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yeah that's what i'm talking about we're fired  up to beef up one of our coolest inventions   it's an ultra mini tank called the  badger it is the world's smallest tank   we're gonna fire everything we got at it  push the final task to an explosive ending i'm michael howe and this is  jeff my identical twin brother   together we've been inventing engineering  and wrecking things since the time we   could walk today our inventions are  saving lives and breaking the mold we put it all on the line to open a small  fabrication research and development shop i'm the engineer and my brother  jeff handles the business   and our wives who happen to be sisters and keep  the shop running welcome to how and how tech   today we have a big surprise from mike and jeff  hi hi come here tracy today brought us in a   really nice surprise the guinness book of world  records we had a vehicle in it it's called the   badger smallest all-terrain armored vehicle built  by hellhound technologies yeah that's what i'm   talking about you guys worldwide records 2010.  this is world's smallest tank it's pretty cool the badger is really neat because it's like a tank  it is a tank but it's just really miniature it is   only 32 inches wide we want to be able to get  into a house anywhere that there may be a door   swat teams and police units can use it to enter  a building where they're trying to apprehend   a suspect that's been barricaded inside the badger  can be used like a battering ram to actually get   inside the building once inside it can go around  corners upstairs basically anywhere you want to go   to track down subject at all times the law  enforcement officer is actually protected by some   pretty heavy duty armor so by taking the officer  out of the line of fire the badger can save   lives we have built one badger already that is  currently being used by swat and law enforcement   i can't tell you exactly where it is um it is top  secret but i can tell you it's doing very very   well it's an amazing feeling to make your mark  on the world of engineering like that it's really   what pushes us every day to keep engineering  keep innovating and getting the job done   well we are in the guest book world record man and  i didn't have to eat 3 000 hot dogs in a minute   i'm really proud of mike and jeff they put their  heart and their soul into this company this is   something they've worked for for a long time and  they really deserve this congratulations honey   thanks hon the guinness book thing is  great but we're always pushing forward   and to redesign and make things better  the book of the decade that makes my day   being in the guinness book started  us thinking we should find a way to   expand the market for the badger we came up  with the idea of adding a lot more armor so   the badger can sustain direct hits from the  highest caliber and rifles as well as bombs   that will make it a lot more effective for swat  teams and we can also sell it to bomb squads   i'm thinking we build one in-house completely with  the new modifications to it ballistically test it   and basically shoot one up for real life the whole  point of building this badger is to run it through   a battery of tests one of them is ballistics one  of them is explosives um so we're building a whole   badger from scratch basically to blow it up the  current badger has armor that's basically designed   to protect an occupant from small arms fire we  weren't going to stop there with this newest   build we want to design the armor package so it  will stop small arms fire it'll stop the largest   on the streets fire and also stop explosives  grenades and still protect the occupant once we   do a bunch more tests we can probably expand the  market when it comes to a research and development   project like this we're actually throwing in  quite a bit of our own money so we really have   to step up and perform so this shop's really  going to struggle to keep its head above water   the biggest modification we're going to be doing  to the new badger is actually the steel itself   we're going to be using a proprietary ballistic  steel coupled with interior kevlar lining   that will actually catch any of the ballistics  that come in the kevlar liner for the badger is   actually going to be made to our specifications  by another manufacturer they're going to send us   these pieces we're going to put them to the inside  of the badger pound for pound kevlar is five times   stronger than steel it's woven it's basically a  plastic that's woven into a very very tight mesh   it's layered one after another so even when the  most powerful rounds impact the lining that web   catches it you know do we do it now or do we wait  i don't know if we don't actually have the time   to do it now i just looked at the scheduling  and um the scheduling basically looks like   we are going to ramp up for sr1 at the end  of two weeks and start the process rolling   the sr-1 is another vehicle that we build for a  mining operation we're expecting another order   in a couple of weeks and that's going to give us a  small window to be able to actually build another   badger and bomb-proof it so we are basically two  weeks to get it done to build a comp but to build   a complete badger get the guys motivated and we  have two weeks to do this punch it out that's   what we do so we do know what's going to burn  up the guys you understand