and uh this is where this is what I'm going to name over here I'll hit next keep the defaults I'll give four vcpus I'll give 8 GB RAM and I'll keep the defaults over here okay um 60 GB hard drive is fine I'll hit next next next finish yeah now I would power on the machine and select my ISO so to select my ISO I would make a right click on the virtual machine that I have go to the settings and go to CD DVD drive go over here and then basically refer to the windows 2019 ISO hit the okay button hit control all delete to reboot the machine over here and then I'll hit the key to boot from the iso okay now keep in mind if you are installing a Windows 2019 operating system on a physical machine or if you're installing it on a VMware Workstation there is zero difference okay when you install the operating system in in the VMware Workstation in a tier 2 or in a you know in a TI in a tier 2 hypervisor or in a tier one hypervisor basically we do not inject any file I mean VMware is not making any changes in the background you know for this keep in mind uh it's only the plain ISO that you have provided that is booted up okay uh we absolutely VMware would not make any changes in the background okay now you need to proceed with the standard installation that you have of your operating system again nothing fancy nothing out of the box that you have to be aware of a simple installation like it happens keep hitting next and keep proceeding with it okay I'll choose the desktop experience so that it becomes easy to manage the windows accept the license agreement hit next okay now while the Windows installation is going on we can also trigger the esxi installation so yesterday you remember we created a virtual machine over here for the esxi so let me power on this machine I would come over here change the CD dri so I would like to boot it from the esxi iso that I have which is this one I will map it over here hit the okay button send control all delete so that I can reboot the machine and now basically I am booting from the esxi iso okay now whenever we are installing esxi there are couple of things that you have to keep in mind okay what are those what are those things um you know and how do you verify them let me answer those questions okay so the first thing that you have to always keep in mind is the hardware the physical server on which you are installing esxi because end of the day esxi is a type one hypervisor you will get an ISO and then you need to mount this ISO on a physical box and then proceed with the installation so VMware says that the physical box wherein you are going to install esxi has to be certified if your physical box is not certified you will not get support from VM okay now how do I verify that my physical machine on which I'm going to install esxi is it certified or not so for that what you need to do is you need to open up a browser okay and simply type over here VMware compatibility Matrix and hit the enter key you will get the first link click on this one and now the default option that you see over here is basically server and systems okay this is where we need to be now what we are going to do is that we need to install esxi 8.0 okay so I'll come over here I'll choose the option for esxi 8.0 because that's the version that I need to install and now I need to verify that which physical box I have I mean from which company I have so for example if I have from HP okay so you would basically type HP over here and then you will click on the button update and view results okay here you would see all the HP servers which are supported which are compatible with esxi 8.0 now you can change the display over here and you can add a lot of servers over here okay so now this list basically confirms all the HP physical boxes which are compatible to install esxi 8.0 okay now it is important that your
HP server on which you're trying to install should be listed over here if your HP server is not listed over here that means that your HP Hardware is not compatible now keep in mind there are no goof UPS over here there is no human error over here okay never ever assume that you know if your Hardware is not listed over here this will be a uh this would be a a manual error or this would be you know U you know something that might have happened in the background because of which they might have forgot about it or nothing of that sort okay so you need to keep in mind that uh this is the way you verify your hardware and your Hardware will be listed over here you can even come over here and you can you know basically type in your model number so for example if you type in 380 okay so all the DL all the HP 380 model numbers will be listed over here that are Ed with 8.0 okay so this is how you verify the hardware okay now the next thing is from where you get the now the second thing is from where you get the iso so we spoke about making sure that the hardware is compatible okay and we Now understand how to verify it the second point is from where do you get the iso okay so if you have an HP server you need to call up HP and HP will give you the esxi ISO do not download the ISO from the broadcom from the VMware portal do not do that okay because the iso that you will get from the VMware portal will not have the HP Hardware drivers and firmwares so before you install the operating system before you install the esxi it is important that you upgrade the uh firmwares and the drivers over here for the hardware now from where would you get the firmwares and the drivers which are compatible with esxi that is why you get the ISO from HP okay so call up HP or call up Fujitsu call up IBM whosoever is your vendor tell them that you are planning to install esxi 8.0 on this Hardware this is the serial number and you want the iso okay the custom esxi ISO they will provide you one they would also provide you with the instructions on how to upgrade their firmwares and the tribals okay once you have done that then you will basically proceed installing