AZURE DEVOPS Dashboard Full Tutorial Azure Devops Hands on training Online Azure Class JOYATES

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uh it will have many phases as such here are you sharing your screen or something I can't say anything yeah sorry [Music] um you are into Azure devops season and you're completely yeah you can see my screen right yeah yeah so um if you don't mind asking uh these are instead of all these Basics I know all in this Basics if you start with azud uh um you know straight away UI Azure boards yeah yeah okay yeah okay so uh from the Azure this tool mainly have a lot of things right completely devops any organizations and all if they want to embrace devops okay they need some kind of all different different tool set okay ISE pipelines different thing artifacts something they frog and all that and Boards monitoring all that so this tool completely uh has everything okay it's a quite vast tool in that okay and how how it hap how it is it the top level there is organization okay so it can be kind of one single organization or in your office or it kind of multiple projects can club together and have multiple people cyber security application development they're doing it yeah yes so the top level here in the Azure devops the top level will be a organization okay the higher the hierarchies at the top level there is a something called as organization um okay so it will be a unique globally okay so so the top level hierarchy is organization let's say you want to share something to someone or anything so this organization will be unique to your to your office or to your organization okay in in let's say the office your organization name is ABC okay in your office there are many teams are there so inside that also you can have multiple Azure devops organization okay and inside one organization you there are projects okay there could be multiple projects okay so maybe whichever projects you are working you can have okay Project B some many many you can have okay like that so this is the top level hierarchy it is not complex and all like like this okay so here for example this uh whatever a free user like you can also get your own uh kind of login and all in that okay so by default they give five user license free okay so to practice around with with our own and usually organizations will have Visual Studio subscriptions and all we will see that later in in the other like when the licensing part is coming okay yeah they have the visual studio licensing oh yeah okay so that that has all the features in that okay yeah so whatever free has like the basic one has also almost all the features only thing test plan is not there in that okay and there is also a completely free like not even five you can have multiple that is stakeholder one and that will be only having access to the Azure devops board only that's it like kind of a uh manager or something manager or something they want to see how how is the work progressing and all so they can do without any like they don't have to procure the license for that okay so they will only have a view for the this dashboards okay so how they want to see that how the things are producing but with the basic license basic one you can get all these features pipelines test non-art effects and all that okay yeah they're using agile process so in in so let's say this is my organization first okay in my organization I have these many multiple projects are there okay so it each project will have a like kind of a logical entity where all the things are there your board pipeline test plan Repose code everything will be there isolated okay in its own bubble like that so here we can see there are multiple projects are there so let's create a multiple let's create a new project completely from scratch okay let's say demo class okay here we can do visibility public private we'll do private and at this time when you create the project you have to decide whether which uh like kind of work process you are going to embrace either it is agile scrum cmmi or basic so it supports these four okay so basic is one for like a very newcomers like a small organization or they're very new to uh devops and all they just want to test or do some POC they can go for basic okay and slightly mature ones and they're aware and all they can go for either agile or scrum and all so which one you said they are using agile is it okay okay and here you have to decide whether which one the Version Control uh where the code will go actually in the git or the team Foundation Version Control this is a Repose oh yeah so it will be git okay so you can get this yeah because uh okay yeah GitHub is different okay GitHub is different so this is like the fundamental of whatever tools are there so Azure developer is a tool okay so here this kit is it is the your uh decentralized form of the code versioning Okay so everybody can have the code pool and they can work on their code locally but TF we see used to be earlier team Foundation server and all very centrally your code will be there now it is going outdated and all the projects are going with Git only okay so we'll keep it default and we'll say create or so this project name doesn't need to be unique globally okay so it so this is inside your organization it is there so now this is my project I can maybe I can invite uh users any other users also in that as external user also I can invite them to collaborate and work on that okay so that is also possible in this so now in uh in this organization here our Repose repos are here these are this is our Azure devops repo okay and still you can go for different one the git GitHub okay bitbucket and all that so when it comes when you create your own Pipeline and all that time you have to decide like where where is your code you want to pull from okay so git means these all are get uh get aware like get aware tools are there okay so by default we'll go with the Azure uh repost gate but you you have Choice yeah for bit work ad get GitHub Enterprise server GitHub okay all this usually many open source git is also there okay you you can create your own as well like you down download or install on your own machine your local git local and make it as a server and then you can connect to that as well okay so not very common usually these three are pretty common across organizations as your Repose git okay your GitHub it is GitHub is the cloud one like Microsoft hosted and all you don't have to worry anything like