Business Application Keynote SAP TechEd in 2023 Keep Running Better

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[Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] he in a world where technology is constantly evolving businesses are always on the lookout for ways to stay ahead of the curve and developers must do the same sap has been a leader in this space helping companies around the globe run better but what happens after you've achieved the Pinnacle of efficiency and Innovation the answer lies in the Mantra keep running better you may have heard me say saying this before but this never gets old the phrase we've always done it this way is the enemy of progress always question the status quo keep running better it's a commitment to continuous Improvement it's about recognizing that the journey doesn't end when you've achieved success it's about maintaining that success and building up on it sap Suite of intelligent Sustainable Solutions is designed to support this ongoing journey and we are also continuously pursuing goal of keep running better for you so sit back now and listen to all the Innovations we have in store please welcome on stage Philip hetsig senior vice president head of cross product engineering and experience sap thank you so much and good morning Bangalore and welcome to everyone here inside and everyone watching online Thomas put it right we have amazing things to show with you today so let's get started right away with the foundation for everything integration now integration is really the Bedrock for everything you're going to experience over the next well round about 57 minutes now because the breadth and depth of Sap's portfolio remains unmatched and we have delivered this ma this depth for example with great progress on one domain model now one domain model is used that our applications can talk to each other out of the box for master data and configuration objects and by today we have delivered more than 90 of those Integrations with one domain model including many great new entities such as skills Workforce capabilities purchasing group this is twice as much compared to last year's ticket regarding the breadth of the portfolio we have introduced sap start last year and we have which is our Central entry point across all of Sap's application allowing you to navigate seamlessly between the application get business insights and also have all your workflows from all of sap applications in one place and you can also extend it using sap build work Zone sap start is now available we started with S400 cloud and success factors content and we're going to deliver way more content across all applications out of the box next year another essential part of our integration efforts is sap task Center our one unified workflow inbox across of all sap applications now we have are covering now from sap round about 130 workflows out of the box arba success factors S4 field glass many more this is 40% more compared to last year's ticket but we have a problem we are running out of sap tasks so we used the little extra time and are now happy to introduce that we're expanding sap task Center to nonsp Applications we have now able to integrate workflows from service now from Salesforce from workday and all other nonsp vendors and to make this really simple for all of us from the get-go we've partnered with uh with Partners such as CBS and itce who have confirmed it's incredibly easy to extend t with other applications as well I'm proud to announce that nonp application support for SCP Tas Center is available q1 next year for both partners and customers I hope you got to like it thank [Applause] you now this rapid fire hose of what we call the sweet qualities is uh of course spending all of our four major enter in processes such as recruit to retire uh lead to cash and many more and of course we are not only working across those processes but also innovate within the processes some of you may remember that last year I told you that recruit to retire for example is fully integrated and this gives us now a new opportunity because now we can actually innovate on top and like never before for example with total workforce management and I tell you all about about it let me welcome Shiva Sunder Assan SVP of application engineering SVP success factor Thank You Phillip ensuring that you have the right person at the right place at the right time is and always has been one of the key business goal for every organization to ensure continuity and growth for the modern organization the demand has never been greater and the stakes have never been higher in our current moment increasingly one volatile Market require an increasingly diverse Workforce and tight labor market continues to drive up the personal cost and the risk at the same time 50% of the organization are sourcing their talent by increasing the use of external Workforce simply put it's been more complicated than ever for organization to identify and leverage the skills they have what they need when they need them unless of course you are a user of sap and total Workforce management because managing this new diverse and disperse Workforce well requires a collaboration between HR and procurement so how can we support this from a product perspective we integrated select capabilities from sap success factor s for Hana sap field glass Resource Management to create something only sap can do and address specific industry needs with total workforce management organization can unlock a network of internal employees and external workers for organization to become a skill driven you need a single skill model across the entire Talent life cycle sap recently announced the general availability of talent intelligence Hub to power an organization entire learning and talent strategy and we have integrated Talent intelligence across the sapc ecosystem these are exciting new capabilities and let's see them in action let's now learn about how you can make use of these Innovations to improve project Staffing please welcome my friend kalp playing a role of project and a resource manager at a Services Company Point Peak Consulting welcome kalpa thanks Shiva Point Peak has been a leader in Cloud software implementations and we are seeing more and more customers relying on AI to run their organizations efficiently Point Peak wants to be a leader in this area fortunately we just landed up with with a huge AI project but we have to staff it let me show you how sap makes Staffing simple my Journey Begins here