ERP in the Digital Era How Enterprise Resource Planning Fits into Digital Transformations Podcast

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This is the Real Digital transformation  podcast series, empowering technology and   business professionals to succeed  with digital transformation. Now,   here's your host best-selling author, Thomas Erl.  Hello and welcome again to another episode  of the Real Digital Transformation Podcast   series I'm delighted to have with me today, Kerrie  Jordan, the Vice President of Product Management   and Data Platform at Epicor Software. Kerrie is  here to speak to us today about the relationship   and convergence of ERP systems and digital  transformation initiatives. Kerrie, welcome.  Thank you so much. Very happy to be here. So, ERP's been around for a while. We're  

all familiar with its role, what it does, how  prominent it has been in business automation   environments, and how many organizations have  formed a very deep reliance on its functionalities   and feature sets. And it's something that a lot of  companies need to understand in relation to their   goals of transforming digitally, becoming more  digitally enabled, adopting new technologies to be   more competitive in digital markets. So, I'd like  to get into that today with you, but before we do,   let's take a step back. You as a subject matter  expert in this field, ERP environments themselves,  

over time, they've been around for many  years. How have they evolved? How do they   exist today? What constitutes a contemporary ERP? That is such a good question, and you're right,   it really has evolved over time. I mean, we've  really seen the ERP industry evolve as you know,   organizations and companies have pushed it,  because it is needed to solve new interesting,   innovative problems. So, you know, in the past  we've seen ERPs be very monolithic, you know,  

closed technology and organizations had to sign  on to that ERP provider and really all of the,   you know, needs should be solved within that  solution. That's how the ERP providers saw it.  But over time, again, companies have really pushed  ERP to be much more open, much more modular,   composable, integrated, and even move from  on premises type of installations to cloud   based or SaaS based, you know, be that in  public cloud providers, private cloud providers,   because we really have seen the push  towards, again, that interoperability,   more open systems, something much more modular. And also, something that is more easily   upgradable, updateable when it was closed off  and on premises, too often it was such a major   effort and investment that companies needed to  make. And of course, you know, with investment   comes all of the hassle of making sure the board  approves and You know, having the investment set   aside and the budget, and then of course all  of the resources to go towards the upgrades.  But now, you know, with more of these  cloud-based, SaaS-based, it's all of   that hassle of going through that upgrade  process is more avoidable because, you know,   when these are running as SaaS solutions, the  providers are upgrading these solutions for the   companies and why that's important primarily,  not only is it you know, they're getting better   access to more innovative solutions, right,  but also from a cybersecurity perspective.  

You know, as I've been working with, with  different business leaders, I've definitely seen,   that concern around cyber security really  drive the investment in more, you know,   as we're talking about the more modern evolved  ERP solutions, because of those types of concerns.  But yeah. What constitutes ERP these days is  really interesting because as I said, we've really   seen it become more modular. So, organizations  can really pick and choose, what solutions they   want from an ERP. Typically, that's, you  know, operations and financials production.   but as it becomes more modular and open, they  can use integration services, APIs to plug in,   you know, best of breed or different  applications that are not provided by   that ERP provider. So really to create their own  unique landscape of technologies that best serves  

their specific business. It's definitely  become a more open, you know, multi-cloud,   hybrid type of technology landscape. And I think that's a great thing for   organizations because they get much  more choice, much more flexibility,   to really focus in on their business processes,  what they do best competitively, and really pick   and choose and, and push their providers  to be more open, you know, to create more,   you know, easy-to-use interfaces so that they  don't have to have the kind of development   expertise in house if they don't want to have that  right, because they'd rather focus in on their   competitive advantage. So, you know, really  exciting to see how it's evolved over time. 

In terms of the modularity, one of the issues  that organizations had in the past with ERPs is   that of over-reliance on the vendor or vendor  lock-in, or however you want to term it. We   invested in this and now it's difficult. To  evolve our business because we're kind of   fully dependent on it and it's difficult to evolve  the ERP with where we want to take our business. 

