Biofiltration Basics Webinar

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At CECO Environmental we're proud to be your  single source for pollution control. It's our   mission to protect our shared environment and  we relentlessly pursue that goal by providing   reliable products and services to tackle  your environmental challenges. Purchasing   pollution control equipment can be a complicated  process particularly when you have a system that   requires many different pieces of equipment;  however, our vast range of technologies and   solutions for pollution control and product  recovery can eliminate that complexity lowering   your total cost of ownership without sacrificing  performance across a wide variety of industries.  

CECO helps ensure you achieve real results  no matter your need CECO has you covered.   Simplify your environmental initiatives with  our CECO environmental family of industrial   solutions brands. CECO environmental is a global  leader in air quality and fluid handling serving   the energy industrial and other niche markets  through innovative technology and application   expertise CECO helps you grow your business  with safe, clean, and more efficient solutions   that help protect our shared environment.  We work tirelessly to improve air quality,   optimize the energy value chain, and provide  custom engineered solutions for applications   including oil and gas power generation, water  and wastewater, battery production, polysilicon   fabrication, chemical and petrochemical processing  and more to learn more visit today Welcome and thank you for joining us today for  CECO Certified Continuing Education Series.  

Today we will be learning about Biofiltration  Basics presented by CECO Environmental. My name   is Mary Rusnak and I'm the Marketing Manager for  the Industrial Air and Fluid Solutions segment   of CECO and with me today is Thomas Brazell, our  Director of Product Development and Vern Bueller,   Applications Engineer for CECO. While we wait  for everyone to join I'd like to go over some   basic housekeeping guidance that our platform  and also about the pdh certification so just   kind of taking a look first of all, if you have  any sound issues hopefully you'll be able to   read the slide here check your media player  make sure that you're not on mute look at the   help widget you know see if there's something  happening there and then worst case scenario   you can always log out and log back in and often  about to take care of any issues that you have. As far as the platform goes, at the bottom of your  screen are multiple application engagement tools   or what I call widgets that you can use throughout  the presentation. All the widgets are resizable   and movable so feel free to move them around  so you get the most out of your desktop space   you can expand your slide area make it super  large or you can basically you know make it   smaller by clicking on the top right corner. If  you have any questions during the webcast you can  

submit them through the Q/A widget and to keep  ourselves on track we're going to answer all the   questions at the end but you can basically submit  your questions at any point in time if we do not   get to your question here during this presentation  which is a possibility because we often have quite   a few, don't worry about it we will definitely  get to you after the presentation and make sure   that question is answered. A copy of today's slide  deck and additional materials are also available   in the resource list we encourage you to download  any resources or links that you might find useful   and all of these will actually remain available  as well on the on-demand version. If you also   take a look in the bottom widgets on the bottom  you'll see that we have ways you can actually   in the resource area I'm sorry if you  look we have links to LinkedIn, YouTube,   Facebook we post all of our events on these so  feel free to follow us there and that way you'll   stay on track with everything that we offer. We  have several events still here planned through   June and then also in the fall again one thing for  anyone who's taking the pdh portion and taking the   excuse me taking the quiz at the end you're going  to want to take a look at the bio filtration   summary that might actually help you out there  a little bit we're able to offer professional   development hours in 36 States right now and  as I was talking about the widgets before if   you hover over them it'll tell you what they are  so feel free to share via social email us if you   have any questions and then finally the last two  widgets which are probably the most important if   you're taking the the quiz at the end so test and  the tracker widget the check mark will take you   basically the that's where you're going to  find out you know you'll find your quiz at the   test section and you'll know if you've completed  all the requirements at the track care location   so just again webinars are bandwidth intent so  make sure that you close down any unnecessary tabs   this is going to help so that you don't  have as much of a lag if you do find that   you're behind on any of the slides push F5 on  your keyboard and that will actually refresh   your page I've also found that Chrome  seems to work best here there's also   additional answers to common technical issues  in the help widget like we discussed before An on-demand version of the webcast will be  available active event and can be accessed   using the same link that you had before  all interactivity remains including the   testing capability so for some reason you  actually definitely get logged off or you   have to leave you can always come back in and  fulfill and finish the rest of the presentation So today's webinar is worth one  professional development hour   or contact hours you must be present for at least  50 minutes of this presentation and you need to   complete and pass the test which is basically  finishing eight out of ten. Remember those two  

widgets I was talking about at the bottom when  you're done go to that certification widget and   the print certificate box will be available  that does not show up until you have actually   completed all of the qualifications so make sure  that you fulfill everything that you need to then   you'll be able to go back there and print it  out if at any point in time as well if you   can't do that today you can also just log back  in and print it out from the on-demand version   as well if you have any questions just contact  me there's my email you can also use the email   with widget at the bottom and that will contact  me directly the webinar is one hour long but   we're going to keep the platform open for an  additional half hour after the event is done   to allow people to finish up the quiz and you  know print out any materials that they like So in terms of an outline I'm not going to  go over all of this but we're really going   to talk about what is a biofilter you know what  types are out there where are they used what's   a good application you know what are some of the  design parameters and things that you need to know   if you want to use it in your application what  does it look like and