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good thank you foreign okay [Music] okay thank you picture foreign good idea and two we're running 15 minutes yo will you take the job um no keep keep the dog all right it works nice yep looks like it has thank you for the test Nate Arena um you know he's telling it'll be like 10 minutes cool I'll uh keep an eye on the actual stream itself yeah do it feel free to like just barging at any point and um got any spicy questions I should ask what do you have in mind right now I would ask him about his lawsuit what else um probably about why he's going to Red Balloon and uh why he thinks he can call the card on a community gang you gotta save that one until I show up yeah I'll save that one um and then um probably talk about is Jesus like Redemption Arc that he's trying to go on that that should be interesting I used to be a scholar but now I'm Legit yeah right yeah it's interesting I mean um I've watched the guy in the past um you know and kind of agree with like the internet where they talk about his uh the way he used to be at least and having watched some of his later stuff like recent stuff it doesn't seem like it used to be like there's not a lot of Shilling going on that I can see it's a little more informative right versus versus how it used to be um he's doing that during a bear Market right um so it's interesting for sure but yeah the lawsuit kind of uh came out of left field and it was like wow like I honestly started liking the guy and then that happened I'm like really like why would you do that it was disgusting I don't think it was called him a scammer and he had been scammering so right yeah I mean that that's uh that that's that that's that's what threw me off um what really got me is when he um he did a video saying Hey like we've done these before we did want to make them public we've done this before it's been really successful for us so basically it means he's used the unrelenting words of his wealth to crush someone else who's talking spoken out against him yeah but doesn't want to talk about that okay oh there was there was so much media backlash there's a guy I watch uh what's his name Cornelia he has like a he basically covers a lot of people that are scammy whether it be like in uh gambling or like subscription stuff crypto and yeah he covered uh on what happened and I was like wow like he he made a pretty big splash with that and I think uh a lot of the community like supported whatever the guy's name is just because of who was suing him which actually speaks volumes on um you know what the wider Community thinks of them and again like his show has changed a lot I actually find it informative I catch it every now and then uh DZ and all that stuff the around the blockchains that they do it's really good yeah so it was a it was a little disheartening when I was starting to like like the guy um that like the lawsuit thing came up yeah I mean he's he's doing some he does some good things right so he does a lot of charitable work um you know he gives single parents used cars and you know he does a lot of virtue signaling when it comes to charity which is nice you know helping people are changing lives and um I just think it's a massive abuse of his position of power you know relative to a smaller Creator to go out there to try and absolutely decimate them for basically quality you would have been able to prove a liable suit anyway or slander liable suit anyway because it was the deal was saying was true right you don't use lawsuits as a way of silencing your critics right Discovery probably would have not been beneficial for him um alone I think that that's where it would have that that it was just a bad idea overall Indianapolis I really didn't but um you know he's a changed man you know you know so he says he's reformed he's um symboloid and um you know do we allow him to you know make people make mistakes right whoops don't be sued the competitor you know um to stay relevant because his viewing figures have declines since fair market yeah does funny things to people uh I mean just look around uh crypto Twitter right now as versus a year ago it's it's it's a totally different landscape and these videos I'm half convinced that part of the money that he was taking to show these projects He was spending on fake viewer Bots and uh to bump his numbers because I get the people watching but not that many people watching yeah it's made a lot of money he's got at least uh he's got at least a dozen views from me over the last two months I would say right so that's 12 views that we can confirm is real right I did watch it cool I'll hop on here later on ping me on on uh Telegram all right talk to you later [Music] this is gonna be fun I didn't pay for this interview before anyone else because this I fully socially engineered this so this will be fun hmm um thank you foreign okay foreign good to see you again um just go over that kind of basic format we'll have a kind of long-form chat but most of this is going to be cut off into like seven second clips for Zoomers and ticks off okay yep but yeah I wanted to jump right into it but so first of all thank you for joining hope you enjoyed your trip love you have a good time awesome awesome here you've got another trip coming up soon to rare bloom yeah rare Bloom yeah I'm actually in Dubai that week and then that weekend and um a rare bloom in Denver yeah so so what so what got you hooked what uh what brought you over because it's a very card on a specific conference I didn't expect yeah well it's just kind of weird the way it happened I went to consensus and um I was I had to leave early I was only there to talk to Charles hoskinson actually so went there did an interview with Charles in person and um went to the event the next day I was leaving around lunchtime and then just on my way out a guy grabbed me and was like hey check this out like I'm doing this event for cardano it's called rare Bloom uh Wes who's uh you know one of the founders of rare Bloom and uh you know he seemed like a nice guy and you know I want to get more involved with the Cardinal Community so just made sense uh you know mentioned I'd be a keynote so we worked it out the next week and um boom you know going out there oh no so you're speaking girl what's your uh do you have a topic theme or is it just a journalism well uh yeah so I'm like one of the Keynotes so uh we're going back and forth I believe we're doing doing we're doing a fireside chat with Charles hoskinson where I'm going to be interviewing him on stage um if he decides he wants to do something different and do something on his own then they're going to give me my own time and they haven't given me a topic yet but I talk on command for a living so they just tell me what to talk about I can talk about it okay awesome yeah um so uh so you're gonna jump up on stage shut a to gang the crowd's gonna stop booing exactly 100 it's fine I know no it's cardano Community I'm sorry