh between the stuff   you're doing digital identity the stuff you're  doing with uh you know with nfts the the digital   land which is you know really crazy stuff uh  we i really want to uh ask you more about that   later but essentially look you're you're at the  forefront of you know disruptive innovation so um   you know give us before we kind of get into all of  all the questions all the details of the comic con   give you know give a give us a snapshot of all  kind of all your key growth initiatives inside the   metaverse space super well thanks jack again great  to be here um when we look at the metaverse we we   look at it from three distinct vantage points one  is that if everyone's going to exist in a virtual   environment it it now is the time for everyone  to be able to declare that i am who i say i am   i want to be places where i know people i mean  jack you and i know each other so there's a human   element of trust here there's a there's a there's  i know who you are you know who i i am but when   we're in the internet uh or on or in metaverse  no one knows who we are so we start at the core   with digital identity and all our  partners are thrilled about that   they want to know that everyone who's going to  be in our ecosystem and other better verses that   we're talking to so we're talking not only the  metaverse but we're talking about the multiverse   you know multiple metaverses and and so that'll  be a new term for 2022 will be the multiverse and   and so when we talk about it at its core is  digital identity making sure that those that are   involved in engaging in the metaverse are who they  say they are but then around that that digital   identity you're going to need an avatar it could  be something really cool it could look like me   it could it could be um you know sort of a i could  be a dog it could be a cat i could be an alien   doesn't matter i need an avatar so  that's the second phase of what we do   and then we look at the pure play of the metaverse  and what is the metaverse the metaverse is really   web 3.0 the interactive culmination of everything  we've learned starting from sort of a first person   view into a ir web ar and and a vr perspective  the ability to for immersive technology for   allows ourselves to immerse if you think about you  know going back and i'm going to date myself but   you know we're all kids we have the sears wish  catalog right we've done through the catalog of   the holiday season and tell our parents what  we wanted for the holidays right and then   and then one of the big disruptors in the catalog  business in the british gala business was actually   victoria's secret so victoria's secret decided  that they would change the prices on the catalog   in black there's a printing technique to do that  that in black depending on what region you're in   so if you were in i actually i didn't know this i  had no idea i see there you go i come originally   come from the graphics industry so it was one  of those things that you know so so victoria's   secret was a disrupter in many ways but in catalog  printing and then we started with the internet and   it became listings and classified sales and then  catalog sales and then i mean i worked with um   uh under armour on the on the development of uh  and the launch of steph curry's um under armour   line uh shoes and we created interactive videos  that you could stop a video in mid-flight press   a button and get a whole interactive display so we  went from literally flat catalogs in the internet   to interactive catalogs now we're going to be go  to a point where i can be embedded or immersed   into the internet into the experience and i can in  a 3d environment look and do everything so that's   not only with purchasing something but that's with  entertainment that is with um education healthcare   everything can be an immersive experience  and the metaverse is where it's going and and   things are exploding on that front and i  believe that we are way at the forefront   so okay so the key thing which you know it's very  interesting i think i think people are going to   kind of understand what you're talking about  probably a couple of months when they actually   have the experience and because okay so really  like okay they understand the metaphors but   the key to the whole thing is because if it's  an immersive experience and you're in there   then the question is okay what is your actual who  are like is it a verifiable digital identity right   and that's where you come in essentially  you're you're based are you are you essentially   i don't want to say it's like a social  security number but you're you're like um   i don't know a passport i mean what is it you're  basically well that it's one of our investors once   coined the frames we do a financial passport  it is but imagine your avatar avatar online   can take out of their virtual pocket a virtual  qr code and present it as your digital identity   without ever passing your personal identifiable  information now four years ago when we introduced   this concept people go what the heck are you  talking about but it's it's far closer to   reality today than than we showed at comic con we  showed off um our our meta hero project avatar so   the these are interactive avatars that you will be  able to put in various metaverses or multiverses   and use um to represent yourself  in a work or playing environment   so it's not only if you think about it it's it's  about proving who i am showing who i am and then   doing something in that environment and again  the the the metaverses will not start out as this   virtual playland it'll start out very similar  to non-linear gaming a game environment where   i can walk around do things interact and touch  because there's just not enough computing power   yet to make everything viable i mean there is in  theory but not in practice and bandwidth has to   has to grow as well i mean 5g has to be absolutely  prevalent but at the end of the day we're going to   go from literally a flat internet experience to  into an interactive internet experience and when   i want to do something i'm going to have to prove  oh i am let me give you an example a very simple   example if you walked into best buy today to buy  a television set and you get to the cash register   with a television set and you say them you know  what i'm really sorry but i forgot my wallet   i want to give you my card number my cvv number  i'll give you my zip code and i'll give you my   name and my expiry number i'll just give that  to you you let me walk out with that television   set and everybody puts a smile on their face and  goes there's no way that best buy would let you   walk out with the television set but they let me  do it every day online every day i can just type   in information and they will ship me something  amazon hewlett packard you know ibm everyone   will ship something to me without verifying who  i am the next generation of