Bruteforce WiFi WPA2 with GPU

Bruteforce WiFi WPA2 with GPU

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now this video is part of my hashcat course where  I show you how to use hashcat and crack various   hashes may this be a warning to you and your  family while you shouldn't use bad passwords   on your Wi-Fi networks don't use your telephone  number as an example how long do you think it'll   take hackers to crack a 10 digit password on a  Wi-Fi network in this example I've got a laptop   with a GPU in it I'm going to crack a 10 digit  password let's see how long it takes press enter   hashcat is starting hashcat allows hackers to  crack passwords very very quickly and this is   only a laptop notice here it took 4 seconds to  crack this password the password in this example   is really really bad 0015551234 10 digit Wi-Fi  password 4 seconds to crack with a laptop here's   another example with a computer we are cracking  a 10 digit Wi-Fi password in this example using   that computer Computer as you can see hashcat  is starting according to this it could take   2 hours to crack this password but actually it  took 18 seconds to crack the password which is   800555123 really bad passwords but notice in the  worst case scenario it would have taken 2 hours   to crack it with a single GPU in that computer  and that isn't even the latest GPU on the market   today it's only an AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT in this  laptop I have a more modern GPU but in the worst   case scenario it would have taken 2 hours and  48 minutes to crack a 10 digit password but   it didn't take very long it only took 4 seconds  to crack that password hashcat- I shows us the   GPU running in this laptop as you can see  here it's an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 490 laptop   GPU now what's interesting is the laptop has  a more modern GPU but it only supports 9843 kH/s   computer there has an older GPU  but it supports 1065.4 kH/s a second so   it's faster than the laptop but that also makes  sense because this is a laptop constrained by   space and that's got a massive GPU in it so just  be aware GPUs have different performance levels   more modern GPUs are obviously a lot quicker  but they can be used by hackers and security   researchers and put into farms where many GPUs  are combined together to speed this up even more   don't use bad passwords now in the real world  hackers and researchers will use rigs like the   following with many GPUs to speed up the cracking  of Wi-Fi passwords or other hashes they may also   even use GPUs in the cloud to speed this up in  this example over 3 and a half thousand Wi-Fi   passwords were cracked very easily by a security  researcher this kind of stuff happens all the   time moral of the story is don't use bad Wi-Fi  passwords don't use your telep t phone number as   your Wi-Fi password now people often say this when  I demonstrate these kind of attacks no one uses   bad passwords TP Link routers like this by default  use eight digit passwords never use the default   password on a TPL link router always change it  to something much more secure use alpha numeric   passwords use special characters as part of your  password don't use 8-digit passwords or 10 digigit   passwords make your password 20 characters  in length and mix your characters to make it   much harder to crack these kind of demonstrations  are not possible if you use better passwords or   you use WPA3 in today's world you want to use WPA3 or at least Protected Management Frames or PMF   on your Wi-Fi networks don't just use standard  WPAv2 you want to use WPAv3 now in this video I'm going to show you how to  attack a Wi-Fi network using hashcat and other   tools in a a lot of demonstrations out there  including some of my demonstrations you need a   client to connect to the Wi-Fi network so you need  someone with a phone or another device to connect   to the Wi-Fi network and you need to capture the  four-way handshake by knocking the client off the   Wi-Fi network and then when the client reconnects  you capture the four-way handshake and then crack   the password you don't need to do that any longer  with the tools that I'm going to demonstrate in   this video you don't even need a client you  can simply attack a Wi-Fi network again use   WPAv3 to stop these kind of attacks so I'm  going to show you an example using a WPAv2   Network I'm attacking my own Wi-Fi networks  I have given myself permission to attack them   never attack a Wi-Fi network that you don't own or  have permission to attack again I've given myself   permission to attack my own Wi-Fi networks so that  I can demonstrate how hashcat works now if you   want to follow along you need a Wi-Fi network that  you can test against you also need a laptop or   another device with a GPU so that you can leverage  the power of a GPU now you don't have to use a   GPU you can use a CPU but CPUs are very very slow  compared to GPUs so it's much better to use a GPU   even if you've got an older GPU just means it's  going to take longer to crack the hashes but the   principles are the same if you don't have a GPU  just use a CPU it's going to take much much longer   but you can learn how to use hashcat with just a  CPU as an example what you'll also need is Kali   Linux or another version of Linux running within  a virtual machine or on a dedicated computer in   my example I'm using Kali within VMware workstation Pro  VMware Workstation Pro is free now so you