Mega Retro Festive Funboxing Atari Nintendo Amiga THEC64 Star Wars & more Unboxing

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on the menu today tan the  c64 this is a yoke sniff test are you kidding i might cry c64c signed by  archery maclean get that out of my way! welcome hello christmas festive chip dippers welcome  to retro recipes a very festive edition   of retro recipes but i think we're  gonna need some help unboxing or i   should say funboxing all of these packages and  as puppy fractic may have given the game away   we do have santa's little helper lady claus as it  were lady fractic there she is why don't you come   sit with us and you can help with the unboxing  if someone will make space mind you're head   imagine losing your head on christmas i think  we've all been there with family sometimes   but yeah welcome to retro recipes welcome lady  fractic thank you for having me hi you're welcome   uh lady claus of course makes more sense now and  hopefully all of you have been doing a lot of   chip dipping especially at christmas yeah  i know that we've all put on a few uh grams   pounds stone kilos bites certainly a few bites so  with that said i think there's only one thing left   would you like to do the honours and  inaugurate our reindeer dog reindog   look we haven't tried this yet you look so  pretty you gonna keep it on if i hold it   she says no thank you are you she look cute both  of them i mean okay well we'll see what how that   goes but i think we should just crack on we have  got so many packages here well that didn't work   um and just a reminder as always with these if  there's something i can't use on the channel   we're going to do an ebay charity auction our  last auction was for cura orphanage in kenya   raised over a thousand pounds for them and of  course was the idea of chris blight from team 17.   very good cause does he still have worms i think  we've all all got worms after that series yeah um   and anything we can use i'm gonna turn into  a video and do something fun to give back to   you guys so that's the plan ladies first as they  say do you want to pick the first packarge since   they're so beautifully wrapped i want this one we  need a cutty cutty thing it's the technical term that'll cut your tongue off  and that will spite your face one for you and one for me hey okay let's move  these aside we've got the lovely fusion annual   for 2021 and fusion very recently secured the  rights to zzap 64 and crash magazine there's   going to be new quarterly issues of both  of these coming up you can subscribe i'll   put the link in the description and i'm even  going to be one of the reviewers for zzap 64   which is a christmas miracle a festivus miracle  happy festivus and happy hanukkah let's go ready   could be dog treats a teeny tiny cd how cute ah  a drill template this is all i've ever wanted   a good drill template um these are the  least retro thing we could have started with   it's a turret camera without going into too much  detail uh i am planning a very special prank   video yes yes yes yes so these  were a very kind donation from   annke they're going to help us set up this  prank you'll see what happens when we finally   get around to that after covid very exciting  very exciting to be after covert uh so thank you   i should say thank you thank you very much all  right antlers trying some treat bribery now   some reindeer treats good yeah you've forgotten  all about your antlers from annke to antlers antler very much you're welcome yeah  are you paralyzed are you just happy   okay um next up i guess it's my turn right it is  ladies second tiny little package i've got here this is from 8-bit ventures it's going to be  slightly easier to unwrap apart from the dog hair   on my it's uh antler hair and i mean reindeer  hair apart from the reindeer here on my thumb   what is save oh okay i know what this is can  you guess where this where you stick this i mean   it reminds me of a nintendo nes controller  but i'm sure it's for oh is it goes in the   joystick port of the commodore 64. but it lets  you load and save data through the joystick port   so what would you save your game any kind of data  really what about data who's data data do you mean   data different parts say different things yes i'm  just making sure it can do both and the reason i   thought getting this was i did that april fool's  prank speaking of pranks where i pretended that i   could scan in a postage stamp to load in a program  through the joystick port using a light pen in my   research for that completely fake make-believe  thing it is actually possible to load programs   through the joystick port so we're gonna have  some fun with that so thank you eight bit benches very good my turn all right oh she's heavy  are you a present are you a gift she is a kid   there we go she's bored of your shenanigans   well it's only just begun my damn  printed her face oh i know what this is oh can you tell yeah  it's filament and can you tell what kind is   that the wood one or no it's the beige ones that  you can print your own literally anything you want   this is from printed solid and he has developed  specific amiga and c64 colored 3d printer filament   i remember you were talking about trying to find  that yeah your big airhead exactly i couldn't   find it anyway it didn't exist the only one this  color was tan and as you said it had wood yeah in   it as well um so this is going to be so useful  for designing commodore 64 amiga peripherals   and we've got a little bitage within  the picash practice that's you we've got i'm gonna rebrand my whole studio oh my gosh who's  this so he says i'm the owner of   a bit of a retro computing nerd so they've got  43 colors and what is the two that are special   to him beige number 500 and the other one is  called tam the c64 which is based off of the   uh is that a spectrum wrong by my count i found  four distinct tan colors by commodore so i went   with the most popular tan commodore color i  could find here is real life jessie for you   no she doesn't do autographs sorry can you  see in two dimensions who's that who is that   what's happening she still doesn't know who you  are with that however who am i kind of similar   both got they're both dark they've got two ears as if by magic at least we've got a c64  mini that is really good actually yeah   you could print your own c64 mini thank you so  much that's really good job  