at sap start sap start gives me information I need to do my job from showing me things that requires my approval including the service now task to actionable insights and the best of all I have my new best friend Jewel oh friend takes time okay uh juwel I can ask simple questions to juwel and it gives me help with a variety of task and it is fun conversational and easy to use let me show you how good a friend jewel is I'm asking Jewel to give me the Staffing resource request for the eliminate project and include the resource name capacity and Staffing status wow jeel is indeed a great friend thank you and how did sap do all this we are feeding Jewel with relevant apis from sap business accelerator Hub and then passing the information to the card services which allows me to see the result and that's not it I can add the card to the sap start very cool in fact you have a perfect starting point and looks like you need an AI consultant that's right I do and fortunately I have saps S4 okay it's coming up as for cloud for projects Resource Management this view uses Master data integration to bring together project data from S4 the workforce data the contingent Workforce data from field glass and Workforce person data from success factors and thanks to sap success factor s unified skills taxonomy I'm able to just compare all the three candidates here what I like the most about this whole page is oh I'm able to compare Aisha who is an external worker alongside radika and denesh who are internal workers so it looks like you have a perfect candidate and what if you had even more information about these resources so that you can make better decision and what if you have a perspective from a employee side great questions because then it wouldn't be about what the project needs but also about what the employee wants let's take a quick look at radhika's profile this is the plan new design for people profile in sap success factors see I want to make sure radika fits the is good at skill-wise but I also want to understand radika is who radika is and see if it lines up with the project and that exactly what the people profile helps me here I can learn things like what drives radika to succeed her areas of interest and also most importantly the skills that she's passionate about looks like you found your AI consultant now KP showed how Sap's fully integrated experience can make Staffing a project easy but organizations like Point PE Consulting must also plan their longr strategy which means they have to ensure they have the right expertise in the to meet their organizational goals sometime that means having to bring people from outside the organization and through some planned Innovation sap is poised to dramatically improve things like candidate recruitment kalp can you show them how we are doing it sure Shiva as I mentioned to you we are looking at a hiring an AI strategist we want to be an AI Consulting leader if I look at my the applicants who have applied for the job prya and John clearly shows me a strong skill match Shiva can you explain what string match concept is of course skills can be similar to one another for example I may be looking someone great at Microsoft PowerPoint but be I would be fine in hiring somebody great in Google Slides why because they are similar skills Sap's planned skill map will help you understand this type of skill relationship better and make it easier to compare candidates perfect I've gone ahead and compared Priya and John here you can see here that the skills in the green for both these candidates are the skills that I'm looking for for my job perfect but I'm also looking for a an expert in business development because we want to develop and improve the AI practice thankfully I can see that there are three skills which are very similar to business development that prya has while John has none I have never been able to do these kind kind of comparisons before and without these insights I might have even overlooked Priya and missing an opportunity to add her to my leadership team I love this Shiva I do too total workfor management is an excellent example of integration a single domain model task Center Master data with sap start and Jewel all running on btp these are fantastic new capabilities and we can't wait to see how you can make use of them to solve some of your talent challenges we are so excited to help you ignite the potential in your Workforce and with that let me hand it back to philli thank you thank you so much amazing demo give it up and look there's so many customers who are incredibly excited about it one of them is rising and I'd like to have a conversation with masthan Des SVP of rising digital service mathan join me on stage hey great to see you again great to see you man how are you doing hi everyone can you tell me a little bit we share this excitement total workforce management integration tell us a little bit more why you are excited about it absolutely philli so first of all it's great to be on stage with you here at Tech um so absolutely I'm super pumped super excited about total workforce management and I'll tell you why so Rising is a Professional Services Company right so people are our business right and over the last couple of years uh resource management for projects have changed dramatically for a few reasons right so number one coming out of the pandemic remote working is accepted more than ever before right number two um the rise of a gig economy so we have a lot of people working on multiple projects at the same time and number three something I think we can all relate to the pace of innovation right has been unprecedented and that requires replanning of skills um continuous ly right and lastly for us Rising specifically we went through a major acquisition last year so we are looking to unify our talent supply chain across two companies running two different sap variants one on public cloud and one in private Cloud so for all these reasons philli um total workforce management is a game changer for us um it gives one Consolidated view of all employee types across the organization that was really great m i' love to hear that tell us a little bit more what's the business value also that you expect from it so there are a number of uh different business values uh but think some key ones for me number one it gives greater flexibility in terms of resource um and skills planning uh number two it gives us access to Advanced analytics right so I can overlay project kpis like utilization Revenue with