Better ways to use technologies to improve seafarer training and skill development

Better ways to use technologies to improve seafarer training and skill development

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salutations thank you for tuning in to our webinar better ways to use Technologies to improve sea era training and skill development our guest speakers are Captain Pradip chower CEO of marine Pals forat Abul CEO and founder of we Stella and Ral Harris Chief creative officer of OTG if you have any questions for them please leave them in the Q&A section for late answering later on and feel free to upvote and here's Matt Stevens digital ships Editor to start the talk take it away Matt thanks far today's session will focus on SE far training and how the maritime industry's use of modern technology and learning techniques is transforming it in recent years there has been changes to the maritime industry's approach to education and skill development new technologies like virtual reality data analytics and microlearning are already reshaping the way seur has learn and performed today we will explore how these Innovations are addressing some of the key challenges in Maritime training making it safer more efficient and more personalized our first speaker will be predip chower CEO at at Marine Pals joining from Mumbai prip is the managing director for Quality health safety and environment for training at Anglo Eastern ship management predip will speak on the shortening of attention spans cence learning techniques in the form of 7 Minute videos the use of VR and the gamification of learning our second speaker is Ru Harris Chief creative officer at Ocean Technologies Group the world's largest Maritime e-learning company Ru who is joining from the UK will focus on how companies manage learning and culture building through human Capital Management strategies our final speaker is farat Abul CEO and co-founder of Y Stella joining from Istanbul forat has 20 years of experience in quality assurance ship management and Maritime safety he will speak on how technology is evolving the use of AI and machine learning and how such technology can impact the effectiveness of training systems today's session will be divided into three 10minute presentations followed by audience questions during a 30-minute Q&A session please post your questions in the chat bar alongside the name of the speaker you would like to answer your question during the presentations so let's begin prip please share your screen now good morning everyone and Matt thanks for having me on this webinar and I shall start immediately just a correction while we wait I was with Anglo e but I have moved retired Ed from that job at the very age of 66 and so now I am doing this Marine BS okay let's start so give me a second to yep so yes we are all in the business of knowledge sharing training education and knowledge has always been something that human beings have designed D from the time we have been on the planet and we are talking about technology so I wanted to start with a little bit of history of how technology has already has always played a part in how we educate the Next Generation and how we learn so in the cave days we had these little drawings telling people on how to hunt animals we then moved on to writing on different kinds of leaves the center one is what was being done in India they would write these on little folding paper and tie them up with strings and two pieces of wood and around the same time Egypt was um writing them on papous sleeves and then of course we invented the printing press and we invented books and we in invented libraries and unfortunately we invented examinations so from teaching under under a tree as Socrates and Pluto and all the Indian gurus would do teaching and learning became something that you ended up doing examinations and assessments and today our brains are so wired up that all of us who are providing these kind of services are always quite often asked uh but how do we assess we do 90% of our learning in life without being assessed on a on a daily basis I mean ask any married person what happens if you put your wet towel on the bed what really happens in daily life if you get a scolding from your wife and this happens three times and then you never ever forget and you never ever put the wet towel on the bed so we didn't have an assessment but we had clear feedback very quick one which made a difference let's go down to the next stage um then we invented classrooms and um we the classroom has also kind of evolved as technology evolved we started with blackboards then we went on to whiteboards then we went on to little television screens within the classroom and a bit more of the Hands-On kind of stuff with the for the little kids to experience the learning rather than only listen to to the boring teacher and then we moved on to computers and now little imagination of mine on the lower right hand corner that's what a future classroom will look and the teacher could be sitting in any part of the world like we are doing now on this webinar we then moved on to the internet Revolution and of course the same thing happened education industry immediately adopted to learning using the internet and then we had the birth of the udmi and corsera and Khan Academy kind of huge portals and that's what all of us now try to do that everybody has a learning management system which is now even available on the ships we then moved on to the era of uh internet spawning these huge search engine companies and later on the video companies and search Eng today is the main way that every student learns we gain possibly 90% of our new knowledge by just searching on the Google or Bing and uh we if we see the behavior of age groups 12 onwards quite often they don't want to use Google because it's all text and boring so they prefer to search for things for new knowledge on on YouTube and just the fact that the statistics show that there are 30 billion views you know that shows how much of the learning is being done by uh through the YouTube right and uh I was trying to get rid of the bar at the bottom but that didn't happen uh because I couldn't read that uh what I was presenting okay moving on I think we are also now in an age where we are producing a lot of data a lot of knowledge is being created yeah some of us are write good stuff and some writers don't write very good stuff but it is all adding to this body of knowledge that the humans are creating and IBM estimates that we create more knowledge now in two years than we have done in the previous you know millenniums so education and learning is getting affected by that and we all are now in a phase where