okay so Blade Runner 2049 is one of my favorite sci-fi films of all time and I might even put it up there as being better than the original what yes yes I ads for me but Danny will enough created an incredible sequel that I think builds perfectly on the first film whilst also crafting its own story and characters that don't feel reliant on the past it also manages the naranga fans by [ __ ] up characters like Deckard and even things like whether he's a replica or not are questions we don't get answers to feels like there's a real respect for what's come before and throughout this video I want to go through the film scene by scene and point out all the Easter eggs hidden details and things you might not know about the world in case you missed our Blade Runner breakdown then there's a really interesting backstory to this world that doesn't really get touched upon in either of these films the Blade Runner universe is post-world War III in which chemical and nuclear warfare were used on the world and in the aftermath of it the planet was highly destabilized poisonous toxins were injected into the atmosphere which killed most of the animals and a large number of humans were left with mutations and also physical defects for example the first film had GF Sebastian who we learned was rap aging the sky was blacked out and places like La rained all the time now the movie even ends with it snowing and throughout kadon's a big coat to keep him warm because of how cold it is on the outskirts of La we also have a gigantic sea wall and this has been put in place to counter the rising sea levels now in his ride we see Kay filling out a report at one point and he does this on plastic instead of paper due to it no longer being so readily available very few trees exist on the planet and this is why the one at the farm becomes so important now the plastic that he writes on also has a 1920s camera plate holder as well showing how Humanity has had to resort to modifying and recycling things from the past although case jacket has sheepskin on it the costume designer said that they made a point of only using fake fur in the clothing because almost all the animals are gone this could also be a call back to the book that the series is based on called the do Android stream of Electric Sheep because we have an Android wearing an electric sheep even though he's really dreaming of Anna diama Scott damn anyway the locations really speak to how messed up the environment is and how damaged that the planet has become thus Humanity has taken to the stars and they've used replicants as a way to scatter hazardous planets the replicants were very much slaves but they weren't seen as being alive because they were synthetic when they're killed it's also called retiring because to kill something means that it was alive as we saw in the first film they were also given short life spans and this was so that they couldn't really do much with their life humans on Earth were lured in a space with the promise of every replicant and they range from all types like the comet drones like Roy to the sex slave pleasure Bots like pris the first film was very much about a hunter of these named Deckard realizing that they were human and learning to love one the second film builds upon that and we discover that he and Rachel actually had a child together if Humanity was to learn about this then this would create more questions over whether replicants are real or not and it would end up leading to further disputes now we actually see this play laying out in the first of three short films that fill in the events between the last movie and this one much like the animatrix these allow the backstory to be told to us and hadn't actually seen them until I went back to the film for this breakdown the first is Total Blackout 2022 and it tells of what happened with the replicant models after that first film directed by shinichiro Watanabe you might know him as being The Man Behind Cowboy Bebop his movie actually also references that anime in its final few shots and we have K dying on the stairs similar to spike Spiegel now in case you haven't seen it it basically talks about how the Nexus 6 was replaced by the Nexus 8. I don't know why we didn't get an Axis 7 but it might be like how Apple skipped the iPhone 9 so that they could release the X in line with their 10th anniversary anyway the Nexus 8 to a given natural life spans then in response to this human Supremacy group throws up that sort of take them out the replicant registration database was created to identify them all but all this information was lost during the blackout the anime features a scene ref thing on the first film and we watch his gath and Brian go through replicant profiles amongst these we see sapper Morton and you might recognize him as being played by Dave Batista now as we later learned sappa delivered Anna and in military terms as Sapp as someone who's responsible for breaching walls the infertility of replicants is at one point described as being a war between them and the humans and thus him helping with the delivery very much plays into his name now in the anime inuk's detonated above la which creates a blackout this destroys all the records and we end with the character Iggy removing his eyes so that he can't be identified we learn that replica in production was then prohibited and in the wake of this the Tyrell Corporation went bankrupt Leander Wallace then acquired it and appealed the ACT which takes us into our two other short films 2036 and 2048 both are actually directed by Ridley scottson Luke and the first Stars Benedict Wong and Jared Alito the first one's about him repealing the replicant ban and this is due to him predicting that if they don't use slave labor that Batman will hit the planet replicants are the workforce of Earth and even the word robot comes from the word Robotnik which means slave neander gets the replicant with him to self-retire and this shows how he can create them to obey even to the point of their own end thus he sells them on never running never rising up and obeying Humanity to all ends realizing replicants can be used as slaves once more they left the ban and Wallace is able to start producing more now Leto provides a chilling performance