That type of issue comes up sometimes in digital  transformation initiatives because those types of   objectives that lie behind them, they often push  an organization to either introduce a new line of   business or take existing business areas into new  directions, or incorporate new aspects to them.   So, with ERPs being more modular now, does that  help an organization be a bit more agile in terms   of how it utilizes them, in terms of how much  dependency it forms on the ERP vendor and so on?  Yes, it gives them more control, and it  puts them in control of their destiny,   because it is much more cost effective, you  know, when it comes to these sorts of SaaS ERPs,   because of, the subscription nature of it. So, you  know, it really is. reliant and, and imperative   for the ERP provider to create those sticky  experiences, to best serve their customers, so   that they choose to stay with that ERP provider. But but I mean, you're absolutely right. It's   really fascinating to see how the power dynamic  has truly shifted into the reins of the business   leaders, they really have now, much more  flexibility to choose which ERP provider   that they, they want to work with. You know,  interestingly enough, this, this reminds me of a,   a survey, that I had participated in, in working  with, you know, over thousands of, of, industry,   business leaders. And actually, found that while  90%. Said that they were loyal to their ERP  

provider. Three out of four actually reconsider  every one to three years switching ERP providers.   So, you know, while they say, you know, again,  by and large, many of them are, do feel loyal.   They also recognize, and actively look just to  make sure that they've made the right decision. 

So that kind of leads us to the motivation  behind some of these considerations, which   is an organization realizing it has to become more  digitally enabled, more digitally adept in order   to remain relevant and competitive in digital  markets that have become quite disruptive for   established businesses and demand upon them  to basically catch up. Or on the other hand,   for an organization wanting itself to be a  disruptor and be innovative and be proactive. And,   and enter new markets, in order  to, establish itself as a pioneer   in those markets. So regardless of the scenario,  organizations that have ERPs already and are now  

looking at bringing in new technologies, data  science technologies, perhaps blockchain, IoT,   robotic process automation maybe, and definitely  having a greater, presence in cloud environments.   Organizations looking at all that and then looking  at their legacy environment, which will then   include an ERP. How does a contemporary ERP fit  into that? How does it support an initiative like   that? Are there features in more modern ERPs that  help an organization become more digitally capable   or adopt other digital technologies or integrate  with them, where does the overlap lie right now   between modern day ERP products and those types of  requirements and capabilities organizations need   to address when becoming more digitally enabled? Absolutely. Okay. So, it's pretty interesting.  

You're right on. When it comes to why does an  organization reevaluate their ERP, the number   one reason is, you know, functionality. You know,  they're looking to bring on those more modern,   capabilities into their organization. And  that could be for a variety of reasons. 

It could be because, you know, business  leaders they want to grow through innovation,   right? So maybe there is a, an initiative underway  to open a new industry or a new target market,   generate, create a new revenue model,  be that through potentially e-commerce,   or maybe they want to launch  a new mobile application.  And, you know, when it comes to those  outdated or, you know, legacy ERPs,   potentially, you know, it, it could be very  difficult for them to scale, for them to connect   in to a, you know, modern eCommerce provider,  right? Or that, that perhaps the marketing agency   or marketing team wants to connect to. And so that  could really push an organization to reevaluate   the platform that they are running their business  on, which, you know, typically is the ERP. You  

know, it's interesting to see the types of  investments that. Organizations are making,   when it comes to deciding to change their ERP. We mentioned eCommerce. It could be that they,   you know, have so much data scattered throughout  their business and really no way to consolidate   it all to understand at all to really dig into,  you know, things that could be happening within   their business. And they want to have a  better understanding or more insights into   inventory management performance of, you know,  various sales teams across, across the globe or   different regions or different target markets. And so, they're looking to potentially bring on   a business intelligence tool to help consolidate  that sort of information. It could be that they   you know, were going through supply chain  disruption. They need to better integrate  

and communicate with different suppliers,  through, you know, EDI technologies or,   you know, again, e-commerce could  even help in these kinds of scenarios.  And it could be that maybe their customers are  pushing them to better communicate. And that could   be through supplier portals, it could be through  customer portals, it could even be through,   depending on the type of business, a configuration  tool within the e-commerce site. So, you know,   there could be a variety of reasons that would  really push an organization to reconsider what   kind of experiences they're creating, not only  for their workforce and efficiencies and though   productivity tools to enable their teams within  the organization, but also better serving their   customers or interacting with their suppliers. So,  it's pretty fascinating to see. and, and you know,   we mentioned the interoperability, right? The  integration. That's, that's actually another one  

