Bliss births, crypto and the coming exponential technological growth - are you prepared?

Bliss births, crypto and the coming exponential technological growth - are you prepared?

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And you've been in crypto seems like you're one of those you've been (yes) in little less of a curve. and you've been into it for  about 5 years now, haven't you? a few years exactly and so that was the hawk that got us to you know have a  conversation and decide to sit and chat and then we did and this chat led to the prospect of doing this. And so we're here now expanding on that conversation that was started on the table on the table and something evidently picked your interest. I think it would be good to start a bigger conversation and to share it with your audience and so here we are lets see where  this conversation will lead.

perfect cool so as someone who's grown up i kind of consider myself as a child of the world right i grew up a little bit in Singapore a little bit in Indonesia all over the east coast of Australia. and I've been exposed to all kinds kinds of different religions and spiritualities and faiths and whatever you wanna call it and ultimately many different practices I used to call myself an Atheist who believed there was something more but didn't know what to call it I found a lot of what was preached at me was quite dogmatic and hypocritical so for a long time I was adverse to a lot of things like breath work and movement and people telling me my internal world could reflect externally I was just like no what are you talking about the things that are happening to me are happening to me there's not if and's or whats i was super material in that way and then when i was about 19 after being exposed for many many years but when i was about 19, 20 I started actually doing it I started breathing What do I mean by that? I started  consciously breathing right meditation is talked about often now but then I looked deeper and deeper and as I am I'm a little bit obsessive i started to realise the breath work was affecting everything else and then i started realising parts of my body that were a little bit constrained before were more mobile then i started seeing that as my body was becoming more mobile I was a little bit more attracted to healthier foods and as that started to happen it just became a tumbling force and when I met you someone who I perceive as as you mentioned teaching breath  work since you were in your twenty's i think you mentioned you're in your fifty's now? fifty five years fifty five yeah for everybody watching believe it or not if we changed the colour of hour hair the other way around we could be very similar ages where was I going... so you've been teaching breath work for ages and now you're a facilitator of bliss births and this intrigues me because I'd already heard just a little bit about it and understanding the body work that I've been doing and how much can be done to make to allow for the experience of being human to be pleasurable for you to then tell me  that there's orgasmic birth and that the process begins long before even conception that is fascinating and I'd love to bring that information to my platform and my community so yes , lets go with that but just to clarify I've been teaching meditation or sharing meditation from my late twenty's early thirty's I discovered meditation in my mid twenty's and took to it like a hulk on fire and to give also a little bit of background about myself I'm Lebanese born in the seventy's growing up during the Lebanese civil war so I like to say that I  saw blood before I saw milk so, i had a very compelling reason to look for ways for dealing with this internal  angst that I experienced literally daily and then immigrated to live in the west when i was twelve and arguably I was suffering from  post traumatic stress disorder and all that sort of stuff without being diagnosed necessarily, and discovered meditation is the point quite early and meditation took me this journey inner journey of healing and rehabilitation more than that healing and rehabilitation were a by product if you will of all the other things that meditation gave me specifically a glimpse and a kind of progressively intimate  relationship with my inner nature what that inner nature is so in my early thirty's then just a small group started to  grow around sharing meditation i remember i had done my first Vipassana course and then a friend of mine said can you teach me? I was living in Byron Bay at the time I said sure so we did that and suddenly and little group developed then one thing led to another I started to teach meditation breath work came after that then specifically rebirthing breath work and I had the opportunity some years back twelve, fifteen years ago opportunity to certify as  rebirthing breath work therapist with the founder actually  of rebirthing breath work Leonard Ore a man from Virginia who's passed away now Intriguing man in so many ways Leonard Ore did you say? An American man from Virginia who is really by all accounts what you might call the  father of modern breath work but specifically a particular kind of breath work rebirthing breath work so before that I was already a  certified holistic counsellor and life coach I was already  doing that kind of stuff started to integrate rebirthing  breath work as a practice and I thought well this is great I don't have to talk to people I can just get them to lay down  and get them to breathe for two hours and I don't have to do anything I don't have to deal for ten years trying to get them to  understand abstract concepts. 