the esxi on the hardware this is what you need to do okay any questions on the point that how to verify the hardware and from where to get the iso this ISO we will get from the HP portal right yeah you can call up HP you will have an active contract with them just call them up and tell them that you know here is the HP Hardware on which you're planning to install the esxi 8.0 share the link from where you can download the iso and how to install the uh drivers and the firmwares they will guide you okay now once you have the hardware certified and once you verified that you have the iso all that you have to do is you have to mount the iso and boot the U server okay now when you boot the server this is how you know the esxi is basically going to load up the files this will show you what Hardware you have which CPU which memory you are running all the basic details you know will basically come up over here now we are basically on the first screen of the installation so what we were doing earlier was earlier we were booting the hardware from the iso this is what we did and once the booting from the iso completed this is where we are so now we have to basically proceed with the installation okay now like I was saying earlier if you install esxi on a physical box or if you install VM if you install esxi on VMware Workstation it is absolutely the same thing okay the UI the screens do not change okay they would basically remain the same now the first screen is very important over here and you need to absolutely understand it okay it says welcome to the installation thank you very much the next point is read the line it says VMware esxi 8 installs on most systems so that means if you try installing ESX I8 on your laptop on your hard on your desktop you know on any server that you have chances are very high that the installation will go through okay now read the second line but only systems on VMware compatibility guide are supported okay what does that mean that means that for example you have a hardware okay now this is not a certified Hardware let's say this is a generation 9 HP box that you have now it is not supported to install esxi 8.0 this is not supported okay now you go ahead and you install esxi 8.0 on it and the
installation goes okay everything looks fine to you you are using this esxi in the production and everything looks fine now one day you run into an issue okay there is something not working on the esxi now what you do you basically call up the technical support engineer okay the technical support engineer will basically ask you to give you something called as a log bundle okay log bundle is basically you know kind of a zip file which has all the details about your esxi okay so the technical support engineer will ask you to give you the log bundle for the esxi as soon as you upload the log bundle the support engineer in less than 2 minutes will get to know that you are running on a non-supported hardware okay as soon as he gets to know that your Hardware is not supported he will drop you one liner email stating that you know you are running esxi on a non-supported hardware sorry I cannot provide you support and I'm resolving the Sr this is what the engineer will tell you because you are running the hardware uh which is not compatible with ESX I8 so this is what VMware is saying on the very first screen that makes sure that the E that the hardware on which you're trying to install the esxi should be compatible and here is the link to verify the same okay any questions on the first screen if you do not understand let me know okay so you agree to the fact that your Hardware is compatible and now you hit the enter key and then you proceed further now here you have got license agreement whether you like it or whether you don't like it you have to agree to the license agreement okay so I'll hit f11 over here and I will proceed now remember when we were creating the virtual machine for the esxi we had a 10gb hard drive okay similarly in your physical box you would generally have an SSD hard drive okay you will have an SSD local hard drive which will be on the server make sure that you install the esxi on the local hard drive which is basically connected to your Hardware okay so this is already highlighted in yellow that means that you know it is already there all that I have to do it is already selected this is the only one so I cannot choose any one I will hit enter and I would proceed now depending on the part of the world you are in you will basically choose a keyboard layout which you are most comfortable with so for me a US default is perfect I'll choose that option hit the enter key now here if you look at it it says enter a root password can someone tell me that why do I enter a root password and not an administrative password why do you see the word root written over here anyone this is esxi because of yeah yeah this is an esxi but why the word root over here Linux it's a you are right this is backed by Linux kernel right so esxi in the background basically runs the Linux kernel because of that it is asking you to enter a root password okay so here I need to enter the password now I'll enter the password welcome at the r8123 now there is no way for me to change these Asters into a into what you typing okay into the characters I cannot change it now this is important that you type the passwords correctly because if you don't it will basically say passwords do not match okay and when you type the password correctly and then it will basically say the passwords match and then it will let you proceed further okay I'll hit enter and I'll continue and that's about it and now it says that you know I am about to install esxi on your local hard drive all the data will be gone everything will go away your hard drive will get repartitioned are you okay to do this and you hit f11 and which is giving your confirmation yes can go ahead and install esxi and this is how you do this okay there is no mouse involved when