you know just some basic   comparisons to other air abatement technologies  that are out there so to kind of determine why   this one would actually work for you so we  hope you enjoy the presentation and we look   forward to giving you this information on  this green technology. We're going to start   off with a poll question and you'll be able to  actually answer the question in the next slide   how much experience do you have with biofiltration  and there's a couple options there I'm an expert   I have some experience a little bit of  experience no idea what a biofilter is and this is where you would answer and  we'll give everybody a couple seconds okay finish up and let's see what what  we have here today in our audience for some reason we're not getting any  answers which I don't think is right   let's try that one more time and see if  it'll freshen up here there we go okay   so we have a good portion here that are  learning about bio filters for the first time   um quite a few have a little experience and  then you know we have some that you know   have some experience but no experts so I think  that you'll get a lot out of this presentation   it's definitely geared to giving everyone that  basic overview so we're glad you're here and I'm   going to pass this on to Thomas who is going to  start with our first portion of the presentation all right thanks Mary I appreciate that oh boy I  hope we're both clicking okay yeah so that poll   results there we go we're a line sorry about that  everybody. Yeah the poll results great I'm glad   there's no experts here um seems like we have the  right group of people that hopefully we can get   you guys a little bit of um framework about what  a biofiltration system looks like and and how to   use them and where you should consider them and so  with that let's jump right in. So first question   right so in the context of this conversation we're  really talking about gas streams airstreams from   a process what has some sort of compounds VOC  something similar where we want to treat that   VOC or the pollutant and how we're going to treat  that we're going to treat that with microorganisms   in the system to degrade and biooxidize the  compounds to make them suitable for mission to   the atmosphere and you can think of it two-step  process. The first step is transferring the   compounds you want to treat into the biofilm where  the biology is living and then the second step is   the actual bio oxidation that occurs within the  biosome and so then we're going to go a lot more   detail about what that is and why what part you  should care about as an engineer or someone that's   involved in one of these systems. So why would  we want to use a biofiltration well it's it's a  

green technology I'm sure you saw that in Mary's  blurb she sent out to everybody and that's we're   really excited about it because it is really is  a green technology and also green sometimes also   means reduced cost in this case and so how do we  how are we green how do we reduce costs the first   thing a lot of the competing technologies out  there for this application we use a lot of energy   a lot of times it might be natural gas for example  and natural gas has combustion gases right so we   might be treating a problem but creating  a little bit of this one doesn't do that   biofiltration does not create knots it doesn't  have a particular output doesn't produce CO   it's much more greener in that environment that  aspect that energy thing I just talked about also   helps with Opex right so we we've spent money to  buy a piece of equipment and then we spend money   to maintain and operate it so when you compare a  biofilter where you don't have to inject natural   gas for example that's obviously a cost savings  um the pumps the the air system them the Delta   P across it typically you'll see less energy and  Vern's going to go into more examples of that in   the second half of the presentation but often the  Opex is lower than other Technologies capex can be   lower it really depends on the what your emissions  are what your permits are how big your footprint   is things like that sometimes it can be a little  more sometimes it can be the same we like to say   it's less we have the biofilter folks here talking  in any case it is it is less typically what are   we trying to treat with it organic and inorganic  compounds well we're going to give a little more   details of what is a good thing to be using a  biofilter it's not a it's not a one size fit   all you can't treat everything with it just like  anything and so we think it's a great thing to   know about because it should be in your options  when you consider an air abatement technology   typically you're going to see biofiltration  from the air side in Municipal and Industrial   applications a lot of people probably  the the people that have a little bit   of experience probably knew it from Municipal  applications so the context of this we're going   to talk mostly about industrial applications  although really the fundamentals here carry   over to Municipal we have a couple of little  Municipal topics sprinkled in here and there   if you have more questions specific to that  you can certainly put in the Q A as Mary said   we might not get to it today but we'll definitely  follow up and can answer any of those questions   so bio oxidation that's the heart of what  biofiltration is right and it's a biological   process we're typically treating vocs some some  other compounds are also can be considered but   really introducing them to a biomatrix and  then you capture them there and you digest   it and you from this digestion you're turning the  exhaust and the carbon dioxide and water vapor to   the atmosphere so obviously that's a fine thing to  send um compared to a boc and so that's that's the   heart of the process you can see this picture on  the top right that's kind of the um the chemistry   the the biology background of you got the air on  the left and you got the biofilm on the right and   there's a mass transfer process across that and  you're you're solely converting things um and   what you don't want to what you want bottom you  can see kind of a nice little animation of a of   what a system looks like and inside of it you got  the microbes right those of you from biology class   remember you've got these different microorganisms  that consume and eat and do things like that   um everyone I think probably realizes that that  living things they need they need things to live   so you need you need food you need energy  sources and you need nutrients right so it's   like your yard you go out and put fertilizer in  your yard nitrogen phosphorus other minerals you   want to make sure you have um all the necessary  building blocks for the bio-oxidation to occur   um this is where it gets interesting some  processes they have a complex stream where   they have that really can meet most of those  needs and you don't have to do really any or very   limited supplements of nutrients and sometimes  you have to add a lot of nutrients that's where   you do testing and burn again we'll talk about  testing and you can figure out what you need to do   so that's biooxidation I'm