Best Roofer Marketing with Matthew McDaniel - Transformational Roofing Technology

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Matthew what's up bud how are you hey how's it going good good man yeah I'm glad we were able to put this together and kind of just you know share a video a little bit about both of our companies and why a strategic partnership made sense between ruthful and best route from marketing so this is uh it's exciting that we were finally get this on the calendar for some of our viewers yeah definitely it's always a treat to get uh for on the screen here and yeah unleash a little bit of knowledge of what's going on within the industry and has some cool Innovations yeah absolutely why don't we start off with um just quick interest man if you want to tell us kind of who you are your position company anything about roof who you want to share that'd be great yeah absolutely um so Matthew McDaniel I'm one of the founders uh Chief marketing officer at rufo and uh sort of the product owner for the technology so I really help facilitate our development as well as all of our marketing efforts and just kind of work hand in hand with our leadership team which is a fine group of individuals to sort of just push this whole thing uh to the Limit yeah a little bit about my background so uh I come from a a exterior contractor based in Minneapolis Denver and now we have an office in Florida which is pretty cool yeah absolutely so that's kind of where I cut my teeth in in the marketing World um building out a really successful program I was able to kind of Drive revenue from uh maybe six seven million annually to now we're over uh well over 30. for that company so definitely learned a lot along the way and um kind of leveraging a lot of those that marketing wisdom into what rueful does and kind of the tool that's built around uh you know being able to um create a pretty phenomenal marketing tool and customer experience at the same time absolutely no yeah it's Dynamic stuff man when we sought you guys out and we'll dive into that a little bit but it's just really kind of flipping the script on the whole industry and bringing something Dynamic to the homeowners um and you know when you think about serving businesses you know the companies that really win are the ones that can see past that and think about serving the business as customers and when you can do that then it's kind of remarkable what can happen yeah definitely I'll back that up it's definitely um super important to be customer-centric you know these days I know it's difficult in this industry because there is a lot of saturation a lot of competition and we sort of kind of pull off of each other and say okay this is what they're doing so there tends to be a lot of kind of self-focus um you know what makes us great and you know why Why Us kind of thing and I think we're seeing now more of a shift towards you know what can we do for you how can we add value to you as the homeowner and um I think that's that's when you see a real transition into um you know that the relationship between the homeowner and the contractors can really strengthen no absolutely and just you know to introduce myself for your your audience as well and let you know so um I'm actually Bruce Muffler I'm the founder of best group of marketing uh we're a full service digital marketing agency specializing in websites all things Google and video production uh we're in Atlanta but we serve roofing contractors all over the country um and as of today we're a team of 12. so I really am very selective and try to hire rock stars um but my background is in the corporate world in marketing I've been coming up on 18 years in digital marketing that explains all the white hair and still being so young right I'm right behind uh it'll wear you out but I tell you I absolutely love it um and you know we've got a couple of cool things that are unique to digital marketing agencies and unique to the roofing industry that will unpack a little bit but that's kind of us man I had a big corporate run I worked at ATT AOL um reached local and then most notably I build a top sales team at they

were a 2.2 billion dollar marketing you'd see uh we were the top team in the country five years in a row put on the national sales director hat and uh just you know I still wasn't happy even with the salary and the title so I kind of knew there had to be a better way and that's kind of where we launched best group for marketing and we really needs down in the marketing agency um for the roofing industry specifically so I know we've been working together for some time now on this partnership we've had the opportunity to both have a presence at roofcon that was really great and I'm just excited unpack this call man and learn more about ruthful specifically that we can convey to our group and contractors and Prospects over 2023 and Beyond and why we think that they're really good fit and a unique solution to serve those contracts or customers of ours but more importantly serve their homeowners as well yeah absolutely it's good to see um you know best route for marketing has a very strong presence that a lot of these industry shows and you know I see you guys constantly kind of uh popping up here and there and I know um just your background and and your team's background you know you guys are a very strong team and I love that you have more of a personalized kind of relationship approach with your clients not just uh big numbers game but you know you really kind of engage with them on a you know a personal level with their business and yeah that's what's exciting for us and you truly want to add value and help roofers you know and and right and I think that's important I mean obviously we're all in it to to make money and be run a business but I think the Integrity of the business and the values behind it you know are extremely important too and it's not just a a profit game but you're actually there to to grow yeah individuals yeah as as we