throughout the movie and this blind character brings a number of symbolic things with him firstly we see later on that his Holmes adorned with large inexpensive wooden walls we get an idea of how much wood is worth from the dealer later on when the tiny horse that K gives over is said to be enough to buy a real one as mentioned real animals are almost extinct and this hammers home the idea of how valuable this wooden horse is the fact that Wallace's walls are built with wood as well shows how wealthy he must be and as we mentioned earlier this is because there's so few trees you also have his chilling eyes as well and much like the first film may carry a lot of meaning with them now the first movie opens on a shot of an eye as does this one this is green and as we later learn Rachel's eyes were green too her eyes were green now the first film having a blue eye makes me think that it belonged to Deckard another second could belong to Rachel I think it's more likely that it belongs to their daughter Anna the film opening with her eyes symbolizes that she's the key to everything and it lets us know that she's the most important character replicants were of course identified with their eyes in the void contest and here we learn that they're now identified by their eyes having serial numbers Roy kill Tyrell by pushing his eyes in and Roy even visited an eye manufacturer mention this all in our last video but we surmised that this was done because eyes are the window to the soul the how does his play into neander Wallace while his eyes are covered with metallic contact lenses and these are allow him to see through the use of drones a craft talks about movies pointed out that this shows he doesn't see the world through his soul but rather through technology this gives him a cold and emotionless view of the world and having these tools also allows him to be like an All-Seeing God Tyrell lost his eyes in that very first film and now we have a successor who doesn't eyes at all replicants remove their eyes to hide who they are and we also have joyous whose eyes take an interesting turn in the film throughout she develops what I think could be genuine love for K but she's eventually destroyed and we've seen advert for her this ad spouts off some of the lines her choice said in the movie and she also refers to K as being Joe you look like a good show earlier in the movie this is her giving him the name because he was special whereas here there's a more Sinister side to it being completely nude she's clearly meant to be in line with a prostitute and not to get into a breakdown of hooker terms but men are often referred to being Joes by them my wife's my wife's not watching this is [ __ ] well I learned it from a movie uh that bit now she referred to gay as Joe at several points and this reveals that the girl that he thought was special is just a program designed to either love him or at least make him think that she does in the scene she also has black eyes and this is possibly showing that she's just a Solace creation built for one thing her eyes are being Stripped Away because this Joy doesn't have a soul she's just a product that's built to be consumed there's even a boy version of her spelled b-o-i and these products are made Sully to belly isolation that people in this world feel now the last short film is called 2048 and no prizes for guessing that this is said one year before the events of this film in it we found follow supper as he protects a mother and child and in doing soy out himself as a replicant and thus has to go into hiding a one Pony shows her the book of the power and the glory which is about an outlaw priest who's trying to understand what it means to be human it's one of my favorites you'll love it bit on the nose but the short ends with a witness calling the police to report supper as a rogue skin job which sets up K hunting him down in the movie yeah just getting a breaking down the actual movie now that starts off like the first one with a big block of text by that they do something really clever here and they have the first word appear on the top left which makes our eyes go to it this is also how replicants are identified and they have to look up to the left to show their serial numbers at the heart of Blade Runner is very much his idea of empathy and learning to see the replicants as human which puts us in their shoes they are very much exactly the same as us on every level except for that they have a serial number on them somewhere where we don't his texts crawl instantly puts us in their shoes and makes us do what they do from the start to sell really get us to side with them it hammers home this idea of empathy and K is even chosen because of his lack of it which is what the Baseline test checks for we now have replicants hunting replicants and originally they were designed to have no empathy this is what the vodkom tests checked for and they start to go Haywire once too many emotional questions were asked now after the shot of the eye we cut to the fields of California to see giant towers and panels these are laid out in this circular motion and they're meant to mirror eyes only this time they're synthetic who watches K passes over large fields of greenhouses and though you might think these are fake these are actually real in El Hiro Spain there's over 26 000 hectares of them that create food supplies for the majority of Europe here we find sappa working as a farmer to produce food and outside of the tens we can see Russian text now in our first film breakdown we talked about how we thought that Japan were the winners of World War III and this is why they were seen in every aspect of La at the arise that this was done because of Asian superiority fears that were prevalent at the time and there were lots of Western organizations scared that the East would take over this is because lots of our products were from Japan and China and I think Ridley Scott cleverly placed this into the movie now in this film it seems like the Russians are now reeling which is denoted by this text later on we see some Holograms including a ballerina and also the words cccp this implies that in the Blade Runner universe that the Soviet Union didn't split up and that they now rule over