bless okay this is just this has been looking at  me the whole time so if it's okay i'm gonna just   go ahead because i know what this is you may  be able to tell from the label on the picasso this is a brand new custom built look at  the size of that thing new and improved   atari star wars cockpit arcade control yoke   don't ever play with that oh she's heavy this  is a yoke not to be confused with egg white   uh these buttons are really satisfying to press  like there's nice bounce back yeah i'll do a full   comparison so this comes from glen planamento  from glens retro show and they're now on amazon   my cockpit arcade is right behind us and i'm  going to do a video improving and replacing the   yoke on that unfortunately the one that won our  parkade supplied has started to malfunction i was   just about to break my high score and the cursor  just got stuck even though i was moving the yolk   this yolk is going to replace one that's broke and  that yolk is no joke it's going to make me stoked on that lovely sniff test oh taste test too no that's all right as i  say to anyone that offers the donation in   the standard blurb um everything gets x-rayed so  unfortunately confetti bombs won't get through   but uh speaking of sniff tests if we had a  pussy fractic she could give it a cat scan you hear that no air drums just a little side note i have are  you keeping up with the commodore stuck in my   head are you keeping up with the commodore  because the commodore keeping up with you in a world of high priorities  and ever-changing views it's just so darn catchy so this i think   this is coming from poland so this i think  is from our mate pete aka aka   no more reindeer pete's been a part of our  channel i think since you started he is the   brains behind some of those extreme reverbs that  i've shown and this is atari san english edition   magazine for all atari fans the cute little 3d  printed atari disk drive oh it's cute on the cover oh i'm going to enjoy reading this in the bath  that's my go-to retro mag place it really is i   have to clean up stacks magazines around the tub  where's your go-to retro mag place toilet man cave   woman cave and there it is um pete  not only does replacement stuff like springs for   keyboards uh keyboard placentas what do you  call it's not placenta i will have membranes keyboard membranes check out that's  not a polish accent no jin you actually do ash ah   she's got a better accent than me thank you very  much pete my mate pete dubsted girl good girl   dropship girl stop shit dope shit book shit you  could be cursing in polish we don't know sorry   if we've offended anyone my father was polish so  i can get away with it many are polish geez i know   your nose is very close to my face  mine yeah so we should probably do   this very special gift next it's a merry  christmas and happy new year from PCBWayyy so let's open it up do you want to do the honors many gifts have we have a reference guide oh handy  so this is for smd chips which is surface mount   srt footprint sm team is surface mount technology  same deal yeah it just tells you the names and the   part numbers of popular things and sizes and  chips and components diodes capacitors really   handy actually thank you pcb weight pcb and  honestly these are just the real i mean i don't   have to say how well-made they are bcb weight  is really good work but these are really nice   and i got some frizzies now what  are you doing i gotta break it down   yeah we need some batteries well  let's christmas is over yeah oh i have a soldering project for you i  definitely pushed that too hard and we have a   gingerbread man actually looks like a woman no no it looks like a woman these are the same  oh baubles do you know fun stories i've lived   in america 10 years um i love americans but they  can't say baubles baubles i've trained her over   the last eight years i've had two say baubles  but usually it comes out as bobbles b o double b   like bubble bobble which would be bawble bawble he  just makes himself laugh this is just funny to him   just make earrings that's very cute thank you for  sponsoring this channel pcb way um without you   guys and our patrons and youtube channel members  and of course subscribers and puppy fair basically   everyone i don't think would still be here so  thank you so much well i know what i'm doing remember as a kid you squeeze the presents and try  to figure out what it is i am guessing there are   cables can you tell i'm an only child  sorry i still get excited opening present   i bet this is an adapter is this  grounds for divorce if you're lucky oh this must go with the cameras two  cameras two power supplies two cables   another for you my love in case you ever get  fair decks of me hold up with me fast forward   oh sorry baby oh this is actually for me it's from superman oh it's from kalel 48.  