you're installing the esxi all that you have to do is just you know keep hitting enter keep hitting f11 you know a couple of times and that's about it this is how you install esxi any questions on the installation of esxi yeah sorry I've got question so in a scenario where you maybe your your store it's remote the ussi doesn't have it own P drive and you're doing installation so what's going to happen so correct me if I'm wrong the question that you're asking is what if if you have a remote storage how do you install esxi on the remote storage right okay so it'll be very simple you know for the installation to go through let me explain you so what would happen is that you would have a storage box in in your environment and you will have an HP server okay on that storage box you will basically carve out a small portion let's say of 50gb okay and then you will present the portion of 50gb on the hardware on the HP server you will present this portion okay now once this 50gb portion is presented on the on this Hardware now when you will boot your esxi from the iso you will see the 50gb hard drive over there so like you saw the 10gb hard drive that I had for me you will see that 50gb hard drive select that option hit the enter key and proceed with the installation this is what you need to do okay yeah thank you so much problem yeah um um um um I thought we didn't have class for I thought you said it yesterday did but um when I ask about it I didn't actually have the right time to join um I can you just do before we finish the installation a brief recap of I don't know how long you guys have spent uh I don't think it's much can you just do a brief recap while we wait for this to finish the installation please I was basically talking about that how do you verify the hardware so when you install esxi it is important that the hardware should be certified that was the only thing that I talked about nothing okay so but how did you start yesterday you have only one VM but now you have three VMS correct so I'll talk about it so basically yesterday I created a VM for the installation of the esxi so today I did that I created an esxi now I have already created an esxi over here because I have to show you a a demo that's the reason I already created it beforehand the same thing what I did over here I've done over here nothing fancy okay and I went ah in and you know just to save time I did this okay thank you so much no problem is there any partis options partisan options here no there are no partition options that you know you can create okay if you have any one or more dis which dis it will automatically it will not automatically pick up a dis you need to choose the dis on which you need to install the esxi okay okay generally there will not be multiple dis there would only be one disk there is no reason to have multiple local hard drives okay you only need to have one hard drive on which you install esxi you do not have to configure raid you do not have to do anything just install an SSD an Enterprise class local to the esxi and that should be more than enough and that will keep your you know um server running for years but installation file we are uh doing it in the local drive only right mostly yes it depends on your design it depends on your environment you can have it local hard drive installation you can have a remote hard drive installation I'll tell you what the benefits are okay now here my Windows installation completed okay and I basically hit control all delete and I'm logging to my operating system now if you have a physical machine okay let's take an example you have a physical machine at home and on this physical machine you plan to install Windows 10 okay after the installation of Windows 10 you need to install drivers so for example you might have a sound card you might have a video card you might have you know a different PCI card so Windows 10 is intelligent enough to understand and to pick up the drivers you know for all your components that you have but in case if Windows 10 is not able to you know pick up the drivers for your Hardware then you need to basically manually install the drivers this is what you need to do okay now the same concept is being applied over here as well okay so operating system that you have installed over here Windows 2019 it does not know that you know whether this is installed on a physical machine or whether it is installed on a virtual machine windows or Linux has no way of figuring it out okay they are basically just an operating system where you have done the installation now they basically need drivers okay now if it was a physical machine you know we had the drivers and we could install it or Windows you know generally could pick it up on its own what do we what do we do over here how do I install a driver on a virtual machine okay so for this we have something called as VMware tools so VMware tools is a package given by VMware which basically has all the drivers required by the operating system which is motherboard network audio video USB controller you know all the kinds of drivers that you can think of required by an operating system vmw tools has it okay they are already there in the package all that you have to do is basically just Mount the VMware tools ISO and proceed with the installation that is all that you have to do okay so whether you are creating a virtual machine on VMware Workstation or whether you are creating a machine a virtual machine on esxi right after the installation of the operating system you have to install VMware tools okay there is no ifs and buts over here that should I install the VMware tools will it crash my application will everything be okay will I run into issues no you do not have to think about all these questions yeah keep in mind that VMware tools is basically a mandatory thing to have on the virtual machine okay so always keep in mind right after the installation of the operating system the next thing that you do is you install BMW tools