Building a XenForo 2 Add-on - Part 2 Creating and linking test pages

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we're going to start off by building a test  page and to build that test page we're going to   need a collection of components to all come  together we're going to need a controller   that will take an incoming request and process it  and then deliver something out we're going to need   a route which will be the address of where our  page is going to be and we're going to need a   template which will control the final output  so let's start off with the controller because   everything else is going to hang off that so i'm  going to come into my pad add-on directory here   and create a new directory and i'm going  to call it pub because this is going to be   a public controller now i'm going to kind of  do this the long way around because it's it's   the gold standard it's the way that we do it in  XenForo itself but so long as your classes extend   the the correct bits and pieces then it  doesn't really matter where you put them but   i'm going to do it at the XenForo way just because  that's what i always do so pub and controller   and now i'm going to create a class inside here  so new php class and seeing as we're making a   scratch pad notepad type thing i'm going to  create a controller called note which will   deal with the notes that make up our scratch  scratchpad so i'm going to call it note.php   and i'll deal with the extension and everything  else afterwards so let's okay that no i don't want   to add that to git thank you now it automatically  creates a namespace for me which is important   because in a big object-oriented application like  XenForo we use namespaces to make sure that we can   identify different place different bits and pieces  from where they come from so the namespace is   quite easy to identify it's just the name of  the add-on and then essentially the directory   path down to where you are from a starting  point of the add-on so demo pad pub controller   we've got this class note and we need to extend the abstract controller i believe it's  called from xf there we go so now it's   automatically added the abstract controller  in the list of classes it's going to use   and that is now essentially ready to go it  doesn't do anything yet but it does exist   so in order to use that we need to tell XenForo  how to get to it and we do that with a root so   let's head to the front end of XenForo and you can  see that at the moment i'm at the the members root   and i'm going to change that to slash notes and  it's going to tell me that it has no idea what i'm   talking about there is no root that controls slash  notes and as there's no control there's also no   action so what we need to do is we need to go to  the control panel and create a route that will i   will put glue these things together so development  routes add a route this can be a public route and the route prefixes as you can see there notes  so that will correspond to this slash notes here   i'm using full friendly urls here just for ease of  typing but if you're not using friendly urls then   the the identification of the route should  be relatively straightforward anyway   i'm going to ignore all that stuff for now and  just come to the controller now you can see that   i've actually done this before and the controller  is demo backslash pad because once we're in php   we have to separate directory paths with  backslashes and then a colon and a note   and this is essentially saying any note  controller that exists within the demo   pad so we'll say okay to that and notice that it's  pre-selected the demo scratch pad notepad thingy   because that's what we specified in our  conflict.php and we'll hit save so now   the notes root is here and it tells me that it's  going to respond to notes slash so if i come back   here and hit refresh again then it won't work  yet but we will get a new error so now it's   saying invalid action but the controller was demo  slash pad colon note and the action was index so   we've got two things to note here first of all  we have no action we only have the root and as   a result XenForo will look for an action called  index in the same way as a web server tends to   treat indexed html or index.php within a directory  as the default document so if you don't specify a   document it will return index.something or other  XenForo does something similar with actions   if you don't specify an action it  will look for an action called index   so let's create that we'll come into here and  on a new line we'll have a public function   called actionIndex() don't need to  put anything else in there for now   let's just check that that is actually going to  get called up so come back here and hit refresh   and there we go so it's identified the correct  action but there was no reply from action index   and why was there not replied well action index  doesn't reply it doesn't return anything yet so   let's get it to return something  and the thing it's going to return   is a view so we'll say return this view  and you can see here it's going to expect   a class string for the view and then a template  name and then a an array of parameters as an   optional param as an optional  argument so the name of the view class as a general rule it's good to have something  that reflects where we are in the controller   and the action so i'm going to call this demo/pad  because that's the the add-on we're in :Note\Index   so essentially it's a copy of the controller path  here but it's going to point to a view the view   itself is a class that is optionally defined if  you don't define one it will use the standard view   and we'll come back to that in a much later step  but for now just use some sort of semantic naming   that allows each of your actions to have a  uniquely identified view like i've done here   next we're going to specify  a template for it to call and   just as we did before i'm going  to name space that with the add-on id that we're using so it's going to  be demo_pad_ and let's call it index seeing as   that's where we are we're just