Azure Solutions Architect role-based exam prep AZ-300 Technologies - BRK3386

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Bring everyone. How. Are we doing today. Everybody. Enjoying Microsoft, ignite so far. Good. Has. Anyone taking an exam yet it's. Only Wednesday, okay. A few people. Anyone. Taking this exam yet or a previous exam. Alright. My. Name is Charles Pluto I'm actually an, escalation engineer, here at Microsoft and. I'm happy to share, some new information with you around the new certifications, specifically. The the Azure architects, certifications, so. This has been split up into two, exams, this. Session we're gonna be talking about the technologies, exam and then a little bit later this morning I've got another session for the design exam. So. Today's session we're gonna cover, a brief overview of the certification, we're. Gonna talk about the exam the different objectives on that exam how, to prepare I'll show you some sample slides from the training content, we'll. Go through look. At the porter a little bit the azure portal and then. You, know how can you take action so I imagine, you're here in the session because you want to pass the exam right. So. Some of the key takeaways. Hopefully. We can help you prepare for this exam. So. This is AZ 300. The. Other exam is AZ three zero one is. Anyone here past. 5:35. 70, - 5:35. Okay. So. If you have that exam there's actually another exam AZ 3:02, which, is the transition, exam, so. You don't have to take - you can only take one and, you'll you'll get the new credential. Another. Key takeaway is, some, study material, so these slides will be available for, you to download through. The through the ignite page they'll. Have different links resources. Documentation. Other information, that will help you be able to go pass the exam, and. So the other key takeaway is to just talk about the exam the topics on it and a breakdown of how, the questions, work and what they look like so. The, certification, overview. So. As a whole in the Azure space we've got four. New job roles that are being announced or that have been announced as of. Monday first. Is as your administrator, so this replaces the, the 533, exam. Second. Is as, your developer, so, that replaces, the 532, exam and. Then. What we're here to talk about the Solutions Architect which, is replacing, 535, and. Then. In the future coming soon we're, introducing a new job role or a new certification credential.

Around. A DevOps, engineer. So. When we're looking at this certification, path it's. Been broken up into three. Different levels first. Is a fundamentals, level this is just kind of basic what. Is the cloud what is I as what its PA's the. Services that you might need to run, in the cloud, and. Then we have the associate, level and so, that's where the cloud. Administrator as, well as the developer, roles fit in so. These associate, level, consists. Of two exams we've got other exam preps on those as well and, then. The expert level so that's where this, exam solutions architect exam as. Well as the DevOps engineer example, will fit in so. For this exam specifically, there's no prerequisites. Even. If you're new to certification, you. Can go and take 300, 301 and become. A Microsoft, certified as your, solution architect. So. When we talk about these new credentials, in this new certification, they're. All based around the idea of a job hole so rather than any specific. Product, focus or specific, features in Azure we've. Tried to create this, idea of what. Is a Solutions, Architect, in the cloud space specifically. Within Azure, and. So of course it's more, than just some, of the technical, pieces, of that you. Know if you would need to know the the networking and the, virtualization, the. Identity. The security, things. Like that but you would also need to know other, components, like business continuity disaster. Recovery. Billing. What, is the budget for the, solution that you're deploying is. It compliant does. It meet any, organizational. Requirements does. It meet industry. Requirements, do, they meet GDP are these. Are things you have to take into consideration as, a, solution, architect when, you're designing, whatever. You plan on deploying in the cloud. So. The learning path for these. New roles specifically, or this role specifically. Again. It's been broken up into two exams the top track is AZ 300. So. We've got a number of different training options, that are available on, Slash, learn has, anyone been to the the, new website yet, okay. So all, of the The Associated training, material, is already, available it's online and it's been broken up in a modular format, self-paced. It has labs you, can go through at. Your own pace and, learn. And be able to study for this exam same, for the 301, exam, there on the bottom and then, when you when. You pass both of these exams you get the solution architect, credential. So. Is there anyone that has not taken a microsoft exam before. Okay. So. Typically on an exam there's, about forty to sixty questions. Some. Questions are worth one point some, questions are have. Dropdowns, and different options to where they're worth more, than one point there's.

