Build a Career As a Remote Developer At Leading U S Firms With Turing com Developer Town Hall 06

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Hi, everyone. Welcome to our Town Hall  today. Hey Hammad. Hey Sally. Hey Carlos.   Nice to have you here. Oh, from Argentina.  That's awesome. Nice to have you.   Okay. Thank you for coming. I'm Santiago. I'm from  Argentina and I'm a Project Manager at Turing.  Nice to have you all. Well, let's get started.  The purpose of the Town Hall today is to first  

welcome you to Turing, and also to give you  some tools to help you become a successful   Turing developer if you choose to do so. At the end of this Town Hall, we will have a   Q&A session, and we're really eager to answer your  questions so that we can help you move further,   in your career growth with Turing. Now, if  you have a question that is more specific to   your situation, maybe specific about a tech  stack test that you're taking or something,   please contact us at  and we will be there to help you,   and we'll get back to you in less than 24 hours,  but for the sake of time today, we'll only   go through questions that benefit most of the  audience here today. Okay. Let's get started.  Welcome to Turing. If you're really looking  for a high-quality U.S. job, if you're   looking into working for leading-edge  technologies, then you've come to the right   place. Here at Turing, we want to offer you those  opportunities. We were built by engineers coming  

from Facebook, Uber, Google, and these awesome  people that started this company, these founders,   most of our VPs, most of our managers, most  of our internal teams here at Turing, we are   software developers that come from foreign  countries and we also want to grow our careers   and we want to share these opportunities  with everyone. And that's the common goal   that motivates all of us to continue working with  Turing. And one of our goals for this year is to   create a thousand of these high-quality jobs  for talented developers like you worldwide. We believe that talent is universal. We can  find great software, talent everywhere, but   opportunity is not, for a long time,  this opportunity to have high quality,   Silicon valley type, opportunities of jobs that  has been limited to people living in a certain   area in the United States or these hubs where  you can find workers to work on your projects. But we want to give this opportunity and take  this opportunity to everyone. That's the goal  

that moves us at Turing. We believe that we will  revolutionize the way that developers get hired.  If you have any questions, please post them  in the Q&A tab at the top right corner.  And we will go through those at the end of the  session. Also, feel free to go to  

Our content team is currently updating the  most frequently asked questions there and,   that'll be really helpful. And again,  if you have any specific questions,   please email us at  We'll get back to you in less than 24 hours.  Now want to emphasize this, we don't offer  short-term gigs, we're not a freelancer platform,   but we want to have you grow your career in really  meaningful ways. We want to have jobs for you   that are career-defining. So we're here for the  long run. We're here to help you build yourself   as a developer and build your career,  not just a two or three months contract. 

Many people ask. So I want to become a Turing  developer. What do I need to do? And so basically   there are three steps in your developer journey.  First, and this is where most of you are right   now, you need to go through a vetting process.  The vetting process includes taking the Turing   Tests taking the Coding Challenge, completing  your Work Experience Analysis, and so forth. 

Once you pass through all those tests, our  AI matching algorithm will start suggesting   multiple job matches. And we have a  team that's dedicated to helping you   improve your matchability. They will help  you finalize your us engineering resume.   They will help you, prepare for interviews.  And this is really exciting cause, again,   we're not offering you just, you know, short-term  engagements, we're offering you the whole   experience. The whole team is here to help you  grow. We are invested in your career growth. And   once you get a job, once you get a match, you will  start working with one of our partner companies.  Again, say NO to gigs and YES to careers. We  want to help you grow your career here at Turing.  

If you have any more questions  about this process, please   send us an email at and we  will get back to you in less than 24 hours. Now I'm really excited to invite someone to the  stage he's Peter and he's from Nigeria. Hey,   Peter, nice to have you here. One of  the interesting things about Peter,   the first time you attended a town  hall, it was as an attendee, right?  Yeah. Cool. And now you've   come full circle and you're coming as a Turing  developer to tell us about your experience.  Yeah, Turing is an awesome place to  be and is a good place to work. So  

I've been developing and I've been  advancing in my career since I joined.  How did you find Turing? Maybe  through an ad or how was...  So I found out about Turing around  late 2019 through a Facebook ad,   and I applied through the Facebook advert and took  the Turing Tests like three months after that. 