people Centric kpis and that's a big thing for us um and lastly it's a key enabler for two tier Erp be um essentially um the employee Master data replication and transactional level integration of our talent supply chain um and that makes inter company processes much smoother and more seamless so to summ it up Philip you know total workforce management gives us greater agility greater visibility and that in turn translates to success for our customers projects in a fairly Dynamic world thank you so much M couldn't have wrapped up this section better than you did thank you so much for joining thanks for this great testimonial and looking forward to partn thank you so much thank you now we are super excited about the latest Innovations on integration but when we already talk about making sap software more easy and fun to use we also need to talk about user experience and who is better Su that than our chief design officer erid [Music] bmck [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] namaskara bangaluru great to be here we are on a journey to make sap applications the most delightful accessible business applications in the planet and with this I'm glad that one of our very dear customers will join me on stage today to introduce this topic we working very closely with her and her team to make sure our product experiences are better so let's welcome Daniela me h head of CX and business platform at [Music] duel welcome Daniela hi hi can you share some insights on du's business transformation journey and specifically how is s be helping with that thanks Aon so it's great to be here and to share some insights of our journey at dla so there are actually three main reasons for our digital transformation so first to Foster sustainable grow growth and Improvement second strengthen our value our um value chain through business networks and third to optimize and automate endtoend processes in addition to the business value it was important to us to work with someone who is really understands a company as someone who who to have a LIF collaboration in a partner-like approach you know with mutual respect trust and reliability and that's why we made the conscious decision to go all in with sap so as only with sap fully integrated processes are possible so also there's a great trust between doua and sap to to a consistent open and transparent communication and sometimes also tough one so based on this trust we created a mirror system out of our productive landscape in a joint collaboration with sap on this unique copy of course with encrypted data we jointly collaborate so now sap can test updates and learn from a productive landscape and we as daa can benefit from the latest Innovations with minimal disruptions mostly so and this is a real win-win situ situation together I believe we are changing the way we develop things and how we innovate in all areas of our business thanks Daniela for this insights and I know working with ux ux is a big Focus can you tell me a little bit about why that is and why should customers care about ux sure so you're absolutely right aarin so um user experience is a topic is certain very close to my heart and I'm convinced it should be for every single organization we must Empower employees to do their best work possible the easiest way possible so and we can't you know we want our customers to enjoy every single interaction they have with us with personalized touch points and experience to ensure this the software needs to be accessible and totally simple it's exciting to see the process sap has made over the last you to years and it's even better to be part of the journey actively co- innovating and shaving the future together and I can only encourage all of you to proactively share feedback engage with the great people at sap and shape an outcome driven environment for your own organization and I promise it also makes a lot of fun thanks for sharing danela we think the same and you'll be happy to hear that today we are launching the user research panel exactly for this purpose so everyone please join me in making your voices heard to shape our products especially online here or at Tech in the ux boots thanks for insights Daniela thanks for joining the stage so our user experience Journey has made great progress over the past year you know more than 74% of Sap's applications in the cloud have already adopted Horizon our design language including saps for Hana sap success factors sap Ariba and many many more and we are introducing cutting age style GES that are relevant for today now ux is not only about the looks though our design system has been built to make your work easier working together with your feedback we have introduced 47 updated components across our portfolio an examples include updated visual designs and contrast ratios for better accessibility and better understanding of input fields of course we've also improved some of our most popular product experiences like for example the or chart in SCB success factors that allows you to find the right contact with the right skill even faster we gave our Fury design guidelines a complete overhaul all to include all our current updates and make it super easy for you to work with it's available for all ux and product designers and even documents the best practices and these design resources are available in figma libraries and for you our developers we have updated our UI software development kits including sap ui5 sap web components theur fundamentals and many more this is our new opinion Des system and we can't wait for you to try it out hey philli how about mobile yeah how about mobile thank you Aaron yes Aaron thank you look let's talk about mobile if you were here te last year you may remember that I've promised you that we make all of our mobile applications easier to use unify our store experience and update all our app icons for a harmonized sweet feeling and oh boy did we deliver similar to Horizon for the web we also updated more than 55 new and enhanced components specifically for mobile and updated our design guidelines and we also for example updated the conquer mobile application look how fantastic the new conquer application looks and Horizon evening and it we believe it will make filing expense reports and planning CPS so much more fun we also released a new version of SCP mobile start our Central entry point to all of SCP applications on mobile as well and some of you may remember in Mobile start we support widgets from the get-go because we believe all