sought this out you know we both vetted each other's companies right too we were wrong with you with Joe with your Tech Team I want to make sure it was mutually a good fit in that we had some of the same values because you're absolutely right you know we're all in to make money but you know you can have one of two types of businesses you can just make money at any cost or you could have an intentional focus on helping people knowing that the money is going to follow you and both of our core values align between ruthful and best roof and marketing so that's really exciting man so with that being said I'm kind of cool to hear how um you know who's the brainchild behind ruthful uh and how it was all born like what happened tell us a little bit about that yeah for sure so uh so it was a pretty interesting background to how ruffle kind of came to be but um essentially I want to give a credit to kind of a full group of individuals you know I think we all had contributions um I think it was 2019 uh we kind of hit a point in our our business this is Hoffman Weber construction is the company I'm referring to uh so that's the company I was doing marketing for at the time and we had a really strong leadership team very kind of balanced skill set between all of us um and you know we hit a really really good stride our processes were just you know just really solid you know we're growing each year it almost became too easy for us to the point we were like all right what's next here I think we all have yeah and at the same time we were seeing a ton of kind of tech technology shifts and an evolution within the industry um you know you could kind of see a clear path that was happening uh where you know it's everything was going getting digitized you have you know paper records to crms you had a hand measuring to Aerial measurements you know from flipbook presentations to you know now you have 3D visualizers and so we kept seeing this pattern of like okay everything is kind of getting closer and closer to you know a more full digital experience and so we said well where where are things going and where can we take our company and um you know we decided to take a huge leap and just build something completely new so in addition to try to really polish that business you know we wanted to just create something entirely different and kind of uh challenge ourselves and kind of leave a stamp if we can on the industry um and so we saw that the next big evolution was going to be uh you know the online sale you know could you sell a roof completely online not to say without the sales rep but uh without the face-to-face interaction and so we set out to complete that process we started kind of what we call Brain drains in a 2019 we literally sat in a room or a car and just you know dumped every thought we had ideas and ideas and you know just it was an awesome time that's the time when an entrepreneurial uh an entrepreneurship where it's super exciting it's like starting to see the light of this you know this idea to come come to come to form and it's just like so immense you're like wow we're at an extremely rare place in time with the right people and this idea it's like that would just have to you know grab a hold of our cojones and go for it yeah yeah yeah for sure and uh it's awesome though right the the Pioneer ship that you guys have to like say hey we're gonna bring something so precious so unique it's never been done that is that's a ballsy thing to do and it's scary and it takes investment and you're you're looking at the short term the midterm the long term um but man what you guys are doing and what what you're offering to customers to change the whole experience for every every American in the country right everybody that has a home and has a roof competition experience this one day and you're at the Forefront of that dude and that's awesome yeah I appreciate that it was definitely uh there's a lot of blue ocean starting off you know we super hard to navigate where we're going and you know taking a lot of twists and turns but we finally found Solid Ground right yeah now we're really just building you know on top of you know really really strong foundation and yeah um yeah it's definitely exciting and Roofing is just kind of one sector you know once we've kind of perfected this path um you know there are all the other Home Services that this is a pretty repeatable model um especially with our technology set that we've we're releasing um and I do want to point out that there are you know this is a big shift this is a disruption to the industry but there will be some uh the traditional sale the traditional face-to-face and home uh complete you know process that's not going away that's not you know but there is this emerging uh you know for one generation of homeowners that do want a more uh controlled experience where they have all the power they have you know they don't necessarily want to talk to people they just want to be able to kind of control within their own domain so we're kind of just catering to kind of this new classic consumer that wants this digital sale and right we're empowering contractors to be able to offer that experience rather than wait until just a few really big corporate companies can offer this and they just pretty much gobble up the whole industry and we're all left as uh glorified labor houses no that's right that's really good man that's a good way to put that for sure so you know when you think about and you kind of touched on a little bit but when you think about what you're doing disrupting the industry right what what's like the number one challenge like the biggest problem you would really laser focus say that your product solves everyone uh definitely convenience is a big thing transparency I think one of the biggest challenges with homeowners is finding out what the roof is going to cost without spending days of research spending all that time invested and you know even for the contractor they also are spending a lot of time