Bible Prophecy Update – June 17 2018 - End Times Fatigue

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All right so. Before. We get, to our, prophecy, update I want to take just a moment as we. Do every. Father's Day we also do this on Mother's. Day the only thing is is that I wasn't here, last. This. Last Mother's Day in May and actually. I got to tell you why okay you want to know why. Okay. I'll tell you I'm so glad you asked why so. I. Took. Mother's, Day Off. For. My wife. Because. It was the first Mother's. Day that. I wasn't in the pulpit, in over 20 years and that was my Mother's Day gift. To. Her isn't. That what. A godly, husband, I am no no that's alright it's okay. Stop. Okay. So. But what I failed, to do was I failed to tell Pastor, Mac who filled in for me that. I always do the tribute, to mothers on Mother's Day and fathers on Father's Day prior, to. The. Video. That's going to be uploaded. On our. YouTube, channel and viewed by you, know many. Many people and, so he. Did it and it. Wasn't on the video and all, of, the comments, were, like how, a, surgeon. You, know where's, the Mother's, Day tribute, and I just want you, to know. Look. At me look at me. Pastor. Mac did a beautiful. Tribute for, mothers you just didn't get to see it so. We're, gonna make. Up for it now I guess, for Father's, Day, all. Right. Why. Are you looking at me like that okay. I, won't take another mother's day off ever. Fuck. Did. I get an amen on that or. For. Me personally Father's, Day holds. A. Special. Significance because. It, was founded, by a sonorous. Smart Dodd in Spokane. Washington, which. Is where I lived, for most of my life it's where I met, my wife actually, in church, 32. Years ago, was. In Spokane, Washington. His first celebration, was. In the Spokane, YMCA. On June. 19. 1910. Senora's. Father, Civil. War veteran, William, Jackson smart, was. A single, parent who. Raised his, six, children in, Spokane. After. Hearing a sermon, about, Jarvis's. Mother's day at Central. Methodist, Episcopal. Church. In, 1909. Sonora. Told, her pastor, that fathers should have a similar holiday, honoring them, yeah. Although. She initially, suggested. June. 5th. Which. Was her father's. Birthday the, pastor's, did. Not have enough time to prepare their sermons I feel their pain and the. Celebration. Was deferred, to the third, Sunday. Of June. To. Which we celebrate to. This day, and that's, just a little bit of history about how Father's. Day came. About every. Year on Father's Day I like to share. Some. Of my favorite quotes, and I'm, gonna start with one of my favorites, which is from. Mark Twain who. So, humorously. Quipped, when. I was a boy of 14. My. Father was, so, ignorant, I could. Hardly stand to, have the old man around. But. When. I got to be 21 I was. Astonished. At. How, much he had learned in, seven years. By. The way I made my two sons memorize, that one so. Along. That same, line of thinking. Margaret. Truman said, it's. Only when you, grow up and, step, back from him or leave. Him for. Your own home it's. Only then that you. Can measure his greatness and fully. Appreciate, it. The. Late Billy Graham is quoted, as saying a good. Father is one. Of the most unsung. Unpressed. Unnoticed. And yet one. Of the most valuable, assets, in our. Society. It's. This last one that, gets. Me I think it says it all. The. Story is told of how, one night a. Father. Overheard, his son praying. And. The. Son prayed this, dear. God. Make. Me the kind of man my daddy is. Later. That night the. Father prayed, dear. God, make. Me the kind of man my. Son thinks, I am. The. Prophet Malachi in. The first part of verse 6 of chapter 4, writes he. Will turn the hearts of the fathers, to their children and, the, hearts. Of the children, to. Their fathers, proverbs. 23, verse, 24, says the. Father of the righteous, will, greatly, rejoice and. He. Who father's, a wise son, will, be glad in him. Lastly. Psalm, 103. Verse, 13, as a, father, has compassion. On his children.