internet services   will require that you prove that you have  that credential to do that service whether   it's travel and we're seeing this with code  credentials today depending on where you live   you have to prove every time you walk into a  restaurant i was just in california every time   i walked into a restaurant i had to show my and  it was a canadian ontario credential along with   my id it was so not only were they they liked  the new the canadian uh yeah they did actually they didn't know if it's real by the way they  didn't know if it's real but they just saw it   so at the end of the day we can prove  it's real because we can create a   verifiable credential that attaches  to your identity but imagine   now we can take all that stuff that we  think of virtual is coming to the real world   combine that with the virtual world and our market  is massive it's a massive opportunity yeah well   well it's massive because you have you know seven  billion people on the planet you know in theory   they're all potentially a customer okay exactly  so okay so uh before you know obviously i wanna   ask you how do you monetize and i wanna we'll  talk about the comic con the the the aftermath   islands all that stuff but you know i i gotta add  that you know look this stuff that you're doing   right now this metaphor stuff it's really  so cutting edge and the stuff that you're   talking about with digital identity i mean like we  could talk about for the next hour i don't think   is gonna understand it really probably in for  the next couple of months until like this stuff   actually starts being used because i remember  when i first heard like the internet you know like   you know because i was actually in the printers i  was doing you know financial magazines or whatever   and you know a guy said hey why don't you uh you  know why don't you do this thing on the internet   i was like are you crazy like what like because i  remember aol with some but internals we got we got   the cds every month right the aol cities see these  the whole thing was just like two but then when   i actually saw the whole thing oh and there's  also streaming because we were the first guys   actually we were doing streaming audio they called  streaming audio about that you know real audio   before video that's audio i was like oh this is  it this is the few you could do ceo interviews   like you know it was it was a game changer so i  i think what you're talking about right now with   with the liquid avatar did you like that you know  i think people are finally gonna it's gonna click   for them in a couple of months when things kind  of become more like they actually see the things   happening uh and by then i think the stock is  gonna be a lot higher so the opportunity is now   before before everybody gets it because right now  nobody really understands that stuff you know i i   agree i mean if i i like it look at this i'm  certainly not comparing myself but if jeff bezos   would have gone to his investors day one and said  hey tell you what we're going to be in the last   mile business we're going to disrupt ups fedex  and everyone else right i think his investors   would said jeff here's a nice jacket that ties up  in the back go put it on and we'll leave you in a   corner somewhere but eventually you have to have  that vision and i think we have a great vision for   our stakeholders and our investors we're already  producing technologies that governments um travel   organizations health care organizations businesses  colleges are all looking at because you're right   they're saying the time is coming for us to have  this but the time is now i did a project jack   and i want to say 2011 with steven spielberg  and i did this digital um event i went to the   university of toronto and said to them look at we  could do remote learning based on this technology   that we developed and the university of toronto  god bless them because i'm a big advocate for   the university of toronto said to me no one's ever  gonna do remote learning no one's ever gonna learn so online have to have the vision and and the fact  is this vision for us hasn't changed in four years   it's that the market is catching up i'm talking to  investment advisors today who are saying i get it   i know it took me three years but i get it and  and frankly you know i want to be at the front   of the horse pulling rather than at the back  of the horse pushing it's much easier you won't   get kicked and you don't have to clean up any  messes so we are pulling right now okay so now   you get a couple that you actually also have  so let's let's get into the kind of how do you   monetize right now part of what you're doing is  now you have like really i don't know this is   the company has right now multiple growth  initiatives you have different multiple   revenue sources which which i really want  to dive into one of them is this digital   identity business which i think you started you  mentioned toronto i think you're doing something   in ontario or toronto with like the uh uh ids for  minor or something or yeah we've got a massive   um opportunity with the ontario convenience  store association we had a call this morning   the the the opportunity is three million ontarians  go through convenience stores every week and the   ontario convenience store association has about a  90 just under a 97 percent um uh accuracy rate and   verifying identity but when you start looking  at the number of people they want to reach 100   because in ontario they can sell lottery tickets  they can sell um i think restricted vaping   products tobacco and some other uh adult magazines  and some other items that are age restricted   but they can't sell um alcoholic beverages yet the  goal is to take alcohol beverages to the corner   stores and to do that they have to have a way to  be a hundred percent accurate in age verification   so we have a way to issue credentials but we do  to um for a consumer to hold that credential who's   who's young and even old and we have a way  to verify that credential so we're partnering   with the ocsa the ontario convenience story  association their 8 500 stores but i have to   tell you jack that has put us on the radar we have  we have received invitations from north america   all over europe and i think last week it was last  week um i had an article published in forbes about   age verification and digital identity so it  is an amazing situation age verification is   a massive opportunity and and what it does is  it brings the right demographic to our product   and that's why we also went to comic-con  because it brings the right demographic   to our product i mean we all know anyone who has  children and not my my daughter's now older but   if you have young children is we take our cues  sometimes from our kids whether sometimes it's   sports or even clothing um or or other elements  or technology we take those cues from our kids   so we're really focusing on