I'm sorry you know that's what I'll say but you are a member of the Colorado Community you have your own stake pool yeah yeah it's B Paul uh my check to that immense blocks it's got pretty good luck um as far as cardano goes you're one of us right one of us you should be up there chanting and pounding each other I know I've seen your content recently as well has really started to change and more from the kind of the ship coin era so that oh yeah oh yeah #ada gang oh gosh no no no wait a game don't say it again I will never get a gang sorry my dog's just she's absolutely out of control I see that yeah what's up thank you for joining us here's my other Oscar she's a cutie oh look at that oh she's an absolute dog did you did you actually buy that in husky yeah I used husky tokens to buy them yeah yeah first ever first of my car it's like the Bitcoin pizza but a dog I was gonna say yeah this is this is equivalent to the Bitcoin Pizza you know yeah so so I just I just wanted to come over and ask a question uh and it was regard to Ada gang like where did that come from and and what was your ex what was your thoughts when the community was like uh-uh Community not gang yeah I don't I mean you know TJ my business partner is the one that says that a lot and he started saying it and I I just I always just thought that that was something people said he was the one that did it he put it on the back of our cardano shirts and um I I was shocked by this I mean 80 games a pretty cool name you know you got uh you know xrp Army Ada gang I kind of liked it the cardano community does not fit on a hashtag very well it takes up a lot of characters and so that's why a lot of these you know communities come up with the shorter names it's just for the hashtag you know so Ada gang makes a lot of sense from that perspective you can fit more into a tweet and still tag it um but yeah when the community exploded over that I was shocked like I had you know I guess I was just out of touch uh with what I'm supposed to call the community so but look I respect it and you know uh the community right they have consensus right so if a lot of people are saying the same thing then something you gotta go Gotta listen to so very committed to only saying Ada gang is a joke in the future yeah I appreciate that we might take offense to that and if we take offense to that we might suggest that you're being slanderous we've been incredibly disappointed there that you were calling us thugs because that would to be besmirching our character we could get millions at it before it yeah apparently apparently yeah somebody sued me for that everybody would support it but if I see somebody else for it everybody hates it so you know oh I do appreciate that you did embrace the the community uh hashtag I think that was one of the most engaged tweets for the Husky account is uh whenever I you know cut that clip of you saying it's cardano Community going forward and people just ate it up and loved it because that's kind of what we're used to so I do appreciate that the fact that you actually went with that and you played along with it which was which was the nice thing to say yeah for sure I mean I think like I said I mean whatever the community wants that's what I want to do you know I don't want to you know it's not about me having my own little thing I run with you know it's it's about you know we're all in this together and if that's the general consensus of what everybody wants then certainly I'll you know I'll do that I don't have to have some kind of quirky name for something if people don't like it you know yeah that's a good take well thanks guys I'm gonna hop off and later with your interview man nice talking to you guys yeah thanks sorry keeping him under control it's just ridiculous all over the place right um but I love it I love that you've embraced the cardana community and uh that you're jumping in uh you know at the deep end and uh and really you know jumping on stage at rare Bloom that's gonna be huge I'm sure people look forward to seeing you speak there uh but for you and I know you I watched her interview with Charles Hutson I thought you hold your own even though it seemed like a few things going over your head you really did hold your own in terms of getting the answers that um a lot of people wanted to hear or high level a lot of people could understand it so what was it that kind of that you took away from that which else what did you really get what cardano is about at least to you yeah I mean I Charles just continues to drive home the long-term point and and I think that's what's really important well we're all so focused on four-year Cycles uh and and price speculation he's more focused in the future and what this is going to be down the road and talking about all the work he gets so excited about that he does in Africa and um you know all the Phil you know philanthropic Endeavors that Cardinal does I mean those are the things that are really really really important to him and obviously if they're important to him they need to be important to the community and I think really trying to line up like because look is a YouTuber like what people care about is price speculation that's what people care about the most that's what will draw more people into the community you're not going to grow the cardano community by saying hey you know nine years down the road this thing we're doing in Africa is going to really pay off you're going to draw people in when the price goes up but then once people get in because of this price speculation then you got to really give them the long-term message so they understand and that's why people stick around and people resonate with the cardano message than what Charles says so much the ones they get in this community they really never leave you know it's kind of like Hotel California like you said uh Charles you know recently tweeted about Hotel California but um you know that is kind of the way it is because people get in here and they get indoctrinated because they understand the the long-term Vision that Charles has uh for this project you know because I know when I do videos and I reference that you know Charles says hey you know we're competing against Google we're not complaining against ethereum that's so hard for people to conceptualize at this point because we're so far away from any crypto project being able to compete with Google but that's where he's looking and he doesn't really get caught up on where the price is in the short term and I think that I think Charles gets frustrated that people do Focus so much on the price because he's focused on other things but at the end of the day you know you can't really go against human nature and human nature is to be the most invested with their time into things they're invested with with their money yeah I mean people need to see what's on an investment to get excited right um so in the network protocol level the excitement of this revolutionary system it's only