100% i can relate to that just on that note really quickly my coaching sessions used last ninety minutes and it was so much talking now they last forty five minutes to and hour and half of that is a practice and only fifty percent of that is any speaking and its so much more effective but please I think that's great and  that was my experience also   the point of it is to be effective to be an effective support  mechanism for somebody else's self discovery discovery of their inner nature you probably agree that our human name has really been dirty'd particularly by history or if you refer to history if we depend ton the intellect  and the five physical senses and all that to determine our history it looks very bleak and it looks quite easy to  say that human nature is evil or destructive and so on and our name the human name  has been dirty'd by all these fallacies these unreliable testimonies of the five senses it's something much deeper than that the point is, to go back to  what we were talking about so i started to use breath work as a way of being an effective guide or an effective support for somebody else's internal journey a journey which goes through the biology through the chemistry, the biology representing our physicality our body and the chemistry it represents our emotions our sensations and then our neurology our psychology our minds so it goes through that, penetrates through these three layers if you like to get to that which is beyond there is another layer that  usually gets overlooked and that's where the journey  of rebirthing breath work guides us also meditation of course I started to do that, all of this just to clarify I wasn't teaching breath work in my twenty's It was a development and so today in my private therapy practice one on one is rebirthing predominantly I'm also a soul astrologist, so our work together always begins with a consultation astrological life reading we move to going through the  rebirthing breath work journey and I also facilitate groups  and I certify rebirthing specifically rebirthing breath work therapist I make a distinction between  rebirthing breath work because it is different then  other forms of breath work so that's my story and when we sat down to have our conversation the subject of bliss births and orgasmic births came into the equation and i think that's a very important thing we can lead up to in our conversation maybe it would be jumping into the deep end if we started there there's definitely a few  different directions we could go and i think it would benefit both myself and potentially even yourself to kind of go through the  whole thing over again with me but ultimately for the listeners to give off framework, to start with layers because just to define a few things already would probably be helpful for some people for some people who haven't even done yoga potentially when you say Vepassana retreat what do you mean? well meditation, let's  start by defining meditation there's a lot of presumptions  around the topic of meditation there are many myths associated with meditation because classical meditation is specific it does something specific what today is considered to  be meditation can be any thing from relaxation, visualisation  to various healing modalities all of these are not meditation essentially they are by products of meditation certainly relaxation is a by product of meditation quieting the mind is a by product of meditation healing and detoxing and  all of those sorts of things can happen as a result of meditation the by products of meditation but i principle they are  not what meditation is about meditation specifically is  about the discovery of our deeper nature our essential nature as was written on the proverbial door of Delphi in the ancient world of Greece Know thyself i think a scribe to Socrates or Aristotle one of the two when i first came across these words i was struck by the intensity it didn't seem to me to be a kind of invitation you know hey boy it would be  a good idea to know yourself no it was an injunction it was something very serious about these works know thyself full stop i thought what's there to know i mean there's my biology, there's  my chemistry my emotions and my neurology my psychology my personality what else is there to know but of course there's much more than that or there is something other which is really meditation is fundamentally about it is about the discovery of that hither to un-noticed self the deeper self as Eckhardt Tolle calls it the deeper self without any ambiguity of words so meditation is really a vehicle and a means of journeying to that discovery it takes us on a journey inwards we start in the world the world of the outside and the first contact inward  we meet with our biology to discover was appears to be solid on the outside is in fact energy on the inside and our body is not solid at all it is a vibrational field of energy so that's out first contact our first contact is not with aliens its the first contact with self and this is the meaning of  the return of the Prodigal son or the prodigal daughter it's a return of awareness of attention of the mind from outside it's outer fixation inward so the first contact is with the biology to discover this remarkable thing that what appears to be physical solid and rigid and permanent on the outside is actually is just an  energetic flux on the inside I love how you put that its poetic the way you speak is fantastic and i think that's also what pulled me because i think it's important to speak about these things in a manner that it's not a small concept in practical manner yes in a practical manner where bringing a high level but also deep truths to simple practical ways that people can as you say bring to  awareness or become aware of and even then I always wanna bring back to the eye level really quickly even on what you just said I can already hear the alarm bells or the sceptic yeah but when i meditate the most common things we hear is i can't stop my mind thinking that's because that's one of the fundamental myths of mediation also meditation has nothing to  do with stopping the mind that myth alone and I've just recently recorded  a little video about this that myth alone has sabotaged,  hijacked more people's meditation practice than any other the idea that has been propagated by the ignorant with a humility say that meditation is supposed to quiet the mind nobody has achieved that not even the Buddha himself  was able to quiet the mind because that's not what we do meditation is not about the mind meditation is about transcending  the realm of neurology the realm of intellect the realm of mind which is just memory its not about stopping the memory so this will become a little bit clearer if we keep advancing with this journey this internal journey from the world where our focus our five senses have been fixated since we were children since we were children we were  trained to focus out attention apparatus our perceptual apparatus which includes our five sense,  which includes our attention which includes the mind which includes the light of  our awareness that allows all these things to be perceived I call this whole mechanism a perceptual apparatus has been fixated on the world of thing since we were children we were trained to focus outside, so we are no longer capable of u-turning our attention apparatus to perceive