and uh this one GitHub Enterprise server you need to install on your own premises and all that okay so similarly for this Azure devops also this whatever we are doing uh currently we are doing it is on uh uh on on the GitHub sorry on the Azure Dev of services okay so it comes in two offering uh this is your divorce okay one is the uh so which is the host Cloud hosted version so Microsoft will will host the server and everything SQL and they give the uh h a high level they ensure that it it falls 99.99 SLA is there in that okay so that is the one version one offering and the other offering is the uh Azure devops servers okay has your devops server like on your own uh you can install uh but again it will be a little bit expensive okay and also you have to ensure that they are high uh what would say high availability is there and you have to bear the extra licensing cost for the Windows operating system as well okay so maybe in your in your organization you may they may be going for the cloud one mostly in whatever organizations I see they go with the cloud one okay that is your sorry the the Azure devops Services okay it is slightly cost wise cheaper as well and a lot of new of new features whatever comes by Microsoft it it they come on that flavor look at that offering Azure Dev of services okay and it gives more reliability and offer like SLA 19.9 percent SLA okay you don't have to worry about managing that stuff as well so you are just as using it as an end user all these features okay you don't have to worry for the management of the uh software and all that got it right any any query on that offering part like two offerings it's not complex two offerings Azure devops Services which is cloud-based Azure devops server which is on-premises okay on-premises uh when they may go if if the company is very highly secure they are doing they don't want to host any data in public and all okay in Microsoft and also they may go for that okay but more complex I'm aware of that yeah yeah and they have the different locations one in Europe UK yeah yes and uh so here we are using the cloud offering one okay and to practice and all what Microsoft has given is they have given uh you can download a default a projectile as well okay so for example because this one what we created is completely empty there is nothing as such is there but they also have something to practice that you can just Google that download a demo project for that where they will give all the things like pre-populated so you will see a lot of tasks and all that is there something to practice and see in real time okay and in our project whatever we created in the demo one so how will happen in the boards okay I'm telling the like day to day things okay so in the in in the agile part so in in the agile there is a specific uh hierarchy is there okay for the like uh kind of working methodology the top one let's say a big project is there you have to you have to create a uh a website okay a portal for maybe tax filing or something you want to create that okay so how you will arrange that so all these devops methodologies and agile way of working they they are definitely they are different from the waterfall like they are not going to uh they're going they're not going to be there for six months or eight months kind of project okay so agile and scrum all these are designed for very short short Sprint okay the deliverable should be very quick short short small small deliverables should be there and instead of waiting for a very long time like how the waterfall used to work okay so agile also you have to decide like there is no hard and fast kind of framework as such so initially when the team is getting set up you have to decide what your Sprint like Sprint is kind of your short time duration time bound duration for your start to the end okay for any any any delivery they say iteration as well or just a Sprint in here oh it's Sprint okay so Innovation they don't we don't change it devops iteration there you can you can use it as a kind of synonym both okay so two weeks kind of uh Sprint or iteration is there where your Sprint planning will be there initially okay and spring Sprint refinement uh meeting will be there like Sprint planning will be there initially where everybody will will sit together and they will decide what what work to be taken this print or this iteration okay and then they they put that on on the on the board okay and then they further refine it with a further further meeting with Sprint uh refinement okay and towards the end there will be a Sprint review how it uh went and they will showcase the tools and whatever they delivered to the product owner okay and there is a Sprint retrospective is also there at the end okay like how the Sprint will happen they are well and all that yeah so that that's one meeting and in the planning meeting they also have a poker planning call as well okay it's it's optional it's not mandatory to have all these meeting but usually no other projects I have seen they they have these five four or five meetings if they have poker planning here as well they were talking about actually voting exactly yeah so poker planning is kind of uh planning your effort okay so here here it's very difficult because there is no manager as such right there is there is no traditional way of doing your management so initially in the waterfall there will be some Resource Management person will be there right who will assign the resource and effort and all that but here it's completely different everything is you have to own you have to do on your own so instead of saying that this piece of work whatever you want to undertake this print okay it will take eight hours so it will take two days and all so you are saying it voluntarily but there is nobody to wet it okay so how the poker planning works out is whatever effort is there all the teams they will put their effort in in the card okay but it will be blind like it will be hidden okay so let's say there is there is a nothing there is the task it is assigned to is assigned to you is create a backend API for for project ABC okay so you feel that it may take like four days and all okay so person can like assign how much he wants four days let's say okay you assign like four days so there is different uh weightage for there okay that we will see how the effort is estimated so he estimated some effort let's say uh eight okay so then it's not good actually because nobody is wetting all that nobody's