the gen z and  the millennial market okay yeah so so this   okay so you know so the digital identity thing  that's like so right now i think this thing you   you're doing with in in ontario that's going  to be kind of like like a great case study   for you know widespread adoption okay now the big  question how do you make money with all this stuff   like the the the digital identity stuff in  toronto and other uh applications like that   so with digital identity it's a it's a very  simple process um the consumer in our in our   model never pays for anything it's and that's  the only way to make the internet service grow   um with digital identity but an issuer in our  system who wants to issue a credential or a   verifier wants a verifier credential um you know  will will pay a micro fee for that it's similar to   processing a credit card or financial transaction  so there's a lot when you think about the pennies   those add up very quickly when you're doing  millions of transactions which this opportunity   has hundreds of millions of transactions a year  so we're seeing that and we are a leader um i   will say this because it's absolutely true gartner  the big research agency just published a paper on   emerging technologies and digital identity and  liquid avatar was named as one of the companies   to look at okay uh so we're going to get into  audience questions we've got some good questions   coming in with you i can see them flashing across  the screen i'm jazzed to talk about i just want   people to know that yeah that we see the questions  so we're going to get to all the questions in in   just a minute uh let me just see what what did i  want to ask you okay so the ma okay okay now what   about now let's talk about the other stuff the big  news of course i think that's getting everybody   excited is uh what you're doing is this thing with  digital land aftermath island you got multiple nft   initiatives so let's talk about that like what  are you doing in i don't know if you want to   go one by one like because i think you're in  i i've lost track how many different bit rates okay then we have our avatar  products which won't launch   our our standard avatar 2d avatars are  part of the liquid avatar mobile app   but our our our 3d avatar products which can look  like you or i um called the meta hero project   will launch um hopefully late january we're just  doing our test beds now where you'll be able to   submit an image of your face and and a picture  of your body type along with some data and we   will create avatars realistic avatars that look  just like you and are fully written and animated   for the metaverse and game environments what do  you call it like cool well they start at at 500.   that's expensive and they and they go to  five thousand dollars because because well   if you bought a board eight four apes or ten  thousand dollars just a flat image as an energy   but but the the what we designed was a two-fold  avatar so think of clark canton superman okay   so you can have your clark kent image which means  you can use your avatar for everyday activities   school work play family events but then when you  go into a game environment depending on on the   skills and powers you have you could have super  flight you could have laser vision you could have   all the superman skills so this is a really really  unique opportunity it's a very unique avatar but   it is fully customized and playable as yourself  okay now when you okay so when you make these   avatars let's say the base one for 500 bucks uh is  this automated like in order are you able to scale   us like in other words do you have like is it like  one a couple of artists making these things one   by one or you have some process where you can  you can scale and do a thousand of these a day   well first of all first of all the first  series is only limited to 25 000 on to start   um second thing is you can't automate  the process until you go through   um an iterative process to try and develop them  find out where the bugs are so there are lots of   things we can do for the future that we're already  speccing but for the presents they will be done   one or two or three at a time okay how big now  how so with these digital these avatars right like   how is that mark it up now we're seeing this  crazy thing with you mentioned this board ape   thing like i'm starting to see like this nft  thing with the these apes and there's like the   programmatic or algorithmic and they're selling  for tens of thousands of dollars yeah there's like   a different creatures and they're all basically  like a different iteration like you know it's like   yeah they're algorithmic they're or programmatic  yeah i i don't know cars are custom from day one   ours are why would you have an ape acadia punk  when you can have your own cyberpunk yeah right   right you can have your own avatar and this is and  and what we've done is is it's uh i i would invite   everyone to go to to to read  the whole story but it it allows you to be both   game oriented and personalized and customizable  um for a fraction of the price that you paid   for a board ape or anything else okay this is  another craziest thing that happened okay no no   but that leads us into digital ant and and the  metaverse and aftermath look okay if one is in   this digital landing there's like this is like  stuff that's going insane like it's it's like   you know it's it's like it's like it no it's like  completely on steroids so what is what is going on   with digital land like i i just heard i mean i  actually you were talking about it for a while   but like now i'm starting to see um you know  people don't want to use like digital head like   multi-million dollar sales right in in individuals  so what we did is is is we had a client at oasis   digital studies and now we're a full partner  we run the project and and the idea was um that   you know i'm a gamer from day one and  obviously a comic book collector but   but so what we thought of was three different  types of lands one was thematic so a land that   was you know uh fairy or fantasy dragons or  dinosaurs so there's thematic islands in which   you can own land and you can play in those  thematic environments then there is community   islands just like sims or second life where you  could have a safe environment where you could   do everyday activities and then for people who  want to have a little more privacy high rollers   we have estate islands which will be limited to  those people and their guests who can who can   deploy on that island so you have three  different types of islands and then we have   multiple iterations of those islands and we've  released right now 40 islands 40 islands and eight   of them are already these 40 yes and eight of them  are already sold out sold out two of them are near   sold out and others are doing phenomenally well  and you're filling this now you're selling this   now people paying you money cash