Never A penalty for guessing you don't get any points deducted. From. Your score by just guessing at it and, there, are some questions that, you, can't go back to so. Like a case study or some. Of the new item types once you click Next in that item you're, not allowed to return to it, so. You want to make sure that even if you don't know the answer at, least go ahead and guess, before. You before you review or make a final pass otherwise. If you go past that item now. You might get it wrong and then never have the opportunity to see it again you. Should, plan for a total about three hours it's completely, up to you you don't have to take three hours but two. And a half hours of that would be to answer the questions in the exam, then. A couple minutes before. You start the exam to sign da go. Over the instructions things like that, and. Thence, a few minutes after the exam to provide comments, go back and review the items any. Of the items that you might have marked for review you. Can do that at the end of the end, of the exam. For. These exams specifically. Does anyone plan on taking this this week, okay. So. They are still in beta and so. I would highly suggest you. Know please take the time at the end of the exam to. Write any comments down Microsoft. Learning a worldwide learning will review. All of the comments that you write especially, since was in beta if anything wasn't clear you, weren't sure what was being asked, things like that. It. Is more than just multiple-choice, questions, there's, drag. And drop questions, there's. Questions where you have to select. Items from a drop-down menu and, then. For some of the new Azure exams, specifically. The cloud. Administrator right, now there's, even performance-based. Testing, so, you get presented with an. Actual live Azure portal no, simulation no, recording, nothing like that and, you'll be given a, few different tasks that you actually have to do in the portal. And. Then finally case studies you're. Presented, with a, whole, bunch of information business, requirements. Technical requirements. Background. Information, maybe, what they have on premises what they already have in the cloud and, then. You're given just a barebone, question. You. Need to deploy the app what. You, gotta go you. Go find it in the case study and figure, out what the answer is. So. A little more on the performance-based testing, again. You get presented with an actual live as your portal it's just a temporary subscription, that you have full. Access to. You. Can demonstrate you know whatever the skills are you'll get asked to do between. Seven to nine different tasks, and it's. It doesn't matter how you accomplish that, so. It doesn't matter if you use the portal if you want to open a cloud shell do everything in PowerShell or the CLI, the. The testing engine will just make sure that if, the, task was to deploy a VM as, long as that VM is deployed doesn't. Matter how you got there. It'll-it'll score appropriately. So. From from a scoring perspective. All. Exams have a passing, score of 700, it doesn't exactly mean that it's 70%. That. Score range goes. From zero. To a thousand so. Again some questions might be worth one point some questions might be worth more than that it. Really just depends on the items. And. So the cut scores in determined. During, the development cycle, it's. Based on the audience and how. Difficult the items wind up being you know some questions are more. Difficult more, applicable than just maybe a knowledge, or trivia type question and. Again there's no points deducted for any wrong answers feel, free to guess if you don't know what you're not gonna you, have any points taken away from you. So. For the for anyone who has not taken an exam yet the, structure is fairly simple as to what an exam question looks like, first. There's an environment, or a scenario, you.

Have An application you're a developer you're. An administrator, you're. The architect, and. Then. We have some type of requirement, we, need to deploy an app we. Need to create storage, for an app we. Need to make sure that a network security group has. These. Restrictions, and. Then. An actual goal statement. 99.9%. Of the time start, with you need to the, actual action, of what the question is is asking. You to do or what, they're looking for so. You need to deploy, the app you, need to create storage. And. Then, finally the question statement, what, should you do what should you recommend what should you create something. Generic. So. With that meeting just an overview of of all exams and the new path let's. Look at some actual, objectives. And the. Objective domain for for this exam specifically. So. This exam is broken up into six, different buckets. Three. Of the buckets are fairly. Big they represent, a larger portion in the exam and then. Three other buckets are a smaller. Portion of the exam. So. Infrastructure, work loaded security, developing. For the cloud these. Are the the primary things that from from a study perspective, and what, you should be aware of before you go walk in and take the exam what you should be most comfortable with. The. Cloud technology solutions, deploying, apps implementing. Authentication, still. Important but, represent. A smaller piece of the exam. So. When we talk about deploying. And configuring infrastructure, I mean, that's that's kind of generic what. Does that really mean. So. These are the objectives within that group as to you. Know if you wanted to go study or. Focus. On something for your time before you walk into the exam these, are the these. Are the objectives on the exam that map to the questions, that you would you. Would be getting for the 25, to 30 percent. So. Things like resource, utilization storage. Accounts, configuring. VMs, automating. Deployments, these. Are all components of configuring. And employing infrastructure, so. Specifically, we'll look at the first two I've just highlighted just. Provide you a couple examples of, maybe what. You want to look for when you're studying and. The. Type of information that, that might be useful before, you go and walk into the exam. So. As you're monitoring services. Anyone. Use Azure monitoring services today as. Your monitor log analytics, as. Your, adviser. So. These are the the tools that you can use to collect. And analyze different. Aspects of data and resources that you have to. So. Things like performance health availability, all. Of these things will help you and. Seeing. The the health and collecting. And, optimizing, that that resource in Azure so. Just going back to slide just map that real quick, so. That that first bullet point analyze. Resource, utilization and, consumption, you. Know what what would you need to study for if. You saw that as an objective. And. So as your monitor might be somewhere to start, looking be. Familiar with how to use it how to deploy it things like that. So. Some of the key capabilities of, azure monitor being. Able to look at metrics right we. Have tons, of different activity. Logs diagnostic. Logs things like that all. Of this data that would help us from a resource utilization perspective. But. How do we configure, that what, kind of alerts can we create off of that these. Are all things that you should be familiar with from from an architect perspective, if. You were asked, in a question, you. Know how do you need to design, an app or a solution to be able to to. Monitor it after the deployment. Another. Component of this of this bucket is storage accounts creating is configuring, storage. So. There's three, different types of storage accounts that you can use there's. The general-purpose v1.