the information should be accessible on every device and now we expanded the suppor of widgets to the watch to the iPad and the iPad lock screen and now you can also use your widgets on the Mac and you can access all your business kpis here as well but we are not stopping there we have also brought sep analytics Cloud together with SCP mobile start so your most important business kpis can re side on your pocket on your watch wherever you are and now in addition also to IOS and Android we also now support foldable devices as well now all the presented features is not just inter yeah looks gorgeous on the foldable device look CLP it up it's really cool you can now do the same with all our sdks for iOS and for Android as well as the mobile development kit all of those capabilities are also available to you such as also for ey who has used SCP build apps to extend actually our mobile portfolio ey has implemented a very great application bringing together NOS as well as people who are in humanitarian crisis and needs to bring them together now we want to really Empower and enable everyone to work wherever they are whether this is in the office whether this is while you're working out or whether this is maybe in the car because we know many people work from cars as well for example sales representatives and that's why we're introducing retail [Music] execution avado and toast Lee always ready to go okay let's see what's the first appointment for the day good before I start I need to be better prepared for the meeting what do I need to know about smart and the previous visit your next visit is at Smart tker Road last time we had three planogram violations and one mislabel discount there is one promotional display to be placed at your discretion hi Sun hey raka I am stuck in wonderful bangaluru traffic I'll be late by a few minutes no problem see you in a [Music] [Music] bit finally made it to the store despite heavy traffic well have you ever wondered how the products in the store are so well displayed and promoted it's people like me who ensure it now that I'm in the store I am ready to get started with the visit great the app already knows I am at asart and I am good to start my visit for the day taking a look at the activities that I have lined up for first up is to check if the products are well in place let me take a quick image of the shelf and wow the app is helping me analyze if the products are well in place and it found to to anomalies let me quickly make some corrections now I need to put this in order and yes this looks more complain but let me document this okay the app intelligence is helping me reanalyze it and of course no anomalies now but I need to definitely talk to the store manager about it where's the store manager I'm the store manager you are quite a bad store manager I'm a bad store manager yes you are I tidied up the shelf for you no no no no no no prove it I have it documented uhhuh but you can be a good store manager tell me more I have a plan to promote sunscreens that can also boost up your sales okay how would that look like I can show you how a promotion stand might look like and and how about this yeah not too bad but what about this Revenue thing you said like 30% tell me more yes yes you can increase the sales by at least by 30% and then I'm also again a good store manager you will be a good store manager okay is that a deal that's a deal roxa we got a deal I am done with this wasit I can go to my next appointment now 7 Days in Goa hey City ask how many vacation days do I have left you have six vacation days left they will expire end of December please book one week's vacation starting next [Music] Monday vacation booking confirmed happy [Music] vacation very amazing great demo raka and happy vacation in Goa now we really really in a great way to stay connected with your business wherever you go and we always value our long-standing partnership with apple to deliver the best user experience to our users on top of iOS the watch and carplay we are pleased to announce that we're working very closely with apple to bring sep to Apple's new spatial Computing platform Apple Vision Pro we believe that Vision Pro will add a whole new dimension to the way people work we leverage Vision Pros developer SDK already to reimagine how SCP apps in a new spatial Computing environment look like and we can't tell can't wait to tell you more about it when Apple ships Vision Pro early next year as you can see we have many great store uh Innovations in store for you but some of you may sit here and ask yourself like hm this is not how my sap system looks today what do I need to do it's very simple you need to upgrade your system and you need to move to the cloud and we we're here to support you on every step of this journey and to tell you more about it let me welcome Chief product officer of cloud Earp Mr Yan [Music] gild thanks Phillip and I hope you all have a great teet you may think it's somewhat odd to still be talking about cloud in 2023 but to us the cloud isn't just technology it's people processes and Technology coming together to do things differently and this in return allows customers to innovate faster to make more informed decisions and achieve their sustainability goals at the all at their own pace so your Cloud needs May differ from those of your competitors and therefore sap has two distinct offerings in the market saps for Hana Cloud Private Edition and saps for Hana Cloud public edition which one you choose really depends on your individual requirements as a business we offer choice and with our partners we help our customers to make the best business decisions saps for Hana Cloud public edition offers simplified business process navigation coupled with exceptional user experience and best-in-class standardized processes it provides enhanced reliability embedded realtime analytics and collaboration via Microsoft team and Google workplace but for complex companies often our install base moving to the cloud can sometimes feel tough rise with sap premium plus and sap s fora Cloud Private Edition 2023 release makes this move much much easier it also now follows a two-year release cycle with easy to consume Innovations and enhancements that we deliver every six month as a feature pack and finally sap s for H Cloud public and private Edition provides sustainability insights by embedding data on carbon and other resources into Core Business processes calculating and sharing that data across the entire value chain today's expens