absolutely  they're paying us what's unique about us   is if you think about the crypto industry that  is a very small market very very small market   there's maybe four or five six million people in  crypto market we employed with our partners that   mouse called in their their application waxify  and the wax chain we put in paypal and coinbase   so everybody can buy the other thing we did jack  is we started the prices off really really low   you can buy a plot of land and stake your claim in  a plot of land which is a virtual thousand square   meters for as low as 35 dollars but people are  paying up to 46 almost 4 700 for plots of land and   i am telling you that the numbers for us from our  iteration are just off the hook i mean it's it's   just people we are seeing we're seeing five-digit  sales five-figure sales every day every day   and i won't from low fives to mid-fives to  high-fives we're seeing every every single day   look without generating revenue wait dave you're  saying a liquid avatar is ringing the register   five figure five figure sales means how much five  figures is a day more than 10 grand basically   it's five figures five low fives mid fives and  high fives every day it's now it's trended it   started off very erratic but now the trend and  again this has only been about 40 days so please   everyone's got to do their own due diligence  so you know once when somebody once told me   once is a an anomaly and twice as a pattern we are  starting to see patterns emerge that we are seeing   as a as of it's like the whole it's it's like  the whole crypto thing then the nft thing though   it's it's like it's it's people are doing it  so but you're actually so you're basically   generating revenues real revenues selling this  digital land every day every single day now now   our margins are extremely high in my  humble opinion because it's digital   right but i know we do have cost we have some  marketing costs we have some development costs   but we're also reserving some of that money for  the development program right so we're starting   to build a war chest so we so that we have our own  war chest as we start developing in january that's   unbelievable uh all right so so it's it's so jack  i can't i can't sleep yeah i mean i'm so excited   what happened at at comic-con and what's  happening at aftermath islands and what's   happening at our core digital products because you  know people sort of said to us at the beginning   ah avatars and digital identity that looks so  kitschy now people are getting it and they're   going we have major organizations coming to us  and saying wow i love digital identity but can   you help us with their avatars as well i mean what  is happening i mean i don't get the difference   between the board ape and what you're like bars  are real you know people paying for the board why   wouldn't they you know do this absolutely that's  why 500 might sound like a lot but you're getting   a fully customized image of yourself yeah yeah  yeah no it's even though and i will do a shameless   plug if they sign up early at many hero projects  they will get a a an early adopter discount so   shameless plug shameless plug so go to meta hero  project okay so here's my question to you okay   so you're selling the the this digital end this  is this is aftermath island right this is yeah   yeah okay so how much i mean the land is  finite right so how much can you gener no no   no because if you think about it an island  is finite now okay just keep in mind   that an island is finite but when you look at our  numbers we can produce more islands and we're only   we've we've released phase one and phase two  and phase two is more expensive than phase one   and that's our model phase three i and we're not  in the business of in i have to be very clear   we're in the business of of gamification metaverse  we are not we are not condoning or supporting   investment that's not our business this is a no no  no we're not going to tell you there's a utility   this utility plate that's what we're  doing we're not talking however yeah   as i mean we're now starting to announce private  islands so we have cannabis cove that we've   announced which will be dedicated to the cannabis  industry we have vegas island and we have the the   the creators of are involved with us  on vegas island we will test it out is   that's like what is it i think they start with a  domain it's like they're doing what they're doing   they go to a 400 million a year business it  was massive and you know what 100 million a   year those guys well i think i i mean i'm not  i'm involved with the original creators but   but at the end of the day we're doing private  islands um we will make islands available for   high rollers but they will be very very select  for you but again it's it's all about i mean   candidly when you look at the islands  and the number of parcels or plots   in in a phase with the phases is 20 islands  there's just under 10 000 power cells available   if we want to have a million people  we have to have a lot of islands   okay so what's the revenue potential i'm not  that good at math how much can this generate wow   so each so phase one i believe was  about 1.4 million in potential revenue  

phase two is 1.7 million in potential revenue so  about 3.1 potential revenue to date and like i   said we're selling land and and our other services  now every day it's it's it's becoming a snowball   effect because one feeds the other can you do  okay but i mean when you do more islands can you   can you sell 100 million worth of land we believe  we believe that is a potential opportunity yeah   i mean in theory you could sell you know i  don't know a billion dollars what about resale   well there's other things too because office that  that sells well exactly except think of it is is   we just landed on in in north america or europe  and we have all this land to stop right we might   only sell you know france today but tomorrow  we might sell germany um so there's lots of   opportunities and we're doing this all we're doing  our test videos now in unreal engine 5 so for the   gamers out there go to our youtube channel and  see some of our island designs our websites are   very functional because we use shopify so shopify  doesn't allow a lot of creativity in the websites   it has to be very thin and simple but when you go  to our island designs and some of the things we're   doing on and look at our youtube videos i'm i'm  as a gamer i'm i'm i'm excited and impressed okay   no i mean this okay so the digital landing i'm  like i'm seeing like you know imagine we could   be the landlords of stores on a digital island so  not only and we own so let me let me make it clear   jack we we did the deal at the beginning with  aftermath islands and we had a crawl in equity   opportunity for one euro if we did what we said  we're going to do we now own 50 going forward of   all of aftermath islands we own that they granted  