General. Purpose v2 and blob storage. So. The general-purpose accounts, can do basically, anything you want it to do blob storage, stores. Of disks for virtual machines tables. Queues files etc. You. Can configure, that to either be a standard, or premium storage. But. If you use the v2 account you can also configure access tiers, so. What is the latency and performance, requirement, beyond that do you want it hop storage cool storage or. UK with being archived for, a really, low, cost but maybe higher latency. We. Mentioned standard and premium so. From. A standard, storage account it's gonna be using spinning. Magnetic media right it's just regular hard drives and then, premium accounts, are solid-state, drives, so. When would you some. Design questions, to think about is, when. Would you use the two so. If you need to deploy an application or a, resource, which. Storage type should you recommend, with these requirements and, the, requirements might, be the number of AI ops the. Number of throughput or, maybe the replication, options, between the two. Because. When we look at replication, the, only, replication, option when you use premium is locally. Read on it, so. I can I. Can. Think of a really easy question to write if I was gonna write a question as to, you. Have an application. It. Needs really. High performance, but. You need to make sure that that data is across regions, what. Type of storage should you configure. But. Based on the requirements, if, we want it in multiple regions it's gonna have to be standard storage because. If you go to select premium and, then you can only choose locally redundant as the replication option. So. Let's look at that in the portal. So, we're just on the dashboard, of the azure. Portal. We. Can go to storage accounts just, add a storage account real quick and. Then. These are the same options that we just talked about right so when you go to create that storage account that's gonna ask you where. You want the resource group and then the options we we talked about the performance, the. Purpose the type and. The replication options, and if you pick v2. The the accessed here. So. If, we pick standard, as the. Performance, type. Then. We can. We. Can see that we have multiple options here, in the drop-down for replication, options, it's. All four options that we just mentioned locally. Redundant, zone, redundant, and then the two geo redundant, options, but. If we were to change that to premium. Then. That that drop-down actually changes to where you can't configure anything. So. Again from a question, and a studying perspective, you know these are the types of things that you might want to think about and be looking for when. You're going through your own preparation as to. You, know if I if I need to design something what. Are the the secondary, requirements, so. If I want to pick premium storage then, we need to know that it's only going to support locally. Redundant replication. So, that's the the first bucket to look at, the. The second bucket or list of functional, group in the in the objectives, is workloads, of security, so.

When We talk about workloads, and security, that. Could be migrating. Servers to Azure that. Could be configuring, service serverless, computing, so as your functions, logic, apps things like that load. Balancing a hybrid. Configuration, with on-prem, multi-factor. Authentication and, auerbach. So. When we're talking about migration, what, are some of the migration goals, when. We're, putting. Servers, in Azure from an on-prem environment, so. From a design perspective thinking, about the job role Solutions, Architect. We're. Gonna be thinking, about the hardware that we're trying to get rid of on Prem we, want to maybe. Move away from. Spending. All the capital upfront to buy this hardware and just go to a, resource. Model, and. Then the other benefits of the cloud the. Agility and all the marketing, fluff behind that as to what, helps from, an azure perspective. When. We look at different migration phases. There's. Three phases to really, completing, a migration. First. Is the discover phase, so. Here's where either migrate really, really comes into play and that tools really very helpful, to, get the the visibility, of the, on-prem environment, what. The resource utilization is, and come up with recommendations as. To the workload that you're currently running. And. Then as you migrate that to agile you. Can use as your site recovery that would be the primary tool to to, maybe move some VMs, from your, on-prem environment, to hazard and. Then finally phase three to be able to optimize that you. Can use the different cost management tools, you. May be fine-tuning, your storage, fine-tune, your networking and. Get the application, running the way you not, only the way that you want it but. That maximizes, your ROI and lowers your monthly cost right so, that's another part of the the solution architect job role. There's. Also the azure migration, service so, this is another way of providing. An assessment, for on-prem workloads, so. If you need to do. Any performance, based sizing. If, you need to perform, those cost estimates, before you actually deploy them you. Can do that in a couple different ways to discover. The machines first and then create different reports before, you migrate that up to up to Azure. Is. Anyone currently using role based access control in, there as your environment. Okay. So. This is how we can really control access, to two resources, once we have them deployed, so. When we when we create a role within the, azure security, environment, we, have to create a role definition, and, what is what is that role going to be doing. The. Role assignment, what resource, providers, can, this role either. Do or not do and, then. The scope of that assignment what are the actual resources, within. Our subscription, or, across the entire subscription, that. This role can access, and. Of course we can do this a variety, of ways it doesn't matter whether it's the portal through. PowerShell or through the CLI. So. You should always use the the built-in roles when you can but. Of course the. The three built-in roles probably don't always fit everybody's, need the. Built-in roles being owner, contributor. And reader, so. An owner role can. Do just, about everything right it's an owner it's, the only role that can assign, permissions, to do other things on that resource a, contributor. Can create, objects, in that resource provider can manage them restart. A VM reset a VM deploy storage. Configure, storage things like that and. Then the reader role is just that is that it's a built-in, reader it can actually manage anything you can only look, at the different aspects of the. The resources, that's been granted access to, so. If we need to customize, that beyond. Just, the. Built-in roles say. If we want to. Create, a role that can, create. A resource, but then not delete it. We. Would have to create, a custom, role and then, assign it to those assign. It to those resources. So. When you do that it's typically in a JSON formatted, role definition, so. That's the the name the, ID, the. Actions, so, actions being create. Restart. Delete. The. Not actions, so, do we not want it to be able to delete do we want to explicitly say that, this role, can't. Delete, something can't create something and. Then the assignable scopes you know where is this role going to be used at there's gonna be for an entire subscription, is. It only going to be for a specific resource group or. Is it only for one, specific. Storage account one specific VM one, one object, with an azure. And. You, can look at the different role definitions. With. The Kommandant there on the screen, get, Azure RM role definition. So. Again they're the actions, and not actions these. Are what, that role can do or not do assignable. Scopes the, subscription, ID resource, groups.