we are trying to see that how do we use this how do we so from an era when we had very little information and we had to go to a library to search for knowledge in a book we have now reached a situation that we have too much of data too much of knowledge and we need to be able to filter out what's really relevant and what's fake news As Trump would call it so the problem statement has also changed from a lack of knowledge or sharing of knowledge to sharing or finding appropriate knowledge at the appropriate time and that's where the search engines Etc come in and this other Behavior aspect that has changed is that we invented things like Facebook and Instagram and Tik Tok um people now feel that that's another way of learning and if we see the number of views that are happening on each of these platforms uh it's obvious I mean if you take any 15-year-old today it's very unlikely that they are going to be doing any reading of a Wall Street Journal or a New York Times most of them absorb their new knowledge through headline news more so on Instagram possibly because Facebook is for the oldie people and now it's Tik Tok and Instagram and Telegram and whatever else and and uh the education and learning business has to then adapt itself to looking at these platforms uh the workforce that is our audience of sea farers who are the ones who are operate ships and for whom we create all this knowledge in order to run ships and The Business of Maritime industry that Workforce is changing I mean My Generation most of us are kind of retired and then even if you see the Millennials they're just 35% now and it's the Gen X and the Gen Z that are there so my generation of Boomers is only 6% of the workforce in 2020 so 5 years later now it's probably 3% uh what do these young people do they spend about 7 hours a day on the screens they use social media all the time we believe and I think there is a reason resarch from Kings College in London that um 49% of the UK population agrees that the span of attention of everybody is reducing there was a little bit of fake news about some research that Microsoft did which said that the the average span of a young person now is 8.25 seconds Which is less than the goldfish which is incorrect it was proven wrong but just because Microsoft did that research paper it's still all over the internet but believe me if it's an attractive video going on on the screen we all do bench watching of Netflix or Amazon or whatever right so it's not really 9.25 seconds Etc but it's a fact that we are moving on to content which is smaller so the problem that we are all addressing now is that we need information at the point of need because students are wanting it at that time a lot of the students are only reading during the weekends and in the evenings 41% of them are on their desk when they are looking for new knowledge and hence the Google and the YouTube search and uh lunchtime learning and learning on the way in the tube which I believe in London gives you lots of opportunities because it's perenially late sorry Ral but yeah every time I travel that's what happens um so in the maritime industry we have been accused that we are slow at adopting technology I think that is changing rapidly uh possibly 15 years ago I would have agreed with it but now with AI tools and whatever else digitalization that is coming into shipping I don't think that is true anymore that we are slower it it is a small industry and difficult to find that right content for us I mean it's if you find on YouTube you try to find Maritime topics usually it's like put out by individuals a Second Officer somewhere a third engineer somewhere uh you know putting on something where most of the content is with them in the frame which is more like gaining popularity rather than thinking about how do I transfer this knowledge in the right way and um so we are all kind of um you know in in our industry we do have a need for more modern ways of education and just a little bit and I'm sure Ral will kind of say the same kind of similar things so some of us are ad up as providers are providing it in a modern way I mean that's just the interface of what we do in a mobile app and web app Etc I'm not going to try and explain anything for that you need to call me to your office for a session but the point I want to make is microlearning is something that I started in Anglo Easter in 2019 in a big way and uh I think it's popular the seaf farers give very good feedback about shorter content uh we are all adapting virtual reality training programs it does look very realistic walking into a 4p tank now and learning points being explained by a ual tutor uh we are all experimenting with games a little slower than I would say in other Industries because the maram industry uh budgets in the training and I'm sure all of us three on this p panel will all want the ship owners to have much bigger budgets for training so that we can give them you know multi-user games across continents that students could play but at the moment that's pretty much not a big uh part of our industry simulators I would call it in Technology based learning and these are progressing pretty quickly uh from full scale mockups we are all kind of experimenting with cloudbased simulators uh me personally uh we tried it out we were the in Anglo we were the first company to do it in Co times but what I am seeing is that the teachers are preferring to go back to full mockup because there are some disadvantages I should be done pretty quickly two or more three more slides uh use of artificial intelligence of course this is going to be the future and we are all still learning on how to utilize it properly but we do need to understand the implications of it here is a little experiment that I did with the you know on a question how would you explain metacentric height to an 18y old Cadette and uh I wouldn't call this as sufficient of what is normally done in a Southampton college or any Maritime College so there are still areas there need Improvement it does help in finding better teacher resources improving lesson content and of course something that all teachers hate is grading exams it does help in that and there will be in the future personalized a tutoring maybe a bit slower in the maritime industry compared to others but we are extending the knowledge Beyond books because now we are including everything in the search engines but the challenges of AI need to be aware of training data garbage in garbage out so right now I feel that for the maritime industry it's going to take a bit longer because you know it's a very small industry 1.6