us a hundred and fifty islands for ourselves so   you can imagine at the value of those islands  plus on every island there is reserved land for   common area liquid oasis digital studios which is  a wholly owned subsidiary of liquid avatar owns   a portion of a land on every single island and  and we are the real estate agent for everything   this is uh wow it's amazing it's like uh it's  like in the in in the americas you know when uh   i think when the english owned it they they  granted different you know like okay or   whatever they okay you get uh a thousand  acres because i don't know what i think   what's there is a real estate term for this one  the king grants it to you it's called a uh uh i   i can't remember but i i know what you're  talking about yeah eminent eminent domain   i don't know and you know then whatever it  is yeah whatever it is but but the answer is   basically basically this digital land  that you're doing now this is this is the   biggest land rush since uh god west was born  legitimately since since you know california   imagine what was this tom hanks trump's tongue tom  cruise movie far and away or one of those movies   they have to go and stake the land right this  is what we're doing and again what we've done is   we've made it easy for young people with their  parents permission and or opportunity to get in   very very simply you can buy a 35 45 55 dollar  plot of land or you can buy a massive plot of land   we have we i have one investor in in our company  who sent me a note saying i own 192 plots of land   i went oh my gosh that's killer they owe more  land than i do because we had to buy no one in   our company got granted land as individuals we  all had to buy our own land and we're doing so   give me i'll give you an example for comic-con  which is a great segue if you bought land on   dino roar alley which is our thematic dinosaur  island or on dragon alley you get a free dinosaur   or dragon egg which will hatch it's a separate  nft which will hatch when the game goes live   so imagine that is an nft into itself as an asset  so now we're starting to put in houses and other   assets so so jack it's not just about selling the  land nuts yeah it's a whole developer plus we've   got creator and innovator programs where we're  bringing in other creators and they will be able   to sell assets that they create so it's going to  be everything from clothing to digital products to   digital events so we're looking at you know we're  looking at things like can we do concerts in the   in the metaverse and and you might see something  from us with some of the other metaverse brewing   in our entertainment division so we're looking  at all these opportunities and saying this is not   only um a wonderful opportunity for liquid avatar  in oasis teachers studies and aftermath but it's   an opportunity for creators we want to embrace  the creative spirit we're talking to colleges   and universities now about bringing them into the  metaverse i met with a university at comic con   and and we're talking about bringing them into  the metaverse so this is an opportunity of of   massive proportions and we are so excited to be  here today but but it's been a major ride to get   here and again at our core we have the fundamental  building blocks to make this all work oh you know   i want to ask you okay so you're saying that  you're just i mean you're i mean you mentioned   some like impressive numbers so you generate  revenues on this digital land so as far as i know   you're the only publicly traded company that's  selling digital like in the space generating   revenues right this is the you're the only player  right now i i can't i haven't done enough i mean   i know i i look at there's no others that are  playing in the space but i think we're the only i   i believe again subject to due diligence i  believe we're the only one that's generating   land and again we're doing it based on again one  of our things with aftermath when we started the   project we said to them look at if we're going  to do this we're a public company we have to   manage all the funds and now we operate the  project that's why we're fully consolidated   because at the end of the day we wanted to make  sure and they're really great people but we wanted   to make sure that the money that's going into the  kitty stays in the kitty okay but in other words   you're going to be able to when when will we be  able to see the the land the digital land sales   showing up on the quarterlies when will we see  that well we just finished our third quarter   we're in year end so in terms of of disclosures  it's probably not not until early in the new year   like you know by first quarter because we have to  do a year in but um and there are different and i   have to apologize to our u.s friends but there are  different disclosure rules in the u.s than there   are in canada with with interim reporting but  we are talking to both u.s and canadian council   on the best way to inform our stakeholders on how  we're doing so we are working on that diligently   okay but okay so in other words i i think one of  the key milestones is going to be whether it's i   don't know but by march maybe sometimes is what  when when you're actually able to show a quarter   and disclose that hey we sold a million bucks  worth of digital land now that is going to be   a game changer for the markets because that'll be  a massive milestone because you i mean as far as i   know this is the only play in town and like when  that gets i'm hoping it's more i really am hope   again personal opinion a dd alert you  know i'm i'm like i i want to see the   numbers grow i mean i've done a lot of retail  marketing in my career and and and um you know   so and that's why we've been invited into a  number of key projects with disney in the past   and under armour and all those projects so we've  taken all of this learning now over almost 40   years and we're bringing it to ourselves so we're  very very excited and and again you know that   we're starting to see patterns trends require  a little more time but i you know i'm looking   at our numbers and our valuation jack and from  a personal standpoint i i'm i'm not interested   in in in selling any of my personal stock at this  point time and and because of our situation people   ask us all the time how come managing is buying  because you can imagine with everything going on   we're constantly blacked out so so so not  only you know i just believe personally   that we have an opportunity in front of us that we  have to focus on and is is of immense proportions   okay so let's uh oh before we  go into the nfts maybe you'll   you'll talk about the nft thing now but i want to  ask you i mean the big thing i want to talk about   the comic con so right so it's a very  interesting avatar was the uh a fish official   a digital innovation partner at the la comic-con  which is yeah that's a if anybody this is like   a cultural