Water Is The New Gold Funding the Water Market and Making Waterpreneurs

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all right everyone and good evening it's 8 p.m on the 17th and those of you who are the here early earlier got to watch alan and i um chat at length about pretty much nothing alan is uh has been with me in many pr assignments before um and uh he was he's done some wonderful things um i've rewarded him by not letting him do pr and instead do uh marketing which is fate worse than death so and he is going to join us to show us the waterprinter academy so um without further ado i'm going to go ahead and share a screen and show everyone uh what's going on all right what is the new gold um and you know why is water recession proof one reason is that water rates are not regulated in america and so they are the most likely commodity of everyday commodity you know unlike things like energy there's it's not something that it has limits and so it water rates we believe will rise and it's going to be something that is going to put the emphasis on recycling on water treatment all kinds of interesting things in any case it is december 17th uh briefing number 91. uh as usual we've got our forward-looking statements according to which we are not profits and the first thing i'm going to show you is the ld micro event that we did on monday as you know we announced that we would present at the 13th annual main event on december 14th and we did that and so without further ado i am going to play the video hi everyone i am here with riggs echolberry the ceo of origin clear rex take it away thank you very much origin clear is the water company for the new economy and i'll explain why in a moment all right of course the usual safe harbor statements you know the drill we are not profits we try our best to tell like it is we're also going to be discussing uh a regulation d offering that of course is not sec approved all right let's get on with the video and then we'll get on with the [Music] presentation [Music] estimatos amigos about three years ago deputy pork went to research the treatment of hog manure they came upon our technology reached out and we negotiated with them a license now three years later they've built a working commercial system it's proven and it's working amazingly well origin clear technologies necessity wow [Music] well that is a video that essentially demonstrates how strong our technology is and as arthur clark said uh you know any technology sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from magic and that's precisely been our problem because the water industry does not love magic so uh what what have we been doing this was late night 2019 and we hit 2020 and covid and things got very very interesting let me tell you more about that so we're working to transform this enormous industry with two major things we have our modular endpoint systems for the new decentralized water and we have managed services what does that mean okay first of all we we have built this incredible technology as you saw in the video we have these great uh technology partners we have a manufacturing division that is extremely sophisticated and we have this patented modular water systems and this was where we stood earlier this year but there were still chronic problems we just could not get past the slow water projects what to do and of course this was our covert moment and we realized it comes down to something very very simple which is if you can fund it they will come so that's what we started to focus on we developed something called water as a career and to take all these entrepreneurs and put them to work and now we're working on water as a service which is basically sign a piece of paper and you've got your system and i'll be discussing how we're doing that specifically okay what is the reality of 2020 of course water is not getting better it's getting worse climate change and many many issues including lack of infrastructure but not just you know in africa but also in the u.s there's lots of issues and remarkably small amount of sewage is actually treated us we have these safe drinking water act violations and the economic disaster of covid which economically is worse than the spanish flu which killed more than 100 million people so that actually created a situation where small businesses were destroyed and continue to be as i speak which means that we have people available to join us in the water industry which needs them desperately we've got a silver tsunami as well but now what about the government infrastructure bills etc well the short answer is they haven't done it and they're not about to do it now since 1960 they have continued to fail to put in proper infrastructure federal contribution to water systems has been dropping for decades and it's like your old toyota toyota celica that you keep adding oil to but it's just becoming more expensive to run all the time and it's getting worse and the investment gap is a hundred billion dollars a year the answer is end users because just like cell phones and energy and so forth you can do it at the point of use and we have here a landscape brought to us by our friends at lux research which shows you all these um you know satellite water treatment systems and they require advanced treatment technologies for localized reuse which is very important and that's what we have so the good news is less load on these central systems and also lots of interesting technologies at the edge to make it efficient and to enable recycling which in the united states is historically low but capital remains the problem remember that municipalities can raise bonds wall street loves them billions of dollars there's a dollars everybody loves that but individual businesses do not have that luxury so capital is an issue and that's why we're developing these things we call water as a career in water as a service we have completed a first major pilot program in operation in phoenix to purify pool water we're also working on projects to clean up