of the major reasons why we see an organization  reevaluating ERPs, not just for functionality to   solve a specific business pain or to help drive a  corporate objective around revenue growth or cost   containment. It's integration, integration with,  you know, different tools within the business   that they potentially want to bring on and they  don't want to have to you know, be a developer or,   a data scientist in order to do that, right? They,  are looking for easy tools that are easy to use   for even a business user to create those kinds  of connections. Now, be that through APIs or,   integration platform as a service, those more  modern ERPs typically have those kinds of   tools to really help business users to do it. And of course, cybersecurity again is another,   reason why we see companies reevaluating,  you know, wanting to not have to have that   risk or cost of running their own ERP and,  and securing their own financial information   or product IP within the four walls. So, pretty  interesting to see the reasons why they change.  You mentioned the data processing that occurs  in ERP platforms historically have had pretty   substantial data reporting capabilities, but with  digital transformation environments, with digital   enterprise environments that are being built  now, there's almost always an element of data   science technology that gets incorporated, whether  it's machine learning or artificial intelligence,   and whether it's there to support human decision  making or whether it goes to an extent whereby   there's automated decision making carried out  by the AI system. Regardless, there's, there's,  

more than just traditional type of data reporting  that we may be used to with our dashboards and   our, our reporting tools, but there's now a  level of reporting we have access to that is   the result of deep analysis, high quantities  of data input that are processed, and we gain   access to high quality data intelligence when  all that is designed and modeled correctly.  So that whole dimension of data science  technology, of data intelligence level reporting   that organizations need, usually now in order  to be successful with digital transformation.   How are ERP systems Today supporting that? Is  there the concept of an intelligent ERP that   has some of that built in, or is that something  that's upcoming in the industry? Is that on the   horizon? Perhaps in the next three to five years?  Will there be intelligent ERPs that have native   AI systems that perform in a level of that type  of functionality? Where, where do you see that   right now in terms of where the industry's going? It is a pretty exciting time. And I would say   today we do have some ERPs that are out there. But  it is certainly an emerging technology to include   AI machine learning within the ERPs. And we see  that that data science really being realized   through a couple different ways to provide  business value to within the organizations.  

There's the basic dashboarding and you know,  I would say that this is pretty standard now   in the modern ERPs where you have descriptive  type of analytics or descriptive types of data   that really helps business users understand  what's happening with within the business.  And this really helps you know, maybe on the  manufacturing shop floor, you know, you, you wanna   control inventory or understand where inventory  is, what shipping needs to go out now, you know,   and how, how the, the team is performing, you  know, Next level I would say is data mining,   and that's really your diagnostic types of  analytics, right? So, you can understand not   only what is happening, but why is this happening.  Imagine an example where, you know, maybe sellers   are receiving stock level requirements based on  market demand or availability, from, from their   manufacturers or distributors. A third type  would be the predictive type of, of analytics,   the auto machine learning for really what might  happen given different types of scenarios, right?  You know, potentially manufacturers are  receiving price change recommendations,   based on retail locations. and then the fourth  type, which is, you know, I would say maybe,   more on the horizon, but certainly we're seeing  elements of it appear in different parts of the   organization or ERP technology. And that would  be the unsupervised learning, you know, the AI,  

for what should I do. And it's really helping to  serve up insights and, and options or choices to,   to business decision makers around, you  know, given these different scenarios,   these are the different options that you could  choose, and here are the potential implications   or consequences of choosing one of these options. So, pretty exciting to see. And like you said,   it is serving up and really helping, you know,  the business decide what to do based on the   power of data. That's really, Now being realized  with these more modern ERP platforms, given the,   sheer amount of data that can be managed,  processed, secured, and leveraged across   the business, I would say many by and large, many  organizations are not yet taking full advantage of   what this could mean for their, their business,  how they could create competitive advantage,   by using this type of data. And, and I think  that's for a number of reasons. You know,   it feels like this is a data sciency realm, right?  that you have to be a data scientist in order to,   you know, use this within your business. And certainly, you know, I always encourage   business leaders to, you know, look for, for a  partner. That may or may not be your ERP provider,  

right? That can help break down the  potential of data for, for a business,   so that, you know, you're not taking this on  alone, that you do have a partner in this.   But it could be overwhelming and, you know,  looking for, advisory services in this kind   of area, I think is, is really helpful. And when  you actually start to use these kinds of tools,   you, again, you don't have to  be a data scientist. Certainly,   you could have data scientists on staff. You know, everything you just described about  