And Peter, how has your experience  with taking the Turing Tests?  Yeah, so when I took the test, it was the first  time I've ever taken such tests. So it is a bit   challenging. So I was not really sure if I'm  going to do well. But I just have to take it.   And I was surprised to come out and receiving a  message from Turing that I have passed the test.  So it was a bit challenging, actually.  Not really easy as I thought as of then.  Thank you, Peter. Did you use  any sort of preparation methods? 

So, I try to read documentations on the tech  stack for those tests I wanted to take. So   I try to familiarize myself with the latest  updates in those technologies because I don't want   to be taken by surprise. So I try to update my  knowledge on the latest changes, latest updates on   those new technologies that I want to  take the test on the Turing website.  Awesome. And Peter, you already had experience  with these technologies, but you just wanted to  

kind of update your knowledge, and  kind of refresh the knowledge. Right?  Yes. So that's what I was trying to say, like  trying to update my knowledge on the latest   changes and updates in the technologies so that I  won't be taken by surprise while doing the test. 

That's great advice. And, Peter, after  you started working remotely for Turing,   what are some of the advantages or what are some  of the things that you enjoy about remote work?  So to me, there are lots of advantages in remote  work. For example, I live in Lagos, Nigeria, and   transporting to work is really a big issue here. So most times you get stuck in a traffic jam.   So without the traffic, now I kind of sit down  comfortably in my house and work. Then apart from   transport, I choose my own time of work. I don't  need to wake up early in the morning. So one of   the advantages, like I can always choose my time  of work. So the working time is flexible. Then  

another thing is like the extra time that I spend  in traffic most of the days, I always use that.   I use that to improve on my knowledge, update  my knowledge, and spend time with my friends   and families and get along with people around me. Lastly, I would also like to talk about one of the   advantages I have to do with meeting people all  over the world. It gives me an opportunity to meet  

with bright minds out there. I was able to work  with people from different parts of the world,   and I'm able to learn and share knowledge with  them. So it's a very great advantage to me.  Awesome. Thank you, Peter. Just out of curiosity,  about your coworkers, where do they come from? 

Okay. So, some of my coworkers, I have  people from Brazil, I have from China,   then I think I also have some from Argentina  and the USA. So they are just everywhere.   Everywhere. Thank you, Peter. Before wrapping   up with the interview, is there any other advice  that you'd like to give to the audience today?  Okay. I just have one advice to give to the  audience. So while preparing for tests, I believe   since most of the tests and the technologies  are going to take the test on, they are most of   the technologies we use for work every day. So  there's always this kind of temptation to just   take the test like, I already know this, I can do  this. But I think we should just take some time  

aside to update our knowledge. Sometimes there  may be new updates in some of those technologies.   We should try. to update our knowledge and make  sure we are up to date before taking the test.  Awesome. And so just to recap,  

maybe before taking the SQL test, kind of  go through the documentation for 30 minutes,   get the confidence needed and go to take the test. Am I right Peter?  Yes. Exactly! Awesome. Thank you, Peter.  Peter, please stand by cause now  we will move on to the Q&A session.   And I can see lots of questions here. Okay. So  let's start with the first one coming from Sattar. 

Awesome. Thank you. So is it possible to  relocate to the U.S. and work onsite after   some time? Thanks for the question, Sattar. So  the short answer is we don't offer that at Turing.   Here at Turing, we encourage people to work  with these companies, but not necessarily   go and relocate to the U.S. and work there.  I hope that answers your question Sattar.   So maybe working with people remotely, people  that are from the U.S., that will help you   and guide you if that's your dream and you  want to do that. Thank you for the question.  Let's move to the next one. This one is  from Ashwini. Thanks for the question.  