trailer park lagoons and believe it or not trailer parks have their own little manure lagoons and finally we're working as you saw in spain there with farm manure lagoon treatment this is that successful one called the pool preserver where we put a an entrepreneur into business very successfully and it is now a model we've also built a career builder program to help these candidates of which there are many uh build their business and market it so that's going very very well now water managed services what do we mean by that well we start with we have a wonderful capability to do custom systems that's great uh it may be worthwhile being a product and also a career builder so that's where you move past the evaluation into a standardized product and develop the career builder package of course we're not going to compete with the regular leasing companies because they of course are very very competitive markets so we put qualified people into standard leasing packages but we are now funding equipment rental and career building for people who don't qualify and most people don't because these days there's lots of money but it's very hard money and it takes two years of p l's to get a lease and most people are starting new but we retain the title so that we can do a rent-to-center kind of model and retrieve the machines if they don't work and of course our machines are portable now we are working to pre-fund industrial water systems as water as a service this is very exciting another company in the industry called cambrian innovation has done a wonderful job of that has raised a lot of money to do it and has really paved the way and we're now moving in that direction too of course with managed services you manage everything you you're taking care of every detail and you end up with double digit returns and we are now busy building a capital fund okay now this uh internal vehicle is basically uh you know the capital fund for the rental or pay go pay as you go type programs and the selection occurs we manage that with double digit returns for ourselves initially builds rs asset base which points to a future potential listing on a national exchange place the equipment with multiple owners these machines last a long long time so their roi is superb and we learn lessons for making a public market which we think is the future and we have a partner called philanthro investors they are an inc 500 leader in real estate who's not done turned its attention to water and they are they have a secret sauce that they put together and they are 19 countries and this kind of gives us our international growth they are also helping us develop water as a career locating international investors especially for the capital fund and developing this network for international rollout which is great news so in short you have the ability to participate with us in our future as uh this water company for the new economy meaning employing the people out of biz out of business pre-funding these systems putting them on pay-as-you-go type systems which is the wave of the future how do you participate well it's very simple we have a convertible structure with double digit dividends you can redeem it at any time for double and stock priced at the later price which is a measure of protection and if there is up to quadruple warrant coverage depending on your level of investment the unit is a hundred thousand you can invest less and finally this is for accredited investors only you can invest in the planned capital fund but that is a minimum million dollar unit and it is a secured asset investment well why would you invest of course we've got this unique origin clear process we we've got this water as a career don't sell systems instead help them be a white knight instead of selling help us learn how to build first the first water investment marketplace what we call the airbnb for water which is very very promising but it's in the future and so you get paid to wait you get your double divided digit cash dividends you convert to stock and that one of foreworn coverage um with us in the audience is ken behringer and devin angus um ken is an amazing strategist he helped me build this strategy just book a call with him at oc dot gold slash ken and i do a weekly ceo briefing that's very very popular simply book at oc dot gold slash ceo i'd love to see you on thursdays at 5 00 pm and thank you very much thank you so much riggs we will now move into the q a portion if panelists would like to come to video and also unmute yourself so you may ask questions for the next seven minutes hey riggs this is a mohamed course and could you just talk about what the qualification process is um as far as you you're hiring or approving of the people that you uh lease out the equipment to i mean this is a really good question because uh what we found is that ordinary uh fico style credit um you know excludes a lot of people who could otherwise make it happen our partner philanthropy investors has ended up you know number 85 on the inc 500 by in real estate putting people into homes they could never get otherwise and their default rate is is around six percent it's extremely low and we found that as you know with with microlending uh in places like africa that with the what you have to create of course is a relationship and you have to really the number one thing is to know that they will be proactive especially as waterpreneurs you know you can you can you can figure out who's going to be like oh i think i'll do this and what's this machine uh well whatever so you have to find out if they will be go-getters and that's the number one requirement we are learning from the real estate side of the philanthropic investor partnership to determine exactly that profile are the are the equipment yours or are you re are you leasing someone else's equipment we build all our own equipment we have a wonderful shop in texas with about 25 people it's the basis of our revenue um you know this company uh does about four plus million dollars a year and it all comes