Bob Lazar Revealed The Most TERRIFYING Secret They We’re NOT Supposed To Know

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Dr. Steven Greer has revealed a groundbreaking UFO   propulsion technology that doesn't  rely on conventional engines   or nuclear power, echoing the innovative spirit of  Nikola Tesla's early experiments. In a few weeks,   we might see human-made flying saucers soaring  through Earth's skies. But what if this  

technology falls into the wrong hands and sparks  a massive nuclear war? Let's explore the truth   that visitors from other worlds have been hiding  to protect us from such a devastating conflict.  Could this powerful technology change our world  for better or for worse? As Dr. Greer pointed out,   the real issue is that the technology involves  a completely new kind of physics. It uses   a propulsion system that operates without  conventional engines like jets or rockets,   and it doesn’t rely on nuclear power,  as it produces no heat. This innovative   technology mirrors the high-voltage experiments  of Nikola Tesla and others from the early 1900s.

The choice is tough: show everyone this amazing  new technology and maybe mess up the whole   economy, or keep it secret to save the businesses  and jobs we've known for years. This new tech   could give everyone clean and free energy,  changing how we live and how we treat our planet. But instead, we're sticking to the old  ways—building more roads and using old   energy sources. Keeping this game-changing  technology hidden isn't just about science;   it's a big moral and social issue. It's  about choosing short-term economic safety   over a chance for a better world and  healthier environment in the long run. This situation makes us think about what really  matters to the powerful people making these   decisions. It forces us to look at what we're  giving up in the name of “progress” and ask  

if we're paying too much to avoid change.  The hidden tech story is a reminder of the   roads we didn't take and what could happen  if we were more open with our decisions. We need to talk more about how we handle and share  big tech breakthroughs. It's important to think  

about being open, responsible, and caring for  everyone when we decide how to use technologies   that could change everything. As we talk about  these big questions, we must balance the good tech   can do with the problems it might cause, making  sure today's decisions don't hurt our future. Dr. Greer points out a problem where  wanting power and money stops us from   using science for good. He imagines a world  where we don't have to worry about energy,   where there's less pollution and  poverty because we've moved beyond old,   dirty energy sources. But the need for  control keeps these better options hidden.

This makes us question the motives of those in  charge. If the science behind these technologies   is strong, why aren't we using them? Why stick  with old, harmful energy when there's something   better? It looks like the current system benefits  just a few people at the top, not all of us. Think about what could've been. If we had  switched to this new "Zero Point Energy" sooner,  

maybe we wouldn't have damaged our planet so much.  We might not have had to fight over oil and gas,   and big companies wouldn't make so much  money from expensive, limited energy. Despite what could have been, we're still  facing big problems like climate change,   fights over energy, and a lot of  unfairness—problems that might have   been smaller if we had changed our energy  ways sooner. Dr. Greer thinks we need to   really look at why those with power  stop tech that could help everyone. Doubts and fears about new tech  often help those who benefit from   keeping things the way they are. While  most people don't get the full story,  

the old, polluting energy systems keep  making money for a few powerful people. This fight over who controls science and  technology raises big questions about our   leaders and what's really best for us  all. Dr. Greer's insights make us think   about our values and the future we want.  He believes real progress means letting go   of control and choosing openness and  innovation for the good of everyone.

Such a reevaluation is urgent. We need to  ask ourselves if we are content to follow   old paths that lead to environmental  degradation and societal inequality,   or if we are ready to support a  shift towards technologies that   could revolutionize our quality of life. The  dialogue about these technologies is crucial,   not just among scientists and policymakers but  among all citizens. The decision to embrace new   technologies should be driven by their potential  to improve lives, not stifled by the interests   of the few. Dr. Greer’s message is clear: the  future could be bright with unlimited energy,  

but only if we decide to challenge the  structures that keep such advancements   hidden. Shocking truths about hidden technologies  set the stage for even more startling revelations. The Disturbing Web of Government Deception When the experts began their  collaboration, they appeared   deeply troubled, showing signs of what could  be called 'disclosure PTSD.' In the 1990s,   it was a startling revelation for many to  uncover a hidden aspect of the government.   This hidden side not only withheld crucial  information from the public but also involved   dark activities. It was profoundly disturbing  to discover that events often blamed on aliens,  

such as abductions and mutilations, were actually  orchestrated by humans. These staged incidents   were designed to frighten and manipulate the  public, shattering many long-held beliefs. Credible testimonies from an Air Force  intelligence officer, backed by documents,   confirmed that these horrifying acts were carried  out by humans as part of psychological warfare.   This strategy of fear and deception aimed  to keep advanced energy technologies hidden.   Because of this secrecy, humanity entered  what can be called 'The Lost Century.'   During this time, people missed out on  significant advancements and benefits.

