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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] globalization anymore do you I mean we hear about globalists Stormy Daniels has absolutely sold out of the globalist and getting the globalists out of the Maga movement because there's so many globalists but I'm not getting into that sort of anti-Semitic ant's Nest from Alex Jones and Jackson hankel with his weird American sounding name so it's like clunks in your mouth like marbles falling down stairs junks and think of horrible name maybe the reason that globalization isn't spoken about as much anymore is because it's viewed off as like a complete project or maybe it's the in the wake of the 2008 financial crash there's been an uptick in interest in Marxism and because of that the left views of globalization tend to focus on imperialism and state of globalization to use that word but regardless I have to teach a class on this sin which has meant I've got to read a lot of literature on globalization and preparation which I did not enjoy and I've decided to make that your problem too [Music] so there's there's so much writing on globalization and so much of it is shite it focuses on things like the shortening of global space due to things like telecommunication or international travel yeah curiously it doesn't seem all that interested in questions like who makes all the mobile phones how can people suddenly afford to buy relatively cheap Commodities which people can suddenly affect afford to buy a relatively cheap Commodities why did globalization happen alongside de-industrialization of the global North are these things connected is there a direction to it why bother asking such questions it's really it's been frustrating it's been a frustrating time globalization is a process a set of processes that embodies a transformation in which the spatial organization of the social relations and transactions generating transcontinental or individual flows of networks of activity interaction and Power okay but what about production globalization is a social process in which the constraints of geography on social and cultural Arrangements received and in which people become increasingly aware that they are receding okay but what drives us what about production advances in technology such as mobile phones airplanes telephones and the internet have made the growth of transport and communication networks possible amongst other things this means that people and countries can exchange information and goods more quickly okay but what drives this what drives the production of of all these things I'm losing my mind globalization okay no that's too cringe okay so not to get all vulgar Marxist on you but what if there is an economic base and a superstructure what loads for the production of cheap telecommunications and Global cultural Exchange cheap labor how do we Source the natural resources required for the production of computers and for air travel cheap labor extracting resources from the global South what facilitates the transformation in the spatial organization of social relations and transactions generating transcontinental or inter-regional flows of networks of activity interaction and Power production and reproduction and I don't even fully accept the Basin superstructure metaphor I try to disrupt it all the time this is an aside for you Marxist nerves to make come at me what have I become but it's a sign of how empty so many of these definitions are that I have to crack out this simple metaphor to illustrate the simple Point globalization comes from Globe hello and means the worldwide coming together of countries and Nations what so this video which with its 3.7 million views is probably the most viewed piece of media on globalization ever produced I'm coming for you I'm Coming For You 3.7 million views we'll I'm snapping at your your heels this video actually does talk about production but it does so in another way common to the globalization lecture which is deeply frustrating if you haven't been able to tell it sanitizes production and implies that the exporting of production to the global South has a degree of parity for both sides pewter countries get jobs whereas richer ones get cheaper products the capitalist wealth generation trickles down a rising tide lifts all boats but the tide raises All Ships Mr Castle the companies which manufacture products under different conditions can now offer their products in country A2 it's also implied here there's poorer country's own companies that are pushing the cheapening of Commodities and the cheapening of Labor rather than say apple maker whatever deliberately exporting their production to incorporate it and often obliquely Incorporated at like an arms lens uh sweatshops but you know Global coming together and or something but the tide raises All Ships Mr Castle the actual relations of production are often left underexamined in this video and in much of the literature and this is quite a common way in which people seem to talk about production as part of the globalization without really actually critiquing the social relations of production Rhoda Howard Hassman provides us with a really good example of this tendency At first she seems to locate the nature of globalization correctly in capitalist social relations the chief impetus and beneficiary of globalization is capitalism capitalist production is expanding throughout the world as Michael hard puts in capital in some sense mediates all forms of production capitalism is the economic system behind new technologies of information and communication behind unprecedentedly large and quick Capital flows and behind the capacity of transnational corporations to spread all over the world George Soros makes this point in his own definition of globalization as the free movement of capital and the increasing domination of national economies by global financial markets and multinational corporations in 1997 Jeffrey Sachs pointed out that whereas 20 years earlier only about 20 percent of the world's population had been living under capitalism the rest living either under command Socialism or in countries attempting to combine capitalism and socialism by the time he wrote the percentage had increased to 90. as societies hitherto outside the capitalist fold adopt a capitalist mode of production many social changes occur but this description reads to me like lamp