the types of analysis and analytics that could  be provided by an ERP environment. How much of   that is reality today in the current marketplace  for ERP products, how common is it for there to   be built in reporting functions that go beyond the  traditional feature set into predictive analytics   and supervised and unsupervised learning analysis  practices, how common is that today? And a second   part to that question, if you happen to know  is how abstracted is that by the ERP system?  Because with ERP environments, one thing that  truly benefit organizations with is abstracting   much of the complexity that exists within their  business operations. There's a lot going on,   a lot of data being processed, a lot of activity,  and then a well-designed ERP environment allows   individuals to access a lot of that data. A lot of the of those features, using user   interfaces that are relatively straightforward  and don't necessarily require deep understanding   of what's going on underneath. So, I wonder  if that same level of abstraction is coming   in newer ERP environments with regards to data  science technology. Can the ERP system itself  

have built in data science processing features  so that you at the dashboard don't necessarily   need to be proficient data scientists in order to  use them? The underlying logic has been built to   do a lot of that for you based on all the  data input it, it already has access to,   based on all the other data it's been collecting  over time and continues to collect. Do you see   that at all or do you still see now and in the  foreseeable future, the data science component   being a separately, a physically separate part of  the enterprise, alongside the ERP platform itself?  I would say ERP providers are getting there.  Typically, what you would see today is that   data science, the business intelligence,  the analytics piece would be connected in   via APIs integration platform as a service.  And you could see your ERP data within that  

business intelligence solution if, if that's  the, the route that you would choose to go.  More and more organizations, ERP providers, I  should say ERP providers, are starting to embed   those types of technologies within the ERP itself.  And that is where it's really game changing,   where you can see in context those kinds  of unsupervised recommendations. You know,  

the learning that's going on in the background,  processing the data that's been set up and   provided by the ERP provider within that  user interface and served up to the user.   That is the emerging piece, that only a small  portion, I would say of So, ERP technologies are   there. That is the vision though, and it's  exciting to see, you know, how that could,   could potentially just all be an experience. It's  very simple, clear but not, not deciding on its  

own and then going to, to do that thing, right. Still providing up the recommendations or the   suggestions based on all of this data, to the user  so that the business user, the business leader,   can make those decisions based on data. It's, it's  really still and should be all about the people,   the users, the, the information that they need  to get their job done, you know, to the best,   that they can. And it's exciting to see the  way that ERP is leveraging data and again,  

these business intelligence tools. And soon  we'll see it embedded within the ERP itself.  The scope of data collection and data processing  of a typical ERP has traditionally been internally   focused, meaning that it's really concerned with  what happens inside the organization, the scope of   data being collected and processed within modern,  digitally enabled organizations has to go beyond   that. They, in order for an organization often  to be successful in a digital market, especially   if it's entering a new market, it needs data  intelligence that factors in what is happening   outside of its organizational boundaries.  So, meaning what are other customers in the  

community doing? What are competitors doing? What  data can we collect about them? What data can we   collect about the market overall? And that data  is then processed in relation to our internal   data to give us insights as to how we can best be  successful in that market. How does it impact how   we adjust our business processes, our pricing, our  business practices, our products, our services,   and so on? My assumption, and you can tell me if  I'm wrong, my assumption is that ERPs being what   they are will continue to remain internally  focused over time. Would you agree with that?  that's an interesting. dynamic. I don't think ER  or ERPs could afford to stay so closed off that   they could afford to stay so closed in. That they  really do need to, especially as we're looking to,   you know, the, the, the collaboration, supply  chains that are required to enable, you know,   real, you know, sustainability and all of the  new innovations that are required to, you know,   solve for climate change, for example. It’s  creating those digital ecosystems that I think   will be the realm of ERP as we look to the future.  Again, because we just simply cannot afford to,  

sustain these kinds of, closed off  ERPs. They have to look to the outside.  Well, that's good news then, because I think that  would allow ERPs to continue to evolve with the   requirements of, you know, business automation  in regardless of the industry worldwide,   because that external focus is becoming essential.  And as you mentioned, the data science aspects.   Functions that are being built into those systems  now, if they can allow an organization to then   also pull in external data, then that would  put ERPs a level whereby they would not just   be a source of input for an external data science  system that has to process many sources of input,   internal and external, but that would allow  the ERP to a reasonable extent to provide   data intelligence that would factor external  and internal data together would synthesize   that data to provide useful data intelligence.  I don't know if it'll ever be complete in terms  