extensibility expands Beyond Cloud Erp and builds on standardized processes in public edition and upon a clean Core in the Private Edition it leverages the business technology platform our Central Business configuration CBC and configuration localization toolkit CLT parallel projects and more working across the entire sap portfolio and while ABAB is still relevant it is also evolving to upup Cloud requiring new skills around Cloud native development integration extensibility and localization but at the end of the day seeing is believing so let me hand it back to Phillip thank you so much for listening and everybody be sure to enjoy the rest of tech thank you so much Yan indeed fantastic times for cloud Earp and saps for Hana let me talk about something that we have specifically designed for the cloud Central Business configuration with Central Business configuration use scope and select the features across your application landscape and customize the applications to what your business truly needs with this you can not only customize but only localize your Cloud systems in record time now ESR Cloud public edition comes as you may know with 55 standard local versions out of the box they're supported with best practice business configuration content legal changes and updates for countries and jurisdictions as a service but of course we also wanted to make ASR public Cloud available to everyone in the world this is why with CBC we are now introducing 50 additional local version stess fora public cloud and from this already more than thousand customers and partners already benefiting from it for example nine dot energy a pioneering company for Innovative energy storage solutions for urban electricity grids they needed a modern Cloud solution to streamline all their finances processes in full alignment with the high regulatory demands in this industry and N do has gone live from Project start to production Gone live in just 10 weeks this is really really amazing now customizing is great to adapt as fora to your specific needs through configuration but there's also one thing that always missing that to make it truly yours extensibility and our clean Core strategy remains as valid and relevant as ever clean core means you're developing life cycle stable extensions either side by side on on the btp or in the stack with key user extensibility as well as upup Cloud which we introduced last year as a new option which also came with a def tenant a three system landscape at no extra cost and to facilitate this architecture we had already last year 7,000 apis in S400 Cloud to facilitate and extend the system and only this year we added 1,400 more apis to s cloud to for your extensibility needs we have also an exciting news to share with you around partners and partner extending the system for customers we are introducing with the latest release of es Cloud multi off delivery what is multi off delivery now without multi off delivery you actually need to build the extension in the customer system if you go then to the next customer you need to re replicate that work and and and do the work again in the other customer system now with with multi off you as a partner you own your own S4 Cloud tenant and do your development in there and when you are done with your developments you put it into git for version management with gcts and then you release that extension and give it to all your customers in one shot we really believe it will make delivering partner extensions in the public Cloud so much easier now we covered a ton of things for esana cloud specifically let's see it in action and look over to RVA who give us the full run through for this process thank you so much Phillip so let's bring all the stuff that Philip just talked about into action shall we imagine if you could move all your current processes from an on promise system into Cloud how cool would that be let's take an example imagine you're working for a solar panel business selling panels using this easy to use webshop you want to expand expand your business into Vietnam is there a way by which we can visualize or analyze the current processes as they live within your organization well with sap Signal View this becomes really simple in the process execution analysis we find an overview of all the processes that are currently running in your organization we see that around 87% of the transactions are standard processes we also see here in the picture below with this thick purple line that most run processes are standard transactions but wait a minute we also see that some of the processes are using a custom transaction basically what it does is for the first time the customer places an order for a product it sends out an email offering free training now in order to move into Cloud first we need to configure a cloud system and then implement the special functionality how do we do that for this let's take a look at sap Central Business configuration as the name suggests here we will configure Your Business Solutions starting with the scope definition phase let's add Vietnam to our scope Vietnam is not a part of the standard list of countries therefore we will make use of the configuration localization tool in order to add Vietnam as our Target country and choose Germany as our source Country Now why Germany because we make use of the content of Germany as a template to create content for Vietnam and then apply the localization aspects on top so with Vietnam added to our scope let's move on to the next phase of our configuration which is setting up of or units for your company here we see this really nice visual representation of orc entities along with their relations let's quickly create a sales area let's select the distribution Channel and Division and with this we are ready to enter this as a part of a or unit so now with the orc setup done let's move on to the third and final stage of business configuration which is performing the actual configuration itself here I have in CBC my nice Cloud native Esto I will search for the configuration activity using which we are going to set up a number range prefix for sales orders in Vietnam such that they start with the country code VN so let's quickly add the country code and now with this we are done with the configurations but are we complete yet not right right because we still have to take care of the customer transaction for this let me move over to ABAB in Eclipse where I will write the ABAB Cloud code for sending out the email so before we jump over