If these hidden technologies were revealed  and shared, imagine the world we could live   in. Pollution could become a thing of the past,  energy would be free after the initial setup of   equipment, and poverty worldwide could be  eliminated within just 20 years. However,   enormous barriers block this potential utopia:  the current holders of power and wealth. They   have a vested interest, with hundreds of trillions  of dollars at stake, in keeping these technologies   hidden and maintaining their control over  the world’s resources and power structures. The scenario revolves around  more than just energy access;   it's about global control. Recent worldwide  lockdowns can be seen as a preliminary test  

for bigger plans. Authorities might be  preparing to reveal these technologies to   create fear in the global population. This fear  would serve as a justification for implementing   a totalitarian system. Such a system would  be ruled by military and centralized power,   taking away freedoms and controlling through  fear instead of maintaining democratic values. In this alarming context, the disclosure of  advanced technologies serves as a potential   tool for manipulation rather than as a stepping  stone to global improvement. The ultimate goal  

for those in power is to extend their control  universally, not just over one country but across   the entire world. The looming question is whether  the general public will ever fully understand the   stakes involved, or if they will be kept in the  dark, manipulated by fear and misinformation. What's particularly unsettling about this is  not just the dishonesty but how it plays on   people's fears. The fake abductions are not just  lies; they cause real harm to those portrayed as  

victims. These events, made to look like the work  of highly advanced aliens, are actually carried   out by a hidden group within our own society,  using technology that we're told doesn't exist. So, why do they do this? The benefits are  clear: if people are united in fear of   a common "alien" enemy, they're more likely  to agree to measures they think will protect   them. These measures also tend to increase the  power and control of those behind the scenes.  This tactic also shows a deep disrespect for the  public’s intelligence. It suggests that people  

are easier to manage when they're scared rather  than informed about the real challenges that   could unite us, such as climate change,  economic issues, or true social reforms. The threat of aliens is a convenient fiction, a  tool used by a few to control public perception   and maintain their grip on power. It keeps  everyone looking outward at a false danger,   instead of inward at the actions of those who  profit from maintaining the current system.   As we uncover more about these deceitful  practices, it becomes clear that our biggest   challenges come not from space, but from the  elite in our society who twist truths to shape   our future and limit what we can achieve. This  manipulative approach keeps people from focusing  

on real issues that require collective action,  instead trapping us in fear and distraction. The concept of "disclosure PTSD" highlights   the psychological stress that  comes from knowing deep hidden. Dr. Greer sees himself as someone who needs to  alert both the public and leaders about this   misleading use of information, which he considers  completely dishonest. Prominent individuals like  

Congressman Barrett have noted that if the  alien beings we hear about were truly harmful,   we would have been destroyed by now. Considering  their supposed technological advantage—potentially   millions of years more advanced than ours—if  they wanted to harm us, they easily could have. This insight casts doubt on the stories  of alien hostility. Take the reports of   unidentified crafts interfering with nuclear  weapons systems, which were initially seen as   hostile actions. Upon closer reflection, these  might not be threats but rather demonstrations   urging us to think about the dangerous  paths we could choose to leave behind.   Uncovering the real motives behind these  manipulations reveals a new perspective.

The Far-Reaching Impact of Our Actions Exploring deeper into these stories, it's evident  that depicting interactions with beings from outer   space as horror stories can be a method to justify  large defense budgets and the growth of national   security operations. By showing these advanced  beings as potential threats, those in command   have a ready excuse to gather public backing  for defense spending, invest heavily into the   military-industrial complex, and keep a climate  of fear that allows them to maintain control. Dr. Greer encourages us to doubt the accuracy  of government stories and to think about the   possibility that our leaders might use  the idea of threats from outer space   to twist public opinion and shape policy.  The so-called dangers from these advanced  

civilizations draw attention away from pressing  global issues like the climate crisis, poverty,   and social inequality, which are often  overlooked in political conversations. This manipulation through fear and spreading  of false information highlights a deep level   of distrust in our leadership structures. It  shows how far those in power are willing to   go to secure their positions, maintain  their influence, and keep the public in   the dark. As we delve into these dynamics,  it becomes increasingly clear that our real   challenge may not be from potential invaders  from space, but from the deceitful practices   of our own leaders who use fear  to achieve their objectives.