oh a bunch of stuff yeah lots of pretzies i just want to say thank you for putting the  very delicate letter in bubble wrap and open this   envelope and to pair it up finally okay  finally this is all for you that's true and a bubble wrapped card oh more okay so this  is the letter that goes with the things that   goes with the card that went in the box there  was another woman who lives in the shoe i hope   that you and lady fractic are doing well and are  having a wonderful holiday season this year yeah   now this channel truly deserves the success it has  achieved and so much more words cannot express how   much i enjoy and appreciate the contributions  that you both have made to the retro community   with the incredible entertaining and  informative video please accept these   gifts as a token of my appreciation of all  the hard work that goes into the channel   it is quite evident that the videos are made  with heart but there is also a genuineness and   sincerity i might cry um that comes through every  single time happy holidays to you both i wish you   nothing but happiness and continued success  in the coming year and always thank you so   much keller that really these kind of messages we  get these occasionally in the comments and emails   it genuinely makes it all worthwhile thank  you i know we have this channel but we are   real people and we're real family going through  the pandemic just like everybody else and um   just having people reach out to us you  can put some comments or to contact me   really really means a lot to us and the same goes  for everybody who's donated oh generosity is so   kind and my aim is always to give it back to you  guys with the channel and auctions or whatever but   we should probably move on we feel dog nuzzled  up to you there where is there a little dog   well she's okay i've seen bigger dogs oh yeah  great you're a great pyrenees you're great as well   she's half for all the people that  ask she's half great pyrenees half   german shepherd that's right you're a shepherd of  the germans all the best steven mazurek stephen   didn't realize it was you until just now but that  makes so much more sense do you remember when you   would open a card from your grandparents um or  relatives and there'd be money in and you just   would kind of just just try and pretend that  you didn't see the money just read i hope this   festive season brings you every company thank you  so much oh it appears a hundred dollars has fallen   out thank you for that as well i was always taught  to open the envelope catch the money or the check   read it thank you so much this means so much to  me and you never showed the check or showed the   money so that other family members either didn't  feel bad that they didn't get one or anything but   it was all about you know preserving everyone's  clever yeah oh ooh mine feels like a video game are you kidding steven thank you so much super  mario 3d all-stars wow i couldn't get this in time   on the website nintendo uk it was available for  pre-order the us it just said check back soon and   then it would say released november 13th and then  november 13th uh they're all sold out on amazon   and nintendo um you know what's this right i've  only seen advertisements for this i haven't i mean   like we haven't seen one in real life or anything  but what are you about to call it advertisements   advertisements advertisements advertisements  advertisements because they advertise yeah it   makes sense do the brits advertise advertisements  because they advertise i've got to open this i'm just kidding yeah you want to help before christ okay here we go oh it's so tiny it's  a lot smaller like that but that's what she said   that is super cool does it turn on   well this is the power button oh look at  that wow now i do want to play the modern   games on him but what really excites me is  the original game and watch game oh yeah oh my gosh now for any of my super smash friends  game watch is a character that you can play as   super smash brothers yeah how does that  work just like this and he like appears and   can like build things and throw things i know  you want to play but you don't have thumbs   no you don't i'm sorry she didn't  she didn't know she'd met them   he just told her so you know why it's  like this well it's just like a stick with   three moving arm positions because those were  the only parts that they animated because it was   lcd yeah so it's like a digital watch which  lives a game and watch as well so i had um   a beauty and the beast version of this i also  had a tiny toon adventures one where you were   a character who was running with ice cream and  someone would come out and scoop the ice cream   and then as we're running someone would come out  of a tree and steal your stack of ice cream scoops oh i dropped one however there is one  more thing i have to go and get secret oh the one i had is the kid i've got to hold the  batteries in this one needs a bit of a repair job   is that an octopus yeah you get the idea so you're a little diver and you have  to go get the treasure or something without getting killed yeah mine were easily like this  big is that it at the bottom you get the idea so look at that that's very  very cool it's not often i can just do an instant   side-by-side comparison without even expecting  to get something now do you think since they it's not going to get annoying um do you  think it originally was this shade of gold   but it has just aged over time probably yeah  is that nintendo on the left yeah okay so they   obviously pulled an original match because there's  if they're going to try to be this close to being   original i would hope so yeah you can see the  brushed gold yeah i'm so excited super mario 64.  