checking all that so poker planning how it does now everyone whatever car that uh this task is there everybody will will will be putting their effort in a blindfold card okay like how how in the poker game or in your in the card game they put their car down and they they tell some number like that okay it is hidden so everybody will vet their number like somebody will say okay no this doesn't look like eight this looks like five so they will estimate five so if I get the car if I work on this it might take five somebody will say yeah it will be sick something like that okay so it will be all blindfolded and at the end they will reveal those cards okay and then they will take the average of that okay how much is the average okay so that kind of planning is called poker planning so it refines the effort uh estimate what uh one user has given so it comes from all the users so uh let's say I I was giving for that maybe five days effort okay but actually it is not like that but I I want to just give that five days effort okay so after finishing after two days like I will relax like that okay so it can happen so they can give five days but actually in the poker planning everybody knows that okay everybody will be blindfolded kind of card and they will put their weight so it came as a two days okay so I have to take the average of two days okay so uh in in that way it works okay the poker planning uh in in the so it it will be in the initial Sprint planning call it can be clubbed in the Sprint planning call in our organization it is clubbed in this plane planning itself okay earlier in the new beginning days we used to have a separate dedicated one for that okay but now it is in that embedded only okay okay in general like POS and designers yeah uh in terms of azure boards what do they need to know possible uh and also um the designer means that technical persons right whoever will be handling the code and all that is it I don't know exactly but they give me saying that uh for POS and designer I need to explain them how to create a big future stories so it is again everything is not single so in our team also like there is a dedicated person who does all this okay the Sprint planning stuff and all but it is a collaborative effort because they won't be technical so they won't know what what is the designer saying Okay so let's say the designer has to design a front-end page okay for some new enhancement okay so they will they will tell you like what is their task so you you have to create a epic and all in that first okay so epic is a very top level so how the hierarchy is again from the board point of view or from the work uh what point of view so the first one is epic so you have to design you have to identify a suitable epic and all so the Epic can can span across multiple uh Sprints okay or multiple iterations okay it is not bound to two weeks it cannot be done like in two weeks you know okay if it is done that's fine but it can go beyond that as well okay so let's say here uh home page uh [Music] some something on home page navigation changes okay this is a very top level uh entirety will be there here very short description of the business uh use case like what is the business use case okay any documentation link or anything is there you embed it in that okay and later they will be adding this description and all state is first it will be new only uh iteration like which iteration it is coming uh you can add that so effort is the one which will come after the area sorry area of work like you can have multiple areas okay in your sub like kind of it is a sub domain of that okay which area it falls under so that all we will see how how to change all these and all but iteration is is like this kind of this print this coming two weeks and all we have to work on that okay this is that iteration it is going so they call Sprint as iteration here oh yeah yes in in the scrum it is uh Sprint okay so here it is iteration but both are similar similar thing actually okay okay and here business value effort risk can all it has to be again filled collaboratively or with the product owner okay because the product owner has given this requirement okay so you fill all yeah this this is a related work is there right related work add link yes yes so yeah how does it work that one yeah so in past if anything came for this project okay so maybe this is related to sales or something like that or tax or or any main organization hierarchy okay it is related to that you can put a link in that any existing earlier card was there okay so you can you can select that okay any any product backlog earlier if anything is there related to that you can add that if nothing is there that's fine because maybe this is the first time you are doing completely new requirement okay from from a new organization vertical or or some team okay so then this will be the first one Epic and what now you whatever you create user stories and all that those will be link linked to this as a child item okay so this up to you if you have already some item which was operated in earlier done in past you can add that okay so this is for that that link and here this this is the developer will do the link okay so they they will add the like for this navigation changes they might have to do some coding and all that stuff so here they have to link that okay they have to repository yeah yes yes yeah the repository which repository and all is there which branch which commit and all they can they can add that okay the build number and all that so because again it's a devops methodology of working all the thing like there is no vast documentation one has to produce right like how in waterfall you have to do a documentation very elaborate documentation towards the end and all here there is nothing like that okay there is no extensive documentation one has to do whatever in the code and all if they are automatically generated that's fine so you have to try or the developer has to everyone has to put effort that all the information is filled in okay everywhere so here the work item is the Epic is linked to some code and all and the code side also if they're checking they should be commits which links to this work item okay all that stuff okay which area of business and all because then you don't have to give a lot of of documentation okay so after that epic is created next what will happen is uh in the hierarchy there will be features okay the Top Line the next one is features