Azure Devops Full Course Azure Devops Realtime Training Azure cloud Expert

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with devops so what do you mean by devops if anybody if anyone is going to ask you what is Dev basically I know the everyone used to say that it is a combination of development correct plus operation Operation correct guys yes no yeah this is uh this is basically we used to say correct but this is not only the devops is not only these two things okay devops is a process okay devop is a process which we are going to adopt in the sdlc process what is sdlc guys sdlc stands for software development life cycle okay guys now the question is coming why devops is required nowadays are earlier so basically we have so many sdlc modules correct yes or no waterfall then aile then devops came into the picture correct yes or no guys yes okay so it is two-way communication then it will be better so that you know so now the question is everybody knows that why we have switched from waterfall to Agile correct yes or no yeah almost all the people knows only that is why technical things you guys know that okay because we cannot go back we cannot change anything in water for model that is the reason we came into the agile correct but there are some business perspective also yes or no because in any project we have couple of someone is a developer someone is what tester someone is what Buist correct let's take an example of water for model correct so in that waterform model if we are going to build any product or application we require developer tester business analyst product owner everyone right yes or no and Etc but in watero model if business analyst is working then rest of the team member is sitting ideally yes or no guys yes or no yes correct okay so it means what the person who is not working currently and we are paying the salary correct so due to that reason business is what impacting product cost will be increased yes or no guys correct so due to overcome to overcome all this situation we came into the aile correct in agile we are breaking our requirement into the small pieces that is what user story and simultaneously tester is writing the test case developer is what developing the code yes or no and product owner or bussiness analyst is par taking the requirement correct so all we have combined all are working together yes or no guys in Agile development plus Dev team plus tester so development plus tester [Music] plus VA all are working together correct but still in aile we have seen that one person is what that is what operation team yes or no yes or no guys correct so again if everyone is working but operation team is ideally sitting it means what against the business loss cost of the product will be what increase or decrease increase right yes or no so due to that reason we have included all in the operation B devops we are included sdlc plus what operation yes or no guys anyone have any doubt till now but nowadays but nowadays there is one more word is coming that is have you heard about guys yes cops de say cops yes or no yes yes yeah so basically it is a combination of development plus Security Plus operation in devops we are not including in our team security team correct or not security is not the part of the our sdlc process correct but in in dep CS we are including this also okay so due to that reason our entire pipeline our entire deployment process will be what secure okay so this is is basically development plus Security Plus operation guys you guys must be uh done some R&D that nowadays highest paying job is what Dev yes or no guys because either if someone is a developer either if you're are going to develop a code in Python Java whatever may be you require to deploy that particular code into the some specific environment yes or no yes and for that we require what our deployment process should be secure yes or no so in in devops we have number of tools some of the tools are open source some of the tools are what paid correct so there are what there are open source tool are what Jenkins Chef puppet yes or no guys so now the question is coming and also we have a devops also correct yes or no so if we are going to use see now why Azu devops why not some open source we tools we can use and then we can deploy our correct yes or no why we are going to pay to azour correct guys what is the reason do you have any idea guys why not we can use the open source there are so many open source tools are there correct correct guys the main reason behind that is if we are going to use open source then we are going to expose our code into the open source Library whenever we are going to expose then we are at risk or not correct so due to that reason almost most of the organizations slowly moving towards the AUD AUD devops on AWS devops okay or Google is also providing the devop services but among all the tools whatever the whatever whatever the DeVos tools are available in the market okay Azu devop is a Bas tool because Azu devops is not a single tool it is a suit of service it is what it is suit of service now the question is coming suit of service means what it it consist of it consists of what repo auu repository okay like we have so many repository someone is yes or no guys that guys repository what is repository anyone have any idea where the code is stored yes where we are going to store our build correct okay so Azure in aure in we have a projectory service also as I told it is it is a suit of service we have what Azure pipeline also we have a Azure board also we have a test plan also and a artifacts also in a single tool we can do we can store our code also with we can do the depl with the aure