Banana Mega Factory: How They Process Millions Of Bananas With Modern Technology

Banana Mega Factory: How They Process Millions Of Bananas With Modern Technology

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[Music] bananas we all love them but have you ever wondered how they go from the farm to your fruit basket stick around because we're about to peel back the secrets of largescale banana farming in the United States it's a lot of fun and you won't believe the process behind this top selling fruit Let's Get Growing before we get started be sure to press that subscribe button and touch the Bell so you never miss our deep dives into the fascinating world of food production trust me you'll want to stay around for this banana cultivation begins long before the first banana grows it all starts with choosing the ideal planting material bananas unlike many other crops do not grow from seed in instead producers employ immature banana plants known as suckers or chots which grow from the mother plant's root these suckers are critical to Banana proliferation and must be carefully chosen for their Vigor health and disease resistance before transplanting these plants into the field Farmers thoroughly inspect them for symptoms of disease such as banana Wilt fusarium or worms ensuring that only the healthiest and strongest plants are selected is critical to creating a profitable and plentiful crop as a single sick sucker can threaten a whole row of plants bananas grow in warm tropical regions with well- drained soil thus Hawaii and Southern Florida are suitable locations for banana production after selecting the appropriate planting material the preparation of the land begins before planting can begin the soil must be fully prepped which is no easy task particularly on large scale banana plantations spanning hundreds or even thousands of acres in large scale operations land preparation entails plowing the fields to loosen the soil and promote drainage and aeration farmers can replenish the soil with organic materials such as compost or manure ensuring that it has the nutrients required for banana development this step is critical because bananas are heavy eaters and need a nutrient-rich environment to grow in areas with unpredictable rainfall irrigation systems are implemented during the land preparation stage irrigation systems assist to keep soil moisture levels constant which is critical for banana plant Health on bigger Farms modern irrigation techniques such as drip or sprinkler systems are utilized to guarantee that water reaches the plant roots while preventing soil erosion or Water waste soil conditioning such as adding lime to regul at pH levels may also be used to guarantee that bananas grow in the best conditions once the soil has been prepared it is time to plant the suckers planting on a big scale requires a combination of mechanical techniques and manual effort to ensure that suckers are planted at the proper depth and spacing to optimize growth potential the depth at which the suckers are planted is crucial for ensuring that the roots have efficient access to water and nutrients suckers are often planted 6 to 8 ft apart to provide the plants enough room to grow without competing for Sunshine water or nutrients spacing is also important for ensuring that each banana plant has adequate area to build a strong root system which will support the big bunches of bananas that will eventually mature proper row spacing of 10 to 12 ft between plants allows for easy mobility of people and machines which is necessary for weed control fertilizer and harvesting with hundreds of banana plants on each acre of land it's critical to maximize space while ensuring each plant has the best growth circumstances possible water is a vital component in banana growing bananas are tropical plants that require regular moisture to thrive and managing Water Resources correctly is one of the most difficult parts of large-scale banana production too much water can cause root rot while little water can inhibit development or provide low Harvest to overcome this big banana Farms utilize complex irrigation systems such as drip and sprinkler systems to guarantee that the plants receive the proper quantity of water drip irrigation is particularly popular since it provides water straight to the roots reducing evaporation and conserving water this approach is also used to avoid excessive watering which can cause soil erosion and nutrient loss in dry places Farmers May collect rainfall or use reservoirs to guarantee that water supplies are consistent throughout the growing season water management is especially crucial throughout the blooming and fruit development stages since inadequate water might result in smaller or lower quality bananas bananas are considered to be heavy feeders which means they require a lot of nutrients especially potassium to develop effectively banana plants cannot produce large healthy Bunches of fruit unless their nutritional levels are balanced fertilizers frequently applied on big farms using a process known as fertigation which involves mixing nutrients with irrigation water and delivering them directly to the plant roots this mechanism guarantees that plants have a consistent supply of nutrients throughout their development cycle Farmers utilize a combination of organic and chemical fertilizers to provide a balanced nutritional profile that promotes healthy plant development while remaining ecologically friendly organic fertilizers such as compost promote long-term soil fertility whereas chemical fertilizers provide a fast boost of critical minerals like nitrogen phosphorus and pottassium the careful control of nutrients guarantees that banana trees can produce fruit throughout numerous Seasons weed control is a crucial Challenge on banana plantations as weeds compete with banana plants for Sunshine nutrients and