Budgeting And Optimizing The Cost Of Your Cloud Infrastructure

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recovery as a service so you can have your workloads moved to the cloud fully or partially while paying for the only virtual machines used with no hidden cost we will provide technical support every step of the way making sure your operations are bringing you Optimum results under our research and consultancy pillar call for trains your employees on Google workspace and the Google Cloud platform provides technical support ranging from on-demand help desk to annual complete support bundles for your business and provides research and consultation on projects pertaining to iot Big Data in the cloud and finally our Google workspace for Education pillar includes an online platform that optimizes teaching and learning in a safe secure creative and Innovative virtual classroom and training for your staff provides our Cloud Port our mission is to improve business operations with the most effective and efficient solutions to increase real problems foreign is a cloud Solutions company that provides tailored Cloud native Solutions and products for businesses ranging from startups to large Enterprises and corporations as well as educational institutions at cloudport our services and products are grouped under five pillars namely work transformation Cloud native products development manage cloud services research and Consulting and Google workspace for Education we are a certified Google Cloud partner and under our web transformation pillar we offer Google workspace which is a cloud collaborative online platform that allows teams to work efficiently from anywhere in the world and on any device the different apps and functionalities that make up Google workspace allows our clients to communicate effortlessly to give them a productive meeting experience create and effectively complete projects control and keep secure all vital and sensitive company and clientele information and enable easy access to information at all times for all relevant employees the cloud native product development pillar includes Cloud native application development that employs an agile approach in building deploying and managing scalable apis web and mobile applications these can be available fully in the cloud on-prem and on hybrid Cloud infrastructure under the manage cloud services pillar we provide backup and Disaster Recovery as a service so you can have your workloads moved to the cloud fully or partially while paying for the only virtual machines used with no hidden cost we will provide technical support every step of the way making sure your operations are bringing you Optimum results and our research and consultancy pillar Cooper trains your employees on Google workspace and the Google Cloud platform provides technical support ranging from on-demand help desk to annual complete support bundles for your business and provide research and consultation on projects pertaining to iot Big Data in the cloud and finally our Google web space for Education pillar includes an online platform that optimizes teaching and learning in a safe secure creative and Innovative virtual classroom and training for your staff to better take advantage of the tools that the platform provides our Cloud Port our mission is to improve business operations with the most effective and efficient solutions to increase productivity and in doing so we play our part in solving real problems foreign you're welcome to today's webinar we are so thrilled to have you join us and we hope that the next hour would be a very insightful one for you so today's webinar is focusing on budgeting and optimizing the cost of your Cloud infrastructure so whether you are a newbie to the cloud or you already know so much about the cloud I'm so sure this session is going to be very informative and you pick out a few notches here and there so to do as the honest is a cloud system administrator for styleb engine fee so without much I do I just let him take over here but before he takes over if there are any questions or any any contributions you want to make you can just raise your hand there's a button there just lift your hand and then Foster can just can just give you the the chance to ask your question or their income messages you can leave your question there and then your your comments there and then that will be read to everybody so just in case she wants to do that that's option is there so first time you can go ahead hello good afternoon and I'm Foster open Jeffy I'm currently the cloud systems administrator for cloudport and I'll be the lead for this presentation now today's agenda is on budgeting and optimizing the cost of your Cloud infrastructure budgeting and optimizing the cost of your Cloud infrastructure now move on to my first slide now I will start with a quote and this quote is from David Linton come LinkedIn cam is the head of cloud at Deloitte and it has a lot of Publications when it comes to the cloud space so with somebody we can rely on his code to start when it comes to Cloud course now he said something he said the cloud is not a magic cure or for cost savings it's a tool and like any tool it must be used wisely and efficiently to achieve its potential I repeat again he said the cloud is not just a magic cure or for cost savings it's a tool and like any other tool it must be used wisely and efficiently to achieve its potential throughout this presentation I urge you to put this in mind so that you understand what costs are and how we can leverage on tools to cut down costs to be successful in your deployment or in your workloads in deploying your workloads now we're going to look at the landscape how the people use traditional means in hosting their workload or their infrastructure and how they transition over some years now to the cloud now we will look at some cost some factors to consider when it comes to costs in the cloud you look at some pricing models there are a lot of models when it comes to the cloud space I'm sure most of us know about the on-demand but then we go beyond that and explain the various pricing models when it comes to the cloud space now we look at some hidden costs there are some cost people actually don't see a to be a cause but in reality you are paying for them and people are not even some people some um devops engineer