Humans Gods and Technology - VPRO documentary - 2017

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Just. As guarding the Bible designs. And creates animals, and plants and humans according to his wishes, now. We are learning how. To design create, life, from. Now on your name is Cara. My. Name is Cara. Initialization. And memorization checked. Humans. Are present with many many others, from their species wandering. Around on this planet as naked. Apes we, once tamed fire and afterwards, every form of new technology, determined. Our development. Now. That we've cracked the code of life it. Will not take much longer before we can start to play God. The. Big question, is what. Kind, of gods we, will be will. We being, merciful. And, wise gods, or will. We be. Petty. Vengeful. And irresponsible. Gods with. Our biotechnology. Artificial. Intelligence, and nanotechnology. It, seems we possess all the ingredients, to start our own process, of creation but. How to deal with this and, what does it mean for our species those. Are big questions can. You hear me. Yes. I think. That this is going. To be the, the. Agenda, for the, next. Century is is. That we will be. Involved. In designing, either. Individually, or as a society. Who. We want to be, what. Does it, mean to be a human. I've, only just been born you can't kill me. This. Is backlight, will. We become gods, or are, we making new, gods. Due. To the emergence of artificial. Intelligence. Humanity. Is on the eve of great change. Technological. Development, is going so fast and is so far-reaching that. We must search for an interpretation, of it all. Historian. Yuval, Hourani has, developed, his vision of the future by, studying, the past his. Israeli roots, are of crucial importance to the formation of his view of the future. Well. I think that living in Israel, and in the Middle East gives, you a different perspective on. The. Modern age and, on technology, in general. Now. We, leave my husband and me in this, small village which is exactly. Midway between. Jerusalem. And Tel Aviv and I, think it's also kind of metaphor. For. Whether I stand as a scientist. As a store in a historian. On the one hand I see no Jerusalem, with, all the religious fervor, and in, the history and the conflict, and so forth and in the other hand there is Tel Aviv with. All the high, take and in gay parade, and, vibrant. 21st, century, modern. Society, and I. Guess, if I live in a place like, Silicon. Valley I would. Not see this, side of reality, which, Jerusalem. Represents. But, because I live in Israel, in the Middle East there. Is no way I'm going to forget the. Enormous, power that. Religion, and mythology and. And. Human, beliefs, have. On history in, the end it's, not the, engineers. That, determine, what to do with technology. It's, the, priests. And ideologues. And politicians, they, determine, what to do with the technology that. The engineers, invent. Harare. Story, is catching, he, effortlessly. Defines, the connection, between the past and the future and, explains, what influenced. The development of, technology, has had on humanity, he's. Now using all of that knowledge to give us his vision, for the future.

Looking. At the last few decades. Humankind. Had immense achievements. In particular. Bringing. An hour under our control, famine. Plague and war today. For the first time in history more, people die, from, eating too much than, from eating too little which. Is an amazing achievement. More. People die from old age than. From infectious, diseases and. More. People commit, suicide than. Are killed by human, violence because. Of the decline, in the, number, of violent, death. So. These are amazing achievements. At. The same time we, are also destroying. The, ecological, system we, are also driving. More and more animals, and plants, into, extinction, and the. New powers, that, we are gaining now, especially. The powers, of biotechnology. And artificial. Intelligence, are really. Going to transform, us into gods, and I. Don't mean this as a kind of literary, metaphor I mean, it in a. Literal. Sense, that. Humans, are acquiring divine. Abilities. Especially the, ability to create, and, to, design, life. We've. Reached the point where, the technology, which we ourselves have, developed, is allowing. Us to play God, but. How are we dealing with this because. Our relationship. With new technology, has never been self-evident. We're. Often frightened, about it but also realize, at the same time that, we will be completely, lost without technology. Now. Homo sapiens, is a domesticated, animal when we say a domesticated. Animal we, usually think about cows, about, horses, about dogs but we are as domesticated. If. Not more than, the cows and, the dogs and then the, pigs and so forth we, still have of course the same body the same brain that, we had as wild, people in the Stone Age. But. Today. Almost. All of us are utterly, dependent on. The. Huge. Domesticated. Network, of. Agriculture. And Industry. And you. Know the state and the police and we can you, take a human being today and you drop him or her in some jungle or in the African savannah they, will be dead in a few days they. Can't survive. By. Themselves. In. The Stone Age, in order to survive, you, need every, day to solve very, difficult problems of. How, to find, mushrooms how, to hunt, deer how, to escape lions. How to make your own food your, own clothes, your, own medicine, how. To find your way around the world you. Need to know a lot in, order to do that, in. Contrast, today, usually, you