water weed Management on big banana plantations is frequently done using a mix of mulching and selective herbicide application organic mulches such as dried banana leaves or straw are often used to control weed development while retaining moisture around the plant's base this strategy not only prevents weeds from taking over but it also helps to control soil temperature and moisture in certain circumstances herbicides are employed to control invasive plant species without harming banana plants however effort is taken to limit environmental effect and avoid disrupting surrounding ecosystems on organic banana plantations mechanical weeding or natural measures such as cover crops may be utilized to control weed development banana plants grow quickly and need to be pruned on a regular basis to provide good fruit pruning entails removing dead or dying leaves that may house pests or illnesses as well as thinning out extra suckers banana trees normally generate numerous suckers but too many can cause overcrowding and diminished fruit size farmers can concentrate the plant's energy into Fruit production rather than needless development by eliminating extra suckers regular trimming also improves air flow around the plants which reduces the danger of fungal illness on big farms professional Personnel or Machinery are utilized to effectively prune plants ensuring that each one is adequate L maintain this role is especially vital during the blooming and fruit development periods when the plant must concentrate its energy on generating bananas banana plants are susceptible to a wide range of pests and diseases including nematodes banana weevils and the deadly Panama disease to control these problems large banana plantations rely heavily on integrated Pest Management IPM strategies IPM uses a combination of biological chemical and cultural management strategies to keep pest populations under control while reducing the usage of hazardous pesticides natural Predators such as parasitic wasps are utilized to control insect pests while crop rotation and soil management practices help to lessen disease burden regular monitoring and inspections are critical components of pest and disease management farmers and staff routinely inspect the plants for symptoms of infestation or sickness allowing them to handle issues before they spread banana plantations May secure their crops while reducing environmental impact by maintaining a healthy ecosystem and employing sustainable Pest management practices after 9 to 12 months of development banana plants begin to bloom an inflorescence is a single enormous Bloom that emerges at the top of the plant this flower will eventually grow into a bunch of bananas often known as a hand the blooming stage is crucial for banana production since the plant's Health directly influences the quality and quantity of the bananas Farmers devote special attention to the blossoming stage making extra efforts to ensure that the plants receive the nutrients and water they require during this period workers May apply more fertilizer or change irrigation schedules to meet the plant's energy requirements any damage to the blossom might result in lesser harvests thus Farmers take great steps to safeguard the growing fruit as the bananas grow producers take further precautions to safeguard them from pests illnesses and environmental variables a typical technique is to wrap budding banana bunches in protective plastic bags these bags protect the bananas from pests like fruit flies as well as harm from sunlight or freezing weather to avoid infestations the bags may be sprayed with pesticides bagging also ensures that the bananas develop uniformly and without flaws which is critical for producing high quality fruit for export this procedure is especially crucial for large-scale Farms that export their bananas to overseas markets where customers seek blemish-free consistent fruit banana harvesting is a labor intensive procedure that demands both expertise and time bananas must be collected before they reach full ripeness to avoid spoilage during Transportation over large distances this is where the art of banana cultivation comes into play Harvesters must be able to determine the optimal moment to gather the fruit bananas harvested two early may not mature correctly while those picked too late May deteriorate during shipment on vast banana Fields workers use sharp knives or machetes to chop down enormous Bunches of bananas weighing up to 80 lb the gathered bunches are carefully handled or loaded onto trucks or Conveyor Systems and transported to the packaging Factory this procedure is performed with care to prevent harming the fruit as any bruising might diminish its market value harvesting teams on big farms frequently operate year round since bananas do not have a specific season and may be gathered constantly after the plants mature after harvesting the bananas are transported to a processing plant where they are meticulously sorted cleaned and packaged workers now check the bananas for size quality and maturity any bananas that do not fulfill the high quality criteria for export are sorted and sold locally or processed into banana based items like banana chips puree or baby food bananas that pass inspection are washed to remove dirt sap and any bugs that may have remained on the fruit after harvesting once cleaned they are placed in specially constructed crates to safeguard the fruit throughout shipping these boxes are frequently lined with padding or cushioning to avoid bruising or injury the packaged bananas are then ready for shipment either by truck train or sea Freight depending on their final destination massive scale banana Farms have highly structured and efficient sorting and packaging processes with automated methods being employed to manage the massive amounts of fruit being processed quality control is critical