platform Engineers sres they are not even aware that this costs are even they will look at some of these costs and we look at some strategies we can't talk about this course and then leave it there we have to look at some strategies to optimize this course then we look at some tools if you are looking at strategies what are some tools that we can leverage on to achieve this and we look at um a success story for from one of our clients then we take our questions and then we'll be out of fear so let's get ready as we start now let's look at the cloud landscape how there has been a shift from the traditional infrastructure to the cloud infrastructure now over the years businesses have witnessed a sudden shift a paradigm shift in how they manage their I.T infrastructure all of us can attach to that that the traditional setup actually required a lot of resources it required investment it requires Hardware maintenance physical space to store all your service in there and organizations were actually tied when it comes to killing up being agile meeting the need of the market it could be if you're hosting let's say an Erp in your organization you are tied to some limitation if your Workforce increases and those in the space of let's say comments the um these days e-commense like Amazon for instance to posting they have they are tied to on-premises and let's say there is a Black Friday what happens they are tied and they cannot scale and this that's when you see arrows here and there so organizations realize that this is quite limiting so why don't we transition to a new way of doing stuff so from the Inception of public Cloud it started somewhere around 2006 with AWS along the way aw um Azure and Google Cloud joined in the space and there are others as well do you have if you go to Europe you have everything if you go to Asia we have Huawei and the likes but specifically you'll be focusing on the major ones the major players which are AWS and Google and then which is Microsoft so let's go into the cloud now what then is the cloud for those of us without a background in the tech space or without a background when it comes to Cloud now what the cloud office assistant now we are moving away from meant and building our own infrastructure now we are not purchasing infrastructures but then we are renting from public Cloud providers like if I'm talking about infrastructure I mean a VM containers uh databases and the likes the storages are part as well we don't need upfront payment to do this but then we are relying on what Amazon AWS what Google Cloud what Azure is providing and we leverage on us on that in this case one thing you see that you don't need to pay upfront right you use and you pay so it's like pay as you go that's where the name came from pay as you go so if you use it you are charged hourly and then or minutes or seconds based on the kind of resources or they um cloud provider you're working with and at the end of the month you are pay you pay the amount you use so it's basically like if you are in Africa um I don't know how um the European U.S paid their bills when it comes to electricity so in Africa this is how we pay our bills based on the consumption that you used to pay the exact amount at the end of the month so you don't pay it up front at the end of the month based on what you use then you pay that now with that what are some of the advantages that this brought when it comes to the cloud space it brought skill ability so I gave a typical example um about e-commerce if there is a sudden um search when it comes to let's say a Black Friday with traditional infrastructure traditional setup on-premise setup you are limited because you need extra service to meet your workload to meet the market need but then with cloud computing there is scalability you can skill to meet your demand so that's one crucial thing to consider and we can talk about cost efficiency cost efficiency by transitioning to what I mentioned the pay as you go model you don't need to come out and rent a space purchase service and buy racks air condition the place because notice you can't use your server room to be the place you work you need an extra place for that alone so going cloud prevents all these costs from happening now one thing is rapid deployment another thing we could consider as rapid deployment we can easily provision our resources very fast because if you go to let's say Google cloud and you want to juice let's say a database you need a database they have this managed databases that you can rely on very fast or even if you want to launch your own VM or container to do that it's very fast it's not about you getting somebody as a traditional certain coming to fix um your service your air conditions and stuff so it's very fast when you want to go to the cloud and also Innovation and experimentation these days AI has become rampant here and there people are I'm sure people are talking about AI here and there so years back if you are a small organization let's say you are into testing you you're trying to Scientific and modeling these days llm which is large language modeling has become rampant here and there so if you want to train your data you need to a server to do that but these days you don't need that because of cloud you just go in there and then experiment what you you get the type of VM that you want and then you experiment that's a cool thing that we could talk about now let me launch more into the pay as you go model the pay as you go model because I've mentioned earlier that in the cloud you don't pay off front but then you pay as you go so once you use then you pay and you are charged on the amount of Services you are using right good now the first thing to look at under pay as you go model we can look at the four major parts which is the compute the story the network and databases now when it comes to compute for instance you are built based on the hours or seconds that you use and then this compounds and then at the end of the month you pay the exact amount that you used also with storage when you come to storage you have charge based on the gigabytes right the amount the size of the storage you are using will go into storage the types of storage those of us who are not aware who are not technical to get a guest of how it looks like in the space and then networking now networking is also crucial