just, specialize. In, one tiny, thing, like teaching, history or. Our. Sound. Recording, or being. A cashier at a supermarket, and almost. Everything, you need in. Order to survive, and flourish you don't know how to do it you. Depend, on this, huge, system of, network, in order, to do it I, don't know how to produce, shirt I don't, know how to grow my food I don't, know how to build my house I just, know how. To write, history books and I, get paid for that, and I take this money and I go to the supermarket and, I buy the shirt, and the food and I if it was dependent, on me I would, be naked and hungry. But. Somehow it looks as if we have become an entire, organism, as, soon, as mankind, yeah, if, in the beginning we, were basically, like just another, species of chimpanzee, that yeah you live in small bands but, you rely mainly. On. Yourself. And your immediate. Friends. And family, now. We, are basically like a species, of ants, we, live in a huge huge colony. In, which each one has, this tiny, role, to play and we, cannot survive, outside. The colony, and this. Will only. Increase. Or. Go, to extremes, in, the 21st, century because. With. Especially. The. Rise of, brain, computer interfaces, and, biometric. Sensors, and so forth it, is very likely that we. Then say 50, years people. Will, literally, be, part. Of a network all. The bodies, all the brains would, be connected together to, a network, and you, won't be able to survive, if you are disconnected from, the net because. Your own body parts your, own immune, system perhaps. Depends. On being. Constantly. Connected. To the colony, to the network it's. Not yet reach that point although, we're already permanently. Connected, to one another and experience, the greatest of difficulty, in going offline. Artificial. Intelligence, has almost become an indispensable part. Of our daily lives. We're, being warned, by those closest, to the fire. Elon. Musk is calling for legislation, that is meant to protect us from the growing power of artificial. Intelligence. Stephen. Hawking goes, even further and predicts, that the human race will eventually, be exterminated. Kevin. Kelley also, known as the high priest of Silicon, Valley disagrees. With this, I'm. Very optimistic about, what's. Happening where it's going but, I think, the.

Hollywood. Fiction. Of the. Robots coming, in and killing us all taking. Our jobs making us into slaves is. Possible. But unlikely, I mean it's greater than zero, the. Futurist, Kelly does not view the development of, artificial, intelligence so, darkly we. Must remain critical but, at the same time utilize. Every possibility, to develop even, further the. Warm welcome for, mr., Kevin. Kelly. AI. Isn't. Is a buzzword it's, in the hype cycle right now you're hearing a lot about it but I hope to give you a couple of different ways to think about it that might. Convince. You that this, is actually a very big thing, that's the opportunity that we're headed into is. Allowing. New. Tools that allow us to collaborate. And cooperate and, share at. A scale. That was, unthinkable, before so. All the phones all of the chips and all the phones and all the laptops and all the server farms, together. If, you can up all those transistors. Combining. All the ones that are connected you can up all the links, like, synapses, in, the web if you take up all the storage, in the entire world that's connected, online it becomes a very very big brain the. Logic, of Kelly who's, co-founder. Of the technological, magazine. Wired is rooted. In the hippy movement of the sixties, in California, that's, where the foundation was laid for the later success, of Silicon, Valley people like, Steve Jobs found. Their inspiration. Partly, in Kelly's, Whole Earth Catalog, also. Known as the Bible of the techno optimists. A catalog. With examples. Of tools which, could help the hippies to survive in the countryside and is, sometimes, seen as being the predecessor. Of the search engine. Stemming. From that idealistic. Thought, process, Kelly, interprets. Every, new technological. Development, not, afraid to think differently, he's, convinced, that technology. Is following the path of natural, evolution. Every. Device is more. Than merely a device, this. Very minute my phone. Is connected to some. Hub. Somewhere, which is connected, to your phone. Which. Is connected to a server and connected. To your laptop and if we round. Up all the. Circuits. That are connected, together, and. Treat. This. Whole. Big, thing of. All the machines all the phones and servers and, computers connected together as if it was one big computer and it's. Connected, to, three billion human, minds and, that. Convergence. Is also now being. Married. To, Gaia. The system, of the planet, the living system of the planet, through. Sensors, and. Things. That we had been into the environment. Those. Three layers to, me form. A single. Super. Planetary, organism. That, I called the hollows it's the whole thing, the, machine of all the, computers. Hooked up together. Kellis. Holos, theory, appears to be the consummation, of his ideal. Everything. And everyone, is connected and at the same time feeds. The machine with billions, of gigabytes, of data that, is permanently, flowing, from our brain. So. The real opportunity. That, these technologies bring, us is to allow us for. The first time in the history of this planet, in our species. To. Connect, in the, billions, in real. Time in. Multiple, dimensions to. Collaborate. And cooperate and, make new things that. An. Individual. Could not a claim, cannot, a