pipeline we can do the entire project planning whatever the things we are doing in jira or whatever things we are going to do in Alm okay guys whatever maybe the project management tool okay planning to you know each and creating user story creating AIC everything entire agile methodology we can Implement in AOS tool in a single tool we can from any project we can start and end each and also we can do the testing also okay so that is the reason aju devops is the most popular tool currently in the market clear guys anyone have any doubt why why are you devops anyone have any queries question right now please let me know uh for [Music] other yeah yeah please go ahead yeah for the other cloud services also they have that kind of a similar kind of things right like for AWS orc AWS we have to integrate like if you want to do the if you want to create the user St correct okay which service you are going to use in AWS in AWS we have a 200 plus Services correct so basically and that is also the costly see Individual Services you are going to use in a but in AUD devs we have only in a single platform we everything is available and cost wise also you can compare whatever the service we are going to use first thing is what we have to what whether easy to access yes or no and second thing is what budget yes or no yeah right clear so in in azour board we can do in entire project planning into to in entire agile methodology we can Implement okay in azour pipeline we are going to create no secure pipeline okay the other thing is what with aju devops we can with the a devops if you and one more thing it is not hard and fast tool that we have to use each and every services in AUD according to your project requirement you can use Azure board only or you can use only Azure pipeline only okay guys you can use Azure repository only just let me show you guys then you guys are able to understand so for AUD devops the certification is what ag400 have you heard about this guys anyone have yes okay now you can learn aju devops directly there is no prerequisites for that okay but you should have the basic understanding of the Aur cloud like you should know what is the know Resource Group okay what is how to create the virtual machine and fundamental basic so that is the reason we used to you know advise that you know you should have the basic fundamental otherwise in the class I'm going to cover everything apart from that in ag uh 400 if you want to achieve this certification according to the Microsoft there are two ways okay first one you have to clear what a g900 this is after that you have to clear what ag14 that is Aur administrator and then you are going to achieve the aju devops second path is what again you have to clear AG 900 then if you want to certified guys if you want to clear the certification this is the path if you are currently working or if you want to switch your job and all there is no prerequisites clear guys clear or do you have any doubt in a and second one is what developer path so that is 204 and then AG 400 anyone have any doubt so I had one query actually uh there is also a solution architect as well so is that mandatory for devops or what no that is your talking about ag35 okay that is not mandatory these are either this is the mandatory either 104 either 204 okay but my suggestion to you if you will go this because this is AG that is a developer if someone is a developer then they know all the best practi of development correct yes or no but right if you if you know the ag14 that is azure administrator means what how to give the access and all the stuff basic understanding of the Azure active directory okay then it will be easy for you to integrate Azu devops with other services like you can integrate Azu services with Git uh you know AZ devops with Git You Can integrate Azu devops with GitHub also you can integrate a develops with genkins also the number of you know tools you can from the marketplace you can integrate and you can use you can use terraform also you can use NC also as a pipeline and you guys must be heard about that IAC have you heard about IAC infrastructure as exactly infrastructure as a code correct so what do you mean by INF infrastructure as a code there are multiple ways to create the infrastructure in Cloud correct either we can create with GUI through a board Excuse me yes uh sorry for forting you short but I have a question all want just mention a devop certifications right yes me I want to know because me as as a scroll master I use a software as devops but I really feel like I am not using like even 10% of what I'm supposed to use in a devs do you mean for me to really know to really perform in a zoo I need a certification for to learn more what is as devops to implement in my own company okay so in the in my class I will tell you in detail let me tell you right now so how to use AUD devops first of all you can use the AUD devops for the project planning for the for the project planning okay now in Project planning if we are using the agile methodology then we have to create the Epic yes or no we are going to create the user stud also correct yes okay we are going to create the task also correct we are going to write the T scenario also correct yes correct so entire project planning we can use in azour board okay next there is the second service is what or we can write down in such with that okay see there are so many people who are who are using the Aur devops but they are not utilizing the 100% of it they are already paying the license cost correct am I right or wrong tell me guys in the organization after that in after aure board we have what pipel aure pipeline so what is the use of Aur