exciting if they can profit from it in some cases so with the vassal hard launching at the end of this ebook um for about four and a half days from now or four and a quarter days um what do you see do you think it's already been priced in do you think the defy explosion that we're about Sam cardano is gonna see real positive price action which I think the force of the bear Market is so heavy that we're never going to be able to escape it's full yeah 100 we're not going to see cardano make any gigantic moves um you know like we just saw xrp make a pretty big move I I still even though I mean you you know I like xrp um of course of course um but but I think even that is going to be capped right uh the pull of a bear Market is just so strong that even if you were to look at cardano outperforming the market well let's say cardano you know doubled from where it is right now I think it's where it's somewhere around 44 cents or something like that I think give or take even if it doubled like it's still way short of all-time high and that would be temporary and it would come back down uh the the bear Market is so strong and it's going to remain strong for altcoins until something breaks out of that four-year cycle if ethereum were to move past Bitcoin uh in market cap over the next two years that would give people the confidence are like oh all coins can make it they can become some of themselves they're not totally dependent on bitcoin all the time so that's not to say that this hard Fork is not going to have like big implications for the price of cardano or the price of ADA it certainly will but I think what people have to understand is you know for those of us that think in terms of four-year Cycles when we're looking at these implications it's years down the road before you really get the rewards when you look at the upgrade of of plutus we look at the the Improvement of the interactivity uh between the network when you look at more coins and protocols being built on top of cardano with more dapps coming that are going to be way more capable than ones we saw in the past like you said there's going to be a defy explosion I've always been interested to see when we're going to see the real D5 explosion on cardano like all those things are good and all those things are great but it's the network effects that start because of the quality that increase in number of users that's what will affect the price down the road and I think people really have to understand that you know when we talk about these big things happening people always expected the price to go up tomorrow well let me tell you if the price does go up tomorrow dramatically it's going to come back down because of the bear Market you know look at the Bitcoin having for instance this is the greatest example in my opinion we look at the Bitcoin having we tell people until we're blue in the face the Bitcoin having will not double your money overnight you know the the Bitcoin having the day that it occurs in 2024 or the last ones in 2016 or 2020 the price tends to go down but what happens it sets the network up for the next few months down the road when things can really go up and they can really explode and I I do think that you know whether we're talking about uh you know the Basho era and the vassal hard fork or whether we're talking about the eth merge or we're talking about the Bitcoin having or we talk we're talking about the the end of the xrp lawsuit uh between Ripple and the SEC these are things that may not necessarily double price overnight when they occur but the implications and the effects of those down the road that's going to lead to higher price bikes in the bull market yeah we see we see it being Protestant in advance in any case in any Market um but you did bring up the ethereum much and uh I'm a bit worries and I've seen a few things in the Press people considering ethereum is proof of stake now with slashing and with custodial staking um compared to cardano's non-custodial staking and oraboris mechanism how do you see as crypto as a crypto Communicator as an educator how do you see yourself trying to get the message across of the difference between these types of proof of stake because the worst case scenario is everything everyone thinks it is the only type of proven stake right yeah and then it gets legislated against yeah well I don't I certainly don't think we're going to see youth get legislate again so I think that's a big joke um I I think that uh you know the Bozeman Bill uh is going to be passed and when that gets passed ethereum will move over to officially the cfdc the SEC will no longer be able to touch it the SEC is talking a lot out of their mouth right now because they're trying to land grab as they know that their power is coming to an end when it comes to crypto very soon so I I know like there are certain people in the cardano community that want ethereum to fail that want ethereum not to do well in prize they wanted to be in security because it would help them out I would say if ethereum gets considered a security uh by the SEC then all bets are off anything can be considered uh you know uh in a security by the SEC and I think the it really the cardano community itself should be worried because here's what you have to understand about the SEC it doesn't matter if you've done anything wrong it doesn't matter if there's validity to their point or not if the SEC wanted to go after cardano you know what they would do they would go after cardano they would make stuff up the same way that they made stuff up against xrp and ripple they would they would try to take quotes from Charles out of context they would take quotes from the community out of context you don't have to do anything wrong to get targeted by the SEC and I think that's the really the powerful thing that these people in other communities outside of ethereum right now don't understand and outside of xrp as well because of course they're they're you know facing the action so you don't want even if you're a cardano Community member and you love cardano and you think ethereum's terrible you think it's trash you don't want the SEC to come after ethereum because you you're probably next even if you haven't done anything wrong so I think that's really important for people to understand but when it comes to specifically speaking about uh staking and these different kinds of uh oh you know whether it's delegated proof of stake or regular proof of stake or a liquid proof of stake I think tezos is um I I think that you have to look at each product or each project on its own merits and and I think you got to take into consideration what the consensus protocol is and what it means down the road I think cardano is you know Far and Away if not the one of the most decentralized products out there in crypto from top to bottom when you look at bitcoin's distribution obviously it was done in a very fair way when you look at other you know project distributions like Solana you see it