What if we fail the test in first attempt?  Peter, do you want to take on this one?  Yes. So if you fail the test the first time, you  can always come back, I think after that three   months, to retake the test. So you can take the  test multiple times. So if you fail first time,   I think I can always, advise you to go back,  study more, then come back to take the test.  Awesome. Thank you, Peter. So, Ashwini, three months after you fail the test,  

you'll be able to just kind of recap. So a question from Philip. How long   has Turing been around? Perhaps a little  history about the company would be a great   example. For the founders, what inspired them  to start this business? Why this business model,   et cetera. Great question Philip. And this is  one I'm really happy to answer. So founders,  

two founders, they are great engineers. They come from India and they met at Stanford   University. They are called Vijay Krishnan  and Jonathan Siddharth. And they are really   visionaries in the field of AI  technology before founding Turing,   they founded another AI company that was  successfully acquired. And kind of what   inspired them to start this business is  the fact that again, talent is universal.  You can find this talent everywhere,  in India, their home country,   or in Argentina, or Phillip where you're from. We  have a ton everywhere, but opportunity is not. And   that's one side of the story, the other side of  the story, and kind of going to the next question,   explaining the business model, companies in  Silicon valley want to grow, they want to expand. 

They want to scale, but they don't have  the engineers. The city is running short   of software talent. And that's why they created  this company. So that they can bring these amazing   Silicon valley type job opportunities  to everyone around the world. Um,   hope that answers to the question, Phillip. So next question from Zoran. How does finding   a job with touring work for college students?  Can we get a job while in college or can   we not? Thanks for the question Zoran.  So in order to be a Turing Engineer,   we require that you have at least three years of  experience, as a full-time software developer. 

And so chances are your matchability for the jobs  that we're offering will be low. We still offer   some junior-level jobs, but in general most of  the jobs, most of the opportunities that we offer   are for software developers that have already  graduated and have already completed their   certifications, and have three or more  years of experience in the industry.  Peter, is there anything else that you'd like to  add here? Maybe some advice on how to continue   preparing, because Zoran, in the future we want  to have you here, cause we're looking for talent.   Peter, some advice for Zoran?  Okay. So I have one advice. So  while preparing to join Turing.  You can always work on projects. Try to update  your knowledge on the tests and technologies. So   by the time you are done with your college,  it should be much more easier to gain the   nursery experience to join Turing by then. Peter, as a follow-up question, and kind of trying  

to get help Zoran and other developers in this  situation. Is there any online platform or online   free platform that you recommend for preparing  for these kinds of opportunities in the meantime?  I think there's one online platform I used while  preparing that was I think Free Code Camp. So,   Free Code Camp have a lot of educational  materials and while enrolled in Free Code   Camp you can work on live projects, view  projects in industry standard. So if you  

work on that platform, it will enable you to  gain the necessary knowledge of the technologies   and how things go in software development. Well, thank you, Peter. And thank you Zoran   for the question and thank you for attending.  Okay. We have a question from Phillip. Okay,   thanks for the question Phillip, what is the  job setup? Like example, you'd be an employee of   Turing or Turing client, for example, Facebook,  Snap, or whomever. Great question, Phillip. 

So you will technically be a Turing employee,  but you will be working for one of our partner   companies. Of course, we also offer our developers  to work for Turing in the internal team.  And if that's the case, you'll be working on  really interesting projects. We're growing   aggressively. And so lots of projects here. Lots  of very talented people to meet here. So yeah,   it can be either working for one of our partner  companies, chances are you will work for one   of our partner companies, or maybe you'll  get an offer to work for our internal team.  Thanks, Phillip. 

So do you have an age range for developers? Not  really. I heard of a kid that graduated from   university at age 12. I guess he must be talented.  I mean, of course, you need to be more than 18   because of the legal framework. Right. But I mean,  as long as you have the experience, as long as you  

have the talent we want to have you here. Thanks, German.  Okay. Question from Avik, how is the interview  process? How many technical rounds and behavioral   rounds are there? Some suggestions regarding  interview preparation will be helpful.  

Thanks for this question Avik. After  you pass your coding challenge,   you will be reached out by our team  to have what we call an entry call.  And basically, we will get in contact  with you and help you get ready,   ask you some questions about compensation.  We will prompt you to upgrade your resume.   And so, that's the interview that we will have  with you. And then if you get matched with a job,   there are two possibilities. And I would say these  are 50-50, based on our current set of customers. 