So. The Lord has compassion, on those who, fear Him. That's. Really. The connection between. Us. As children, of God and he. As our loving, Heavenly. Father, so. At this time I we're. Certainly going to honor our Heavenly father on this Father's Day but, I would like to have all of you fathers stand and remain standing so, we can thank, you and bless you and, honor you and pray, as well. Thank. You. Fathers. We matter, we. Matter. We're. Very important. Let's. Pray. Loving. Heavenly father. On. This. Father's. Day we. Want. To honor you, first. And foremost and, glorify. You as. Our. Heavenly father and. In. So doing Lord, we, want. To also thank you for. All, of the, fathers, of which I am one who. Are standing, here in this beautiful church, that I'm privileged to pastor, today. And. Like. Never before. We. Need you, as our, Heavenly, Father. To. Empower us. To. Enable us to. Even. Encourage. Us as. Earthly. Fathers. To. Be a good representation, of, who you are as our Heavenly Father. Thank. You Father. For. Its in Jesus name that we pray. Amen. And, amen god bless you thank you. Alright. So. For. Today's update I'm gonna, again. Do something just a little bit different we usually look at. Current. Events from the previous. Week and their. Significance. In terms of, what, the. Bible says and. What. Will take place in the last days. But. I sensed, that the. Holy Spirit would. Have, me address something, that the. Lord had put, on my heart. Actually. For, quite, some time now having. To do with, what's. Being, called, end times. Fatigue. End, times. Fatigue. It's. Been my, experience that. Any. Mention. Of the, Lord's return is. Met. With this. Weariness. And. Even. In some cases a. Li. Rhiness and certainly. This. Is true on the part of, non-christians. But, perhaps. Even more concerning, it's, also. On, the part of professing. Christians. As well. Now. It's. My belief that this. Is happening, for a number, of reasons but not. The. Least of which and maybe chief of which is that. There. Have been many false predictions. Giving. People, this. Hope, of. When. The rapture could. Or. Would. Happen. But. Didn't. And. I. Think of the proverb, that says, that, Hope deferred. Makes a heart, sick. But. A month ago now a, brother. In Christ Brian, trogir of the Jerusalem. Journal. Who. Lives in Israel sent. Me a very interesting article. But. I have to confess that after reading, through, it I I. Found. Myself becoming, a. Little. Upset okay. Not really I I got angry so. Much, so that I. Just. Chose to archive, it and. Pray. About it. Then. Last. Week as I was seeking, the Lord concerning today's. Update which I always do I. Revisited. It and I. Reread. It but this time I did so through. A different, lens of, sorts. And. In. So doing. The. Lord just has, only he can and, as he's, so faithful to. Just. Really blessed and, encouraged. My heart and. Settled. My heart and. So. My, hope and my prayer is, that, he. Will do, the same for, you today especially, if, you're. Just weary. And. Discouraged. And. You want the Lord to come back. And. It. Seems like he. Tarries. As, it. Were. Well. I'll.

Begin By sharing. A few excerpts, from, the article. Which. Was published in The Guardian back on may 19th. In. It the. Writer suggests, that. For. Many on the Christian, Right. The. State of Israel has. Been seen as a key, to, fulfilling. Prophecy. However, a. New. Generation, has. Other ideas. The. Article, was written, the week that, the. Trump administration completed. Its move of the u.s. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and. I'll. Quote some. Of what, the article had to say, at. The opening ceremony. Two. Of the American, speakers, were, evangelical. Superstars. I don't, like that. Pastor. Robert, Jeffress the. Author of several, doomsday. Books about, Israel, and. John. Hagee, who interpreted. Recent, lunar eclipses, as evidence. That the end times were nigh. The. Fox News personality. Jeanine, Pirro, meanwhile. Declared. That, Trump. Had. Quote. Fulfilled. Biblical. Prophecy. Close. Quote. The. Writer goes on to say that in, the, 1970s. Millions. Purchased. A book called the. Late great, planet Earth, by. Helen Z, which. Interpreted, events, in Israel as. Evidence. That the, great war of Armageddon would. Happen, it. Was followed by the wildly. Popular end, times. Conspiracy. The. New world, order, by. The televangelist. Pat, Robertson. And then. The. Left Behind novels and, films, which, concerned, violent. Clashes in Israel, that, would bring about Biblical. Prophecy. To. Outsiders. These. Pieces. Of, doomsday. Pop-culture. Seem. Like far-fetched. Lunacy. For. Millions of Christians, they. Are a roadmap to, the end of the. World. We've. Been through, all this before. Said. Bruce, mcCluggage. A. Former. Evangelical. Who now. Identifies. As, a. Follower. Of Christ he. Identifies, as a, follower. Of Christ. Throughout. His youth in. The 1970s. And 80s. McCluggage. Was a part. Of the Christian, movement that. Interpreted. The signs of, Israel, as evidence. Of the last days but. From. A Klug egde after. A slow, burn, of things. Not, coming, to pass. That. Conviction, slowly, faded. It. Was a classic, tool used to witness to people he recalled, we'd. Asked if, Jesus, returned, today would you go to heaven. It. Was kind of a threat. And. We thought with Israel, coming together we, could hasten, the return of Jesus. He. Still looks like a member, of the California. Jesus. People a movement, of post. Hippie Christians, who were obsessed, with. End. Times prophecy. He. Still attends church, prays. And reads. His Bible but. Has. Slowly, distance. Himself. From. The Christian, Right. Today. He. Sits in, a, venue known, for. Its post. Evangelical. Post, evangelical. Or. Progressive. Evangelical. Contingent. As. You can see I'm still trying to wrap my mind around this new terminology. The. Venue, looks, like any other hip modern, coffee, house serving. Expensive. Pour over coffee and, craft, beers, to an indie. Rock soundtrack. Books. With titles like, Christianity. After religion. And, the. Rebirthing. Of God. Line. The shelves. Events. Like what. Would Jesus, brew. Beer. Centric. Bible, study. Regularly. Take. Place. The. Writer then. Goes on to say. The. Shop. And. I want you to know that when I say it made me angry it was a righteous. Anger from, a broken heart I. Hope. You. Understand. That this. Is, what's heartbreaking listen, to this. The. Shop is representative. Of a shifting, shifting, attitude. Toward, Christianity. One. That doesn't have much interest, in the apocalyptic. Rhetoric. Surrounding Israel. I want, to say. I'm, gonna make a couple of comments if you'll just bear with me just to, kind of fill, in some of the blanks. The. Word apocalypse. That. Actually, that's the. Revelation. Is the apocalypse. You. Know what the word apocalypse, means. Unveiling. Revealing. And. It's. Seemingly. Come, to mean something, entirely, different. And. And. Even, has, this, this. Negative. Connotation. To it. Quoting. There. Are plenty, of young, and this is where it's really heartbreaking. There, are plenty of young, Millennials. Downtown. That. Would call themselves, evangelical. Even conservative. But are a very. Different. Breed from their, parents, who, grew up. Evangelical. But no longer and here's that word again identify. That, way. They're. Mostly, not Trump, supporters. They. Have a spectrum. Of views on LGBT. Issues and. They're. Not, on board. With end, times, theology. There. Is definitely. A kind, of end, times, fatigue. With. This generation, let, me. If. You'll again just indulge me let me provide, a. Commentary. Because I in, all fairness I appreciate the honesty. Because. It is what it is let's be honest. This. This generation. The younger generation. Wants nothing to. Do, with. Anything. Related. To. Bible. Prophecy I have. A, thought. As to why, and. I'll just share it with you. It's. From my heart, me. And I've talked with my, two. Sons age, 20, and soon-to-be. 18, about, this and. One. Of the questions, that. Gets. Asked, is, from. The young people is. Well. Let, me. Let. Me just be really, honest, the. First thing they say to someone, like me is you're old. In. Jesus. Name I receive that and I am.