wasn't done in a fair way at all you look at cardano it's more of the mold of Bitcoin than it does the mold of some of those other coins that are seen as very centralized that may also use some version of proof of stake now when it comes to staking I think people really have to have to know that obviously something like Celsius but a really bad taste in people's mouths including my own you know we lost a lot of money on there and we know a lot of people lost a lot of money on there third parties taking custodial staking it's not a good thing it's not something you want to do you want to make sure that when you're staking you are able to own your keys to your coin so if you want to pull them off you can so if you were to come stay your card on or stake your eight excuse me uh with the bit pool you could come onto the bit pulley and check it out at under staking and you can stake it there but then if you want to take it off at any point you can you can remove it it's still your money with a third-party platform like Celsius or if you were to use uh the custodial uh E2 staking through coinbase you don't own those coins and and I think this is something that for the next four years uh crypto influencers in general including myself for sure uh we all need to do a much better job of really coaching people not to give your coins over to other parties uh there can certainly be a percentage of your portfolio if you want to do some riskier stuff and say well if I'm going to take 10 of my portfolio with a custodian I understand the repercussions of what that means I may lose it if you really understand that risk versus reward with a percentage over your portfolio if you wanted to do it you could I just don't think you're ever going to really find Value doing that that though I think you're better off just you know holding on to your private Keys uh holding on to your coins and not having to hand them over because we've just seen they can be a disaster you know certainly Celsius Voyager involved all of these products going completely insolvent um you know it's been a very very bad thing for for the industry and it certainly is painted staking it's kind of a a dangerous thing but if you're doing it and you own your private Keys then it's not dangerous you can still pull it off whenever you want I think people really need to understand that difference well you can't pull the urethat whenever you want to run out can you isn't it well there's a six month block contract on it with your validator node so yeah you know that going into it though but you still own it you just can't you you you own it but you can't pull it out because of the smart contract it's a little bit different you're not necessarily handing your coins over it's very simple you know it's very similar to it's very similar to a Government Bond right with the Government Bond you are putting your faith in a country's in two things you're putting your faith in the fact that it can country will still exist and that that country will still tax its citizens as long as those two things are true then you will get your money back and you will get a return with an eth validator node that has a six-month lock up on it due to you know the transition into proof of stake you are putting faith in the fact that ethereum will still exist in six months and that you know the price is not going to take to zero during that time as well as long as those two things are true you will still have value to pull out at the end of the six months so I I think it is a little bit different in that regard uh we don't have a validator node set up here but I I would be honest I wouldn't be afraid to set one up uh because of that I understand that the you know that the gripe there is that there is a a lockout but that is temporary I don't think in after that six month lockup period is over I don't think that's the way it is going forward I don't think if you set up one you won't be able to withdraw there it was just really done to kind of create uh stability in the price and the network and of course I understand people saying well you know that centralization you know decentralization versus centralization is a Continuum you know cardano in my opinion definitely involves more on the decentralized side uh than ethereum does you know Bitcoin it's hard to say anything's more decentralized than Bitcoin uh you know simply due to the fact the network is so big and so secure there's so many nodes on it but cardano definitely competing with it up there on the more decentralized side yeah I mean often we um we hear about the the flipping between ethereum and Bitcoin and one of perhaps the few zealots that thinks the flipping is going to be between ethereum and cardana um we'll have to wait and see how it plays out but I think I think that's I'd like to make a point on that because um this is what I've said well first I don't think there's a chance cardano will pass ethereum before ethereum passes Bitcoin once Bitcoin passes ethereum though I mean what what once ethereum passes Bitcoin certainly cardano does have a chance to to flip ethereum um I I think really ricardano to pass ethereum the the bet on plutus has got to pay off the the bet on being able to bring in more developers from the Mass from the mainstream it's got to pay off they've got to be able to to increase the number of developers on cardano to surpass the amount of developers on ethereum and if that works and if ethereum you know like we know their road map well they don't put dates on the road map it's a little bit different uh than other ones but when it comes to what's coming with the The Purge the Splurge The Verge the words the gurge whatever the other ones are um that's a long road map and you're really probably looking at you know anywhere between five and ten years in my opinion before that's completely done so in that five to ten year period you know cardano has got to do everything it can to catch up to ethereum and pass it and if any of those steps along ethereum's way don't go well like let's say they do the sharding and it doesn't increase the speed or the sharding alone oh I Gotta See sorry yeah I don't know what they call that maybe that's the maybe that is but it basically if ethereum were to have any problems like let's say the the uh Purge that brings the sharding or The Surge I think it's the surge it brings the sharding like let's say that takes five years alone well that's a gigantic window for cardano to eat away at it so I I still in my opinion I believe it's ethereum's game to lose I think ethereum has to mess something up somewhere for cardano to pass it but I also believe that cardano is the only project that can pass ethereum oh that's the same boat and a half isn't it yeah um I want to ask you a question about regulation so um uh recently visible Amelia passing through the house in the Senate um about stable coin regulation obviously Tara Luna as well allegedly has drove this Market into a free-fall um and uh