inside so we no longer recognise our reality or a deeper reality so we focus on the world, the journey is backwards we reverse backwards first contact is with the body and then we discover the body  is vibration field of flux on the inside and if we're capable of staying there at this first contact without drifting back out wondering back out into the world if we are able to stay there then we recognise something other here we start to experience  our chemistry our emotions our sensations our irritations all of those things which  are a natural by product of this other realm the second contact is with our feelings our emotions our irritations our pain and then the third contact we  also if we can stay there without reacting in other words  reverting back to the world outside if we can maintain this inner contact this is the second contact i like to call it we will become aware of also the realm of mind the realm of intellect the thinking content that's the third contact this awareness this recognition of the mind a whole other field of vibration the body has a particular frequency our emotions have a particular frequency that's what discerns or determines the differences in their  reality's is their frequency their vibrational realities and behind that there's the realm of mind the thinking contact that voice in the head that  most of think is who we are so that's third contact the third awareness that third cognition so first the wold I come back i meet the body that's the first  contact that's the first reality then i discover that inside  the body is energy, vibration i discover then my feelings  I see them I perceive them i experience them as an experience i know them as an experience and then i experience my thinking reality i know that as an experience these are three different fields but then at some point if I'm  able to maintain this perception these contacts without being compelled to revert to escape and go back out in other words to react to my thoughts or to react to my thinking  or to react to my physical aches and pains if i can stay in this sort of neutral state then i become aware of what  we might call a fourth field so it's not just biology  it's not just chemistry it's not just psychology there is something other and let's call it spirituality  I discover my spirit the field of awareness the container itself the spacial reality within  which all these different levels exist as an experience the mind has it's reality its comings and goings within the field of my awareness my emotions also take place  within the field of my awareness they come and go the mind comes and goes thoughts come and go but awareness remains as the field emotions come and go but awareness remains sensations come and go but  awareness remains the world comes and goes but awareness remains sounds come and go experiences come and go but awareness never comes never goes it is the unchanging I call it the constant I am essentially the constant I am the constant It can't be proved otherwise Every person will prove the  same will validate the same understand that's not debatable to one who has journeyed  their it's not contestable go have a look and you'll find out for yourself that's all that needs to be qualified for oneself so beyond biology beyond  psychology beyond chemistry i am spirituality or that which relates to spirit  in other words i am awareness i am that which is aware of my experience i am not my experience i am that which is aware of my thinking reality i am not thoughts i am what is aware of the voice i should become it would be wise of me to become interested in that and so that's what those words meant know thyself.

a clear definition of a practical  definition of meditation meditation is the art or science  of u-turning our attention from outside where fluctuations and dualities and polarities and troubles arise to inside where the singularity exists so it is a movement from outside where troubles exist to inside where peace abides in short practically speaking and there are techniques that do that and one of those techniques is called Vepassana one of the more serious techniques Vepassana is a Buddhist meditation technique it was developed by the Buddha or specifically breath awareness or what is called anapanasati this is the discovery of the Buddha the sharing of the Buddha this is what he taught so Vepassana is a Pali word which means insight again know thy self insight again they've even reduced these three words into just one word Vepassana insight not even know thy self just insight have a look I love it that's fantastic it's amazing it's beautiful and it's everywhere in every culture until the end of time in some way shape or form but it's interesting right and that's a topic that's so fascinating to me because for you and I and what I find for lot of  people who have lived through a lot of suffering or who have seen or been exposed through suffering in some way shape or form young they eventually find spirituality  and find that form of truth on one end of the spectrum and when they hear these truths it resonates it takes some  people longer than others to begin a practice but a practice none the less but on the flip side as well there's also you know you have to look at the whole spectrum of people and some people are highly  resistant to even the concept of even wanting to sit still and it's almost insulting I'm a firm believer we work with the ones that want the work and that are ready to do the work themselves and that's the best way to move forward at the same time when you are in a position where you could be exposed to heavy resistance in your experience how have you come across that in your lifetime? I'm super curious actually I like the way you bring it  down to size exactly that very important the resistance is actually that ties in also with breath work and what was the compelling rationale behind me taking on breath work because that resistance is quite profound quite powerful there's no way around it see i taught meditation for quite a few years almost eighteen years before becoming kind of jaded if you like before feeling it was an exercise in futility because of the thousand of people that I taught weekly groups and what have you very few a very small number were actually developing what  i call a successful daily meditation practice which is essential regularity  of practice is essential and without regularity of practice meditation it's better that you don't do it a teacher of mine told me it worked so