shading it's like when Insurance like Brooklyn 99 ostensibly criticize the police without actually criticizing policing as such do you know what happens when you refuse to punish cops for their mistakes it breeds a lack of trust in the community good it makes them more scared of us than of criminals and gangsters you should be it makes the people see us as the enemy they are you wonder how Peralta can do his job when he's held accountable for his actions I wonder how any of us can do our job if he's not don't do your job symbol [Music] the thing about this clip and the thing I think with Brooklyn 19 is that even though there are bad police presented and even though the police force as it exists is being viewed off as institutionally bad it doesn't criticize policing as such and that you can still imagine a world in which a different institutionalized Police Service would be good but the resin is policing as such is bad and that's the trick that that pill is there that's a trick that Brooklyn Nine-Nine pools even in its later Series in its earlier series it's just what if some of the police were nice and that but these later series are even maybe even more Insidious but this is just an aside for me not enjoying propaganda we'll get back to globalization now [Music] Howard hassman's view is much like Brooklyn 99 and that she is locating an issue of capitalism but not criticizing capitalism as such capitalism can be reformed in a way which is positive according to the argument which as we all know is hot so I disagree with Howard Houseman I don't think that the character of globalization is a process of capitalism becoming the dominant mode of production in places that have been previously resistant to it rather as offers like John Smith argue is a process of changing and crucially intensifying the north-south exploitative relations because as people like Walter Rodney have shown the exploitation of the global South and the underdevelopment of Africa has been a feature of capitalism since its Inception and this is not a new thing so it's not simply that capitalism is the economic system behind new technologies of information and communication behind unprecedented large and quick Capital flows and behind the capacity of trans National corporations to spread all over the world this is a truism because like of course it's it's these things are happening now capitalism is the world system so to say capitalism is behind these things doesn't really mean anything rather what we should be paying attention to is that an exporting production to the global South the Imperial relations of production are changed the costs of Labor are drastically reduced as hundreds of millions of people are flung into the capitalist production process they are forcefully dispossessed and fired into into the Flames the furnace of the production process as a new form of primitive accumulation takes hold South North export of manufactured goods as a whole must be thought of not so much as trade but as an expression of the globalization of production and this in turn must be seen not as technical rearrangement of machinery and other inputs but is an evolution of the social relation namely the relation of exploitation between capital and labor International competition between firms to increase profits market share and shareholder value continues but the fate of each worker is no longer tied to the fortunes of his or her employer on the contrary the employers that survive are those who most aggressively substitute their employees with cheaper foreign labor South North export has manufactured goods as a whole must be thought of not so much as trade but as an expression of the globalization of production and this in turn must be seen not as a technical rearrangement of machinery and other inputs but as an evolution of a social relation namely the relation of exploitation between capital and labor International competition between firms to increase profits market share and shareholder value continues but the fate of each worker is no longer tied to the fortunes of his or her employer on the contrary the employers that survive are those who most aggressively substitute their own employees with cheaper foreign labor this intensification of the relations of exploitation not simply opening up the markets and trade allows for the production of cheap Commodities to be consumed disproportionately in the global North thereby facilitating the uneven proliferation of communications technology air travel and cultural exchange that's why cultural imperialism cultural exchange isn't one-sided that's why American culture gets fired so forcefully across the world why is American companies that get fired so forcefully across the world it's not an even exchange it's an uneven Exchange it's not simply that corporations and finance have become dominant in the global economy or that non-capitalist economies have become integrated into the capitalist economy but that a period of bloody and violent dispossession has in those global South countries is occurring and this is why NAFTA over unionized Mexican labor and why going forward whenever you hear the word cheap what you should really hear is the word violent because cheap Commodities cheap labor is built on violence direct violence [Music] globalization does not eliminate inequalities in the distribution of wealth however it encourages investments into less developed areas of the world and allows poorest countries to find markets in richer ones [Music] Walter Rodney spinning in his grave spinning the concept of globalization and the potential benefits aren't hard to understand by eliminating trade barriers in an honest manner everyone could theoretically win try to join the rest of us in reality soon presenting globalization in this deeply sanitized way implying unnecessary connection between the technological development and capitalism and not discussing the rates of super exploitation necessary for the Apparently desired process of growth authors like Howard Hassman can say that she links globalization to capitalism without ever really criticizing capitalism and indeed supporting it supporting it for supposed long-term wealth creation and raising of living standards but remember Walter Rodney capitalism didn't raise the standards in Africa but actively suppressed and underdeveloped it and that is ongoing to today and the fact is ongoing today undermines