on cardano there are two major stablecoin contenders there's Jed which is a pro tried and tested four times over collateralized um backing using a Shen token and a burning mechanism and all that kind of stuff and there's a small upstart company called Meek and finance which are looking to create an asset back stablecoin so um the question ultimately do you think there's a space in the future for algorithmic stable coins or do they have to be asset back to be safe oh man this is a hard question um well this is another thing I took away from my interview with Charles uh was talking about Jed and um you know this was right after the Terra Luna debacle had occurred you know this was in June when we had this meeting and this interview and you know the way he's playing to Jed was that uh you know the jet is kind of like a stable coin protocol and people can take that and build on top of it and do something with it it's not like it's not like Luna in their relationship with UST it's it's totally different um so I'm gonna give the Jed a chance and say you know if Charles really supports it and really believes that it has the opportunity to kind of change the game with algorithmic stable coins then you know I tend to take him at his word it may take a it may take a long time I mean that's usually the things that Charles said do take a long time but if in the meantime this stablecoin regulation passes to ban algorithmic stable coins for two years then that puts a complication on things because they can't actually ban the code basically what this would mean is they would ban it would be unlawful for people especially in the United States uh to be able to build with the Jed and to do things with it so that would put a really bad hurting on that project and what that means in the future now we haven't seen the final version of that bill a lot of people believe that the final version of that bill will look a little bit different um and it won't be as Ironclad as it is right now because it's diverse Innovation my and I don't know anything about the other project you're mentioning but um you know what I will say is asset backstable coins have fared much better uh than algorithmic stable coins we haven't seen one that's really taken off and done well over the long term um and has been able to reward people that that are using and investing in and things like that so uh ultimately my take on algorithmic stable coins is that's might be a little controversial uh I I don't think a two-year ban on algorithm that stablecoin scares me that much and the reason is because I don't think we're I think we're probably more than two years away from seeing one that's going to be very successful and is going to be able to nail it so look people around the world will still keep building on them the United States people won't be able to build with the algorithmic stable coins but what we've seen so far from them is they're very dangerous just Bar None they're very dangerous at this point for investors and so I'm not saying the US government is doing what's in the Public's best interest but I think you know the people not losing money with algorithmic stable coins and staking on you know custodial sites uh you know it it's not the worst byproduct uh you know if that kind of makes sense um so ultimately I'm not a fan of algorithm stable coins I don't like them I'm going to give the Jed a chance because of the the positive things Charles said about it and because it's different than the other versions that we've seen uh in its relationship to the core projects uh so that's my opinion algorithmic stable coins obviously government regulation we don't want but it is coming uh to me personally an algorithmic stablecoin ban doesn't affect me at all personally I don't invest in them I don't use them I don't care about them but I do know there are a lot of people that do want you know a decentralized algorithmic stable coin the Drone with smart contracts um but right now I I just feel a lot a lot more faith and ask that backed once anyways um you mentioned uh Charles and uh you seem to actually give them a great deal of respect which is uh yeah um I personally I just I [ __ ] post on those Twitter posts right because he you you don't have much in common but the one thing the two of you do have in common is that you are rambunctious on Twitter yeah right um it's that uh it's that kind of um that kind of some people accuse you of Engagement farming um how do you kind of how do you take that are you trying to bring the community in expand it to new eyes and New Horizons or do you just like winding people up well I I think I would really push back on me and Charles are a lot different I think we're actually very similar in a lot of ways and I think that that really lends over to what we do on Twitter obviously he's a lot smarter than I am we have different backgrounds uh sure there's a lot of things we differ on but the thing that I like about Charles the most and and and why I think we get along so well uh and why I I think you look at our Twitter and you say there's some similarities there it's because we're both real we're both real and we're both authentic and we're going to tell you exactly what we think every single time that we tell you and we're gonna really believe what we say that we're what we believe in you know we really believe it we're not just going to tell you one thing but in our background in our minds we're like oh you know but I actually think you know really it's going to go this way no no we're going to tell you what we think and that's controversial today because most people are going to want to cave in to the wind wherever the wind blows and they're going to want to say like well this is popular now then I don't want to be against it or whatever no no we're going to tell you what we think and that's really where the engagement comes from um there's no point plan I have no engagement plan for Twitter I I don't even know some days I don't even tweet um some days I go on there and I fire back at people and some days I don't um but I think overall you know the message that I give is is what I really think and it's authentic and that's what Charles does and I think that's why we get along so well I'll talk about getting a message out I know that you've got some uh featurettes coming um last time we spoke you um you mentioned that you had one in the works um why don't you tell us a little bit about that uh for the card on our community at least to get them a bit excited yeah well we just did a we just did one we just did a vassal hard Fork uh video that got released and it was a new style we hadn't tried before a little more off the cuff not necessarily uh you know not scripted I'm we're not reading a teleprompter and uh Hogan cardano Community uh you know really likes that um obviously we're going to be going out to rare Bloom and we're gonna get some footage out there um you know of the cardano community of the event that's going on um