Physicist Reacts to Quantum Computers Explained by Kurzgesagt

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what's going on guys welcome back  today we're going to be checking out   quantum computers so this one should be fun  because you know you might have heard that i   am making this cal vpn which is going to be the  first commercially available quantum proof vpn   ever in the world and yeah that's gonna be awesome  so if you're interested in that you should come   sign up in the description you might be like  why is this important well you're gonna find out   in this video alright so stick around and i will  give you some give you the scoop on what's coming   so you've probably heard about quantum computers  before they've been in the news a lot over the   last five years or so and you've probably  heard about how google intel ibm all these   companies are trying to build one a useful one  that is we already have them they're just kind   of crappy at the moment um i think google and  ibm they're trying to build superconducting   qubit quantum computers which i don't think that's  going to work out very well they're having some   problem with what's called error correction um  we'll explain that i think intel is looking like   a like a winner they're trying to build one uh  with silicon essentially like uh your phones   and computers they have all these semiconductors  in them transistors that are made out of silicon   and if we could open up uh that industry with the  infrastructure already in place uh to you know   then just slightly change it for quantum computing  hardware well that would be a game changer and   that's what intel is trying to do and that is all  thanks to a bunch of breakthroughs coming out of   australia so i'll tell you all about that because  i've been following this for years um the last   five years australia has really been leading the  quantum computing breakthroughs uh so i can't   wait to tell you about that in this video for most  of our history human technology consisted of our   brains fire and sharp sticks while fire and sharp  sticks became power plants and nuclear weapons   the biggest upgrade has happened to our brains  since the 1960s the power of our brain machines   has kept growing exponentially allowing computers  to get smaller and more powerful at the same time   but this process is about to meet its physical  limits computer parts are approaching the size   of an atom to understand why this is a problem  we have to clear up some basics so computer   plants have already made it to the size of  the atom we actually created the first atomic   scale transistor in 2012 so that is literally  a transistor a semiconductor made out of atoms   and just the end of last year we created  the world first integrated circuit at the   atomic scale so a quantum circuit uh yeah i'll  tell you more about that soon so we've already   done that and you can actually compare our  sort of quantum computing trajectory to   classical computing and it's actually pretty  similar so stay tuned and i'll tell you about that   actually maybe it's done now so what is it 1946  we uh created the first transistor and then 1957   we created i'm pretty sure the first integrated  circuit so and then five years after that we   had the first sort of commercial uh computing  product which was a shitty little calculator   and then you can compare that to where how we're  going with quantum computing so first atomic scale   transistor 2012 first um integrated circuit now  the end of 2021 two years ahead of schedule um so   from there you could expect we'll have some kind  of commercial products for quantum computing or   at least quantum simulators we'll talk about those  later uh in about five years or less so be ready a computer is made up of very simple components  doing very simple things representing data the   means of processing it and control mechanisms  computer chips contain modules which contain logic   gates which contain transistors a transistor is  the simplest form of a data processor in computers   basically a switch that can either block or  open the way for information coming through   this information is made up of bits which  can be set to either zero or one combinations   of several bits are used to represent more  complex information transitions i think it   can be explained even more simply than that so  if you have a transistor you can imagine it as   an open gate or a closed gate so when it's when  it's uh open electricity can't flow right when   it's closed electricity can flow and so we're just  arbitrarily defining you know an open gate where   there's no electricity flowing as zero and when  it's closed as one it's very arbitrary the zeros   and ones don't really mean anything they what they  translate to is electricity flowing no electricity   flowing that's why you can only you know sort  of that's why everything at the the base level   machine code is zeros and ones that's why when we  say zeros and ones that's what we mean uh and then   in programming you can go higher and higher level  to you know where you get to like python but all   python is written in lower level languages like  c and then down to even machine code which is you   get to ones and zeros so it's pretty incredible  if you go on a deep dive into how computers work   and you'll have to if you want to understand how  quantum computers work so now quantum computers   