This situation suggests a worrying view of  governance where openness and honesty are   sacrificed for control, prompting us to assess  the stories we are told critically and to seek a   deeper understanding of the real motives behind  the narratives that are pushed upon us. As we   reflect on these issues, we must remain  vigilant and question the information that   shapes our worldview, pushing for transparency  and accountability from those who lead us. This   critical examination ensures that fear does not  cloud our judgment or dictate our decisions,   allowing us to focus on building a  more informed and equitable society.

The real problem with our nuclear  weapons goes beyond their obvious   potential to cause massive destruction if  used in war, destroying life on Earth—a   place they consider highly unique and  valuable. But there’s another layer to the   danger of these weapons that isn’t commonly  discussed. When a nuclear weapon explodes,   it not only releases a well-known effect called  an electromagnetic pulse, but it also emits   what Nikola Tesla identified as a scalar signal.  This type of signal moves faster than the speed   of light because it travels directly in a line,  not as a wave like the light we normally see. These scalar emissions are problematic because  they interfere with technologies that might not   even be from our world, disrupting communication  and navigation systems of extraterrestrial   origins. This interference could explain why some  unidentified flying objects have malfunctioned   and crashed, such as the famed incident near  Roswell, which coincidentally occurred close   to the world’s only atomic bomb squadron at  that time. It’s not too far-fetched then to  

consider that our nuclear tests might  have accidentally caused these crashes. This adds a disturbing dimension to how we view  nuclear technology. We’ve always understood the   immediate, catastrophic damage these weapons  can cause, but we might be overlooking other   significant risks—those that could extend  beyond our planet. What if these weapons are   causing disruptions not just on Earth, but  also affecting beings and systems in space? Why isn’t this information more widely known?  Is it because the implications are too alarming,   or would acknowledging them force us to  completely rethink our approach to nuclear   technology? It also raises further  questions about what other effects   these weapons might have that we are not  aware of or have not been disclosed to us. If it’s true that beings from other worlds are  concerned and possibly affected by our use of   nuclear weapons, this could imply that they have  a vested interest in our planet that goes beyond   simple observation. Perhaps their presence at  nuclear sites isn’t about hostility but about   trying to mitigate damage—not just for their  own safety but potentially for ours as well.

This scenario paints humanity as rather careless,   playing with dangerous technologies without full  awareness of how far-reaching the consequences   might be. It suggests that our actions on Earth  could have ripple effects that extend into space,   potentially impacting other beings and  ecosystems we don’t yet understand. These revelations push us to consider our  responsibilities not just on a global scale,   but possibly on an interstellar one. How do  we manage our most destructive technologies,   knowing they could have consequences  that influence not just our own planet   but others as well? How do we balance our national   security needs with the potential risks to  extraterrestrial beings and their systems? As we delve deeper into these issues, they  reveal a complex layer of responsibility   that humanity is only just beginning to  explore. The challenge now is not only  

managing our weapons but also understanding  their broader implications in a universe that   may be much more interconnected than we  ever considered. This situation calls for   a more informed and careful approach  to our technological advancements,   ensuring that we are mindful of both the seen and  unseen effects of our actions on a cosmic scale. At the 59th Army Airbase, Walker Air Force  Base , Dr. Greer challenges the usual  

stories of fear and distrust that are often  associated with extraterrestrial beings. He   asks a critical question: if beings from  other planets were really a threat to us,   wouldn't they have harmed us by now? This question  prompts us to reconsider the stories of fear that   are commonly told about extraterrestrial life.  What if we considered ourselves part of a larger,   peaceful cosmic community? How would this new  understanding change the way we view ourselves   and Earth? New evidence challenges what we  think we know about extraterrestrial encounters. The Incredible Truths of Interstellar Peacekeepers Dr. Greer believes that if beings from other  worlds are watching our nuclear activities and   even stepping in, they're likely doing  so to keep peace and prevent disasters,   not to cause trouble. This idea is very different  from the usual stories from governments and media  