America the words that we see on the tent here actually translated says Lina and this is a reference to the campaign in the Soviet Union where workers were sent out to Farms this was in order to grow food and we discovered that this is a quote-unquote protein form which is basically forming grubs because not many animals left now in his home we catch a piano and in the first film we learned that Rachel had memories and Planet into her to make her believe that she'd taken lessons she played the piano at decades in K later plays the E key to reveal a hidden Russian box sucks and a photo okay travels to Vegas he plays his same e key as well and it's calling back at that moment from the first film are the scenes also a bigger tribute to that movie then you might realize the first movie was originally supposed to happen like this and then he used the original storyboards that readily and co-created to map out this scene in it we had Deckard traveling out to a farmhouse where he killed the occupant and this was to show how ruthless he was Deckard waited in the house with a Boiling Pot of soup on the stove and as the replicant returned home and went to stir it he was shot in the back by the character this was without Descartes saying a word and it was meant to show us instantly how bad he was now as much as I loved that first film we never really get the impression that deckards threw the scalp hunter that people make him out to be this scene I think would have added to it but it allows K to come across as completely cold and also remorseless saparettes is scalpel and we later learned that this is the same one he used to provide an emergency C-section on Rachel she died during childbirth but the baby was saved and he plans the idea in case mind that he's this way because he's never seen a miracle he also says how does it feel killing your own guy I don't retire my own kind because we don't run now this is obviously because Kay's generation obeys entirely however we see him slowly learning the empathy he needs to escape k then takes his eye and he gets a call from his boss played by Robin Wright whether he's distracted after he notices some buttercups at the tree and Robin Wright actually played the character Buttercup in The Princess Bride might be a rich but Kay returns home and you might notice that he's the only car on the sky in case he missed our first video This was done for a specific reason and it's a show how the class system still exists in this world the elites have gone to space whereas those casts to the side have been forced to remain on Earth police have more power than those on the ground as well and this is why they all have flying cars you know the score pal you're not cops you're little people we see this represented later on when Kay returns home and he can actually catch a VW Bug this happening approach also mirrors how the first film handle things and huge it out to Thomas flight who put together a video of similarities this includes the ice shot and also how the vast and expensive skyscrapers are initially approached we see the sea wall here as well along with adverts for joy and the LAPD building which looms overall at this point we see the abuse that K subjected to by the other humans and we also get the first Baseline test interlinked what's it like to hold a hand to someone you love interlinked interlinked did they teach you how to peel finger to finger interlinked this is designed to trigger an emotional response from him by asking questions that humans May deal with the language here is based heavily around the pale fire this is about discussing Consciousness and what happens to it after we die the film ends with Kay's death and if replicants are indeed alive then surely they go on the same Journey that humans do when we pass the pale fire is also the book that Joy holds up when they talk about getting something to read but joy says that she hates it now from here we get a shot of the street I can also see a sign advertising off World Travel this is what was present on the blimps in the first movie and it attempted to lure people out to the Stars we can also see people riding on bikes which calls back to the first movie and you might notice a cheeky Sony advert as they distributed this movie well what they Sony made this bloody elf sometimes they don't make Trash with Charlie okay you shout out as he goes up the stairs and we also see graffiti over his door however inside he has his own little bit of paradise and this is alongside his AI girlfriend Joy now the other thing Joy eventually does come to care about k early on it's important to bear in mind that she's very much a product you can tell because there's actually some subtle things that she does and this is very much to upsell things to K how's your day I'm getting cabin fever this is done to upsell the emanator and this will allow her to roam around outside little does she know that he's actually already got this making me think that she suggested it several times potentially as part of her programming none of this gives her Freedom it comes with its downsides as this is actually how Love's able to track him later on love asks if K is satisfied with that product and this is clearly in reference to Joy how about after that she says something similar to Joy and to me this comes with the idea that case also approached too I say you're also a customer are you satisfied with our product I do hope you're satisfied with our product I love you while this is of course the one who builds the replicants in Ai and thus he's very much having these two products fall in love ajoy is very much the evolution of Alexa and she rattles Off song facts and acts like a 1950s housewife did you know this song was released in 1966 on reprise records it was number one on the charts okay blows some smoke through her and this glitches the Hologram showing the RGB color as needed to present Her Image he gives her the emanator and at this point we get several things about joy that look like the menu on smackdown's Creator wrestler her ethnicity is Cuban much like Anna's in real life and her height is also 168 centimeters which is Anna's height too I'm not a stalker yeah it's on Google now as the emanator powers up we also get a line