going to show you this  next slide so let me let me just quickly say I'm   a mechanical engineer I am not a biology person  but here's the summary of what's out there right   so we have we talked about biology but what  is it it's bacteria there's different types   of bacteria in this fungi and I think the  takeaway here is to really understand that   um there's not one size fits all right so if  you're trying to get something that's a hydro   umphilic compounds it's easy to get into water  and you can get into a slime a biofilm then a   heterotrophic bacteria might be a great sense  but if it's more of a recalcit or a hydro phobic   compounds are more complex or challenging to  consume it might not have enough time to get   into the water might not be practical to make  something for scrubbing that's so large so you   might use a fungi based approach and the fungi  have surfactants and different enzymes that   basically reach out and grab the um the compounds  and let them work so there's these different   heterotrophic autotrophic bacterias some systems  we'll talk about are hybrids they have a little   bit of everything it really depends on what you're  trying to treats and how much space you have and   what your permit is and we'll again we'll talk  about permits and and what we're trying to treat   that's the that's the biology at the heart of this  again it's bio microbiology it's really the bugs potatoes work here so let's talk at a  high level for industrial applications   what kind of systems are there what what  are they what does the bio filter look like   um Let me let me say this one caveat  here before we get into this too far   um there's a lot of sometimes it's semantics  right A lot of people call one thing a biofilter   and the thing a bio scrubber or they call it  objects for things they might be meaning the   same thing for this presentation um if you want  to learn more that you may have great PDF about   out there about biofiltration it talks a lot of  this information some more details and points   you in great ways to learn we use the naming  convention they use there and this kind of goes   from left to right in in age of development so  I'm oldest to the most recent and in complexity   um and so we start on the left a bio filter one  of the earliest designs you know on the order   of 100 years old kind of Technology we'll talk a  little more details but it's the simplest one you   basically take the air emission you use a blower  to put it below the bed and it goes out through   the bed and gets treated and you have biology  in that bed it's not as much control we'll talk   about pros and cons there in a second then we get  a little more complexity talk about a biotrickling   filter you can think of those using a wastewater  treatment plants it's a lot like a trickling   filter except for where there they have it in  water here we have it in air similar concept A lot   of carryover those of you that know about chemical  pack bed scrubbers similar to that the third one   on the right we're calling it a bio scrubber and  that is a The Next Step Up in complexity and that   is more about you have a scrubber and the goal is  to get whatever you're trying to a mission you're   trying to treat into the water and then once it  gets into the water you put it into a large sump   and that sump has different equipment to treat  the emissions right so you do the the oxidation   kind of away from the scrubber in this cell now  the soap might be at the bottom of it or it might   be off to the side and this is intentionally  I showed a pretty complex flow path this comes   from there's a German standard a vdi standard out  there about bio scrubbers it's very interesting   um it's got a lot of good details there but but  you can see there's different levels of clarifiers   and fixed beds and different ways aeration to  treat it and that can that certainly has its place   um and then we show the bottom right we're calling  that a hybrid system this is from our perspective   an interesting approach to things we see this in  different spots this is basically saying let's   look from these different Technologies and you  know one might be good for a certain compound one   might be good for another compound but what if you  have both compounds right so how do you integrate   these together and that's what a hybrid system  is right you have um maybe chamber one that's   high philic and chapter two does hydrophobic or  you need extra retention time so you can size   your changes appropriately gives you a little  more control for combining Technologies and and   basically the takeaway here is there's a couple  different ways to to skin this and what you need   to look at is you look at your admission type your  permit requirements and operational considerations   for example the top left one the bio filter you  might be somewhere remote and you just don't   have a maintenance crew there and it's it's the  simplest to run you just kind of Let It Go and you   don't have to worry about it too much but then you  might be somewhere where you're more in a bigger   city and you put footage is really a premium and  you might want something like the bio scrubber and   you already have a maintenance crew there so you  got to look at all your considerations so let's   dig a little bit deeper into the system types pros  and cons so again biofilter here's a great picture   on the left of one being installed you can see  there's actually four different sections here   um so they're cheap to install right you can  see it's basically looks like a drainage system   you're going to put some sort of um media on top  a lot of times the media is organic so that media   would look like things like mulch or compost  or a different bark things of that nature as I   mentioned earlier it's simple maintenance there's  just a basically a blower not allowed to take   care of the one caveat to that is medium media  replacement it's an organic media we'll talk a   little bit about channeling channeling in a second  but that organic material can get used up it can   clog um you know you can get too much biomass  growth because you don't have a lot of control   and so you have to replace it typically let's  say two to five years is a range to be thinking   about and it's not a simple change right you can  see how large this is it takes a couple weeks to   switch that out so it's good to um just to  think about that in your and your planning   um another Pro or another thing to consider  it actually can do very well in Dre on certain   types of things um not again you've got  to know pros and cons of different things   um you can get different types of bacteria and  fungi growing in these environments and so you   can do very well because they typically have high  retention times and that's the next point right   retention time so you'll hear the term ebrt empty  bed resonance time it's basically how long is the   air in the media right so um it's a biological  process right it's more time just like a thermal   oxidizer you need to have enough time for the  oxidation to happen or thermal oxidizer might   happen in a second or less here in this system  you're looking 30 to 90 seconds so that