since bananas are one of the most exported fruits in the world and maintaining a high standard is essential for success in the competitive world wide market after being processed packed and placed onto refrigerated trucks or shipping containers the bananas are transported to markets throughout the United States and around the world transportation is crucial to ensure that the bananas arrive fresh and in good shape because bananas are often collected before they are fully ripe the refrigeration procedure known as cold chain Logistics slows the ripening process and prevents the fruit from spoiling before it reaches its final destination bananas transported abroad are shipped in containers with temperature controls that keep the fruit at an appropriate temperature often about 58° f 14° c this keeps the bananas fresh while in transportation and allows them to mature naturally once at their destination whether delivered by truck train or sea Logistics are critical in the banana sector with intricate procedures in place to guarantee that bananas reach customers at the optimal maturity stage after reaching their destination the bananas begin a vital stage known as post Harvest management bananas are ripened in specialist chambers before being sold in Supermarket shops these ripening Chambers combine temperature humidity and ethylene gas a natural plant hormone to cause the bananas to ripen uniformly the conditions in these facilities are continuously monitored to ensure that the bananas reach the appropriate ripeness before being sent to retail the timing of the ripening process is critical to ensure that bananas are ready for sale when they arrive at grocery store shelves to much ripening and the bananas May rot before they are sold if the bananas do not mature sufficiently they may be excessively green and unpleasant to customers once the bananas are completely ripe they are sent to retailers and displayed for customers to buy and enjoy this is how large-scale banana cultivation works on American Farms every stage of the process from careful planting material selection to thorough post Harvest management is intended to guarantee that you receive the finest bananas available it's fascinating to consider the trip a banana takes before reaching your local grocery store from a little crop in the field to being carried hundreds of kilometers and ultimately arriving ready to eat next time you eat a banana take a moment to appreciate the hard work knowledge and technology that allows this delightful fruit to be available all year imagine waking up to strawberry jam on toast have you ever wondered how this delicious dessert gets its sweetness tartness and flavor how can companies make millions of strawberry jam jars all taste the same today we'll take you inside a huge Factory where new technology and classic taste make the ultimate strawberry jam before we begin please follow subscribe and share for more Gourmet stuff that will Delight your test bus like anything the best strawberry jam starts before the fruit arrive at the facility the strawberries are carefully grown in the fields strawberry health and quality are crucial to a high-grade product strawberry Farmers follow specific agricultural criteria to grow strawberries in nutrient-rich soil and manage it for optimal [Music] development modern technology is essential for excellence Advanced robots help plant strawberry seeds each seedling is planted in precisely calibrated pots by these robots for consistent growth ideal nutritional balance is achieved by filling containers with soil and organic materials sensors on the robots monitor soil moisture levels and automatically regulate plant watering this precise watering system promotes healthy strawberry growth by preventing overwatering and underwatering strawberry plants receive the necessary Sunshine water and nutrients Farmers monitor plants for disease and pests and use eco-friendly Solutions each strawberry is nutritious juicy and full of flavor the Exquisite Jam that will fill millions of J bars starts with these strawberries after strawberries reach Optimum maturity harvesting begins but this crop is special modern engineering and accuracy are used to pick strawberries in a huge plant that makes millions of jars strawberry picking by hand is no longer laborious and timec consuming Advanced robots do the work with unsurpassed efficiency and Care these robots use delicate clutches to remove strawberries off their stems without hurting or harming them the clutches can differentiate ripe from unripe strawberries ensuring that only the best berries are used for Jam strawberry picking is difficult since the strawberries grow at different levels some strawberries are low to the ground some are high the robots have multi-level harvesting to handle this they pick strawberries efficiently and are interesting to watch since they can reach them from wherever the robots delicately clip each strawberry from its stem as they go across the fields preserving the fruit this amount of automation protects strawberry quality as well as speed minimizing human handling reduces bruising and contamination strawberry harvests are promptly protected and sent to the facility for processing the outcome is a batch of excellent strawberries for Jam after harvesting strawberries are taken to the factory for Quality test this stage is critical for selecting the fin strawberries for the product strawberries start at the scale to guarantee sufficient delivery the berries are weighed here although easy this step is crucial to jam manufacturing uniformity the Sorting unit receives strawberries after the weighing station true magic happens here manual and computerized tests ensure that only the finest strawberries advance in the Sorting process this is when the strawberries are checked for damage or flaws strawberry manufacturing is stopped if it doesn't