be it a Windows machine that you have be a Linux machine that you have install the VMware tools okay how do you install the vmw tools on Windows it's very simple on VMware Workstation you basically make a right click and you see the option over here inst vmb tools you click on it yeah now what would happen is you go to your C drive so now when you go to your C drive you see that you know the iso is already mounted over here double click on it and proceed with the installation again nothing fancy nothing out of the box all that you have to do is keep hitting next and install it plain and simple okay here my esxi installation was complete I'll I'll just hit the enter key and the Machine will REO okay so all that you have to do is keep hitting next TT next and click on the install button now look at the line over here this line that you see where you see copying files look at this line okay copying new files okay focus over here on this now you see installing bmci driver installing EF FW driver vmx net3 driver this is for the network installing the scy driver installing the USB keyboard driver all the other drivers that you will see so let the installation complete and then we will reboot so here my installation completed okay so all that I have to do now is I have to click on the Finish button okay and it it will basically prompt you to reboot the operating system now you look at the screen over here earlier my screen was not completely full because I did not have the video drivers now after the installation of the video drivers you see that you know I get the display on my entire screen okay so this this is what basically the VMware tools will do for your operating system they have all the necessary drivers that you need you know on your operating system okay so BMW tools is absolutely a mandatory thing there are there are no ifs and buts that you know whether you should install it or not install it keep that in mind all right now while my windows is getting booted up so let me talk about this screen okay now when I talk about an esxi okay so basically what would happen is you have esxi which is your physical server this is your physical HP server you have installed esxi as the operating system now this is in a far away place okay this will not be near to you yeah this machine will be in a in a remote data center maybe in a different country all together maybe in a different continent all together okay how do you access the esxi you access the esxi over the network okay so basically it has an IP address and you access the IP address of the esxi and that is how you manage it okay but for example let's say that somehow the IP address of the esxi is not reachable due to some reason you are not able to Ping the IP address the ESX s is not responding on the web browser and nothing seems to be working okay now what would you do every Hardware manufacturer you know for example Dell IBM Fujitsu Asus you know every one of them they have something called as out of band management tool like HP has ILO Dell has ID rack Asus has Asus rack you know every one of them has an out of band management tool what you will do is you will connect to the hpo so for example if you have an HP server there out of band management tool is called ILO so you need to connect the hpo and then you need to take the console of the server console of this Hardware okay so keep in mind that we are accessing the esxi over the network with the IP address that it has however if the ES sxi is not reachable to troubleshoot or to understand that where is my esxi stuck why is it not responding on the IP I need to open or I need to log to the console of the hardware and then I will basically understand or I would be able to see so for example to make things simpler let's say that you have a desktop at home okay now I power on the desktop but I do not connect the monitor okay so you have the desktop but I do not connect the monitor now how would you know what is running on your desktop what is going on on your desktop without the m without the monitor how would you get to know about it one way would be that your desktop basically has an IP address you know what the IP address is and you can access it okay now what if if you don't know the IP address or if the IP address is not accessible now what would you do you know for your desktop you know at home that it is not accessible you will basically connect a monitor and then you will see that you know where my desktop is stuck what do I see what I what do I see on the screen and how do I troubleshoot okay similarly the same thing would happen on the HP server the only difference is that you are not connecting a physical monitor over there there in you are basically connecting to the ILO ILO is is a different IP address altoe so when you're setting up the HP server when you set up the ILO this has a different IP okay you hit this IP which basically acts for you like a monitor and then you can get to see that you know what you are basically doing on the server this is what basically a uh out of band management tool will basically do for you any questions over there okay so whenever you will open the out of band management tool this is what you will see this is the window that you will see every time if you open an out of band management tool on which esxi is running okay this window that you see over here like I mentioned will only come up when you open out of band management tool like ILO this window is called dcui direct console user interface so if someone asks you that can you open the dcui window on your esxi okay can you log to the dcui for the esxi so basically all that they are trying to say is the physical server that you have it will have an autoband management tool log to their IP address put in the credentials open the console and you get to this screen this is what is basically basically called dcui direct console user interface any questions okay now when you go to this screen what you will see over here