they're   big systems they're very large systems and that's  something to think about um again when you're   looking at different systems um some challenges  that we see with biofilters so as I mentioned it   these were the early designs 100 years old time  frame you still see them get installed today   they have their place but they do have challenges  typically they're large Fields without a roof so   it can be a little tricky to really know removal  efficiencies you could obviously put a roof on it   if you chose to that would kind of cut into  your cost advantages but that's that's one   of the challenges storage loading efficiency you  typically don't have the ability to dump something   into a sump you don't have ability to take any you  grow the biology for what you've got coming and   if that changes dramatically the system can have a  trouble footprint again you can see here's another   great picture it's huge they're really really  large again that's practical in some places but   not all places and then the one other thing that's  really interesting is better compaction so we see   this picture on the left um it's mulch right it's  it's compost it's organic it's things are changing   so the bed will settle over time you'll get  channeling right we see channeling in other okay obviously the emissions are going to go  out the channel and not through the bed   and when they go through the channel  you're going to have really low Dre   performance there and so that really  starts to impact and that's why the   media replacement cycle two five  years is something to be aware of so let's go to the next phase of the of the step  in technology so bio trickling filters so we just   talked about some challenges here and as folks  were designing systems I looked at okay how do we   solve these problems and what else is out there  so as I mentioned wastewater treatment plants   um they have trickling filters they are all about  treating material that's in the water and pouring   the water over media and letting biofilm grow in  that media this is very similar concept except we   gotta get the emission into the water as part of  the process so how do we do that we basically take   a chemical scrubber which is all about getting  air air emissions into scrubbing water and then   a trickling filter which is about treating water  that has stuff in it right so it works together   great um it has a narrative media inert media  the top rights pictures of three types of media   a good example we have fixed film on that left  corrugated looking plastic that's very commonly   used in the trickling filter space for the right  of that we have like random Media or packing balls   um very similar to chemical scrubbers you're  looking for places for biology to attach you   look at the drip point it's very similar concept  of scrubbing and letting stuff build up on it and   then the top it's a it's a puff a foam media and  that is useful in places where maybe growth isn't   as excessive it's not worried about plugging it  but you need lots of surface area it depends on   where you're going that's where you should work  with with whoever's designing the equipment to   understand the emission and the application to  pick the right kind of media they have pros and   cons the corrugated media has very low Delta P um  it's very good for certain aspects but you're not   going to get as much surface area or efficiency  as the foam for example um so another thing that's   really common or as part of the this biotrickling  filter aspect is the continuous irrigation right   so we're spraying water over the top of the media  all the time and generally these are counter   current um flow pass for those of you that aren't  familiar with scrubbers that basically means the   air is going up and the water is going down  so the flowing counter occurring to each other   um and what that means is with irrigation you  get a couple things one scrub it that we talked   about so that's about getting the emissions  into the water um it's also about keeping the   proper moisture in the system so biology just  like your grass your yard right your plants it   needs moisture you want to keep it in the right  range nutrient supplementation so I didn't talk   about too much on the biofilter side but that  that organic material in the media that's a   lot of the nutrients so it's very hard to add it  once it's gone you really got to put New Media   here here because the media is a nerd that's not  giving you any nutrients but if you need to add   nutrients you can basically just inject it with  the irrigation water and then also biomass control   is another thing that you can turn some knobs on  Flow rates and irrigation rates and nutrients and   other chemicals to control the biomass you want  to have enough to treat everything but you don't   have so much that it overgrows and you can't flow  through it so this gives you one more knob and to   control again biology is on the main media from  ebrt that residence time we talked about earlier   so remember the last one I said I think I said  30 to 90 seconds so it's it's much higher here   we've seen as slow as two seconds two to 60  is kind of a common range so you can imagine   um the cubic feet of media is is much lower on  this kind of system so that's a nice Advantage   there are no free lunches right so what does that  mean increased operating costs and maintenance so   we've got some more pumps to deal with um you  might have to clean the media out it might not   have to replace it but you might have to clean  it out you probably have some sensors but I'll   go a little more into the instrumentation but  those sensors need calibration right they need   maintenance and cleaning there does the pumps need  a filter basket for example so there's just steps   of Maintenance nothing crazy nothing that a plant  um a facility that has a maintenance team can't do   we regularly see these things lasting 15 years  without really any major intervention and it's   and the bio scrubber aspect or the scrubber part  of it's really targeting water-soluble substances   so let's talk about the Third Kind of subsets here  bio scrubbers again that's kind of we're going   down this journey of complexity or or development  in the technology so bios covers is the next one   um so basically you're adding a sump to a  biotrickling filter to add more biological   activity right so you're you don't add it in the  media you add it in the sump and the sump can   be a tank it can be other industrial Wastewater  systems and it's all about treating it gives you   more control more options change the temperature  do different things add add chemicals refiners   clarifiers things like that there's a lot of  buttons here and so it's all about the sump right   again it's water soluble compounds no substances  it's got inert media you have all the same ability   with continuous irrigation which is nutrient  control scrubbing efficiency biomass control   things like that again that no free lunch comment  that compound flexity comes with performance but   it also comes with cost and maintenance right  so you've got more equipment to maintain   um in general these are these are well vetted  