that right after we   get the badger done this will be a reward we get  the badger done then we do the survival trip we   have a survival trip this is a special event that  we've been trying to plan for a really long time   the entire crew's going we are extremely excited  about it it's a three-day trip through very rocky   mountainous terrain and that's actually  a reward are you sure you want to do it   yeah let's do it all right everybody meeting  yeah meeting all right guys seriously we are   really psyched we made the against booker world's  record you guys know we're the badger awesome well   done good job but we want to up stage that a  little bit mike and i just talked what we want   to do now is build a new badger build one that's  more beefed up that has better armor we've got   a little bit of time the sr1 order's not in yet  so we have some time right now to do some r d   there's a lot going on but we're not gonna miss  the survival trip this time if we don't do it now   it'll be another year before we can even think  about it that's the new plan let's do it rock   and roll good blow it up let's do it good good job  guys hey chief jeffrey howard hey how's it going   hey just wondering uh when you might  be available to uh view our new   uh badger in the ballistics testing i really want  two different guys to come out and evaluate the   tests we're doing on the badger one would  be a local police chief for the ballistics   and the other one would be a bomb squad member for  the explosives i arranged a demonstration they're   going to come out and basically watch us blow up  the badger the major upgrade we want to do for   badger is basically the armor so we just had some  steel arrived and the guys are unloading it once   this deal is unloaded we actually have to then  take that steel and chop it up into the hundreds   of pieces that's actually going to make the badger  body i designed badger in the computer and then i   flatten it out into 2d space i then define what  i want cut in a flat piece of steel that goes   to the cut computer the cut computer then turns  that into zeros and ones for the plasma cutter   the cutting torch then knows which lines  to cut and boom you have your plates cut honey i have to run to the post okay okay   love you bye you first this week is mike and  jeff's birthday we're gonna have a party for them   so tammy and i are going to sneak out during  lunch and get the guys some birthday gifts   figured they'd like some supplies  for the camping trip that's coming up   do you have any survival type items  you can survive get it yes okay yes   mike and jeff are extremely hard to shop for i  think it might be you know the fact that they   have to be reminded that they're twins mike and  jeff always get the same thing for their birthday   just in different colors how about a panini  press all the gifts i bought for the camping   trip were definitely like little gag gifts i  just thought they were really funny does this   one look like a match as much as the little ones  do yeah and it could also fend off a bear that's   true when jeff gets home if he doesn't bring  this cat there his nose hairs are going to be thank you so much thank you so  much you're very very helpful   josh right now is using the plasma cutter to cut  out the pieces for the badger it's kind of like a   puzzle if you get one piece wrong that puzzle is  not going to come together when i was cutting the   steel on the table i noticed they were warping  because of the heat that we were putting to it   it's going to make it difficult to put together  if those pieces don't straighten back out i don't   really have much time to deal with that right  now i just got to get them cutting off the table because i'd like to get that  whole underside done today   i put jeremy in charge of some of the engineering  for the badger it is a tough job but i have a ton   of faith in this kid what josh has printed off  right here is the dimension drawing and this gives   us all of the external dimensions that we need to  build it what he's already done is gone through   and cut out the majority of all the pieces so now  it's up to tyler and myself to put it all together unfortunately everything that i'm welding together  weighs 100 pounds so it's pretty hard to handle   and it likes to warp a lot when we weld as soon as  it heats it expands and then it starts to melt and   warp the design for badger requires perfect  90 degree welds on the bottom problem that   we're having now is that the metal that we're  clamping together is all warped and it's almost   impossible to clamp the two pieces together and  have that hold at 90 degrees what we weld it idiot   go back to doing whatever it was that you  thought you were doing that's an issue   it more or less requires a complete restart  like so yeah to fix this we'll have to rip   the plates apart and find a way to re-weld  them so they sit flush any wasted time hurts   we'll straighten up in the morning redo redo this  warped metal problem is going to set us back a lot   rescue randy is our in-house crash test  dummy he bothers me he gives me this   evil eye stare every now and then i'll  give him an open hand slap i don't care uh we have a live ballistics demonstration  on the badger we have to finish the vehicle   and we already ran into a problem the armored  steel that we're using on the badger uh started   to warp on the plasma table this causes distortion  