Juan Loaiza Oracle CUBE Conversation 2021

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[Music] the innovation around databases has exploded over the last few years not only do organizations continue to rely on database technology to manage their most mission-critical business data but new use cases have emerged that process and analyze unstructured data they share data at scale they protect data provide greater heterogeneity new technologies are being injected into the database equation not just cloud which has been a huge force in the space but also ai to drive better insights and automation blockchain to protect data and provide better auditability new file formats to expand the utility of database technology and more debates abound as to who's the best number one the fastest the most cloudy the least expensive etc but there is no debate when it comes to leadership in mission critical database technologies that status goes to oracle and with me to talk about the developments in database technology in the market his cube alum juan louisa who's executive vice president of mission critical database technology at oracle juan always great to see you thanks for making some time thanks great to see you dave it's always a pleasure to join you yeah and i hope you have some time because i got a lot of questions for you and i want to i want to start with enough questions good the guy wants to start and we'll go deeper if you're up for it i want to start with the golden gate announcement we're covering that uh that recent announcement the service on oci goldengate it's part of this you know your super high availability capabilities that oracle is so well known for what do we need to know about the new service and and what it brings for your customers yeah so first of all golden gate is all about creating real-time data throughout an enterprise so it does replication data integration moving data into analytic workloads streaming analytics of data migrating of databases and making databases highly available all those are use cases for real-time data movement and goldengate is really the leading product in the market has been for many years we have about 80 percent of the global fortune 500 running golden gate today is in addition a thousand thousand smaller customers so it is the premier data integration replication high availability anything involving moving data in real time golden gate is the premier platform and so we've had that available as a product for many years and what we've just recently done is we've released it as a cloud service as a fully managed and automated cloud service so that's kind of the big new thing that's happening right now so is that what's unique about this is it's now a service are there other attributes that are unique to oracle yeah so it you know the service is kind of the most basic part to it but uh the the big thing about the service is it makes this product dramatically easier to use so traditionally the data integration replication products although very powerful also are very complex to use and one of the big benefits of the service is we've made it dramatically simpler so not just super experts can use it but anyone can use it and also as part of releasing it as a cloud service we've done a number of unique things including making it completely elastically scalable pay-per-use and and and and dynamic scalability so just in time real-time scalability so as your workload increases we automatically increase the throughput of golden gate so previously you had to figure all this stuff out ahead of time it was very static you know all these products have been very static uh now it's completely dynamic a native cloud product and that's very unique in the market so i mean from an availability standpoint i guess ibm sorta has this with db2 but it doesn't offer the heterogeneity that golden gate has but what about like aws microsoft google do they provide services like like golden gate uh there's really nothing like the golden gate service when you're talking about people like google and azure they really have do-it-yourself third-party products so they'll be a third-party data integration replication product and it's kind of available in their marketplace and customers have to do everything so it's basically putting together your own kit uh and it's comp it's very complicated i mean these data integration products have always been complicated and they're even more complicated in the cloud if you have to do everything yourself uh amazon has a product but it's really focused on basic data migration to their cloud it doesn't do it doesn't have the same capabilities as oracle has it doesn't have elasticity it doesn't have paper use so it's really not very cloudy at all well so i mean the biggest customers are are obviously you have always glommed on to to golden gate because they need that super ultra high availability and they're capable of do do it yourself so so tell us how this compares to diy yeah so you know yeah you mentioned the big customers so you're absolutely right the big customers have been big users of golden gate uh smaller customers are users as well however it's been challenging because it's complicated data integration has been a complicated area of data management one of the most complicated and so one of the things this does is it expands the market makes it much dramatically easier for smaller companies that don't have as many it resources to use the product also smaller companies obviously don't have as much data as the really large giants and they don't have as much data throughput so traditionally the price has been high for a small customer but now with paper use in the cloud it eliminates the two big uh blockers for smaller enterprises which are the cost the high fixed costs and the complexity of the products so it and which by the way is helpful for everyone also and for big customers they've often also struggled with elasticity so sometimes a huge batch job will kick in the the rate of change increases and suddenly the the replication product doesn't keep up because on-prem products don't really aren't really very elastic so it helps large customers as