Technologies from the industrial Wastewater space   so so it works well it's not it's not too hard  to deal with but there is more to take care of so we're always advancing right  the goal is to how do we do better   and we're going to talk about the hybrid I  mentioned the hybrid is kind of a fourth thing   and what how did the hybrid come up right the  hybrid approach or what we're going to talk about   in a minute it's all about removal efficiency  right so I talked about earlier different types   of compounds how do we separate how we treat them  right so we're talking about step one separation   which is partitioning hydrophilic and hydrophobic  compound treatment methods right so trait one then   treat the other so the hydrophilic removals  typically number one so you have something   that's a scrubber or something similar or a  bio trickling filter chamber and that gets   the hydrophilic and then you have some emissions  that are going to come out to the next phase and   you want to put in something for hydrophobic  and so that's the fungi and the other types of   maybe longer retention time things like that  so that would be the next chamber and then the   the other takeaway from this is recirculation so  we have different biology but we need nutrients   everywhere and there's always value in kind  of stirring the pot when it comes to biology   you know we're trying to reinoculate often  right because because microbes don't live   forever right you're always trying to grow more  so recirculation at the same water between the   two gives you the ability to control what's  growing or help growth in the multiple Chambers   um this is I don't know how here's  a poll question Mary I guess   do I read this so I'll read it  how's that whole question technology go ahead I can read I'm I'm good at reading  I think so all right is your company looking   at Greener Technologies or other carbon footprint  reduction initiatives so this goes from yes we're   doing them right now to yeah we know it's coming  in in about a year it's a couple years off or or   no it's not really on our radar so if I click  to this and I'll let Mary you can go to the   next slide when you think it's time okay we'll  just see everybody two or two answer and just   you know kind of curious on where everyone's  at with some of their initiatives we'll give   it a little bit more time since the last poll  question seem to take a few seconds to catch up so all right Let's see what some of these answers are we've got a wide mix here I  think you know some at this point   don't have anything planned but you know  definitely you know a decent amount that are   already in the process of doing something quite  a few about 10 there that you know are within the   next year and then within the next couple years  and that's definitely what we're seeing I think   across the board with a lot of companies  that you know there's definitely a move to   you know looking for greener technologies  and trying to figure out how to reduce their   carbon footprint and you know timeline that  that makes a whole lot of sense so thank you yeah that's great yeah this certainly aligns  to it so a couple quick things we were talking   about the hybrid here's an example of a hybrid  system they're they exist in industrial space   for a couple decades now they're they're a  great technology this left one you can see   one installed in the right graphic shows kind  of the workflow of there's one chamber in the   left and there's one chamber in the right  and turn will go a little deeper on that   again it's all about VOC getting more  the vocs some sometimes you're gonna   have hydrophilic and hydrophobic and so you  need an approach that addresses both of them   um I think we have another yeah so here's a  little zoomed up picture of it so it doesn't have   to look like only one format right so there's a  horizontal one on the left which is greatest Focus   um then you have a bigger unit maybe because  it doesn't get you tall and then if you don't   have as much space you can do it on the right  which is you're stacking in the systems right   so air is swelling from bottom to top and you  can see if you squint that says bio trickling   filter on the bottom and bio filter on the top  right so that's the hydrophilic on the bottom   and then you're going to get the hydrophobic  on the top and more about yet but there's ways   to get organic media in that biofilter to  help growth of different types of biology   and so a couple of points before I hand  over to Vern to get more in the details   um where would we see bio activation applications  fitting in industrial applications so we we've   seen them installed in the last again a couple  decades in a large area of the industrial space   engineering wood is is really honestly the biggest  one very common there it's got a really good use   case there but we see it a lot of places like  paint Coatings and resin applications anything   anything that's thinking about Narco or  thermal oxidizer there's probably a good   fit here or it's at least considering a good fit  it's not there are definitely some nuances here   that should be considered not all compounds  are conducive to biology growth but but it's   something to consider so here's a bunch of  options um as you can see they're kind of a   broad spectrum of the industrial space and then  let's look at one couple more slides here about   what what's in the industrial installation  looks like so here's a paint manufacturer   and they were trying to treat hydrocarbons from  the mixing process and just to give you some scale   this is a 20 000 CFM system It's a combination of  a a bio trickling and then a biofilter stages and   so it's it's frankly not the smallest  thing ever right they're they're big   but what was interesting here is this is  a bio filter but it's modular right there   was a conversation about the the paint process  might be changing or the manufacturing process   would be changing and they wanted to treat some  some different compounds down the road and this   the fact and that gives you flexibility it's  a nice thing about being modular is you can   you can add chunks um as needed if your  process changes and again as I mentioned   we're talking industrial today but just to  give a little awareness of the municipal side   I think people are probably somewhat common are  aware of your headworks and pump station systems   these are the typically smaller there's a lot  of these out there they often are bio trickling   filters and sometimes biofilters are typically a  little simpler lower maintenance they do they do   really well in that space and so with that I'm  going to turn it over to Vern to really dig in a   little bit about what makes a good bio filter and  some of the engineering technical details to be   considered for that so Vern if you want to take  over very good thank you Thomas can you hear me   hello yep okay very good so as far  as what makes it a good application   um you know we can look at both Municipal  and and Industrial and as far as what we   like to see because this is a living  system that we're we're we're we're   um using to to treat our contaminant we like to  have then