pipeline for deployment yes no repository we can use for what purpose to a store to store the code build or code now next is what Azure test plan yes or no so all the testing activity next a artifacts this is used for store the exe file and all okay clear guys F all of you please go on [Music] mute okay so understood right just I'm giving you the basic understanding of what is know how to use the devops now in that how to create how to create the pipeline how to create how to know do the project planning how to do the each and everything first of all whatever the project we are going to start we are doing the project planning right then we are what adding the resources correct everything we can do entire me methodology we can apply on the Aur in Azure pipeline we are what creating we are going to create the pipeline if it is required suppose see it is not hard and fast Ru that we are going to use aul repository only maybe some of the project is using GitHub yes or no as a repository maybe git yes or no guys bit bucket correct so we have to integrate a pipeline Oru devops with that and then we can create the pipeline clear in clear guys anyone have any doubt anyone have any doubt guys no okay so are you clear with the certification how to there is one lady was asking I just forget the name yes it is me so as if I'm understanding well so as per me what I read to to do as a certification is auu both for only my project planning no no it is a complete no no not only a board if you want to achieve this ag400 that is a certification a Dev solu a certification D certification first you need to clear ag14 before before that you need to clear the AG 900 so are you have you cleared this AG 900 a104 no I just learn it like that I just it was a new it was a new uh software for me so as I joined the the company they were using as you devop so I just start using uh learning by myself that's it okay okay then no basically we are going to start from basic only okay see if you if you don't know the definition of cloud also no issues I'm going to start my batch from know I'm going to start my class from you know very basic what is cloud okay so don't worry it that will cover AG 900 ag14 and AG 400 entire complete okay guys okay and in each and every either a board either aure planning aure pipeline either aure repository each and everything we are going to discuss in detail okay now what are the advantage of a devops correct guys what are the advantage so guys just know we are talking about the infrastructure as a code right so you uh I was telling you that we can create the infrastructure in in a what different different ways correct or not either we can use the in Azure itself either we can use the what Azure portal to create any instance or uh Services yes or no guys yes or no yes okay so if we are going to create okay so Aur uh through Porta also we can create through Azure CLI also we can create through Power Cell also we can create and also we have number of tools like terraform correct suppose if I'm going to tell you create a 200 Resource Group so if you are going to do through aure board manually how much time it will take it will take you almost minimum one week correct or not yes or no guys yes yes yes yes corre but if you are going to use the infrastructure as a code you are able to create within 10 to 15 minutes that's all so that is the reason azur develops with and we can create the pipeline we can deploy okay so complete devops architecture is what we are going to discuss in the in in the upcoming batch okay and also how to create the infrastructure through code infrastructure as a code okay like either we can use the power cell either we can use CLI command or first of all if you all are new in in Azure then we will start from the portal. that is what through the portal clear what is the infrastructure as a code and how to use understood and why to use Clear guys yes or no anyone have any question anyone have any queries can you repeat this IAC concept correct so infrastructure as a code is what basically we are creating our instance or resources in any either it is AWS either it is a it is Google either it is what IPM whatever the cloud you are going to use Alibaba whatever right there are multiple ways to create the INF create the resource yes or no through gu through GUI we can create the virtual machine or Azure database or any Services right but there are multiple ways like through Azure CLA also we can create through Power Cell script also we can create and there are what other tools like terraform and also we can use to create the infrastructure as a code so why why we require this because if I'm going to tell you create the 200 virtual machine how much time you guys are going to take minimum one week right yes or no yeah manually if you are going to do same thing if you're going to do maximum 15 to 20 minutes your VM will be ready clear guys so that is the core concept of infrastructure as a service if you want to delete you can you know just run the script you can delete everything 200 one by one if I'm going to tell you delete one by manually go to the portal and then one by one then again it will take what minimum one day one or two days correct clear Guys 1 pm manually if you are going to create it will it will take 5 to Six Minutes 5 to six minutes to provision the VM if 100 VM you can understand how much time and between that you have to take the rest also lunch break tea break correct yes or no guys clear yes okay now so first question I think everyone have understand that what is devops yes or no yes second thing is what why a devops everyone have understood why not other tool because in a single platform we