here how um instances or Services communicate in the cloud space it's crucial to understand that whenever you are communicating let's say within a region so for those of us without technical background So within the cloud there are regions right so if you take the US for instance they have let me use every state has a region let me use it that way some goes beyond that but then let me just use it that way for you to understand there is a raging at every state so if you save your service within one region what it means is that when you are assessing your resources the cost is minimal or there's no cost but then if you are going outside your region then it means you have to pay more so those are the concepts that we have to look at when we are deploying our workload when it comes to the cloud space now factors affecting the cloud cost what are the course that affect Cloud resources now with this we will look at the four main things the compute the storage the network and then we look at databases of combined databases to store it but then later we look at some additional Services as well let's come back and start with compute resources when we talk about compute resources we are looking at virtual machines and containers virtual machines and containers now there are different types of instances of virtual machines when it comes to the cloud space for those of us without technical background let me give you a gist of how this works like going to the market to buy a laptop right you have the I3 the I5 and the I9 and the likes somebody will say I like the type where I'll use it to play a game you have you are using that to suit your needs just a machine for a gaming purpose right so when it comes to the cloud speed it works that way you need to look at the instance type that you want to use based on the workload because if you are running let's say database you are using a different a type of instance if you are running let's say a batch processing data you are using a specific type of um compute so those are some of the things that you need to know and you are charged based on the amount of always you use at the end of the month now one thing we have to look at is the operating hours is crucial so I keep on talking about your charge at the end of the month so as an organization let's say you are using an Erp right you will be working let's say in the morning to like in the evening like five so we can't rely on let's say a container so that once we close we scale to zero sorry we scale to zero and then the next in the ninth we know we are not using it so throughout the night we scale to zero till the next morning where we can launch a VM again so those are the advantage when it comes to compute by relying on containers which are serverless Now serverless does not mean there's no server right you are not managing the server but then the VM you are managing the server doing patching um installations and stuff but then with the um containers or serverless you are relying you are just focusing on your code now the next thing to look at is the compute you want to use is it a reserved a reserved one or is on demand now by now we all know on demand Pay As You Go basically does it pay as you go that's the on demand but then there are cases that you say what um AWS or Azure or Google you know what I'm going to be stuck with you for the next one year or for the next three years what happens is if you go by that it's called committed usage based on the platform you're using it it might come with a different name but then it's a reserved inside and based on that they give you a discount right so if you know that I have like this workload which is stable you can go for the reserved one the next one to look at is the storage with the storage factors affecting the cloud course storage now with storage there are types of storage we have object block and and the like we have the file storage and the like I brought I intentionally brought databases here I know most of us who are technical which are database will be on a different point right don't worry I'll explain them so with storage we have object storage so objects storage desk keep unstructured data so we basically keep on structured data like images videos backups and the likes and you are charged based on the amount of storage that you have in their per gigabytes right another story type is the block storage this is what we use for operating systems for applications and databases right operations operating systems and application that's where they run that's the block storage and you are shared based on the allocated storage that you give it and then finally we look at the databases the databases are for input output and formal storage but then it will trivia input output we use a query a structured query language to access our data so that's a form of storage but then it uses a different format the next thing to look at is data transfer and network bandwidth now I will stressed on this I've made this earlier data transfer when you want to transfer data within a region so let's say I'm in California in the states of California it's my region that's that's where I have my resources right that's where I have my resources so in the if I'm assessing my services if my services are tied within California it means I'm paying something little or at times no cost right but then if I have services in California and I have some let's say Philadelphia if I'm assessing this across inter region then I pay more so we have to keep that in mind those things affect course too but there are cases that you can ignore because some issues like data recovery you would like to keep your backup in a different region so that when there is a downtime you fall on your different um storage so there are two things you need to consider all angles before you make a choice when it comes to data transfer and bandwidth now additional Services we can talk about are the load balances so the load balances actually distribute traffic to your service or your instances or your VMS your virtual machines now talking about this killing this one the load balancer will actually look at your instances and then distribute traffic to them and then one thing I want to hammer on is the content delivery Network so the content delivery network does a caution so cashing is just a temporary storage a temporary storage now let me use Netflix for example Netflix is based in the US but then we are here in Africa but anytime you take your laptop and start watching movies on Netflix you realize that it's fast one thing that comes to mind is no supposing it's in the U.S I shouldn't be

