Webinar online master’s Food Technology WURtube

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hello and welcome to the webinar about the online  master in food technology thank you for joining   it's really nice to uh to have  you here in this online session   my name is arien zehrat i'm one of the  two program directors of this program   and today i will act as the moderator of this  session because the start of the show is jennike   my name is yannick heising and together with  iron i'm program director of the online master   food technology and i will present something  about the program and hopefully i can also   answer all of your questions yeah so uh  the goal of this session is to give you uh   an overview of what this program is like to to to  show you what it is to provide you this overview   but for most also it's this is not a web youtube  thing that you're looking at you can ask this   question i have computer here you can ask  questions please shoot your questions at me   we really need you to make this webinar  an interactive thing if you have questions   let me know um and so maybe to to uh to start  off it's nice to uh for us to know also a bit   uh about you so maybe you can let us know in the  question thing i think in the right hand side   bottom of your screen there's a orange button  there you can post your questions please let   us know there where you're from it's nice  for us to know a bit away from and to also   view to have a bit of a feeling about our audience  um so before we start with uh uh a presentation by   yannick let's start with a a video uh by in which  you will see one of the professors of this program i really like to go to the supermarket  i can spend hours in the supermarket   and just look at the new products i'm mostly  interested in the quality of the food you have   to be proud to be a food technologist because you  can have an impact on the daily life of the people the food industry and first of all  is the one of the largest industry   globally but also the degree of innovation that  is in in a food industry is very impressive   you don't see this but if you think  every time you go to the supermarket you   see some new product and behind that  new product there are people who   design the product produce the product scout for  new ingredients so it's a continuous innovation   i decided to study food technology because i  always liked food and i always liked cooking and   in school i realized that natural sciences are  what is most logical to me which is easiest   to me so then i found food technology  that would be the perfect fit for me vacant university is number one in food for now  many years so if you are someone working in food   around the world the wageningen is the first  name that come to mind we always say wagenin   is the disneyland of the food scientist you  will have fun and also you will have a you know   reward in in the type of study you are doing  is fundamental in some aspect you can really   be challenged by the theory and so on but also  applicative you can you know design food you can   test your ideas in different courses let's say you  cannot be bored of study food technologies every   period you have new courses that challenge you in  a different direction so when you graduate with   the info technology with the stick of wageningen  on the top it's really a big asset on your cv   we're using a lot of sugars and stuff like that  and there are always possibilities to reduce the   sugar or the fat and just bring in more natural  based compounds to get a bit more quality getting   back to basic is just to gain more taste and  quality without those added sugars salts and fats   since i have a background in food technology i  also see the production side of their products for   example when you have cookies with like a cream  filling which is more moisture than the cookies   itself and you have to make sure that the cookie  still stays crispy i want to become a product   designer like the nicest would be for like a big  food company of course because you have so many   possibilities because they usually not only have  like one type of product but many different ones   you have many possibilities also in making career  and becoming like more than a product designer yeah this was an impression of our education on on  the compass it was the program the bachelor food   technology and you saw here professor vincenzo  for clano and for me it's great to see in this   video you can really see the passion of the of  the teachers of the professors and also how this   inspires our students and this education on the  compass we do this already for many many years   but since a few years we also give an online  program and maybe it's nice to know that the   same teachers so the same professors that give  the education online they also provide the   the the they provide the on-campus  education but also the online education so if if food sciences in wageningen is the  disneyland of food sciences this is the online   disneyland of food sciences maybe you can show us  the presentation and give us an idea about what   this program is like and how it works yeah  good idea so let's go through the program   so i prepared a small presentation for you in  this presentation i will give you a little bit   an overview of the online program so it consists  of courses and you also will do a thesis and an   internship and at the end there is a lot of space  for questions and we also stimulate you to ask   questions because we like to ask to answer your  questions so basically the online master program   focuses on the core of food technology and  food technology is really multidisciplinary   and it comprises of many disciplines so of  course very important are physics chemistry   microbiology because the shelf life is  important that the birds should be safe   but also how to make it so engineering the  nutrition there are also some aspects of   marketing and maybe you want to have your food  specific