the first thing that you will see that you know you are running esxi 8 that's the esxi version that you have now if you look at esxi okay and their updates they are kind of crazy okay they have a very random updates how would you see that so basically you need to go to Google and type esxi build number and hit the enter key here you would see a KB article which will basically talk about you know the versions that VMware has released so if you see over here you know for version 8 all these versions are there for version 8 so you have GA Express one patch one Patch Express patch 2 update one xer patch update one xer patch 2 you know you see so many updates are here now you were telling me that you are running esxi 8 okay you are running esxi 8 I agree but which exact version you have are you running esxi 8.0 GA are you running Express patch 2 are you running update 1 are you running update 2 are you running update 3 which is the exact version you have for the esxi okay so to answer this question all that you have to do is you basically need to go back to your dcui window and here you see something called as a build number this build number will basically tell you the exact version of your esxi that you have so if you look at the build number over here it says 13097 so all that you have to do is basically come over here do a contr f and type 13097 and this is you will get to know that you are running a 8.0 GA version this is how you will get to know what the build number is and which exact version it basically points to now these version these build numbers have been there since my childhood okay so if you look at it since esxi 4 you know they have had this build number you know kind of a concept so I've been seeing this for close to about 14 years now okay so I've been seeing this since my childhood so yeah this is how you will see that every esxi roll out has a build number associated with it from that build number you exactly get to know that which is the exact version you know eight that you are running over here and this is how you can figure it out okay now the next line basically talks about over here that which is your Hardware so I am installing esxi in a VMware Workstation that is why it says VMware Inc over here if you had installed it on an HP server if you have installed it on in Del server that is the model number you would have seen over here you know that is what you would have seen HP DL 380 generation 10 generation 11 blah blah blah whatever it may be I mean that is what you will see over here okay then it will basically tell you that which is your CPU and how much memory you have on the esxi on the hardware this is you know from where you will figure it out okay now esxi to manage this box okay you basically hit a URL Okay so right now I basically do not have a DHCP over here that is why it is not able to pick up an IP okay and uh this is where you need to assign a static IP okay because esxi when it boots up it will basically get an IP from the DHCP but you know any production machine in the Enterprise should never be on a DHCP IP it should always be on a static IP now how do you assign a static IP let me answer that question now okay now you see over here I've got two tabs over here I've got an F2 and I've got an F12 so on this screen I can only hit two keys F2 or F1 or F12 these are the only two options F12 basically means that if you would like to reboot this esxi if you would like to reboot the esxi as an operating system then yes you can go ahead and hit the F12 and you can you know do a shutdown on the reboot whatever you feel like yeah and F2 basically tells you that you can do some customizations over here okay so what you need to do is you need to basically take your arrow and click on this black screen the black screen that you see over here you need to click on it okay and now you need to hit F2 okay now keep in mind if you do not click the mouse over here F2 is not going to work for you you have to basically click on the black screen and now you have to hit F2 remember then only it will work else it will not work for you okay now here by default the username is root why because esxi is bagged by a Linux curle and here you need to put in the password remember the same password that you had assigned when you were installing the esxi okay so I'll put in my password for me it was welcome at the123 I'll put in that password hit the enter key and I am in Okay now from here you need to make some changes or you need to assign the IP address address how do you do that let me basically explain it to you so the first is the option that you see over here is the configure password if you want to change the password you can basically do it from here the second option configure log down this is kind of disabled right now what log down mode is I'll tell you after four weekends not right now I'll tell you later yeah configure management Network this is the option where you need to assign the static IP so you select the option of configure management Network and then you hit the enter key okay now when you hit the enter key here you will see all your network adapters that's the first screen so I will choose network adapters and hit the enter key now the HP server that you have or the Dell physical box that you have it might have a lot of network adapters the physical network cards it might have a lot of network physical network cards so on which network card do you want to do the installation or on which network card should the esxi IP respond that is the network card that you need to select over here now this is a lab I only have one network card however you need to make sure that the cable should be connected so this is basically called racking and stacking the server so when you get a new HP server it has to be racked in your data center the cables have to be connected it has to be configured okay so um and that is what basically racking and stacking means okay so this will be done for you okay all