Individual. Resources, and then, just an example there in the table at the bottom, what. Is what is that role able to do so the, the asterisk there represents, a wild, card so. The owner if you just do, the get Azure RM role. Definition, the. Owner will come back with an act with a with an asterisk in the asterisks in the action field, so. The owner of course can do all actions, and, the. Not actions field will be blank you know it's not restricted from not doing anything, the. Contributor, role, has. All actions, except, for. Deleting. Authorization, writing authorization, and, changing. The the elevation, of access so. They can do everything except, give permission, to to, that object. Moving. On to the next bucket. So. Looking at cloud. Technology, solutions. What. Are what are appropriate, solutions. That we might need to consider from, a design perspective when. We're architecting. A solution as to. What, we're using an azure how, it's going to be used so. Selecting, how we're going to integrate so. I think the appropriate compute, behind a solution as well, as the appropriate storage. So. How are we going to integrate with this solution, well from a connectivity perspective. There's. Different azure networking, that, you can configure first, being a site-to-site, VPN. So. This is different, types, of security, that you can use to be able to have a secure, connection between. Your on-prem environment, to your Azure network so. This is direct network wide connectivity, and would, require some type of device on Prem. Another. Connectivity, method is point to site. So. Another so a way that we, can connect. Clients, directly to our Azure environment, without, some type of special hardware device. So. Again from a question perspective, on the exam, maybe. You've got remote, clients, sales. Folks out in the field they. Need to direct access, to. Components. Or resources. In our Azure network, what. Type of connectivity. Should we recommend. For that environment or should we design for that solution, in. That case it might be a point to site we don't want them to have some. Type of special device out in the field we. Can use client VPN software on, their, device and have them connect in. We, can also use as your VPN gateways to connect to other, Azure virtual networks. So. This allows for multi-site, VPN s, we. Can encapsulate traffic. So, again just another scenario to be aware of from, a design perspective, when. You're looking at deploying different solutions, or when, the question is maybe asking, you to recommend, a solution based, on different requirements. The. Next bucket is creating, and deploying apps. So. As anyone used web. Apps or app services, in, in. Azure, okay. Not as many. So. When we're talking about creating, and deploying apps we're, looking at the past services, and Azure what. The different, types of scalability options, around that using. The azure service, fabric or, containers. Either. An ACS, or aks. So. When we talk about web apps has. Has a few different options there there's a lot of flexibility. It. Doesn't matter what type of language that the, web app is designed to run in whether it's dotnet dr core java you know whatever. Our app, developers. Have decided to run, we. Were able to use in a web app, has. Different scalability, options we, can scale up we can scale out we. Can do this manually or automatically, we can have this automated. Through arm templates, we can work with devops to to, create that on demand. And. Then. Different hosting models so it doesn't matter whether the app was designed to run on Windows whether it was designed to run on Linux all. Of those options are available. When. You're creating a web app. So. These app service environments, when you create them the. Idea is that you can have multiple hope hosting, options there's. A lot of different, unique. Functionality, specific. Chap services, that you want to look into I mean, I could I can provide the list it would completely fill up the slide it would look terrible, you'd want, to just sit there and read it but.