you have instead of bits which are the ones  and zeros open close circuit you have qubits   and you've probably heard how they can be in like  a one or zero or a zero and one at the same time   right and that is kind of confusing for a lot of  people and what like what does that even mean well   you know there's many ways to do this one way to  do it is by using the spin of atoms or electrons   and one way we're going to talk  about a lot in this video is   using silicon qubits so you can actually as  particularly with nuclei of atoms the nuclei have   spin just like electrons and we'll talk about what  spin is very briefly because you know that needs a   whole video and it's extremely complicated  but um the spin you know it can either be   as we say spin up or spin down which is very  arbitrary so we're not going to go any deeper   into what spin is in this video but i'll just  say it's an intrinsic form of angular momentum um   so all particles have it and composite  particles hadrons and uh nuclei but it's   the analogy of something spinning it doesn't work  so let's just leave it at that for now and so with   the queue bits you can store information quantum  information as you know ones or zeros but you   can also do a combination of the two states you  could do like 70 percent uh you know up 30 down or   like one or zero the problem is the the  the combinations of states they're very   uh fragile and it's very hard to get them to  stay in those uh combinations for very long   so that's a major problem we'll talk about and  a bit of an output in the room for you know the   hardware approach that google and ibm are taking  they're having a real problem with uh keeping   a lot of the the quantum state stable that i  think the current record is like 100 microseconds   which is awful you know if you want to need to  do it actually useful calculation you're going   to need to be able to keep the you know the qubits  in in in these superpositions for longer than that   and then you can manipulate these qubits with  microwaves or magnetic fields different ways of   doing this are combined to create logic  gates which still do very simple stuff   for example an and gate sends an output of one  if all of its inputs are one and an output of   zero otherwise combinations of logic gates finally  form meaningful modules say for adding two numbers   once you can add you can also multiply and once  you can multiply you can basically do anything   since all basic operations are literally simpler  than first grade math you can imagine a computer   as a group of seven-year-olds answering really  basic math questions a large enough bunch of   them could compute anything from astrophysics to  zelda however with parts getting tinier and tinier   quantum physics are making things tricky in  a nutshell a transistor is just an electric   switch electricity is electrons moving from  one place to another so a switch is a passage   that can block so i don't know if you know but  yeah in electrical circuits electrons aren't   actually flowing so that's a very complicated and  convoluted discussion but just keep that in mind   electrons from moving in one direction today a  typical scale for transistors is 14 nanometers   which is about eight times less than the  hiv viruses diameter and 500 times smaller   than a red blood cells as transistors are  shrinking to the size of only a few atoms   electrons may just transfer themselves  to the other side of a blocked passage   via a process called quantum tunneling in the  quantum realm physics works quite differently   from the predictable ways we're used to and  traditional computers just stop making sense   we are approaching a real thing so we're  going to skip that one today because that is a   again a convoluted thing to talk  about for our technological progress   to solve this problem scientists are trying  to use these unusual quantum properties to   their advantage by building quantum computers  in normal computers bits are the smallest units   of information quantum computers use qubits  which can also be set to one of two values   a cubic can be any two level quantum system such  as a spin in a magnetic field or a single photon   zero and one of this system's possible states like  the photons horizontal or vertical polarization in   the quantum world the qubit doesn't have to be in  just one of those it can be in any proportions of   both states at once this is called superposition  but as soon as you test its value say by sending   the photon through a filter it has to decide to  be either vertically or horizontally polarized   so as long as it's unobserved the qubit is in a  superposition of probabilities for zero and one   and you can't predict which it will be but  the instance you measure it it collapses   into one of the definite states he's doing a  really great job with this is a game changer   so all the hype around quantum computers  probably started way back in 1994 that's   when it really started to ramp up because  a guy called peter shaw from mit basically   showed that you could factorize a really large  number really quickly with a quantum computer   and the way it does this is by basically  representing the factorizations of uh the number   as like quantum waves that can like slosh around  simultaneously through the qubits because of their correct ones just pop out so  you could break encryption   of like uh internet