city. Could not a country, could not. Only. The planet of. Species. Planet. Of humans could accomplish and that's an incredible. Achievement. So. Let's have mind of its own. Yes. Yes. If we, keep. Adding. Brains. Artificial. Brains and artificial. Memory, to. This big, machine it. Will have, thoughts. Of it oh it probably, already has, and. The. Problem is is that. We. Don't really have any good tools for. Detecting. It for understanding, it to. Understand the meaning of it, so. Remains to be seen. What. Interaction. We. Have with that. But, if. We take the most abstract, idea, of a thought. If. We. Can, give the idea that, you. Know a mouse could have a thought. Which. I think it does, then. Certainly, this. Global. Brain. Will, have a thought. If the super brain is capable of developing its own thoughts then. There is not much fantasy, needed, to contemplate, the possibility that. We could eventually lose, the control over this that. Is the point about which you Val Harare is warning, us. You. Call hard, and, let's say the future the, future the. Century of data ism or the, age of that is yeah what do you mean my name. In. Essence. Data. ISM is the idea that. If you have enough, data on. A person, especially, biometric. Data and if. You have enough, computing. Power you can, understand. That person, better, then, the person, understand. Himself, or herself and, then. You can control, this person, manipulate.

Manipulate. Them and make decisions for them and, we. Are getting very close to the point when. Facebook. And Google, and the Chinese government, know. People, far, better than. These people know themselves. Democracy. And the, free market and. Individualism. And, liberalism, these. Are all, predicated. On the, basic. Assumption, that nobody. Knows me better, than I know myself, so, nobody, should take decisions, for me and nobody. Really understands, how I feel and what I think and, this, was true throughout. History, nobody. Really, knew who, you are and how you feel even if the Catholic Church or say, the KGB, in the, Soviet Union followed. You around everywhere. And always, listened, to every conversation, you have and analyzed. It and so forth, they still didn't know who. You are they, still didn't really know how. You feel, and what you think because. They didn't. Understand. Biology well. Enough and they, didn't have enough computing, power to, make sense of these immense amounts, of data so. This was always true but, it's no longer true now oh it won't between, ten years in, ten or twenty years somebody. Like Google, or like the Chinese, government. Will. Have enough, data on you enough. Understanding. Of biology and, enough. Computer. Power computing. Power to, understand. You better than, you understand yourself to, understand, your feelings, your, thoughts your, desires your. Obsessions. You don't know why, you feel the way you feel but, Google knows or, the Chinese Chinese, government, knows. Kinshicho. Look. At a toy here. But. How long do I. It's not a person, but. It's it's, it's an it's a. Corporation. Or an entity that, we created, but, now it is controlling. Us he's, shaping our. Society. Our views. Or, decisions, I mean. Let's bring it down to the concrete level it's, not abstract, the, question, is how do you make decisions in. Your life. So. The. Individualistic. Liberal. Ideology, tells, you think for yourself follow. Your heart, do what feels good to you, so. If you think what, should I study University or, where. Should I work or who should I marry, the. Advice is listen, to yourself, follow, your heart in. 20 years the advice will be I forget, about your heart what does it know as Google, Google, knows you better so. It can recommend, to you what. To study where, to work even whom to marry people, make sometimes such terrible mistakes in the most important, decisions, of their lives because. They don't really know themselves, very well but. These algorithms, these, systems, will, know us better, they, won't be perfect, they, don't have to be perfect, they just have to be better than, the average person, in order, to gain control and. That's. The end of all. These, old, institutions. And ideologies of. Individualism. And free market, and democracy, and so forth. Still. Many. People are finding answers in their faith because. Every God is of course all-knowing. But. Now there's, Google, that, through its algorithms. And artificial, intelligence knows. Us better than we know ourselves. Has. The search engine, therefore become, an Oracle. Do. You see it as a new, religion. Now. I think I mean we. Need to understand what religion is people. Think religion is about God religion it's not about God religion. Is about humans, in. Essence. Religion. Is a story. That. Gives legitimacy, to. Human, norms. And values in. Laws and, that. Validates. Is source, of authority. Religion. Is when you have a big, question in life and, you. Need an answer what. Is the source of authority religion. Explains, to tell the story, that. Explains, what. Is the authority, that can. Answer your. Question. And, so we have come to meet, with you this morning to. Have an encounter with you. Please. Love. Don't. Let us go away empty-handed, in, Jesus. Judaism. Would say oh the authority, is the word of God in the Bible you. Want, to know whether. Two. Men can marry you, have this dilemma this question, can I marry my my boyfriend, as a man and. You. Ask the Bible and the Bible says no it's, it's a sin so you don't do it it's the source of authority and then, you have a modern, ideology, like liberalism.