This Is the type of information that I. Really. Recommend. You go out and look for because. When you're studying. For the exam and you want to pass the exam and, what. Is what is a functionality. Or feature, that. Is a requirement, for an app. So. That you can design that app and deploy it. Then. Looking at authentication and, securing, data. So, I expect everyone's, probably using as your ad right so. This is the cloud directory, a lot, of the features there same as the on prim environment, we can store users, store. Groups application. Objects we, can integrate with other authentication providers. It. Has a lot of distinct, features as well, single. Tenant versus multi tenant being. Able to use LDAP. Lookups on Prem or using the graph API and Azure. Different. Authentication. Methods, Kerberos, and CLM Federation. Open. IDEO off all. These things you can use with with Azure ad. If. You have an on-prem environment, that you want to synchronize, with you can use Azure ad connect. So. Again this is another design consideration. If. We're talking if we're deploying, a web app if. We're deploying a resource in Azure we, obviously need a method to allow. Users to authenticate to that app and. So. The the most common form. Of doing that is, most. Everybody has an on-prem environment, with a bunch of identities. Already you. Can integrate, that synchronize, that with your azure ad environment. You. Can have filtering. To prevent. Certain objects, from being sent to Azure you. Can have passwords synchronized, to where they. Authenticate, directly, to to Azure you. Have password, right back, you can enable. Self-service. Password reset and. Move more of your management into Azure regarding. Identities, and then, allow that integration, with the apps that you decide to deploy. Then. We're looking at securing, data. All. Of the all of the data within a sure is encrypted, at rest and, so. You can configure that a little bit as far as if, you don't want data encrypted for some reason or, if you want to bring your own key or manage your own key environment, for that data, so. Obviously this protects any physical aspect, of. The, of, the data and make sure it's not compromised, in the data center if. Any hard drives like that were to be stolen it doesn't matter everything is encrypted. So. From from the encryption perspective, with an azure that's all done for you time dynamically. Using. Symmetric encryption keys, and. Of course you can again bring your own key and manage that in key vaults if. You. Want it to and so that's another design consideration. If. That's a requirement for a customer, for a solution maybe in a case study somewhere that. They. Want to manage their own keys they don't want to rely on automated. Key management then. They. Have to create a key vault. And. Use. That as part of the solution. And, then finally developing, for the cloud. So. This is from a developer, development. Perspective as to app services. Messaging, services. Asynchronous. Processing, auto scaling cloud. Workloads, things like that so. This again is a bigger portion of the exam it. Makes. Up 20. To 25 percent so another. Another big section that you should be more familiar with and more comfortable with before going. In and taking the exam. So. When we when. We talk about. Developing. For workloads. One. Of the most, common computing patterns are on, and off so. Maybe it's batch processing. Overnight. Processing, transactional. Things so. The the workload, isn't, constant, it isn't steady and. Maybe this is where you. Decide to use something like a logic app or a function app so. That you're only billed for and you're only using what. You really need to. Another. Common, growth, method is just. An. Applet new application, that's growing fast you're, developing it, or you're deploying it and you've. Got 10% usage today but you expect that to go up to 70% and. So. You can just, immediately, scale up or scale out whether. It's VMs, whether it's an app service but, these are the things that you might want to be. Considerate, of or be aware of when you're designing a solution and. Of course when you're preparing for the exam. The. Other two unpredictable. Bursting and predictable. Bursting, so. If it's unpredictable, this is where maybe a scale, set would come in where. We can identify different metrics, different alerts if. Our. Computing. Percentage.

Gets Above a certain amount if, we're low on memory we. Can go ahead and spin up another instance or, scale out to allow. More resources, for that app. If. You if you know that schedule maybe, it's a retail store. Maybe, an event like Black Friday something, like that you. Know you're gonna have a lot of traffic you, can predict that out put, that on a schedule, so. That before. Your expected, traffic it'll. Automatically, do that for you increase, the number of EMS increase the the instances, behind an app service and then. Scale it back down when, you know the schedules off. So. The auto scaling portion, again from, monitoring. Workload, you should usage, automatically. Scaling. Accorded according, changes, in the usage levels for that so. You can identify, CPU. Network. Memory. All the different aspects of, monitoring. An application, or a VM and then, changing the scaling, for that of. Course you could do that manually as well if you've just got VM scale sets if you're running app services. Or cosmos. TV. Some. Of the different metrics. When. You're looking at auto scaling so from an app service perspective it does require you to have a specific plan. So. This is another design aspect, to be aware of when. You're when you're looking at solutions or only thinking of questions on the exam what, to study for be. Aware of the different service plans for, app services. So. To support, auto scaling we have to be running either basic standard, or premium the. The free and the shared plans don't support that and. Then we can increase, or decrease the instance count within. That same service plan, so. If we're gonna just, just. Scale out we, would have multiple, instances of a, standard. App service plan, if. We wanted to scale up then we could go in and manually change that to premium. There's. A number of different auto scale metrics again. CPU. Networking. The. Number of bytes, in bytes out ingress. Or egress and you, can create alerts, based. On either the. The default or custom thresholds, whatever. Your whatever your app needs whatever, you're looking for from, a metric perspective, of, course you could also trigger, that to send an email cuz, any time you you're scaling up obviously, there's gonna be a billing.