properties so it's very broad and so we had to make decisions and in our online  program we really focus on the core of the food   technologies so on ingredient functionality  on sustainable food process engineering   and on product design and so it's quite  generic and a little bit more broad   compared to the specializations of the master  however you will really learn the basis in a   on a very high level so you will learn on  how to do food science research on the master   level and design food products and explain the  disciplines and the re the science behind it if we look to the outline of the program you can  see that the program consists of four years and   in these four years you are supposed to spend 20  hours per week on your program program so it's   a part-time program in the first year you follow  courses so in a full-time program you would need   to obtain 60 credits but because it's a part-time  program you need to obtain 30 credits the same   for the second year you will also follow courses  and in the third and fourth year you will follow   you will focus on doing a thesis  and then you will do an internship   sometimes students decide to do the uh  to combine the third and the fourth year   so then they will work full-time on  this program and then they can do   combine these two years in one year so then the  total length of your program will be three years   um so in the first two years you will follow  courses and maybe it's good to know that all the   courses are true three credits um there are many  compulsory courses so you have to follow these   courses but you can also select some courses  that you want to do when we call them restricted   optional so there's a list of courses and you  have to choose from this list and in this way   you can also specialize yourself a little bit  on what you want to do and also this can help   you to prepare for your thesis that you will  do later on in the third year most courses   they use different learning materials it's also to  activate you because if we would only provide you   lectures and fire knowledge clips then it  would be very boring so what we do we provide   you knowledge clips which are small pieces of  a lecture that are especially recorded in the   studio so they are really of high quality we've  also tutorials in which you can practice with the   materials and there's e-learning materials this  can be material to read but also exercises and   sometimes there's group work but we know that many  of you also have a job for example or a family so   if you have to work at on the same moment that can  be difficult so we always try to be as flexible as   possible and our courses are especially designed  for this at the end of each course there is a an   exam and usually that's an online proctored  exam this means that you make your exam   behind your computer and there's software  that records the activities on your computer   and in this way we can control it and it's  important for the credibility of your exam   so basically in the two years you will follow  courses and there are 11 compulsory courses and   in the next slide i will show you that as well but  besides these courses there are also lab classes   and maybe you also saw it in the video that we  just showed you there you also saw a lot of lab   work because this is also very important of course  for a program like food technology so you also   need to learn some skills and therefore uh twice  in the program you have to come to wageningen   in the first year and in the second year and then  in both years you come to wageningen for two weeks   in february to do lab classes but it's also very  nice because then you can also meet the teachers   on the campus and you can meet your fellow  students so it's also a very nice period to   work together in the lab and to get to know each  other better and the teachers and i also like to   come there and to meet the students so besides  these 11 compulsory courses we have these six   restricted optional courses to choose from  and there's also some space for really   optional courses so not restricted but you  can choose from every course that you want   these can be online courses from another  university or from other programs and if   you are in wageningen you could also follow  for example a campus course so there are lots   of possibilities to fill in these credits and  you can discuss this with the study advisor so here you see an outline of the first two years  with all the different uh courses and you can see   that uh every four weeks you have a different  course so you really focus for four weeks on   one course and then you do the exam and then you  start with a new course so it's quite intense   but then in the short time you will  really learn a lot on the topic then in the third year uh you will do your  thesis and there are several possibilities   for your thesis a thesis usually that  support a project that you do at a   department at the university here and that's  also possible for the online students so   if you follow our online program you can come to  wageningen and then at one of the chair groups   here you can do your thesis yeah similar to normal  campus students but of course it's also possible   to do it online on distance so for example you  can do a thesis and arrange it together with your   employer if you already work for a food company  for example it might be possible to do it at your   own company or maybe you would you prefer to  do it in a what we call a sandwich project so   partly at home and partly here at the university  and then you can also use the facilities here   at the university so this is really up to you and  together we can decide what's the best way for you maybe also could you know that the thesis  can be done part time but also full time   so it really depends on your own flexibility  how long it takes and also for the internship   there's a lot of flexibility so what is an  internship well an internship is a project