um okay okay so in the in the in the feature now you can you can you have to slightly break it down to the topic so that epic might be completely big one if you think it it can take maybe one month or two months that's fine but epic will be slightly broken down task from that okay a small there could be multiple epics from sorry multiple features from that epic okay so this one in in the navigation menu change so you can have multiple features multiple features yeah yes here okay okay so all will be uh how they can do like example if you're doing one uh feature here like can you show me like second feature in the same uh yeah yeah so you have to link it here okay so existing work item you need to link okay so uh our epic was mainly to design a website or something was there now this epic is more from only the design the home page okay design design the home page okay maybe some other epic will be designed design the support page or something like that okay State new reason iteration is same priority effort will come after a poker call and all this three we have given okay risk and all that you can decide based on initial discussion the planning uh when the Sprint planning will be there okay that is the PO project owner job oh yeah yes yes yeah the priority and all they will give okay effort will come from your internal team the developers and all they will give the effort okay because developer the business user won't know like the owner also won't know how much is the effort will be there so they they may know the low risk side okay race side again it's a combined business may think that okay that is very low risk but the the designer or internal team you may think that okay no the risk is very high because it is spanning some data classification is not aware at this point okay so that that is a collaborative one priority is from the user side okay how business values and all will come from them time criticality these two values will come from the product owner them okay start date and date you can mention in that if they are aware you can change it also in between okay so now this feature was there design the home page now we'll put a we'll link it to the existing work item so here we have two otherwise if it is so many you have to find out the Epic number it is 144 and we can link it so uh here you mentioned this is as a child listening oh yeah yes so yeah so it is coming as like this is our child of that work item okay so add an existing item as parent so we added that as as a parent so now in the next level of hierarchy so features also uh uh again it's not fixed that it can span or not okay it is possibly it can span usually the epican feature they can span across Sprint it is not possible sometimes what do you mean like span if you know it can extend to the other like it can extend to the next print as well okay okay so it like your Sprint duration is maybe two weeks is there so in our case it will be two two weeks okay so in one iteration or Sprint sorry I'm using more of Sprint because we are following scrum okay but it's the same thing okay so iteration if your iteration is two weeks you know so epics and feature they can span more than two weeks okay okay so they're a big big piece of work in that okay so in now in one in this feature one feature we can have uh multiple uh user stories Okay so okay and in one user story again you can have multiple tasks as well okay so let's uh in in the same one so these all will be created during the day of the Sprint planning not exactly in the Sprint planning but this should be expected that these are created on on the Sprint planning day or just prior to that okay so these are these are ready to be discussed okay you are not going to create on the fly during the meeting so in the Sprint planning meeting we are just going to discuss on this whatever is already created okay so back to work items save changes new work item now now what we are going to do is use a story okay so user story is more kind of these things will go on your uh iteration backlog or the Sprint backlog okay so this way this iteration we are going to these these things so these are time bound kind of thing okay so user story should be like that it's broken down from the feature such that this can be finished in the two day two weeks or what if your iteration is four weeks like it depends usually organizations go for two weeks print but some they go for four weeks as well so it so you have to decide you have to break down those uh features into multiple user stories in such a way that it finishes okay it should finish otherwise uh in the in this in the team health check and all it it won't look good actually the productivity okay which we'll see later in the reporting part like how the team is behaving like how the work items these are getting finished and also to Showcase to the higher management so if these are not getting filled through this let's add the user stories uh again this user story comes from the technical part okay from not not from the uh from the kind of agile manager or like that from the product owner this is not from the product owner or agile man this should come from the team who are going to do on that who are going to work on low level okay on the technical developers or designers okay so they will do the designing designer part the Epic and the feature they can be decided from the product owner and the Sprint planner like whoever is doing that they can do that okay because you don't need a lot of details in that lot of in-depth detail is not needed in that but here in this one because this is now going drill down to Next Level next level like that here you should know okay what uh API design for for maybe wow the task will be assigned to different different user yeah yes yeah so here you can assign that to that person whoever is there okay description again now here a good good amount of description should be there a lot of pictures everything is allowed in that embedded Google Drive links and all that you can have so whatever maximum information is there it's good okay because as this you are planning to do within this print okay and uh usually before in the Sprint planning itself whichever resource you are allocating so that resource has to tell in advance like this print or this iteration I am going to take any leaves or not okay so they have to fill the calendars in in the uh in the in the boards there is a calendar is there they have to fill that there okay if if