well you know everybody loves the ease of use but the elasticity paper use the on-demand nature of it's really helpful for everybody well because it's delivered as a service i would imagine for the large customers that you're giving them more granularity so they can apply it maybe for a single application as opposed to trying to have to justify it across a whole you know suite and and because the cost is higher but now if you're allowing me to pay by the drink is that right i could just sort of apply it at a more granular level yes that's exactly right it's really paper use you can use it as much or as little as you want you just pay for what you use and as i mentioned it's not a static payment either so if you if you have a lot of data loads going on and right now you pay a little more at night when you have less going on you pay a lot less so so you're really just paying for what you use and it's very easy to set it up for a single application or all your applications how about for things like continuous replication or real-time analytics is the service designed to support that yes so that's that's the heritage of golden gate so we've goldengate's been around for decades and we've worked with some of the most demanding customers in the world on exactly those things so real-time data all over the enterprise is really the goal that everyone wants real-time data from otp into analytics from from one system to another system and for availability that is the key uh benefit of golden gate and that's the key technology that we've been working on for decades and now we have it very easy to use in the cloud what would be the overheads associated with that i mean for instance you've got you need a second copy you need other database copies and where does it make sense to incur that overhead obviously the super high availability apps that can support so exploit in real time think like fraud detection is the obvious one but but what else can you add there uh well golden gate itself doesn't require any extra copies of anything however it does enable customers that want to create for example an analytic system a data warehouse to feed data from all their systems in real time into that data warehouse for example and it also enables the real-time capabilities enable high availability and you can get high availability within the cloud within between on premises in the cloud between clouds also you can migrate data migrate databases without having to take them down so all these capabilities are are available now and they're very easy to use okay thanks for that clarification what about autonomous is that on the roadmap or yeah so the golden gate is essentially an autonomous service and it works with the oracle autonomous database so you can both use it as as a source for data and as a place you're you're as a sync for data as a place you're writing data so for example you can have an autonomous otp database that's replicating to another autonomous otp database in real time and both of them are replicating changes to the autonomous data warehouse but it doesn't all have to be autonomous you can have any mix of you know autonomous non-autonomous on-prem in cloud in anybody's cloud so all you that's the beauty of golden gate it's extremely flexible well you mentioned elasticity a couple times i mean why is that so important that the golden gate on oci gives you that elastic whatever billing the auto scaling what talk talk to me in terms of what that does for the customer yeah there's really two big benefits one benefit is it's very difficult to predict workloads so normally on an on-prem configuration you have to say okay what is the max possible workload that's going to happen here and it and then you have to buy the product configure the product get hardware basically size everything for that and then if you guess wrong you're either spending too much because you oversized it or you have a big data real-time problem the data can't keep up with the real time because you've undersized the configuration so that's hard to do so the beauty of elasticity and the dynamic elasticity the paper use is you don't have to figure all this stuff out so if you have more workload we grow it automatically if you have less workload we shrink it automatically and you don't have to guess ahead of time you don't have to price ahead of time so you just use what what you use right you don't pay for something that you're not using so it's a very big change in the whole model of how you use these data replication integration high availability technologies well i think i'm correct in saying you know golden gate primarily has been for for big companies uh you mentioned that you know small companies can now take advantage of this service we talked about the granularity and i can definitely see so can they afford it i guess it's part one and then and then the other part of the question is i can see golden gate really satisfying your on-prem customers and them taking advantage of it but do you think this will attract new customers beyond your your core so two-part question there yeah uh absolutely so you know small customers have been challenged by the complexity of data integration and that's one of the great things about the cloud service is it's dramatically simpler so oracle manages everything oracle does the patching the upgrades oracle does the monitoring it takes care of the high availability of the product so all that management complexity all the configuration setup everything like that that's all automated that's owned by oracle so small customers were always challenged by by the complexity product along with everything else that they had to do and then the other course benefit is small customers were challenged by the large fixed price so now with pay-per-use they pay only for what they use it's really usable by easily by small customers also so it really expands the market and makes it more broadly applicable so kind of same answer for beyond your existing customer base beyond the on-prem guys that kind of you answered my two-part question with one answer so that was pretty efficient pun intended um so the bottom line for me in squinting through