that's   a research project that takes uh four months so  24 credits and normally for many students from a   university it's important to get some experience  uh in the work field so outside the university   but for you the focus is maybe more important on  doing scientific research at a company because   many of you already have some work experience  and therefore sometimes it's also possible to   reduce the length of the internship a little  bit if you already have a lot of experience   the options for an internship are the standard  internships so you go to a company and this can be   a really large company like uh unilever nestle  freestyle campina but it can also be a startup   a very small company it can be company netherlands  but it can also be a company anywhere around the   world it doesn't matter as long as the assignment  you work on is on the academic level so you should   work independently on a scientific topic and  together with internship coordinators we can   assess the quality of your topic and see  whether it's suitable for doing an internship   you will get a supervisor from the university  but for intership the supervision mainly comes   also from an uh supervisor from the company  so that's also something we have to look at   when we arrange your internship position  but we have a lot of experience with it so   there are many opportunities sometimes people also  ask for an exemption for an internship because   if you already have a lot of work experience we  can imagine that this is a logical question and   uh sometimes it's possible but not always because  it's important that you also did uh that you can   also so proof that you did an uh a topic similar  to an internship at the company so it should also   be a report a research report for example  sometimes we can find a solution in between   that you can use results and then you only need  to write a report on it so we can discuss the possibilities so uh why should  you do this online master well uh   because you really obtain an academic  master from wageningen university so   it's similar to our campus master and it's  also highly valued of course by the work fields and why should you do this program because you  do can do it online from behind your own computer   on your workplace or at home and anywhere in  the world and also at the time you want to do   it so as you saw the courses are scheduled but  within the courses there's a lot of flexibility also you should do this online master because  the research field of food technology is very   important and contributes to  major challenges in the world   not only now but also in the future if i think  about the protein transition about all a a lot   of sustainability issues then i'm sure that there  are challenges enough uh also in the in the future   the labor market is really great both here in the  netherlands but also anywhere in the world and   our graduates are highly valued so it's easy to  get a job after you obtained your master and our   education is really work world class it's maybe a  little bit weird to say about your own education   but it's really excellent teaching and that's  not only because we say it but it's also because   other people tell it about our  education so and we are proud on that um if you want to have more information you can  go to our website you can see here at the link   but if you have a more specific question and  you cannot find the information on the website   then you can also send us an email we  have a general email address and all the   study advisors can read the emails from this email  address so they can answer answer your questions   but maybe you have a question already now and then  you can put it in the chat and then we can discuss   it here in the study studio so i and are there  already questions there are already questions   but there is room for more questions so if you  have questions do not hesitate we i mean of   course you can send emails but if you send send a  question right now you might as well get an answer   uh right now so but there are some  questions and thank you for that   uh thomas has a quite a a practical question uh  but important question of course are all teaching   materials included in the course or do you still  need to buy books ah that's an interesting one usually all materials are available online and  it's really rare that you have to buy books and   that's also because most of  the material we make ourselves   so uh usually we design  our own readers so we write   our own readers and materials and we publish them  on our bright space so uh it's in rare occasions   uh a book is used for a course but that's really  an exception okay maybe you could show us a bit   of the bright space a little later we can yeah  let's do that later on that's a good idea um thomas has a good question do i need a background  in science for this course maybe we can make this   a bit broader what types of background do you  need to enroll in this yeah in this program   uh there are three criteria to uh that is  needed to be uh enrolled so first uh your   level of english need to be on a sufficient  level and there are criteria that you can   find on our general website so depending  on the test there are different criteria   so you really need to fulfill these  criteria otherwise you cannot complete your   admission files well if you fulfilled your  criteria your english criteria then you can   complete your admission files and then we can  look to your gpa so the average of the grades   you obtained in your previous education and also  we will look to the relevance of the programme   in this master you are supposed to know already  a lot about chemistry physics mathematics so pre-education on science is indeed important  however work experience can also be important   and can replace some missing knowledge but at  least you should have quite some some knowledge   about chemistry mathematics preferably also food  chemistry food physics food process engineering   