continuous operations so whatever the   emission stream is that we're going to be treating  it's best if it's continuous and that kind of   gets away from them not having a feast and famine  type scenario so because it is a living system we   want to avoid where we're not going to have having  food or the contaminants going to it and ideally   as far as the amount of contaminants and the  concentration the loading of these contaminants   high to low we don't like it if it varies more  than like a three to one ratio so ideally it's   consistent and then we don't have high peaks  in the in in the um contaminants that we're   going to be bioxidizing the next is just  because I'm going to say it's easier is   if the the contaminants of concern are hydrophilic  meaning you know more water soluble then that's   going to be we know that's going to be easier  for us to prefer the biology than to do their job   and we'd be looking at the the biotrickling filter  in that case the next is the Airstream the with   the biology likes it when it's warm there's two  two different ranges but there's a range of 80   degrees to about 115 where where the biology can  live then there's a warmer range um 125 degrees to   150 and if we go above that range that you know  that there's an issue and finally another thing   that makes for an ideal application if there's no  or very little particulates or solids and if there   are particulates or solids then um you know that  that has to be dealt with so if if we run into a   situation where like for example if there's low  temperature then we can still perhaps consider   using a bio oxidation system but we're going to  have to then take steps to to to um bring that   um temperature up this is literally heating the  Airstream or perhaps we can add temperature to the   um sum and um if if it's too high the temperature  is too hot if there's an emission streams that   we want to consider biofiltration then we're  going to have to perhaps use the loosen there   I'm particulate if you have a stream that has  too much particulates then you're going to have   to remove that with um pre-treatment in front  of your bio oxidation system such as a Venturi   scrubber or perhaps a dust collector but just  to get the particulates out so that we're not   having an issue perhaps with the media and  plugging the media with the extra extra solids   and then finally not that you know as far as  hydrophobic compounds those less water soluble   those are not as easy but we we can still treat  those and Thomas has already talked about that   it's going to end up you know simply what we  are going to look for is is more detention time   and and quite often what we need to do and this  is more for an industrial applications would be   some piloting in order to really hone in on what  kind of times do we need to to meet our objectives   and what we've done a lot of talking on  these hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds   and I like this slide this is representative of  a um 15 second bio trickling filter and what we   can see here is the hydrophilic compounds at  the top of the table are just more readily   dissolved in water and we achieve higher  destruction during that that time period   other less water-soluble compounds at the  bottom of the table are are do not we don't   do as well with those and and again that has to  do with the fact that we're not able to get those   hydrophobic compounds into the water as easily  where then the biodegradation can take place   and quite often if we start looking at at  compounds that that we know are are less   water soluble than we want to consider piloting  and due to the fact that more likely than not   it's going to be an industrial application  because the municipal mission that we use for   um biofiltration those are our the the the  emissions are pretty standard regardless of of   you know what wastewater treatment plant uniform  wastewater treatment plant you're at but there   is as far as Industrial then quite often we'll  end up having a matrix a soup mix if you will   of compounds that we need to consider and you're  not sometimes you're not always going to be 100   sure of the effect on the biology until you do  that piloting so that in addition to determining   and trying to quantify then the um the detention  time that you need and that ties in then with   and you can see here when you pilot a an  emissions training you're able to get some   valuable information as far as what are the  optimum parameters that I need you know what   is that detention time and that we can use then  in order to to meet our objectives as far as the   data that we want to get with the pilot it's very  going to be very important of course to Define   your objectives and that's going to come into just  knowing what do I need to meet you know with this   biofiltration unit and once you have your  objectives and goals defined then based on so some   some of the information that you you know of the  the emission stream you can then select the type   of biofiltration unit that you want be it a or  what a pilot does allow you to do is investigate   um and Vary perhaps the detention times and to  see what works in order to achieve those those   removal efficiencies that you need to  get and it's important then to just to   collect the data just so that you can  define success with what you've done and this I like this this  photo basically shows then   pilot scale pilots and the benefit of a pilot  Scale Pilot is the fact that you are doing the   pilot testing and the actual  emissions to be treated   and one can the alternative would be to do a bench  Scale Pilot which literally can be on on a laptop   bench but again pilot scale testing does give  you the opportunity to um do real world emissions   and and investigate then the the treatment scheme  that you're looking at as far as design parameters but there's there's a range of parameters  that one would initially consider and for   a bio oxidation system generally you're  not going to want the compound loading   um or the range of compound loading is going  to be 10 parts per million to about 500 parts   per million and again this is a guideline um the  next for biotrickling filters and bio scrubbers   the detention time is perhaps 15 seconds or less  for standard bio filters as Thomas is saying the   ebrt could be 15 or to 60 seconds and then for  some industrial applications that may be longer   perhaps even over over a minute the gas velocity  that you're that is readily used for these various   bio oxidation systems is quite often 50 feet per  minute or less another design parameter that we   have to consider regardless of of the particular  bio oxidation system is the irrigation rate and   that's going to vary from 0.1 gallon per minute  to 0.121 down per minute per foot squared and that   foot squared is then the surface area of the media  so and then in addition there's also pH that that   we will that the pH is actually more of a process  parameter in comparison to a design parameter and   that the pH more results from the biology that you  use and that's similar event to temperature you   know we know perhaps that based on our emissions  temperature