million sea farers who listens to us the politicians don't care about us so it's going to take a lot more investment into training data uh there is a bit of fake data around the models are getting biased with the kind of information that is presently available and it is very easy to make a model hallucinate if the queries are written in a way quite often these models they have basically hallucinate because they never say I don't know they always try to give you an answer and quite often that's not the correct answer so that's my kind of overview on how technology has always helped in training and it will continue to evolve with AI and with machine learning Etc and uh I believe that as an industry we are at the right inflection point to adopt technology and uh which basically means I'm praying that more people will buy products from all of us training providers so with that I will end and let's get on to the next presentation thank you very much and I will stop sharing in a second thank you PR thanks and yeah if R could you share your screen now hello yeah sure one second and I'll be with you good hopefully you can see my screen is that uh my presentation up yeah yeah I can see that good all right good I'll get going thanks always pretty always a tough act to to follow I'm R Harris I'm Chief creative officer at Ocean Technologies Group and uh about 75% of the things the the group that we have at the moment is around Maritime e-learning and that's my background as well around 20 years creating and uh working with learning Technologies and creating content and all that sorts of stuff so I'll try and give you a couple of perspectives on on where we are now and and approaches that we can um can take going forward so I think that the important thing is we this is a moment in the industry where we really need to start thinking about how we approach all this stuff mainly because the amount of pressures that we're under now we've got uh twin sort of challenges digitalization very much here in progress and decarbonization which is coming over the hill with a huge amount of new sort of things to understand for our seaf farers skills to acquire and in the meantime we've got various kind of societal pressures the way in which Generations are Chang changing pretty polluted to there the focus on welfare all of these kind of things we're expecting more and more from our sea farers in terms of what we need them to achieve and Sim at the same time we're seeing pressure on crewing on finding so there's no real shortage of the number of people who want to be sea farers but there's a real shortage of those with the right skills that can can um take our industry forward and what that means for us is that we really got to start to think not just about kind of doing learning as a kind of like tick boox exercise you know we're about to to to this is safety critical so we have to do XYZ safety training things before we get started to moving to the kind of human Capital Management approach that you can see kind of outlined there on the screen and what that really means is that we start to think about people as fundamentally being an asset that are uh a able to help us to to to meet our organizational goals and we look at what we want to achieve as an organization we look at all the different skills that that are that are needed or those key competencies that are going to be needed to deliver on that organization that we need and then that then informs us the kind of way in which we bring people in right from recruitment to the way we on board them um to the way we develop their skills and an assess their performance and ultimately if we're going to do all of that if we're going to invest in them into that degree um how are we going to keep those people into the organization and that we're doing that from a data perspective so that we understand what goes in what comes out basically so so we can see we have a problem in the in the business we think of it as a learning uh can be solved by a piece of learning for example we deploy that learning and then we can see that result and see if that kind of happens and there's a whole lot more to that sort of human Capital Management approach than that but I've put that up on the screen if you want that's a free report that we did last year that give you a bit more of an idea and today we're really looking at that Learning and Development U side of things and key to that Learning and Development approach is the learning management system that's kind of like a St that you're going to need if you're going to uh try this sort of technique at all and that's really a place where we can find learning so a learning Locker resource that our people can go to if they need to find information but it's also typically a means as well to schedule and to record learning activity and so in so doing sort of create that data picture and if you think about the history of that um it's really interesting in terms of the tools that are available to us right back in the 70s the start of a company that I started working for back in 2004 was already well established then company called videotel and they had these boxes of training films and so as a training manager you didn't really have much you could tell other than some people were in a room and they watched a video and that's then became through things like computer-based training we got assessments through an onboard LMS we were then getting to that sort of stage where we can start to schedule and see and report on on that activity that then moved into the cloud and allowed us to um uh to to collect all of that Fleet information in one place start to see Trends there and then with mobile apps we suddenly get a completely different additional layer there because it's a relationship between a person and a device we can start to tell things about their preferences also opens up the ways in which they can access that information from sort just in time learning point of view and then where we are today is this kind of Enterprise level um SAS you know software as a service where it's ubiquitous everywhere so wherever learning is happening we can kind of record on it and we can start to build picture and it's not just that the learning there exists in in isolation as well it's part of a ecosystem a connected Maritime ecosystem of all sorts of learning activities in terms of you know third party stuff the company's own materials a manufacturer specific training you got VR in there simulator exercises Cloud simulation comes virtual classroom all of those different elements are all kind of able to unite together but then we can look at those in the backdrop of all the other kind of data that might come in there as well about performance analytics around how the company's actually