Anamco Drug Wars Monitoring a raid on a big criminal gang in Bangkok

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hello are you hearing me radio  419 broadcasting on 419 megahertz   many viewers have expressed interest to find  out how does Radio 419 know so much about the   underground highly secretive crime world and today  i will reveal to you some of my VPN techniques in this video we are remotely watching and  monitoring drug dealing in Soi Nana Bangkok   and it so happens that as we are monitoring  the drug dealing we see a police raid going on   what is interesting about this police raid  is the police are being led into a drug den   by two famous nigerian drug dealers or perhaps  i should say infamous nigerian drug dealers yes so here we can see on the cctv they have  rushed into a bar which is in a sub soi of   Nana also known as Soi Africa or Soi Nigeria  sometimes it is known as black soi or it is   known as little Lagos the Thai people call it  the soi with two white horses in front of it yes we have plain clothes police officers  entering the drug den being ah and there is   a plane plainclothes officer with a  motorbike helmet in a yellow t-shirt what else do we see? people running back and forth a lot of  chaos aha the man that just nipped out there   in a check shirt and wearing a cap that was the  famous amica container a big nigerian drug dealer   and i bet you can guess why he was called amica  container yes he was moving drugs in containers at the same time there he is there's Emeka  container in his cap standing there with Kabanka   Kabanka's wearing the white cap white  there's Kabanka again in a red cap yes so as container moved container fulls of drugs they  sent Thai women and poor Africans into Bangkok   airport to be arrested with just measly amounts  hardly ever more than four kilos of cocaine   whilst they get 400 kilos or more  coming through in engine parts or   having methamphetamine dyed purple and  calling it amethyst and sending it as   gems for the gem district in Bangkok yes  a lot of purple ice coming in the market   at that time anyway let's keep on watching  we we have access to many cameras via the VPN   which I'm sure you understand in law enforcement  yeah they're running back and forth there yes this is where a lot of the drugs   were kept for distribution to the tourists  being delivered around the nana area often stored in this place to the  frustration of the police officers yes or all of them in their plain clothes and anyway if you keep watching our cameras on the VPN will take you deeper and deeper into  this drug dealing bust where this chap ah you see   let's see yes in the white t-shirt white shorts   puffing on a cigarette there that is  Kabanka Kabanka is the wrapping drug dealer   that would plant drugs on other Nigerians to use  them as human sacrifices to metropolitan police   to make the police believe that they were  suppressing the Anamco drug dealing cartel many of those Nigerians that were arrested  were part of a human trafficking operation   that brought them to Bangkok   and used them as stooges and a smoke screen  to prevent the police from seeing the real   mass consignments of drugs that were being  moved there's Kabanka coming out there yes   running in and out as he orchestrates his  setup now above this bar oh yes there's Kabanka   the cigarette there yes having a little puffy  wuffy yes ah he's taking out a camera there   it seems he's looking at it yes  he's taking pictures as evidence so and he's also the person that plants the  drugs there we can see they're bringing   Nigerians out in handcuffs loading them up  into the paddy wagon there more and more   so let's see more and more wow wow  look it's amazing in a tiny little bar   if you were to count the number of drug  dealers it's absolutely mind-boggling but   these drug dealers are just little boys that are  selling like half gram packages one gram packages   largely a French clientele  followed by German and then British and then Thais wanting the cocaine and medicinal marijuana and there's Kabanka in his cap yes Kabanku is from a rival drug gang and it's also a drug gang that  needs to make regular human sacrifices   so there he is you see uh on the telephone walking  around yes probably calling kudos telling him yes yes setting them up   yes yes taking them all down the station  having them all arrested yes there we go in the end Kabanka himself was  set up with drugs in platinum   yes near the restaurant of the infamous 1010  who apparently is out on bail at the moment there there's Kabanka bringing them out  anyway when Kabanka went into prison   he met some of the boys  that he had sent into prison   and so they plucked out one of his eyeballs  so now we call him one-eyed Kabanka yes   some people call him Kabanka  Dawanka yes very strange chap anyway here we have uh more VPN action as  we hacking to a CCTV outside the bar aha so we see a van coming in a pickup  truck with a red flashing light   the red flashing lights been removed and  put inside the truck so i wonder how many   drug dealers will fit into that truck doesn't  look particularly large ah so let's see   there they've packed some in there yes they're  going back in into the drug then to get more   there's Kabanka with his black