the the design biology that we want to   use but it is actually the biology itself that  will say well this is the temperature that I'm   going to be at and here we can talk as far as  those temperatures there's two real classes of   biology that that we all look at for these systems  and one is the higher temperature range which is   the thermophilic bacteria and those range require  a temperature they thrive in an environment from   125 degrees to 155 degrees and then the other  class of microorganisms that we will consider are   the mesophilic organisms and those do well in in  any temperatures between 60 degrees to 80 degrees as far as the parameters that are  required in order to control the system   what we're what we we look at then for a biofilter  you can see that on the image on the left the   biofilter really has only one rotating piece  of equipment and that is the fan so and then   the other thing that we'll get into a  little bit more is a bio trickling filter so as far as the process parameters for the bio  filter what = you know the the what we're going   to be measuring and need to quantify with the bio  with the bile filter is the gas emission flow rate and this year it's going to measure by using an  inline velocity probe um and that would be then   configured for your particular duct dimensions  and there's also you can also use pressure as an   indicator of your flow rate another process  parameter for biofilters is the irrigation   flow rate and that's going to be closer to  the 0.1 gallons per minute per foot squared   bio filters are going to require lower irrigation  flow rates and the irrigation most likely   it's going to be on for a set period of time  followed by an off interval the objective for   a bio filter for the water side is to keep the  filter bed moist and optimize the performance   of the fungi and bacteria so continuous irrigation  of a biofilter may be detrimental if it flushes um   the the fungus away and then as far as temperature  temperature should be monitored it with your bio   filter just to assure that the media buds remains  in the temperature range selected either that   mesophilic range 55 degrees to 115 or the um  or the thermophilic range 125 degrees to 50. and now as far as a biotrickling filter this the  process parameters that we're going to monitor   um are these are the additional process parameters  because all the process parameters of a bio filter   the gas flow rate we would monitor that  but now we're also going to be looking   at the recirculation rate the recirculation  rate is going to be closer to the one gallon   per minute per foot squared for the bio  trickling filter for a bio scrubber and the   biotrickling filters are continuously irrigated  and this goes back to that what we're relying   on here is is that these compounds are  going to be more easily water soluble   Lowdown is also going to be monitored with the  biotic filter and this is just to to assure   ourselves that this system is going to remain  healthy we need to make sure that the byproducts   from the bio oxidation do not build to an  inhibitory level or toxic level and and therefore   we're going to drain part of the sump or some part  of the sump to um to drain and add fresh water and   pH in the conductivity are two parameters that  are used to signal that a blow down should occur   as far as pH is monitored just to  make sure that that the environment   stays where it needs to stay and generally  speaking for most industrial applications   it involves the mitigation of organic gluten  and then these organic glutens will be treated   with the heterotrophic bacteria that Thomas had  talked about earlier and these bacteria operate   in the six to eight pH Rings most Municipal  applications on the other hand are treating   non-organic compounds such as hydrogen sulfide or  reduced organic sulfur compounds and these reduce   offer compounds are biologically oxidized by the  autotrophic bacteria and these autotrophs thrive   in an acidic environment in the 1.5 to 2 range and  then I think this is it's interesting to note that   these autotrophs actually are generating sulfuric  acid as they oxidize reduced software compounds   and again then we use we blow down then just  to make sure that they don't produce too much   acid now and then conductivity like pH is can be  used then to um signal that a blow down should   occur and that's more for the industrial  applications that we will use conductivity   and then nutrients is is the final process  parameter and and these are biological systems   so we need to make sure that um the the two main  nutrients that that we make that one everyone in   this in the in the in the system are phosphorus  and nitrogen and they are um you know required in   order for for the biology to do what they need to  do and normally once a week sampling is sufficient   in order to um to take a grab sample from your  sump or from the recirculation line and have that   measured you can either use field test kit such  as a hat kit to assure yourself that there are   sufficient nitrogen and phosphorus in the system  where you can have that those um samples analyzed   at a lab and you can see that the little nutrient  tank in the right that is actually done you know   what provides our storage where then we meter in  the nutrients into the system and it can either go   into the recirculation line like it's shown here  or sometimes they're added right into the stump and then the next as far as um this is talking  about hybrid systems and some of them the the   um equipment that that we end up monitoring and  using what I whether it's a vertical system you   can see and again I guess it's just squint and  that that we do have the two rotating pieces of   equipment are the um exhaust fan as well as the  recirculation pump and that would be the same for   for either one so and with the as far as a bio  trickling filter system the fan and the pump are   going to constitute the majority of the installed  first Power this is this is where you're if you   want to figure out your energy requirement it's  going to be because of the fan and because of the   recirculation pumps and that's what we're seeing  here again the two main pieces of equipment for a   biotrickling filter and a bio filter would just  have the fan but here here's our hybrid system where the hybrid valve filter system we take  advantage of the benefits of the biotrickling   filter which is the first chamber and couple  it with the with the bio filter which is the   second chamber and then you can see the air  travels in the counter current manner in the   first chamber whereas the airflow was co-current  in the irrigation spraying the second chamber and then the first chamber this is where the overwhelming majority of  the water soluble compounds are oxidized   the chamber is filled with a with fixed structured  media for biosome attachment and the continuous   spray from the thumb scrubs the organics  into the water for treatment by the bacteria   nutrients then are added to the sum and  distributed then via the recirculation spray foreign in the first chamber is fixed  media the vertical flow media has   Superior bio solids flushing parameters  