doing um things like their plan maintenance record what can you tell from is happening in the learning space and then what's actually happening to your equipment that sort of stuff Voyage system all that kind of stuff and it gives us this kind of ability to look at everything uh in the round if you like and to den design things like it's not a New Concept but the the idea of building competency so instead of just random sort of training tick boox kind of events we're thinking about a program of learning that we can undertake we can take people on to get to an end result and that could be a a certificated course which is made up of lots of different you know that signifies a kind of the passing through of a whole bunch of sort of educational materials or it could be that these are proficiencies that you then want to associate with a job role and see people move through a kind of progression and of course with competency management system that's not like something that kind of is done once and finished it's something that's continually being reviewed and you're looking at that sort of cycle um going through but within that process of kind of Designing all those kind of learning activities you're you're not just kind of getting people to kind of take a computer-based training test you can have physical um demonstrations in there you can have kind of mentoring sessions and so on and this is why when we look at the real benefits of a competency management system and a competency management system approach we start to see that it's fundamental to that human Capital Management approach Roo of setting the right culture within an organization and it creates a whole bunch of opportunities for the right sort of behaviors to build that culture they don't take my word for it the quote that you're seeing on screen comes from this document which is written by in tanko and oim about behavioral competency assessment and verification um for vessel operators and and the quote there I'll just read it out for you competency Frameworks offer a structured approach to managing appraising and improving performance by reinforcing values and create encouraging a common culture and that common culture is really one of of so so not just organ individual competency but organizational competency as you're able to sort of create the right place in which people can do their jobs and can Thrive and what this other the other thing this document does it's really key is it says it's not just about technical uh abilities that we also need to have the same sort of approach to evaluation of softer skills and those softer skills really drive and Power that sort of culture building approach and this is a snapshot of data which is recorded from all of our sort of users in our system and it's looking at what I was interested to look at here was how many of the kind of titles that are tagged against those kind of well-being uh or bullying and harassment that kind of positive culture leadership all those kind of important soft skills and just looked at is there a trend that we can see of those kind of rising and of course we can see that as well because more and more organizations are seeing that part of the mix in terms of how we how we take competence development forward but it does give us a problem because if we're going to start to say right there's not just all these technical things that they need to know they've got new new systems coming on board we need to train them on that we've got company policies we need to train them on that we've got charterers requirements who we're asking for XYZ we got to try them on that we're loading up more and more and more learning that needs to happen for that individual to be able to get on so what could we do and I think one of the interesting things that we've we've got and we're certainly looking at is adaptive learning and what you're looking at there is the simple concept that you can see on the on the right of the screen where we've got an individual moving towards a designated learning goal but the pathway that they go through that that may be uh different depending on on that individual and what they uh what they need to know and so on the left there you can see that is a very simple kind of loop that we would start with an assessment so rather than do the learning have the assessment at the end we do the the assessment at the beginning which gives us an opportunity to find out where that individual is at we can then run that Gap analysis against everything that they uh that they that goal represents that we want them to know and then we generate that learning pathway that's right for them and concentrates just on the gaps of what they need to fill so with competency management typically the way that that works you've got this structured set of proficiencies and everybody at rank X goes through everything um and this approach is slightly different it's us saying we know what those proficiencies that learning that needs to be demonstrated for those proficiencies but we're going to check first to see if they already know that before we automatically put them through um that pathway and so really this is an opportunity for the the learning um the the Machinery the technology to really do some of that heavy lifting and instead of the Gap analysis being conducted by a human being it's conducted by a uh a piece of software and for that to happen there needs to be a different kind of approach to both the way your Contex is is structured and the metadata behind that content so that these two uh these things can can occur now this is like traditional sort of learning module that you might be looking at there normally there's some sort of introduction to it and then there'll be a number of units so there's nothing unusual uh in this but the the unusual part in terms of what this means for Content creation is that when we take each of those elements we make sure that each of those elements those learning units can stand up completely on its own so it's very contained very tightly knows exactly what learning objectives is associated with it and as you can see in that fourth example there the learning unit before the end is a mixture of the content and the assessment questions so those assessment questions being very very tightly bound to that learning um objective there and what does this give you what this fundamentally gives you is that all of the content if it's broken down in this way and the metadata is clear for each of those elements is essentially learning Lego so you can have a box of of learning Lego all these different learning objectives which you can then use to create the right sort of pathway through for an individual so you