you know cardano is a project I really like talking about because it really is so interesting um and it really is trying to do things differently than most other projects not because it has the highest level of Engagement any blockchain on Twitter Well xrp Community is just big you know well I mean should we put up a poll well I challenge you to this big boy uh Ben put a poll on your Twitter xrp cardano No context right let's see who wins okay thanks for xrp is back by the Banks and there's a [ __ ] coin I could be wrong I'm not I'm not bitboy right I don't have all the answers but I I wanna let's I can't not talk about xrp because it's all you seem to want to talk about and I've seen some Expose and all that kind of stuff but I want it from the horse's mouth yeah Wyatt why because I don't xrp well and I'll say the same thing about the the Cardona Community like I really love the community and I mean you you can talk about the banker angle you can talk about the centralization angle which has really been shot down time and time over again over the last two years now there was a time where they owned a lot of the nodes right now they own six out of 155 notes uh Ripple Labs does on the network they have the xrpl which is totally decentralized and there's no Financial incentive on your side is what you're saying in what way for a payment from Ripple or absolutely not absolutely not absolutely I I've never not the only person I've ever talked in the price of xrp what's that there's no one really going hard on xrp and really as much as you do every opportunity just because I hate the SEC like that that's the main that's the main driving Point like this I didn't even like xrp until the SEC case and then I started opening my eyes like wait a second the enemy of my enemy is my friend the SEC is our enemy in the United States they think we're idiots they think we can't do anything ourselves they want to hold our hand they think that if you are not an accredited investor you are not worth your assault you are not capable of making a decision and that pisses me off and I hate that they come after our space when they don't clean up their own space they don't clean up the stock market they don't clean up the traditional markets and they want to come after us and it pisses me off and I don't like that so when the SEC came after Ripple the first thing I said was well that's it guys that's it for xrp it looks like it's done they're coming after him SEC doesn't lose and I started doing more research I started really digging into all of these claims that I've been saying about xrp the centralization the banker coin the blah blah blah blah blah now look certainly banks are involved with it obviously right but you really start looking at this and you really start saying that like yes the long-term result of this it will help Banks but it also helps people in a lot of ways but the fact that SEC is going after them with the lies that should tell you something right there that should tell you something and so it was really digging into the case and seeing what the SEC was going after and starting to kind of like realize oh these talking points that I've been saying about xrp for the last couple years whether it was oh it's centralized they own all the nodes or whether it was you know that uh whether it was um I got what was the other bit oh you the banks they don't even have to use xrp to use the product the Ripple has well that's changing that's not even the case anymore um that you're gonna have to use xrp to settle the odl the on-demand liquidity uh so and I really started looking at the software that they're putting out and why it's so valuable and the idea that Banks haven't changed anything in like the last 40 years and there's going to be a gigantic change to their infrastructure and how valuable that's going to be and you know you like to swim with the whales but in addition to that like I've really fallen in love with the xrp committee I love a lot of the influencers in the xrp community um and things like that for me it is not Financial incentive at all I the only two people I've ever talked to who work at Ripple David Schwartz on a Twitter on a Twitter interaction uh about this lawsuit thing people probably saw right David Schwartz had some comments about it I said some stuff back to him he ends up saying looks like everything's okay number two um I I sent Brad garlinghouse's assistant an email and she responded once and said okay keep us updated that is the full extent of my interaction with anybody from Ripple and that's really like you know people look I mean I don't know if you know this people think cardano pays me right exactly exactly but that hasn't stopped people from accusing cardano from paying for marketing even though you know as a community member that doesn't make sense so the same accusations look if I like a coin for some reason people just automatically associate that they must be paying me I haven't been paid for a coin at all in uh almost a year now we quit sponsorships 100 no token can pay to get on my channel ever again for the rest of mankind we did sponsored videos a long time ago the next bull market where the things right no absolutely not it would be way more beneficial for me to take things in the bear market and would take in the bull market no no things will never change we will never take a payment in any form or fashion from a token ever again down the road maybe we might go back to doing sponsorships with exchanges I mean we might do uh corporate sponsorships maybe bang or Red Bull DraftKings we may go to some of that but no token will ever pay a dime to be featured on my Channel or read my socials again that was a hard line decision we made in January that is independent of the market I could still be getting massive amount of money for doing those sponsor base I don't want to do them because I want everything on my channel that's why it really frustrates me when people accuse uh because because a coin that I like that they don't like they accuse me of doing sponsored content undisclosed for them it's very frustrating when we made such a Hardline decision that we're not going to do that and like the same way people from from this community say oh Ripple must pay him well they say the same thing about cardano you know so it's very frustrating uh to hear those kinds of things when it's just so far off base I try to bring everything is we've removed all Financial incentives so we can so people can know 100 you're getting unbiased content on this channel uh when it comes to payments now certainly there are coins I own in our portfolio right own Bitcoin in my portfolio own ethereum in my portfolio obviously xrp cardano so yeah from an investment standpoint people know I'm invested in these coins um but right now we trimmed our portfolio like quite a bit we don't have nearly as many coins as we had in the Bull Run um but you know that's why we try to do intermittently these portfolio videos where