to the code let me also explain quickly the existing logic here we have subscribed here to the standard sales order creation event as a result of which we receive certain parameters the biggest advantage of going with an event based logic is that it is triggered asynchronously so therefore it does not compromise with the overall process in time of sales order Creation with the sales order information coming in here we are quering certain serious views to gather more details these details are then further used to perform certain validations to check if this is the first time that the customer is placing an order but the code for sending out the email is not in here yet how do I know which is the right cloud enabled API to send out the email for this let me search for classes that have the text email so this gives me all the available Cloud life cycle enabled apis out of which I'm going to make use of this particular class for sending out the mail so let's quickly write the code for that well that was Lightning Fast let's activate our code so now with the code activated let me go back to our web shop and place an order for a product now before I place the order let me also show you my inbox which is clean does not have any emails yet so now with the sales order created with the prefix VN as expected let's go back to our mailbox voila I have received the email offering me the free training for the product that I just ordered with this we see how easy it is to move from on promise to Cloud thank you so much back to you philli thank you so much for this great life demo rrio we believe this will make your life in Asana Cloud so much easier and we can't wait to see what you're going to do with it and that's what we have in store for you major progress on integration as the foundation with to innovate with our platforms and Suite of applications a fantastic new user experience that would Elevate the productivity of all our users to new heights and new extensibility and and customization options to help with your journey to the cloud even faster and with that I'd like to hand it back to Thomas Thanks Phillip you've already seen a lot including our great progress in integration user experience and extensibility but did you actually notice all the AI capabilities that were naturally built in let me highlight a few I'm sure you recognized our one generative AI assistant je everywhere you saw how we created a new sap start interest card on the fly with just one contextual command from Jewel and there were plenty of AI Innovations in our hxm portfolio like smart project Staffing with our skills up and intelligence engines and that was just a small foraste we Pioneer the business AI Revolution and not just participate in it but what is it that sets sap apart we are delivering business AI solutions that are relevant responsible and reliable and they are relevant because Sap's AI applications have your business context in mind sap business AI is embedded in our leading Enterprise applications and business Technology Solutions customers can count on their SAP systems to be future proof with the most relevant AI in the context of their business and they are responsible because for more than 50 years customers have trusted us with their most Mission critical business processes it's our clear goal to deliver business AI with the highest level of concern for security privacy compliance and ethics and we don't wait for any Global regulation to be established but set ourselves the highest standards and we did so back in 2018 already we were the first European company to put in place its own AI ethics Institute Solutions we've established an external AI ethics Council that conducts a risk assessment of each and every single AI use case and if that's the slightest ethical concern they are not implemented and our AI Solutions are reliable because AI is only as good as the data it accesses thanks to the consent from more than 25,000 customers we can access and use the most critical data and with that the deliver the most reliable business Ai and truly fine-tune results and we are making this data treasure usable with our own sap Foundation model AI writing an email for you will not change the world we need to think bigger way bigger and to make use of AI for your own business you need a trusted technology partner so to bring it together sap is perfectly positioned to support you in this technical revolution in our company's history we've proven several times that this is exactly our strength and now once again we are helping our customers to create even more value faster essentially embedded AI will become the norm for powering business processes that's why we announced Jewel our new generative AI assistant which you have already seen several times today Jewel will be embedded throughout the entire whole portfolio of Sap's Cloud Solutions it understands your Finance your supply chain your procurement your HR and your customers that means your whole business we adding more skills every single day and it will prove to be a massive productivity boost for all our end users so rest assured there's much more to show and to look forward to and for that I'm handing over again to philli in Bangalore enjoy okay so we're really thrilled about adding juwel as our one Central digital assistant to all of our business applications and Technology platforms now of course there's no one better suited to talk a little bit more detail about the architecture of Jewel than our Global head of AI Walter son so Walter join us say [Music] again hey Walter great to see you hey look wer tell us a little bit more why did we launch Jewel and what are the business scenarios that we are envisioning yes we wanted to build an AI powered co-pilot that's used in a consistent manner across all sap applications one which is context aware we're going Beyond data from SAP systems only including information from both inside and outside your system let me share some of the different experiences you can have with this AI powered assistant first juel can engage in classic dialogues for example answering analytical questions such as what are my top opportunities or writing texts such as job descriptions based on your internal SAP systems second Joel can combine multiple internal and external data sources to give new insights such as combining internal sales opportunities with an external Market data to close the deal and third jeel can generate code that we've seen as we saw yesterday's keynote these are great business