that paint these beings as threats. It questions  the need for huge military budgets and the growth   of the military-industrial complex. If these  extraterrestrial beings haven't attacked us,   maybe they're here to help and  protect life, not to invade us. Dr. Greer backs up his claims with a lot of  proof, which he has shown to major government  

groups like the House Oversight Committee, the  Senate Intelligence Committee, the Pentagon,   and the White House. He gave them a hard drive  with tons of data, including witness accounts,   locations of key sites, photos of  the spacecrafts used by these beings,   and stories from military people who have  met these beings and their technology. This data makes us rethink how we  understand signs of extraterrestrial   contact and what their motives might  be. It challenges the usual fear of   the unknown and suggests we could  view these advanced civilizations as   not only technologically ahead but also as  leaders in peace and cooperation in space.

Dr. Greer's ideas suggest we are part of a  peaceful space community, which is a big change   from fearing the unknown. This new view could make  us change our world priorities from competing and   fighting to working together and taking care of  the space around us. It asks us to consider a   future where we use our resources for technology  that helps all life, not just for weapons. This new thinking means we must question the  powerful groups that benefit from promoting   war and fear. We need to look closely at why  there's so much secrecy and scary stories   about extraterrestrial beings. Changing  our view could lead to big changes in  

how we act globally and how we approach the  unknown. It paints a picture of a world that   interacts with the universe with curiosity and  respect, not fear and doubt. This could start   a new time of taking care of our planet  and respecting our place in the universe. Witnesses have worked with artists to make  detailed drawings of their encounters,   and we've shared all this evidence. Yet, even  with all this information, people might still   be shocked. Back in 1991, an intelligence  officer warned me that telling the truth  

about this openly could make you lose credibility.  He said the truth is often harder to believe than   the fictional stories that people usually accept.  This puts us in a difficult spot—should we share   the truth and risk losing credibility, or keep  it simple so it's easier for people to accept? Think about how bizarre this situation is.  We have credible witnesses and detailed   illustrations of unidentified objects, but  the truth is so outlandish that it's hard   for many people to believe. Society  tends to accept narratives that fit   comfortably within their existing  understanding of the world, rather   than facing truths that might  challenge or change that understanding. This gap between reality and what is  often believed exposes a major problem   in handling sensitive information. Authorities  and institutions have become experts at crafting  

and controlling narratives, offering the public  a version of the truth that is easy to accept and   avoids the more complicated, uncomfortable facts.  This strategy is not just about keeping hidden;   it's about molding public perception to  limit what people believe is possible. The intelligence officer's warning about  losing credibility was not just advice;   it was an insight into how control and influence  are exercised over public access to truth. It   presents a cynical but realistic view of how  particularly earth-shaking information is managed. It’s quite frustrating, as the options  seem to be either to distort the truth   to keep one's credibility or to be truthful  and be dismissed as a fabricator. This is the   dilemma for anyone who knows too much.  Do we really want to live in a society  

where truths are modified to fit what is  deemed acceptable or believable? Isn't it   condescending to treat the public like children,  unable to grasp the full complexity of reality? Challenging this system is a daunting task.  It involves not only bringing hidden truths   to light but also helping the public to accept  realities that might seem incredibly strange   at first. This effort requires changing  deep-seated beliefs and confronting the   very standards by which people judge  what is credible and what is not.

Thus, the struggle extends beyond simply revealing  concealed technologies or alien encounters;   it's about advocating for a change  in how truth is handled. We need to   aim for a world where truth isn't shaped  or watered down but is presented fully,   respecting the public's capacity to handle  these truths, no matter how extraordinary they   may appear. This fight for truth demands not only  exposing what has been hidden but also educating   and preparing society to understand and accept  these deeper realities without fear or dismissal.

At the age of 68, with twelve grandchildren,  he felt a deep sense of urgency and purpose.   His life had been marked by many controversies,  but now he embraced them with a renewed focus. He   wasn't interested in a quiet retirement. Instead,  his goal was clear and ambitious. In the next six   to twelve months, he aimed to gather substantial  evidence of extraterrestrial existence. This   evidence would include actual alien bodies,  their spacecraft, and related human-made objects.