this announcement is you've got the heterogeneity piece um with golden gate oci and as such it's going to give you the capability to create what i'll call an architecturally coherent and decentralized data mesh big on this data mesh these days sort of decentralized you know data um with the proviso then i got to be able to connect to oc oci which of course you can do with azure or i guess you could bring cloud a customer on prem first of all is this correct and can we expect you over time to do this with aws or other cloud providers it can move data from amazon or to amazon it can it can it can actually handle you know any data wherever wherever it lives um so yeah it's it's very flexible uh and it's really just the the automation of all the management that we're running in our public cloud but the data can be from anywhere to anywhere cool all right let's switch topics here a little bit just talk about some of the things that you've been working on some of the innovation uh you i've sat through your blockchain announcement it was very cool of course i love anything blockchain and crypto nfts are exploding i saw the coinbase ipo it's just really an exciting time out there i think i think a lot of people don't really appreciate the innovation that's occurring uh but so you've been making a lot of big announcements last several months you've been taking your r d bringing it into product so that's great we'd love to always see that because that's where really the rubber meets the road just from the database side of the house you announced 21c the next generation of of the self-driving uh data warehouse adw blockchain tables now you got golden gate running on oci take us inside the development organizations and what are the underlying drivers other than your boss when we talk about our autonomous database it is the mission critical oracle database but it's dramatically easier to do so oracle does all the management of automation but also we use machine learning to tune and to make it highly available and to make it highly secure so that that's been one of our biggest products we've been working on for many years and recently we enhanced our autonomous data warehouse taking it beyond being a data warehouse to a complete data analytics platform so it includes things like etl so we built etl into the autonomous data warehouse we're building our golden gate replication into autonomous data warehousing we built machine learning directly natively into the database so now if someone wants to run some machine learning they just run a machine learning query they no longer have to stand up a separate system so a big move that we've been making is taking it beyond just a database to a full analytic platform and this goes beyond what anyone else in the industry is doing because we have a lot more technology so for example that ml machine learning directly in the database the etl directly in the database the data replication directly in the database all these things are very unique to oracle and they dramatically simplify for customers how they they manage data in addition to that you know we've also been working in our database product we've enhanced it tremendously so our big goal there is to provide what we call a converged database so all you everything you need all the data types whether it's json relational spatial graph all that different kinds of data types all the different kinds of workloads analytics oltp things like blockchain microservices events all built into the oracle database making it dramatically easier to both develop and deploy new applications so those are those are some of our big big goals make it simpler make it integrated take the complexity we'll take on the complexity so developers and customers find it easy to develop and easy to use and we've made huge strides in all these areas in the last couple years that's awesome i i wonder if we could land on blockchain again from that was kind of joking but sort of on on crypto you're not you're not about crypto but you are about applying blockchain maybe you can help our audience understand what are some of the real use cases where blockchain tech can be used with oracle database yeah so that's a very interesting topic as you mentioned blockchain is very current we see a lot of cryptocurrencies uh distributed applications for blockchain so uh in in general in the past we've had two worlds we've had the enterprise data management world and we've had the blockchain world and these are very distinct right and on the blockchain side the applications have mostly centered around distributed multi-party applications right so where you have multiple parties they all want to reach consensus and then that consensus is stored in a blockchain so that's kind of been the focus of blockchain and what we've done is very innovative we're the first company to ever do this is we've taken the core architecture ideas and really a lot of it has to do with the cryptography of blockchain and we've built we've engineered that natively into the mainstream oracle database so now in mainstream oracle database we have blockchain technology built in and it's very it's dramatically simpler to use and you know the use cases you asked about the use case so that that's what we've done and it's taken us about five years to do this now it's been released into the market in our mainstream 19c oracle database so the use case is different from the conventional blockchain use case which i mentioned was really multi-party consensus-based apps we're trying to make blockchain useful for mainstream enterprise and government applications so any any kind of mainstream government application or enterprise application and the idea of blockchain the core concept of blockchain is it addresses a different kind of security problem so when you look at conventional security it's really trying to keep people out so we have things like firewalls passwords encryption data encryption it's all about keeping bad people out of the data and there's really two big problems that it doesn't address well one problem is uh that there's always new security exploits being published so you have hackers out there that