in the entire structure so right now we have gaps   that we need to fill we need to solve this problem  so we can move forward that's why we had issues i put jeremy in charge of some of the engineering  for the badger he's had a little bit of an issue   with the steel warping but he's a smart kid he'll  figure it out there you go all right i gotta go   to you right now we're reassembling the bottom of  the badger we welded it the first time everything   warped and it caused the metal to go a half  inch out of vertical to solve this problem we're   welding beams across the two pieces that will  prevent it from warping and keep it at 90 degrees pretty perfect to me so while jeremy and josh  finish work on the hull i'm going to prep our   motor for the badger we use a 32-horse  three-cylinder diesel normally we would   use a new motor but since we're going to  blow this vehicle up we just bought a used   one to save costs from all appearances the  motor actually looks like it's in good shape   but when you buy something new you  never know what you're going to get right now the main chassis the hulls are  being built and it looks like they've actually   controlled the warpage of the cage let's go with  it we are going to blow it up we're going to shoot   both as long as it's structural as long as it's  absolutely structural yeah we can't waste a lot of   time on this so we can roll with it i'm psyched  we just got a very special package delivered   rescue randy is our in-house crash test dummy he  will be inside the badger during these ballistics   tests this is our latest rescue randy we go  through a lot of these guys for any demolition   or ballistics testing that we need a crash  test dummy we call him rescue randy you know   a piece of shrapnel comes through the door at  him gets him in the head i'll be happy about it   he bothers me i don't know what it is it's the  look in his eye he gives me this evil eye stare   every now and then i'll give  him an opinion slap i don't care so i'm glad that he's going to be in the  badger all right we apologize now buddy   but you're going to get blown out good for  you randy don't look at me like that again jeremy's doing very well i'm actually impressed  with jeremy he's a good engineer um very good   fabricator and uh he's got a good attitude so i  have high hopes for him i never once thought that   i'd be building something like this i've always  dreamed of it i guess dreams do come true nice   nice it's a good feeling to get when something  that you're building could save somebody's life so even though we fixed our warping  issue it cost us so much time   we should have the engine in by now but we  don't i'm not really sure what we're gonna do   i think i'm gonna have to ask the guys come  in this weekend to make up for the extra time   all right you guys ready to go meet with will find  out what's up for this weekend let's go do that as   far as working tomorrow i know nobody wants to  but who can jeremy sorry you're working tomorrow   we need to get the badger done as soon as possible  well you might sure can't give your sunday though   okay it sucks to ask the guys to come in on  weekends but we have to take advantage of   the small window before the survival trip  and before these big waters come into the   sr1 so we're going to suck it up and we're  going to get this done the word is i'm gone   it's friday friday friday friday it's gonna be  a long weekend it's definitely gonna be a long weekend it's been a long week it's now saturday stuff  we still have to do so that being said will   you get lists for everybody goal today is to get  tracks on the badger once we get this done we're   out of here i don't want to stay any later than i  have to i need to find out who my family is again   i think i remember what they look like let's do  it let's do it yeah ready one hang on two three look at that perfect now that the lower chassis is  almost done we can actually start to incorporate   the lower suspension and tracks we're basically  building the custom suspension for this vehicle   so it can actually go up over a curb or stairs so  as you go up a stairway this will rotate down and   then it'll rotate up and allowing the stairway  the actual stairs become closer to the chassis   we're trying to get our suspension components in  it's kind of difficult because we don't have any   engineering drawings of this so we're pretty  much going off pictures from last time i just   don't want to waste time by not knowing what we're  doing you know what i mean we'll be here all night   we are really busy the strain that we're putting  on the guys right now is starting to show what the is this the thing with foisy is his  attitude's been pretty poor boys is in second   command under me i need him to be a leader  not a complainer we gotta pick it up mike   we're gonna clean up a little bit be able to do  this all right not just gonna stand around man i i am annoyed because you know i get it  in one ear you know we got to go go go go   we got so much to do but then you know just  have to stop in the middle and start cleaning   it's like my eight-year-old when i asked  her to do something he spawns around   man right now we are so busy i i can't have  a bad attitude in the shot you know it'll   slow down production he and i have kind of been  going back and forth for a couple of days now   and it came to a head today um i guess i almost  hit him with a gantry that's