able to watch this that faster it uses what we call caches so it brings a portion of it the same thing that they have in U.S it cashes it here right so that if people in Africa wants to assess it it's faster so basically does it about content delivery Networks knowing that we move on to some pricing model it's necessary we look at pricing models when it comes to um the cloud space this may be different for some public Cloud providers but generally these are the main ones we have the on demand we have the reserved instance we have the sport we have this savings plan and we have dedicated host so I'll be taking them one after the order let's begin with on-demand pricing now with on-demand pricing that's the most flexible one and that's what most of us know does like the example like I gave the pay as you go model where you don't have any long-term commitment you know what these are my workload at the end of the month you are charged and then you pay your service provider that's how the on-demand works and you may ask which kind of workload should I use this which kind of workload is applicable when it comes on demand it's applicable when you know that your workload is not stable right it's not stable um this week there can't be fluctuation industry you can go a normal way as budgeted the next week the other week it could fluctuate and the like in that you can go for the on-demand which means you don't have a long-term commitment to that the next one is reserved instance now with reserved instance you commit yourself to your service provider like Google Cloud you see Google you know what I'm committed to you for the next one year or for the next three years I'm going to place my workload in Google Cloud now there's the beauty here there's a beauty here one once you do that out of your commitment they give you a discount based on that so I mentioned one or three years if it's one year um the cloud platforms actually changes so I don't want to give figures but then if it's one year you can get like let's say 20 discount but then if you go for like let's say the three years you can get like um 40 discount isn't that sweet so if you know you have a workload so how applicable can we make this applicable to our organization when we know we have a steady workload let me know this has been our workload that there hasn't been a fluctuation we know this is what we need these are the instance type these are the amount of storages that and the databases we need these are the specs that we need and it's not changing over a period of time she can actually rely on reserved instant because we know that we have a predictable workload next is post instance sport instance now on spot instance is your bid if you are running if you are not running anything that is affected when it's been taken out from you so Google AWS Azure just to mention the few guys they do have reserved instance there apart from what people are using they have reserved the that they are not using because if we are not asking for if organizations are not using they are there just like the market space if you are selling things and people are not buying their day right so exactly that happened in the cloud space so they have those instances that now once they are there they can use it this way that is a sport instance export meaning you can come for it but then when we need it when we need it as in I'm talking on behalf of the cloud people the service providers Google and then AWS if you need it we can take it out anytime so they don't care about what you are doing they don't care about what is running there so there is a form of caviar that you have to know what you are running in there if your workload can withstand interruptions you know what go for sporting chance because it's the cheapest among or pricing now Savings Plan one um plan we can talk about the pricing model we can talk about the saving plan now the saving plan works this way that you are committed to using a specific amount you are committing to spending a specific amount over a period of time and based on that they give you a percentage or discount on that so that's also there you can leverage on that as well the savings plan and then finally we talk about the dedicated host the dedicated host is more or less like the reserved instance Reserve instance has to do with a virtual machine but then when we come to Dedicated host we are dedicating the service provider I'm speaking like um a service provider anyways the service provider will actually dedicate a physical host or a physical server to you or your organization now this is crucial because they are um giant organization the organization who they don't want anybody to see um how they comply to things they want to know what is happening in their space though Reserve instance you are virtualized you don't see what is happening in the other person's VM and stuff but then some organizations know that security is crucial I need to go for mine I need to use the whole stack I need to use the whole infrastructure the whole physical server so countries go for rates large corporate organization like Global congratives go for the dedicated host and it makes sense if you have if you want to take full control of your instances but then mind you realize that with this you are going to pay the highest of all so you have to keep this in mind the pricing models now there are some quotes that are hidden they are calls that we won't see at times we won't see that's the way to eat at times you wouldn't see because they work um not behind the scene but then most of us don't consider them when setting up our infrastructure the first one we'll talk about is egress data charges what are egress data charges so egress means data leaving your infrastructure and increase means data coming into your infrastructure so data Ingress charges data leaving your infrastructure so transferring data out of your Cloud infrastructure to the internet is egress data charges now if you are accessing services or external systems outside your infrastructure you are charged for that and most of us are