going to use this  as a test page for now the third parameter for   for view here would be an array of parameters  to parse the template but we're going to ignore   that for now because this is literally  just a test page so let's come back to the   control panel and go and create that template  let's copy that over here so here we are   in appearance templates add a template making  sure it's public and master style again   we're going to call it demo pad index and now  i'm going to put in just some text to identify it   and i'm actually going to hit save and  exit here because i'm going to do all my   editing in my code editor rather than messing  around in the template editor in the XenForo   web application because although it can  do some relatively basic things like   auto-completion of tags and things like that it's  not a full-fledged html editor and why would we   cause ourselves the suffering of using that when  we can use a full-fledged data set like PhpStorm,   so we'll save and exit that and sure enough  there it is and it tells me the add-on that   it belongs to and then you see that little  chevron's appeared next to my public   directory here and there is demo pad index so  let's open him up and there is the text that is in   the demo pad index let's just add a little  more meat to that i'm going to give it an   <xf:title> tag and we're going to call it demo pad  index page and if you don't already know what the   <xf:title> template syntax does it specifies the  actual title tag for the page that we're going   to be loading in and it also puts its value  into the <h1> tag for that page by default   now let's give it a bit of test content  so i'll just have an xf dot block that will sort of do and let's go and save that  now worth noting here that although i've saved out   this template and the the file there has received  that content that content has not been slurped up   into the database where the system will use it at  this point the system has no idea that we've done   anything with that template but what's  going to happen is when i ask the system to   use that template it will check to see if the  file has changed while we're in development mode   and if the files change then it will slurp up the  contents of that stick it in the database compile   it and use it there so if i were to open demo pad  index right now it still has the original content   it doesn't have this stuff whereas if i come back  in here and we know this is going to load the the   correct the correct content because it's going  to look for the return value for action index   from the note controller so let's refresh that  just to check that it will demo pad index page   there's the <h1> and here's my hello there  now at this point the the template has been   slurped up into the database compiled and saved  you might have noticed that that page refresh took   slightly longer and that's because it was doing  that template slurp and compile and you'll notice   down in my query account here that it executed 14  queries to build this page but if i refresh that   the queries go down to four because 10 of those  queries were involved in the template compilation   process so now the temp page reloads very very  fast and only uses four queries whereas if i   put something new in there and hit  refresh then we're going to go back to   14 queries and it took much longer but refresh  again and now we're back down there so having said   all that if we go back into the demo pad index  template here and hit refresh then we should see   the content that we've been  working on in the editor there   so having one page built is all very well but what  we need to do now is we need to build some more   pages let's see how to get those built and then  link them together so let's start off by creating   an action for our second page so we're going to  come back in here to the controller and do another   public function which i'm going to misspell again  and i'm going to call this what shall we call it   action test just to be really adventurous and i'm  going to take the view return from that action   index dump it in there and just adapt it so that  we can use it so now we've got a new action test   and it's gonna return a view called demo pad  note test and a template called demo pad test   so let's head back into the template editor and  having said just now that we're not going to use   the template editor at all we do have to use it  to actually add templates there's no way to add   a template through the file system alone you  do have to do it through the template editor   so let's just grab hold of the name of that  template from there and dump it in here and we'll   do the same thing again save and exit and when we  pop back over here we'll find that demo pad index   has appeared so let's open that up and  then put in the appropriate <xf:title>   the second test page will do and then we'll use  another one of those put a block row in there   and add a bit of content that'll do and now what  i should be able to do is if we go back to the   controller just to review what we've done we've  got action index so that will be returned if we   call up the the route with no action and  this one will only respond if we have the   root namely notes slash test so let's go and grab  it and see that it works so here we are in slash   notes now let's go to slash notes test and you can  see already that we've got the second test page   and here we go so great now let's link between  them and to do that we're going to start using   the link builder i'm going to talk about this in a  little more detail later on but for now we're just   going to do a basic link between these two  pages so let's start with the index page and   let's make this a little more  interesting so we'll surround that with where is the thing there we go we'll surround that  with the <p> tag and then we'll have another <p>   tag with a link in it let's just leave that  as is for a minute and say open the test page   and now we can talk about how to actually use  the the link now we're going to use the what   we call curly syntax or