out of texas what is good about that is we can pretty much tell them to build anything from a fifty thousand dollar system to a two million dollar one and we have this also this proprietary module uh systems these these long lived uh pre-packaged um you know drop drop and go type systems which is a revolution in water systems and my other question was how many people do you have on the platform right now so what we did this year is we funded the first proof of concept with this machine called the pool preserver our first test case with a waterpreneur called ryan kustra it's worked very well and we've been building the waterpreneur university with him so we've now wrapped up building the careerbuilder package in addition we have conventional leasing going on of course uh we just did the first trailer park deal for example but the pure waters of career model has been done with one proof of concept we have about three minutes left if there are any other questions hi this is john cassarini how do you see the amount of people on the system ramping and how are you getting garnering attention to the system to allow these people to come in and ramp john thank you very much the first facebook video we put out on this got over a million views it's extremely popular concept uh we are frankly overwhelmed by people who want to do this and so there's really no problem with getting um people into it it's definitely a viral type phenomenon we are inviting people to invest in a 10 million dollar uh capital fund called an origin clear finance and we intend to put in place 74 uh small medium to large systems as part of that fund and um it will of course and then we'll be done we don't want to keep going with it because our next stage is we want to export this we think just like you know airbnb only did its own apartments for very for a little while because you want to put other people in the game you want to create a marketplace that is our goal is to create a marketplace but we really want to learn it ourselves and so for a time we're going to do it you know as a company store so to speak and then our plan is 2021 and beyond is to create this airbnb for water which i think is super exciting it certainly sounds it how easily do you think uh the next phase of your growth how long do you start implementing that so it's very much um you know we do a good job of maintaining excuse me maintaining our drip financing but really it's all about capital fortunately we've started to receive mousse for the capital fund and um we believe that we're going to be able to deliver systems in the new year both water as a career for waterpreneurs and also water as a service for these individual businesses and we will be actually able to do it um it may only start with a million dollars or two but i do believe we can get the momentum going all right thank you sounds promising thank you thank you john i appreciate it thank you so much riggs thank you all for being here i am going to end the meeting and i hope you enjoy the rest of your day it's my pleasure thank you i i brought up in the in the presentation with um wow lots of people here tonight i'm super proud to have you guys on board thank you for joining us i mentioned that the the uh the government could not help and there isn't problems with infrastructure well that's just been confirmed by the black veatch bacon beaches of water major major water equipment company and their water report 2020 strategic directions confirms the situation this is what's going on take a look at this this is a survey that was done by with the american society of civil engineers and um it uh it gave a seriously bad grade and look 80 see as the most challenging problem aging water and and uh excuse me wastewater infrastructure now also meanwhile see at the bottom there as the water system grows and grows the pipes that have been in the ground generally only get attention when they're close to failure and this we know and sure enough there you go it's like when we how do you know when to take the next step when something is about to break or fail oh lord that is a problem so um we can we can see that and then the second is regulatory bodies demanding action but the number one thing is things about to break which is uh pretty much par for the course okay now i wanted to quickly be up to date on this the origin clear fund our capital fund has been some good progress um update of today uh so we as i said last week we had that first mou in hand for one million dollars and we thank that investor we are in discussions for the second one uh an mou is a memorandum of understanding and it is a good faith but non-binding commitment now uh the big news is the 12 million dollar uh potential investor uh has agreed he's he is foreign he's from another country and he's coming to miami to meet uh with me and um to put this deal together and then the six million dollar one is considerably more conservative so he may follow the 12 million one that's where that stands so things are moving fast on this it's very very exciting with that i'm going to let alan have his his day in the sun so tell us what this is about a day in the sun would be very nice right now i've got a day in the snow outside um but to introduce our waterpreneur academy what we want to be able to do is we get folks on board we not only want to teach you how the equipment works and and everything you need to know behind that but also how to take it and market it so if you've not really been in this business before we've pulled together the lessons that are going to get you there both online and handling the customers and handling the equipment so if we go to the next slide when you log in you have two choices if you haven't been here before you want to go on the left figure it all out register one of the nice things that i i like about this and and with the past and cyber security you put your name and email address in here you get a confirmation email so you're not if you type in and it actually goes to someone else you're not going to be