not aware of these charges because you know that I have my infrastructure in there I can do whatever thing I want but then it doesn't work that way once it's networking once you are going out of your infrastructure you are using a form of bandwidth to access that and you are charged for that the nesting is encouraging data transfer fees inter region data transfer fees one thing people actually don't think about this if I'm using multi-region this is people use a lot of multi-region because of Disaster Recovery because if I'm using let's say um California and there is a shutdown anything can happen right it can't be 100 anything can happen so if there's a shutdown in my region what happened so most people actually do a disaster recovery a backup in another region notice they will communicate right Whenever there is a change they will communicate and when that communication happens when you are going encouraging you pay more but then when communication is done within your origin you pay less or at times you don't pay anything based on the platform you find yourselves so it's crucial we know that if we are hosting uh systems across multiple regions then we should expect our cost increasing foreign [Music] so let me give a typical example um I'm I'm sure most of us use um the crack version of um Microsoft but then incorporate body we use the license windows right so with the license one every year you have to license it so as I'm not gonna end there are some applications we are all aware of some applications that we have to pay to use so with that you have to take that into consideration that you know what this is my organization these are the tools that I use and these are the course that it comes with you have to note all those lines it says course and then software applications that are paid and then do justice to that so those uh some codes that some people at times forget about because I've been using I've been using Windows and I don't care about lenses but then you realize at the end of the year your line says price and you have to buy a new license you have to pay for it another cool one is premium support so which are service providers Google I keep on mentioning Google I keep on mentioning AWS and then Azure because they are the main players when it comes to the cloud space now they have a level of support so if you have facing any challenge you reach out to them so they have based on the platform you are you are so you have the basic support we have the standard and we have the premium and this changes from platform to platform right so with premium support it means that they are giving the much attention you know what when anything happens at any period of time you can reach out to them and promptly they can rescue you they can return to you they can solve your issue for you promptly so that's one advantage of pro um premium support but then mind you it comes with a cost and if you are not ready for the course please let's go for the basic support service at this point we are going to look at some strategies we can use some cost optimization strategies we can use we've identified a lot of things you've identified some challenges that comes but then right now let's look at some strategies that we can use to limit our cost the first thing is Right sizing resource right sizing resources so with this you have to make sure that um always I say this that you start small right and then scale up you search more to meet the demand and whilst your workload is growing you scale up so we start small so that you don't waste resources right you can let me see um let me use this example for those of us without technical background to understand if I need a machine let's say an I3 to do just a basic input why should I go in and purchase um I9 cost so you make sure you write size or resource and as time goes on you actually scale up one thing is auto scaling Auto scaling so back to the example I gave earlier with the um when there is a Black Market where e-commerce people need to scale up to meet demand so it could be that um today on average every day thousand people visit their service or or the website let me use the website for us to get it better with a thousand people visit an Amazon e-commerce every day but then the last Friday of every month they do this Black Friday on that day 5 000 people go there what happens they need to scale up so you could do something of this so like you know what if it gets to if I use my CPU to let's say 90 percent launch another VM traditionally this wouldn't have been possible but then with the cloud this is possible to scale to meet demand leveraging on serverless architecture now with serverless architecture we can scale to even zero I mentioned earlier organization who is using an Erp you you close out 5 PM so let's say we do a backup to let's say seven we can shut it down like we can scale to zero at eight pm till the next morning where we can scale back to one that's the advantage of using content and serverless architecture so we can also look at this strategy as well it works very well now another point I want to stress on the cleaning up on used resources this has been headache of most organization let me give you a typical example this goes to our devops people or sres or platform Engineers what happens is let's say you build a pipeline Whenever there is a comment you realize that or a trigger there will be a new image being created most people actually forget that they have to clean up these images and mind you these images cost you every month so we can actually look at these things make sure if you are storing something don't need make sure you clear it up if you have resources that you don't need make sure you clear them off they are crucial to reduce your cost now we leverage on cost management tools leveraging on cost management tools so there are some tools we can use to limit or create awareness of how we can control our costs right let's zoom into that cost management tools so there are strategies that are designed to empower us to reduce our cost you may ask yourself how is this possible you are saying that I'm child at the end of the month how can I do this to reduce cost so with the cloud space with this icons that the main three Giants AWS course Explorer Google Cloud cost management tools and Azure cost management and billing I'm putting these