can   download it for free and then download Kali from  the Kali website I've covered how to set up Kali   in other videos so I'll link them as part of  this course I'm not going to cover that here   so we're assuming that you've got Kali within  a virtual machine you also need a Wi-Fi adapter   that supports monitoring and injection mode now  in my example I'm using an alpha network adapter   I purchased this myself Alpha not sponsoring me  to say this but Alpha adapters are fantastic they   have given me adapters like this in the past but  in this example I'm simply going to use this Wi-Fi   adapter it's one that I've purchased one of the  disadvantages of this adapter that only supports   2.4 GHz you need to buy another adapter if you  want to hack 5 GHz or 6 GHz you need to buy an   adapter like this but in my example I'm going  to simply attack a 2.4 GHz network using this   adapter so what I'll do is plug it into my laptop  and when I do that VMware asks me do I want to   connect this to the host or to the virtual machine  I'm going to connect it to my Kali virtual machine   so that adapter will now be available within  Kali Linux so as an example I can type iwconfig   and as you can see that WLAN0 is available I  could also use the command iw dev newer command and   you can see that WLAN0 is now available at the  moment the mode is managed that is the default   we need to change the mode to monitor mode to be  able to attack a Wi-Fi network I'm going show you   all those steps in this video I'm now going to  show you how to download and install hashcat on   this laptop as well as the NVIDIA drivers as well  as the Cuda toolkit which you need if you want to   run hashcat on a device like this and leverage the  GPUs or on another device this will often depend   on the device that you buy again this computer  hasn't got an NVIDIA GPU it's got an AMD GPU so   different software would be required but in this  example I'm going to show you how to download and   install the relevant software for an NVIDIA GPU  my team and I have created a PDF which you can   download as part of this course information in  that PDF includes requirements in our example   we're using a Windows 11 computer so PC or laptop  you need to run a Kali Linux VM so that you can   attack a Wi-Fi network so in this example I have  got Kali running within VMware Workstation Pro   on this laptop I'll show you in this video how to  use the relevant Kali commands to attack a Wi-Fi   network now you don't have to use a Kali Linux VM  you could have a physical computer that's running   Kali natively as an example or another device where  you've used to capture the Wi-Fi information so   that you can crack the password you need a Wi-Fi  network interface card that supports monitor and   injection mode and in this example I'm going to  use an external adapter and then you need a GPU   so could be with OpenCL or CUDA support okay  so enough talking let's download hashcat and   get started so in the PDF we give you the link  to hashcat or you can just search for that so   go to at the top of the page  we can see the latest release of hashcat at the   time of this recording version6.2.6 so I'm going  to download that and save that to my downloads  

directory if you want to get older versions of  hashcat scroll down and what you'll find as an   example is older releases of hashcat again if you  want to use the older method in hashcat you need   to download an older version of hashcat to be  able to crack older four-way handshakes okay so   that software is downloaded so what I'll do here  is extract the zip file and just extract it to   the default directory and there you go hashcat has  now been extracted so what I'll do now is open up   a CMD prompt in that directory so what I'm going  to do is type the command hashcat -I    that will give us information about hashcat notice  we told that it failed to initialize the NVIDIA RTC   library the CUDA SDK toolkit is not installed or  incorrectly installed you need this for proper   device support in utilization so it's falling  back to OpenCL so what I'll do is cancel that by   pressing contrl C and scrolling up we can see that  we have an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 in this laptop   as well as Intel Arc Graphics so we need the  right software to be able to properly use hashcat   really easy way once again to check what's going  on is hashcat -I and that tells us   if we've got any problems again in the PDF that  we supplied we show you how to download hashcat   you can use 7zip if you want to I didn't do that  here but basically we are going to download the   software and then run it you could use hashcat --help to see information about hashcat I like I   because it shows us the GPUs in the computer with  help you sometimes have to wait a while so on the   desktop if I type hashcat -I here you can see  here it says unsupported AMD runtime version   falling back to OpenCL and what this computer has  got is an AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT GPU so different   GPU in that device once again versus the laptop  I'm now going to show you how to download and   install the NVIDIA graphics driver as well as  the Cuda toolkit if you haven't got an NVIDIA   GPU as an example or you aren't interested in  this section jump to this timestamp where I'll   show you how to start using hashcat so what  we need to do is download the NVIDIA graphics   driver again in the PDF we've got all the links  that you can