And It tells you oh no the source of authority is, not. The Bible the, source of authority is human, feelings, you, just need to consult, your own feelings, if something. Makes, you feel happy and makes, your boyfriend, feel happy and you don't harm, anybody then, there is nothing wrong with it go ahead and do it if it feels good do, it this, is the basic, story, of liberalism. That the highest source of authority is. Not God it's not the Bible it's human feelings, so. If if we understand, religion in general as, a, story, about, Authority. Then. In the 21st century we, will have a new data. East religion. Or new, algorithmic. Religion, which, will tell people the source of authority is. Algorithms. Is big data algorithms if you have a big. Question, in life or a small question in life the. Source of authority is, the. Big Data algorithms. So. Actually is saying that the ones who are owning the data or have access to the data are the, new priests somehow. The. New priests, the new Kings the new gods whatever, you want to call it yes, the. Data is now the the, key to. Almost everything, it's the most important. Asset, in the past like hundreds. Of years ago thousands, of years ago the most important, asset, was land and you. Had these big conflicts, who owns the, land and then. You had the Industrial Revolution and, the, importance, of land declined, and instead. The most important, question, was, who owns the. The, machines who, owns the factories, who owns the means of production, so. You had these big conflicts. And we are just now, marking. The hundredth, anniversary of. The Communist revolution, in Russia which. Was really who owns these, means of production, in, the 21st, century the. Most important, asset, will, be data. Its, I'm not implying it's, necessarily, a bad thing because, it will be a very good thing in many, respects. But. The thing is that it comes along with a certain. Dangerous. Baggage. That. People. Will lose control of their lives it. Will be much easier to, manipulate people. The, very meaning of human life is likely, to change because. Traditionally, human. Life is seen, as. A. Process, of decision, making of going. Through one Junction, after the other if you think about great art like. You mentioned a, Tale. Of Two Cities or. You think about the Shakespeare, player plays they. Are almost always about decisions. You need to make a decision. Does. Macbeth, murder, the King or not does, Romeo, go for Juliet, or not you all the time have to make a decision and it's, the same with religion, if you think about Christianity. The great drama, is all, about decision making you. Have to choose between good, and evil and if you choose good you in Paradise if you choose evil, you go to hell, it's all about decision making, now, what happens, how, does a human life look, like when, all the, important, decisions are, taken, by Google, just try to imagine your favorite Hollywood. Comedy. Or your, favorite, Shakespeare. Player, playing when. Hamlet, when, Hamlet does it know what should I do it, just says Google, what should I do you you know me better so. It could be a much, more, convenient, and, easy life for, Hamlet if it just allows Google to take the decision for him but. What. Kind of life is it we don't know. The. Googles of this world are becoming smarter, and smarter, due, to the algorithm, they release on our knowledge. Artificial. Intelligence, is being integrated, in more and more of the technology surrounding. Us, that. Will have an uninterrupted. Greater. Influence, on our daily lives, where. Will that development. Of artificial, intelligence end. Every. Day there's an announcement about, a. Way. In which AI does, something that people. Thought only humans, could do every. Day there's an announcement about a new, tool. Used, in biology to. Modify. Genes. Every. Day there's.