communication with this quite  easily as well which is scary and a bunch of other   things so it is you know this is why there's so  much hype around it so the encryption systems   that basically secure the internet currently  uh basically rely on uh the fact that classical   computers like the one in front of you probably  they just can't handle factorizing really large   numbers that just they just get overwhelmed  very easily and that's why current encryption   you know is pretty safe from you know  normal hacking there's a big problem though   because shaw basically assumed that um you know  these qubit these quantum waves would be able to   slosh around the qubits for as long as they  want uh so you know it can calculate things   that take longer even on the common computer  but unfortunately that's not the case with uh   the hardware google and ibm are building  unfortunately they can't slush around for very   long at all like a fraction of a second you're  talking like 100 microseconds on google's one   so google and ibm specifically use qubits made  of tiny resonating circuits of superconducting   metal etched onto like these little microchips  and they did that because at the time when they   started constructing them they were the best  that was the easiest way to uh manipulate the   qubits and to create these chips but that's all  changed there's been a paradigm shift as of late   with huge breakthroughs coming out of australia of  all places and uh we can now do this with silicon   and at the atomic scale like literally atom so  instead of using um you know metal etched onto   you know these microchips or like cavities and you  have to manipulate them with microwaves or even   magnetism you can now do this in a much more  simple way you can actually use something called   electric nuclear resonance so we'll talk  about that soon because that discovery is just   mind-blowing and it really changes everything  um but there's also some other huge advantages   of using these new breakthroughs to do it on  silicon and so there's a there's a couple teams   in australia which are kind of competing  um one is called silicon quantum computing   and their research is out of university of sydney  there that's a really interesting paradigm as well   i'll talk about that but my the one i think that's  going to win this race at least the hardware   that we're going to use to get there uh they are  basically using uh they they put nuclei of atoms   into um they entangle them with the electrons  of atoms and you can do this with phosphorus   and um then you take that electron to another atom  and you can entangle that with uh another nucleus   and they recently showed like a really recent  nature paper like i think a couple weeks ago or   a month um that you can get error fidelities like  uh of up to like 99.95 so that's that's incredible   basically error-free free and the error correction  they can do now basically uh finds the errors   quicker than they arise that is a game changer  because google and ibm currently they're just   plagued with this error correction problem and  it seems like they're kind of struggling so it's   really looking like silicon electric uh nuclear  resonance is probably going to be the way to go   um and then also out of australia michelle simons  who runs that silicon quantum computing she uh   literally as well like a month ago just um created  the first ever uh atomic scale quantum integrated   circuit so that which is just mind-blowing  um she was also the first her team in 2012   to create the first atomic scale transistor made  out of atoms and so this integrated circuit um   they basically created a quantum simulator which  is different to a quantum computer because you   can't reprogram it and so they modeled um  what was the molecule i think it was carbon   and so it basically emulated what carbon does  but you can't reprogram it unfortunately that's   the next stage that silicon quantum computing  the company they're aiming to have a useful   quantum computer by i think 2028 so approximately  five years um and i think they can do it and they   have a really interesting lab which took i think  like 20 years to make it's like this building   within a building that's kind of like floating  uh to you know to get rid of all the noise and   you know movement of the building because as they  build these chips made out of silicon atom by atom   you know you can imagine that's a very delicate  process uh it's just incredible so that silicon   quantum computing they're going to be using uh  quantum dots i believe uh where you literally   are going to be using the qubits will literally  be atoms uh they'll just be you know electrons so   it's just mind-blowing the sort of fidelity  we're approaching and i really do think   uh useful quantum computers are going to be  built with silicon because once you get less than   one percent error rates with the tech uh that  basically opens up the semiconductor industry   which is you know there's a lot of infrastructure  for it already um and then we can easily you know   transition to making well not easily it'll  it's very hard but to make our chips for   quantum computers four classical bits can be  in one of two to the power of four different   configurations at a time that's 16 possible  combinations out of which you can use just one   four qubits in superposition however can be in all  of those 16 