people together because they have similar services now if you have your workload running these tools the cost Explorer the cost management tools and the management and billing from Azure allows you to know how much you are spending and then it's even show you your forecast so it looks at your current cost and can predict how much you are going to spend in the future so if you look at it helping us do a forecast we can also look back to how we used our infrastructure over a period of months or years so we can do what we can go back to let's say the last six months how has her consumption been we can look at that and based on that if you realize that our workload is stable at a level we can going for commit commit committed usage and then that will reduce our cost right another thing we could talk about here is budget and alerts that's crucial if you don't take anything away from here take this away budgets and alerts now how does budget and Outlets work so as an organization let's say you use let's say 100 on your infrastructure every month you could set the budget right with these tools that's why I've I'ma get mated them together you could use these tools to set up your um your budget and you can do you can start this way I'm using hundred dollars a month so you know what when I use 50 off that's money which is fifty dollars alert me it won't stop the infrastructure note this it will never stop the infrastructure but it's going to send you an alert on the kind of info and I'll let you want whether it's through email whether text message we have a lot of them so it will alerts you like you know what if you use fifty percent and let's say we've budgeted hundred dollars a month I said earlier and on 15th we realized that on the 15th of the month you realize we are spending let's say 70 percent then we have to go and check our resources and see what is happening in there because we know the trend for some time you know we've been spending hundred dollars so if um let's say 15th of the month we are spending let's say um seventy dollars then we have to go back and check our resources so the next thing is to set another budget let's say um 80 percent so when is eighty dollars it's also send us a budget so that finally at 100 percent we can also get an alert once we get that I'll let you know that this is how much we've used and based on that we do our auditing we go into that um which and so this is how it works let me walk you through we do our auditing so after getting that alleged you do the other thing and then check which resources is actually allowing you is spending most then put it that way which service is spending most now knowing that then we can actually make a decision for our organization that you know what this service is we are spending too much so what can probe and then if you need consultation can reach out so that will help you on how to leverage on some other tools because there are cases that you need to re-platform or use another tools apart from the ones that you are using right good now the last thing is third party tools or third party um application so we have the cloud Health we have Cloud ability and there's one called um phenops yeah fin Ops so we have Cloud Health Cloud ability and finops you may ask yourself um if AWS Google Cloud as they are having native management tools why do I have for tell why do I go for third party tools the reason being these days most people are running into multi-cloud and if you use multi-cloud basically means if you are combining let's say the public clouds together let's say you can't use Google Cloud to with Azure you can use you can use let's say um Azure and Google Cloud you can use like um AWS and Azure some kind of that kind of stuff so you combining um multi-cloud combining This Cloud together if you combine them together then your catch is these tools like the cloud here the cloud ability and then the fin Ops which will give you visibility of what is happening in various Cloud platforms right great now let's look at one success story I'll be ultimate optimized company so a client so I'm using a client of ours we helped a month or so ago how we optimize their Cloud course now they were growing business they are growing though they are growing and challenge was that pay how they are using their workloads and the amount of money they are paying every month they are paying hundreds of dollars and they were surprised you know what guys we are not using we know we are not using this money so can you guys come in and help us so they reached out cloudport and then we help them so with that there are some strategies that we apply one we did the cleanup of their resources we make sure that anything they don't need we just take it out after that we did a red platform array platform means the tools that they were using will transition them to other tools and then finally be relied on serverless adoption so serverless is your guy if you can scale to zero zero then serverless is your guide now you could say that why are you sharing this with us a massive reduction of 80 percent can you believe that so those are the strategies that we help our clients with once you consult us we give you the best service that you can get now if you want to ask any question here is your time so if you want to ask any question you can unmute yourself and talk yeah hello yeah okay I have a question I want to ask okay okay so um basically your team your your name so that okay so my name is um you can even add your company you're working with my name is Jonathan Jonathan okay Jonathan what's the question okay so um we need to understand that cloud native Solutions um adopting Cloud native Solutions um for the cloud mix you just say okay so basically the pricing your application on is it my network or hello Jonathan hello can you hear me hello okay okay so we are made to understand that um adopting Cloud native solutions for on your infrastructure would reduce costs right Yeah so basically so basically um Docker rising and containerizing your applications and using kubernetes and all those things would would more else um reduce costs for you however yeah in most scenarios it's not always the case so now what's what use case would you would you um would you say it's best to to go back that directional it's best to go to traditionally for instance you're working on a