investing into that uh that lead or you know that homeowner that they're coming out to and oftentimes you know they spend hours or whatever it is maybe spend money on measurements do all this stuff to give them a price and then all of a sudden that homeowner's like oh that's Way Beyond where I thought and their entire kicker and you know you just burn three hours of your time on someone that wasn't serious where you could have you know showed them that uh pretty very very accurate uh estimate it's not the final you know contract price but uh something that you can absolutely be confident in leading with within seconds you know and now you they're engaged now all the pressure's off for that homeowner and to contractor uh now you send out your sales rep they're already expecting to spend you know so and so amount now you can just upgrade them or you could price drop them so many different ways you could take it but really that convenience of getting that instant price the transparency that builds a lot of trust between the homeowner and the contractor and really we're just getting started in that that part of the cycle So eventually it's going to get even more convenient and even more um more speed uh more speed between in that sales cycle it's going to save a lot of time for contractors and homeowners right but mainly efficiency convenience and transparency yeah and when I love the speed of which it allows you like you said you know the big thing in sales one of the things I learned early on in building a top sales team is you have to qualify but more importantly you have to discipline right because so many sales people and this applies to rookers as well they get so excited just because somebody's going to talk to them they're oh my God this homeowner is going to talk to me they called in they want me to come out blah blah blah blah if they're not qualified you can waste a lot of time doing that that could be repurposed finding qualified opportunities and it's about quality over quantity and the same thing applies to you right you're allowing roofers to now almost pre-qualify somebody online and then for the sales guy it should help supporting these closing ratios because it eliminates the element of surprise right this homeowner knows that the number of squares on my roof it's going to be a twenty thousand dollar project right so then when you get out there polish it up change the material add on a couple of repairs or wood rods or whatever just 22 000 like you said you're just upgrading but there's an ultimate surprise so they've already gone through your website and secondly I think for the weekend contractors if you're the only guy and you know you guys are in Minneapolis or I'm here in Atlanta if you're the only guy in your city that's installed Rupal when somebody's looking at your website and someone's looking at somebody else's website that's like putting you light years ahead of not just from a homeowner experience perspective but like your adoption of Technology you look like a moderate roofer old school guy that shows up and beat up truck smelling like a pack of Marlboros you're like a Cutting Edge company right so this this solves a lot of problems I think for sure absolutely absolutely yeah and Trust again going back to you know that's been kind of a stain on the industry for a long time and it's really not obviously we know things have really changed and there's a lot of Integrity in this industry and there's tons of companies that do the right thing and they stand behind their work and uh you know we want to honor and respect that that side of the business but you're absolutely right I think you know showing that you have technology that can deliver such an experience right away puts you in a new Echelon you know for the homeowner and the homeowner's mind they're like oh this is this is not a a brand new company that's just out of nowhere so you're already building in trust into that relationship and then being able to say hey here's our price you know there's no games there's no gimmicks you know there's no high pressure you know that's a whole other level of trust there yeah absolutely man yeah it's it's really it's really exciting stuff um so we're just excited about the partnership man I look at this like you know at best fruit for marketing I covered some of this but how we really Envision bringing value to our customers um it's just by one letting them look at a demo with you guys because the teams you know very professed on at the upper end of what we would expect a referral strategic partner like you guys to be but then secondly making it seamless to integrate this right so roofers by Nature when we call them roofers versus roofing companies there's a stigma but roofing companies a lot of them have been very successful for decades um and if you think what that means decades back uh two decades ago was Yellow Pages the internet wasn't even really around right or it wasn't widely adopted websites were a foreign concept so getting them to have had successfully made millions of dollars a year for the last 20 years to adopt technology is tough but it's also eye-opening for them right and then what we're seeing having contractors all over the company is they're all over the country there's a lot of owners whose kids are coming up in the business now and so their late 20s early 30s they're taking over mom or dad's business right and they're gonna try to Pivot quickly to being Cutting Edge Technologies social driven Dynamic roofing company this is a great solution for them to do that that's affordable and practical and literally one job could pay for the investment for the entire year right so it's really a bit soft yeah yeah thank you for that and definitely um you know and that's why we look for partners like you because it is a phenomenal tool um but I think it really gets powerful when you have the right marketing strategy behind it right and know how to fully leverage it uh in their sales and and we can talk about some