of legal text to the right and this says I join all of the Technologies connected to her our property of the Wallace Corporation we have the Wallace logo then pop up and we get the idea that Joy doesn't really belong to K the emanator then plays notes from Peter and the Wolf hmm this is a Russian composition again showing how the Soviet Union are the rulers of everything the story itself is also about hunting much like Kay's role and in the end it comes with the moral that heroes must take chances like what we get in this story K takes Joy up to the roof and it's possible that this is a nod to the original book that the first film was based on Deckard and that owned a sheep which he kept on the roof finding that he was collecting sculpts to get enough money to buy a new being goat this is just like okay saving up money to buy the emanator and the first thing that he does is take joy to the top on the roof we see a bell board that has a woman with white face paint on and this is possibly calling back to the women from the first film however instead of being Asian she is Caucasian potentially showing the switch to Russia again there are Japanese letters up here too and these actually translate to Mobius Apartments huge allows to Alpha Car 22 on Reddit for pawning out that this is a nod to the artist Jean Mobius Gerard who's working spider Elite Scott when he was making that first film now this is a really sensual moment and watching two pieces of AI fall in love makes me want to get my Alexa and Google home and just bash them together it is delete that bit now it's such an interesting thing that I hadn't really seen before but we see how it has its downsides as K gets a call that interrupts her this is from his boss Joshi and when he returns to work we learn that they've dug up Rachel's bones I think this scene is really important as it shows just as similar replicants are to humans they have the exact same stuff as us and not indistinguishable except when you zoom in close enough that you can catch a serial number this is done to give us the idea that there's not really any defense between us and them they're just said to be machines so we don't feel bad enslaving them being able to have children and therefore being even close to human courses issues and the fear about replicants reproducing could once more cause a war the only control that humans have is that we are the ones who make them but if they can make their own then there's gonna be no need for us thus they could wipe us out and you can see how the fear of Extinction would cause Humanity to go and act irrationally okay is ordered to kill the child but he becomes conflicted over this because being born means that it's alive replicants have been told that being born means they're real and it's what gives them the self-perception that they don't have a soul to be born is to have a soul I guess you've been getting on fine without one that matter a soul now getting political but I think that replicants do have souls and at the ending of the first film was very much about giving that idea Dove symbolically represent the idea of a soul and Roy saying that it's time to die shows that he was in fact alive anyway cut of the city and we then see natari logo though they're extinct now the corporation was still going in the first film so it's a nice little carryover to have the logo popping up here K travels to the Tyrell Temple and we learn this is now owned by Wallace cut to love who's basically a human trafficker selling slaves and pleasure models to a Workforce in space she suggests styling down the humanity making them just blank shells love sees herself as being more than just a replicant k even remarks on how he named her he named you must be special I'm here for Mr Wallace throughout the film she's desperate to be seen as the best of the best she seeks validation from Wallace and every single aspect and I think one of the reasons she gets angry when killing Joshi is that she sees a human he's not this is someone who will protect their replicant more than Wallace ever will with her it makes her realize that he just sees has an object Joe she's basically putting her life on the line for what Society deems as being a Tamagotchi however she still protects K whereas Wallace would never do that for her while this also refers to her as an angel and this goes beyond just her protecting K from the sky later on the replicant that Wallace got herself retire in the short film was called Angel and he's likely carried on this notion in his other right hand replicants come the end of the film we get a symbolic shot when K kills love and the lights over his shoulder appear almost like their angel wings the film is also set in La which yeah City of Angels a Love Takes K past and Nexus 8 models which we can't show because of YouTube monetization one of them actually resembles the engineers from Prometheus though and the creative team did this as a little not to Ridley Scott to then get the vodkom test files from the first film and this has a question about the WASP planning on Rachel's hand later on when Kay arrives in Vegas a bee lands on his but he doesn't kill it whereas Rachel says that she would this is him potentially believing that he's not a replicant and the movie does have him questioning whether he's actually a person who's been tricked into thinking that he is one it sort of flips the script on the first film as in that we were questioning whether humans were replicants whereas here were left doing the opposite gonna be honest though I didn't really think there was any ambiguity because as soon as we've seen K getting Batista bombed I knew that he was a replicant but they do kind of go back and forth in the movie now love says that it's a nice being asked personal questions as it makes one feel desired she's just seen as a replicant member of staff and it's likely that no one ever asks for things because she's just seen as a slave I do kind of sense some flirting between her and K though as she immediately follows It Up by asking if he enjoys work it is invigorating being asked personal questions desire do you enjoy your work officer she's very much flirting with him and likely trying to do what Rachel did by asking questions of him may