of an organization's data processing needs, but  if it does extend to that, I think it'll be of   greater value and again, would allow it to remain,  you know, more of a core piece for organizations   that are required to move in that direction. Absolutely. And you know, it's an interesting   dynamic too because you know, given all of the  you know, the shifts in the workforce that we've   seen over the past few years. You know, we, we've  definitely seen, you know, workforces changing a   lot of newcomers into organizations, many people  leaving, but still many organizations our family   run, you know, and, and, you know, still many  people stay with the same organization for,   for many, many years. And the way in which  to really understand in an impactful way,   in a significant way, with the amount of data  required to make business decisions on it,   ERP has to bring in data from the outside. It has  to connect beyond the specific business itself,   into the industry, into what customers  are doing, what suppliers are doing. Even,  

you know, with anonymized data sharing, with  competitors and getting their information,   you know, it's, it's an interesting world, that we  see ourselves marching toward and already a part   of, in many ways when it comes to the sharing  of data and leveraging it to make business   decisions and to create competitive advantages. I have one question, Kerrie. I'm not sure if,   if you know much about it, but I'll ask it just  in case. ERPs establish a broad environment with   regards to business automation. One of the  technologies that is commonly associated   with digital transformation is robotic process  automation where you have these software programs   called bots that are designed to interact with  user interfaces that were originally designed for   humans, so the bots take over from the humans  to interact with legacy UIs to carry out data   entry tasks and, other administration  tasks that the UI is capable of doing.  Has there been any discussion around either  that type of functionality being part of ERPs,   or has there been any exploration into  the compatibility of RPA and ERPs?  Yes, and it happens in a couple different ways now  it could be again, through, you know, the robotic   process automation. You know, it also is happening  with, with basic workflow automation and that is  

happening with modern integration platform is  a service tools, those that are recipe based,   that are easy for workers to use or business users  to, to, you know, connect the different systems   and even content management has these  automated workflows, that, you know, move,   processes and tasks from one user to the next,  but it is fascinating to see the way robotic   process automation is being used to streamline  workflows, to really help organizations be more   flexible and responsive. It's important to  though know what types of, business problems   you want to solve before you look to add on or  connect robotic process automation to an ERP.  And just like business intelligence, we see  RPA technologies today primarily connecting   in to the ERP or the ERP connecting out to  RPA but over time again, we'll see it more   embedded within the user experience of  ERP as it gets more and more connected. 

So, just to conclude that one topic, I'm  just curious, so are you seeing that,   RPA technology will become part of an ERP will be  an, an embedded, component of ERP environments,   or are you seeing more that there is effort being  made to support the interoperability between   external RPA systems and ERP user interfaces. You know, I would say it's more about the   interoperability. And, and it fits right on with  the trajectory of ERP and how we see it, you know,   modernizing. Legacy ERP through to today has  always been about making people's lives easier,   you know, and robots when, when brought onto the  shop floor, the warehouse, and used to, you know,   take over some of those repetitive high-volume  tasks, potentially those that are, you know,   even dangerous to humans. That is supporting  the people that, that we work with every day.  

And you know, the reason why ERP has always  been so helpful for organizations helping   people do their business better, instead  of focusing on those administrative tasks,   you know, leveraging technology, leveraging  automation to be more strategic in your day   to day. To make better decisions, and to be  more productive and more efficient overall. So,   I think it fits perfectly again, in that  trajectory of ERP as we see RPA technologies   becoming more and more common and embedded. Cool. So last question. If we look ahead now,   five years from now, do you have a sense of being  able to predict what ERPs will be like how more   digitally enabled or how more intelligent they  will be. Is there the potential for an ERP in 2027   to out of the box support a multitude of inherent  data science processing functions, internally   focused, externally focused, perhaps even have  built in features that allow ERP administrator to   choose whether some decisions will be autonomously  by a built-in AI system and just, you know,   define that logic, whether there will be sort of  a migration component to the ERPs whereby you can   just sort of determine, well, these things, these,  these user interfaces that have been used by So,   human workers traditionally, we're now going to  just drag and drop this RPA bot there to take over   that. And perhaps a native blockchain repository  to allow, critical business data or sensitive   business data to be stored with immutable storage  technology and cryptography and so on. I'm not   asking if all those things are possible, but  as you see it evolving cause you're on the   inside with these types of products, technology,  development, life cycles, you've probably seen   some blueprints for future releases. The direction  you see it going five years from now, do you see  