What. They're saying is you've. Lived your life. I've. Got my whole life before me I want. To get my go to college, I want. To get married. I want, to have children I. Want. To you know, live. The American, dream and buy, a house and have 2.5. Children and, then you know two. Cars sir you know if you're in Hawaii you got one car in one garage but anyway. And. So of, course you, want the Lord to come back I mean just look at you they. Got a point. But. I got my whole life ahead, of me. So. What. Do you say to that, no. I'm asking, what what do you say, to. A young person. Who. Comes to you. With. That type of a discussion and question. What do you say to them. Well. Here's. What I say to them and, you. Can use it if. You want if. The Lord puts. It on your heart to. There. Is never gonna be. Anyone. In, heaven. Young. Or old. That. Will ever say, oh I. Wish. The Lord wouldn't have. Come, back before I got married. Just. Ask a married person on that one. I'm. Sorry. No. Young person is gonna be in heaven in, glory. Where. There's no more sorrow, no more pain no. More suffering no, more tears and certainly. No more death for, all eternity, saying. I wish I would have went to college, and. Took out a student loan for five hundred thousand, dollars that I pay back for the rest of my life. No. For real. Nobody's. Gonna say that my. Daughter in our devotions, one day, says. You know I I. Want. The Lord to come back but you. Know I want, to you. Know live my life. I said Sevilla. Here's. The thing if. The Lord were to come back when, you're this young oh my. Goodness. Think. Of what in life, you, will have been, spared. From. No. Right, I mean. Come on we here's. The the subtlety. And in. The satanic. Success, if I can say it that way the. The, the the, enemy, has succeeded. In can. And it's really. God's. Holding, out on you it's the same life from the garden. That. God. Is withholding. From. You. He. Doesn't want you to have, and you fill in the blank. It's. The same old lie, with, new wrapping, paper it's been repackaged, and, reinvented. God's. Holding out on you. God. Doesn't want you to I, did a wedding yesterday it was kind of interesting I it. Was the first time I'd ever actually, prayed this. Or even said this especially, in the context, of a wedding it was one of the funnest weddings, I've ever done and, I. Was on the North Shore and. It. Was really interesting because I. Said. Lord we. Just want to have fun and. We. Know that you want us to have fun because you invented fun. Well. That turns some heads I so, afterwards, I'm sitting at the table the guy looks at me and goes what. Kind of a pastor, are you, I've. Never heard that before. You know but, again reason, I share that is because is that not what we do, we. Misrepresent. The Lord's sight come to Christ and, be, the frozen, Chosin. Really. And that's, gonna be attractive. And inviting, to a young person, in this generation, are. You kidding, me. I'm. I'm, I'm, sorry I don't mean to please. No I'm not yelling. At you. In, my cell like I'm, not I'm. Just, this. Is this, gets me this, gets me. Because. You got to know that I I pray, I say Lord there's so many young people on this island and, they need Jesus. I'd. Better keep, moving here. This. Post, evangelical. Generation. Was. Raised on us post, evangelical. Generation. Was. Raised on a steady diet of low-budget, movies, I'll. Give him that and. Pulp. Novels, that injected. A potent. Fear, of the coming, rapture a. Dynamic. Most eloquently. Described. By the late Billy Graham, quote. I pick. Up the. Bible in one hand he said and. I. Pick up the newspaper in, the other and I. Read almost, the same words in the newspaper, as I read in the Bible it's, being fulfilled every. Day round. About, us in the. 1990s. Christopher's. Stroup was. One such, evangelical. He, has now. Abandoned. His faith which. Makes me wonder if he was ever born again to begin with just. Saying, and. Leaves. A, social. Media, campaign. Seeking. To galvanize. Quote. X. Van. Jellicle. 's x, van. Jellicle. X' with. Hashtags. And by the way. Fellow. Old-people. Fellow. No hair grey hair whatever, hair, people, I. Love. You. But. You got to understand, something. The. Young generation. This is where they live. This. Is where they live we. Have no idea, you know I heard someone say and I'm gonna have to check into it maybe somebody can I'm.