they have any holiday plans this iteration so that's why the description is to be so elaborate that any other person can also take it in in that in this absence okay so that's why it should be pretty much extensive except like except it should be related to the uh particular topic or it's also not only for this only for this thing that's it only to finish this task okay whatever description is there okay to to do that like what is the expectation of this so all that okay so some information from the feature okay like who is the maybe something who is the contact point and all like who what stage it is in okay that all information will be there and discussion this part will be filled in day in like every day or every day day in day out like this will be more discussion points will be there whatever changes you are doing or anything pending and all everything you highlighted so the assign the person only can discuss this or somebody else also can write somebody else can also write in that yeah but he will be owning as such this person will be more more updating that others are again busy with their own cards okay so this person will be owning this one and they will update more in that but other persons can view like as a Sprint planner you can also view our manager product owner can also view that and update some discussion points maybe they got some changes okay in between of the Sprint after one week the product owners got some news that oh no no this this is not needed or some change so they can highlight it here okay so that one can be viewed in the boards boards here yes this will be viewed so there are uh CTO or somebody they can just view from there what is going on yeah yeah so this whatever we are seeing at this point okay uh same so yeah work items we are seeing so the CEO and all they they will go on the very uh top level okay so yeah so for me in direct CTO is in my my next manager okay okay so they they will go like kind of uh let me say this one any sample one we have here so I don't think they may go on that drill down level of because this is uh kind of two to Sprint with your iteration task okay so what they are interested in more on the dashboard okay so dashboard widgets you can create like how they they will see like that okay uh how many items are there how it is going and all work in progress anything bugs or any any impediment anything got stuck and all you can create your own dashboard View kind of they will look in that way if we are they want to further drill down they can go in that as well okay in that individual boards like how they can go in the individual project also they will have visibility to all the projects and all may not be one and all so here multiple projects are there they can go with that individual project and they can further further go into the boards View um so what is the difference between boards backlogs um oh yeah yeah sorry so this boards is the Azure terminology okay how you are doing that so backlogs is like whatever in the Sprint planning whatever work uh you are everyone said right they are going to do it will fall on this bucket so in this bucket in the backlogs uh everything will be there which you are going to do in the next two weeks okay in the next iteration coming iteration okay and the spring planning will happen one day before your Sprint starts okay yes yeah yes so in that like everyone is putting their piece of work okay or the product owner and everybody decided they they put those all the things what we have to do in that in this bucket okay now in the Sprint planning they will see that there could be 20 items okay but in this print we may not take there are some people are going on holidays and all that maybe we can take only four okay or five so you pick all those based on the criticality how it is there okay so that decision will be done in the Sprint planning okay and it is not mandatory to have these in one kind of one day before this you can keep on adding in between in between also because this is a ongoing thing right so anything coming product owner will keep on adding it in the backlog okay only thing what we are just deciding in the Sprint planning is how many items to pick in this based on our resources availability and commitment to other projects and all that and priority how business criticality and all you decide which one to pick and all okay so from this Bucket from the backlogs okay so everything goes in the backlog from here you are putting that uh in in a particular iteration or Sprint okay so and after that so here what we created we created a work item here okay so here yeah here you can again further you can drill down as a add task as well okay so to to to to do this I think something I have to do is access request okay maybe to get access to that also we can create uh sorry from board uh from work items we can create a task also isn't it oh yes yes so this is our work item okay so how we did uh we are going epic and features we already created so this user story now from this user story we are we are creating that task okay so this user story is for this iteration for the coming two weeks I have to do but in that uh instead of doing all the things in the description and all sometime it's it's not easy so here it is it is much easier to see in a uh raise maybe something firewall but this is adding like a one line uh task here I know you can add that you can add more details in that okay you can add in that so how this hap helps is that uh in your daily scrum call will be there right Delia agile or scroll will be there in the morning 15 minutes time bound yeah whichever is there okay so in this you have to discuss okay mainly uh mainly what is the kind of your main aim of those that meeting is it is that first of all it is time time bound and we have to say yesterday what you did okay what you did yesterday what is your plan for today and what is any impediment or any blockers okay these three years main mainly thing everybody has to talk about that blocker means let's say here there is a raise access request okay the access request and I have to raise the access request but the person who has to give access in a holiday okay or maybe they don't want beyond a certain level only they will grant me access okay so then then what what will happen is this this assign this this thing is now blocked actually okay so this this I can I cannot do at this point okay so this will now uh has stuck this piece of work okay so that you