phenomenon they get a hundred thousand  people attending people are very passionate about   this a lot of money i mean people go they they  put on the costumes the whole i mean they're   it's a massive business they're into it let me put  it there they're into it yeah yeah so you had a   big booth yeah i think a thousand fifteen hundred  square feet with a with a 16 foot tower and a 24   foot sign okay like we were you could see us from  anywhere in the halls there were i want to say   i don't know 20 20 or 30 rows of vendors across  the hall i mean it was a massive massive south   hall we were and we did panels and main stage  panels and were active in the scavenger hunt   everybody knew who we had an interactive drawing  wall and and i promise to send you some pictures   and video but um if you go online you'll be able  to see we had we had so many people interacting   with our booth we had brands coming up to us we  had a continuous loop on a 10-foot video screen   it was an absolute amazing coming-out party we  partnered with apex comics and we um we had some   comic books with with all our ads on and we'll  be continuously giving those away um they you   know they're they're still ongoing sales but but  excuse me for branding it was a phenomenal event   and i think everybody knew who we were how  many people showed up did everybody have to   work you had to wear masks in yeah everybody in  california everyone had to wear a mask to be there   i wanna i wanna say i can't i i don't know the  number for certain but their their goal was to   be near the the mark of 2019 which was 123 000.  i don't think they quite got there but i think  

um it's got to be i i my estimate is somewhere  between 85 and 100 000 people probably okay that's   a lot of people yeah and we should you know we had  we put we you know i posted some of the pictures   on on our twitter and social media the of the  setup the booth setup uh we did an exclusive   interview with you beforehand right yeah yeah so  we got to get the actual thing afterwards now um   the actual boots and the whole thing so okay so  what we okay so what was your expectation from the   event and what did you get like what's the kind  of the after like what what what like what do you   what do you think what did what what did  that event do for liquid avatars in other   words did this like kind of put you in the map  in terms of a certain demographic like what was   what what's the what's our goal was you know the  challenge with covet is no matter what kind of   company or you've been living in isolation for  the last couple of years you hope that you know   you know it's it's you you aren't out meeting  your constituents you are not visiting people   so this gave us a huge opportunity to say are we  what the market wants it was our coming out party   and um i've never been more energized uh  candidly i'm like i said i can't sleep so   so at the end of the day i believe we hit  that objective the second objective was   would our products resonate with individuals  i mean we had people coming back every day to   talk to us we had we we actually had ceos of  corporations in california come out to see us   we had people fly in from across uh north america  to come see us literally for meetings at that   event because it was a live event i want  to see our see our our setup um um you know   we had uh phenomenal artists and events i mean  every objective that we set for ourselves we met   and or exceeded it was it was a phenomenal  phenomenal uh vote of confidence to what we do   okay and uh okay so what this also um besides  the the digital uh land the aftermath i don't do   also i have a bunch of nft projects yeah can you  kind of do a quick recap like which ones are like   you know the most uh exciting kind of  red moves coming in that type of thing   well uh most of them again we started off with  a whole bunch of test projects found after math   islands and then focus because you know frankly i  mean given our our breadth of offerings we're not   that big a team and and so after math islands  has been our focus but so has gourmet nft   with ruth mccartney and chef david skinner and  and we're seeing that should launch we're hoping   in the next several weeks only because we've  been automating some processes for nft creation   um and so that's one of the big things we're we're  now looking at some new art projects we're also   looking at creating artists on opportunities in  the metaverse which those projects will be able   to be displayed but what we've very much focused  on where we can gain revenue so right now jack   in the nft business it's all about aftermath  islands then gourmet nfts and some very very   select projects it's there's just too much going  on and we don't want to divert our attention   okay now am i am i like conflating is the  nft business separate from digital land   or is it well oasis digital studios is our nft  division and always a student digital studio   is which is a wholly owned subsidiary of of liquid  avatar is the um owner of of aftermath island so   we're very it's it's very unified so it's it's  yeah the um digital identity is liquid avatar and   liquid avatar verifiable credential ecosystem  oasis is our nft and our and and aftermath   that was our digital land deal okay let's get to  some audience questions um okay jay is asking any   insight is that how many new downloads of the app  the digital identity app happened over comic-con   also are we still on track for aftermath  islands to go live in june 2012 so so   so our premise wasn't to highlight the downloaded  liquid avatar's mobile app at at the um event   simply it that wasn't a radar item for us it was  the brand and and and talking to people about the   brand and what we're doing um the liquid avatar  mobile app is is still in the test phase because   we haven't launched any of our large programs  yet and and um i think there'll be a lot of news   coming out where we're going to see in likely q1  of 2022 a significant number of downloads um for   the liquid avatar mobile app because we'll have  latched programs whether it's ontario convenience   store association or some of our other programs  that will facilitate that and um um right now   it's still early but um our test phasing is still  on track for for mid-2022 for uh aftermath islands   okay uh heidi is asking what is the status of  digital id signups with colleges universities   large corporations well i think i've just  answered that um what we did is we focused on   certain verifiable credentials and we found  that rather than going after organizations   we're going after sectors so age verification  and or travel and or health care um in lockstep   with what governments are doing so we now have  a solution um that that we believe will have   the the right opportunities for growth in those  areas rather than going after single corporations   we're going after dynamic business sectors  uh update on the credit