another one of Herod hassman's points that in the in the longer term capitalism might be um maybe better but in the short and medium term maybe it will be maybe it'll be worse for those people the longer term impacts of capitalism for the continent of Africa has not been improved conditions has it it's been continued forcible under development and a maintenance of colonial and then neocolonial relations So to that point how it has been I say no and it's really weird like several authors like Howard Hassman cite wallerston's World systems theory to argue that globalization by spreading markets has spread Catalyst to non uh spread capitalism to non-capitalist or peripheral States but this seems like a misunderstanding of world systems theory to me let me explain this I need to I need a whiteboard to explain this basic point so wallerstein's World System Theory specifically views capitalism okay so say we've got a world here okay that's the world it's the world world okay and wallerstein's World System Theory basically says that capitalism exists here in the world across the world that yeah there are there are core States and there are peripheral States and semi-peripheral States but capitalism is still dependent on those space on those States it's a world system hence why it's called A World System Theory this point this is a narrative point that really got to me but anyway I hope this diagram clears up World systems theory basically says that the privileged position of the global North in capitalism is sustained by the exploitation of the global South folk Like Walter Rodney again have described the historic process of the global north litting of the global South to sustain World capitalism opening up markets in the global South then isn't spreading capitalism across the world but rather transforming the form of catalyst exploitation which already exists and I think this is quite an essential point because this has transformed the very reproduction of the essential commodity of capitalism labor power that is the commodity that a worker sells on the labor markets to the capitalist and the global North the cheaply produced means of survival like foods like clothing helped contain increases in the value of Labor power in the global North through the globalization of super Rock exploitation of the global Scythe so trans there's been an intensifying of capitalist social relations not just in the global States but in the global North as well to some degree neoliberal globalization has transformed the production of all Commodities including labor power as more and more of manufactured consumer goods that reproduce labor power in imperialist countries are produced by super exploited workers in low-wage Nations the globalization of production processes impacts workers in imperialist nations in two fundamental ways Outsourcing enables capitalists to replace higher paid domestic labor with low-wage Southern labor exposing workers in imperialist Nations to direct competition with similarly skilled but much lower paid workers in southern Nations while following prices of clothing food and other articles of mass consumption protects consumption levels from falling wages and magnifies the effect of wage increases this is combined with a further globalized effect of migration whereby the global size worker travels to the global North and it often takes on socially reproductive labor further cheapening the social reproduction and cheapening labor power and by the way these are often um disproportionately women who do this and migrant socially reproductive labor and this shows how globalization isn't an expansion of capitalism per se but at an intensification of the super exploitation of the global South and a cheapening of global labor power and globalization therefore is nothing more than imperialism and it's also important to note that this migrant labor which is gendered is also racialized and further cheapened by the violence of borders it's not a contradiction that at a time when the Reliance on migrant labor has increased that borders have become increasingly militarized it's an effect of racial capitalism which uses violence to reproduce race as a class relation and further capital accumulation keeping migrants precarious through cultural border regimes lessens their ability to organize for better conditions and keeps them disciplined to Capital so with all this in mind you might think it may be quite difficult to argue that globalization is a net positive thing but let me introduce you to academics [Music] as a feature of institutionalized globalization Howard hassman's article is concerned with the realization of Human Rights standards it argues that to ensure that the rest of the world may someday be in the same fortunate position as the West enjoying a relatively rights protected Society requires a level of institutional and bureaucratic change to ensure strong property laws the regulation of private citizens interests and the development of a middle class which can fight for its interests producing democracy this she argues is one of the benefits of globalization and it is a position which is somewhat lacking an analysis of the globalized production process and the issues that we just spoke about as can I see it did I see it deeply neoliberal [Music] [Applause] yeah that felt good not quite something neoliberal in a while yeah gotta love it Howard Houseman actually argues that capitalism is a necessary precondition for democracy and therefore human rights capitalism isn't necessary though not sufficient prerequisite for democracy both quantitative and qualitative studies finding a correlation between capitalism and democracy also show that an intervening variable is necessary to affect such a correlation that intervening variable is class action and organization not only is capitalism a necessary prerequisite for democracy Freeman argues that it is also the only economic system so far found to be compatible with the relatively effective protection of Human Rights negative evidence to support the connections among capitalism democracy and human rights is the abysmal state of human rights in countries that still attempt to organize their economies on bases other than capitalism Myanmar North Korea come to mind but so also does Cuba which without the support from Russia that it received from the Soviet Union has been spiraling downward since 1990.