backpack yes  there's a plainclothes officer in a gray t-shirt   he seems to be overseeing the operation as  they pack the dealers into the back there   they've already packed several in there whoops  there's a few more wow and a few more wow   and even more and more oh they really can pack  them in there yes so it also seems like it's   perhaps raining on this faithful night ah there's  a tuk-tuk came in yes what's the tuk-tuk for looks like it's just for  regular folks leaving anyway we have to see there's people sitting at a table on the street yes  many people sit in tables on the streets   drinking and enjoying themselves Sukhumvit  it is a nighttime entertainment zone   that falls under Lumpini police district whoa and there's even more dealers being  brought out and packed into the van and more   yet again i wonder if any of you have  kept count of how many dealers have been   stuffed into the back of this pickup  seems like a few more now incredible   yes ah must be full now i whoops yes  they've slammed the back door closed   they're clearing the way to take oh  they've opened the back again what   they're going to put some more in there not  enough drug dealers arrested for the night   wow they're having a field day oh they are  packing more in there oh and there's Kabanka   coming out to have a look an Emeka  container in the check shirt and the cap   yes obviously this drugs distribution bar wasn't  distributing Emeka's drugs or Kabanka's drugs because if they were they  wouldn't have been raided   Emeka and Kabanka were living up in  Udomsuk which was Frank Lampard's territory   Frank Lampard would send the drugs to the  market ah and now we've hacked in via the VPN   into the upstairs of the bar where  they had a pool room and let's see what was happening there's  the gang of drug dealers   and basically there were so many drug dealers  when a deal happens it's very confusing   there's kabanka he has entered and there's  Emeka he's running and he's grabbed someone and   dragged them out and there's cabana and amick has  grabbed more Emeka running around grabbing dealers   left right and center yes Emeka was a very big boy  with big muscles and a very intimidating person   until he was arrested of course and then he was  as quiet as a mouse but that's another story yes   doesn't matter who you are like a banker at the  pool table there lifting up his shirt showing his   scars yes we have this showing of the scars to the  boys yes these people are into their scarification   they're the boys the dealers trying to leave  trying to leave whoa and they all have to   run back in again because Kabanka says hahaha  don't you dare i haven't finished with you yet   you see now for those wondering there are so  many dealers why are they afraid of Kabanka well   you saw when he lifted his shirt he was flashing  his scars at them this is part of his intimidation   it's his way of telling them  that i do the witchcraft and these scars perhaps they came from a previous  drug war and he wants to take his revenge who knows but it's a bizarre culture anyway now  that Emeka and Kabanka have done their arrest   there's another picture of Kabanka there  anyway there's Kabanka at the table whoop   showing the scar again yes yes there's Kabanka  in a black cap yes so now he's cleared the way   for a police officer to enter and the  police officer there is in a gray t-shirt   and he's checking passports yep you can go  you're right there and yes now the thing is probably already planted the drugs i wonder if  any of you spotted that in the earlier scene   planted them before the officer arrived there's  the officer he's got his flashlight he's   looking for them he's looking for a little  dime bag that has been put there by Kabanka   so that he can arrest them all and  make them all guilty but first of all   let's check some more passports right  your passport not okay you go there   stand over there take some pictures and  here is Kabanka again hurling his threats yes the rapping drug dealer famous for his rap videos  it is interesting that many large drug dealers   make rap videos and they like to rap about their  drug dealing business too which is very strange   as if as if they don't care about the police and  they don't care about the law they would rather   be famous or infamous criminals there we see them  being arrested yes so these arrests you're seeing   now are the arrests of the people that you saw  being loaded up into the van earlier so this   shows you our vpn technique and how the DJs at  radio 419 are watching places all over Bangkok these are IP cameras so they're connected to the  internet which enables us to watch them remotely   and see what's going on what's the dealers  doing their deals and in some cases like   on this night there is a police raid so radio 419  can also watch the police while they're in action   using the VPN technique now these VPN techniques  are very advanced they're so advanced that even   agencies like MI5 MI6 CIA FBI are very useless  at using such techniques they're far too advanced   and if you are a real fan of radio 419 and  keep watching you will slowly learn why   radio 419 knows the truth and  knows what is really happening yes you see searching the pool  hall there yes Kabanka outside   