well i stopped doing it exactly ultimately that's the aim to give up the practice but  initially we have to practice and so I thought well what's the point of this there just coming to   sit and be guided into meditations and to the experience that i was having and then they were going home and not practising what's the point of this? and that's where i discovered  rebirthing breath work and realised how effective it is in actually guiding people to a point where they could actually sit and meditate because rebirthing breath work does away with many of the resistances but what are these resisitances? let's take a look at these resistances now imagine a room that's been locked for twenty thirty years let's say your thirty years old twenty years old you're just about to start  meditating thirty years old I like where you're going with this and the room has been closed you haven't looked inward you've been taught that everything you want is outside yourself that the world can satisfy you and that's true the outside world has something to offer to your biology by away of pleasure and indulgence has something to offer your chemsitry your emotions it can make  you feel good momentarily and can keep you preoccupies psychologically the world it can do that but the world cannot really  satisfy that deeper self which only on the recognition of itself this return home this intimate connection  with the father and the son or the daughter and the mother only that is going to cut the cake and so you've been taught that  everything is outside for you but suddenly if you're one of the fortunate ones as you call it ready you start to realise the futility of the world because whatever comes goes when it comes I feel good  but when it goes i feel bad etc money can't satisfy me it does for a while but then I'm back to square one all experiences ultimately that  are derived from the outside will lead to futility there is no outside experience  which can remain ever constant and only that which can be  constant can satisfy the constant not the thins that come and go what come and goes cannot satisfy what is eternal in us anyway so here you are you're twenty-five thirty years old or even earlier or later you're a bit jaded you're fed  up with nothing lasts outside the pleasure comes and goes etc no amount of increase can take that psychological emotional physiological pain away you hear about meditation you sit down to try and meditate and you realise oh my god this is terrible the body aches the feelings are  erratic and all over the place and don't talk to me about  the mind forget about it it 's like a freaking in fact  the Hindu's do call it a monkey the mind is like a tree with a thousand branches and trillions of leaves and this monkey jumping from one thought to the next and every leaf is a thought every branch is a belief and the mind is an entity the point is you're supposed to go in and discover this relaxation instead you end up finding it is hell in there so much thinking so much pain so much of what you call resistances to meditation that would get anyone to get up and say so to go back to this room you've never gone inside ventured inside yourself to have a look of what's inside but now apparently that's where you know the kingdom of heaven is within your true joy happiness is within all that stuff that we hear but you sit down and discover it is hell so what do you do it's like this closed room this room that has been closed  for that last twenty-five thirty forty years you open the door you come in and you want to sit and relax no it stinks there is dust everywhere there are little critter  that have been running around in the dark in the absence of your presence it's a good idea to open the windows first let some fresh air in burn some incense clean up some of the dust get rid of the history that's what breath work does breath work is like going inside opening and clearing out the clutter clearing out the history going back all the way to your birth cleaning out the history because it is this history lodged in your biology in your psychology in your chemistry which is creating the resistances the incessant thinking the burning searing pain  in your knees and your back as your trying to sit for five minutes what and they say I'm supposed to sit for forty five minutes to an hour without moving this is freaking crazy but that's how it is open the windows first bring a fan and that's what rebirthing breath work is however you asked me to answer to deal with that part of the question you asked what did i do personally? I didn't have any of that i didn't know about breath work  when i discovered meditation that day in Thailand at twenty-five I didn't have anything I just  knew i was a miserable man that's all i knew that i was suffering despite  i had pretty much everything because I was in a indulgent kind of life that i was miserable but I didn't have any teachers all i had was this technique that i had found in this magazine and it was a one year technique that was divided into four parts twelve months technique divided into four parts and it appeared to my rational scientific nature i thought oh i start like that and slowly take away the support until yes! i like that so that's what i did and from the beginning it suggested that i sit for forty- five minutes and not move described all of that i thought okay i can do this there and then that day cop and gun on the beach this is thirty  something years ago now since i was twenty twenty five twenty six then i started i tried it before and it was a hell it was a hell but here it was explained to me so i sat and i experienced the pain but i insisted because i was like a stray dog i had no choice i was ready i needed some help but i couldn't turn to anyone because there was no one around me i was not connected to my family i wasn't connected to anyone particularly there's a lot of people these  days like that at the moment for sure especially during COVID so relatable for a lot of people but please continue I'm happy you mentioned  that because i really forget i forget what its like not to have that inner support so you say there a lot of  people out there that need it i have no doubt that that's true I just sat through the pain while my friends were out building businesses i was in my room building my meditation practice while my friends were out meeting i was in my room doing this thing because i was already preparing myself for what i knew what was to come and the crisis that i would have and the