capitalism does not inevitably result in democracy much less human rights as some of the ideal logically minded promoters of capitalism seem to believe but without capitalism democracy appears to be impossible and without democracy human rights cannot be protected far more than an economic system capitalism relies on certain presumptions about the rule of law and capitalism creates modern citizens both Bourgeois and worker who in the medium to long-term demand human rights and this is a startling passage and its inability to either make clearance assumptions or Define what it means by democracy like are we simply talking about an Institutional arrangement of very limited political democracy if so should we simply foreclose any possibility of democratic management over the economic foreign that the answer to both these questions for our enhancement is yes different forms of democracy such as that which exist in Cuba are dismissed as false capitalism May produce some bad effects but it's ultimately necessary according to Howard Hassman but the tide raises All Ships Mr Castle so while she didn't say that globalization inevitably leads to improved conditions she does argue that globalization through capitalism remember globalization is imperialism is Imperial capitalism as necessary as a necessary precondition to democracy which is a precondition to the realization of Human Rights standards but she does also concede the point that in the short and medium term not sure how long that actually is but in the short and median term but in the short and medium term the conditions produced by globalization might well be negative but in the long term there's there's no such certainty the long term could very well produce the mass wealth and uh improved conditions that we in the we in the global North all uh all all have I'm not sure how if we have these things because of the exploitation not sure how but I guess these places are in a favorable position next to other champions of globalization such as Stephen Pinker and Bill Gates who argued that the extension of markets and trends of globalization have been an under undeniable good this is a position that Jason Heckle not to be concerned with Jackson Hinkle as Jackson Hinkle Jason heckles Wario I cracked this wide open Jason Henkel a shot on Bill Gates and Stephen pinker's ideas uh would I'll link it in the description good article to read and the question then for Howard Hassman is how to temper the bad effects of globalization and she has an answer the international human rights legal institutions okay that'll do it nailing it During the period of western expansion there was no international law prohibiting colonialism Colonial Conquest was a quote normal end quote practice inherited from the ancient world it permitted stronger militaries and navies to take over territories previously not part of the world economy and permitted the colonists to curtail the economies of the conquered territories as they saw fit so of course we all know that now that there is an international human rights legal order no colonialism exists in States like Israel we know that there's certainly no new Colonial relations between the global South and Global North facilitated by production extraction and debt there are laws against it there are laws against colonialism and surely no state were dead embark on military conquest and States like Iraq that would be that would be so against the law then don't break the law you better not or else will condemn you so hard you're gonna be shamed and condemned so hard and there's several odd examples used in this paper including international law being used to shame corporations into good practices but the real Point here is that the author doesn't consider that the international human rights order might actually be a product of the same social relations which produce this super exploitation of the global South it may be of the same social relations that produce the bad effects that it supposedly solves in the first place the international legal institution including the international human rights legal institution as hegemonic they're part of that same Global capitalist institution which facilitate the maintenance of global of the global system of super exploitation a reading of gramshay which highlights the profound connections between civil society and the economic is sorely missing here and from many liberal accounts of globalization and human rights this means that when uh Howard Hassman says things like thus mobilization speeds up the processes not only of catalyst expansion but also of resistance to capitalism she doesn't mean capitalism is producing the social conditions for mass movements to socialism rather that the international legal order May temper the worst excesses of capitalism and may temper the worst excesses of exploitation while maintaining the conditions upon which that exploitation that wealth building that growth is built but I'm not even particularly willing to accept her tempered position international human rights has been used to justify War imperialism and capitalist property rates and indeed In This Very article the legal protections of capitalist property rights are framed as a good and essential and Beyond human rights Global governance and the institutionalized bureaucratized changes which Howard hasslin views as aiming in the worst excesses of capitalism have actually been essential in fostering the indebted neocolonial relations between the global South and global North the structural adjustment programs pursued by the IMF and the laws set by the World Trade Organization are part of this system of global governance which facilitates this process the new Colonial process opens up those economies to extraction and super exploitation in one of the essential features of globalization and the perspectives from folks like Howard