can take any of the tasks that they might you might want those that person to play any of those knowledge gaps that are required to undertake a certain task for you on board or within the organization and build that part pathway for them in the most efficient way possible so conscious of time just a few things to think about bring it back to the top people are being really key to the success and we got to have a completely different approach into the way that we kind of manage them and think about their learning as what happens to support our organizational goals and that being both not just a learning activity but also a cultural activity as well so thinking about how that's all communicated supported how they're onboarded and all that stuff into the organiz ation and made clear what you want to do how you want them to participate to be successful and then building with the right combination of the learning tools there to make it much more personal to use technology leverage technology in the way it can approach metadata and and of course the compartmentalization of all the content to allow you to create really personalized um learning Journeys For The Individual and that's pretty much it for me right thank you thanks for all um forat if you would like to share your screen for us sure let do all right while doing that I think my voice is okay right Matt are you hear me well yeah I can hear you very very good so let show my screen and confirm that you the presentation mode in a minute here we go yeah yeah yeah that's all good very good okay so first of all thank you very much to digital ship for giving that opportunity I think it's really good to be here my presentation for the next uh 10 minutes will be a kind of summary after Captain PRS and R presentation and then we'll be ready for the questions so today's topic uh is a quite important one before going into that um let me a little bit introduce myself farat Abul is my name and I've been working in shipping since 2005 so 20 years in different parts um mainly as a auditor surveyor um politicians and training director for a tanker company and now I'm one of the founders of WIA so sea farers are in the heart of shipping business and well-trained P competent SE far mean a lot with respect to the personal safety and Environmental Protection those are both the objectives of any safety management system before covering the improved ways of seaf far training Let's uh have a look into the uh changes in the maritime domain I think that was touched upon briefly in the previous presentations as well saying that expectations of various stakeholders have been changing owners Carters terminals uh authorities are with detailed requirements especially with respect to Technical and operational matters uh ship owners are investing on new technologies either to fulfill um such requirements on or run ships in the most cost effective way to be placed well in the global market in addition to that um especially since 5 to seven years I would say uh it's obvious that we have more and more focused to Environmental Compliance and that also brings new training requirements to understand and better implement the same in addition to Maritime domain changes what about the changes in modern education systems there is more technology now in Training Systems that's for sure digital learning environments virtual reality AI deriven uh training specifically prepared for based on needs so individuals and above are a few of the key changes in the modern education systems compared to the traditional ones and why to focus on technology then SE training is not um just following traditional ways in order to cope with challenges we just covered couple minutes ago talking about effective trainings and considering the new generations the difference in between uh seaf far's professional educational background which is quite different than each other we cannot just deliver a standard explaining to everyone that's the reason why assessing the SE fa far's competency skills and tailoring the trainings I think the word tailoring here is a key word which we will SP a little bit by more tailoring the trainings by using technology is a must in addition technology obviously um is not only improving the quality of the trainings but also creates a great accessibility by today's remote connection facilities limit access to training centers due to their physical availability or inavailability in certain part of the world or a remote location of training centers High Travel costs are a few other challenges today it's also difficult to have standard quality of um trainings with an agreed scope which normally shouldn't change from training center to another one for traditional ways of training may not always may not always match the theoretical knowledge with required practical skills and may not provide a hands-on experience that's the reason why it's necessary to adopt new technologies into SE far training systematics changes updates in ship systems are also so fast that without a new technology in training it's very difficult to build an effective training content and motivate SE farers to follow training requirements so now let's have a look into some of the technology and Technologies and the role of such Technologies in Maritime tra so e-learning platforms has already touched upon are are the most common environments that bring um so many advantages such as uh remote access to a training from anywhere anytime a well designed LMS also makes the training interactive with videos animations I I think we have we have seen a brilliant examples during the previous uh presentations already similar based trainings is another one helps the see far work on realistic scenarios um applicable to the particular ship not a generic one or helps to experience even emergency support situations which is an important element of the ism Cod a mandatory management system standard in am virtual reality yeah creates immersive environment that enables um to to to test the knowledge or improve the experience in real world scenarios and it's not only VR we also have AR argumented reality is another enhanced interactive version of a real ver environment achieved through digital um digital visual elements sounds and any other sensory technology imagine to have a Holograms of an alarm monitoring system in front of you or um controlled units of a newly installed um system on board the ship ship in front of you very realistic so you can try certain scenarios as much as you want gain experience before going on board for the uh real operation or do mistakes as as you do and learn from them gamification obviously increases uh the engagement by creating competition among