outcomes for sure Walter but you know sometimes people ask me so what I can do this with chat GPT so where where's the deal uh well it's not that simple indeed apps built on consumer large language models are very powerful but they have limitations namely they lack awareness of context they lack specificity to your organization because it's trended only on public data and real time information is unavailable as large models only periodically updated now Jewel brings data language models and Sap's business applications together in a seamless unified experience it is comp complemented with Enterprise grade security and privacy not available through consumer large language model systems yeah it makes a ton of sense and I believe this is truly we the magic lies for sap business AI for combining these two worlds you talked already a bit about the technical started to talk a little bit about the technicals sign why don't you let us a little bit more how we architect for it and how the architecture of Jill looks like yeah absolutely F if you look at the top of this diagram you'll see Jewel it's a single unified ux across multiple sap lines of business now the user engages this ux with a question the request flows down into our orchestration layer where we determine the best skill in jeel to respond with it then ingests the request and processes it bringing in the appropriate business data to ground and provide the correct context this could be a single exchange or multiple turns depending on the complexity of the request and availability of skills here we can leverage large language models from external providers today and soon Sap's business data Foundation model to answer the question we take this output and apply content filtering and Providence checks to provide the most accurate results which is then returned to the user notice also that we have a responsible AI layer which encompasses everything we do this ensures that AI considers biases in the data so we can apply methods to ensure fairness in addition we provide transparency and explainability to always make sure the user is in control this way we can make sure that the AI week deliver is relevant reliable and responsible thank you so much for sharing these insights Walter I would say enough of the theory which is always great but let's look at it in action I'd like to introduce you to GA and Teo on stage to show you Jewel for a sales scenario Thank You Phillip as you mentioned Jewel can be accessed across multiple systems sap start being one of them for an account executive like me sap start gives me great insights for my daily work talking about insights my October number looks terrible in November I have to pull up my socks and make sure I meet my numbers maybe jel can help me here let's see hey Jewel can you p uh maybe pull up all the top promising uh opportunities for me wow the size of the bubble determines the size of the value of the opportunity let me check the biggest value opportunity that I have xylot I just had a meeting with them but I don't remember this uh opportunity so let me see if jeel can help me there too hey jeel can you summarize the me opportunity for me wonderful not only does it give me the current and the uh what happened in the past I can also launch CX workspace from here talk about Integrated Systems or connected systems here my CX workspace is my go-to tool for uh because it gives me a a list of AI tools that help me in my daily interactions with customers I can create an account summary opportunity summary etc for now let me create a follow-up email from the meeting that I just had with zyo zyo tech and talk about the new opportunity as well I know Sheila personally so I will keep the tone as personal and I will generate the email but on second thoughts maybe talking about an opportunity over a email is not such a good thing maybe I should take Sheila out to dinner and discuss the opportunity I have a better way of closing the deal but there has been some recent changes in my company's policy for expenses I don't know what is the my what is the latest budget I have maybe jeel can help me here too let me see you know this is a live demo so hey Jewel can you help me summarize the uh budget oh no this day is not available in Jewel yet hey Teo do you think you can help me here sure I can help you GA because as Walter mentioned we can add almost any any content to Tool so from policy from documents like policies to even analytical data models as for the expense policy this is located on our SharePoint so let's have a brief look so here we have the expense policy and yeah it's pages long and one of those typical documents nobody really wants to read with one exception Jewel so as it is on SharePoint all I need to do now is connect it to Tool so it can access and index the contents I can do that real quick using the tool connector which we see here so we want to connect to SharePoint and on SharePoint we want to link the policy repository which is here great indexing is running so with just a few clicks je becomes know about the expense policy and all the other policy documents located in that repository and yeah it's really that simple to add your own organization's content to Chul and with that Chul is able to answer your question now try again thank you Deo let me try asking juel again hey Jewel do you what is a customer dinner I mean what is a budget for my customer dinner wow now I can take Sheila out to dinner and try to close the deal thank you jeel with this I would like to hand it over to Ru bhava uh president and chief product officer of Industries and CX thank [Music] you wow what you just saw was the power and potential of Jewel coming to life in CX Solutions at sap we are implementing AI not just to join the AI bandwagon but to capitalize on our strengths beat the strengths of deep Global industry expertise and Rich operational and experiential data from Finance supply chain Workforce procurement and CRM the benefits of these capabilities are vast including the ability to automate labor intensive tasks provide personalized recommendations with context enable consistent Interac interactions across channels and use cases and then not to just answer customer questions but proactively identify the questions too now let me tell you about a few of the latest AI announcements in CX that I'm very proud of the first one curated role-based AI Tools service teams sales teams and commerce teams now have the access to job specific AI tools picture this when a customer