as they gather everything up getting drug  dealers to sit on the floor yes ah dear so well as you're watching you  you might be interested as to   who are this gang there they are there we  have the plainclothes policeman searching   trying to find odd or little bits of drugs yes  this gang is called Anamco it's named Anamco after   the Anambra criminal company which is after the  state in Nigeria where the leaders are based there   is Kabanka again enjoying a spliff yes anyway back  there and we see the boys all all wanting to get   out of there as quickly as possible but obviously  the exit is being blocked by Kabanka and container   yes it's even quite shameless that the people  that moved hundreds of kilos of ice around the   world they even even sent a container of car  parts to Australia packed with methamphetamine so flooded australia flooded new zealand  yes there were kiwis coming down to buy   briefcases with secret compartment  pre-packed with methamphetamine   that they could fly back to new zealand  with also japanese people would come down   to this bar to buy methamphetamine to  take back to japan where they can get   over two hundred thousand dollars per kilo not bad  considering you could buy it for twenty thousand a   kilo if you had the right connections as Emeka  was getting it directly from the factories yes methamphetamine from Guangzhou in china  methamphetamine from Shan state in Myanmar   yes and there we have the police  searching for the evidence   looking for the evidence to put on the pool table yes and if the evidence isn't really in the bar then  kabanka will drop it there as he always does   setting people up yes there we go there's a few more searches searching people making sure there's no more  funny business there we go some final checks this video helps you understand why there is  so much rivalry and conflict within these gangs   these drug dealers are from eastern Nigeria   there are rival gangs from Anambra and there are  also rival states that compete for the market after Anambra there is emo state home  of the Enugu boys the Enugu boys are   much smaller in number and much softer in behavior  and they would deal in the less popular parts of   Bangkok so as to avoid conflict with Anamco  Anamco being the most powerful gang took the   most lucrative areas of Bangkok dealing in the  Huay Kwang district for the Chinese clientele   dealing in khao san road for the backpackers and  dealing in nana for the sexpats and sex tourists here we have the plainclothes police just taking  the final dealers out of the bar so it shows you   in just one evening a big round up there's  amica container went down the stairs making sure   yes out onto the street wow yes what was going  on there never mind folded up up in the sock whoa did you ever see them run so fast so ah this is perhaps a little drug deal happened outside and  all the dealers were chased into their little bar the famous or infamous drugs bar where people from  around the world could go to buy they could buy a   gram they could buy hundred gram packages they  could buy kilo packages to take back and make   business back in their home country yes so here we  have the scene outside the bar taken using the vpn   from another camera so here we're showing you the  same blade again and again from different angles just to give you an idea of the comprehensive way that radio 419 watches business all over Bangkok   to make sure that there is peace on  the streets if there are any murders on the streets and blood spills   we will see who has done it and we  will catch them very quickly again this video helps viewers understand  that law enforcement all over the world   should be watching these cameras why install  them if you're not watching from them   and you should be using the cameras to  gather evidence of what is really happening and then you should be acting on that information yes now we see a couple of as there are   deeper in the side we have Jackie  bar which is the black dollar bar for the Liberians and it seems like there  are some Liberians walking up and down   just having a look seeing what's  happening to their Nigerian brothers   of course the police are not disturbing the  Liberians because the Liberians are not selling   drugs and in fact they're not committing any crime  at the moment they do most of their black dollar   operations during the daytime when there  is mainly traffic police out on the streets   narcotics and detectives in Bangkok normally  come out at night when criminals come out yes there we can say yes you have a little idea  as to why they call it soy africa or black street now as you can see the the other africans  that are not involved in the drug trade are   not really phased or bothered  that there's a police raid   because they know that the police have  come specifically for drug dealers   there's kabanka yes snipping in and out yes  kabanka talking to some of the other boys   they're wondering what he's up to and he's saying  ah it's okay let me light my cigarette i've just   come down to harass my own brothers harassing my  fellow nigerians setting them up they can hustle   them so they don't pay me and they don't learn  that if they want to deal they should be dealing   my drugs and not the drugs of other