card we don't have   a credit card we have a debit card we have never  an eight right so we've never talked about that yeah so cabin cash and we're we're  launching a new program in the u.s   um we're still having some challenges in  canada uh not with our program but um uh   it's been a hard night the the canadian  banking industry is still challenged by   some crypto and as we've all seen there's been  new regulatory opportunities so we're hoping   that 2022 sees the launch of the debit card  in canada and we're already focused on the us   uh okay i think tommy's asking q1 q1 okay  okay yeah because what we did is because   because of the way that the app works now with the  verifiable credential ecosystem we have to have a   dedicated server array in every not every region  but every country that we enter for privacy worlds   so we've started with canon in the us make sure  we've got it right and then we'll expand the   digital identity program to europe and beyond i  don't think did i ask this what sort of utility   will the new avatars have well again there's gonna  i think of it it's very simple bruce wayne batman   clark ken superman peter parker spider-man there  will be utility in everyday life and then there   will be superhero and superpowers for games we've  made a very distinct bot it will be one avatar in   the same you just won't be able to uh shoot a web  at someone uh if you're talking it to them across   the hall and or across the conference table  at a meeting that would be kind of ridiculous   but um so you will have your sort of your  clark kent your superman um utility okay   uh investor steve uh investor steve is complaining  about the stock is it i mean i think the stock is   just normal volatility i mean it's like you know  went up from yeah double triple yeah it goes up   it's like normal like again you know our job first  and foremost is to focus on the development of a   company in the business now of course the ceo  of the public company i'm very cognizant of the   of the stock every day and we do have you know we  do have a team that that is actively involved in   that and i'm actively involved with that daily  but the the challenge is is i think all small   caps are being affected um and i will say this  openly i think i think the regulators um um have   opportunities for those in certain industries  to take advantage of shorting worlds and i think   those are being looked at very carefully today oh  this you know there's also the warren texas there   was a lot of the markets yeah we we had warrants  exercising at the end of november and early   december and and those are now done so so you know  those have to be absorbed into the market and and   frankly that that was an end date that existed  for some time so it was nothing new um and and   you know the stock has rebounded really well and  we believe that the continuation of good news and   performance as a company will support the efforts  in the market and great interviews like this today   okay so eric is asking uh okay so there was there  was an incentive for early exercise back i think   that was done like over the summer so or did you  say that all the warrants have now been exercised   no for that period if if you go to the csc you'll  see all see all the reports where you go to cedar   i don't want to give any information that is  incorrect but all our all our information is   is is on cdar and the csc website you can look  at it um you know we did an early warn exercise   program but i don't think it was well understood  um because you can't do an early exercise program   when the stock is where the warrants are above the  strike you have to do it when they're below the   strike and that confused a lot of people but um we  um you know the opportunities for the company and   and um our are just demands and with generating  revenue that puts um we hope less pressure on any   future financing how many uh so uh eric's question  uh how many warrants are left how many were like   how much came in do you know can you talk about  that well like i can but my numbers won't be right   um and it's not fair i i don't like to give  information that isn't correct so i would say   go to the cse and go to cdr that information is  aptly available okay and that's basically that's   that's the actual information actual numbers are  there i think you know um i i if you want me to   give and give an estimate i think about 5 million  warrants for exercise in the last 30 or 40 days   okay that's a lot that's a lot yeah so how many  are left a ballpark i mean like you know i've   got to remember those are inside options those are  incentive options everything else there's probably   again i'm going to take a guess somewhere  in the neighborhood of 60 million   because that's over a long period 6-0 6-0 okay  okay yeah we're somewhere around 200 million   shares okay okay so right now 200 million but  we're i think outstanding we're around 140. so   that's an estimate but again i'm recommending that  everybody go to cdr in the csc um csc.i think it's  

ca or dot com and and and look at the numbers for  yourself okay so basically right now approximately   35 million dollar market cap fully diluted uh uh  which is you know cheap price to play to pay for   pure play metaverse stock with massive upside uh  i think the big milestone is is going to be this   this the the land sales thing because that's going  to be you know it's going to be something where   the market doesn't know how to put a multiple  on yet so it might be people might just go crazy   it might be a massive well what we're seeing  multiples are enormous i mean in our space where   again i'm not again i'm not it could be you know  it could be a massive like something we're seeing   20 30 40 50 100 times i mean it's it's all  over the road map all we're doing right now is   is saying we've developed our products we made  it very very clear in october that we had left   a pure r d space we still are an r d  company because that's what you have to be   in this space that we're going to start  generating revenue and um you know if you look   at our last quarter performance and you estimate  because we can't give you the numbers directly   you know where we're going the i mean it it it's  been a hockey stick in the last couple months   okay so so you've hit the inflection point  basically you went from here the r d phase into   now you're in the commercialization phase you're  generating revenues yeah yes that is true yes   we are we're generating revenues as we said we  would so we try and be factual in our disclosures   um um we really do take time to make sure they're  right we don't want to get out here and say things   i mean we want to be excited about our our company  we want to be um enthusiastic but again everybody   needs to do their own due diligence but again  as jack said we're one of the few companies   if not one of the only companies that is doing  metaverse land sales as a