issue arises AI swoops in to create an overview of the situation and provide remediation guidance that's amazing catalog management and product Discovery with AI Commerce managers can spend significantly less time on catalog enrichment and maintenance product attributes can be automatically extracted from images and textual description descriptions helping in enriching Pro product cataloges and then retrieve answers in natural language sales teams and service teams can now benefit from CX aai models that automatically detect questions and suggest responses this goes Way Beyond generative search a lot of companies can do that but at sapx we now proactively detect questions and retrieve answers in natural language and then these AI model models are trustworthy because they transparently provide the sources from which the answers are derived and then last but not the least customer identity and access management with AI this feature is designed to fortify enduser identity data and provide an intelligent Shield against potential threats across all our digital platforms and Brands the latest advancements in Ai and gen AI have opened the possibility to to reshape every business watch out for more such exciting features coming to the CRM products for a connected industry tailored insightful and adaptive CX and with that back to you Philip in Bangalore thank you so much RTO Gita and Teo for a really exciting Jewel demo Jewel will become generally available end of November starting with success factors as well as sap start and we also at ESR Cloud latest in February next year and then of course all the btp capabilities you saw yesterday in half year 1 and all the other applications will follow soon as well now yesterday Ur introduce you to generative AI Hub which is the basis for all of our sap applications for a trustworthy Ai and Jewel of course is also based on generative AI Hub and now I'd like to quickly talk about how partners and customers can also use generative aiub to build amazing extensions earlier this year we've conducted a very comprehensive hackathon hack to build with Partners around the world to give some of you a first glimpse into what's possible with large language models and sep data through generative AI Hub and the results were just fantastic and I'd like to invite two partners on stage to share their experiences so let me warmly welcome deep Joy Zur from LTI M tree and Matias Friedrich from entity data right here on stage he hey great to see you than you thank you thank you so much for participating being such great partners with sap both hey deep Jo going to start with you tell us a little bit more which kind of business case did you implement the application and what you what have excited you wonderful good morning everyone let me first introduce LTI M Tre to you those who don't know LTI M Tre we are a digital transform Information Services Company very focused around business transformation and let me now introduce our use case back to you we are talking about use case which is for Supply Chain management and we have built the solution called smart ADP accurate delivery date predictions are crucial in Supply chains as delays can lead to customer dissatisfaction increased cost which means you don't get your packages on time and it's the backbone of any supply chain we have used generative AI to essentially solve this problem and with the solution we have built you can now accurately predict and enrich sapb data and metadata analyzing an extensive set of data internally and externally it considers historical shipment date past performance of the vendor on time in full scenarios and lots of other data points we analyze close to 40 plus data points and come up with a solution this means you can now say goodbye to over promising and underd delivering to your customers expectations and Improvement customer satisfaction and loyalty both it empowers also the team to take data driven decisions in making their supply chain more resilient and this helps them to save a lot of time by automating a lot of manual activities it was a true game changer for us of how we build resilient supply chain along with sap and we build this solution in two weeks along with the sap team which is incredible right so we are not talking months we are talking weeks very impressive thank you so much and and for the partnership and these results Matias turn turn over to you and entity data also talk quickly about your use case but then do a double click also on how you did it the technical architecture thanks Phillip we at entity data believe in the power of innovation transparency and sustainability so we focus on solutions that conserve our natural and human resources for example Sim flying corporate sustainability reporting many regulatory bodies such as European Union wants to measure our environmental progress that's that's why they create tons of pages of regulations and requirements to stay on top of this regulation is a huge challenge so we had an idea create an solution with generative AI to analyze this huge documents understand which kpis needs to be tracked and extract the necessary information from our clients business documents and SCP systems how did we realize that I will show you our reference architecture first let me highlight the usage of state-ofthe-art sap btp services and Technologies we have used the cloud application programming model and fury elements to provide a stable scalable and multitenant enabled SCP btp application as a strong foundation for our generative AI solution second the heart of our solution is Sap's generative aiub we we have tried different models open Ai and ALB Alpha in addition we have used SCP build process Automation and work Zone and all work seamless back to you Philip thank you so much MAA deep joy for being such great partners with us and looking forward to an amazing and exciting future thank [Applause] you now this is generator F ihub we can't wait to see what you are going to do with that and please also join the more than 75 sessions on AI to learn more on Jewel generative AI Hub Hana Cloud's Vector engine and way more these are truly exciting times at least to me it's really great to be here with all of you in 2023 and go through this amazing technology disruption so let's work together and keep running better thank you and enjoy the second day of Teek thank you so [Music] much [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] w [Music] a


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