have to highlight that okay no this this cannot be done at this point this is spending with this this reason okay so you know then that's kind of it is going for that okay then either you can move it to back it to backlog or or some other state you can give no actually why the C from block um okay back from backlogs only the items work items will come to this place isn't it so yes yeah yeah from the from the backlogs you can move it back to backlog because when it is in backlog your clock is not started okay once it is in the once it is in in in in a kind of uh example yes in the active State okay so then it is the counter starts okay when it is in New State and all like kind of your counter is still not started okay yeah in in it won't come in any monitoring later if you are seeing how much is the utilization and all that it won't be there but one C it is in active stay down then definitely like your counter started and all you have a bound to finish that yeah in that way so that will happen and every day call now it is came to active so everyday call we have to decide all that and it gives a very quick view instead of going into the description and all so uh [Music] test some something like anything this either you can assign that to a different person as well okay you can assign that piece of work maybe I'm I'm owning that entire thing but yeah I have to again take help from different different external teams and all I can assign that to them okay so it will be complete visibility and it gives kind of tick mark when all the things are done your task can be moved you can move it to the result and all okay so this is the lowest level kind of in in the hierarchy you can do this is the task level is the smaller space of work in our hierarchy okay so this is kind of our work yeah so for the bug also bug uh usually it won't have a big a big one feature as such okay so it will uh on a big bug who will raise the developers and testers or anybody can raise that's not mandatory like only the developers and anyone can raise if they found something the product owner has found something they will they will raise a bugger okay or if the testing while testing team also have during testing they found something okay they they will do that so all the bugs everybody can see like only particular teams can see or what oh I'm like whoever is the kind of there they have the view to the project yeah they can see that okay in that so new work item we are doing a bug Okay so so bug we have given some in whatever details uh okay now you assign it to something you give it a link as well to maybe existing uh user story something while testing it Kim that you link it to this okay and just save it so and the bug also will be having similar I have not assigned navigation so [Music] assign it to demo class oh no some person we have assigned now okay link also we have given yeah so you'll give the link to uh who's the like a parent oh yeah yes yeah so in this one uh here whatever is the existing or uh user story yeah some some related to some music story and you can link that okay and in the child so I didn't get that actually yeah so here what we have to do uh like it is related to which uh user item okay it it may not be linked completely uh so couple of scenarios are there let's say there is one bug which is reported after six months okay the project was taken earlier six months ago it's all finished and all okay and you don't know the exact uh user story okay corresponding to that specific feature you can put that in a epic only or feature also that's fine okay some something link item that's it okay so we made that as a parent like which one is a pair in place a bug looks like a parent or who's parent for this bug [Music] link okay so this one is is the child okay so what will happen this is the child for this parent okay so add an existing work item as a parent so what we are doing we are adding it as a parent okay so who is the parent a parent will be the feature one so here we are you have to select a parent okay so select the parent there okay select the parent there so it will come there okay that feature it will come home now raise the bug under the Epic also isn't it oh yeah yes if it is done like if it in in the scenario let's say the bug is identified after six months and all you don't have a detailed view who is there you have you can link that okay so other one is if it is identified just in the testing phase or something in a in this print itself in this uh uh itself and then it is related to a user story okay so then you identify that then you give that user story itself okay and so ideally they the the bug and bug is not kind of falling coming down from epic and feature okay only in rare scenario we use that when there is no much detail for that okay like if the bug is identified many months after that and all so then you link it to that link it to Epic yes okay and here on the work items also we can create an issue as well okay so what is the difference between issue and Bug yeah so issue is not related to kind of your technical thing it can be anything okay so any blocker whatever is there okay so let's say uh access access issue Okay so person on on on on leave okay so this is coming as a issue to existing work item uh raise access request okay so now what is happening uh bug is kind of okay something related to testing your your errors or something like that okay so it is not behaving properly as per the desired functionality okay some weird way it is happening so that is bug and all issue is kind of some impediment something got stuck okay some blocker kind of thing okay so this will come here so this is not kind of uh it technically you have to report that okay this is errors are coming or something like that okay this is purely technically something out of technical oh yeah yes some impediment some blocker okay like it is it is not allowing something to move forward okay so that that is an issue so maybe here in example in this case access issue so I have to in another task I have to get an access but the person is on on leave till this so I will raise an issue that okay then these don't leave so then you in the next two tomorrow's call or the Sprint review call you this you discuss this one because this is a issue now this is a blocker okay which is not allowing you to do so team will decide okay what will happen like I either wait for that time or or think for some alternative okay so or move that card back to the