having your information go everywhere else so if you sign in that goes you confirm it comes to you once you're there you'll see the screen on the right where you'll log in using your information when you come back so since you've set up that account it knows who you are and whenever you come back it will know where you are in your classes with the playbooks with you know all the other programs here it will know who you are so from there what i want to first show you is the marketing playbooks we'll teach you how to set up your website how to do everything from google listings to your social media your individual facebook reviews and your google reviews as well as the online directory listings and alan this was piloted with uh with our waterpreneur first waterpreneur right it absolutely is and we've been going back and forth with him we want to make sure that the things we're doing are helping drive his business and in fact what i'm going to do when we go into the next part of the program which is showing you the the how-to on the on the next slide and this shows you all of the things that we've gone out and we videotaped our team going to the customer's house setting everything up and it's all right there to help you understand so on the next page we have a link that will take you straight into the videos and if we can go ahead and click right on that okay so we're actually in the the pool preserver how to so here's here's the live screen and we're going to be doing this on all of the products so the pool preserver is the first one we're testing out once we have this done then we're going to go down our other product lines and do the same thing so if we click there on the how-to video for number one this goes into a section of the screen where we've got the videos that show you here's how wonderful our equipment looks when you drive it out and then we have a series of questions that we'll uh we'll have you tested on and at the end of your answering the question we'll let you know if you're right or if you're wrong and at the end we'll let you know your percentage in fact once you've finished it all we'll even give you a certificate saying that you finished it here's here's these multiple choice quotes in fact right here so should you provide a quote over the phone without doing a site visit let's just go ahead and click if it is easier and we'll we'll see okay no you should do a side visit okay i am not the one setting up the equipment uh uh yeah it looks like i'm i'm looks like apparently ridge isn't [Laughter] oh all either three out of three anyway this is excellent so i'm not going to spend much time going through it but we've got a nice long um well not excessively long thing but it it gets people um you know understanding what they got to do we can go a lot deeper um so there's quoting setting up testing preparing uh how the process works et cetera et cetera all that good stuff but if you're heading out to the client's house you need a little refresh before you get there you can access this on your phone you know it's whatever you need to know it's going to be right here and then the playbooks and the and the business business in a box are also there so that's excellent um i'm gonna i'm gonna um uh wrap that up just because um we we have a couple more things to show but it looks good so far alan i'm loving it thank you thank you all right so let's uh let's move to the next a quick quick thing about the economy i'm interested in the trends that are going on we know that the fed thinks things are going better and uh a really very good unemployment rate and 4.2 growth so

that's excellent but the issue here is that according to zero edge low income households are not in good shape we found that the median household checking account went way up with the stimulus but then um here's what's been happening with checking account balances and in general if you're in the fourth quarter the fourth highest quarter of the economy you're surviving okay it's very tough situation for the bottom half of all consumers and that's a that's an alarming situation we also see november printed a down month which was unexpected so what can we learn from that what we can learn from that is that this is an uneven economy an uneven recovery and you want to be making sure that you're you're investing in a way that is not going to be dangerous for you and it remains last week we covered the inflationary situation we think that's still going to be a problem and so making money on money in a way that does not depend on the consumption by the bulk of the population is we think a smart way to go and that's the most i'm going to venture as a as an economic expert which i'm not now i want to there's a quick video here because we were talking about this new offering which i covered in the ld micro event so i'm not going to go over it again what's a warrant very important question so here's a quick video that i shot two nights ago which gets us into the what is a warrant situation so and let's see what this thing looks like it's kind of fun hi rick zuckerberry here with a quick briefing about warrants origin clear has now launched a new offering we call it series r which has up to four warrants now what that means is an opportunity to multiply your investment without having to pay for it up front you're basically investing your basic amount and then as the stock price changes you're able to purchase these warrants and end up with more stock the good news is you don't have to risk it now so let's take a look at how that works our basic warrant that we have is warrant a and it is um simply 5 cents 12 months and cashless option and i'll explain what that means in a second so let's take a look at your typical investment now remember you can invest less than that but that's the normal investment and you have 100 coverage which means that for this warrant you can invest up to a hundred thousand dollars or any part of it right so that's a hundred thousand you have a five cent strike as we call it this is a strike or