use to download the software so   on the NVIDIA website I'm going to download  the NVIDIA app and save that to my downloads   directory now while I'm waiting for the driver to  download I'm going to download the Cuda toolkit   from the NVIDIA website so developer  download the toolkit you've got to specify your   operating system so in my example it's Windows  x64 architecture I'm using Windows 11 I'm going   to download a local exe file and this is about  3 gig in size so I'm going to click download to   download that software so the Cuda toolkit is  downloading in the meantime I'll install the   NVIDIA driver so double click on the executable  click yes to allow it to make changes now in my   example example software is already installed so  I'm going to click upgrade to upgrade it I'm going   to agree to the license and continue software  is now being installed now again in the PDF   we give you all the instructions to download the  software so have a look at the PDF if you're not sure the driver that we're going to use is the  game ready driver so I'm going to select that   and click next we're going to optimize games and  creative applications and click next we're going   to enable the NVIDIA overlay and click next I'm  not going to worry about redeeming rewards so   I'm going to skip to the app and I'm going to  go to drivers and click download to download   the driver so this is about 568 meg in size it's  now preparing packages so now I can click install   to install the driver I'm going to say yes to  allow the app to make changes we're going to   select a custom installation of the driver we're  going to select clean install at the bottom here   and then click continue it's now preparing to  install the graphics driver okay so laptop is   now rebooting okay so my Windows updates  have now decided to make a change to the laptop okay laptop is now rebooted so I'll log  in okay so it was uninstalling the previous   driver so I'm going to click install to install  the latest driver click yes to allow the app to   make changes go to custom installation we're  going to do a clean install click continue it   now says preparing to install the graphics  driver and there you go installing graphics driver and there you go installation has finished  so I can click close I don't need to reinstall   the driver so what I can do now is close this and  in my case unfortunately the download of the Cuda   toolkit got broken because the computer rebooted  but fortunately in preparation for this video   I previously downloaded the software so this is  the Cuda driver so I'll double click on that it's   about 3.1 gig in size I'll click yes to allow the  app to make changes to the device I'm going to use   the temp directory to extract files and click okay  files are now being extracted it's now checking   system compatibility I obviously want to install  the software so I'm going to click continue you   need to agree to the license agreements so make  sure that you read through that and then click   agree and continue I'm going to go for an express  installation and click next now it picks up that   there's no supported version of Visual Studio  installed I'm okay with that so I'm going to   click understand and then click next to continue  with the installation software is now being installed we now need to click next and as you  can see the NVIDIA installer has finished so I can   click close so notice the difference now if I go  to my hashcat directory open up CMD here and type   hashcat -I so uppercase i we are not getting  the errors that we got previously now it took   it a while to display but there's the command  we can see Cuda information Cuda version 12.7   we can see once again that we've got an NVIDIA  GeForce RTX 490 GPU in this laptop that's device   number one that becomes important because when  we run hashcat we may have multiple GPUs in the   computer and obviously the CPU we need to tell  hashcat which device to use we've got OpenCL   platform 1 we can see OpenCL Cuda 12.7.33 notice  NVIDIA GeForce 4090 and scrolling down we've got   OpenCL platform ID number two device back end is  three and here we've got our Arc graphics so I'll   clear the screen here and run hashcat again but  with --help that gives you help information about   hashcat we found that when we ran the main pages  for hashcat some of the output was incorrect but   help was correct now a lot of output is displayed  here here's the command again we can see a whole   bunch of options -m is hash -type as an example -v is the version I will cover a bunch of options   in this course but please note it's important  that you look at the documentation if you're   not sure we can see options here as an example  are we using CPU are we using GPU for a specific   device type etc but that's enough talking I think  so now I'm going to show you how to use HCX tools   and other tools within Kali Linux to capture that  the hash so that it can be cracked again my team   and I have created a PDF which you can download  which shows you all of these commands in a lot   of detail I'm going to demonstrate them now but  hopefully between the video and the PDF you will   be able to do this yourself and follow along okay  so I've connected my Wi-Fi adapter to the computer   I'll just show you that process again so I've  got my network adapter over here all I'm going   to do is plug it into the computer so I'll plug  it in and VMware asks me do I want connect it to   the host or the virtual machine in my case I'm  going to connect it to the virtual machine which   means that if I type iwd in ki it's shown as being  available it's in managed mode or to use the old   command IW config shows me that W land zero is  available it's in managed mode the next command   we need to use is pseudo system CTL stop network  manager. service this basically stops the network  