public company we're one   of the few digital identity companies um in the  space gartner just recognized us in their report   um there's lots i've just published in forbes an  article on the metaverse and digital identity as   a contributor to forbes so we're getting a  lot of of brand awareness okay you know it's   interesting there's a guy i saw like i don't  know i came there's a guy online um and do you   follow do you follow baseball cards oh no the  answer is um i don't baseball cards to me are not   my passion but i do follow them yeah right because  this is like from what i understand like that's   like like the prices went crazy for different  cards the different whatever baseball yeah   there's a guy there's a guy called vegas  dave i don't know if you've ever heard of   some guy vegas it's like one of these social media  type of characters i think he's a uh i think he   was like made a lot of money like bet like betting  on uh you know sports or something he's like a   sports betting guy but but this guy's now does  like krypto he was doing crypto and he's like   crazy money [ __ ] and now for the last i  i see this thing he's saying the landscape   the digital land is like you think this is  it this the next and this this guy has been   very on top of trends like he was caught  you know the the baseball cards different   all those different niche things basically the  digital land is going to be the next big this   is going to be i agree i i agree like i mean let's  go crazy yeah well think about it you know you're   going to want to build things on digital land you  might want to build stores you might want to build   um uh you know apartment buildings i mean office  buildings um there's so many different things that   you can build on digital land and then you could  bring other people into it so owning digital land   i think is an important factor i've bought digital  land and i will continue to buy digital land um to   you know uh as i can again it's it's we're  buying our own digital land okay are you   michael are you uh still working with imagine ar  yes we are imagine ar powered the scavenger hunt   at uh at l.a comic-con it was a partner yeah so um  ap and the team at imagine i are great people and   we love working vp alan paul fantastic the seal  fantastic ap silver scene yeah yeah so okay so so   you got the the ar stuff going on we are actually  we we own we own sdk i mean we're a licensee of   a mansion ar and it's in our uh in our uh liquid  avatar mobile app so yes we are continuing to work   with them okay phenomenal okay um david let's  wrap up with this um what do you see like okay   so we're we're almost in the new year we're we're  you know last days of 20 21 we're going to the 22   what do you see as the biggest opportunities for  liquid avatar in the new year uh well jack i think   we've already identified them where it's digital  identity avatars and and the metaverse and we're   already playing that space so we're we're looking  to accelerate that business in 2022 we're already   there and there's something else that we're  we're very and someone asked us that question one   of our technical partners we're also looking at  something which i will not go into great deal but   but a new form of communication using digital  identity that is secure and will in my humble   opinion put whatsapp signal um telegram um to  sleep because this is all based on you having   secured digital identity to do encrypted messaging  and we're looking at that very carefully in 2022.   it's called vidcon okay we're you know wolff's  reporter we'll be back to you with that one   yeah that's okay the we used to talk about is  great thing uh so if you have something better   i'm i'm always interested uh no yeah no it's uh  well it's going to be a new form of communication   for messaging payment and everything all wrapped  into one based on your digital identity and   uh encrypted and secured communication over  the blockchain okay no it sounds a lot of   exciting stuff so what kind of uh bottom line  is what kind of news flow can investors expect   next 30 days anything you want to uh well we're  coming into holiday season so it'll slow down a   little bit during holidays but we have a very  active um and people have seen us you know we   took a bit of a hiatus while we're getting into  commercialization but our news flow is going to be   i'm very excited about what we have on the go  and we're looking i'd like to tell everybody   everything i just there's rules that restrict us  so so don't think of us as being promotional we   just want to share our our good news with everyone  and again um you know stakeholders investors have   to do what they what they think is right for their  own portfolio okay so january so bottom line is we   should we could expect to see some a lot of news  flow in january uh now and january last december   was a very big month for us we expect this  december we're hoping december is still early   i mean we're only at the eighth it feels like  you know each day is a month but we're only at   the eighth and we'll have uh we hope to have a  lot of news for a lot of exciting things coming   out in december um and in january and aftermath  islands is creating new promotions all the time so   watch out for all the cool new promotions coming  out from aftermath islands it's uh it's sort of   digital land with gamification don't you know  don't move miss the cool opportunities again   dragon eggs dinosaur eggs free nfts what about  unicorn what about unicorn eggs like baby unicorns   because that's one of our things now that might be  on the horizon jack i won't i won't discount that   but we've started with dragons and dinosaurs and  once everybody else yeah there you go somebody's   put up a unicorn there you go um but yeah no  um look at there's so many opportunities um   we're already designing really cool things for  different islands for 2022 and and we want to   make sure then here's a real big thing jack i  just want to add to this anyone who's purchased   something when a new item comes out that is  free automatically gets that so it's not only   to new buyers only so if you've already bought uh  dragon alley or dino royale you're not left behind   because i think that sucks i really do we want to  make sure that our people who are in our system   benefit from the things that are new on the  islands that we've created everybody this is this   is nerdism at its finest fatasto okay uh david  thank you for the update it looks like i mean   like every time last month like things are going  from strength to strength so again where this is   one of the most exciting areas of the market  now the metaverse thank you jack look forward   to getting an update from you uh in the next  few weeks definitely look to be here before the   holidays thank you everyone take care thank you  thank you everybody for watching see you next one


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