Or A cost associated with that right. And. Then finally just another, note about developing, for workloads, obviously. We have a lot of services, and Azure around cognitive, services AI, so. These are different, sets of api's, and SDKs. So that you can help. Adapt be more productive maybe, help the features and the functionality, of an app and then. Use. The use those api's in your app so. Things like, emotion. And video. Detection, those that's part of cognitive services being. Able to recognize, voices, have. The transcription, like we have in all of our sessions to be able to do speech to text in real time and. Then. Understand, that language and. Support. That as part of your app so. That, is the the. Topics. That are covered on, the exam, those. Are all of the things that when. You're preparing when you're studying that your need, to look at obviously we can't dive, deep in in just an hour or so to look. At all of those. But. From a preparation perspective. You know what are the things do you need to. Be able to go in and be successful when you take this exam, so. We have a number of resources available for, you to do that. Again. There's the Microsoft learn page I. Really. Recommend, everyone, go out and look at that, so. It's just Microsoft, comm slash learn there's. Also the. The learning booth out on the expo floor you. Can stop by talk to two, other Microsoft certified trainers, ambassadors, there, there's people from Microsoft learning, there you, can ask them questions. Another. Point if you're, planning on using some of your time this week obviously you're in this session is. If you want to use practice, tests the, hands-on lab area on the expo floor has. Practice, tests that you can go and take. Those for any of the exams as. Well as you, know maybe if there's something you, want to go ahead and practice take, a lab write you. Can go in and. Play. With a demo, address encryption, use your own subscription and. Go. Out and create a storage account for yourself go. Create a logic app go scale out of. A web app. There's. A number of different online courses so again on the slash. Learn page as, well as LinkedIn learning Pluralsight there's. Different self-paced. Video. Based courses as, well as hands-on, labs the. Practice test the knowledge assessments, you, can get all of that through online learning. Whooa. Prefers. Online. Learning, videos. Over, like a regular classroom. Okay. Anyone. Prefer like, a classroom someone. Teaching you for three. Five days. With. Labs. Okay. So. Of course all of these options will also be available from from an alt perspective, you, can go out and contact a CE pls or a learning partner to. Be able to have either a virtual, or in-person learning, for. This course or for, any of the azure courses. In. The, in the new the. New certification, path these, are all the delivered. By by MCT certified, trainers that know. These topics in and out and be able to help you pass this exam. Then. Of course the certification. If. You're not aware there's 50%, off this week over. In the certification, area. And. That's only on that expires Friday only during the event. So. Additional resources, has anyone been and, looked at this this. Exam details page yet. So. All of the information that you need to pass that exam. At. Least the. Pointing. You to what you should be looking for looking at is on this page. So. It'll point you to different resources it will again give. You a list of all of these topics you. Know when I say, creating. Configure storage I mean, that's there's still a lot of information and a lot of different things to look at and so, this page provides a little more detail as to, the, may includes. What. What are we talking about when we're creating a figure in storage you should know the difference between, standard. And premium. You, should know the, the aspects, of access, tiers. Study. Groups there's, different study groups on the bottom of that page as well. Practice. Tests will be coming soon on the online page there are some available in. The immersion zone and, then. All of the documentation, so. When we're creating. These exam questions, or when you're thinking about these exam questions, when.

When The writers write them they have to have some. Type of authoritative, resource, for. The. Question that they're asking you and nine. Times out of ten that's. A documentation. Page. So. Even if you're you know if you just want to go take the exam this week and, try. Your luck at least go through and click through the documentation, for, the. The different objectives on the exam you know go through and read, the bullet points read the high-level details, be, aware of the. Pass offerings, be, aware of scale sets availability, sets you, know if these if, there's something you haven't used yet that maybe you're not as comfortable with you. Know at least go through and read a paragraph on the docs page before. You go and sit the exam. Some. Other tips, and tricks. You. Know I really. Encourage. You to go, and do something, you. Know don't just it, if you have. A deadline beyond, this week you. Know if you if you can take the exam next, month or in two months whatever, your your timeline might, be try. To go out and do all of these different objectives. Especially. With with. Performance-based, testing, you. Might get the, outer portal, and you're asked to go create. An app service plan with, a certain, scaling, configuration, to. Send an email alert when something, happens and if. You can't actually do it in the portal doesn't. Matter how you do it whether it's through the portal through PowerShell CLI. Go. Out and do each of these things and then, in the process of doing you. Know you'll you'll learn about that if you, use the portal use, the little informational, icons, the little eyes next to all of the objects it'll tell you if there, if there's something you're not familiar with. That's. Another resource that you can look into to try, to understand, what that resources doing or. What you're deploying. So. For example, don't. Just create, a storage account. Go. In and understand all of those options and use other methods such as the, the CLI, or PowerShell, to be able to understand different aspects of it so. When you when you just click through the portal okay, yay I made a storage account simple, and easy but. Then if you were to type out the PowerShell command to do the same thing so asking, you for prefer parameter. Well. What does that parameter really do what am i what. Am i configuring, when I tell it to use standard, or premium storage. These. Are the the type of things that will help you when. You get a case study and in, that case study isn't asking, well. I've got X Y & Z requirements. I've. Need a bunch of I ops I need. Geo. Replication. Now. I have to choose, a storage account or configure that as. Part of the performance base test thing I have to do that in the portal, what. Do I need to actually to, go and do. And. Of course again going back to the documentation, is is to read so. Some, things okay maybe it's not as easy to, to, deploy or you're.