combinations at once this number grows   exponentially with each extra qubit 20 of them  can already store a million values in parallel   a really weird and unintuitive property qubits  can have is entanglement a close connection that   makes each of the qubits react to a change in  the other state instantaneously no matter how   far they are apart this means that when measuring  just one entangled qubit you can directly deduce   properties of its partners without having to  look qubit manipulation is a mind bender as well   a normal logic gate gets a simple set of inputs  and produces one definite output a quantum gate   manipulates an input of superpositions rotates  probabilities and produces another superposition   as its output so a quantum computer sets up  some qubits applies quantum gates to entangle   them and manipulate probabilities and finally  measures the outcome collapsing superpositions   to an actual sequence of zeros and ones what  this means is that you get the entire lot of   calculations that are possible with your setup  all done at the same time oh ultimate no they're   not done at the same time quantum computers don't  calculate everything at once that's a little bit   incorrect i just want to emphasize uh you  guys should be very very skeptical of what   you read about quantum computers on the internet  because so much of it is just absolutely wrong   for instance like you see so many places claiming  that quantum computers calculate a bunch of things   at the same time no they do not you'll see that  you know with just a small number of qubits will   have more you'll be able to store more data  than atoms in the universe that's not true   um you'll need quite a few for that and uh  well like basically if it doesn't involve   transforming an np problem into a p problem uh i  would be a little bit skeptical and that you know   there's only limited cases of that as well you  know sometimes it works theoretically so you   know just be skeptical of what you read about  quantum computers a lot of people in software   and computer science talk about it  but unfortunately they don't know   the physics behind it and that that is a bit of a  bottleneck you can only measure one of the results   and it will only probably be the one you want  so you may have to double check and try again   but by cleverly exploiting superposition  and entanglement this can be exponentially   more efficient than would ever be possible on a  normal computer so while quantum computers will   probably not replace our home computers  in some areas they are vastly superior   one of them is database searching to find  something in a database a normal computer may have   to test every single one of its entries quantum  algorithms need only the square root of that time   which for large databases is a huge difference  the most famous use of quantum computers is   running i.t security right now your browsing  email and banking data is being kept secure by   an encryption system in which you give everyone a  public key to encode messages only you can decode   the problem is that this public key can actually  be used to calculate your secret private key   luckily doing the necessary math on any normal  computer would literally take years of trial and   error you're talking millions to billions of years  by the way some computer with exponential speed up   could do it in a breeze another really  exciting that's why uh yeah rsa ecc   elliptic curve encryption uh and bitcoin they're  all at risk so if you're into cryptocurrencies   bitcoin all that sort of jazz it's probably  time to start worrying because a lot of   people don't realize that ah powerful quantum  computers will actually be able to kind of   ruin cryptocurrencies in general so it's actually  pretty straightforward as to why cryptocurrencies   are kind of at risk if these powerful quantum  computers already exist and for when they're   coming in the future and if you know hackers or  governments just want to steal data currently   and you know they can retroactively break the  encryption and that's because every time you   make a transaction with a cryptocurrency you're  exposing your public key right and there's nothing   wrong with that like everyone knows this but  if you have a powerful enough kind of computer   you will potentially be able to uh with classical  computers it will take billions of years millions   to billions um but with the public key you'll  actually be able to probably derive the private   key so if you have the private key well then you  can do whatever you want you can make transactions   and so you can kind of see quantum computers are a  real problem for cryptocurrencies in general um so   a lot of people don't seem to think you know we  need to worry at all but it's like why wouldn't   we start preparing for that if it's kind of coming  you know what i mean and again it might already   be here so let's quickly talk about why these  crappy quantum computers haven't been out of   basically break um public private key cryptography  yeah so that's basically because we haven't made   quantum circuits big enough yet it's coming  though um and so i think a good source to   i think microsoft published a paper  which said you know about 4 000 um cubits   a circuit will be able to break um rsa  encryption and then to break elliptic curve uh   encryption i think it was like 2500 qubits  which we're not there yet you