are getting all the services right because AUD deop is not a single service it is what suit of service clear yes or no guys it is a suit of service clear and in the suit of service based on our requirement we can use the services correct after that third question is what how so for how I am here okay we are going to discuss each and everything one by one and with the use case now the now one more thing let me tell you guys a900 or a104 or a 400 azour is not going to ask you direct question they will give you the scenario and scenario based question you have to solve okay and one more thing if you are a certified ag400 then you should able to create the devops architecture for any project okay develops architecture for architect for any project whatever the complex and and also if it is a complex if it is easy you should able to create the entire architecture that also so basically simple architecture of the any deployment process tell me anyone have any idea about that first of all we in each and every project we have a Dev environment yes or no guys yes here what we are going to do we are going to develop the code right yes or no develop the code then we have what sit environment where we are going to do the testing correct yes or no guys system integration testing then we have what uat environment uat means what user acceptance environment yes or no guys tell me in each and every project here uat guys or business owner or product owner or stack holders are going to do the in in flow testing correct yes or no then we have what production environment right yes or no correct guys so here we have our application is is running here right yes or no we are going to dly so in basically see some of the project maybe they have only three environment they haveit and pra but most of the uh project have what all the four environment yes or no guys there must be a two-way communication then I should understand that okay you guys are able to understand do not think that it is a what only demo demo purpose it is already your session is already started guys okay so if you are going to deploy the code manually from here Dev to sit sit to uat and U to Proud how much time it will take it will take so much time yes or no man if if you're going to do yes yes maybe few months take depending on release depending on the release right correct but if you guys must be heard about the word automation right do not think only uh test automation automation is cloud automation also devops automation also devops process we have to automate that is the reason we are what the Azu devops right so a devops is going to provide you the what Automation Services also so that you can integrate with the other tools also and you can automate your entire pipeline okay so that there should not be any manual intervention so that your deployment will be always smooth clear see if the person is going to do manually maybe the chances of you know doing the mistake is high correct yes or no and also it will take so much time so whenever your if Dev envirment build is ready then they are going to what click on that their pipeline okay it will directly sit into the S environment after that clicking on that it will go to uat and after that R up and run clear guys anyone have any doubt any questions so I had one question uh process related question actually even if we automate all those deployments and building process uh still uvt might take some time exactly once that is the reason once I know if development see what is right now what is the people are doing they are going to automate the you know they are integrating the testing tool also like selenium automation testing tool some of the scenario like a smoke scenario and all you guys must be heard about the smoke testing correct yes or no right right a smoke or sanity both are same okay so after the day once once the code is ready okay if you're going to do the manual check for that okay then it will take time right so instead of manual check they are what automated the pipeline once build is ready in there they are going to integrated the smoke test automation smoke test into the pipeline once the smoke test is passed then only it will move to the sit environment in sit environment on all the regression suit automated test cases if it is what automated if it is a pass then only it will move to the uat and in uat stack holders and business analyst is and you know maybe the client or those are testing correct yes or no so once they are going to complete the testing then only they are going to click on approval button then only it will sit into the broad environment yes or no right correct so if manually if they are going to do M smoke and auto without automation then it will take so much time so that is the reason automation you guys must be heard about the word automation everywhere yes or no either we either we have to automate the entire devops process itself clear anyone have any doubt yeah now the question is coming automation related one more thing i a c infrastructure as okay so you can deploy your code through terraform through you know Inu services or through I know you can integ we can you can use the pipeline Azure pipeline to deploy the services into the azour environment what is I please infrastructure as a code like suppose you are using any services in Azure like suppose Resource Group or Azure VM correct Azure database so you need to First create that particular Services right yes or no yes yes so for that you need to First create so creation is what suppose I'm going you are uh if I'm going to say that create 100 you know aure VM then it will take almost one week to create right yes or no but with the automation