are working overtime sometimes they're nation states that are trying to attack data providers and every week every month there's a new security exploit that's discovered and this happens all the time so that's one big problem so we we're building up these elaborate walls of protection around our core data assets and in the meantime we have basically barbarians attacking on every side uh and every once in a while they get over they get over the walls and this this this is just this is just what's happening so that's one big problem and the second big problem is uh illicit changes made by people with credentials so sometimes you have an insider in your in your company whether it's an administrator a salesperson a support person that has valid credentials but that uses those valid credentials in some illicit way they go out and change somebody's data for their own gain and even more common than that because there's not that many uh bad guys inside the company although they exist is stolen credentials so uh what's happened in in many cases is hackers or nation states will steal for example administrative credentials and then use those administrative credentials to come into a system and steal data so that's the kind of problem that is not well addressed by security makers so if you have privileges security mechanism says yeah you're fine if somebody steals your privileges again you get to pass through the gate and so what we've done with blockchain is we've taken the cryptography elements of blockchain what we call crypto secure data management and we've built those into the oracle database so think of it this way if someone actually makes it through over the walls that we've built and into the core data what we've done with that cryptographic technology of blockchain is we've made that immutable so you can't change it so even if you make it over the gate you can't get in the into the the core data assets and change those assets uh and that's now built into oracle database is super easy to adopt and i think it's going to really enhance and expand the community of people that can actually use that blockchain technology i mean that's awesome i could talk all day about blockchain and i mean when you think about the hackers it's all they're all about roi value over cost and if you can increase the denominator they're going to go somewhere else right because the value will will decline and it's really the the intersection of of software engineering cryptography and and i guess even when you bring crypto currency into it it's the sort of the game theory uh that's really kind of not what you're all about but but the first two pieces are really critical in terms of just next generation of raising that that security hurdle um love it uh now go ahead it's a different approach i was just gonna say it's a different approach because think about trying to keep people out with things like passwords and and firewalls you can have basically bugs in that software that allow people to exploit and get in when you're talking about cryptography that's math it's very difficult i mean you really can't bypass math once the data is cryptographically protected on a blockchain you know hacker can't really do anything with that it's just you know math is math there's nothing you can do to break it right it's very different from trying to get through some algorithm that's really trying to keep you up awesome i said i could talk forever on this topic but let me let me go into some competitive uh dynamics you recently announced autonomous data warehouse uh with you've got service capabilities that are really trying to appeal to the line of business i want to get your take on that announcement and specifically how you think it compares name names i'm gonna name names you don't you don't have to but snowflake obviously a lot of momentum in the marketplace aws with redshift is doing very very well obviously there are others but those are those are two prominent ones that we've tracked and our data shows uh you know have momentum how do you compare yeah so there's a number of different uh ways to look at look at the comparison so you know the most simplest and straightforward is there's a lot more functionality in oracle data we're having oracle's been doing this for decades we have a lot of built-in functionality for example machine learning natively built into the database makes it super easy to use we have you know mixed workloads we have spatial capabilities we have graph capabilities we have json capabilities we have microservice capabilities we have rescued so there's a lot more capability so that's number one number two our cloud service is dramatically more elastic so with our cloud service all you really do is you you basically move this slide you say hey i want more resources i want less resources in fact we'll do that automatically that's called auto scaling in contrast when you look at people like snowflake or redshift they want you to stand up a new cluster hey you have some more workload on monday stand up another cluster and then we'll we'll have two sets of clusters or maybe you want a third cluster maybe you want a fourth so you end up with all these different systems which is how they scale they say hey i can have multiple sets of of servers access the same data with oracle you don't have to even think about those things uh we auto scale you get more workload we we just give it more resources you don't even have to think about that and then the other thing is we're looking at the whole data management and the end problem so starting with capturing the data moving the data in real time transforming the data loading the data running machine learning and analytics on the data kept you know putting all kinds of data in a single place you can do analytics on all of it together and then you know having very rich uh screen capabilities for viewing the data graphing the data modeling the data all those things so it's all integrated it makes it super easy to use so much easier much more functionality and much more elastic than any of our competitors in the market interesting thank you for those comments i mean it's a different world right