an excuse i think all right you know that's it run me over with the  gantry you out here mike yep mike i was picking up   you telling me to get the gantry then you're  telling me to pick up i don't know what's up   but i didn't do anything to you everything i  asked you do i get attitude about i didn't give   you attitude and you want the honest truth mike  i don't need you next month either okay all right i'm not gonna deal with that so you  left ridiculous train is what it is   one of my guys wants to walk out  keep on walking that's what i say let's shoot this thing this is is really  judgment day for us we are trying to   simulate what kind of guns that the badger can  protect them against 50 cal going down range happy birthday   today's sunday and it is my birthday and yes that  would make it just birthday too this is our only   day off before the final test of the badger so  it's really nice to be able to spend some quality   time with the family tammy and i always go out of  our way to try to get them really cool stuff that   they'll really like what else do we have a couple  more kids move on they're just like meh whatever   i think it might be their mom had them dressed  the same for their birthdays here we go this   is what they hey matching shirts your favorites  birthday's just another day that people get to   call us twins and buy us the same clothing and  ask ask us to wear them together and jump around   like clowns like we're twin clowns and i'm tired  of it stainless steel mirror what would that be   i'm afraid that when you come back for your trip  if you don't tweeze those hairs on a daily basis   then you'll be all tucked out when you  come back this here is uh is useless to me   do i have noise dude happy  birthday have a birthday monday morning poisy came to  work like nothing had happened on saturday i walked out i was a little upset i  have a tendency to lose my temper have you talked   to him at all today well what do you want to do  oh throw him out of here here's how i see it he   walked out i know he's back and everything's fine  no issues there was no reprimand for walking out   will feels like mike went unpunished this time  boise served in the us army over in iraq for us   that means a lot and we have a ton of respect for  him it's really hard for me to take somebody like   foisy and discipline him that guy has done more  for this country than any of us in the shop have   we had to talk honestly the reason why he still  has a job is because he's got a family to support   and that was the deciding factor he's got a state  of execution on this one will's gonna have to deal   with it too and we're all gonna have to get along  we have things to do and infighting's not one of   them a huge challenge to us as a company has  been basically delegating responsibility right   now we have will he's our programs manager he's  a great engineer he's a great manager and he does   truly a tremendous job but right now we are  so busy in the shop there is no question we   need another foreman like well the question  is who's going to step up and take that spot our goal today is to finish the suspension and  mount the engine the badge is only 32 inches wide   so it can basically fit through  a door our biggest challenge is   making sure that we can get all those  parts to fit within those dimensions   very very tough to get this to fit the motor is  hitting the side is it yeah that's gonna stop us   is this you guys struggling with this or just a  bit i personally think we should take these wheels   off those four let these bogey beams come together  okay we can do that right now we're gonna try to   separate our bogey beams so we can  allow the track to relax a little bit   make it easier to put in and then we'll stretch  the track back out it's a a tough system to   do that track setup and they're getting it  they're getting it pretty quick so i'm happy there we go see it can be done no that's  a sweet design boys good job   we've been watching jeremy for a week  now and uh he's really picked up his game   we can give him projects like we give will and  i can trust him now that it's actually going to   get done right in my opinion he's ready to take on  more responsibility jeff and i came to a decision   that we need to pull jeremy aside and have a talk  with them i just got called into a meeting with   mike jeff and will don't you like walking into  a meeting and not know what's coming jeremy it's   always nerve-racking when you get called in you  know because it's like oh what did i do wrong   you know all right this is the deal we've had some  issues with the hierarchy of this company lately   jeff and i are going to give you the second  foreman ship leadership position under will   you will be above mike and you'll be above  josh and and we'll give you a raise i think   a big part of this is you're showing leadership  goals all right um yeah we've all noticed that   and you're and you're also showing a real good  drive his work ethic has stepped up uh top notch   he doesn't [ __ ] he doesn't moan he he busses his  back in here and it's time to reward good behavior   it makes me feel great you know it's nice to know  that all the hard work pays off um boys we're   done let's let's shut down right here we've got  the track system on we've got the motor back in   it um ready for hydraulics so hopefully tomorrow  evening we'll have it running and possibly driving it's an adrenaline