of those ideas um but yeah it certainly is it can be uh tough at first for some companies to adopt that have really have a built-in tried and true process for so many years uh they're pretty big but we are we do have a few clients that are National they're they're pretty massive companies and you know they they understand that you know early Tech adopters can actually gain a ton of market share if if the technology is strong enough and absolutely you kind of go back to the the Blockbuster Netflix uh meme of you know so Blockbuster actually had the chance to buy Netflix at a pretty cheap price kind of put them on the shelf or you know essentially do what they're doing um you know or they can pretty much do nothing and just assume that it wasn't going to work and we all know how that story ended yeah he did rule the dice properly on that yeah yeah so and it's not to you know throw fear out there or anything and say hey you need to change but you know you do need to understand there is a shift in in buyers that and you know the consumers there's a generational shift happening there's generational stuff and business owners and we all understand the direction that it's going it's going to get more digital and again you know we the face-to-face belly to belly um you know that's not going away and there's still going to be some interaction on site at some point whether that's after the sales been made and you're going to just verify you know the set for material orders or whether you're going out there just to close the deal you know right there's still plenty of room for that face-to-face uh interaction so we're not trying to totally dehumanize the process yeah I just want to kind of speed things up make it more efficient you know remove some of the barriers in that process and just kind of make it better for both sides of the equation oh yeah well I'm well I say this all the time right the problem is they can't do e-commerce effectively because Amazon and Walmart control 99.9 of the marketplace not just from an advertising perspective they have condition homeowners Across America to expect that whatever I go on and type into my computer and put my credit card number in if I'm not going to have it today I'm going to have it within two days on my doorstep and I'm not going to pay for it so small business owners can't keep up with that right and it's the same thing here we are getting conditioned to be able to log on to a computer and make stuff happen you guys are just taking it from you know uh deodorants and kids toys showing up on your door to we can do the same thing and create the same experience that you've already been conditioned by these major conglomerates some of the biggest companies in the world you've already been conditioned we can do that for your root and that's going to be really appealing especially as the age of home ownership continues to go down and younger and younger people are continuing the Next Generation homeowners for sure so I commend you guys for being at the Forefront of it really it's it's yeah honestly a brilliant idea yeah I think um you know at the Market's finally ready for this I think you know more and more contractors understand that this is possible and uh you know we've made it super easy to integrate um and you know there's two directions this could go like you said there's the full Amazon you know where you have this kind of centralized entity that's controlling you know where everybody comes now that's still a healthy ecosystem for buyers and sellers um you know but what we're doing is more of kind of a Shopify or big Commerce type of method where we're giving you the tools to sell on your site you know so it's kind of empowering your brand and that's more of a decentralized approach where you know it's not being controlled by one Central Marketplace but we're actually giving it out to all these businesses uh so they can stay relevant and we're doing that before one of those big uh no that's great man yeah yeah so so tell us who are who are some of your best clients like who is this product really for I didn't break that down so our audience knows yeah sure so these uh this can be used in several different ways uh we see a lot of mid small to mid-sized companies being very successful with this uh some of the companies that are are brand new that aren't huge uh that you know that have a very small web presence they could still find a lot of value in the tool but it might uh might be more difficult on the lead capturing side um so there's a lot of ways you can extract value from it the most obvious way is turning website visitors into leads so you know rather than just have them filling out a traditional form and hopefully they get a call back now they have a really really strong call to action you know see your price within a few clicks within seconds it's the world's fastest instant estimate you know and so it's turning a lot more people that go to your site and to actually put their information in even if it's just their address and they back out and say ah you know what I'm I'm not really sure I want to put my info in we still log that address so the contractors will see that address that gets captured so that's the first value is just more more leads from website visitors these are high quality leads you know these are lead setups in price the other is you know using it in the field so we have a lot of contractors that are actually using it door-to-door uh okay and particularly in this hurricane situation down in Fort Myers we have several clients that are I mean giving estimates out as fast as possible is kind of the name of the game down there and sure rather than waiting an hour you know to get a measurement back to get that quote out when you're in the home now you're just able to right away when you're at the doorstep you know it's within within a minute you're giving them a price and um so that's it's a very very effective kind of uh field tool as well yeah so yeah we have some guys no go ahead