i mean for anybody who had an n64 that was just  such a classic and i'm currently playing um super   mario odyssey which lets you kind of go back  to that world and so it'll be nice to actually   get to play it cool thank you so much steven i  cannot wait to play fractic from lucent technology   i guess if you are a lady fractic i'm lord huh  i should let the lord read it what have we got this is from stephen warnick um he says i  hope you enjoyed the chirpy c64 voice unit   i think i remember the email about this stephen   so you know the commodore 64 can do speech yeah  to some degree i believe this is a digitizer that   will allow you to record that speech through a  microphone plugged in there like the ghostbusters   exactly that's essentially how they would  have done that so there would have been a guy   with something like this obviously activision  was the company but the speech synthesis   was by put it right there uh he had  a mic and he'd gone ghostbusters and then a dog next to him would have tilted his  head really cutely and david crane actually told   me the guy that recorded that voice was david's  intern at the time at activision uh i'll put   his name right here oh yeah that's right i  remember now very cool and a vic-20 modem i love the depiction that's that is an old  school at least it doesn't have a rotary dial   that's top of the line top of the  line that pun top of the phone line   and stephen goes on to say also intro encroached  also enclosed is a truly retro item for you a pair   of computer hollerith punch cards oh my gosh this  may be the the most retro computing thing i've got   these are from the bell laboratories headquarters  in murray hill new jersey circa october 1969. wow   we'd enjoy having a point with you next time  i'm in california sounds good to me steve bell   telephone laboratories that's now at t essentially  a t and t bell but like based on alexander graham   though he's founded by alexander bell yeah uh  i don't know exactly how you would use it but   you would put it into the machine  it's a relocatable binary card   the machine would give its answers instead  of because it didn't have a screen back then   69. that's right it would print out i i think  that's the idea and you'd get the answers to the   computation in uh from the machine's binary  on here so i guess that's kind of how that   works i should probably do an entire  episode about that i would love that   wow and speaking of recovering data this recipe  is also sponsored by wanda share recover it for   all your data recovery needs with both free  and paid versions on windows and macintosh   they offer patented technology to restore lost  data and corrupted videos maybe even this one battle hawks 1942 so i remember this email this is  from dale graham dale told us that he bought this   for his grandfather's birthday but his grandfather  had sadly passed away before he could give it to   him he wanted it to have a good home which i can  assure you it now has he also mentioned that rumor   has it lucas and spielberg would enjoy playing  the game and comparing notes all that of course   was before lucasarts was even lucasarts i can't  wait to see the graphics on there because the   art on the front is so beautiful yeah very cool  thank you so much dale this is from dean woodyatt   dean woodyard isn't he staring eastenders i wouldn't know all right love how's it going  come down the cafe i saw you sleeping with my   sister that's not your sister that's  my mom wait that's worse move on like the style of this whatever  this thing is what is this thing   it says it's a c64 mini keyboard kit ohhhh i always do that the realization has  hit me this is a c64 mini keyboard kit   where is your c64 mini that you just  had i put it away did you grab it yep she's wading through that old packaging   obviously this doesn't work correct obviously  this turns into a fully working keyboard with a bit of soldering that will go under there  and these are the keys and then this must be how   it connects uh internally or externally it's  essentially a usb keyboard that plugs back in   to the what was the third way around plugs  back in inside to give you a working keyboard   it doesn't actually say i mean  it might but it doesn't say   what caps to use yeah i know he was working  on some 3d printed or injection molded ones   but for now it would be a little bit like the  mini pet or the pet mini with those tiny little   buttons let me see that very cool thank you  dean and a big fan of your work in eastenders   hey Google who plays ian in eastenders ian  beal was played by adam woodyatt adam woodyatt   any relation dean's brother dean say hi to your  brother for me i'll see him down the cafe that's   the little 3d printed mounting plate what's this  color yeah neon fluorescent transparent yellow   i mean that really is your favorite color  this is what i would call almost chartreuse   thank you (Google: thank you glad you found me  helpful let me know if there's anything i can do)   you're welcome all right now we've got four  biggest ones left and then we are all done   that's the end of christmas sad but we must  live in the present and enjoy the process this   is a present live in the present like i could  fit in those ones this is from david whitman whitman says here are the floppy disks i  promised i've added some canadian treats   for the fractic family hope you enjoy them and  it's again for all the great retro computing   star wars lego and miscellaneous content we work  tirelessly to create i am quite tired actually   uh as well as the content you create when you're  tired obviously he made the joke for me so i   didn't have to it all comes together to create a  channel full of old memories and new possibilities   that's very sweet thank you so much david  what have we got well so these are oh yeah wow   they don't make five and a quarter inch  floppies anymore it's dusty okay honestly   david you get right up lady fractic's nose  just like a covid test that's good I guess oh canadian shall we open it yeah it's your time  has come she was getting upset because none of the   