I ask you a personal question sure have you ever retired a human by mistake love just can't get it right though because her social skills just haven't been developed now from here K goes to meet Gaff from the first film I've seen some talk on Reddit about his headrest being a reference to Battlestar Galactica and in that Universe they use this to symbolize cutting corners and doing things as cheaply as possible gav has been left in what seems to be an asylum and he says he could tell something was different about Descartes because of his eyes replicants are identified by their eyes and they do kind of play loose and fast with the idea that Deckard could be one any idea how I could contact him retired retired is also a term that means to kill a replicant and thus this may be him hitting at that being the case and we also create an origami Chief bouquet and this of course carries its own meaning in the first film he made a chicken to symbolize Descartes turning down the job initially and this was Then followed by a man with an erection this was after Deckard met Rachel and to culminate with the Unicorn that could hold a number of different meanings K is given a sheep because he's just following orders without question and he's not special whereas the Unicorn is I think the entire film is about K realizing that he isn't really special and this is quite a nihilistic thing he's not the chosen one the love of his life is potentially just programmed that way and we'll talk about the hidden symbolism in his death scene later on now from here we go back to Wallace's now we can see water reflecting on the steps which is another not to Ridley Scott he actually wanted a shimmering pool in the Tyrell pyramid but the production team they put their foot down and spelled out why that wouldn't work and apparently just said I want it because it looks Wallace says this an angel should never enter the kingdom of heaven without a gift can you at least pronounce a child is born this is language at Paul's from the Bible and again it's given the idea that Wallace views himself as a God and His replicants are his angels He refers to replicants as being born and this again shows that he views them as actual life they don't actually wore gray contact lenses on set and this made it impossible to see so he had to be ushered around everywhere it's called acting shut up now interestingly Danny revealed that originally he wanted David Bowie to play the role because of his real-life eccentricities sadly though he passed away in 2016 and would have been Gravely ill when this film was being shot now we learned that Wallace is trying to create replicants that can make their own children he brings in his drones to look over a new prototype one of them stays staring at love and this is done to see her reaction to him basically killing a newborn life form Tyrell talks about how every civilization is built on the back of a disposable Workforce but that we lost our stomach for using slaves because he's unable to create rap applicants and make children he can't spread out as far as he wants to unless he feels that humanity is trapped he stabs the replicant in the abdomen and this is in the same way that love kills Joshi later on she too copies her master's mannerisms and Wallace kisses the replicant right before she dies this is something that love also does with K when trying to kill him showing how much he wants to live up to Wallace now this is actually a callback of the first film as well and Roy kissed Tyrell just before he murdered him now Wallace is frustrated that Tyrell managed to create replicants that could breed and this he sends love out after K the best angel of all now at this point we jump back to LA and catch the umbrellas in the street that we used at the beginning of the first film you can also see a hologram and this starts up with a woman dancing in it this is actually an idea mess and it's a nice subtle reference to Joy being customized and built for different audiences you have the more classic homewife that K has but there's also this serious side of the AI that can be fetishized too we can also see a screen in the top right with Kay's face on it too and this shows that the group are actively looking for him now on the TV wall we can see a screen that says jiggity jig and this is what JF Sebastian's doll said upon Him returning home yeah we also see pleasure bot in full effect and see that they also speak Russian which yeah I'm doing your heading with that now Marriott stays and says that she's never seen a tree before and she starts to flirt with him but my man's loyal to Joy now this party returns to sappers and discovers the tree has the baby's date of birth on it witchy then Burns we later learn that this date is inscribed at the bottom of the horse too and this it makes him begin to believe that he's connected to it although it's difficult to make out when we see it in the shadows we can see that this horse actually has a horn in the middle of its head meaning that this is actually a unicorn tying back to the ending of the first film I love kills Coco and takes the bones of Rachel and later on this is used to create a duplicate version of her however just in the same way we don't know if dinosaurs had feathers or not Wallace isn't able to get things like tissue right which is why the eyes on green arcade tells Josie about this wooden horse memory and we see this playing out there's a little clue here that this is actually Anna as we see that she has long hair whereas the boy is chasing her have shaving heads later on when Kaye visits the location we can see the girls there have longer hair or as the boys are shaving shown that the memory was of a girl now Anna being outside here could show that the immune deficiency thing that keeps her confined to a room is in fact a lie in this world I think knowing that memories could be implanted would actually make a question if yours were real or not and we just discover that she was told her parents went off world as we know they are really Deckard and Rachel's so it shows how her entire life may be a facade anyway we once more see the pale Fire book on the table and this is the only book K owns because it's likely all that he can afford again paper is