it significantly different than it is today in  relation to those types of digital capabilities?  Gosh, it's hard to imagine. You said 2027.  That's so crazy that that's five years from now.   Yes. Yes. And products what an exciting picture  that you just painted. I really think that it's   going to be all about the data, and we already  see elements of that, right? When a company.   You know, there's a ransomware attack or any  kind of cyber security issue. It's all about   the data. Get the data back. Where is my data? You  know, and, and I think as we continue to see ERPs  

evolve, certainly they strengthen the protection  of data. But then they also bring it to life in,   in new and different ways that I think you've,  you've painted out there very nicely in, in the   vision. But ways in which to monetize data in new  and different ways, to capture more customers, to   create more delightful experiences for them, and  to create really powerful competitive advantages. 

I think again, it's gonna be all about the  data ways in which we can make predictions   based on data that we can help people make  decisions. Certainly, it's going to require all,   you know, kinds of new skill sets and, innovative  thinking, but certainly, we'll see data become   just more and more important as ERP evolves. I hope it does, because right now in these   types of projects, which are often massive,  highly complex require large investments and are   therefore, often classified as being moderately  high in terms of risk. One of the reasons there's  

a higher risk to these types of projects is  because they often require that organizations   pull together disparate technology sets and are  required to then successfully integrate them and   make them work in harmony together. If ERPs could  stay on top of that in terms of their evolutionary   cycle to provide more and more consolidation  of those technologies and capabilities,   more and more abstraction of the complexities that  lie within all of the integration. Like basically   do all of the hard wiring and interoperability and  interconnections for the organization and provide   simplified abstraction, whether it's definition of  business processes, whether it's data processing,   whether it's activity monitoring and simplified  so on, I mean, the more, the more important and   relevant and attractive they will remain because  organizations three, five years from now looking   at digital transformation projects and saying,  Well, if we go our own way and assemble everything   together it'll be this much, and the risk will be  this high, and it'll take this long and it'll be   this complex. Option B is to bring in an ERP  system that does 80% of this for us already,   and it would reduce our timeline, our complexity.  We might have to build a lot of stuff around it   still, but if a big portion of it can already  be taken care of for us by the platform,   then that becomes an attractive option. That  becomes an attractive investment. Whether it's   the right investment for a given organization that  only they can decide that. But I think that's a  

path that the ERP industry needs to follow  in order to continue to provide that option   and provide that value. So that's sort of my  perspective of it. I'll let you just conclude   Kerrie with any final thoughts you may have? Yeah, well, I really think that you're right   and it's being pushed. ERP is being pushed, just  like we said, it's been modernized because of   companies needs and, you know, ERP providers are  being pushed to create more and more service-based   solutions really focused in on helping companies  achieve their desired business outcomes. And,   you know, transparency is really, really critical,  you know, to this process. So yeah, overall,   I mean, it's exciting that the trajectory that  ERP is on and all of those things that you said,   I mean, challenge accepted, you know, five years  from now is, is actually not that long time away.  Super. Well, thank you so much,  Kerrie. Before we conclude,  

please tell us a bit more about your role at  Epicor and what Epicor is doing in this space.  Sure. Thank you. Yes. So, my role at Epicor  is, helping to design the ERP solutions,   the, productivity modules, e-commerce,  business intelligence, configure, price,   quote, all of those tools that not only,  you know, house the, the ERP information,   but then brings to life that data, you know, and  really creating a platform a modern platform to   help companies run their business and, you know,  help to solve their most pressing problems. Epicor   is a really exciting place to work. You know, we  serve the essential businesses in manufacturing,   distribution, automotive, building supply, retail  and we also have a portfolio of solutions that we,   provide to the aged care industry in Australia,  New Zealand. So, we also serve the essential  

healthcare providers. So, you know, we we're very  focused, and, and humbled by our customers and the   things that they do to keep the world turning. So,  we're really dedicated to helping them do that.   So, Epicor has been in business for over 50  years. It’s a billion-dollar software company,   and continuing to grow and to serve these  really important businesses around the world.  Super, very impressive. Kerrie, thank you  so much for your time today. I hope we can  

do this again sometime soon. Thank you so much. Same here.  Thank you for listening.  Follow Thomas on LinkedIn.


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