Hassman from liberal views of globalization from these videos that have 3.7 million views and we're coming for them we're coming for them we're going to get them we're gonna we're gonna catch up [Music] and the perspectives offered by these things can't fully grapple with the essential feature of globalization as an intensification of the super exploitation of the global South and the chipling of global labor power because for this process to continue necessitates the constant human rights abuses of the production process of the reproduction process and a violent border politics if globalization rests on capitalism which is a prerequisite to democracy which is a prerequisite to the international human rights and legal order then perhaps instead of viewing globalization as neither good or bad but inevitable as liberal authors tend to do we should instead view as bad bad it's a bad thing so many many liberal views of globalization view it and position it as something which is inevitable which is Unstoppable unlike nature now they're inherently good or bad this is an effect of long-standing liberal teleologies or theories of historical progress which view history as Progressive and again they are somewhat in this instance in this formation pretty new liberal how enhancement again provides a really just textbook example of this liberal teleology the SE are not whether globalization is a thing out of control eating up traditional society's local values and local economies this is inevitable globalization cannot be stopped and its forces will undermine what is left of purely local societies the issue is the kinds of changes that globalization is likely to affect in the long as well as in the medium and short terms and how societies and individuals will react to those changes to argue whether globalization as a process is good or bad is as irrelevant as arguing whether the transition from an agrarian to an industrial society in the Western World from the 18th to the 20th century was good or bad many complex social changes occurred some economies were strengthened some were weakened which economies some states Rose some fell which states some social classes and categories benefited others sank into Oblivion what social classes [Music] globalization is not only inevitable it is despite all its costs the only path to long-term growth so I guess my first point regarding this court is that I think it is actually relevant to argue about the relative amounts of the Industrial Revolution I think that's kind of important thing to do I think I don't I don't think it's pointless like I think it's kind of important I don't I don't think either that or globalization which remember is just capitalist imperialism I don't think either of them are inevitable and trying to begin off the assumption that they are is subscribing to a deeply troubling liberal teleology and this passive voice description seems to valorize globalization as like a thing with its own agency beyond that of humanity like almost like a god or nature and this is again deeply neoliberal there's no reason no reason why we should view this process as inevitable and to do so seems absurdly dismissive of those struggling for Liberation in the global size when the author says it's pointless to argue about whether or not globalization is good or bad we're being treated to one of the most privileged defenses of capitalism that exists what's important is to realize that globalization itself is neither good nor bad it just depends how people deal with all the new possibilities in the future which people dealing with what what possibilities why is it dealing with the possibilities in the future why is it not dealing with the lived reality of the now why must you fail me so completely explanity why must you feel me and in fact Howard Houseman actually seems to position the fact that local bosses benefit from globalization and exploit local populations as evidence that those critical of globalization are misguided because if local bosses can be as exploitative as Global corporations then there's nothing inherently wrong with global corporatism so the argument goes instead we just need strong International standards and legal institutions and this is one of several egregious examples from the author where capitalism as such is defended and the exploitation of those in the global South is just an unfortunate bug which can be removed globalization's opponents do tend to exaggerate its detrimental consequences oh I'd forgotten how bad this quote is the spread of capitalism results in uneven social change many millions of individuals benefit from new job opportunities new markets and a new capacity for Mobility whether from the village to the town or from China to the United States claims that between 1980 and 1994 the global labor force group I sung 630 million between 1980 and 1994. far outstripping population growth the eventual outcome of globalization even for the Buddhist Society is not necessarily negative even in the short term social activists who oppose or try to stem globalization fight a rear guard action that if successor could deprive hundreds of millions of poor people of new and profitable economic opportunities for these opportunities would not necessarily mean that these poorer societies would become more rates protected [Music] so the obvious question task of this passage is who benefits and who doesn't are the children who are getting drawn into migrant relations in the factory producing cheap clothes benefit the author assumes that being drawn into a capitalist employment relations over traditional social relations as a de facto positive thing that produces wealth even if it doesn't produce race protection those who experience terrible conditions are actually being drawn into a process which may produce profitable economic opportunities and those who oppose this are just