very expensive but the fact that he has his shows how a line he is on it for the Baseline test K travels out to look over code and we see what makes a replicant it's quite complicated code and Joy says that she's more simple existing of ones and zeros this is of course binary code but K replies by saying half as much but twice as elegant sweetheart our Tyrell said something similar in the first film when he remarked on the replicant life spans being camels that burned twice as bright but half as long now from here that led to the moral coal orphanage to track down the records of the replicant child we hit up San Diego and see it's been turned into a dump which is a far cry from the whale's vagina that it used to be I'm out here K's Spinners attacked with what I think is a kite that then travels up into the clouds and gets struck by lightning might not be that and I'm probably wrong so yeah let me know if you actually know because it looks like that but it may just be a standard EMP now Joy is shorted out because of this and it's kinda heartbreaking watching her glitch out when trying to wake him up now as the spinner is sworn we see how love once more acts like a guardian angel raining down missiles from the sky seeing her killing countless people while getting her nails done shows how detached from Humanity that she is and her eyes are covered during this to represent the soul she lacks this is also from a God's eye view and I think that it's ironic these people will probably pushed out of their jobs because of AI and they're now being killed by it showing how much technological advancements have stopped our species now love is of course keeping him alive and this is so that you can find more out about the kid anyway at the orphanage he meets Mr cotton played by Lenny James James said that cotton used to be a school teacher and it was through this that he was entrusted with the orphanage however he's turned it into a child labor Factory and he has children picking away at the scrap metal from the dump to make himself richer he tries to sell the kids at first but when K Reveals His badge his tune quickly changes however he does say something interesting bigger than you were trying to shut me down bigger than you and they wouldn't they were men at there and though we don't know who this is it could be due to him housing the replicant child it may also be sapper due to his comment about them being big and potentially they tried to free Anna after she was sent here we do know that people have been snooping through his stuff recently though and they likely went to him because we discover he kept physical records that weren't damaged by the blackout he had a page torn out which the child's data was connected to and after noticing a horse ashtray Kay decides to go to where his memory was I were told in this film on the first the replicants don't have memories of things that really happen because it's illegal if they were to encounter the location in real life then it may cause an existential crisis in which they question their own identity ironically Anna is a memory designer and though she avoids using her own ones she implanted some of hers into all the replicants which ends up bringing them together later on with Mariette we see her notice the wooden horse and she's transfixed by it possibly because it's also a memory She carries okay then goes to see Anna and we see we have photographing an insect bugs make up a majority of the memories and in the first film we heard about Rachel's one which centered around his spider and she then makes a birthday cake and it's possible this is actually Anna's due to it being a seventh birthday party and her being locked up in here when she was eight well there's a bit of every artist in their work and we learn and it tries to create happy memories because the replicants have to do such hard work but this allows them to have something to look back and smile on Anna being behind glass also carries its own symbolism with it and through the reflection we get a really interesting shot as Anna leans into her microscope K is frame behind her and his reflection's much darker making him almost appear like a shadow he very much believes he's her unless it makes sense symbolically that he's now living in her Shadow now Anna says the memory is real and she'd of course instantly know due to it being one of her own K travels outside of this spot he'll eventually die at and at this point he then catches a snowflake this very much carries the true meaning of the movie and it brings with a lot of symbolism that Bells off the back of the first film now in that Roy buddy famously said that all his memories would be lost like tears in the rain he died with it pouring down on him and this mirrors how K dies with the snow coming down Roy died with his head down whilst kale looks up and there's also this metaphor lace just in the snow and rain the movie is about one person realizing that they aren't as special as they think and we could all end up lost like tears in the rain however we are all unique just like every individual snowflake is and though we'll get lost we all leave things behind when we pass now there is a class system in Blade Runner that tries to pull others down yep and none of us being special we should all treat each other with kindness though we are all our own individual and unique people we are a collective too and K dying realizing that he is in special means that he's willing to sacrifice himself to save descart and his daughter how do you thought the opposite he might not have put himself In Harm's Way but he accepts that even though he's unique he's no better than anyone else I know people think it's quite a nihilistic Viewpoint to have the main character not be the chosen one but I actually think it carries its own positive meaning that we should be nice to each other because we're no better than they are K realizing that Joy might not really love him ends up leaving him completely deflated but I think in the end he takes a different Viewpoint in become coming the hero I wanted to add that in here so I'm not just describing the scenes but yeah let me know below if you agree or not okay it's called in after he fails his Baseline test which means that