with the Azu devops you can create those 100 VM within 1 hour maximimum those have any background noise please go onute clear guys anyone have any doubt sir I have a doubt yes no no silence means what I'm going to take as no now what are the things we are going to discuss in ag 900 let me tell you how it is beneficial towards the journey sir can you hear me yes yes please go ahead uh sir can you once again repeat the uat environment to ba/ client part okay so basically uat environment is what user acceptance uh testing environment yes or no uh because internet issue I cannot hear the that third number part properly okay no issues no issue I'm okay so in uat environment is what is user acceptance testing correct this is a it is a very much similar you can say that mirror of the production environment okay so here who is testing automation testing that is that machine run on automation so we have to support that machine your voice is breaking can you sir can you hear me now properly yes yes now I can hear so that is as you said that user access testing so you asked me that acceptance testing so testing means that ke uh there are a lot of machine or you can say virtual machine or anything kind of software Hardware so some Engineers have to support that machine that would not fall or uh fall down this is a environment to do the testing of the application which you are building do not go the infrastructure right now okay whatever the application suppose you are developing Amazon application right if Amazon application Dev environment you have completed the code then it will go to sit and sit to if if it will come into uat then what exactly the you know stockholders your project manager what and or your business analyst or business I know exactly what they are going to test they are going to test the inent flow right whether user is able to log in then adding the car adding the what item into the cart and then whether they are able to pay or not and after that check out yes or no yes or no guys they are in uat they are not going to uh check the page alignment or spelling mistakes or any functionality is not I know basic things functional testing is not done in U everything that is what we are going to do in sit environment only okay in uat only in to in flow we have to do okay clear is it clear I think this guy once again sir clear okay everyone is clear right these four concept now what exactly we are going to cover in all the certifications then and how it is going to know beneficial for auu devops Journey so in ag 900 what exactly we are going to touch the fundamental of cloud basically fundamental of azure Cloud next is what a104 in 104 basically we are going to discuss about the ad ad means what Azure active directory okay so here in a fundamental of azure cloud is what what are the core services offered BYU what are the core security services offered BYU see I have already I told you right what do you mean by Azure uh what do you mean by Dev seops that is we are going to combine what development Security Plus operation yes or no guys yes no guys correct so that and in a in ag4 we are going to discuss about the ad ad means what aul active directory everyone is using single sign on in their organization correct yes or no yes single sign on correct so how it is coming through directory only right they are restoring your password in one site and then directly it is going to what if you're going to enter your password in any single site of the organization it is going to store into the directory and then you guys are able to access all the services all the site related with that particular organization correct how it is it is through ad only through directory only right so those so here we are going to learn what access related issue correct and then if you are able to understand then we are going to move to the ag400 clear here how to mainly we are going to focus as all the services that is azure board aure repository Azure pipeline Azure test plan and aure artifacts okay here is what we are going to focus more on deployment basically CI and CD clear guys anyone have any doubt anyone have any doubt silence means what I'm going to take us s sorry what's the question anyone have any queries any doubt till now all good so far okay thank you okay so this is what all about the journey that is what I was talking with you guys okay easy 900 first then ag14 and then AG 400 if you don't want to clear the certification that is also fine but if you you are already using the a devops services and you are not able to use all the features then also this particular you know course is beneficial for you and devs is what yeah no I just want to know how long can it take to do these certifications this is you know I I can finish the know my job but it's totally depends on you how much time you are going to uh know maximum if you are going to Target so this will take you if you are going to start uh maximum daily if you're going to give the two hours that is maximum for no training wise maximum this is what 10 hours this is also maximum 15 hours this is also know maximum 20 hours that's all that should be the dedicated okay okay but my suggestion to you first of all you guys do not you know first try for certification first try to understand how to work in the organization if you will have some experience in working on that then after you know uh first uh do the course then you have to go to the know then you have to just Implement those knowledges in the organization here we are going to implement through Labs right but the same thing you can Implement in your current project okay then go for the certification that is the this is my session