exercise price is what you pay for it which means for a hundred thousand dollars you get two million shares very simple right now out of that let's say that the stock price goes to ten cents now you have an opportunity to go ahead and exercise the warrant well um at 10 cents your 2 million shares would now be worth 200 000 you could afford to do it you paid 100 000 and you end up with um 100 000 dollars profit great let's say now that the stock price goes to 20 cents right well this becomes 400 000 and this becomes a 300 000 profit not bad huh now this assumes that you paid cash for it and you have a cashless option with this warrant but you can always pay cash which there's pros and cons i'll explain how that works in a second okay so let's take a look at what a cashless option does well basically you're looking at your 2 million shares multiplied by the later stock price let's let's call it 10 cents right and we subtract from that again 2 million shares times your cost which is five cents and let's see how it works well it's two hundred thousand dollars right minus one hundred thousand dollars and how do you pay for that you pay for that with stock well that's basically half so here's those two million shares remember the two million never changes and you deduct one million which is half and you end up with one million shares not bad but listen to this let's say if we go to 40 cents here now you didn't have to give up a million shares right because you're only giving up 1 8 of 2 million not one half which is 250 000 shares which means here you now have 1.75 million shares or shares right so in general cashless works best if you have a nice big difference because you won't have to give up some of these shares a lot of people don't even like to give up this many shares and they pay cash if you can do it great if you can't do it then you can't do it but there's one benefit to cashless and this is an interesting one now not a lot of people know about this and that is that let's take a look at passage of time here it is okay and um i make my investment here at 100 000 uh month one and it goes along here and month 12 is when the warrants no more no good anymore well let's say at the six month mark i decide to exercise the warrant now remember six months is when you can sell shares that were issued by a company and if you do it with cash so you pay your hundred thousand dollars right here you're gonna have to wait another six months to be able to sell it but interestingly enough if you do it with zero dollars here guess what you can sell it right away and that is because no money changed hands therefore the last the only investment the only monetary transaction that occurred was here and so right away you exercise and you're able to sell which is good because if you have a cash warrant and you have to wait six months you're going to be conservative aren't you right so here is again that time graph and we have um uh you know 50 cents 40 cents 30 cents 20 says 10 cents five cents so here's here's our five cent warrant it dies right here 12 months okay so if i have a cash warrant stock price hypothetically goes up here and does this business okay if i do it at 10 cents well i'm gonna have to wait six months right and so during that time there's not a lot of difference things could happen there's five cents is not a lot of buffer so with um cash warrants you want to do it as high as possible another important rule for all warrants is do it at the end don't do it and you don't get anything by doing it before the very end right there day 364 exercise you want why first of all no cash i mean no there's no tax penalty right as long as you're a warrant you're not you're not tax on it number two you have the least risk possible so you wait don't exercise too soon nothing gained by it so that's in short what warrants are all about they're fun they really make investing more rewarding by giving you multiples of your investment and they can also sometimes be cashless which is good if you don't want to put out money to know more about it please feel free to email invest originclear.com you can always talk to ken behringer just oc dot gold slash ken in your browser or of course you can call us and the number i remember it was the old la number three two three nine three nine six six four five and you can get ken beringer extension two zero one devin angus at extension116 but investedorationcleared.com works great

and that email will eventually get to me if you want to talk to me love to hear from you about this it's exciting time for the company do join us thank you cool that was fun and um hopefully that was a it was helpful to everyone and feel free to give me chat feedback if you think that i missed anything there we're just about done i'm going to just move on here and a very important message to existing investors which is and i'm going to turn off the video optimization boom how to double your investment without investing more capital so if you're an existing investor please call ken i sent you all an email but this is a very very good program that you really need to know about and it is quite reliable and i think you'll enjoy it so do call him now um i'm wrapping up and i'm going to tell you that we're not going to have a show on the 24th for those of us who were brought up in the christian persuasion that's christmas eve i don't want to play favorites but the 24th is well it's i if i play santa claus i don't want to be on this show uh but we are going to do new year's eve so um uh you know there'll be plenty of time before midnight so please do join us on new year's eve thank you all for for being with us it's been fun and um i would like to wish you all again happy holidays and really you know remember that well remember to stay safe right i'll see you in two weeks alan it's a pleasure having you on board and thank you keith uh he just wished us all a merry christmas i appreciate that and um again everyone thank you and good night you


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