backlog okay so you decide that what action to be taken for this against this issue okay in a collaborative way maybe somebody else's earlier face that issue they may give some some other way okay so that will come in the in the tissue okay so these are kind of uh maybe the top level hierarchy for the agile one okay so we saw here so this is our hierarchy for the tech kind of tool itself projector organization these are uh big so what what is our bug whistle the bug also sorry bug is directly and you can add tasks as well in the bug that's fine okay so these kind of these two are not related to directly coming down from epic and feature on rare scenario you can attach that if you don't have any information on currently okay and the issue is over for impediment or blocker um impedimental or some something blocking your task okay these are the issues okay so in Daily Sprint call you have to you have to definitely catch on this this task you have to discuss this point Okay cool so you have like uh if you worked on jeera before no no no no but yeah so there also it's also similar kind of devops tool right now where you track all the work items everything yeah yeah so you have to migrate those to here okay in the on-premises one there are you can get more SQL level access and all you can do kind of import export of from other tools as well okay instead of recreating and maybe they are already having some thousands so in the work items and all that in that so you can do import export as well in in those tools but in it it is more flexibility here you can import worker items actually uh work items are migrated but test cases are not migrated through the tool it does like the cloud one is is kind of locked one okay so because they manage themselves the SQL server and all okay but in the on-premises uh you have to install your own SQL Server backend database and as such so it has got little bit more flexibility we know where the data will go into which table and all okay so they have a cloud jira cloud oh okay yeah so there's the migration is starting but so many epics are missing oh yeah it is definitely not clean all the time it is it is not clean at all yeah because these are both are kind of cloud tools only where you as a user we will have very limited knowledge on the schema where the data should go okay so in the entrepreneur myself one little bit more flexibility is there to do but on on this is also a cloud one so we don't have yeah because we don't have the SQL database we don't know where the data should go so it is quite difficult in that there are some Marketplace tools as such okay uh where which can be looked into but um not sure in that like okay in our case also we saw uh it was coming from Jenkins to here okay okay so yeah but there are some Marketplace tools but again company won't trust with those are kind of not organization given some users will have created and all so yeah otherwise the developers they have to script it apis are there for that okay you will uh whatever you are creating him just now we created all these manually these work items and all that right you can do that programmatically as well okay using your choice of language whichever you want okay you

can do that so if if during a migration ah yeah sorry oh so creating all application features all these we can do programmatically oh yeah through API also yes yeah so it has got a very wide range of apis are also there for Azure devops you can authenticate using the pad token or you cannot authenticate using uh oauth as well okay they have got different authentication mechanisms usually they connect through the pad token and through that you can use the Azure devops apis to create create the things so you can trigger the pipeline you can create Repose whatever you are doing GUI you can do programmatical way as well okay so that migration team can also explore if whatever you're creating it manually instead of that but you have to feed all the details okay so you have to feed all the details programmatically in that way where it should go and all which it should be linked to and that is also possibility okay it's like um how to run the Sprint in this one uh run and this print okay so in this Sprint whatever is there okay so our Sprint 6 is their current okay so like whatever you're assigning okay this this one uh move to iteration current it is in Sprint six so what when we are doing your uh your boards and all uh you're doing uh your daily items okay so there is a pure filter assigned to iteration yeah you can select only the Sprint six okay so this print uh you can filter and in the daily calls you will see this okay so every person will be there you can navigate that whoever all the persons usually eight or nine persons are there you can select all that and see okay so for me I'm interested on my task I will see my tasks only okay so each one will see there and they will give their update and do that uh he asked me like uh how to run a Sprint he asked me to show to the tech leads Sprint means first you have to create a Sprint for that day so based on based on your days whatever is there you want to create a new Sprint okay uh let's see uh Sprint seven iteration recording yeah seven now in that iteration one now we have given sorry where is seven new Sprint nutrition two okay there are no dates for this print create nutrition print seven start date what is 19 . 2023 so 19 is starting so maybe second it is doing that okay and in iteration we can add the same one in that okay select existing iteration only we can we can do okay or give give a new one like that spin seven so let's create that so now we are in this print seven okay so whatever now our work items are there we can create on this print seven okay so in the Sprint planning in this uh Sprint again this print we have to put that okay in this print seven which is of now two weeks we have given Okay so uh running a Sprint as such usually kind of first task will be creation of the Sprint okay you created the Sprint then backlog items will be there then add slowly assign the backlog items okay uh the day backlog items whatever we created is it there oh yeah yes whatever is there in the backlog items if it is already assigned it won't be showing here so these are all kind of uh I am just on the Sprint yeah on the backlog see next to the task yeah yeah so we have not added any task whatever is there earlier we have added for the previous prints okay so it won't show here either if