Something. That chips away at, our understanding, of ourselves, and. So. That's. Continuing. To increase and, there'll be more and more ways in which we have to. Reimagine. What. Humans are good for what why we're here what we're doing and. We're. Just at the beginning of this I mean I think this AI revolution. And the genetic, revolution is, just starting and, when we go into virtual, reality we, have these distinctions, about a. Whole. Other dimensions, that we haven't even seen which will also challenge. Who. We are where we are how we see ourselves and, I. Think. That this is going. To be the. The. Agenda for the, next. Century is is. That we will be. Involved. In deciding, either. Individually, or as a society. Who. We want to be. What, does it, mean to be a human. What. Should humans be doing what do what we want to do as a human all these things are, going to be coming again moving, from the esoteric philosophical. Realm into. Daily. Choices. That we have to make daily. Headlines about. Our, uncertainty. About who we are and, I. Think it's going to become the norm where. We have. Conversations, at dinner table about what we think humans should be and whether we. Are gonna specie, eight or what we are doing or whether they're human or not so this is going to become, a. Big, thing at. The end of the last century the first real trial, of strength took place between humans. And the computer, the, famous chess match between grandmaster. Gary Kasparov, and a supercomputer. And the, Machine won we, were no longer able to deny the role of artificial. Intelligence. We. Very, well I what, are we missing something on the chess board now, they can spar off C's Gary, Kasparov, it. Was a world's, chess champion, and when he lost about fifteen years ago to the supercomputer, deep, blue from IBM, he, was very distraught. Like, he can't believe what's going on right now and, whoa. Miss, Farah after. The move c4. Has. Resigned. He. Later on. Came, back and said you know a. Deep-blue, had. Access, to every single chest. Move it was ever done and that's kind of unfair because, if I had access to all.

Those Chest moves while I was playing people I would have won. So. He decided to make a whole new chess league where. You could play as a human with access to the databases, and. He called the AI, human, team a scent tour, okay. So centaurs, were this, combination. Of. The. AI and a human, together. As. A team so. I, think, the. Image that we want to take a place is not working against these machine that are going to take our jobs is that we're gonna be working with them you may in fact be paid by how well you work with them one, of the best ways to think about AI in general overall is that it's alien, intelligence, this is if we had contact with another planet, we met aliens, they're. Gonna think differently than us. Their. Usefulness, to us would. Be that because they think differently. But. We'd. Have these issues of you know how do we treat them to retreat them equivalent. To humans different than humans, do. They have the same rights as humans. Do. They have more rights and. And, the. Answer is gonna be somewhat will depends on the aliens because you know if we had contact, with more than one aliens, there would be some aliens that might be and. We might want to treat you very differently and so. We're. Gonna make up thousands. Of artificial, aliens, and we're. Gonna have to decide how we treat them, Hiroshi. Ishiguro. Is a Japanese, robot builder, his, robots, are not yet very intelligent. But do however already possess. Human, characteristics. He's. Mainly investigating. Our human. Responses. To these kind of robots. I can. Eat a. Well. Sometimes, EDI robot is much better than humans because that we don't feel. The strong. Pressure. Right. When, we talk. To the people right, and sometimes we feel the very strong pressure right. And. Better you know the. Robot, is sometimes well especially, for the elder is, autism. Kids, they're. Not, feared. By the robot someone, I, don't, need the. Robot is scary no, it's not scary it's not scary it's strange, strange. I don't, know why why don't you have a seat and just talk right it is not so strange you know one. Of my concerns is that. If. We treated. Some. A eyes or robots like slaves, would that, be. Corrosive to us would that. Stain. Us with that. In. Some ways, affect. Our spirit, if. We're treating them as slaves even if they weren't slaves but if we treated them as if they were slaves would that affect us and it probably would and, so. We, have a bunch of issues about how. Do we treat these things what. Kind of empathy, do we have. How. Do. They fit in and the answer is that we have no idea. Right. Now we. Don't know we. Can think about it but, it doesn't really get. Us very far a, lot. Of these things are things that we have to actually. Only. Answer, through. Using through, through, usage, yeah. They. Give your heart a hug and then it. Almost, feels intimate. Touch. Her or something, like that mm-hmm, but, you should try come. I tried so. But yeah. No. And then. If. It feels so strange it means well. It's, it. Feels intimate, so. How to. Touch her and just, yeah right Gregor human yeah, that's true yeah, the. Only thing is she's she's, called she's. Called yeah. You. Don't mind. Touching. Oh. Thank. You. In. Ganga, about. Thursday you. See little candy, I had. To sign in my stomach. And. Oh I don't know, you say you got a knot up on today's. We. Are creating. Artificial intelligence. We are changing, our genes are we, building. Ourselves into, gods or are we building new, gods we, are doing both. You. Know history is messy, it's. Difficult to just, bring, it all into, a single compartment, so. We are moving along to simultaneous. Tracks on the, one hand we try to enhance. An upgrade. Homo, sapiens, and give, Homo sapiens, divine, abilities, at the, same time we, are also creating. New external. Gods, like, these big data algorithms and, part. Of the. Conflicts. Of the 21st, century is, going to be a, conflict. Between these two new gods, would. It be the upgraded, humans, or would, it be the big data algorithms. Not. Everybody, will be able to, upgrade themselves, and not. Everybody, will have, access to. Or. Have control. Over. The new big data algorithms of eight. Billion, people in the world the, vast majority, will. Stay just ordinary. Homo sapiens, and they. Are likely to lose, their. Economic. Value. Their political power. Their, control, over, their lives and, we. Are likely to see an extremely. Unequal. Society. In. Which a very small, elite, either. Of, upgraded. Humans, or of. Those humans, who own the. Master, algorithms. Like, the the Google algorithm of the Facebook algorithm and this, tiny elite. Controls. The world and the, vast majority of people they. Have very, little economic value and very, little political power.