catters even a simple questionnaire based games I think we have some in the market already helps a lot and the role of AI I'll spend a little bit time on it considering the technology of today using AI would be the most effective way of assessing assessing the needs of an individual SE farer uh and design the training content accordingly rather than um rather than a standard content AI can even predict based on C far's performance or replies either during um a training session or as a result of an actual onboard assessment using Ai and the data in machine learning keeps the training content automatically up to date not stable all the times not same training all the time which could be named as continuous Improvement as exactly required by the ism code Ai and the Machine learning are the most effective way of delivering trainings but it's not only the way that we deliver training it's also to identify the training needs for U for all levels in the organization another ISM terminology and all levels so by using such technology that will be really easy to fulfill the requirements of of the industry uh from the mandatory point of view that's exactly what we do in wi platform as well assessing C far is either during a standard um wise scenario that's what we call it uh or a new company specific operational scenario which could be created from scratch and record the results uh under the different competency domains the system gives uh the results of each assessment in the most uh simple way I think um Simplicity is another key word here if we are talking about technology um and that enables the system enables comparisons within the company or Benchmark within the industry the trends of the assessment can be very easily monitored so that the actions for the next training or the content of an existing training would be tailored after processing same in Wise AI tool and it exactly closes the individual gap for that c far it's obviously an advantage compared to traditional ways of U trainings once such systems are in use um then it is much easier to give also real-time feedback to C FIS or track performance in in a continuous space as AI continue learns from the additional uh input and recommendations to provide the Optimal Solutions but I think there is a key Point here I think Captain predy pouched upon it very well that the uh even though it's it's a very a very good tool not only for shipping I think for many parts of the world U many many industrial um domains um the data that is processed in AI I think we have to be careful there and its validation and verification the AI outputs are always to be reviewed by uh experts academicians um before tailoring a training or coming up an action item within the organization so that is what we are really paying attention also in in wi AI team to validate the the data what else uh mobile apps I think we had very good examples uh and we will have it more and more in in in Maritime domain as well it gives very much link to the accessibility training on the go can reach uh the training content anywhere anytime um keeps the interactivity quite high they are the portable resources which we will see I think more and more enhanced models um in in the short period of time so the best is of course not to go for one single solution but to combine a few methods blending more than one method we have very various advantages so it will enhance the uh learning see far is staying in the same system high retention means that uh that will let the companies to monitor the achievements of C far's update the training contents in the most effective way even though there's an initial cost for such digital Solutions whatever it is uh in the midterm or in the long term companies will definitely have benefits not only from cost point of view but also efforts like um weie an evaluation of training contents so questions like is that standard training um really useful for my cair was it the one which I was looking for or will it improve my safety management system practices we won't need to worry about such questions because it's a dynamic system Ai and machine learning keeps the monitoring process the most relevant data for your company while identifying the training needs practical arrangements for trainings measuring the effectiveness I think the technology we touched upon in the last uh 10 minutes in my presentation has and and and the previous ones has numerous benefits in that respect to so before I close few recommendations to share as we have covered um there are many different methods of delivering trainings using a blended approach review the outcome of certain trainings and get the data and um combine that data with regular SE far assessment results and when we put when we put all those data into AI then the cir specific training could be created more accurate feedback could be given which is obviously a better Improvement so using different Technologies and assessing CF far's individual needs with respect to Technical and uh non-technical skills and designing as well as delivering the trainings based on that approach makes a difference that's all from my side I think we are ready for the questions I'll leave the floor to you mat and I stop my sharing brilliant thank you forat um if the speakers could all turn if you could turn your cameras on and your microphones on um we have a first question from alist Nisbet who mentioned that rule uh mentioned mentoring and passing this seems to me critical to ensure e-learning is converted from Theory to practice can the panelists say how mentoring sits in the various systems they have described um perhaps we'll start with PR yeah thanks Matt and alist good to hear from you haven't met for you for a long time we'll catch up uh yeah mentoring will certainly have a pretty big role to play and one of the problems that we do have now is that with the increased um turnaround a faster turnaround in ports there is lesser time available for the traditional mentoring and we all know about the the book from and I from Alex about the 10minute challenge and I do wish that every captain and every Chaser and SE Chief in year spends that 10 minutes but it is a challenge uh I think that's more of a company culture problem now than uh than really a fast turnaround problem also because I do see that we had quite a bit of focus on this in Anglo e and we would allocate you know enties uh especially at the junior level to some of the people in the office and with a little bit of encouragement on a regular basis it does work so one has to work on the organizational culture along in order to improve the mentoring on board thank you and Ru yeah and again nice to hear your name master um yeah I I think