heartaches i would have and so on so what do i tell these people? i simply tell them that there  is no way of avoiding that but you can improve your chances you can work with a group you can use breath work you  can consult integral teachers you can do that rebirthing breath work begin with that ten sessions of that and then sit and meditate I mean you'll naturally be guided  to this internal meditative state so okay I'm a sceptic I've got a fifty hour work week I've got kids I've got bills to  pay all these external things and i'm like this, you're telling me ten sessions how long's a session? what's the easiest way what's  the first step i could take? what doyou tell someone like that? nothing you just keep doing what you're doing until you don't have to ask that question anymore wow that's beautiful to interrupt you just really quickly what you just said it just resonated a thousand times in many ways but it really reminded me of  Bruce Lee talking about water it's like if someone's being a rock just be water just be water they'll grind  themselves away eventually and then when they turn  from a massive boulder into the little sand and pebbles  and they wanna flow with you they flow with you yes that's right there's not  point in trying to convince anyone also because you would be doing them a disservice life will do what it needs to do it guides us our living experience the  disappointments the resentments all of those difficulties that wee meet with are the hand is a chisel that  sculpts that fashions out of us that soul entity that we know we are there's a wonderful way to look at it Michael Angelo I think it's Michael Angelo his statue of David he was asked how did you  sculpt this remarkable statue of David out of a single  one tonne piece of marble? and he said first i looked then i saw then he said then i went and grabbed my chisel and i dug him out he said first i looked that's one phase one stage then i saw David in there in the marble then i grabbed my chisel and chiselled him out now the chisel is life the experiences the adversities  they chisel out of us each man is a David each woman is a David we are all soul entities of a divine nature life is progressively guiding us to discover our essence our divine nature we're not here to be happy like the wonderful Eckhardt Tolle says life is  not here to make you happy life is here to wake you up in other words to get you to know your self we go back to that theme again so these people or these sceptics as you call them or those who are not ready  just keep doing what you are until you are ready until you have no choice you don't ask that question if you don't have time there's another wonderful Buddhist saying it says if you don't have  twenty minutes to meditate everyday then one hour will do you don't have twenty minutes  then one hour will be enough because it will win your time no it will take you outside the realm of time 100% that's really important to understand for me to go back to that personal experience i took that one year meditation technique and i did it i sat through my pain the searing pain in my knees  the searing pain in my back the aloneness that i experience  i refuse to move from my practice forty five year i would put my little alarm and i would sit there my job i told myself was to show up i didn't even understand what i was going to get out of meditation it was just something that i knew i needed to do and i wasn't doing it in order to relax i was doing it for wisdom i knew that knowledge was always important to me since i was a kid i was like  a beaten dog if you will and i needed knowledge i needed understanding i need insight i needed wisdom i had no teachers i discovered meditation in a  magazine sitting on a table on this small island in Copangan in this place that was called the Sanctuary it used to be nothing in those days presently its a world renowned  detox centre where people flock to do their alternative healing by the way i actually ended up  teaching meditation there some twenty seven years after  the event of learning there i happened to go back there twenty seven years? exactly twenty seven? it was something like six  years ago i happened to go back twenty seven years is one  of those number though right because you were talking about  astrological readings before but i interrupt please continue so i just did what i had to do something deeper my pain was guiding me towards wisdom and i discovered meditation and used that i finished my technique and  I've kept up my practice ever since so i meditate daily and when i came back to Australia because in those years i was  living Miami in South Beach and in Europe with the work that i was doing so by now i had come back to Australia and then i went to do Vepassana which is a ten day silence meditation retreat they're worldwide there's  a few of them in Australia the one that i did was up in  Pamona in Northern Queensland so i did my first Vepassana ten  day silent retreat meditation there it was an excruciating experience but it was really a big important experience and it continued from there fast forward to today meditation  has been apart of my life when i discovered rebirthing  breath work however i found a way i could teach meditation in a different way in a more clever way i no longer it teaching meditation it was now i'm doing rebirthing breath work but really the cracks of my thing is how do i practically my work is helping people to set up a successful daily meditation practice why? because without a successful  daily meditation practice you can't take the inner journey it can happen by accident you can have a near death experience that's good that's lucky but the chances of that are well it's slim but could happen so meditation is necessary as a vehicle as a tool in order to guide us to know ourselves deeper i would call it a skill too oh yeah because people say knowledge can be learned but skills must be practised yes i would agree it is a skill anyone can learn it's a universal skill actually it's not even a skill that can be learned it is learnt simply by practice it is a skill that is a by product of practice just like discipline discipline is something that  is a by product of practice you don't approach meditation with discipline discipline is something that happens to you so i wanna put in a footnote  in here really quickly just for listeners potentially saying I'm going to leave it with you but people at this point are probably thinking so how did you guys go from a post on facebook