people yes  this is how they compete for their market share yes and there's a there's a gang of   people on Kabanka running back in there  probably going in to grab some more yes as you can see the hustle and  bustle out on the street Kabanka there   yes having a few words and then nipping  in probably to grab a few more dealers   and like we said Kabanka doesn't realize that  we're watching him using numerous technologies   and the most important are the API for the FBI  note that the most powerful FBI is not the Federal   Bureau of Investigation it is in fact Facebook  Instagram and ironically the very very rapid   the dragon dealers in Bangkok also like to  call themselves Instagram yes anyway using   Instagram and Facebook API helps us to track  and monitor these criminals and their activities   don't blame us criminals blame Zuckerberg or  Instagram for making this API with a back end   to help law enforcement agencies around the world  mind you that's the amateur stuff we can also pick   up all the EMEI numbers from within this location  and then the SIM card numbers and as with a little   help of some Israeli software we can go even  deeper into monitoring their activities yes now   you're probably wondering about this gang that  I mentioned that are dealing the drugs called   Anamco there ah there we are in inside again we've  switched cameras and there is Emeka container in   the check shirt the big giant yes he looks small  in this uh if you see the actual man yes he's   you know about six foot six he has a baby  face uh very strong there Kabanka lifting   he lifted his t-shirt again to show his scars  you know very proud of them it's part of his um   juju or black magic as they call it yes now i  mean usually the boys are quite clean i mean   when they use their soap they they  use it until it looks like a sim card   but hmm unluckily for the police they don't  like to use toothpaste in the morning and   many of them have terrible mouthfuls  so bad they could probably awaken Moses   and make him at the eleventh commandment die shall  brush thy mouth every morning ah dear it's not an   easy job being an interrogator when you've been  gassed out by some Anamco bad breath but i guess   all occupations have their hazards yes the the the  Anamcos are oh they're they're all being hauled   out yes as i say we're filming from many different  angles using the VPN that i mentioned earlier so the Anamcos are very famous for numerous things  they they don't trust anybody basically i mean you   should see them when they go to an ATM machine  to re remove you know fifty dollars and when they   take out the money they'll count it three times  before wake walking away from the ATM to make sure   that the ATM machine hasn't scammed them that's  that's how paranoid they are of being scammed so anyway yes there's also another  famous saying in in in Bangkok   when when shaking hands with an Anamco you  should always check to see how many fingers   are left remaining on your hand in case they took  one as well it sounds like a bit of a stupid joke   but then with all this drug dealing going on and  the fact that criminals believe that sacrifices   help them it is very interesting to note that they  only like live sacrifices even police have to be   very very careful that they don't get kidnapped  and slaughtered as sacrifices to the gods   as in Anamco culture the gods must be offered only  living creatures that are sacrificed before them   and they like only the blood yes they're  into the adrenochrome and yes Anamco do   like to kidnap babies indeed there is an Anamco  festival once a year where they will search   for a baby to kidnap and if they can't find  one they will try to buy one to offer us a   sacrifice to make sure that their drug dealings  and scams for the next year go very well so if   you think it's only Americans that are into that  adrenal chrome nonsense no their Anamco brothers   are into it it's probably an Anamco that taught  all this nonsense to these Americans very sad anyway i mean Anamco thieves are very very amazing they're  amongst the only thieves in the world   when they steal something from you they'll  actually help you look for it and help you   try to find it yes yes very charming behavior  yes with their cute little smiles here we see   it definitely is raining now and we can  yes see a Liberian in the background   you know recognizable by his white t-shirt blue  jeans and white trainers typical namco get up   yes walking on the streets drinking beer and now let's see these drug dealers also  are taking advantage of the rain   luckily the police on this night are not afraid  of the rain as you can see lots of africans   walking back and forth up and down the street and  they don't care about the raid that is going on   because they know that the raid is specifically  targeting a specific group of africans   you have to remember that africa has many  many many many countries and most of those   countries do not involve themselves in crime and  simply do honest businesses many of them are in   textile business shoes business exporting goods  back to africa with competitive prices that they   get from thailand and Thailand also offering  higher quality than many other Asian countries so here well watching you're