that you have to do is when you proceed with the installation just choose the right network card and here you can verify the MAC address you know just to make sure that you know you are basically choosing the right Mac the the right uh Hardware okay so this is the network card that you will select over here now every IP now you are about to give an IP over here right every IP in the production environment is associated with a VLAN this is a lab that is why you do not see a a VLAN over here but in production you will have a VLAN for everything you need to enter your VLAN number over here okay so check with the networking team um the IP address they will give you they will also tell you the VLAN number associated with it enter that VLAN number yeah now here I need to assign my IP V4 address so here I need to you know give a static IP so I will choose the static option and then I will hit the space bar key and then I now need to enter the static IP okay so in my lab I will be using 10 10 9412 this is the IP that I will give to the esxi I will give a subnet mask okay I will give a default gateway 10 10 94.1 now I do not have a a default gateway I'm just giving it um you know kind of a random default gateway okay you can choose any uh IP series that you feel like in the lab I just selected 10 1094 okay I'll hit the enter key so basically now I've given a static IP over here are you using IPv6 no I'm not using IPv6 I will basically say disable IPv6 okay what about DNS I'll come over here and I'll say that the DNS server in my environment is 10 9410 and what is the name for this esxi it is basically esxi hyphen 01 that is the name of the esxi that I have okay what is your uh suffix that is you know to which domain it basically belongs to I would say that you know it belongs to a domain called lab. loop I will be
setting it up I have not set it up but you know this is what you can enter the details now you have to go back to the main menu okay so you will basically hit this AP key to go back to the main screen it says that you know you have made the changes and you've disabled the IPv6 for which the machine will be rebooted right now so do you want to apply the changes and reboot your esxi I hit yes and why because I am spinning up I building my new esxi there is nothing production running on it so I can reboot my machine you know as I feel like this is how you assign a static IP on the esxi and then you reboot it any questions so far okay now guys like I me go for it um okay um this IP that you assigned to this uh to this device this the IP that you got from your your Dom right so like me if I'm if I'm doing the installation I'll use my um the IP that I have for my lab right like I have2 174 do you know I can assign anything that I want right right absolutely you can assign anything that you want so you remember to keep the lab simple over here I basically created yesterday an um uh an internal Network all my machines are part of this internal Network and every machine will be getting a same IP range okay my intention over here is that the machines should be able to talk to one another whatever IP whatever Network you choose it doesn't matter till the time the machines that car compan ating with each other that's the only thing which is important over here okay okay yeah one more thing that I want to ask like yeah okay let's say I have a lab that I have already set up a domain controller right can I add the I how do you say something like um you've not set up your domain something you know you just basically use something El when you set up your domain so let's say I have a lab that I have a domain already created and I have some computers added to the domain right so I can create a spin up um VM and then install the essi inside it and then add it to the domain is that what you is it going to work yeah I mean yeah you have to add esxi to the domain this is an optional thing but you don't have to add it right now all that you have to make sure is that your esxi should be pingable it should be reachable on your domain and that's about it okay okay so okay this operating system now SSI is like an operating system on its own correct it is a self-sufficient operating system like you have Windows 10 it is an independent operating system same as the esxi it is an independent separate operating system all together so you have is it com with command prompt and all those stuff inside it everything it has thank you I will show it to you right sir I have a two question go for it sir first uh while configuring you you said if there are lot of network card uh my question is how we we can identify which one we are configuring and how we can configure okay so what you need to do good question so what you question second also there is a v l sir it's optional now what is the purpose of need and why we need V sure I'll answer both your questions thank you so basically the first thing I can hear my voice shra I'm echoing so yeah better thank you now the first thing to keep in mind is what is a VLAN now keep in mind that in your organization you have IP address okay now when machines talk to one another they talk over IP okay now I need to create small groups of ips okay if I create a large pool of IP address okay what would basically happen is my network performance will go down okay that is why you have a concept of VLAN so what you do is that you create small pools of IP addresses okay and they all have a VLAN number associated with it why a VLAN because it gives you a good Network performance if you do not have a VLAN your network will be very slow things will not be great on the network side of things this is a default architecture in every Network environment okay you need a VLAN VLAN is basically car giving out small IP addresses small portions of IP addresses uh which basically make sure that you know the performance is good okay and that is why it happens over here and that is why you need a VLAN okay every IP address in your organization