know that what's   the record like you know within the just over  100 qubits and you've got to also remember that   microsoft paper that was accounting for you  know ideal circumstance in physics was always   ideal idealists and so these cubits are like in  perfect uh harmony and it's just not reality uh   you'd need a lot more pubits than that to really  do it in reality um and that's we can do that when   you have enough queue bits you can account for the  the realistic problems via error correction and   this happens in normal computers as well and  classical error correction is actually pretty easy   because you can basically just copy the bits um  so if you know if there's an error you you have   a copy quantum computers you can't copy the qubits  um because there's something called the no cloning   theorem and so the way you do it is by basically  having a lot more qubits traditionally with this   quantum error correction but now with what this  new research out of australia is showing is   uh you can actually get less than one percent uh  error rates with entangled qubits if you use uh   the the paradigm that these researchers  using my prediction is we're gonna have   useful quantum computers  within the next five years   that's why i've created cal vpn i think it's  very important because as i keep hopping on about   i'll say it one more time you know there could be  hackers around the world particularly governments   china could be stealing data very sensitive data  your data uh to you know with the intention of   decrypting it hacking it when these computers  exist because i'll explain why they're going to   be able to hack them using something called shaw's  algorithm so we already know it's possible so   why wouldn't they be doing this i'm pretty  techno-optimistic uh in general and especially   with quantum computers from knowing the stuff  that i know with the research that i've read   uh and i really do think that we might be able  to break rsa encryption within the next five   years and this i don't want to you know put my  tinfoil hat on too much and worry you guys but   governments really could have like they could  be well ahead in the quantum computing race   and they could actually have very sophisticated  quantum computers already and now if you're saying   hang on a second i'd like you're going you're  getting a bit crazy here well keep in mind that   governments have been ahead uh with technology  before take for instance the internet darpa a lot of the infrastructure was developed in  secret by darpa um so that's the internet you know   quantum computers is probably pretty comparable to  that you know paradigm shift of when the internet   and the world wide web became a thing so i would  not be surprised if uh america china does have   very secret you know pro black technology  um and if they do well obviously they're not   going to tell anyone you know they're  going to secretly spy on each other   i think this is actually quite likely and i think  the time to start worrying is right now and i   think if you go listen to experts talk about this  they say the same stuff you know so i don't want   you to think i'm going off on the the wild end of  speculation this is a the time to worry is now and   so this is where cal vpn comes in it  will protect you guys because there is um   so let's talk about it okay so what the the way it  protects you is it's like a normal vpn right but   it has these post quantum cryptographic algorithms  in it so important thing to note here is uh post   quantum cryptography is very different to quantum  cryptography all right they sound nearly the same   so post condom cryptography  just mathematical problems   there's no special hardware you know testing this  stuff that's what cal vpn utilizes whereas quantum   cryptography it uses the properties of quantum  mechanics to uh basically you know prove that   you can't uh hack it so you use these quantum  properties to create a shared key between two   parties and you can basically provably show  that you know they could they no one saw the   key because if they did the the communications  data would have been destroyed by way of quantum   mechanics you know you've probably heard about uh  superposition and stuff you know just observing   the wave function collapses it stuff like that  okay um so again kelvin relies on post-quantum   cryptography mathematical equations which uh they  should be resistant to all known attacks even   if the governments have these powerful quantum  computers in their hands they won't be able to   get their get their hands on your data if  you use cal vpn so post quantum cryptographic   algorithms are just classical algorithms that can  basically withstand uh powerful quantum computers   and it doesn't rely on any like hardware  any complicated quantum hardware uh no   quantum properties it's just classical stuff so  it really does work and it can also protect you   from you know just powerful computers and super  computers if you know what i'm talking about you   might also wonder why we don't just double the  key size well that has to do with the fact how   quantum computers work they don't just brute force  their way through problems no no so it's that   doesn't really do anything but these algorithms  that will protect you from quantum computers   actually come directly from the submissions to  nist which is the us uh national institute