being short-sighted just being short-sighted sure capitalism isn't perfect but it's better than not capitalism and this brings me to the final point I want to make here which relates to a classic issue in human rights whether the human rights International legal system reflect cultural imperialism to go along with globalization's economic imperialism and despite its intent the tone and content of Howard hassman's article and lots of liberal articles like this uh really supports the view that yes human rights are a form of cultural imperialism first we can return to the quotes from earlier that globalization and capitalism as such are apparently an inevitable process which is neither good or bad with neither good or bad normative character it's simply inevitable there's simply no point resisting cultural homogenization this is a classic way of justifying colonialism and imperialism and reeks of classic liberal justifications for both colonialism and slavery really secondly the teleological view of progress employed by Howard Hassman places capitalism and Western social relations as inherently more civilized than traditional ones some people will be confused used by these changes and long for a simpler time with a stricter normative order among them some will and do fight viciously to retain the older World from which they are being so abruptly torn this bizarrely forecloses any possibility that capitalist social relations are not a strict normative order and I just wonder like what sense are the social relations of modern slavery not a strict normative order or the modern neoliberal gender relations or the necropolitical migrant relations produced by globalization how are these not normative orders I don't I don't follow how how to make that argument how to square that argument in a head Howard Hassman also Taps into some deeply Colonial rhetoric when describing non-capitalist forms of life which are subject to the civilizing social relations of globalized catalyst markets as the new middle class becomes more aware of its own interests it will become less willing to live under the rule of traditional Elders communist bureaucracies or personalist dictators to be clear here the village societies which have traditional Elders are inherently backwards uncivilized and inferior to capitalist social relations is simply racist further it fails to consider a very basic Point made by Marx that political emancipation is often a fiction hiding the underlying forces of domination between equal rights Force decides and the latter Point here also applies the attack on communist bureaucracies an attack which doesn't seem to consider Western imperialism in harming those who live under communism through sanctions and War and destroying the social relations of cultures with traditional Elders or marketizing formula formerly Communist States Market relations simply create their own form of catalyst domination sure we've destroyed alternative ways of life but we've also imposed new forms of domination what if there is an economic base and a superstructure so the dismissive tone Howard Hassman uses when she argues that the charge of cultural imperialism is frequently heard and the politics of resentment is manipulated to hold back the tide of Human Rights comes across to me as both empty and analytic value and full of racist assumptions about non-west or non-capitalist Global South cultures this is just the classical liberal teleology of Smith and Locke globalization is not an inevitable Force it's not civilizing it's bound up with super exploitation the destruction of cultural differences and has produced Global Surplus populations subject to the conditions of social death it's not inevitable can and should be resisted so globalization is not simply an inevitable complex process where cultures and Technology shorten the distance between different states and peoples but a process of intense capitalist imperialism which exports commodity production to the global South and cheapens the production of the essential commodity of Labor power it's a process which necessitates Super exploitation of the global South and which cannot be reformed via the liberal legal and human rights institutions which are part of the same social relations which produce exploitation in the first place to fight against the horrendous conditions produced by globalized production chains and value chains requires full-on Anti-Imperialist revolutionary action not piecemeal legal courts which frankly do absolutely nothing but assuage the guilt of liberals in the global North so this was supposed to be a short re-video but turned into a big old rant about globalization because I got annoyed can you tell um but in the end it does matter that we figure out whether or not it's good or bad that globalization's happening and then it does matter that we fight it for ending climate change among other things ending exploitation and building a better world God this video was this was this was the frustrating one this was frustrating this was a very frustrating so I hope you enjoyed it uh liberals man liberals can't live with them can live without them okay we're done we're done we're done I'm gonna go for this one all right uh thanks to all my 10 uh ten dollar notifications uh Philip and Keegan FD signifier Lizzy G Quint wolf Kim Crawley dying of thirst Anita NSB Alice Rin Hey Joe quink Tom Price esoteric fictionalism shingle Austin Talman Robin Rachel Mixon Rich Neil's avalgard tin foil pancakes Kieran Gore AGA ghost Daniel Hughes tamashkaspita and Paul Singleton thanks uh thanks to all those uh what's that no yeah I was recording a thing for John the Duncan sounds like turn off their microphone yeah I think I can I can easily find the the weak links and kind of break them okay hail imperialism okay bye I left the microphone


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