okay thank you uh yannick i hope this question  answers your question if not do let us know um   another question is uh are all courses  pre-recorded or will some be given life   uh yeah good question also um we recorded all  these knowledge clips already that we did it   in the studio and that's because if we broadcast  them live uh then we have problems that different   students are in different time zones so it can  be that you are maybe somewhere in america and   then your fellow student is somewhere in asia and  another one is europe so the time zones are really   different and that's why we decided to make  to record all the materials and to provide the   materials to you to you that you can work on it  at the moment you want so most deadlines they are   weekly deadlines not daily deadlines so within  a week you can see what you have to do and some   prefer to work in the weekend while others prefer  to work on monday and friday for example so that's   really up to you but they are indeed pre-recorded  and usually life attendance is not needed   only during the exam that is scheduled  on a certain moment and in some cases we   use some group work and then it's of course  also nice to have some interaction um and then   the teacher tries to match groups based on the  time zones you are working or living in so that   makes it a little bit easier to communicate with  each other if you want to communicate with your   teacher usually there's also a discussion forum  and there you can also post questions or videos   type things whatever you want and then students  but also the teacher they can answer your question   um so then you don't have to work on the same  time but you can still see uh the uh feedback   from each other and the interaction so  usually it's not live interaction but it's not in the same moment but there's still  a lot of interaction and also for example maybe   nice to know that if we have a recorded  clip you can also put notes in the clip   so if you have a question about something  then the teacher can also see it or there   are other students and you can also help  each other learning from it cool yeah um   there are several questions coming in about yeah  it's this part-time uh part-time master's program   and then the question is uh will the course  loads allow me to continue with my full-time   job so there's more questions about this so how  does this work to combine this program with jobs   yeah yeah well this job is specially made for  professionals because we saw that there are many   people that are working in the food industry  but they still want to obtain a master and   then of course it's not possible to come to  wageningen every day to do a master program   so this is therefore a part-time master however  the workload is still quite serious because it   still takes you 20 hours per week so that's quite  a lot so the courses are also designed on working   for 20 hours per week so if you have a full-time  job well then this is really quite a big workload   and then you really need to work in the weekends  and in the evenings for example on it but   remember that it's not like two hours per week  it's really it's meant for 20 hours per week   yeah so it's serious work it's serious work yes  especially during the first two years maybe during   the internship in the thesis then you can combine  it maybe with your own job a little bit but during   the courses yes yeah okay though uh serious  work but you can also get a serious diploma   it's not like a mooc or something  except so the question by daniel is   are students also allowed to follow in-person  classes in wageningen from other masters for the   optional courses that is an option but for the  other uh yeah on the other moments you already   have uh classes that are scheduled so um yeah on  the other places that's it's not possible okay   and another question by the same danielle  thanks for your questions uh how much time   uh is spent per week on mandatory classes and on  preparing the classes from homework i think you   uh is it 50 50 the the classes in homework  yeah well that depends a little bit because   in in each class you have knowledge clips  which replace normal lectures and you have   to do assignments but depending on the class  in some classes you really have to make a lot   of exercises because we have some classes on  engineering and then you have to make a lot of   calculations for example so if you calculate that  as homework yeah then you'll spend a lot of time   on it so what we say is the total so when you  are doing your exercises or when you are watching   electric clips or whatever you are doing for your  class in total it should be 20 hours per week so   it's not that you have to watch lecture clips for  20 hours and do homework the homework or doing   the exercises is incorporated in the 20 hours per  week um so 20 hours per week that's the uh that's   the thing to keep in mind there yeah um another  is also several questions are there about uh   do we have to pay for three years uh how does it  work with uh tuition fees uh i was ordered a loan   scholarship that covers two years worth of tuition  fees so so how does this work yeah and then maybe   it's good to go to the website of ssc because on  the website of sc you can find the tuition fees   for this program and also for the other programs  because it also depends on where you're coming   from and also they show there the possibilities  for scholarships and i think scholarships usually   they are meant for a normal program but i think  it's more about that you have to their aim is   to that you do a program somewhere else on a  specific topic and this is similar to our other   masters so i think this could also be suitable  for a usual for usual scholarship okay though   please let us know if uh if you  want to have more information um let me look um there's a lot of questions  here this is a nice question also to uh to   pick up here how many students apply  yearly and i think