curly bracket syntax  which is the sort of second part of XenForo   template syntax after the <xf:tag> syntax so in  here we're going to have a double curly brace   and inside that link that's essentially a  function call so we'll have some parentheses   there and now we link to it by using the root  and the action so in this case it is notes slash   test and that's all we need at this point as i  said we'll come back to the link builder later on   to do more advanced linking but at  this point that will link us to the   test action from the notes root so let's go  to the demo test pad as well and we'll have let's do something like that get  rid of my typos and we'll go to link   and this time we're just going to link to notes  with no action because we're going to the index   root and we'll just do that and let's let's go  check that that works so we'll refresh this page   and there's my link back to the index and that  takes us to the index page notes that was a bit   slow because it's recompiling this one will be  fast because there's no compile to do i think   or at least there we go now it's  fast because the templates have   done their job so here we go linking between  them and you can see that up in the url bar   there we're going between notes and notes  slash test so that's the basics of linking   so now that we know how to build a link it  would be useful to employ that knowledge to   provide a link from the the main system into our  pad pages because right now they are completely   isolated they're orphaned from the rest of the  system if i were to go over and click on any   link within the XenForo system then i've got no  way of clicking back to my notepad pages because   it's not linked anywhere so what we're going to do  is we're going to create a navigation entry and i   think we're just going to have a little link that  says notes among these tabs up at the top here   which is very straightforward to  do so we'll just head over to the   control panel here and then we'll go to  setup and public navigation which controls   that stuff up at the top there and you can see  that the public navigation is laid out in this   tree of content here so let's take a quick look  at one of these items we've got an item called   forums and you can see it's styled slightly  differently to show that it's a top level item   and it has children of new posts and forum  lists and fine threads which has its own   child entries of this stuff so let's just take  a quick look at that here and you can see that   by and large that reflects what you just saw  in the control panel some of those items don't   appear because they have conditionals attached  to them but that's not something we need to worry   about right now so we're going to add a new  top level item and to do that we need to know   what display order to give it now these tabs are  arranged according to their display order so this   one will have a higher display order than this one  which has a higher display order than this one and   this one etcetera so if we go and take a look at  what those display orders are we actually print   them out without having to click through into  them so home has a display order of 100 forms   200 and then right down to members which has a  display order of 600 so we need to give our entry   a display order of at least 601 in  order for it to appear last in that list   so let's add a new item and we'll call it demo  pad notes which you can see i've already had   set up there and i'm going to call it notes  and the parent navigation entry is going to be   nothing and the display order  is going to be something   greater than 600 so i'm going to give it a display  order of a thousand and the type is a basic link   i'm not going to make its display conditional it  just it's just always going to be there and we're   going to use link building syntax as if we're  in a template here so link and then we're going   to link to notes and then close that off we can  see that the add-on has already been pre-selected   so let's hit save on that and here it is it  appears at the bottom of the list so when i come   back here and click on any link to to go somewhere  then my notes item will appear and clicking on it   will take me to the notes page so now we have  a test page that links to a second test page   which are linked from the top item so let's  while we're here just go and add a child   item to this because right now there is no  change to the list of of sub navigation items   so let's come in here and say we want to add  navigation and i'm going to call it demo pad   notes test because we're going to link to the  second test page and i'll call it test page   the parent entry this type is going to  be notes and i'll give a display order of   10 so i've got options later on to put entries  before and after it it's another basic link and   this time we're going to use that but with slash  test just as we did in the template this is all   looking good we'll hit save on that and what we  should see now when we click on to notes is oh   i forgot something when we built the route i said  that we'd go back and do some more advanced stuff   and the the one thing that we haven't done  that we need to do at this point is to say   what the section context is for the  route right now when we click on   our notes pages it doesn't have a section  context so it shows me the sort of unselected   collection of navigation items so what i want  to do is i want to say that i want the section   context for the notes root to be this demo pad  notes navigation item so we'll copy that come in   and enter development go to roots and find my  notes root and in section context i will paste   that in there and hit save and that's all there is  to it now when i click onto forums then the forums   tab selects when i click into members then the  members tab selects and when i click into notes   the notes tab selects and i've got my test  page sub navigation item if i'm somewhere else   then the notes becomes a split link so  i can access the menu and there we go


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