junky thing and that's what makes testing these  vehicles exciting because you never   know what you're going to get it's  kind of like a box of chocolates our main goal today is to get the badger running  the engine is in but there's a lot of other   stuff that we need to do to get this thing up  and running jeremy is building the fuel tank tyler is fabricating seat william  is actually doing the hydraulics   and running all the electronics we have less  than a week to finish all this fabrication   assemble it all and get it ready for testing  our goal is to build and test the badger in the   small window that we have before the sr1 order  comes in that order can come in any day now   we definitely have to get this  done before the survival trip it's gonna be long a long few days here super long on monday we basically got the engine  in and the tracks on to the hall   when you're up against a deadline like this you  really need to be a team to make sure you can get   stuff done and on tuesday you can really tell that  everybody kicked it into high gear everybody's got   their projects and they're all ripping into  it um it's good to see there you go everyone   on the crew is really concentrating working  really hard and doing a lot of work that is   absolutely beautiful brushed finish whole nine  yards too bad we're gonna blow it up right now by the end of wednesday jeremy completely  fabricated welded and installed the fuel tank and basically will had fitted all the  hydraulics which allows the vehicle to move on thursday will started to grapple  with the wiring on the badger   yeah it's a little complicated this is the wiring um hopefully everything will  line up the wiring for the badger is basically   its nerve center so it controls the engine the  ignition the throttle the steering the brakes   the hydraulics and all the electronics will's  adapting the wiring system from our old design   and it's turned out to be a real pain in the ass at a certain point it became clear this job  is a little too difficult for one person   by friday afternoon it was time for  us to all team up and get this wiring   connected this one here is a motion  control where's this supposed to go   remember those extra switches yeah that there  weren't any switches they were just loose wires   that's this one here it was kind of like  a nasa think tank to get that wiring done   after that whole rigmarole we were definitely  concerned this thing wasn't even going to start but by the end of it we threw on the floor  through the seat back and we're ready to test it   we just started the badge with the first time   i like it sky is actually pretty smooth every  vehicle we build we build here from scratch   it's an adrenaline junky thing to be the  first to operate one of these vehicles and   that's what makes testing these vehicles exciting  because you never know what you're going to get   it's kind of like a box of chocolates tomorrow  what's our game plan well canopy canopy we   achieved our goal today by getting the badger  running i'm certainly super happy about that   but we still have to do the canopy we still have  to do the kevlar lining so we're certainly not   out of the woods yet she's up and running  though okay gentlemen thank you very much we are in the last hour we have to continue on  the badger this is the big deal we have got to   get this right the first time all  right let's go enough chit chat by the end of the day this thing's going to  look like a badger our goal today is to assemble   the badgers canopy the pieces are all cut out  and now we basically just have to assemble them   that's fine nice big one fuel building the canopy is a lot of work um  but at the same time it's very rewarding   when it's done you can step back and look at  it and see why this is such a unique vehicle   the guys really came through today they got the  canopy welded they got the tracks and suspension   finished they got the engine running but we have a  serious amount of stuff to do tomorrow i think you   guys did a great job considering that once again  we're going to be blowing it up it looks good there's something wrong right we thought  we were done we have a huge problem   so those brakes mike they're  not releasing oh my god this is the final day to finish the  badger and there's a ton of stuff to do   so you know what the guys in this shop  are really going to kick some ass today   now that the canopy's built  we can cut out the access door through a little trial and error we found out that  the best way to make the door on the badger is to   cut it out after it's all assembled and welded  the reason is after you weld steel and it cools   it will tend to warp so what you want  to do is weld the whole vehicle together   let it cool let it warp then cut the door  out and that will ensure a perfect fit there's the door we're getting a lot done  today especially considering it's a sunday   it's never easy for mike and me to  ask the guys to work on a weekend   my kids want me to go to the beach with them i'm  not going at the end of the day i think we all   need to suck it up just a little bit the badger  can save lives here and if it means we have to   forego a little family time and that's  what we need to do i wish i could have   gone with you guys jeff is an absolutely  wonderful dad he loves being with his boys i know it tells him that right now the deadlines  for the company and where the company's at that's   