So chances are you will receive a job match and  you will be able to start working with a company   right away. I mean, they will want to have a  short interview so that they can get to know   you and kind of see if you're a good fit with the  team, kind of a light interview. But they trust   Turing enough to, have you start working right  away, without having, the usual, you know, 5, 6,   7 step interview process that  you see outside of Turing. Now,   there are some chances that some of  our partner companies will want to do   a more technical interview, if that's the case,  we are here to help you prepare for that. We know  

that I mean, for me, for example, even if you're  fluent in English, having an interview in English,   being a foreign developer, it's kind of daunting,  you know? And so that's why we have a team,   a developer success team we call it, that  will help you get ready if that's the case.   Hope that answers your question. Okay. So question from Sanem. Hi, does Turing  offer non-developer roles such as project   management to experienced IT professionals who  are not engineers? A great question. Thank you,   Sanem. So we offer some positions for  project managers and product managers, and  

being an engineer is not a requirement. Maybe  you come from another career path, but you need   to have experience in the software industry. And  these will be project manager or product manager   positions in the software industry.  Thank you for the question Sanem.  Okay. Sajja. Any benefit other than the  salary we will get from Turing? Uh, Peter,  

do we want to take on this one? I mean,  salary is great, but other advantages.  Okay. So apart from salary, I think one  of the benefits of working with Turing is   fun. So fun in the sense that you, apart from  salaries, you have almost every other benefit  

or lemme say some of the benefits you can also get  an office job. Like you can have a paid time off   as a developer. So that is one of the benefits.  Then other benefits, like there's always a kind of   online meetup where you get to know  others from different parts of the world. 

We always have coffee. We are at our breakfast,  our lunch hour, where we do stuff like fun.   We have game sessions and so on and so forth. So  there are lots of benefits apart from salaries.  Thank you, Peter. Another benefit that I think is  the greatest benefit from working with Turing. Um,   once you join our exclusive community of  Silicon valley caliber software engineers,   software developers, you may never  need to apply to a job again.   You may never need to apply for a job again.  You know, other freelancer platforms, offer you  

maybe a short contract for two, three months,  or something, but once you become a developer   with us, our developer success team will make  sure that before your current engagement ends,   you will be matched to a next engagement. So I think this is the greatest single benefit   from working with Turing. We are invested in  making your career grow. Okay. Thank you, Sajja.   So the question from Will, how much do we  have to pay Turing and for how long? Um,   you don't have to pay Turing. You don't  have to pay anything. So you will be  

working with us. So yeah everything, you know,  all the vetting process, all the coaching, all   the advice, all the AI recommendations, et cetera. Those are for free and this is the value that   we're bringing to the world. Peter,  would you like to add something here?  Okay. So just like, Santiago said you  don't have to pay anything to Turing.   So rather you work for Turing and  Turing pays you. Not reversed.  Thanks, Peter. 

Awesome. So question from Sherzod. Do we  have to have formal engineering education?   Uh, Peter, do you want to take this  one? Thanks for the question Sherzod.  Okay. So I think I've been engineering.  

Education is not really compulsory. What you need  is knowledge and experience. So I believe someone   like me, I don't have the engineering education. So, but I try to push through the knowledge,   gained industry experience and I'm  able to learn myself on the job.   So you don't need it, it's not compulsory.  But if you have it, it can really help.  Thanks, Peter. Let me add to that. Let me take a  step back and talk about the purpose of Turing.   Again, we want to find great talent. So if you have this great talent,  

the fact that you have the skills and the  experience and the talent, that weighs way more   than where you studied, or where you got  that knowledge. Thanks for the question.  So we have a question from Noe.   So what happens if I fail on the Turing test?  Again, you can retake it after three months. 