satisfy Factory requirements but sorting continues Advanced robots with cuttingedge technology help with quality control these strawberry robots automatically recognize and remove undesired pieces like the green Hull robots function with Incredible accuracy the strawberry remains entire because they can remove the shell without hurting the rest manual and automatic sorting guarantees that jam making strawberries are of the greatest quality these details set this Factory different as it seeks to make the greatest strawberry jam food manufacturing requires cleanliness and safety thus this facility cleans strawberries before making Jam the initial wash removes dirt sand and microscopic insects that may have stuck to the strawberries after picking this additional wash guarantees that the strawberries are clean and safe for their future Voyage strawberry are swiftly Frozen utilizing modern freezing equipment this preserves the strawberry's inherent sweetness and flavor making Jam taste as fresh as when they were collected to avoid mushy strawberries freezing is carefully managed food grade containers prevent strawberries from freezer burn and other damage strawberry thaws slowly in big mixing machines strawberry form and taste are preserved by The Machine's even thawing the Jam's basis is made by gently crushing frozen strawberries to liberate their juices sugar is applied to crush strawberries sugar is calibrated to achieve the right sweetness with without dominating strawberry taste the jam is churned as it cools to smooth it out and properly combine the components churning the jam breaks up air bubbles from cooking making it thick and spreadable after churning and cooling Jam can be packaged the warm silky Jam is ready to eat full of taste pickled cucumbers better known as pickles have been a kitchen Staple in homes Across America for centuries these Briny bites of goodness pack a punch of flavor that we can't seem to get enough of but behind every jar on the grocery store shelf lies a fascinating process that starts on a farm out in the dirt that's right before they're soaking in that Tangy brine these cucumbers go through a journey that starts right here on the farm and today we're taking you along for the full ride from planting those little seeds in the soil all the way to sealing them up in jars ready to learn the secrets of how your favorite pickles are made let's get to it now it all starts with the seed cucumbers don't just magically appear they're planted farmers use specialized sewing machines to make sure these tiny seeds get placed at just the right depth too deep and they won't grow too shallow and the elements could wipe them out before they even have a chance these machines plant rows and rows of seeds with Precision giving each one the perfect start to grow into a strong healthy plant but planting is just the beginning once those seeds are in the ground Farmers have to keep a close watch on them it's kind of like raising a kid did you can't just plant the seed and walk away regular watering soil care and making sure they get enough sunlight are key to ensuring these seeds sprout into young plants any slip-ups in this stage could mean no cucumbers down the line and no cucumbers means no pickles and nobody wants that now this next part might surprise you bees are essential to farming cucumbers without them buzzing around and doing their pollination thing our cucumber plants wouldn't produce nearly as much the bees transfer pollen from flower to flower helping fertilize the plant an so they can produce those crispy cucumbers so every time you crunch down on a pickle remember you've got a bee to thank for that once the bees have done their part it's time for the plants to grow up slowly but surely those tiny saplings stretch out reaching for the Sun and begin their transformation into full grown cucumber plants during this growth phase the plants need just the right balance of water nutrients and care to thrive it's a delicate dance between nature and the far armor Steady Hand one bad storm or dry spell and the whole crop could be in Jeopardy after weeks of nurturing we finally reached the part where those cucumbers are ready to be picked now on smaller Farms the harvesting process is often done by hand Farmers go row by row carefully plucking each cucumber off the vine it's hard work especially under the hot sun but nothing beats the satisfaction of seeing those bright green cucumbers piling up in baskets to protect workers from the heat many farms now have systems in place like portable shade tents or cooling vests it's all about working smarter not harder but on larger Farms automation is the name of the [Music] game massive machines roll through the fields grabbing cucumbers by the dozens and conveying them into storage bins this method cuts down on labor costs and makes the process faster but some argue that nothing beats the quality of a handpicked cucumber either way the goal is the same gather up as many cuc cumbers as possible as quickly and efficiently as you can now just to put things in perspective the US isn't the only country crazy about cucumbers in fact China is the largest producer of cucumbers in the world pumping out a whopping 77 million tons every year that's more cucumbers than most of us could ever dream of eating in a lifetime before our cucumbers can start their journey into the pickle jar they need a good scrub down these bad boys are washed thoroughly to remove dirt pesticides and any other debris they've picked up along the way it's a crucial step because you want clean cucumbers going into that brine no one likes a dirty pickle after washing it's all about quality [Music] control now the fun part Begins the cucumbers are placed in large Vats where they soak in a flavorful brine for anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks this brine usually contains a mix of