He planned to present this evidence first  to members of Congress and the White House.   Following this, he intended to share the findings  with people around the world. Though challenging,   He believed this mission was achievable  within the year. His determination and  

commitment drove him forward, motivated  by a vision that transcended personal   comfort and aimed for a revelation of global  significance. The search for truth continues,   aiming to reveal hidden that  could change everything. The Government Hides the Nuclear Truth There's no need to hold back when  talking about tough or sensitive   issues, regardless of age. The goal here is  clear: to uncover and share hidden truths,   even if it stirs up discomfort or controversy.  It's about pushing boundaries and bringing light  

to the dark corners of knowledge, driven by a  deep commitment to transparency and discovery. This isn't just about satisfying curiosity. It's  a critical effort aimed at preparing leaders and   the global community to handle deep truths that  could completely shift our perspective of the   world. Presenting these findings to top officials  first is a calculated move. It allows time for   careful consideration of the consequences before  the information is released to the broader public.

The mission is more than personal; it's about  paving the way for a global shift in understanding   and perhaps even redefining humanity's  place in the cosmos. It's crucial to have   a solid plan for dealing with and understanding  information that challenges our current reality. The timeline for this mission  is tight but necessary. Given   the potentially revolutionary  impact of these discoveries,   a passive or overly cautious strategy is not an  option. It's about promoting change, ensuring   transparency, and preparing for a future where  such disclosures are handled wisely and openly. This commitment to revealing the truth about  extraterrestrial life and technology is part   of a larger commitment to honesty  and transparency that has recently   become more significant. This isn't about  stirring controversy for the sake of it;  

it's about fostering readiness and openness  for dealing with realities previously deemed   as fiction. This push for disclosure is a critical  step toward a more informed and prepared society,   ready to face whatever truths lie  beyond our current understanding. If the expected evidence is presented to  high-level government officials, Dr. Greer   could be on the verge of making one of the most  momentous discoveries in human history. However,  

the road to truth is fraught with challenges like  deep-seated skepticism and controversy. The main   challenge is to differentiate between natural  skepticism and the strong evidence that emerges. As we stand on the precipice of  potentially world-changing disclosures,   we must consider how to prepare for  the unveiling of extraterrestrial   life and technology. This isn't just about  accepting something new; it's about how we,   as a society, handle the profound changes  that such revelations would bring. Dr. Greer is leading the charge for the disclosure  of secrets that could fundamentally change our  

understanding of the universe. Yet, he faces  significant resistance from a skeptical public   and institutions fearful of change. This  resistance is significant because it comes   from a deep-seated reluctance to upset the  established order of knowledge and belief. Ironically, despite the potentially huge  impact of these disclosures, there is a   widespread hesitancy to accept or even seriously  consider them. This reluctance isn't just from  

individuals but also from powerful institutions  that prefer to maintain the status quo. The   prospect of humans joining a broader cosmic  community is both exciting and intimidating. Preparing involves more than adjusting  our personal beliefs as we teeter on the   threshold of major disclosures. It calls  for a readiness across our culture and our   scientific communities to embrace ideas and  realities that were previously only imagined   in science fiction. This preparation is about  recognizing the existence of life beyond Earth  

and understanding the implications of the advanced  technologies that might come with it. How will   these technologies transform our daily lives?  What new responsibilities might we need to assume? The challenge is further complicated  by how these disclosures are handled.   Balancing the need to keep the public  well-informed while preventing widespread   panic is delicate. The disclosure  process must be managed carefully   to ensure it leads to understanding and  progress, rather than confusion and fear.

Therefore, as Dr. Greer continues his  efforts, the broader challenge involves   uncovering hidden truths and managing  their impact. How society reacts, adapts,   and utilizes this new knowledge will be just  as crucial as the disclosures themselves. As we approach a crucial moment, the real work  might be just beginning. It's not simply about   proving doubters wrong but also about guiding  humanity through the significant transformations   that such knowledge would necessitate. This  situation calls for a solid framework that   includes scientific research, public dialogue,  and ready policy measures extending beyond the   act of disclosure. It's about fundamentally  redefining our place in the universe and  

responsibly integrating new truths into  the framework of human civilization. What are your thoughts on the potential  consequences of Dr. Greer's disclosures?   Could they redefine humanity's future?  Like, comment, and subscribe for more!


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