manager service so in kly pseudo systemctl stop  network manager service I'll put in my pseudo   password and that's now being stopped we want to  do the same thing with the WPA supplicant service   so we want to stop both those services so here we  go pseudo system ETL stop WPA supplicant service   so both those Services have now been stopped we  then want to use M on NG now again iwd shows us   that WLAN Z is currently of type managed we want  to change it to monitor mode so we're going to   use the command command pseudo mng start wl0 so  I'll press enter there and what you'll notice now   is it's in monitor mode so if I use the command  IW devain notice the interface name has changed   to wl0 Monon type is Monitor scrolling up it was  previously W land 0 type managed so it's now in   monitor mode I'll just clear the screen here and  use the old command IW config notice interface   name has changed and the mode is Monitor iwd does  the same thing we need to have the interface in   monitor mode to be able to monitor traffic and  capture traffic on the Wi-Fi network now we need   to determine the MAC address of the Wi-Fi access  point that we're going to attack we could attack   all Wi-Fi networks but we don't want to do that  we only want to attack a specific Wi-Fi network   so the first thing we need to do is get the MAC  address and information like the channel so that   when we run the hcxdumptool we are limiting the  attack to a specific Mac address so we're going   to use TCP dump and a Berkeley packet filter  or BPF file to limit the network that we attack   a lot of demonstrations out there don't show  you this or show it to you incorrectly so I'm   going to show you this fully so the first thing we  want to do is determine the MAC address and other   information about the access point that we're  going to attack so I'll clear the screen so the   command we're going to use is sudo airodump -ng  wlan0mon or whatever your interface number is   so that will depend on what your interface is and  then you need to determine the network that you're   going to attack so I'll stop this now because  it's already discovered the network this is the   network that we want to attack I'm going to attack  this TPL link Network that's my own little Network   this is the MAC address of the access point that  we want to attack and notice the channel we need   that information so make a note of this because  we're going to need the MAC address as well as the   channel when we use the next command so again make  sure that you get the MAC address of the access   point and the channel that you're going to attack  because now we're going to use TCP dump to create   a BPF filter we want to filter which network we  attack so we're going to create the filter and   use that with hcxdumptool we need this BPF file  so that we limit which network we attack basically   okay so the command is sudo tcpdump copy  the rest of the information here but substitute   this with the MAC address of your access point so  we're basically going to specify that all traffic   sent from this access point or any broadcast  traffic to or from that access point is going   to be captured we need both the access points Mac  address as well as the broadcast address because   we want to capture all the traffic traffic to the  access point or from the access point we want all   traffic either to the broadcast address or the  specific access points Mac address the   -ddd option here outputs the filter in a format  suitable for hcxdumptool so make sure that   you type this command exactly as it is obviously  you could change the file name and you need to   change the MAC address of your access point so  what I've done here is types sudo tcpdump -s   65535 so all port numbers we are going to capture  traffic for a 802.11 radio so Wi-Fi network the   Wi-Fi address is this Mac address which is the MAC  address of my access point or Mac address being   broadcasts -ddd and then we're going to save that  information in a file called attack.bpf so if I   type ls now notice we've got that file there if I  cat that file we'll see some information like the   following in the file the moral of the story is  we need that file with the hcxdumptool to limit   the network that we attack so we're going to use  this command sudo hcxdumptool we are using   the the wlan0mon interface the channel is  channel 5 in this example but in my example if   I run airodump -ng again is Channel 8 that's the  information you should have copied so Channel 8   for our specific Wi-Fi network we're going to use  a because this is a 2.4 GHz Network so we're going  