it's nice to know   applications is one thing but how many  students enroll for this program yearly   we started this program a few years ago and in the  beginning it was really small so we had like six   students the year after seven eight last  year we suddenly grow to 30 students   so for this year i don't know how many students  that there will be we think that below 10 it's   a little bit slow small because we also  want some interaction between students   but we also do not want to grow  to more than 100 students because   that's also not feasible and we also aim for  a lot of personal attention for everybody and the teachers they really also want  to be able to help every student so   i think 30 students is fine but if there  are 50 students that would also be fine   so yeah i think we don't want to go  below 10. um then a question by bom laku   uh uh bamlaku i don't know if it's he or she but  apparently you really like this uh this session   you wonder if it's it will be available  online afterwards i quickly check with uh   with operator yes it is so you can find you can  re-watch this webinar online uh when we're done um   a question by uh vincent and that's that's  going back to the admission criteria uh   so is it possible to enroll with a hbo uh  that's a professional bachelor's this is a dutch   dutch thing a professional bachelor from habio  can you enroll for this program yes you can again the relevance of the program  is important so we will look to the   transcript of the courses you followed and  then we can assess whether these are relevant and or that you need to follow some extra courses   but definitely that doesn't matter  it's still a hbo program so okay clear and i like this one one is it possible to do more  than 30 ecs per year so if i if i decide to switch   to a full-time master's in food technology it's  not possible to switch from the online master   program to the normal program because the setup  is different and the schedule is also different so yeah they are really separate so you need  to make the decision whether you want to   follow the full-time on-campus program or  the online part-time program you have to   make this decision before the start yeah  okay you can enroll for both and then make   the decision on the moment you start okay i  think that's clear what is not yet fully clear   apparently is the tuition fee question and i  think i agree with sashin that we should make   it more clear so the question is do you need to  pay tuition fees for one two three or four years   um you pay for four years however you pay half of  it so basically it's similar to the normal program   okay so tuition fees are half of normal programs  you pay per year that you enroll yeah okay let me look a very important question also do we follow  the dutch holiday scheme in terms of agenda   maybe we can go back to our program um so here you  can the holidays i don't think no they are not in   right no they are not in the in this schedule well  we do have the holidays in uh around christmas   and we do have uh holidays uh in the summer but  the calendar is not exactly similar to the the   calendar of the on campus but the holidays they  are similar but we only have two holidays okay um practice another practical i like  practical questions because they   often are very important do student  do i need a student visa for two weeks   for the two weeks that we need  to be there in person in february maybe this is a question you  don't have an answer to no i don't do you have an answer but maybe the answer is here send us an email yeah  and uh maybe especially send an email to no send   us an email uh with this question and then we'll  get back to you yeah and then we also learned   something we didn't know i know that we can  help you uh with housing for uh to give you some   advices for during these two weeks and and also  provide you with all kinds of other information okay um just we're really warming  up but the questions are now yeah   but maybe it's also nice to show the bright space  environment yeah so uh because good idea that   gives a bit of an idea and then uh after after  this we'll come back with some more questions   then we can do more questions so uh what i would  like to show you is um yeah we are providing the   education online and uh for each course we  have a bright space and that's basically   the starting point for your course so in the  bright space we upload all the materials so materials to read but also the knowledge  clips so every course has a bright space and   here you can see the home page of one of the   courses and this is the courses that i  the course that i designed a few years ago   so it's about predicting food quality and on the  homepage the teacher can write a message that yeah   they can write an announcement for example that  is relevant for all the students in the course   then you saw that the courses usually take  four weeks so therefore the content is also uh   divided in four weeks um so you  see a heading course information   uh in which we provide for example a course  guide and some tips but the materials are   placed in the in four weeks and then you can see  what you need to do every week so there's also   a discussion board for every week where you can  place questions on the materials of that week and   if you click on it then you come on the discussion  board and there you can see the questions that you   place but also the questions from other students  and then the teacher but also student other   students can answer it and you can also discuss  on the content which is very nice sometimes you   really see interesting discussions on it and  sometimes the teacher can also ask you questions   um and sometimes it's also an assignment that you  have to reflect on what you learned and then the   teacher can also see whether you understood  the materials and this can also help you in   learning so um that's really a nice learning uh  platform so if we uh look in this is an example