at this point he should be retired okay Zone pretends he's just had a big negative reaction to killing the kid and Joe she gives him a pass because of the emotional toll it could carry he's given 48 hours to pass his Baseline tests but Upon returning home we find that Joy's hired Mariette Mariette could be playing on the word marionette and Joy uses her as the puppet in this scene this love scene is really astounding and though they could have easily have cut this eye to progress the story I think it adds so much the effects are incredible here with both actresses going back and forth and I think it does show how much joy really loves K she's gone beyond her programming to actually gain a real attachment to someone and clearly AI is capable of Breaking Free of its programming which K also embodies however I do think he can totally take this the other way as we cut to a billboard of Joy saying she's anything you want her to be this shows that it may just be part of her to do things like this again calling back to the idea that she's programmed to love him the book actually did something similar with Rachel and we learned that she was programmed to sleep with bounty hunters to dissuade them from retiring replicants a Marriott places a tracking device in case code and this is how later on they're able to track him down now there's very much this idea of Pinocchio lace through moments like this with both being desperate to be a real boy and girl personally I think this really makes you question what it means to be real because they both seem pretty real to me but what they mean by that is that they both want to be human now just like how decades went to his snake salesman in that first film we see Kay visit a dealer called Dr Badger he tells him to head to Las Vegas and we discover that the dirty bomb was set off there which was potentially detonated during World War III now the orange look of the city was actually inspired by a real life event and this was meant to mirror the dust storms that hit Sydney in 2009 I love this symbolism that we get here and as K walks through the streets he sees a giant head missing in eyes some of the how the replicants remove theirs he comes across beehives and this could be being used in a similar manner to how they are in German airports we learn from Dr Badger that the area is thick with radiation and bees are actually used to show if there's high levels in the area bees also exist in colonies and they're given the bare minimum to survive so they can keep everything going this is similar to humanity who are now forced to barely get by due to so little resources remaining on the planet okay guys looking for Deckard and his first lines are from Treasure Island I didn't happen to have a piece of cheese about you now now this is actually a no to the original Blade Runner and in that there was a deleted scene in which descart visited a man named Holden who had been reading it the line could also be significant due to its meaning in the source material and in that it's said by the character Ben Gunn who spent years marooned on an island upon seeing another human for the first time this is what he says and Ben very much shows these people that he once used to be like them and that he's what they could become which I think deckard's also doing with K he brandishes his old gun from the first film and chases him into a showroom replaying Elvis's hologram like Tupac at Coachella this was betrayed by Elvis tribute act Ben Thompson and his face was then digitally replaced by the real Elvis for the final film The Decade starts punching hay and Harrison actually hit Ryan in real life when he was doing this if you pause on the last one you can see Ryan's face reacting to it as well as Ford looking shocked in the background smashed it like that like but now you having that Elvis and cuts in with Khan help falling in with you Deckard says he likes his song and many have read this as meaning that he was a replicant that was programmed to fall in love with Rachel the pair share a futuristic bottle of Johnny Walker and this is Samina Deckard Drank in the first film k-spot's decades dog and you might have noticed that it was actually standing in the doorway when the pair first met K says is it real I don't know ask him and this is very much tackling the themes of the film and whether it really matters if the dog is manufactured or not if you can't tell a difference now an amazing bit of attention to detail here comes from Ford when we cut Decay drinking he holds all four fingers on the glass like how a normal person would when they were drinking board however rests two fingers below it and later on when he looks through his binoculars we can see the same two fingers drop down below it cut back to the first film and these are actually the same two fingers that Roy broke at the end of the movie Deca tied them up but he immediately went on the run with Rachel after this so he never got them properly checked explaining why they're like this after all this time oh you know I love Ford and I think it's hilarious how a lot of the time he just turns up to movie sets these days like he's just woke up man just wears a gray t-shirt throughout this film and I don't even think that he even got his hair cut for Rise of Skywalker he's a [ __ ] Legend though and this stuff just adds to his charm okay starts up a jukebox which plays Frank Sinatra this was actually inserted as an homage to buddy yorkin who produced the first Frank Sinatra film and also the first Blade Runner k then looks over some wooden animals and a photo of Rachel which carries an important meaning photos in the first film were coveted by the replicants because of their short life spans photos kept a record that they actually existed and this showed that they were real a love forces sweep in and they do a nice little touch with a dog sensing them first before they arrive K ends up running through a marble wall and yet at no point was I thinking this guy was really a human man looked over some car before and read like hundreds of lines of it in seconds so you're [ __ ] kidding if you think I was buying any of that anyway bested by love she mercilessly kills joy and leaves k for Dad which is when he's found by the rebels