Not Comfortable in in Visual Studio to go and use, cognitive. Services api's. Well. If you if you don't have time if you're not able to to, go and actually, test that feature use that at, least use the the, docs page be. Aware of what it does how it works again. All exam, questions, have to have some type of information behind it so. It's not going to just ask you something out of the blue, some. Crazy scenario, that that, no one's prepared for or no one's heard of when. When they're creating these exam questions. So. Any questions, from from. Anyone does anyone want to come up if. We have mics at the front or not to. Be able to. Ask. About any of the exams. One, thing from a transition, perspective, going back to those that had passed 535. So. That this exam specifically, is AZ 300, if you, have 535 you, can take a Z 3, 0 2 for. The next six months so. That all that will expire, at. The end of March. So. You have about six months to transition. Up to the new role the new credential, other. Than that the the 535, exams, or all of the other five, 3532, 533, those, are gonna be retiring the end of the year. So. If you haven't decided, which training path which path you're going to go down you. Can you just go ahead and just start with 300. And. 301 or, if you want to do the, transition. You can still pass or take 535, and then transition, up to to. This new credential. So, again from an action, perspective, what, can you do. Please. Go prep does anyone plan on taking this this week Manifesta, does, anyone have it scheduled. Couple. People. So. When you go to schedule, the exam again, if you do it here this week you get 50% off. You. Can go see the the certification, training area that's, outside. Of Hall, D that's. Where the certification, testing is there's other MC T's there they'd be happy to to, answer your questions get you registered, if. You use if, you just go to the that exam page so. The AZ 300, page you. Can you can register now if you pick the. Event as a testing, center it'll, automatically, apply the 50%, off for you while you're here and you. Can schedule, that any, time through through. Friday morning. Again. There's the the expert bar and the slash learn booth on the export on the expo floor or next to the expo floor and the immersion zone this. Is another great resource if. You have questions, about any of the individual. Technologies, you, can go ask an MC t there you, can go ask. Someone. From the product group if. You want to go to the expo floor and the the Microsoft showcase, where. You can use. The docs page and the other information on the website. Does, anyone plan on taking any other exams. Other than the solution. Architect like the AZ, 100-200. Anyone. Interested in administrator. Developer. So. There are other exam prep sessions this. Is a whole, list I would. Suggest you know go. See the other presenters as well see, the information that they're providing, about the different exams, again. All of these will be available through. The ignite page there they're all recorded, and available online. So. If you have you, know if it works out that it's a bad time or I know, it's already Wednesday there's a couple of them that I know happen yesterday they might already be recorded, for you. And. Of course evaluations, all of the sessions are eval, please. Make, sure that you complete these through the app. And. Then I want to save I had planned on saving some time here at the end if anybody wants to ask questions about. The certification about. The different objectives you. Know I'm happy, to make this into. A discussion. Rather than just trying to throw information, at you does. Anyone if. Anyone has any questions you want to come up I'm happy to happy, to discuss.