I'm sorry yeah just debris cap so if you're if your website is not producing a ton of traffic and maybe you haven't set up all those marketing uh you know strategies you could still get the value uh just from being able to sell out in the field create estimates very quickly even you know virtually you know let's say there's a lead that comes in even if it's a referral lead that comes in but it's an hour and a half away you say yeah do I want to drive an hour and a half or I just want to hop on the phone or a video call and just present this really quickly you know yeah cutting that wind chill time it's efficient it's efficient in so many ways man so it's really good we've got some guys working the storms down at Fort Myers and Northport and you know even down in Naples and um it's just crazy down there right the opportunity and so forth you know um I would say that you know to kind of share with your audience as well one of the things that sets us apart as an agency and why we reach out to you guys is um you know we put best route for marketing in our name that we did a biggest right there's a lot of agencies out here that are just sell every roof at all costs that's all they want to do um and our approach is completely different right we've got a mission that is called billion dollar impact and what it essentially says is we are only going to work with 100 roofing companies at a time we genuinely consider this Partnerships we do a lot of pre-qualifications in the front and where we take it a step further than just the call tracking which we consider kind of table Stakes but we also audit all of the calls for our roofing contractors and then we work with them once a month to see what they really closed by using their CRM interactive spreadsheets Etc we are committed to helping each one of the companies we partner with sell at least 10 million dollars so what that does at a top level is it impacts the roofing industry as a whole with a really significant number of billion dollars is not a small amount of money so if we can take this approach where we don't want to work with 500 or a thousand I've worked with those companies and I've kind of been there done that we want to work with 100 companies bring in our best strategic Partners like ruthful that we've vetted to really give these customers a dynamic Cutting Edge approach to dominating their Market right so it's it's a totally different approach but it's more Boutique in the sense that we can offer White Glove service we can really dive into the partnership and for us when we bring in our trusted Partners like you guys it just brings so much more value to the table than just trying to sell sell sell all day long yeah yeah 100 you know and that really ultimately is what it's about is bringing value and and results you know and I think if you over promise and under deliver I think that's just far too common in this industry and um yeah that's one thing I love I love that about best for marketing is that they are careful to make sure that you don't take on clients that you're just they're just another notch on the Belt but you know you can actually deliver results that are going to impact and grow you know not not just the company but the people that run that company that's you know the important part thank you thank you for saying I appreciate that so uh with that being said man I mean this is a really good kind of starting point to share with kind of both of our Our Brands and different audiences why we put the Strategic partnership together if somebody wants to get a demo of Google through best group of marketing um where would you say the best starting point would be uh so we do have a partnership page with you all there is a nice uh kind of give the tool a try um there's a nice demo on the page so you can give it a try for yourself but if you want a complete demo of the back end you see the pro portal you'll see how to configure everything there is a link or there's a scheduling uh uh there's a schedule on that page you can just choose a time right it's super easy yes right there awesome and we'll put that link in the video below those individuals can actually book time with us for sure you know I I think the the value is for the prospects coming through our Pages not only do they get access to your team still directly but they get our strategist as well involved so we can really come up with Holistic Solutions um from The Best of Both Worlds to set these customers up for success in their Market uh it's not only dominated against their competition but to really go out there and serve the homeowners as efficiently as possible right because we get excited like you guys that hey when I make a room for money it's not because you know at the end of the day it's just a number on their Bank on their on their screen how much money you have it really isn't that significant but for me what excites me is how does that impact their real Families how does that impact the kids college or um little league baseball in their Community or their employees our ability to put good people back to work um so it's what that money can do for them and that's really what drives us and motivates us so I'm just excited uh you know in 2023 and Beyond get this cloud operation off the ground and really bring in some new opportunities for ruthful investors for marketing yeah for sure and that's the power of marketing and I think that's why I gotten so infatuated by it you know when I started off as as seeing the I'm you know you can be a real big Workhorse and you can do all these things you could be an omni Channel where you're just like spreading seats everywhere marketing seeds all over the place and you're just really busting and then you know to see that actually turn into growth and just see that impact the people that you've surrounded yourself with and see their lives actually lift and see you know to me I saw that on a micro level with one company and I


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