Question from Temitayo. Who do I answer to when I  get a job touring or the company I work for? So,   at Turing, we will be here to support you. We will  be here to help you transition into the engagement   with one of our partner companies. We have events  for our developers that are currently working with   our partner companies, but that's about it. Most of the time you'll be talking with your   manager at the company you were working at.  We'll always be here to support you, but   yeah, you will be answering to your manager at  the company you're working at. At Turing, we are,  

again, we're invested in your career growth. So we have set up several ways for your managers   to give you feedback. We are launching a new  calibration system that's completely automated and   that helps you get feedback from your coworkers.  So again, we'll be here to do, to ensure that your  

career is growing and that you're having a great  engagement with the company you're working at.  But most of the talk would be between you  and your coworkers and your managers at the   U.S. partner company you'll be working  at. Hope that answers your question. Okay. Andreas, what are the work hours? Are the  hours flexible? Peter, would you like to take   on this one? Yes.  So the work hours are flexible, you can choose  your own time of work. So it's flexible. 

Great. Just as an example, I'm here in Argentina  and I may start working at 10:00 AM and finish   at 6:00 PM and that's okay. But some days, I might  start working, I don't know, at 4:00 PM and then   later at night, so yeah, hours are flexible. You  can talk with your manager and figure that out.  What we ask though is at least  four hours as a general rule,   you should be able to have at least a four  hour overlap, with the company time zone.   That's important because if  you know, you'll have meetings,   you have to communicate with your coworkers. So it's important to have a minimum  

time where you have that overlap. But  besides that, it's really flexible.   Thank you for the question, Andreas. Okay. So we have a question from   Sandeep. Does Turing charge if a dev lands  a job? No, we don't. We pay you in full   and yeah. Peter, would you  like to add something here?  The answer is no. Turing does not charge.  Turing will pay you in full agreed, hourly rate  

or monthly salary. Thank you,   Peter. Thank you, Sandeep for the question. Question from Marek. Hi, where do I pay taxes when   working for Turing? So that really depends on your  country. I have a friend here working at Turing,  

a developer friend, and he's from Brazil. And  so in order to get everything ready, he had to   work with an accountant to make sure he was paying  the taxes, uh, abiding by the law of his country.  It really depends on your country. Yeah. Of  course, you will not pay U.S. taxes, but you   will be subject to your home country's laws. Yeah. So question from Fernando. And Fernando   you're from Argentina. Thanks for coming  today. Can I receive my pain crypto? Yes,  

you can. So we are partnered with a payroll  system, we will pay your salary in full   over that payroll system, and they offer  lots of options for withdrawing that money.  So you can withdraw in crypto, you can do a  bank transfer. You can use PayPal. As you wish.   And I mean, yeah. That's the  short answer. Thanks for Fernando. Okay. Let's move on to Tony's question. Is it possible to work in Asia normal time zone?  

Yes, you can. Let me see it. It really depends,  Tony. It really depends on the partner company   that you're working with. Some of them are really  strict in the four-hour overlap requirement. Okay.   So if you're in Asia, let's say you're in Korea. You have like an eight-hour difference with the   bay area, with Silicon Valley. And so kind of hard  to schedule, you know those four-hour overlap.  Yeah, I hope that answers the question.  Peter, have you had any trouble adjusting  

your time zone in Nigeria with LA? Yes, but not really, not a serious one   because the time overlaps the four hours to  fall within the time zone here in Nigeria.   When I first started, it was a kind of  issue, but I was able to adjust to it.  Awesome. Thank you, Peter. Thank you for coming  everyone. We will answer one more question and   then we'll need to wrap up with the Town Hall.  Thank you all for all the questions in the Q&A,  

and, uh, please reach out  to us at   so we can answer the rest of your questions. Our team will get back to you in less   than 24 hours. So let's finish  with this question by Camilo.   Thank you, Camilo, for the question.  Which are the most wanted technologies?  So, right now the most in-demand  technologies are based on React technologies,   based on Node JS Python, Python, Django. We have lots of jobs for that.   We are also hiring for mobile, like  iOS, Android. Yeah, those are the  

most in-demand technologies  in the industry right now.  Okay. Peter, thank you for coming today.  It was super nice to have you. And again   I wanted to finish by saying this is  possible. Like this is not a dream. 

You know this is possible, and to work with these  incredible companies, we're here to help you.   Peter, I mean, you were part of the audience  not so long ago, and now you're on this side   of the stage. Sharing your experience. And  this can happen with all of you. If you can   go through the vetting process, we're  here to help you out and give you the   opportunities that you deserve. Thank you so much for coming.


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