of   the activities that are placed in module one of  week one of this course and there you can see that   i placed their videos but also pdf documents with  lecture notes so this in this case the reader it's   also cut in small pieces in which you can read the  material that belongs to the videos and you also   see an assignment so with different symbols you  can see the different activities and maybe you can   also see that there's a clock right above with one  hour so the this is an estimation of the time that   you need to complete these activities for so for  these activities these four activities yeah the   estimation is that it will take you one hour so  really also to read the lecture notes for example   if you would click on the video link then you come  here and this is a very interesting picture of me   it's one of the knowledge clips that i recorded  in the studio and here you can can see such a   clip it's a small clip of about six minutes  for example which is about a specific topic   and um and we tried to make uh small clips and  then we give you an assignment and then something   to read and then another activity which really  helps to it activates you to learn the material   so you learn something you practice something  and you reflect on something and in this way it   gives you the most optimal learning experience and  that's especially uh important if you work online   okay thanks jennica that's uh that was the bright  space and maybe that partly answers also the   question by francesco about what is the structure  of tutorial sessions how do they work maybe also   maybe you can talk a bit more about that also  about you you told at the beginning that there   is some group work not too much how does it work  group work and tutorials in an online master yeah   but in tutorial sessions what we often have is  that the teacher provides you an assignment and   depends on the course but if we have for example  uh calculation courses then we often use specific   software that we designed ourselves which is  lab body and in this program the teacher can   upload materials and exercises and then for  example if you have to calculate something   you have to enter your answer so  it can be multiple choice or open   and then if you give an answer that is not  correct so the outcome of calculation then   the program automatically gives you feedback so  for example you calculated something but you make   made an error with decimal then your answer  was 25 instead of 250 and then the program   automatically provides you feedback like did  you think about the decimal and in this way   with the tips hopefully you come to the correct  answer and then in the end you can go through so   often because you have to work on your own and you  don't have a teacher standing next to you in this   way we provide you the feedback and of course if  there are still questions you can always ask the   teacher but with the help of software we already  provide you a lot of feedback in there is a course   in which you really have to work in groups  on the designing a product and there you can   work on brightspace because you can also decide  to use other communication things like whatsapp or   google docs if you find it easier so that's also  possible so that's more the traditional way of   working okay um relatedly there's a question about  what is the age group of the class you already me   we already discussed before that there's this  possibility of doing this master next to your job   which probably means that it's not the standard  type of master uh yeah groups no that's true   that's uh what i saw uh last february when i uh  gave a lecture uh to the students when they were   here in wageningen and our first year students i  noticed that there is a lot of variance between   our students because there are students that are  really young and they just want to do the online   program and combine it with working but there were  also students i also spoke to a woman and she her   child he was now almost an adult and she  had always had this dream of doing a master   so now she had the time for it so yeah cool yeah  never stop learning no and i also really like to   speak to those students because many of them  because uh they have more experience already   they also there are so motivated in what they  want so it's it's very nice cool um there's   somebody here also who knows uh what in this case  he wants he wants to focus on analytics artificial   intelligence on topics like global eco economics  is this covered is this covered in this master or our program is really on the technology of  food production so the economics not really so i wouldn't say that discovered sustainability  is but that's also more on sustainability issues   during the production of foods so  in food technology we are really   in the diving in the technological aspects  of food so really in the molecules and   and of course you also have food systems can also  be very broad and you can also look uh to it from   a social point of view for example but that's  not that's not covered in this program that's   also not really fun for technology in our other  on-campus program we do cover it but not in this   food technology program and also not in our campus  food technology program okay i think that also   can answers another question whether there are  opportunities during the master to specialize   in bio based economy sustainability themes and  plant-based proteins the last two if you want to   dive into sustainability in this program there are  also some courses on sustainability and then also   during your thesis and internship you can choose  a topic that focuses on the sustainability aspects   and also the plant-based uh products yeah that's  really a hot topic now uh in the food technology   and we also have a professor at kraut you  can look up he is doing great research on   plant-based foods so he developed the technique  and he's producing plant-based products   from structuring