we show what we have so people kind of know what we're invested in um but certainly uh you know that doesn't when I'm talking about cardano or xrp on a daily basis we're in a bear Market I don't care what the price is I don't care where the price goes it's not going to go up in the bull market we're gonna see prices go up considerably for all these coins and we're all going to get the gains and all of our patients is going to be rewarded and I just I just hate how we split in these little factions and you know it's all this tribalistic like you know you you can't like this coin if you like this coin like no actually it's like sports betting I can hate the Saints more than anything in the world but if I think they've got a really good game coming up where they're going to win by more than the point spread that I wouldn't be afraid bet on them even though I hate them more than anything if it's going to make me money there are philosophical caveats to that though of course like I've been trying to wand with with Solana and ftt Sam Bateman freed is doing some really despicable evil stuff um and so I will never support those again so you can have a really hard line philosophical stance um on something um you know as well but uh you know in this case you know I I don't have that with any of these coins sure so so it kind of your your main motivation is which of these coins is going to be most profitable right which one is going to see the whitest adoption um and you want to relay that as a crypto educator not a financial advisor despite some slip ups that we've seen here on there which I think coffee is a lot pointed out one or two of them as well I know you guys are quite good friends on the on the back end right but ultimately um your job is to educate and get the word out there and help people understand this you know quite dangerous ecosystem to some um so so with with the kind of the chaos of the markets and as we go into this bear Market um how do you better best inform your audience how do you get people to understand that hey if you're buying crypto now you're probably losing mono for my last we said you last we said you were thought it would be for 16 months are you still bearish to that extent well yeah but I mean I think right now we're on bottom watch you know we we could see the bottom any time now and so um look all I can do right I don't give Financial advice you know what I do I tell people what I do and basically based on my experience on my decisions on what I do about myself and my portfolio my corporate portfolio here um then people are free to make up their own minds we always tell people to do their own research we've never forced anybody to buy anything you know by any stretch of the imagination people are up to make their own decisions about what they want to do but obviously having well over a million subscribers uh several million on social media people care about my opinion they care about what I'm doing that's why our portfolio videos are some of our most powerful you know most well performing videos people want to know and I know that drives some people crazy but people want to know what I'm doing and so um that's what we try to relay to our audience right now where we are at in this market from my experience is we could see a bottom anytime we could see a bottom today we can see a bottom tomorrow most likely I think we're going to see the bottom at the end of November beginning of December but we are on bottom watch now from the end of September all the way through January I believe we're going to see the bottom of the market now because when we last spoke I think it was about three four months ago um you know 12 to 60 months of bear Market do you think well it's still that's going to be 30 that's going to be 12 and a half months is what it's going to end up being if it if we go from November 11th to November 28th November 28th is the actual Target date that we have but that's just a guidestone like that's not I don't actually think on November 28th we're gonna bottom that's just a general time you know a stamp on a timeline where you can look and say somewhere around this time somewhere in between three to five weeks after the midterm elections we should be seeing the bottom of the market so um that's really what we're targeting but I believe probably through January so that would put it anywhere between I guess 12 and 15 months at this point is is where we're really targeting um now there could be some macroeconomic stuff factored in look If the Fed keeps raising rates unexpectedly through early next year that could get extended some but if you really look at the macro stuff happening in crypto or the macro stuff happening in the economy compared to what's happening in Bitcoin you'll see the macro economy is doing different things bitcoin's still doing what it's always done before during this time so until that breaks I think there's no reason to um you know do anything different so what what we're telling our audience that I'm doing specifically is I am dollar cost averaging now into some coins I'm doing like a hundred dollars a day into ethereum you know it's it's not a huge amount of money I know people want to see me trade millions of dollars all the time but I try to do numbers that are comparable to what I think my audience can can handle and what they could be doing because what good is it me showing you a three million dollar trade when you have ten thousand dollars it doesn't really make sense so the vast majority of my audience probably has ten thousand dollars or less in savings that's where the number stays statistically so we we try to operate on that um you know presupposition of what our audience is doing so I'm doing a hundred dollars a day into ethereum trying to do 50 a day into into cardano and people can watch that because dollar cost averaging right now you have to think of things in terms of ranges right that's the way poker players play they think of things in terms of ranges what could my opponent have my opponent could have anything from you know pocket nines all the way through pocket Queens that's probably what he has so they make their decisions based on that range well right now we think we're somewhere near the range of a bottom I believe bottom is probably gonna be somewhere between 13 5 and 15. ten to fourteen thousand dollars is a range we've been looking at for a long time I think I'm settling maybe on a higher number because we've been showing some support um but that doesn't mean that we're gonna get it I just think right now the risk versus reward of not at least dollar cost averaging into assets at these low prices the risk is too high if we were to all of a sudden shoot up now you've been waiting on fourteen thousand dollars and it bottoms at 17 and you've missed out on the lowest prices so I think dollar cost averaging in a time like this is good however I would be keeping a big amount of money on the sideline uh you know or in stable coins possibly waiting on to see if we're gonna get that gigantic drop below seventeen thousand dollars which I do believe we're gonna get so it might sound like I'm talking about both sides of my mouth like I think we're gonna drop lower so I've got money on the sidelines but also take some money and start putting it in now that's really what I think is the is the best strategy don't ever use one strategy all out that way you're hedging so let's talk about Target prices where do I put my buy orders in right Bitcoin ethereum cardano xrp one of the numbers that you think it's gonna you know when we see this number the bit boy button I'll draw this online on my trading view yeah yeah so the the numbers that we're specifically targeting obviously 17 000 we're targeting 17 000 um we're targeting around 14 000. we're