when they arrive at the city we also get a nice little touch and see that they've made their home in a church here he meets Frazier and she has the same accent as Anna tipping us off to her raising her it feels authentic and if you have authentic memories you have real human responses you must want me to look up and to the left I saw a miracle delivered now she asks K to kill Deckard and the only reason that he was hiding out in Vegas was because Descartes could identify Frasier she is the only one who could identify Anna and thus in the end he must be killed however Kay ignores this and he allows Deckard in the end to finally meet his daughter now back with Wallace we see his deck and meets him for the first time he grabs his hand almost like how a priest talks to someone and asks steckard where the child is so that he can reverse engineer them now we get a playback of his first conversation with Rachel before she walks out of the darkness like she did all those years before it's artificial artificial of course it is must be expensive must be expensive very very I'm Rachel I'm Rachel [Music] Deckard [Music] all these ears you looked back on that day drunk on the memory of its Perfection while I send further hints that descard was a replicant but he also throws other possibilities to not ruin it for fans did it never occur to you that's why you were summoned in the first place designed to do nothing short of fall for her right then and there all to make that single perfect specimen that is if you were designed now it is possible that the credits actually tell us the truth and as the names of the cast appear on screen the replicant ones glitchy uncut however Ford's name doesn't possibly suggesting that he's in fact human but one thing he does do though is that he moves back when Deca goes close to him he's so used to having everyone obey him that he doesn't know what to do when someone else stands up to him pain reminds you the joy you felt was real I think this can also be reflected in K who's just felt the pain of Joy's death showing that she was real Rachel is then brought in but he resists a Temptation and it's at this point I kind of realized that Wallace was more devil than God siding with him would very much be a deal with the devil and he be able to control a feature of humanity by making replicants that obey him interestingly we do get a moment in which Wallace raises his hand and this was something that Tyrell did in that first film although this look like a mannerism that Jesus did when we did that breakdown and then again Hammer's home is idea of him being holy now we get a gray moment in which Kay and Deckard both parallel each other we end the scene with his back turned to the camera and this then cuts to Kaye who's in the same position at this point case presented with an advert but joy but she doesn't measure up to what he had much like how the fake child didn't fake chill now best and basked in a blue light he sees join realizes that he has to stand for something Joy also has a tagline everything you want to hear slash C making him realize that he may have been manipulated I still like to believe that love was real but yeah let me know below now the escort heads were Deckard over the sea wall and in some behind the scenes info the license plate and Love's car can be scanned to read Philip K dick the rain comes down and then at this point Deckard notices K coming through like Roy his salvations come through the rain and K causes the vehicle a crash which is when he tackles love face to face love is of course a human emotion but she's completely devoid of it showing how twister Wallace's Creations are from what's intended the crashes allowed decades debt to be faked unless he can go and meet his daughter Anna Hayes hand is also bandaged up and this is similar how decades was at the end of the first movie he then hands over the horse and Decker goes in as he dies on the steps really nice bit of attention to detail here and if you look at the clothes you can also see they have salt lines on them due to the sea water now the ending of this film and the previous one both share similarities and in both films we follow people who represent oppression decade and Chao Hunters that kill replicants and initially they don't represent what a hero is now the first movie culminates with Roy saving decade even though he didn't have to deck it was someone who killed the woman he loved and his friends but he still spared his life because he was better than the humans this completely flipped deckett's mind stayed and it allowed him to go off and have a life with Rachel as something happens here with K2 and he saves decades so that he can have a life with his child like Roy he decides to be more human than human enough for salvation when he was tasked with killing deck by Frasier he too dies like Roy but in the end he's made his life mean something by Saving another the entire movie is about case searching for Humanity and in the end he finds it by turning from a remorseless killer and is someone who's willing to give up his own life in order to protect others it's a beautiful way to close out and we end with the same music they used in Roy's death tying the two films together and that is the breakdown and I'm sure you can guess that I've absolutely adored going back through these two films and if you missed our breakdown of the first one then definitely make sure you check it out we do know that a TV show is in the works called Blade Runner 2099 and it will be interesting to see if we learn what happened with how they left things off even though all the characters will probably be long dead at that point anyway I'm gonna return to the alien franchise very shortly as I know a lot of you wanted to torture me with alien 3. before that though I want to do The Exorcist and after that I think I want to tackle Robocop and then we're gonna go into the Terminator films so make sure you stay subscribed for our classic movie breakdowns if you enjoyed this video then please hit the thumbs up and if you missed our Blade Runner breakdown that's on screen right now but out of the way thank you for clicking this I've been Paul you've been the best I'll see you next time take care peace
2023-04-29 15:36