Limited, On time he, made this comment that, we hold more. Technology. In our phones in our pockets, which shouldn't be there by the way for health reasons but anyway we'll put him there. We. Have more technology in, our pockets, then, we, as a nation did. On. September. The 11th, 2001. Let. That sink in oh. Yeah. I saw a picture. On social media and it, had a. Smartphone. And then, next. To it was this. Big, dinosaur. Camera, this big you know dinosaur. Computer. This, big, fax, machine, this, you know big whatever, and, it, was all on this desktop, and it said all, of that and more is now in here. Kind. Of put it into perspective. What. Am I saying here's what I'm saying please, hear. Me. This. Is where they're living. This. Is where they're living they're living in the social. Media world that's. Where they live so. He's. Seeking to, galvanize. X van, Jellicle, x' with hashtags. Like. Hashtag. Empty. The pews and. How. About this one. Hashtag. Rapture. Anxiety. Rapture. Anxiety. What. Troubled, me the most. About. This article is. That. It speaks to what I'll call, an. Antagonistic. Shift. Away. From. Bible. Prophecy. And. And here's. The. Concern, here's. The the problem I'm just again I'm sharing. My heart the. Shift, comes, at a time when, Bible, prophecy, like never, before is beginning. To come to pass with breakneck speed. In the, enemy knows it. Jesus. Said the devil comes to steal, kill. And destroy and. He's stealing, especially. From the, hashtag--, generation. The. Blessed hope, the only, hope that we, and they have. I've. Said, it before I'll say it again were, it not for the hope that that, trumpets, gonna sound and the dead in Christ, will, rise first, and we who, are alive and remain will. Be caught up raptured. Up to, meet the Lord in the air were it not for that, hope and the anticipation. Of that hope I would literally, this is not hyperbole, I would lose my mind. As. The world waxes, more and more evil, by the day I. Can't. Even listen to, the. News anymore. And. Even locally, I had a brother. Send me an article I couldn't read it. This. Is this it's, like, Paul said in our text, in Ephesians, it's unthinkable, it's. Unspeakable. What's. Happening, to little children in, this, world today. At. A time, when. The Blessed hope, can. Bring the, hope. For. A hopeless, generation. And, the. Enemy, has, robbed, them, of that. It's. An exciting, time to be alive isn't. It. This. Is the generation. I'm. Almost done so. Don't. Leave yet. And. Don't look at your watches either. Too. Late for some of you right. Which. Is on your phone now so don't even need a watch but anyway. There's. This growing, disdain. For. Those who dare talk. About the, Lord's imminent, return in, the. Rapture of the church and it's getting worse. But. God. But. God as, only. He can. Settles. Our. Troubled. Hearts. With.

A Much-needed. Reminder, that. This. Antagonistic. Disdain. Is, actually. Yet. Another. Prophecy. That's. Being fulfilled. Which. Indicates. Just. How close, we are to, the. Lord's return. Second. Peter chapter 3, turn there and we'll bring. It to an end. The. Apostle, Peter verse, 3 chapter 3, and a second epistle says above all you. Must first, understand. That in, the last days, scoffers. Dare. I say hashtag scoffers. Will. Come. Scoffing. And, following their. Own evil, desires. They. Will say where is this, coming, he promised. Ever. Since our ancestors. Died, everything. Goes on as it has since the beginning, of creation. But. Verse. 5, they. Deliberately. Deliberately. Forget. That. Long ago by. God's Word the, heavens, came into being, and the earth was formed, out of water and, by water by. These waters, also the, world of that time was deluged, and, destroyed. By. The same. Word, verse, 7 the, present, heavens and earth, are reserved. For fire being. Kept, for the day of judgment, and destruction of. The. Ungodly. Listen. Judgment. Is coming. Judgment. Is coming. You'd. Be hard-pressed to, find a, church that talks about the judgment, of God. He. Has to he, is just. He. Is going to judge and. Destroy. This. World. Not. By a flood this time but by fire. But. Verse, 8 do. Not, forget, this one thing dear friends. With. The Lord a day is like a thousand. Years and, a, thousand. Years are, like a day the. Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as, some understand. Slowness by. The way, from. Creation. To the present. 