about crypto to meeting about crypto to talking about this and there was sort of two  things that i found fascinating and you might segway into this  i on't know if you're already kind of going there but i just found really important to share was you talked about the ages the ages and the technological advancements so whats the link there? so technology advancement crypto is replacing so many old  technologies with the blockchain but you were more excited  about birthing technologies and the effect on the next generations and i feel like if we could somehow bring a little bit of that juicyness today that could be really cool yes lets do that and that will definitely lead up to the bliss births if we think of time in a linear sense and we look at the seasons winter summer spring and autumn and we use this idea to understand  that consciousness is also a season lets call consciousness wisdom and if we understand that technology is a by product of wisdom different wisdom will create  different technologies different inventions so if we think of consciousness  as a seasonal thing and we think of consciousness  as wisdom and technology as a by product of wisdom  or invention is a by product of wisdom and technology is a means  to facilitating our lives see the relationship so far? and then we look at history and we see what has been said about the season of consciousness or is there  any reference to these ideas? seasons of consciousness or seasons of technology or the ages as you described or it certainly has been called for example if we look to the Greeks we see that they had expounded  on the idea of the ages the iron age the bronze age the  silver age and the golden age and if we look to also the Oriental traditions or specifically the Hindu tradition they also talked about the ages and they called them the yugas the four ages just like the Greeks and they also called them the dark ages and what have you but these ages if we take away that word and simply refer to them as seasons now we understand the season of spring or the season of winter a whole four seasons a whole  year is within a lifetime we will experience those  changing season many times in eighty ninety year average before we die before the body perishes but when you talk about seasons that span huge periods of time in terms of our own living experience eighty years is not enough to  experience one single season talk about season that are  twenty four thousand years or two and a half thousand years etc we have no opportunity of experiencing them so we know the seasons of temperature and weather we're talking about here  the season of consciousness or the season of wisdom they're ages distinct ages the bronze age before that the iron age and so on and so forth and each age we can call  it the age of consciousness can also call it the age of wisdom a particular quality of wisdom and so if you look at the dark ages or the iron age it had it's representative technology the iron age technology and that lasted and few thousand years moved on we call it evolution but its the movement of consciousness evolution in that sense is  really just the movement of consciousness there is no other type of evolution we evolve in consciousness and we descend in consciousness we ascend and we descend we ascend and we descend and so we move to the bronze  age and from the bronze age bronze age also gave birth  to it's type of technology the bronze age the bronze or the age of bronze it gave birth to it relative  technologies and inventions i found something you said that was interesting it was energy conductor bronze is an energy conductor and so the bronze age which is the age we are currently living in is the age of energy this age has been has been predominately about how do we harvest energy? we moved from working with tools to how to we harvest energy? and know its difficult to know where and when these particular yugas or these particular ages begin and end there's a  lot of discrepancy around that overlap i imagine overlap also but when do they really start? for example we know exactly  when autumn starts and spring but we're talking about ages  that are so far beyond our ordinary linear time of a single human life and also they extend beyond the collective age five thousand years is not enough recorded collective story telling history right? right, five thousand years is not enough also importantly because we've  come out of the dark ages our intelligence our consciousness our wisdom is dark is iron age wisdom and now we've been in the bronze energy wisdom for quite sometime we're moving towards some say within sixty seventy years we'll be coming out of that into the third age what they call the Hindu's call the Tetra yuga or the silver age now we think of silver as Mercury as the mind so moving to the mind age or the season of consciousness which pertains to the mind the ability to create through conscious will the use of mind technology now I'm not talking about intellect right now we're in the bronze age as far as this concept is concerned this seasonal changes and age of season and the technologies the season of bronze and the  technologies associated with energy and right now we know from our science that we're able to extract energy from space so were refining our abilities to extract energy but even on our own individual level people get all their energy  from sugar, sweets, coke other people are learning about healthy eating and so they get their energy from finer substance but the next sixty years and already if you are beginning to experiment with getting energy from fasting, from the sun from air you know Prana we're already refining our  ability to extract energy but to use it and to store it well just even talking about tantra and the effect of you know when you talk to most people and you talk about sex what's it really about? the predominant programming it's about the dude getting off and if he's a stud he can get her off first too but it's all about him blowing his load and what's that really about? that's a huge conversation and that in fact is what we might have to save that one  for a whole other conversation but i will say here that exactly that is what started me in this whole journey at seventeen eighteen Mantak Chia's work of sexual cultivation cultivating the sex energy Mantak Chia's amazing we can save that for another time but so importantly in terms of the ages and the seasons of consciousness which are the seasons of wisdom and their associated technologies so