the the key thing is that obviously mentoring is is inherently human um but I think what we uh what excites me about the bringing of Technology into the mix is that that we can start to actually make sure that that human interaction is being recorded and that those that are investing that time in mentoring that that is being rewarded and that that that activity is being connected so for me I think that's what excites me about sort of Competency management um approach and taking it to a digital competency management system because it it allows for you to sort of manage the workflow and that interaction between the the the end um assessor and the uh and the assess e which which is a really if you get it right is a mentoring sort of activity because you're asking that person to come in see and how that per how how a person is approaching a task it's a learning experience for the two of and it encourages that sort of mentoring to take place the second thing is Pep alluded to there is time being such a massive Factor if you want to encourage mentoring you've got to make space and time for it and so I think you know with so much going on on board ship I think it's uh it's crucial that you leverage as much technology and automation as possible to try and create more space for those kind of mentoring activities and onetoone human interactions to take place brilliant thank you and forat yeah mentoring should definitely be there because I see it as an also experience exchange is not only to design a system of supervis but um so um obviously as um as we touched upon during the presentations uh mentoring and the outcome if you blended with technology I think that makes it unique uh and that is what the management system standards are looking for every shipping company is working on its own unique system so obviously um to to have mentoring in a in in a in the most let's say effective way what is the extent of mentoring um where to step in where to step out and then also combining the outcome with the with the technology I think that makes it much much better yeah okay and another question for the three of you from vinak mahola um how do we address concerns from seaf farers who may be resistant to adopting new technology Based training methods um I think especially in the context of Maritime being seen as being slow to adopt a change um yeah I'd like to hear your view on that maybe start with pr thanks uh uh it's been a problem for quite some time now about it and uh the resistance to change is again something that is prevalent in society too but with each generation I think that gap between wanting to adopt new technology and wanting to get on to new technology is actually reducing and I think with the Gen Z we are reaching that point where they are very open to adopting I mean if you take a new platform say like a new telegram comes in place or WhatsApp and everybody does go around trying it out very quickly so I think that problem will kind of keep getting soled as we have younger people out at Sea and uh also I think technology is evolving in a way that everything is more user friendly if we all remember the UI ux of you know computer systems 25 years ago versus all the things that we do on our apps continuously now everything is more user friendly and that's the reason why even the most uneducated people of the world are adopting you know digital payments they're adopting other technologies that are making their life easier so if the technology CH gets it right and makes it human Centric design then I think the adoption will always go faster thank you and R great to hear that another name on there has been too long my friend be lovely to see you again um so I I think the the key uh here I'm not sure that there's any kind of um resistance in terms of adopting technology as as as pradep says I think what one of the things that I perceive is there is a perception with the with with seir sometimes that they have their Certificate of Competency and there for they are competent and what is all this kind of stuff that's being pushed towards them so I think it's really key that we bring SE farers on this journey of understanding why all of us not just sea farers they're not out on their own all of us need to get into this Spirit of lifelong learning to keep with the pace of change to see with the way and and the key thing that's missing when I speak to to a lot of people the key thing is them understanding that training isn't just something that's being done over there and real life is happening here the training is a direct enabler of you being able to do your job well and be able to progress your career and again that's why I come back to competency management if if they can see why contextually the learning that we're putting in front of them in whatever method that we're doing it it is actually going to be instrumental in in their ability to be able to perform in their job and further their career then I don't think we'll have any trouble convincing people thank you and forat yeah I think um here the key word is to to have a Simplicity I mean um as as also R touched upon uh it's it's a dynamic thing I mean it's not just to coming up with training and then a cir goes through it clicks it joins the session and then a certificate or whatever is not that um most of the time at least um to my experience um having one training as a as a kind of preventive measure as a result of a incident or a third party inspection or survey and then another one and then another one makes the training metrics of the shipping compan is quite extensive and it it becomes another burden for them to follow it up in addition to that if the uh design of the training whatever technology is in use is also complex as Captain Pradip also mentioned is if it is not user friendly then it's it's another problem for the seirs to follow so I think as long as the training the technology being used also the content is simple to the point then I think I will we will not be a we will not be talking about any kind of resistance or getting adopted to to that by the Cs as well okay brilliant um we have another question uh from Patrick wheer how can AI based learning Technologies reduce a SE far's cognitive load rather than adding to it and can it help improve human factor related incidents um I think maybe forat would you like to start with this one yeah um AI is one of the solutions I mean it will help of course um as as mentioned during the presentation we have to be careful which data we process there so as we have ai um imagine a smaller shipping company to an extensive one I mean there's a lot of data a lot um is not on inspection surveys audits um a lot of lessons learned experiences