probably all wondering about  what type of VPN that radio 419 megahertz is using   is it's not it's not the type of VPN that  you know so it's a very very special one   if viewers are really interested in the mechanics   of this technology perhaps i can  make a video about it in the future so yes these drug dealers down in nana   just at the mouth of the side there  are many prostitutes walking along   both male prostitutes and female and interestingly  enough the African prostitutes if they're female   they sadly often get you know between  twenty dollars to sixty dollars a night   but the males are offering often getting 300 a  night and so African males are the most expensive   prostitutes in Bangkok and very popular  with the cougars uh here we have the   paddy wagon coming in to collect the drug dealers  yes we see the plane close officer out there as we watch fire our VPN there he moves there  there the first deal is coming second batch coming   loaded up into the truck there they go running  back in there's Kabanka again yes he likes he   likes playing with his hands in his pockets all  the time Kabanka very strange chap indeed ah so anyway what's the difference between  a drug dealer and a prostitute well a prostitute she can wash her crack and  reuse it again and the drug dealers can't   anyway enough of this nonsense let's see how many  have they loaded up already must must be a dozen   it's really amazing how how many dealers  you can fit in the back there's another   couple being loaded up need to try  and give you many angles in order   to calculate exactly how many were loaded  up into this truck on on that faithful night yes so these cougars that come to Bangkok they  used to go to places like Kenya but now the   Aussie women and the English women that fancy a  little bit of the lion king in bed for the night   are coming to Bangkok where they find a  very a very good choice in very friendly   surroundings also with a supply of drugs should  they wish yes more deal has been loaded up there and it's quite ironic the anamcos they call the  cougars "Karens" which is a very interesting word   for them and it's very strange that these Karens  as they call them en enjoy going off to sleep   with them because in Africa they have a very  famous saying when sleeping with an Anamco man   sleep with one eye open yes obviously the  Karens are not afraid of the Anamcos so also in a lot of Africa African men do  not perform the the linguist on the county   whereas Anamco are infamous for  superb uh kuni lingwis as they call it   and that makes them even more popular  so here here we have more video where yes there's Kabanka sucking  away on his cigarette yes and here we see as as you can hear the heavy rain oh you see they're filming each other yes  kabanka doesn't like being filmed and   he doesn't realize that radio 419 is  watching him from several cameras yes yes she's calling the police and informing them  that Kabanka the troublemaker is bringing his   police officers to harass the drug dealers so  these are the drug wars and very interestingly   if you watch carefully Kabanka is a nasty  piece of work because actually he's trying to   humiliate the police and embarrass them too   if ever you saw the tv series Gomorrah  episode 3 it will give you some idea   of the type of person Kabanka is and  what he's actually up to in this scene yes so so as you can see when you use this type of vpn  not only can you access cctv cameras once you   have the emmy numbers the sim card numbers and  people are video recording and they don't realize   about the back doors that exist in most brands of  telephone but you can also access their cameras   especially if they're using them and you can watch  while they're filming which is very convenient that was it i guess down in black street after the storm after the dealers have been hauled away by  the police with the aid of Emeka container   the international drug shipment man himself ironically Emeka container was the  left-hand man of kudos but kudos   pretended that Emeka was his enemy  in order to penetrate the nigerians oh yeah how comes you all ran like hell as soon as you  saw me yes he's got a very good point there why   did they all run and it was only an  m emco that started running whilst   the other africans just stood and watched so if  there's hundreds of africans and you want to see   who are the nmcos they're the ones  that are running there we see them   being loaded up again yes nice shot there you  see them climbing into the back of the pickup   yes been rammed in there with a baseball bat  by the guy in the yellow t-shirt there's a   more coming out in handcuffs ah so they  use one pair of handcuffs for two people   not enough handcuffs to have a pair each  and also it stops them from running away   they run away with your handcuffs  then you've lost your handcuffs too   not nice if they were expensive handcuffs and they  should be expensive handcuffs because if you use   cheap handcuffs well then an Anamco will often  snap them as if they were just little pieces of   ribbon using their powerful Anamco muscles  yes now here we just see some still shots   yes from the evening that night  radio 419 signing out good night


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