we're not talking about  one particular technology we're talking about all the  technologies that are now being guided by that particular age including the technology of birth we don't often think of birth as a technology but we don't often realise  that our current birthing practises are an improvement on practice within that age frame the iron age they're vastly improved but they're certainly not the end of it the end of story our birthing technology is already particularly with the work  with the people like myself and others who are doing this type of work we're already introducing a different type of birthing technology which is really associated with the dawning age of wisdom the silver age the age of mind so we're moving from the pain birth which is associated with this particular age or the bronze age or the season of consciousness  associated with bronze we're moving to the bliss  birth which is associated with the mind birth what does that practically mean that just means the woman is giving birth without pain it means she has done a  certain kind of work beforehand she has gone through the healing journey she has healed her birth trauma and the birth trauma of her lineage and what is now capable of birthing in bliss in other words she's during the delivery the pain in not activated the memory of her own birth and the memory of her own  lineage's birth are not activated is not activated during her own delivery the memory is not activated so the body has been brought to a point where there is no memory of the fear contractions are anti-life we have to remember wow fuck yeah the pin dropped that is a line contraction with a bliss birth with a woman and a man with a couple it's important that the couple  undergoes this type of work this type of rebirthing  breath work journey of healing the birth trauma they become, the woman's body those contractions ideally will be have been transformed into pulsations pleasure pulsations so the contractions which are anti-life the memory the biological  memory the chemical memory not necessarily the psychological memory because the psychological memory is not available to us because it's a trauma so psychologically it is veiled to us but not biologically and not by experience in other words not chemically it's there rebirthing breath  work heals all of that and the body becomes more or less completley empty of this so when it comes time for the woman to give birth or to deliver her body is without this biological memory also without this chemical memory to the best degree to the best possible because we're talking about future lineage birth not only now am i able  capable of birthing in bliss but my child, and my child's child the Aborigines the first nation's people have this thing they say you know healing seven generations forward or healing seven generations backward that's true how can i support that? well i can't i can't support that i can't validate that how can i validate that that's ridiculous maybe with modern technology from here on forward with fantastic stewards of the historical records we will find out seven generations from now i think so, exactly so we're intuitively beginning a kind of work a kind of work which will  is already being recorded for at least for the last forty fifty years at least for me in the last  fifteen years of my own work thirteen fourteen years I've  worked with many wanna be parents, helping them to  deliver more ideal practises or improved practises that's the third age and  we're moving the Tetra yuga the third age the age of mind so in the next six years it's  going be very interesting to see how our technology of harvesting energy develops particularly in the science  field which is remarkable it's growing so exponentially exponential age is here the work of the people like Nassim Haramein who is a wonderful scientist  he is working this field but there is mathematically  he is writing the formula's for energy extraction from the vacuum mathematics and we know that a single cubic centimetre of space contains enough energy to power up the universe for eternity he's writing the maths for this so we're not here intuitively describing no maths is universal and that's another thing that's so beautiful segway here partial one why does bitcoin work? why is bitcoin such a superior technology to traditional fiat currency's? because it's just maths and it's beautiful math and math is universal and like you said if we ever  do have contact with aliens and perhaps they are among us you know what aliens would understand maths! they would understand maths too so we're talking about technology and how each season of wisdom season of consciousness is associated with certain developments we don't usually consider developments which includes rebirthing or include our birthing practices which in my view are fundamental to how a species behaves or how are relates with itself and also how it relates to the environment that it inhabits and that it is  a sort of custodian if you will and i think that currently our technologies are certainly an improvement of the season of iron, iron  age technologies, dark ages which include our birthing practices but even so our birthing practices currently are painful and the new birth is a blissful birth where souls enter into this physical, biological neurological plain through the gateway of bliss as opposed to the gateway of pain pain psychologically imprints us with terror and with the  idea that we are under threat which leads to the need to protect ourselves and this is for the vast majority of us you know the foundation of how we meet the world how we interact with each other and how we interact with how environment we are under threat and so protection is our mechanism because we feel we could be hurt at any moment it has happened before it could happen again and we really want to go  back to where we came from hence birth of the ideas of desire and fear heaven and hell all of these are by products of the pain birth which we describe intellectually according to our season of consciousness which is the bronze season so we're describing things  according to our knowledge base but as we improve or as the season the consciousness season as autumn moves and gives way to spring you know that's the third season we will be able to explain things in much more favourable terms see the weather is warmer aww it's okay it's not so bad we used to think it was like  this oh how bitter it was so our understanding is being qualified and is being