to specify specifically 2.4 GHz so make sure that  you type a there if it's 2.4 GHz the filter that   we're using is attack.bpf which is the file that  we previously created could be any name so just   use the --bpf and the file that you've created and  we're going to write this or save this information   into this pcapngfile called new capture 2  this could be any name that you like okay so   sudo hcxdumptool -i is wlan0mon  channel in my example is 8 it's 2.4 GHz I'm going   to specify a here the BPF filter that we're going  to use is attack.bpf we're going to write or save   that information to new_capture2.pcapng so I'll  press enter there again this could be any name you   wanted and notice the tool is now running it's  picked up the specific network notice at the top   here this is really important we've got R13PS  the access point that we're attacking is this TP   Link A1D1 Network so in our PDF we give you the  information of what that means we basically want   to crack our specific Network so in this example  it's TPL link C0B4 we need to have either a plus   under P so here there's no plus under P to show  that we've captured the PMKID information or a   plus under three so the number three to show that  we've captured the EAPOL handshake once you've done   that you can press contrl C to stop the attack  take note once again of the Mac remember the Mac   access point so the MAC address of the access  point scan frequency shows that we on 2.4 GHz  

here you should leave this for a while to capture  information so you can just leave this for a while   now the advantage of this attack is that you don't  need a client to connect to the network but I'll   just demonstrate what happens if I do connect to  it at the moment there's nothing under three but   if I connect to that Wi-Fi network from my phone  so I'll connect to that now what you'll notice is   suddenly plus appears under three EAPOL messages have  been captured so the EAPOL handshake was captured I   already the PMKID information under P but in this  example I captured it all so I'll press contrl   C now to finish that so type ls notice we've got  this new capture 2 pcap ng file so we've basically   captured the information and now all we have to do  is crack the hash but just for some housekeeping   we'll start the network manager service and the  WPA supplicant service once again so I'll paste   both those commands in so once again I've started  both those services now the important part we need   to convert that pcap ng file into the correct  format that hashcat expects which is HC 22,000   the 2200 method which I demonstrated only works in  older versions of hashcat so when I did my initial   demonstration notice I was using the type 22,000  for this specific hash on this laptop but on   that computer notice 2500 but I'm using an older  version of hashcat 6.2.3 later versions of hashcat   don't support this so if you try a hccapx file  and it doesn't work because you try to use 2500   on a later release of hashcat then just go back to  using say 6.2.3 of hashcat so get an older version   of hashcat and then you'll be able to crack that  so as an example here it was already cracked so   I'll use the show command to show the password  for that Wi-Fi network so the command again is   sudo hcxpcapngtool to convert this  pcapng file to the specific hash that hashcat   is expecting so I'll press enter there put in  my password and notice it's processed the pcapng   file so if I type ls now I've got this hash HC22000 file so what I'll do is browse to that file   so open folder here's the file so I'll copy that  and now I'm going to go into windows so rather   than using Kali within a virtual machine now I'm  going to go to my desktop hashcat 626 and I'm   going to paste that file I'm going to override the  previous file that I had in hashcat so I'm going   to replace that now it actually already cracked  this file so there's a potfile here so what I'm   going to do is delete that file and force hashcat  to recrack this hash if I don't do that it'll just   tell us that it's already cracked so what I'll  do is clear the screen and the command I'm going   to use once again is hashcat -a this tells us  that we're using a Brute Force attack the device   that we're using is device one which is my GPU  the type that we're going to use is cracking   Wi-Fi networks this is the hash that we're going  to crack and here we saying that we are using 10   digits to crack the password so this would imply  that we know what what the length of the password   is I will show you in other videos how to do a  range of digits as an example now before I run   that in the PDF we've got information showing  you the relevant commands that get used so once   again -a3 means Brute Force attack so this is the  attack mode -m0 specifies in this example that   it's MD5 but that's not what I'm doing here I am  doing a WiFi crack so I'm going to crack a Wi-Fi   network on the hashcat website they've got this  really good document cracking WPA WPA2 with with   hashcat and they tell us that 22000 is WPA PMKID  plus EAPOL and they tell us that 22000 is a hash   line that combines PMKIDs and EAPOL message pairs in  a single file having all the different handshake   types in a single file is more efficient and saves  GPU cycles compared to the older method 2500 so   they give you a whole bunch of reasons of why you  want to do it this way and then they also give you   commands similar to what I've shown you of how  to stop the services and do various other things   but in our example we are limiting the attack to a  specific Wi-Fi network so we're using BPF filters   and I'm showing you this in a lot more detail and  hopefully makes it much easier to understand so   which hash mode are you using what's the name  of the file that you're attacking so here has   example zero hash and then the mask of what you're  using to crack the password in this example   we're using a six character password attempt  where question