let's say basic um you know you're not looking at scaling to over 100 000 users you know your customers and customers know you're not looking at stealing so in that case would it be good to architects using a microservice architecture where you now have to um use full-fledged Cloud native Solutions so it's better to go in traditional route so in what use case we say it's better to use the cloud native solutions to cut costs or how how do you go about exciting okay for this for this right client we have to react with a new system okay so when it comes to cost either go in the traditional way or going cloud or using the serverless it's mostly based on the need of the organization right and based on that we can choose a solution that works for you giving an answer here might be different for the answer I give to organization a and the answer I give to organization B So based on quality organization is expecting because your organization will say you know what our tickets we want to scale and we have a limited server so if the organization has this limited capabilities then your catch is to come to the cloud so that you can get the scalability there because first of all you are limited you can scale Beyond some level so your catch will be to come to the cloud space so that you get the advantage of the scalability cloud offers you Jonathan does that answer your question not not really I don't think you got like a good person so I'm seeing I'm seeing okay I'm seeing already the organization is in the cloud and you have your infrastructure already in the closet yeah the cloud but then you're looking to cut costs so in some cases using um um the um the cloud native Solutions that's that's Docker on on kubernetes and the rest of them so now you have Network or it's my network hello yeah Jonathan go ahead yeah so I'm saying so in some cases using Cloud native Solutions that's you're already on the cloud but then you want to optimize the full potential of the cloud that's um Docker and kubernetes and the rest of them now in most cases it would it would reduce costs for you and in certain cases it would not so for instance if you're running like I said before you're running on e-commerce we are not expecting to grab 100 000 users Jessica can you hear Jonathan hello I can Foster can you hear me hello can you hear me yes I can hear you go ahead okay what's okay what's um use cases really personally to make certain decisions for for of new strategies for releasing customers let me retrace my question foreign I think what's happening is that um we can hear parts of your question we can't hear the full thing we can't get some parts so okay can you type it let me let me rephrase my question what's what's happening what sets in use case would you um can you type it in the chat okay any other question Jonathan please type that in the chat so the next person can ask here's what your question on highlights okay um so that brings us I haven't seen Jonathan Jonathan you can reached me on LinkedIn and ask your question I asked you to chat a typo I haven't seen it so Jessica you can take it from here I think Jonathan wanted to see something I think I think I asked him to type it in the chat I was typing it yeah okay okay then just just give me a minute so so he's still typing so okay okay okay okay so whilst we wait for Jonathan this is cloudport and you can reach out to us from our website cloudport.tech and if you can email us on hello at cloudport.tech and you can reach out to

us via phone on plus two three three zero two nine five three and zero two two you can reach out to us on all the social media platforms with the name Cloud ports oh um Jonathan [Music] all right our time is up um Jonathan please ping me on LinkedIn yesterday I saw you I connected you so ping me on LinkedIn so that we saw your issue all right so okay okay it's here that's long somebody raised their hand you can speak which scenarios do you find faster so Jonathan's question in which scenarios do you find that employing cloud native Solutions such as containerization using Technologies like Docker and kubernetes is the most effective strategy for cost reduction in many cases it appears that these Solutions can lead to increased workloads and subsequently higher costs so the question again in which scenarios do you find that employing cloud native Solutions such as containerization is the most effective strategy for cost reduction because he's saying that in most cases it appears that these Solutions can lead to increased workloads and subsequently higher costs um okay so I I get what you mean um Jonathan now when it comes to quantumization dockerization it depends on what you want to do that will make it complex if you are building a pipeline but then if you are hosting let's say a basic website you don't need to go through like a long pipeline it won't be complex and there are strategies that you can use to reduce this cost right um from where you are coming from I understand your background software engineering and you might be concerned with course but then when it comes to quantization the cost is always cheaper than launching a virtual machine that's basically how it works the course is always cheaper when it comes to Containers it's always cheaper than um launching a VM but then based on your workload when you have complex um data that's where you need if you are not um good in it you need to get somebody to guide you through the pipeline not to make it complex right you can do that to reduce the complexity of your workload okay all right thank you Jonathan all right Jessica I think that's all okay great so I see that some we had some people just joining but unfortunately we've come to the end of the webinar however you can you can stream this on YouTube it was live on YouTube so I'll just quickly paste their their link on YouTube here so that once we are done you we can go back and stream it so you don't miss out on all the information that was shared here also as Foster mentioned you can reach us via our numbers that are here that are shown on the screen and also you can you can you can also find out more information on our websites and also get in touch with us so thank you all so much for joining today's webinar and see you in our next webinar that's next month thank you so much bye


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