the sacrifice that he has to make that's just the  way it is right now we're all very tired but we're   testing the badge in 14 hours that's the real deal  we probably have another 48 hours of stuff that   we wanted we had some problems with boise last  week but i'll tell you what he's really stepped   it up and tonight he's working spot off cameron  find something to do if you have nothing to do   clean i can see you making eyes when i talk by  the way and even though camera goofs off a lot   he's also here on sunday and he's also kicking  some ass there's no more oil than cameron so now   that the door has been cut out and smooth  we are mounting the door on the hinges now   we're painting the badge's body and finally  getting to install the kevlar on the interior   this is the first and only time i'm going to  be between your legs well hope that's not it   the addition of the kevlar to the inside  of the badger is the key improvement   that's going to take the badger to the  next level that's going to fit nice   on sunday night after  incredible effort from cameron   will and foisy we were able  to take the badger for a spin it worked perfectly and it felt really good  to be done with time to spare before the   demo yeah it feels good i don't mind  it no all right kinda like it in here all right guys good job um today uh this weekend  fantastic i mean good job is just so stupid to   say with what we did we have some ballistic  testing to do hopefully this thing's still in   one piece when we get done with it um mike good  job isn't it isn't even enough good job william   the house after a horribly long weekend  well and i came in before the crack of dawn   to basically get the badger and put it on the  trailer so we can get up to the test facility   we thought we were done and we have a huge problem  it almost feels like the brakes are locked the   brakes definitely seem locked don't they when  we went to load the badger on the trailer the   hydraulics ceased to function it's those brakes  mike i don't know why but they're not releasing   it's always something something's  wrong with one of the rear pumps   to save costs we we bought a used engine it's all  because this thing's getting blown out basically   my best guess right now the badger has  hydraulically locked brakes once it started you   actually have to tell the hydraulics to release  the pressure or the vehicle won't go anywhere   we bought a used motor and this is what we get  we'll shoot that we'll blow it up we'll get the   information we need from it but just sucks not  to have running vehicles for the bomb squad oh my god today's the ballistics and explosive  testing so will and i'm going to go ahead and   use the full wheel and get this thing loaded  on the trailer to get it out to the site good job boys we don't want  to market any of our vehicles   before we know what they can do before  we know what they're capable of that's   just irresponsible especially when you're  dealing with vehicles that can save lives mike chief chief nice to meet you   we have the chief of police from the  northbrook police department here with us today   his job is basically to observe and give us  any feedback he may have okay okay randy get in   we built a badger with armor plating that will  deflect pretty much any bullet out there but   we went one step further with the kevlar liner we  took that technology and applied it to the badger   if the ballistic steel backed by the kevlar lining  is able to stop these rounds we're throwing at it   it's going to give us the data and the confidence  we need to market the badger across the country   as well as worldwide let's shoot this thing  all right all right let's try it the first   gun we're going to shoot at the badger is a nine  millimeter luger we are trying to simulate what   an officer is going to see in real life what kind  of guns that the badger can protect them against   really no damage whatsoever hit the badger with  it and absolutely no damage at all very effective   the next test is the 500 smith wesson  the largest handgun in production   in the world it has a wicked kick is a big  round shot of that bounce stop just fine   that is encouraging look at that that's impressive  the m16 i think the badger is gonna laugh at this nice 12 gauge all you really have to worry  about is the paint job yeah   we actually have a surprise for you today  we have a 50 caliber okay the 50 cal is a   military grade ammunition it was developed  to take out basically vehicles airplanes   this is an armor-piercing round so okay we  will see what happens it travels at nearly   three times the speed of sound for real it is  a monster martin hole 50 cal going down range wow now that is around we penetrated the  50 cow took a gouge out of the badger   i'm kind of nervous now everything looks  okay oh beautiful the kevlar caught it   wow that is fantastic chief we stopped at 50.  