water vinegar salt and spices it's this magical mixture that gives pickles their signature Tangy flavor [Music] the longer they sit in the brine the stronger the taste once the brining is done the Cucumbers now pickles are handled with care heavy machinery takes over to safely transfer the pickles from the Vats to the next stage next up is slicing for all you sandwich lovers out there this is the part where cucumbers get sliced into those perfect even pickle slices we know and love machines take care of the slicing and each piece is placed into jars filled with preserving liquid ensuring the pickles stay fresh and crunchy for as long as possible not all pickles are created equal different companies have their own methods for adding spices and Seasonings to their brine some add Dill some add garlic and others even throw in some hot peppers for an extra kick the result a pickle experience that varies depending on where you buy it and then there's the debate whole pickles or sliced pickles whole pickles tend to be blockier and have that signature bumpy skin while sliced pickles are usually smoother and cut thinner both have their unique charm it just depends on what you're in the mood for and there you have it these large highly technologically advanced tractors are used by Farmers to turn and loosen the soil so rendering it rich and ready for planting they build rais beds that enable the seedlings to start perfectly soil preparation is vital get this wrong and your crop will be quite miserable however done correctly it provides the basis for those ripe delicious tomatoes that everyone enjoys once the soil's ready it's time to plant seedlings nurtured in nurseries are brought to these fields where machines plant thousands yes thousands of baby tomato plants in just a matter of hours imagine this five tahar and 100 little green chots per acre that's like planting a small Forest of tomatoes that will soon turn into an ocean of red but tomato farming needs ample amount of water these fields depend on massive Canal systems to irrigate the plants water is the lifeline here and getting the right amount is key too little and the plants struggle too much and you risk disease Precision is everything and efficient watering systems make sure each plant gets just the right amount of hydration after all happy plants mean juicy tomatoes from planting to picking it takes about 70 to 80 days for these tomatoes to reach full maturity of course it all depends on the weather too humid or too cold and that timeline can shift but generally in about 2 and 1/2 months these fields will be bursting with red beautifully ripe tomatoes ready for Harvest when about 70% of the tomatoes have ripened to that perfect shade of red it's time for the big event Harvest modern machine starts rolling through the fields scooping up billions of tomatoes in a single season these machines are massive with the ability to harvest tons of tomatoes in just a few hours and trust me the sight of those vibrant Tomatoes tumbling into the trucks it's pretty amazing once harvested the tomatoes are loaded onto these giant trucks which haul them off to processing plants on average each acre of land produces 17 to 18 tons of ripe juicy Tomatoes that's a whole lot of ketchup pasta sauce and salsa just waiting to be made here now is the magic happening once at the plant the tomatoes are clean steamed and cooked until they are just ready for processing after the Skins are removed pure tomato goodness remains it is then ped and turned into everyone's preferred condiment ketchup these modest Tomatoes go from field to factory to our plates in no time at all amazing every single year North America churns Out close to a billion pounds of blueberries yep you heard that right a billion pounds now just imagine endless rows of blueberry bushes loaded with those little blue powerhouses that make their way into everything from your breakfast pancakes to your afternoon snacks but here's the kicker it's not just hardworking folks picking them anymore today we've got machines shaking them free and AI systems scanning each one to find the best of the bunch it's like something out of a futuristic sci-fi flick but for the farmers it's real and it's revolutionizing the way we get those berries from field to Fork we use these massive machines for what efficiency is the key plain and simple with the help of harvesting machines Orchards can swiftly gather more berries than ever before it's a godsend for huge farms that have to haul their blueberri straight from the bush to the store as soon as possible in addition it reduces the cost of Labor which is particularly significant for industries that rely on seasonal workers a field can be harvested much more quickly than by hand resulting in an abundance of blueberries for everyone sure there are flaws there are some drawbacks to using these machines despite how fast they are one problem is that not all of the berries that fall off the bushes when you shake them are going to be ripe you can expect a variety of berries some of which will be perfectly ripe some slightly under rpe and some potentially too soft or overripe the fact that technology is constantly improving is one of the best parts of contemporary farming some of the more recent models even include sensors that can determine when a Barry is Rip before shaking it from the bush and they all have softer rubberized surfaces to lessen the likelihood of bruises consequently machine harvesting is improving with each new development even though it may have had some shaky Beginnings so what happens after the berries are harvested When we arrive at the processing facility we ask the processing facility receives them after they are carefully packaged in large baskets Envision a scene where blueberry Laden trucks pull up to the plant after being loaded into the processing line the blueberries are dispatched