of   standards and technology and they basically very  recently within the last month have announced uh   four uh algorithms which will set the stage  for uh standard encryption for post quantum   encryption that is um and there's still four other  algorithms that they're still looking at to see if   they'll work but this has been what's what is it  like six year a six year long competition uh to   find some algorithms that will be able to protect  against quantum computers and so basically our   software includes these cryptographic algorithms  that will protect you and encrypt your data to a   degree where you know even if quantum computers  are stealing data right now they will never be   able to decrypt them so if you're interested in  the specific post quantum algorithms and you want   to check them out yourselves go look up crystals  kyber uh crystals delithium uh falcon and sphinx   they're the ones that have been currently selected  by nist to to work essentially uh and it's awesome   we might talk briefly about them in the dedicated  videos that i make they're just quite complicated   the math is you know not straightforward and  the terminology as well there's a lot to explain   so nist have really been trying to promote  like a sense of urgency to upgrade encryption   standards in everything on the internet uh all  software to promote a sense of urgency i remember   reading that they cited a uh a study by the  quantum economic development consortium which   basically found that uh it took a large a large  tech enterprise like five years to transition to   advanced encryption standards so you know if  you're currently using a vpn like uh you know   nordvpn surfshark all of those big ones which i've  worked with in the past you know in sponsorships   on this channel well that's the sort of big tech  enterprise which will take a long time to upgrade   their encryption standards why because it's so  bloody complicated and they probably don't know   how you know you they have to hire people to do  this and it basically involves changing their   software like pretty substantially uh so that's  a big problem so if you're already using a vpn   i highly recommend you know looking into this  further for yourselves and deciding if you want to   jump on the kel vpn bandwagon because it's going  to take them a long time like even nordvpn it's   going to take them a long time to bring in these  post quantum cryptographic uh encryption standards   i would almost bet you know any sum of  money it's going to take them a long time   and we can already offer protection against them  and like i keep saying you know it's no secret   that america has developed black technology in  the past and they've been ahead in with technology   than say universities so it is something we need  to worry about now and it's particularly if you're   you know interested in cryptocurrencies if you've  got bitcoin you should definitely consider this   is simulations simulations of the quantum world  are very intense on resources and even for bigger   structures such as molecules they often lack  accuracy so why not simulate quantum physics   with actual quantum physics quantum simulations  could provide new insights on proteins that might   revolutionize medicine right now we don't know if  quantum computers will be just a very specialized   tool or a big revolution for humanity we have  no idea where the limits of technology are   and there's only one i think there's a lot of  things in principle which we actually do kind of   know what quantum computers will be able to do  um and it that those things will revolutionize   humanity we really have no idea to the extent  at which quantum computers could revolutionize   everything like society itself and to give you a  little bit of an insight into this like uh when   after 1994 when uh we discovered you know these  quantum algorithms we basically uh realized that   in principle quantum computers would be able to  do things that would just be like impossible on   classical computers and it seemed like researchers  at the time got really excited by that uh and they   expected to find a lot of different quantum  algorithms that would be able to you know do   incredible things and people have described  it as a bit of a bummer trajectory because   like i said people were expecting to find a huge  range of things you could do with these quantum   algorithms but nope we basically realized that  quantum computers were only going to offer like   a really big speed up to a very narrow single  class of problems uh within a standard set called   np if you've never heard of np problems you  should go look into those but they're basically   ones that have efficiently verifiable solutions  so like factoring right uh and so that was that's   been the case for like three decades bit of a  bummer but very recently we've we've found a uh   an entirely new problem that quantum computers  are going to be able to solve exponentially faster   than classical computers so that's really  exciting but we're not sure if it's like a   standalone problem or if it's part of a new whole  sort of you know set of problems we just don't   know uh it basically involves calculating like  really complex inputs of a mathematical process   uh from only its jumbled outputs so it's just a  completely new new problem so that's very exciting


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