6,000. Years do you realize, from when. He created Adam and Eve it's only been six days. No, that's. Trying. To put. It into perspective it's. Been six thousand years but. A thousand, years for us is like one day for the lowest moment six days that's. Not slow. That's. Not small. Instead. Listen. Very carefully he, is patient with you not wanting, anyone. To perish but everyone to, come to repentance but. The day, of the Lord will come like a thief. The. Heavens, will disappear with. A roar the, elements will, be destroyed by, fire and the earth and, everything done, in it will, be laid bare. Since. Everything. Will be destroyed in, this way. What. Kind. Of people ought you to be. You. Ought to live holy and. Godly. Lives, as, you, look forward, to the day of God and, speed. It's. Coming, don't get tripped up on speeding. The Lord's coming because if you're anything like me you're like wait we can speed it up. How. Cuz. Let's. Get the show on the road, mm-hmm. Right. Kind. Of get a witness here somewhere. Yeah, good thank you. Here's. A thought, again I'm not dogmatic. About, this I'm sure there are Bible scholars that have a better, exposition. And explanation. For this but. You. Know how it is that when you're busy time. Goes by fast and. Conversely. When, you're. Not busy time. Just. Drags. On, and. I. Think. That's what he's saying, no. No stay with me and, think this through with me, be. Busy, about the. Things of God. As. You live as the. People you ought to. Be holy. And, godly. Lives, looking. Forward, to and, that'll. Make the time go, by. Fly. By. That's. How. Let. Me close. Some of you are saying this. Is your third closing okay so my third closing. There's. Gonna be one. Of two responses to. What. I've just shared with you today. First. Instead. Of being discouraged and. Disheartened. By what's. Happening, some. Will, respond, with excitement, and, this. Expecting. Of, his. Coming. However. It's. The second, response that, I would. Lock like to talk about in closing. And it's. That of the. Anxiety. And fear. Okay. Hashtag, anxiety. Hashtag, fear is that better I. Don't. Mean to be, facetious. I. Want. To be. Loving. And honest and, speak the truth in love and. Say. That if. That's your response, then, I. Need. To, tell. You that. It. May very well be an indication, that, you.

Need To get right with the Lord. Maybe. It's. An indication, that you need to come. Back to the Lord. Like. The Church of of Ephesus. 35. Years after the Apostle. Paul wrote the Epistle, to the Ephesians which. We're studying through now. 35. Years later Jesus. Has John. Write. A letter to the. Church of Ephesus who, had not. Lost. Left. Their. First love and. They're. Told to do three things to. Remember. Repent. And. Repeat. Remember. What. It was like. When. Jesus, was your first love. Need. To repent which. Means do a 180 and, you. Need to repeat, the first works. What. What worked at first when you first came to Christ you, were, on fire for the Lord you were sharing the. Lord with others, you. Were close with the Lord. But. Now. You've. Kind of wandered away. You're. Backslidden. The. Cares and the affairs of this life have. Sort. Of choked out and. Competed. With. That. Love that you once had for the Lord. Maybe. It's a thing of loving. The world and the, things of the world. God. Is jealous for you not of you, jealous. For you. And. He wants you to come home. Well. If. That, describes, you then. Maybe. For. Some. This. Is a. Day. Of recommit. Meant. Rhe. Committing your you know I got saved in 1982. Kind. Of Baxley, went through a couple of weird things in my life in about 1986. I. Rededicated. My life to the Lord and I'll. Never forget it it was on. Independence. Day which is coming up July 4th and I, remember, writing a letter. To the Lord on. Independence. Day about. My. Independence. From. The world and my dependence, upon him, as I rededicated, my, life to Him and. From. That point I never looked back maybe. That's you today a. Rededication. Maybe. For others. It's. Not a rededication. It's. Salvation. And a dedication, of your life to Jesus Christ today and, I. Want to share with you if you just give me. Two. Or. Three. Or maybe four minutes just okay, four minutes, what. Are you gonna say no I. Want. To share with you, the. Gospel or, the good news of salvation. In. Jesus. Christ first let. Me answer the question of what is the gospel the, gospel, is that Jesus, was. Crucified that, he was buried, that he rose from the dead and that. He's coming back again to. Deliver us from the hour of tribulation, that, is coming upon, the, whole earth. That's. The good news that's. The good news the bad news is judgments, coming God's. Wrath will be poured out the, good news is those. In Christ will be taken out, in. First Thessalonians. 1:10. The. Apostle, Paul summarizes. The gospel, when he, mentions, how well. He, and the. Gospel, message was. Received by, the church there in Thessalonica. Saying. That they, were expectantly. Waiting for. His. Son from. Heaven whom. He raised, from the dead even, Jesus. Who. Delivers. Us from the wrath to, come. So. Now the question becomes. Have. You received the Gospel message and. Called. Upon. The name of the. Lord Jesus Christ, to be saved. If. Not I want. To share with you the, childlike. Simple. ABCs. Of salvation. The. A, is. For admit. Or acknowledge that. You're a sinner, in need. Of the. Savior that you've fallen short of. God's. Perfect standard of, righteousness, in. Romans 3:10, it says as it. Is written there, is no, one righteous, not even one.