the proteins in a more  sustainable way and he started with it already   20 years ago or something like that and now it's  really used all over the world so it's fantastic   and of course if you are interested in it  you can do a thesis on that topic for example   okay clear i think there's some questions about  courses from other masters can you bring bring   courses that you've done on uh previously uh from  another university can you get these accredited or   can you use these credits at  the waghning at this program um i don't think that is possible  actually i don't think that we can make   exemptions for things you did before in the  courses but it's also a very specific question so   maybe if they're if these yeah so it depends very  much on the situation yes so yeah also typically   a question send us an email with uh what you  did and then we can address this question um one question is also by the student uh  working coming from the from the hbo   uh who is maybe in doubt whether uh  he has enough background in statistics   so he wonders is it possible to get  some help during this online master freshing up or doing some extra work on  this statistics side of things yeah well   generally statistics is not very  important for this master program   mathematics is but more that you have to make  differential equations for example um but what we   sometimes offer in courses is that we offer like  also in this course you can in let me show you   uh yeah here you can see that left above you  see module zero and basically i made that module   because it contained some information um that is  not part of the course but it's just to prepare   you for this course so it's kind of assumed  knowledge but if you don't have it then you can uh   watch the material learning material that  is provided here and in many courses we   provide some material in this way so if  you need some extra help then this is an   option and if it's not provided you can also  ask the teacher whether the teacher has some   tips like okay i'm i'm noticing that i have a  lack in something do you have some advice for me   okay so there are some refreshers and kickstarters  there okay cool um mandatory classes are they in   the morning or afternoon that gives away a bit  that daniel knows the wageningen system quite well   yeah but uh that's um on our campus  program so here um you can even do   do them during the night it's up to you uh  when you want to work on your uh courses okay i think that's a that's a very clear answer  um it's a lot of fun to study during the night   so what's the deadline for application do you know about not by heart i think  uh depends on where you're from so look   you can look it up at the  waghaning website and then   to the admissions page there you will find all  the information also and on admission criteria   um we're pretty much almost there there are some  quite specific questions so maybe this question is   good to answer uh i do not have a proof of english  proficiency yet through a test do i need to submit   it before the application deadline or after with  the condition conditional offer i think the answer   is you need we need to offer it you need to  have the proof of english proficiency before   uh because this this is the first step of  assessing your application correct me if i'm wrong   yes yeah i think if you don't have it  then the admission committee cannot   see your application and not assess it  so therefore you need to have it before daniel has a specific question about   an example of a master thesis on the area of  food production and industry 4.0 automation   i think this is a specific question also  uh to uh yeah reach out or look look up in   the library in the library you can  find many many of the thesis also no there are not that many in our library because  many thesis are also part of a project of a phd so   but if you want to know you can look  on the website of our food chair groups   because usually when you do a thesis you  are working for a professor or a phd that   is working on the topic so if you look on  the website and you can see the education   of the chair groups we have five food chair  groups we have food chemistry food physics   for process engineering food microbiology  and food quality and design and together   they provide most of the education and on there  they all have a website and also a linkedin page   and there they uh also distribute articles of  their research and you can see the projects that   on which they are working and then you can also  see yeah what type of research they are doing   and if there's something interesting for you okay  and maybe a nice last question to close off with   this master is this a good preparation for doing  a phd there's somebody yeah yes definitely yeah   because here on the university we also have many  phd doing a research and so there are regularly uh   phd vacancies and uh of course they hire people  for with a master in uh in full technology   so and we have had some very good online  master students and i think the teachers   would love to offer them a phd so definitely  that's a possibility it's not granted because   a phd is just like a normal job you really have  to apply on it and they will select somebody but   there are a lot of phd positions okay on that note  i think uh we would like to thank you very much   for joining us in this online session i think also  janika for her extensive uh uh uh presentation and   uh and answering all these uh very interesting  questions thank you for for asking the questions   definitely i really loved your questions what's  so nice to do okay and uh yeah maybe see you uh   online in our online masters program uh uh  starting next year maybe the year after or maybe   you come and join one of our uh uh uh offline on  campus programs anyway thank you for joining and   have a good evening or morning or whatever  time it is over there yeah that's true bye


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