you have an IP it will be associated with a VLAN and there will be a VLAN ID there will be a VLAN number associated with it who manages this this will be basically managed by your network team the network team that you have in your organization they will be the ones who will basically you know tell you that you know here is the IP and it is associated with which we okay now um Does this answer your second question shivendra what a VLAN is is that okay with you yes sir yes sir now let me answer the first question how do you verify the network card that's a good question that you have asked now what would happen is basically when you get an HP server in your data center the HP server has to be racked and it has to be stacked okay that basically means that you know you have to mount that HP server on the rack and then you have to connect the power cables and then you know all the network cards that you have you basically have to connect the uh you know network cables and they will be connected to a switch now you have a network switch on which you know the cables are connected and this is what you will have to do okay um now basically what would happen is this is part of Design This is a design question that how will your networks behave or you know from where the IP will go how many network card you will have this is something that you know is part of the design you will not be doing the design of your VMware environment that will basically be done by an architect okay so how do you verify that the network card is connected basically what you can do is in your Hardware when you boot up the server you can go in the bios okay and if there is a network cable connected over there in the bias it will show you that the network card is connected okay and you basically figure out you at the back of the server they would also be written that you know this network card is zero this network card is one this network card is two you know you would have that numbering also okay so you can figure out that you know which is the network card that you have how many cables are they connected and then accordingly you will pick the network card on which which you know you have to do the installation again this is all part of the design okay every organization can have a different design people can you know have any way you know you can set up the environment so for example the best way to describe is you know look at a home okay everyone lives at a in a home and how do you you know set up your home how do you you know decorate your home it basically depends you know you might have a kitchen right at the beginning at your you know home someone might might have a kitchen at the back of their home okay uh someone might have a big TV right as you enter the uh home someone might have a TV at the back of their home so it basically depends on how you are designing your home that is how every environment is you know every it environment is different and it basically is governed or is basically managed by what you need how much is you know that you're willing to pay what is your it budget what are you know your what are your requirements accordingly you know you know it environment is set up so to answer your question in a nutshell you will have to basically go in the Bios and then verify that the network card is connected or not from there you can verify the MAC address make sure that the cable is connected talk to the network guys make sure that the cable is connected looks okay and that is how you will basically select a network card and then proceed with it okay with you shander okay chin is that okay with you okay no problem so let's proceed cool so here I basically rebooted my esxi okay I gave it a static IP okay and now if I log in you see that you know it has a static IP over here it has a URL over there okay and this is how I basically set up my static IP what are the other options let me quickly run you through so for example if you have made a change on your network okay if you have changed the IP address if you have changed the default gateway you might have to change you might have to restart the network agent so this is the place from where you can start the network uh agent that you have on the esxi if you want to verify the connectivity that is can you reach the default gateway can you reach the DN or can you reach any other IP are you able to resolve this name so this is how you hit the enter key and from esxi you are basically initiating a ping that is this IP reachable now for me everything is going to fail over here because I've not set up anything so it is not going to reach anything okay so that is why you see sales failed over here but this is one of the ways to verify that you know where can you reach from the esxi this is a way to do it now this is an option wherein when you are setting up networking okay and let's say that you know you have goofed up networking you did a lot of networking changes and you basically messed up esxi networking then you know here as an option you can restore your network altoe okay how do you do this uh right now I cannot talk about it because I've not explained you the network section when I cover the network section then you will understand that you know how this option works can we can we change this iello IP here any option this is no this is the esxi as an operating system no you cannot change it from here you have to log into the HP console to change the ILO because ILO is part of HP it's not part of esxi oh okay okay okay s now here while the installation of the esxi I chose the keyboard as us default if you want to change your keyboard layout you can do it from here now here is the networking options I'm sorry the troubleshooting options so for example you remember I told you that you know what if your esxi is not reachable over the IP address what will you do how would you troubleshoot okay you have to you have to go to the command line you have to run some commands how would you