Yeah. Sure. So. The question is if you if you pass 535. Should. You just take 300, what is the overlap, my, recommendation. Is if you have 535, just. Take the transition, exam take 302. 300. Is not gonna give you any, credential. You. Still have to didn't take 301, to get the solution architect credential as a whole so. If you already have 535 just, take 302 as. Far as the overlap, there. Are some from a technology, perspective it's, not like as you're exchanged, from six. Months ago to the new credential right when we're talking about storage. VMs and app service, those. Haven't changed from a question perspective, or from, from what you should study or learn. However. There, is a design. Aspect has been added, to be able to talk about proof. Of concepts. Functional. Requirements, non-functional, requirements, these. Are things that we'll cover in the my. Other exam, prep session 3:01. That. Are on that exam so. Those that that's the the. Non overlap, those. Are the things that, that. Are new to to, the exam that weren't covered in 535. So. The question, is around partner, competencies, so if, since, the previous. Exams are being retired. What, is the what, is the transition from a company, perspective as, partners. You. Should expect some to, see some communication, from the partner team in the next few weeks regarding, the new exams I don't. Know specifically, if they're creating new competencies. If they're just gonna map the transitions, to replace, certain exams but. The the partner team is fully aware of the you, know the new changes the transitions, and they'll put out their own communication, as to to, what the new confidence always come competencies. Are new requirements, anything like that so. That's that'll be coming. For. The the practice exams you do not have to pre-register they're just available in the immersion zone. That's, in the hands-on lab area it's the same area you, just go up there'll be ambassadors, there that can, help you register as. Far as the length of the duration, of those it. Really just depends on on, the exam they. Try to mimic the actual exam environment so it might be forty to sixty questions if, you look at their entire bank it could be a hundred plus just. Because they might have a. Number, of different questions for for an individual objective, or topic. 10:45. Today, yeah. Non three. Zero four so. The 301, exam, prep 10:45. In room 304. So. The question, is how, how, current is the exam, typically, exam questions, are never if something, is in preview, the. That. Technology, is not normally covered on the exam so. We we. Typically wait until a feature goes GA before. We write any questions on that so if it's still, something in preview it. Won't be on the exam and then as far as memorization. You shouldn't have to memorize the. The specific number of I ops that a state or dis can do or, a premium you just can do it. Might you. Might get a question about recommending. A design like. How how. Should, maybe. You would deploy. A, number, of standard discs versus, a single or two premium discs to, try to equate the I ops there, could be design questions, like that but, not individual, not ization, questions. Right. The scaleability ones were are probably a good good numbers to look at storage. You know the limits of a storage account by default, the. Two terabyte limits for for, individual disks things like yeah that would that would be good to know. You. Might want to know like the difference between some of the nuance series which type of series can do. Video. Processing, or. SAP. HANA workloads. Right. But, not you don't need to know specifically. What an a3 is versus, a ds2. Or something like that. The. So since 300 is the technology exam, they're fairly, aligned. If, that's been your preparation. Method I mean, it's not it's not one-to-one it's not exact, but, if you haven't taken 535, yeah then you know it's up to you whether you want to do 535, since.

That You know that that might from a comfort, level since. That's what you've studied for you. Know you might feel more prepared for that rather than going in a little more blind for 300 and then. Once. You passed 535, you still have until March to do the transition if you wanted to. Their. Practice has for both. Sure. I'm. Gonna go back and forth her. So. I also have another question on this side. So. It's. While. The exams are retiring, you. Won't be able to take them to the, 5:30 X, after, December. It's, not like we're, saying the credentials invalid, or something you, would still be if you achieved an MCS am CSC you're, still gonna have that on, your transcript, you can still say you're a certified. Solution. Administrator, solution, architect, or solution. Expert from, from. The 533. Type items, or exams. There's. No there's no plan to just make that go away, does. That answer your question. It's. More from a so. The the. DevOps exam, is gonna have a prerequisite. And that to be a DevOps engineer, you first either have to be a cloud administrator or, a, cloud, developer, so. It's more from, tearing. Or a hierarchal perspective. From requiring. Prerequisites. For some exams, the. Solutions architect is and does it have any prereqs, it's, just bucketed, in the expert category, i wouldn't, put any, put. Any other weight into it than that. So. 301 will be the design exam, so the the, way that they're broken out is that 300, is technologies. 301. Is designed so that's more yeah. Come, to completely different exams to. Practice tests you have to take them twice or. Take take each one individually, there. They are two separate exams. Yeah. Yep. Separate. Experiences. Yeah. They're all similar style all the exam questions are in the same way they follow the same format, that we talked about you you, get a scenario, you get a problem or a requirement some. Type of action, or goal what do you need to do what are you trying to accomplish and then, the the. The answer, choice is based on the question type they're all set up the same way. So. The, question is for, the the new exams do you need to know PowerShell, or the CLI to actually. Pass. The exam the. Idea is that, if, it's something that you can do in the portal you shouldn't be asked, specific. Details on PowerShell, on how to complete, that action or complete that task. So, you don't have to memorize different. Powershell, commandlets. Parameters. As. Long, as you know the concepts, behind what you're trying to design our architects, then, you you.

Understand, It and you should be able to answer, the question especially. From a performance-based. Testing perspective it. Doesn't matter which method you use. I'm. Sorry I can't hear. Okay. So so measure up is a third-party company specifically. I can't, answer questions as to how they build their practice tests. That. I believe there is a partnership there you can provide that feedback to the, the learn booth there. There will be some representatives, from from Microsoft learning or alright learning there they could, be able to at, least address that or pass that on to to. That vendor. They. Are not in the exam no you do not have to memorize. What. What a specific, parameter, does to be able to pass the exam. Any. Other questions. Yeah. Yeah, so the the discount codes are for the transit, though that specific, code is for transition. Only. Right. So for 102, 202. And 302. Okay. On. The learning blog so, 80% does house great. Any. Other questions. No. There's no direct transition from 534, you'd have to either go. To 535. And then take 302, or just. Start. Over again and take 300, and 301, either way it's two exams. All. Right if there's no, other questions and, for for coming out I really appreciate it, remember. To check out the other sessions and I'll be available for a couple of minutes before before, heading over to to the other session.


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