to begin their Journey a maze of conveyor belts transports the blueberries as they go through a series of washing sorting and packaging processes before sorting and washing give the berries a good shake their placement on vibrating platforms AIDS in shaking out any debris that may have accumulated during harvesting such as dirt leaves or Twigs however the berries are not only cleaned while shaking they are also beginning to be sorted according to size and ripeness remove any berries that are too tiny broken or under rpe from the string and save them for later then it's bath time the berries go through their first wash which rinses off any dirt or dust that's clung to them since they were picked this isn't just a quick rinse under the tap though these washing machines are designed to give the berries a thorough cleaning while being gentle enough not to bruise them remember we want those berries to stay in perfect condition all the way to your table even after the first wash there might still be a little debris hanging on so the berries go through a second round of cleaning a light spray of water to make sure every last bit of dirt is gone think of it like a final rinse after shampooing your hair you want to be sure everything's squeaky clean before you move on the next step which comes after washing the berries is to dry them off you say why do you dry them having an excessive amount of moisture can hasten the process of blueberries going bad our goal is to extract as much water as possible while ensuring that the berries retain their nice and firm texture in this manner they will maintain their freshness for a longer period of time regardless of whether they are going to the marketplace or the grocery store the process of drying is a quick one but it is extremely important in order to maintain the berries in good condition once the AI has done its job the berries are sorted using mechanical devices some Farms use air Jets to blow the berries into different bins highquality berries are set aside for The Fresh Market While others might be sent off to be frozen or used in processed foods like jams and juices it's a super efficient system that ensures every Berry is used no matter its condition even though the AI does most of the heavy lifting when it comes to sorting there's still a place for the human touch after the berries have been sorted by the machines human inspectors give them a final look these inspectors are trained to spot any issues that the machines might have missed ensuring that the berries are perfect before they're packaged it's a little extra Peace of Mind knowing that both technology and human expertise are working together to give you the best possible product once the blueberries have been sorted and inspected they're ready for packaging the whole packaging process is automated which means machines are filling up containers with the perfect amount of berries these machines are super precise making sure that every package is consistent in weight and quality the berries are labeled with all of the important information that you will see in the store after they have been packed this includes the weight of the package the variety of blueberry and sometimes even the farm where the berries were grown the process of labeling is essential for ensuring traceability as it allows us to trace those berries back to their original Source in the event that there is ever a [Music] problem following the completion of the packaging and labeling processes the blueberries are then loaded back onto trucks and transferred to the Distribution Center as the berries make their way to grocery stores supermarkets and farmers markets across the [Music] country these trucks are equipped with temperature control systems to ensure that they remain fresh on their Journey every day blueberries are being shipped out from coast to coast in order to satisfy the demand for fresh and Delicious Fruit not all blueberries are destined to be eaten fresh though a large portion of the blueberry Harvest is set aside for freezing these berries are sent to specialized facilities where they're frozen at temperatures below 18 GRE horns this rapid freezing process helps to lock in the berri's flavor color and nutrients so they taste just as fresh when you take them out of the freezer as they did the day they were picked before before the berries are frozen they go through one last step dming Mechanical Devices remove any stems or leaves that might have gotten mixed in ensuring the berries look as good as they taste after the berries have been frozen they are packaged in the same manner as their fresh counterparts following the freezing process these berries are placed in Cold Storage warehouses until they are ready to be distributed to retail establishments or food manufacturers the use of this method guarantees that you will always obtain fruit of the highest possible quality regardless of whether you are preparing smoothies pies or simply snacking on frozen berries so there you have it the incredible journey of blueberries from the farm to your table whether they're fresh or frozen blueberries are one of the most versatile fruits out there you can toss them in a salad blend them into a smoothie or just eat them by the handful they're packed with flavor nutrients and a whole lot of care from the farmers and processors who bring them to you if you enjoyed learning about the blueberry process make sure to check out our next video where we'll explore even more Innovative harvesting techniques and food production methods trust me there's a lot more fascinating stuff to uncover in the world of Agriculture if you love this deep dive into banana farming make sure to subscribe and stay tuned for more behind the scenes views at how your favorite foods are cultivated and produced

2024-09-23 08:51

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