do that okay so if your IP is not reachable you cannot reach the esxi over the uh browser you cannot do an SSH so you Y is not there SSH is not there ping does not work okay nothing works so I need to run some commands what do I do I have to log into shell I have to take basically the local console and then I have to run the commands so what do you do to take the local console you see over here it says shell is disabled okay I need to enable the shell okay how do you enable the shell all that you have to do is you have to hit the end Enter key that's it okay you come over here and you hit the enter key so when you've hit the enter key once okay uh you have to be a little patient and hit the enter key once now you see over here it basically says that the shell is enabled okay if you want to disable the shell all that you do is you hit the enter key again so remember hitting the enter key enables and disables the shell that is all that you have to do only hit the Ed the key push it only once wait for a few seconds and it will change okay now when the shell is enabled how do you get to the Shell window okay so when the shell is enabled how do you get to the Shell window so you have to hit shift alt F1 so on your keyboard hit alt F1 okay sorry so basically I am running a Mac machine okay I am not on a Windows machine so I need to check my key combination what it is no this is no this is not the one hang on yeah this is the problem with Mac uh no this is not the one one no this is not the one come on what is the key combination over here then use the virtual keyboard uh good point good point I can do that but last time when I was trying that it did not work for me so Google give me a let me a minute give me a minute let me quickly Google it up and then I will get to know give me a minute please okay I get it now so okay options f and yep there you go Google helps okay so now what you have to do is that you know you have to hit alt F1 this is what you need to do okay so now you're at you're at the prompt and now here you need to type your username as root that you have and you put in the password that you had mentioned at the time of the installation which is welcome at the r81 123 make sure that you write type the password correctly if not have to type it in again okay and here you go you are in and you can run all your commands whatever you want to do you can basically do the troubleshooting from here okay when your connectivity is back online let's say that you are done with the troubleshooting okay and now you want to go back to the main menu main screen you know where I was okay I don't want to be stuck over here I want to go back to the main menu so for that you hit you need to hit alt F2 okay so you need to hit alt F2 and then you will basically go back alt F1 takes you in alt F2 basically brings you back this is what you need to do when you are done disable the shell do not leave any service open or running you know that's not a good practice so when you're done disable the shell and that's about it from over here you can enable the SSH you know you can change the timeouts you can know modify the timeout value and on every esxi there is an agent that basically does everything that basically makes you know manages everything on the esxi and that agent is called host D so if someone says restart host D or if someone says restart the management agent it's one and the same thing okay so on every esxi by default you have a agent running as host D which is basically the one who is doing everything okay so when you say power on a virtual machine extend the hard drive power down the virtual machine you know do this do that so all the operations that happen on the esxi it is host D which is basically doing anything and everything and this is also referred to as the management agent okay all right now I need to go back to the main menu again I I will hit the Escape key and I will go back to the main menu now here it says view system logs trust me there are far better ways looking at the esxi logs okay never ever look at the logs from this way I mean there are far better ways and easy ways to look at the logs don't try this option okay um support information trust me nothing informative that you will find over here okay I have never come across anything you know where this screen has helped me to you know with something I mean this is just an informational screen uh I mean it gives you nothing really important and then you have a system reset configuration like you know on the phones you know every phone basically has an option of you know factory reset that you can take your phone back to the day one the way your phone was when you you know bought it with no data on it no application on it absolutely you know clean vibed nothing on it and you know works well so the same thing is over here so if you have made a lot of configuration changes and you're not happy with your esxi what you can do is you can take your esxi back to day one which is right after the installation as the default configurations on your esxi trust me I have never done this in production okay you don't need this option I mean they've given you an option but you don't use it okay now during this course you will keep hearing me saying that esxi VMware gives you a lot of functions a lot of functionalities a lot of options they give you but that doesn't mean that you have to use all the options keep in mind you only use the options which are important for you you do not keep on always using all the options okay so the options that you don't need you do not have to configure it you don't have to use it okay so these are basically all the options that you will get when you hit the F2 screen you know F2 option on your dcui okay and F12 is basically the restart any questions on dcui what this screen is what it does anything that you would like to know okay so we understand what dcui is okay that's fine and we have assigned the static IP over here
2024-09-12 05:58