good job some of the shrapnel came through the   hull outliner caught it randy didn't get hurt  i don't see anything other than boot marks   so chief what do you think would  you put one of your guys in here   i wouldn't hesitate to fantastic news thanks  jim we stopped every rifle round so i couldn't   be more happy um nothing's bulletproof but this  is definitely bolt resistant that's for damn sure it's go time the ballistics  testing went really really well   now we have to test the badger  for a commander of the bomb squad the ballistics testing went really really well now  we have to test the badger against explosives so   we're traveling about nine miles out of town to  test the badger for a commander of a bump squad   in the mountains because what we're testing  the explosives they can do serious damage   this is ballistically resilient here to uh  many different rounds you can see we did some   ballistics testing on it live fire now we want  to see how it cares against the uh explosive my   name is sergeant andrew parsons i'm with the new  hampshire state police bomb squad i'm commander   of the bomb squad there basically what might be  encountered for civilian law enforcement i would   say that this is going to be pretty accurate today  what we're going to be able to set off here right   this is is really judgment day for us we know  now that the badger does really well in the   ballistics realm but now we have to test it for  explosives because if we're going to market this   to bomb squads we need to make sure it's going  to hold up if this fails we've lost 50 grand   it's back to the drawing board this is where  we keep the goodies darren wakefield is our   explosives engineer i brought up some inch  and a quarter inch and a half by 16 and 2x16   so a little bit of everything we decided  to start slowly with one stick of dynamite   to measure what type of damage the shock  wave would do to the operator or the vehicle   we've actually attached g-shock stickers to the  inside and the outside of the vehicle to basically   give us an idea of the force involved during this  explosion when shockwave that comes in it will   actually break a thin piece of glass on the inside  releasing the dye turning it red so you now know   that the body has received in excess of that  g-shock limit we have four levels of g-shock   stickers each one of them is represented  with a different color 25 50 75 and 100 g's   it's safe to say that if the 50 50g and the  75g or even the 100g shock sticker go red there   will be some sort of head trauma damage to the  victim it's go time five four three two one oh that had a concussion wow it is  always fun when things are blowing up   and as we expected everything is good on randy   the results of the first explosion using  dynamite were actually really incredible   the outside g-shock stickers basically did  show a little bit of elevated g-force but the   inside stickers weren't even affected now we're  gonna amp things up we're gonna take a fragment   grenade we're gonna duct tape it to the door of  the badger and see what happens three two one look at that right here just right on the scene i have a clear on the 50 g clear on the 100 g   unbelievable we were very happy to see the  grenade results when it went off it basically   destroyed all of the stickers on the outside  massive over pressure but on the inside   very survivable and the operator is going to  be okay i'm thoroughly thoroughly impressed   and to see that somebody could put a grenade  on this thing and do nothing absolutely nothing   was absolutely astonishing to me we had a grenade  less than 12 inches from this 25 g shock sticker   a grenade we were able to reduce that so you  ready to give it to her now it's time to test the   breaking point of the badger let's do it too we've  stuffed a ton of explosives under it we don't   really know what's gonna happen but my fingers  across as the hull will hold together randy i'm   very sorry for this but you do deserve it three  two one fire in the hole this one's for you randy door's open she's still in one piece holy [ __  ] yeah boom i just saw the track like flying   like rotating towards us and i saw pieces of  wheels coming at us just flying everywhere   oh my word the hull is still intact randy's still  in one piece the outside of the badger sustained   well over 100 g's basically because the stickers  were gone they blew it right off the vehicle   the inside of the vehicle the 50 and  100 g-shock stickers did not turn red   the 25 g-shock sticker did turn red that tells us  the shock load inside that vehicle was between 26   and 49 g's this explosion was survivable there's  no damage to randy that i can see physically   unbelievable the badger's going to keep the  occupant or the operator alive inside between   the ballistics test to the explosion test i  couldn't be happier we made a very durable vehicle   and be able to offer them to uh swat units  and and our men and women that fight for us   protect us i'm pretty psyched let's  get on the trail let's get out of here after a successful test we were definitely excited  to get on that survival trip i know it might seem   funny to some people but for us getting a chance  to go into the woods living the outdoors is a is   a real blessing jeff do we have a cell phone just  in case we get lost do we have one cell phone no   no screw it if we were to equate it after all the  work our guys put in force after all the work that   we put in this survival trip and going to do this  is like it's like a stay at a five star resort i want to first of all say i'm  super proud of everybody today   we we actually are going to survive tonight i  think even though it rained over like an inch or   two in this trip you know what it didn't really  sound just as much and i'm proud of everybody's   attitude don't lose any part of that squirrel  it's all sustenance that is i'm doing the socks


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