targeting around uh twelve thousand we're targeting around ten thousand then we do have some lower ones we are targeting around seven thousand and then we do have some super low ones down in the three thousand dollar range I don't we don't have a lot of money allocated those lowest ranges because I don't think we're going to get there the vast majority I'm looking at 14 000 is that's the number you want to allocate most your Capital because fourteen thousand is going to fit the range that most people are looking for uh and number two if it does go lower than fourteen thousand um it's gonna probably bounce back up pretty quick in my opinion I don't think we're gonna see Bitcoin go down below ten thousand I I we could see it Go 9 800 9900 just on a wick maybe in bounce off 10. that's why we actually have some orders set at 9900 so I think if it does go below 10 and if it goes below 10 it is going to bounce back up very quickly you could go from 14 to 9900 and back to 14 in a day and that's a massive uh Roi if you do have those buy orders set and they get filled at those points and it bounces back really quick um I think we're going to end up spending a lot of time in the 14 to 17 000 range um if it does go down that low uh we're gonna get a bounce up a little bit but you know kind of similarly to what we saw in 2018 when the price Bitcoin dropped from 6 000 down to 3200 it didn't hover in the 3000s for long but it did stay there for a little bit but then we spent a lot of time back around that six thousand dollar number um so I tend to think you know we might spend some time we're going to say I have a lot of sideways action next year we will have some fireworks at different points the next year I mean let me see this ethereum unlocked well you know I'm thinking that'll destabilize the market in general you know it's good to see a lot of people who've had locked in that they didn't know would be locked in they didn't know they didn't know it was custodial stoic right they didn't know that well yeah but do you think they're going to want to sell do you think they're going to want to sell it you know Seventeen hundred dollars it depends on market conditions right the retail I would say I would say when you start looking at when people were locking up their ethereum um if they were like let's say ethereum hovers at 12 or 1300 well if they were locking in their ethereum at 900 a thousand dollars uh you know that's not a gain at all really I I don't think we're going to see a massive amount of seller from validator nodes unless the price is up if the price of ethereum were to rebound to like three thousand dollars yeah we would see a lot of selling but we're not gonna I don't think we're gonna see that next year but if you look back at 2019 as the model like 2018 it's been the whole year dropping uh if you use 2019 is the model for the sideways action year which it will be 2024 or uh 2023 in this case most likely um you look you had a big run up over the summer so in June it started or in may excuse me may it started ticking up Bitcoin went all the way from six thousand dollars all the way back up to fourteen thousand dollars and then very quickly subsided back below 10 before you knew it maybe about a month later it dropped back down into during July back to the seven I think the six seven eight thousand dollar range uh then you look in October and October around Halloween it went from uh about seven thousand dollars up over ten thousand and then went right back down below seven thousand uh in a few weeks so if you use that as a model you can look and say there may be some opportunities over this next year uh to where we do get some fireworks and see some temporary price action but ultimately it's always going to go back down to the mean um until we have the Bitcoin having and things start turning around in the right direction you know I think it uh because you're so prolific in the space I think it was just so interesting to get someone to write a neural network to take your price predictions and put them into a play money account right yeah just just to see what happens right and then take all the data in and pull the subtitles from the videos just to see the results I think that'd be a cool piece of tech right we might have to do a catalyst reversal for that or something how accurate is bit boy right well I think I think we'll just use a lot of people attack like oh you said it was gonna get to this price and look how far it dropped well yeah but did you watch it over the three months after the prediction and if you had taken profits you would have made a ton of money of course we're in a bear market and everything goes back down but I I do think it is interesting to watch because I had actually uh there was there was a chart that was on uh Twitter where someone had basically attempted uh to do that and they were saying like the idea was we're gonna go and we're gonna track all of bit boys uh you know coins that he talked about and we're gonna show you that he doesn't know what he's talking about I went and I pulled like the first six all the first six you would have at least doubled your money on but yes today they're down but if you had sold at the peak you would have doubled your money or more if you sold out the P come on you can't just say oh well I made the prediction but these guys right right of course but we're always going to see a bit a bear market so it's oh look every four years during the presidential election I'm a genius every four years in the midterm election year I'm an idiot that's the way that it goes in this space you can't you you can't pigeonhole someone or take these predictions out of context and say oh you said it was going to go up and now look it's down 60 Bitcoins down 70 percent you're right it that's the way the market works it works in the cycle cardano down like 90 I believe when it was in the 30 Cent range it was down 90 or 90 from three dollars uh so I think what you'll see is all these coins go up and go down we're always idiots we're always Geniuses depending on the time that you look at it uh but we preached our commun


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