gifts were for her oh this is whoa it's gonna  keep you busy all right she'll eat it so fast   huh good and wave okay let's see what she does   that was chewy we have about four and a half  seconds of peace and oops quiet coffee crisp minis these look so good i'm more excited about  the polaroid branded oh how cool this and   the chocolates you finished already  now she's on to her coffee mints next sorry no you're not thank you so much again david  from puppy frantic especially three left lovely she showed him all her teeth  this is from paul chapman puppy peri and lady of the fractic clan   as promised here is the c64c signed by  archer maclean get these out of my way ow that hurt oh we lost the  dog she dropped her treat oh   archer maclean coded incredible games  including international karate plus there you go wow wow very cool he goes on to say  it was part of the kickstarter reward for the   c64 book quite a few years ago i was reassured  it's in fully working order but i haven't been   able to test it seems fine i can also and  i also included a couple of c64 canvas art   again signed by archer maclean i didn't know if  you're going to dive in and as it happens some   forensic handwriting analysis because this is a  signed card uh kindly signed by arch archer and   sent in by chris wilkins of fusion retro books  who you saw at the start so we can now compare   are they both authentic yes yes 100  they're very cool how flipping cool blimey   is that a curse word core blimey what was  the version i taught you the other day   gordon bennett yeah i heard that i was like i  don't know that's a live version gordon bennett whoa match over wait his pants are down he lost  arch arch stew scentsy-tastic perifractic there's   a theme here you can see where i got some of these  ideas from um sensible soccer signed by stewart   thank you so much cool and paul went on to say  before he was so rudely interrupted by you feel   free to do what you want with them all i won't be  offended if you pass them on it just seemed like   a suitable way of supporting your great channel  and i know they'll go to a good home regardless   thank you so much paul poole and thank you  archer indirectly and thank you stuart indirectly it's heavy oh packing peanuts i do want to just but i won't  oh i know what this is it looks like a microwave but this is i haven't seen  one of these since school   bbc monitor it was kate  beckinsale bbc monitor made by cub and i won't mention his this wrong because this  was actually an ebay purchase from me but i did   chat with him about what it's going to be useful  and asked him to pack it really well which he   did so i appreciate that this is going to be  completing the puzzle with the bbc micro model b   for the episodes i'm going  to be doing about that so   hey old buddy good to see you again after all  these years it hasn't put on any weight at all last one coming up this is from  lee volante lee is another of our   lovely patrons um a really nice guy and we  chat a lot on the patreon it's a sony stereo   i think it may not be that oh this actually looks  exactly like the one i had growing up that would   have been nice yeah we had really we only had  one but it lasted for like 15 years as they do no peanuts says keep up the good work with this great mix of  projects refurbs hardware and software nostalgia   all delivered with so much fun and enthusiasm  we try don't we best wishes from lee sylvia   yeah smash sylvia and lcp julia to you of  course we saw julia when she was playing   little computer people after seeing our  episode about that that was really cute   do not read this out on camera okay i'll read  that later let's just unbox the final prezi make a power supply it's a mice for puppy fractic now i don't know how i time this but i always seem  to open the most personally nostalgic thing last   uh which means we should open this second to last now i always love the design of  the amiga 1200. you like this part   i like the whole thing just that kind of wedge  shape it's just a more modern a500 is it like a   wedge entirely shape exactly um i always wanted an  a1200 and now thanks to lee i have one chris blyth   briefly donated me the black team 17 amiga 1200 we  found some nefarious content on that wasn't his uh   but he wanted that back eventually um feel how  oh it was in my lap oh my gosh it's very heavy   but we must move on to the most nostalgic  because uh i had obviously a commodore 64   and then i upgraded to amiga but in between i  had an atari st and i've said this before this   is the last thing i need to reacquire to get  my whole collection that was the bbc model b   but i'd forgotten that i had an atari st i liked  it because i as a musician it had those midi ports   so you could connect keyboards and stuff so was  it pronounced guitarist yes here it is oh look   at that that's not in bad condition not a bad  knit club you love nick you it's not in bad nick as i said that was got a screw loose that screw  fell out wow lee look at this i think lee's hot   least it before it's still got the plastic on the  paint guys look the plastic's still on the thing   i won't peel that off i'll make  a decision about that i love   peeling plastic but i haven't seen  one of these for 25 years maybe   um and the midi ports that i mentioned are right  there plug your keyboard in and your keyboard out   another unboxing completed and finally i think  the collection is complete for now now until   i remember the next thing i used to have as a  kid well i think we should wrap it up shouldn't   we that has been a bumper edition i'm not  re-wrapping all of it let's wrap it all up   as always i just want to thank you guys so  much for all the generosity check out the   link in the description if you want  to donate something to the channel   there she's given up well i just want  to wish you guys a very merry christmas   and a lady new year with lots of new gear  happy new year as always thanks for watching   subscribe below and cheerio cheerio let's  clean up all this snow on no it's everywhere


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