and this media the media itself we're   not of Australian the next slide  it's located above the grading as shown in the photo on the right the  media is supported off the floor of the   biofilter to provide a plenum for air  distribution picture on the left shows   that the um the fixed media loaded in  the first chamber bio trickling filter   and the random packing media the White media and  the second chamber which is then the bio filter the second chamber acts more like an  enhanced file filter and is filled   with random or dumped in packing some of  the random packing is filled with compost   this chamber is irrigated intermittently  in order to optimize the formation of fungi   that together with the bacteria removes the more  recalcitrant and harder to degrade vocs and THC   the intermittent irrigation is the source of  nutrients for the for this biofilm as well these photos show the random packing that  is in the second chamber bottle filter   the structure of the packing helps to eliminate  compaction and also the compost some of this media   is filled with compost and that provides a good  home if you will for an optimizes fungi formation one more quick poll question and we'll pass  this back to Vern you might need to do some   high level on the end of these sides we're  down to about four minutes for the rest of   the presentation so where can bio filtration  systems be used effectively and I'll give you   guys all a couple minutes here we've got  the wood industry the paint industry food   and beverage semiconductor and solar or all  of the above and just let everyone do this   real fast we'll take a look and see if you guys  picked up on that from one of the earlier slides all right let's see good job everyone yeah it's all of the above  really I mean there's a couple industries that   certainly have seen in more than others you  know as Thomas has said wood industry and   paint industry but you really can use it in  all of these it just really depends on the   application and parameters that you have in  terms of size and structure so good job and   we're gonna give it to Vern here to take us to  the end very good thank you and this um what   we're showing here is this is the second chamber  which would be the bio filter chamber empty and   then we have another one where another photo here  showing it filled this is we use mist eliminators   between the two Chambers and this provides the  opportunity or just prevent any over watering   from that first chamber on biotrickling filter  to to the bio filter so conventional equipment   is used there this is just a simple Chevron blade  style mist eliminator is used in between those two   Chambers so that we don't have don't disturb then  our biology in that second chamber aren't the   process parameters that we've identified with our  piloting and and then that that we want to control   um pH conductivity temperature and  quite often that's done with just a PLC   you know an instrumentation that is used for  biofilters Bio trickling filters it's standard   instrumentation um temperature sensors  pH transmitters the wild very standard what's nice about you know biofilters we  talked about at Thomas I already mentioned it   Green Technology there's no NAX um production  there's a reduction in CO2 so that's that's   very important to remember and and to consider a  true Advantage truly a green technology that way   and then looking at this slide then is  a comparison of the various technologies and I just I've got a lot of information on here  I'm just going to say that as far as I'm bio   filters are going to be lower in energy compared  to many of the other technologies especially   and the fact that with the low energy let me show  this slide here we we have this is a comparison   of 165 000 ACF um emission stream and we looked  at both you know bio filters biotrickling filter   and a thermal oxidizer and it as far as the cost  you can see that the cost of the energy for the   thermal oxidizer outweighs than the two bio  oxidation systems and the biotrickling filter   which does have a excuse me the biofilter  which has a longer detention time and we   are able to get more of the vocs there is a  little bit more energy required for for that   reflected in that affects cost but you do get  some additional boc degradation with that with   that bio filter and the longer detention time the  biotrickling filter much shorter detention time   um so you're irrigating less and so you  save some money the RTL though has great   performance as far as boc and the hats which is  the the what we have quantify is water-soluble and here's just a photo of a completed system now where the questions thank you  Vern thank you Thomas this is great   um and we actually are a little bit over so we're  going to do a couple quick questions but just a   reminder for the pdh if you are here for that you  need to take that quiz and you must have you must   pass it with eight out of 10 and be present for  at least 50 minutes of the presentation you can   always go back with the links that you have and  re-watch it if you are missing some of the time   we will stay live for another 30 minutes after  we go quiet but you'll still be able to do things   on the presentation just a reminder the two last  widgets are the ones that you need to focus in on   and once you have everything completed you will be  able to print out your certificate and let me just   hit a couple of questions here real quick just  give me a second here to post them to the screen so first question normally does the  blow down require further treatment you want to answer that I think probably speak  to the best I'm sorry what was the question Mary   normally does the blow down require further  treatment yes I'm going to say normally we're   going to have to look at that blow down  either it's going to be sent to a potw   publicly owned treatment works into a local  wastewater treatment plant um or where it would   be treated then later or you're going to have  to have on-site wastewater treatment so yeah   okay and let's just do one more and again if  you asked a question we did not get to it we   do reply to all of them so don't worry  about it we will get to your question   here after if we can't do it and we'll  do one more here and then go quiet so and it's not pushing to the screen  so give me just a second here okay so ebrt dependent on the most  recalcitrant compound in the mix   okay many acronyms for me can anyone here on  the team help I I think we would answer that   is yes right Tom it is it's dependent  on the most recalcitary compounds yeah We would we would look at the admissions stream  and design the the size for the most challenging   compound your permit requires sometimes  the permits don't always require getting   everything and so there you might be able to  to work with your your requirement to figure   out what makes the most sense right but as  Vern mentioned earlier that second chamber   can be quite large if needed if you have  to get everything or or most of everything Hey excellent well thank you everybody  for attending we really appreciate it   we do have several more even


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