So. We got great seats we're. Ready to go. Buried. Beneath its RRA ruins. People. Are so afraid because of robotics, and artificial, intelligence. That. People, will become superfluous, somehow, that they. Become. Unemployable. What's. The meaning of life then, in. 2030. 2050. But. Nobody knows for sure what, the job market would, look like in 2014. But, it's it's. Likely. It's possible, given all, the technological, developments. It might be feasible. Even easy to, support people, even. If they don't work to. Give them a universal, basic income to give them enough food enough, medicine, and so forth the, big question, is meaning, what. Will they do all day and. One. Of the answers is that they will just play computer games all, day, virtual. Reality games they. Will spend more and more time playing. Virtual, reality games that, will give them. Much. More excitement, and. Emotional. Engagement, than. Anything in the, real world outside, and, this. Is actually not a very new this is not a completely, new idea you. Can say that for thousands, of years already, people. Millions, of people have, found meaning, in playing. Virtual, reality, games we, just call these games religions. You, think what is a religion, another way to understand the religion is religion. Is a virtual, reality game. They. Tell you there are these laws you. Should pray five times a, day you. Should do this ceremony, you should do that ceremony, if. You follow, these imaginary. Laws of the. Game that exist only the imagination. They don't they look part of nature, then. You get points, if. You break the laws then, you lose points and if. By. The time you die you have, a positive balance then. You move to the next level heaven. And. People have been playing these virtual reality games very happily. For, thousands, of years so. Why. Not in the 21st, century. Do we have the feeling that we are, let's. Say, the. Neanderthals, of the future I mean. Don't we get extinct. I, doubt. Whether, Homo. Sapiens, will still be around in, 200 years. Given. The pace of technological development. In, 200. Years either. We, destroy, ourselves. By. Some nuclear, catastrophe or. Ecological catastrophe. All. We. Will upgrade, and change ourselves, into. Something, very. Different from, Homo sapiens, so. That in 200 years earth, is, dominated. By entities. Which. Are more different. From us than. We are different from Neanderthals. Different, bodies different brains, different, minds. So. Technology. Is an. Extended, form of that same. Self-organization. That we find in natural evolution. And one. Way I like to think about it is that. Technology. Is a way for evolution, to. Invent. Things that it could not just invent, with tissue. Wet. Biological. Tissue is kind of an invented. Our minds, which then can invent other things, other forms, other ways. Of making, these. Self-replicating. Devices, like robots. In. In, a space that that. Biological. Forms. Could not get to by themselves. This. Is a process, that, is, beyond human, it's. Part. It has, its origins in the Big Bang in the universe so, technology. Is a. Part. Of a stream, that. Ran. Before humans, and will run beyond us. We. Are in. The, middle a medium. Carrying, it forward. If. You understand, nature, in a very broad sense much. Broader, than. Biological. Nature. And natural selection then. Yes everything. That happened in the universe is, part, of nature, and artificial. Intelligence is. Not less. Natural. Than a. Flower, or, a human. Being it. Still obeys the basic, laws of physics but. Again if you met, most people when they think about nature, what. They think is more about biology and, if. You think in terms of biology in terms of biochemistry. Of organisms. Of. Natural. Selection, then, no artificial. Intelligence. And technology in general are, going, to break out of this. Limited. Realm of. Organic. Biology. And. Create. Something completely new. Some. People are asking hath, Android's, become a threat to our security. Thank. You for watching, for. More on this subject take a look at the playlist you, can also watch this recommended, video don't. Forget to subscribe to our Channel and we'll keep you updated on our documentaries.


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