mark a includes up case letters   lowercase letters digits and special characters  you can find the full list of character sets on   the hashcat website question ?l a lowercase  alphabet ?u uppercase alphabet ?d digits so 0 to 9   and that's the example we're using in this video  ?h is 0 to 9 as well as abcdef and then we have   uppercase ?s or special characters as listed here  and then we've got a which is ?a lowercase alphabet   ?u uppercase alphabet ?d digits ?s special characters  so if you want to cover all the characters then   just use a and then b we've got 0x00 0 to 0xFF so  in our example once again hashcat -a3 means Brute   Force hash mode here is Wi-Fi cracking so WPAv2 hashes this is the name of the file   with the hashes and this is the mask in this  case case it's eight digits but in my example I'm   using 10 digits and then what's not shown here is  device which device are we using in my example I'm   using device one which is the NVIDIA GPU in this  laptop so in my example we're using hashcat attack   mode is Brute Force device is one I'll show you  that again in a moment we're using 22000 which is   the new way of cracking WPA WPAv2 rather  than 2500 this is the name of the file that we're   going to crack and in this example we've got 1 2 3  4 5 6 7 8 9 10 digits so I'll press enter hashcat   is starting up in this example we're using the  NVIDIA GPU s shows us the status but it's actually   already cracked it went so fast and there you  go it cracked the password already took all of   4 seconds to crack it it's doing 938 KH/s password is shown here didn't take very   long so again there is the command the device is  one because if I use the command hashcat -I and   notice it takes a while for the back end to start  up can take it a while if I scroll up here we can   see that platform ID1 GPU is the NVIDIA 4090 GPU  and scrolling up when I run that command that's   the device that was used rather than device two or  device three notice these two were skipped this is   the one that was used and again took it 4 seconds  to crack the password don't use bad passwords like   this on your Wi-Fi networks make sure that you  use good passwords now again this video is part   of my course teaching you hashcat in this video  I showed you how to brute force a Wi-Fi password   using hashcat I showed you how to install in video software as an example so that you could leverage   the GPU in your laptop or your computer I've shown  you how you can attack a Wi-Fi password using the   new new recommended method from the creators of  hashcat so 22000 where we are combining PMKIDs   and EAPOL message pairs into a single file to make  this more efficient and make it quicker to crack   passwords the old method can still be used so 2500  can still be used but you need an older release   of hashcat like in this example I'm using 623 so  if I type that command again notice it tells me   that I need to use the show command to display  the password because it's already been cracked   this 10 digit hccapx file was already cracked  so notice the difference hccapx mode is 2500   in the new version we've got an HC 22000 file  and the mode is 22000 so different command in   hashcat 2500 is not supported in newer releases of  hashcat here's the password that was cracked now   in hashcat if a potfile exists it means it's  already been cracked so if I delete that pot   file and then run it again now it's not going  to work because the file is gone so I've got   to actually recrack the password so again this is  a 10 digit Wi-Fi password I'm using the older   method to crack the password according to this it  will take 2 hours and 26 minutes but let's see how   long it actually takes so I'll press s to get an  status update 14 seconds at the moment we can see   the candidates that it's using status again and  actually it was too quick now it's already cracked   it so there's the password once again it took  it 19 seconds this time to crack that password   using 10 digits 1095 kH/s so in the  worst case scenario scrolling up here it would   have taken 2 hours and 31 minutes to crack that  10-digit password but it took it 19 seconds in   this example on the laptop using the new method  in the worst case scenario 10 digit password   doesn't even show I think it was 2 hours when I  last did it but it was too quick it cracked it   in 4 seconds so what I'll do here on the Windows  laptop is once again delete the potfile and I'll   have to be really quick here and I'll try and  crack it again so it's starting up now press   s to get a status update it says it would take  almost 3 hours to crack but it didn't take that   long again it took 4 seconds to crack the password  so you can get lucky like I was here I was able to   crack the password a lot quicker than initially  thought because this is a really bad password   number one don't use just digits don't use your  telephone number as a password don't use eight   characters use much longer characters okay so this  is just part of my hashcat course where I show you   how to crack hashes using hashcat in this video  we covered some Wi-Fi cracking in other videos   I'll show you how to crack variable length hashes  as well as using other types of hashes like how   to crack a zip file etc again only use this  for ethical purposes only crack networks and   hashers that you're allowed to crack I'm David  Bombal and I want to wish you all the very best

2024-12-22 06:37

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