neares unsafe act conditions and they are all parameters that we consider while um while deciding on the trainings and if we do it manually this way or the other we we miss something uh but AI can take that part in a in a more structured way and of course once the data in AI is validated by experts um and then um verified and then the solutions while designing a training or evaluating the outcome I think uh that is quite helpful but obviously they have human in the center of this business so there will be a human interaction physically but AI can can can help Improvement in that respect so processing the data uh with already experienced uh situations not only for your company can take uh hundreds thousands of data very easily and process it on behalf of you I think that is obviously an improvement and R yeah this is a massive topic and there's all sorts of ways in which AI will will fundamentally change uh the way in which we approach everything I think it to to kind of risk anything else I'll try and stick to exactly the point that you made in the question there around the cognitive um load and I think that one of the things that AI does so brilliantly is to be able to assess and to peel through huge amounts of data and to be able to observe trends that you know human being would take months and months and months to be able to do months of research so I think where we'll start to see AI being playing a part is in identifying where the learning isn't that great now quite often you know if we're looking at the assessment side of things it's a really good way of being able to in that scenario I mentioned where you've got a very tight coupling between the learning objectives and the and the assessment questions if we start to see Trends and so on with people getting a question wrong it's a probably a pretty good indicator that that part of the learning hasn't been particularly well designed and described so things like that I can imagine AI are going to have a big impact in being able to um into get that and then I think the the other one is the the sort of the push and the pull kind of learning if you think about prescription learning where you're kind of taking people through a a very clear program that's one thing but but the other side of learning is where the the seafare is looking for answers for a specific problem so that's sort of much more of that sort of just in time learning that PR was talking about and that's where I think AI will make a massive difference in be able to kind of take people to exactly and understand the question they're answering and understand exactly what the the right piece of information to present to them is to be able to answer their question that's where I see the biggest benefit thank you and PR well most points covered by R and farat but I would like to kind of give it a little bit of a different answer cognitive load and Analysis of data and having P charts and you know whatever crunching of the data yes of course AI will do but when it comes to accident prevention and human factor issues which is a very broad tum as long as we are part of the system whether the designer of the ship made a mistake or whether the manufacturer of the gasket on a chemical tanker didn't make it of the right material un human beings are somewhere in the chain and I think there is actually a danger that AI is going to take people further away from human beings from each other because when we start to rely too much on Purely technology what we miss out is the human interaction and if I've had the fortune or Misfortune of looking at incidents of Ang easn for 32 years in that role and I can say that this term 80% are caused by human error is something that is completely a uh guides people in the wrong direction in most Industries especially ours we stop investigating when we say the human being failed in reality to prevent accidents due to the human factors we need to start investigating when we say that the human being failed and then we come into these other things and I I will also make a bold statement that more than 80% of the incidents are not caused by a lack of knowledge and I would say even in terms of lack of skill possibly my statistics would be that even that is not a problem in more than 10 of 20% of the incidents so the all the others that part the problems that happen which are kind of broadly put as and human factors is things like the perceived or real commercial pressure for time distractions giving too much of a workload to individual so we need to address this in a broad way the regulatory framework tells us the minimum number of sea farers to be put on a ship and we all have a certificate on a ship but go ask any seerer in the world and he'll tell you no we don't have sufficient people on board so the regulatory framework for that unless that is changed or improved we continue to going to have that human factor which is one of the causes of the incidents pressure of time whether real or perceived it's all in the head of the individual same thing with all the other pressures that are there on a sea farer I mean if you take a chemical tanker being cleaned every SE farer knows that there is a limited amount of time in which the chart were is expecting that to be cleaned so they try to rush through things which is against human factor accident prevention Theory right so the ideal world and the real world they clash and there is a always a clash between cost effective safety and needed safety and that balance which we typically see in you know the little lady of Justice with a pair of scales efficiency versus safety that's all always going to be something that will exist in all Industries so for prevention of human factors AI will take part by reducing the cognitive load however all the other things that we need to do in order to uh focus on prevention of the factors that lead to human beings making mistakes we will need to continue separately Beyond The Learning part thank you okay thank you prip and uh thank you for that and rule as well um it is now 11:00 so that is all we have time for but thank you to everyone in the audience and thanks to our speakers and I'm going to hand over to farar Pardon Me hello so we'd like to thank our guest speakers Captain pra chaa farad Abu and Ry Harris if you have missed any of our questions on our Q&A we'll be sending you contact details soon with a link to a recording of This webinar on our YouTube channel also pleas please feel free to fill in our survey join us on the 11th of February for our next webinar with ship deck you can book this for you can book for this on our website goodbye for now

2025-01-25 19:51

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