i mean you guys got all the market share they got all the growth those those things over time as you know you've been around you see it they they come together and then you know you fight it out and you know made the best approach win so yeah also you know you know i forgot to mention the obvious thing which is you know oracle runs everywhere so you can run oracle on premises you can run oracle in the public cloud you can run what we call cloud at customer our competitors really are just public cloud only so you customers don't get the choice of where they want to run their their data warehouse and one a while ago uh i sat down with david floyer and mark stamer we we reviewed how gartner looks at the marketplace and it wasn't surprised that when it came to operational workloads you know oracle stood out i mean that's kind of an understatement relative to the major competitors most of our viewers i don't think expected for instance microsoft or aws to be that far away from you um but at the same time the database magic quadrant maybe didn't reflect that gap as widely so there's some dissonance there with the the the detailed workload drill downs were dramatic and i wonder what's your take on the results i mean obviously you're happy with them you came out you know the leading in virtually every category or you were one and two and some of the sort of not even non-mission critical operational stuff but but what can you add to my my narrative there yeah so garner uh first of all we're look we're talking about cloud databases right right so this is not on premises databases is pure cloud databases and what they did is they did two things one is the main thing was a a technical uh rating of the databases of the cloud databases and you know there's other vendors that have been had database in the cloud for longer than we have but in the most recent gartner analysis report as you mentioned oracle came out on top for cloud database technology in almost every single operational use case including things like internet of things things like json data variable data analytics as well as the traditional otp and mixed workloads so oracle was rated the highest technology which isn't a big surprise we've been doing this for decades uh we you know you know over 90 percent of the of the global fortune 500 run oracle and there's a reason because you know this is what we're good at is our core strength our availability our security our scalability our functionality both for otp and analytics all the capabilities you know built-in machine learning graph analytics everything so um even when we compare narrowly things like internet of things or variable data against niche competitors that that's what all they do we came out dramatically ahead but what surprised a lot of people is how far ahead of some of the other cloud vendors like amazon like azure like google oracle came out ahead in the cloud database category so a lot of people think well you know some of these other pure cloud vendors must be ahead of oracle in cloud database but actually not i mean if you look at the analysts uh the analyst the gartner analyst report uh it was very clear it was oracle was dramatically ahead of uh their cloud database technologies with our cloud database so i'm pretty much out of time my last question i've had some interesting discussions lately and and you know we've pointed out for years in our research that yeah of course you're delivering the entire stack the database part of the infrastructure the applications you have the whole engineered system strategy and for the most part you're you're kind of unique in this disregard i mean dell just announced that it's spinning off vmware uh it could have gone the other direction and become more integrated hardware and software player for the data center but look it's working for dell based on the reaction you know from the street post announcement cisco they get a hardware and software model that's sort of integrated but the companies value that peaked you know back in the dot-com boom it's been very slow to to bounce back but my point is for these companies the street doesn't value the integrated model oracle is kind of the exception you know it's it's at trading at all-time highs and you're not going to comment on the stock price but but i guess in sap until it missed and guided conservatively you know was was kind of on the good trajectory but so i'm wondering why do you think oracle strategy resonates with investors but not you know so much those companies is it is it because you have the applications piece i mean maybe that's kind of my premise for for sap but what's your take why is it working for you uh well okay i think it's pretty simple which is some of our competitors uh for example they might have a software product and a hardware product but mostly those are acquired and they're separate products that just happen to be in a portfolio uh they are not a single company with a single vision and joint engineering going on it's really hey i got the software on the over here i got the hardware over there but they don't really talk to each other they don't really work together they're not trying to develop something where the stack is actually not just integrated but engineered together and that is really the key oracle focuses on data management top to bottom so we have everything from our erp crm applications talking to our database talking to our engineer systems you know running in our cloud and it's all completely engineered together so oracle oracle doesn't just acquire these things and kind of glue them together we actually engineer them together and that's fundamentally the difference you can buy two things and have them as two separate divisions in your company but it doesn't really get you a whole lot juan it's always a pleasure i love these conversations and hope we can do more in the future really appreciate your time thanks for coming on thecube pleasure dave nice to talk to you all right keep it right there everybody or thank you for watching everybody this is dave vellante for the cube we'll see you next time [Music] you


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