there are so many people there what no first we have to do the certification and then they are going to implement in the organization so different different ways okay I do not whatever maybe anyhow we I'm going to complete your you know syllabus you can give after the completion of the syllabus you can you know give anytime whenever you want okay all the sample paper and everything is provided by us okay guys so that is different part but first thing you need to understand how I'm going to use the Azu Services see there are multiple ways to use the Azu services like but we have to understand the cost of the services also yes or no guys yes correct because see there's so many if you going to use the Azure VM the service cost is less if you are going to use the Azure database then service cost is what high based on the service which type of service we are and how to use how to optimize the cost all these things we are going to discuss clear guys anyone have any doubt guys so last five minutes for your queries any question this is open platform for everyone those who want to ask any query any question any clarification please go let me take the question one by one please go ahead guys so I had a query okay please go oh no sorry go ahead I'll go aftering my query was very specific uh to the batch timings I mean the the batch timings are going to be the same right uh 6 p.m. Indian Standard time or those are expected to that Amit will tell you okay okay I a trainer so he is what going to manage all these my calendars any technical see I'm here to uh respond your technical stuff if you have any doubt and all but best timing what what what are the fees uh fees structures and all these stuff you can discuss with him only technical stuff yes second person can you hear me yeah I can hear yes so what do you advise as the best way to get as close to a actual real uh work setting um experience is it just doing any kind of project would be similar or what do you advise see project we are going to do in do in our training okay entire implementation of a so so don't worry about the know how to implement AUD devops in your current project or in a future project first thing second thing is what in certification they are going to ask you the terms termy like let me give the simple example in Azure Cloud we used to call as VMS virtual machine right yes or no but in AWS we used to call E2 but in Google Cloud we used to call vdi correct so regarding the how to implement everything we are going to do in our session in the lab so almost 40% or 30 to 40% will be Theory and 70% will be your practical okay lab based scenario I'm going to explain any other doubt guys hope is it clear for you how yes thank you next as than is very low can you no how is this a is better than AWS according to the market level see first of all AUD devops is a suit of service in a single platform everything is what no no that I asking in the market level is more dominant or you are talking about the cloud Aur cloud or AWS clout that perspective or devop perspective devop perspec de Dev devop devop perspective a is a number AZ devop is a number one to oh okay it is a market leader because everything we can do in a single platform even guys let me tell you a simple one you have asked let me give you one more example guys every meeting we used to send M right in Project discussion yes or no guys tell me m but we have a separate discussion Tab in a I know in a clear guys yes next question guys last five minutes please go ahead one question is have you do this course on the real time example or basic on the documentation real time it's devop right so we have to do Labs only how you are without a know documentation is what I will explain you the know like just now I have explained you right that is uh no issues that is also documentation I will explain you but mostly we are going to do the labs okay real time example like how to work in a project how to start with a devops first create the project then how to create the deployment Pipelines okay okay guys how to use the test plan everything how to use the Azure board each and everything in the with the Practical thanks welcome next question next silence means what I'm going to take as no you guys don't have any query anything related with the you know the works anything why anything okay okay guys thank you so much for joining the session okay yeah okay please yeah yeah good Ahad no no no no no I just wanted to know whether you are giving the cost for the certification and how much does it does it cost so that is you know regarding the certifications and all that you can discuss with the know basically in this particular you know uh course we are going to start from the fundamental then I will give you the idea about the a uh Aur ative directory also ad and then we will move move to the AUD devops basic idea but if you want to go only as specific for the certification only okay that will be the separate then we are going to provide all the sample papers everything then I will give you assignments and all right but it is what complete practical approach how to use the aut devops in your current organization if you want want to go with the certification course that is little bit that is more theoretical because you you want to clear the certification correct yes yeah so for that sample questions and all I know we are going to provide you so that it will be beneficial for your ex all that AG 900 a104 ag24 AG 400 whatever you want we have provided everything in a305 a 500 everything okay any other anyone else guys okay thank thank you so much guys for joining this thank you


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