conditioned by the season of consciousness  by the season of wisdom the prevailing season of wisdom I'm repeating myself in this way as to make this idea clearer and clearer a season associated with wisdom which is associated with technology which is associated with our experience how we describe it and understand it but also associated with  how we deal with each other how i meet you how i feel about myself how i experience my body and how i treat my environment i don't butcher it now we are violent people as it were right now because our birth was violent but as our peace our peaceful birth as the bliss birth takes over we will feel peace inside and we will begin to be capable of relating to each other in an improved peaceful manner we can't even talk about the golden age because that's not even going to be apart of our own experience in this lifetime at least we may know the season the dawning age of silver the Tetra yuga which is sixty seventy years away from now so we're really advanced in this bronze age so it's remarkable to try to think what kind of technologies energy technologies are  going to be coming right now going to be so amazing now in terms of bitcoin you were saying it's a mathematical and if aliens they would understand maths yes i agree, so bitcoin is definitely  an interesting movement cryptocurriencies are are  heralding in a different way of transacting energy because money is energy so we talk about money money is so important in  this current particular age because money is energy bronze, it is a conductor of energy if you will but in the mind age what is interesting about this type of technology money will not have an important  place to play in our lives because money is energy it is how we transact how we move and exchange between each other so the mind age we can't really talk about even the existence of sort of bitcoin or these kind of currencies as a monetary system remember how we talk also about  gold and all of this stuff as a value holding thing that's bronze we're talking  about bronze essentially and it's very interesting to  associate these different things we say that gold is a how to the put it? is a good store of value  and bitcoin is digital gold and now bitcoin is digital gold  and is a good store of value no no it's not these things no that's old technology that's energy based type of understanding but to me if i look at it from the silver age from the Tetra yuga if i try to concieve of it as a technology which is the  beginning of something other we can't conceive right now we're talking about a framework we're talking about the building blocks or maybe not building blocks but we're talking about the foundation which will have a differen kind of relevance which is going to be associated with a different kind of value which is going to be associated  with a different kind of age the season of the silver age mind creators and the buiness people call it the  creator economy is coming right that would be accurate because the mind is a creator that's beautiful that's right but you know on that note just like a coat an heavy winter coat you can't talk about a coat in summer when you're thinking about swimming cozzies and swimsuits not on the beach you're not wearing a coat the coat is relevant in the season of winter and it is a store of warmth but you don't need warmth in summer what you need is something different yes interesting so in the time of mind you're not going to be thinking about how to store energy because energy is so freely abundant you've gone beyond energy remember mind so then you're no longer thinking about that energy pertains to biology energy is what the body on the outside that looks physical energy is it's real reality it's the way of function of the particle what looks like a solid particle on the outside mind is what moves energy through emotion so yes the creator technology where each human becomes aware of his or her resourcefulness each one  of us will become a wallet i am a wallet according to my own value  proposition or contribution but since i can create through conscious will and conscious organisation of mind at will then i will know myself to be powerful in other words i am not needy so what do i need to store value for? I'm not cold what do i need my coat for? I understand winter may be coming but I'm in the season of summer my friend I'm going surfing you're not going to be storing hundreds of bitcoin because you don't need to store hundred of bitcoin and collateralize and make more  because you don't give a fuck you're focused on more important shit disassociated with cold i needed it then i needed woodfire but I'm not going to carry woodfire i love that i think that is the most beautiful way to begin to start to wrap this up i think that's a beautiful way to keep this topic synced where would you go from here? is here more you would add you know we gotta keep that whelm level don't want to overwhelm don't want to underwhelm as one of my coaches says we want to get the whelm just right well, i think we've talked about a lot of things from an eagle eye perspective i think we hav there the making of many different conversations about those specific things should there be further interest and intention we should definitely look into it i think to wrap it up for your audience is simply to say if any of this this is an open conversation share with us your insight share with us in the comment what you would like to hear about guide our conversation help us to organside where this can go we don't know at least i don't but to your audience your comments will help and you may agree with somethings said or you may really disagree with these things comment start up a conversation especially if you disagree especially if you disagree because there's nothing wrong with that please yes please do but just because someone doesn't agree respectfully share your views don't resort to bronze age conversation or even iron age definitely don't get to iron age just share, its beautiful to open and discuss to learn and to share. I want to say thank you for turning up and bringing such a wonderful  energy to the show today the start of something fantastic. hopefully we were able to  if not educate and inspire then at least entertain today with out conversation that's beautifully put thank you  for starting this conversation and no doubt we'll have more well stay in touch i appreciate you we'll speak soon for   sure

2021-06-30 13:52

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