Romans. 3:23, says all, have, sinned and fallen. Short of, the, glory of God we were all born sinners which is why we, must be born again Jesus. Said, to, enter the. Kingdom of heaven Romans. 6:23, says, for. The. Wages of, sin is death this is the death penalty, this is you could say the bad news the, bad news is, that you were born a sinner and you, are under, the, death sentence, that's the bad news here's the good news, somebody. Went. To, and paid, for your. Death penalty, in your stead his, name, Jesus. The Christ, and. Here's. The good news he paid, for it in full so. That it could be freely, given as the. Gift of God, which. Is, eternal. Life in. Christ. Jesus our, Lord. That's the good news that's the gospel. The. B, is. For believing your heart that. Jesus Christ is, Lord and that God raised him from the dead this is Romans 10:9, and Tenace says if you, believe in your heart that. God raised, Jesus from, the dead you. Will. Be, safe, why is that important. Because Jesus. Need to needed, to resurrect. From the grave in order, to defeat, death and pay, in full, the death penalty, for all of mankind sin. Without. Which, it. Would not have been paid for in, full he. Had to, be raised from. The. Dead and, the. Sea lastly. Is for. Call, upon. The name of the Lord, or if you prefer confess. With your mouth I, assured. This last week I got some interesting, comments. Listen. Every. Single one of us here and every single one of you watching online you, will confess, with your mouth. One. Day. Because. One. Day every. Knee is gonna bow, and. Every. Tongue is, gonna. Confess, that. Jesus. Christ is. Lord. You'll. Forgive me for the way that I say this but more, better do, it now no. More, better do. It now because. Well. Use. Your imagination. Because. At that point it's too late. At. That point you'll be confessing, with your mouth. But. It won't be, so. That you can be saved, which. Is what Romans 10:9 and 10 also says if. You confess with your mouth, Jesus. Is Lord and. Believe. In, your heart that, God raised him from the dead you, will be saved, for, it is with your heart that you, believe and are, justified and. Is with your mouth that you, confess and. Are saved and. Lastly, Romans 10:13. All. And. I always like to contrast, the all in Romans 10:13 with, the all have, sinned, and. Fallen. Short all have. Sinned but all who. Call upon, the. Name of the, Lord will. Be. Saved. Please stand I. Thank. You so, much for your patience. I know. I went a little bit. Over okay, I went a lot over. I've. Airy much appreciate, your patience, with me I I. Hope. You're encouraged let's pray. Father. In heaven I. Want. To say thank you but it, just seems so, it. Always does just, seems so. Insufficient. And. Inadequate. I mean. How can. We possibly thank, you enough. Certainly. Not this, side of heaven. Maybe. Our consolation. Is that we'll have all eternity to. Praise. You and thank you and worship you lord. I. Just want to. Pray. For anyone here in this church or watching online that. Has. Never. Called. Upon you. It. Is, not right with you it. Is, not ready, for you. That. They would settle that today right, now. And. Lord. For those and you know every heart you see. The heart we only see the our two parents. But. Maybe from. Someone. Who, has. Their. Heart far away from you lord I pray, that they'll come back to. Your. Open loving arms. Lord. Just, minister. To them that you're not angry with them. There's. No condemnation. That. You love them and, you, miss them and. You. Want them back, I pray. They'll come back today in. Jesus. Name Amen.


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