they are not assigned to that Sprint then they will fall on the backlog okay so where is our earlier one where we created some new demo class here so here in the boards Sprints we went and because you know after migration is all and then they will sunset the jeera completely so they will be using uh Azure completely yeah yeah so then the slowly they will have lots of doubts all that they will the like POS testers developers isn't it they'll keep asking me um I can't find this I can't find that how to do that isn't it okay it takes a month to at least yeah yeah and because it's a one-off time like they have to do but most thing that developer and all they need to take care slowly because what you are going to assign is once the Epic and feature is there yeah and if you migrated some work items okay so any items are coming in the backlog so then they are ready to go in that okay they can start there it is migrated okay it's migrated then you have to assign those to if there everything is in the backlog then you can assign that to the to this particular Sprint okay so for example this one we we have assigned uh to that iteration we can assign that to the iteration 2 3 whichever we want okay so it will it will be done in that okay but the first thing uh you have to like the like the calls are already established is it the Sprint review calls and all that Sprint planning is it happening or is it yet to start it's happening with the jira at the moment okay so once the migration is uh done test cases also done some are missing uh so far um okay once they he asked me to give knowledge about these boards on all these first okay okay once this is done they are officially do the final migration the test migration is done final migration will happen then they will work on this one okay so there there will be like when we also did our migration on Jenkins okay so there was a period of overlap was there and uh it went for two sprints okay two like we were following the scrum one so two sprints we have parallel runs on on both okay so with the the user Story the uh uh the Sprint reviews print retro is happening on both the boards okay just to get accustomed and once they are fine they are doing the cutoff completely okay yeah the other one yeah the Jenkins one they kept it read only later after that cut off okay so it was only there for reading reading purposes to see anything and after some period of time it completely dismantled the decommissioned that okay so we went in that way so we had a like meetings were happening extra meetings were happening in two sprints for Sprint review and all in both both ways so that uh everyone will get accustomed to okay how it is there anything missing and all and in in this one no foreign like thinking from a developer point of view like I am also working in that same way like a devops engineer in the developer okay Python and all that so my immediate concern will be to is uh in the backlog is sufficient backlog is there or not for me and it is assigned on my name and or not okay so first thing is print is there or not that is like I I will look in that way okay Sprint is there defined and in that Sprint what is the backlogs what are the items there or not okay whatever I am seeing in the Gyra and the Gyra all these user story are there or not okay so once the user story is there then fine like then I won't bother the Sprint planner much okay then I have to worry on the repos and pipelines all that stuff artifacts and all that okay so my interaction will be less like uh in that way okay okay mostly into pipelines in the repos and the pipelines will be most okay in the pipelines then in the project things in the service connections like how to connect because Gyra might have many connections to a lot of other stuff and all okay so here I have to connect to maybe Azure or AWS which cloud provider you're working on so you have to see the connectivity agent pool so I will be worried on Parallel jobs how I have to do okay how to do the GitHub connections to anything external if you have GitHub and all that okay so I'll be worried on on those stuff okay so this is the thing where the developer will spend more time day in day out okay that's the pipeline okay um okay they will spend more time on this part and the repost part okay this is interaction will be during this I will check more on during the Sprint review Sprint retro and all that okay this before on that meeting or just on that day maybe and daily in the morning time just to see on the Sprint review okay all the I have to give the update by looking in the board okay okay so that will be interaction is much minimal maybe initially during migration you will see some more interactions uh with you but gradually maybe in one or two Sprint that those all will go away and they will be more worried on the Repose pipelines and all that okay okay um so these are the things okay so yeah definitely we'll go in and this is anyway demo class okay so we will drill down more on this like I know the your uh now more on the work items where you have to get familiar to how to sprint and all okay so this we are we will work on we'll work on real use case only like whatever you do you also create your own account it's a free anyway so you will create your scope is more on managing the day-to-day work item or you are also responsible for the kind of agent pools all these stuff as well no not now that will be it is for the moment only like how to migrate the work and all it's done okay yeah migration um yeah such kind of boards mainly all the things in the boards the test plans and repos okay okay so we'll do in that way like we'll create our own project and we will create our kind of demo or fake work in that and do all the all the meetings whatever is there yeah calls and all that so you will get a realistic view how it happens yeah exactly exactly so focus more on that and gradually as you go in the other things like when the thing stabilizes and all and you look into more things how to run those pipelines Repose and always go on those topics yeah yeah sure yes on the documentation part as well in the Wiki how to manage the documentation how to create the dashboards for that too for the CTO and all to see what all so you have to see what data they are more interested on on that so based on that we can create the widgets yeah so yeah and one day I have a task yeah like um presentation giving presentation to how to create these you know epic future stories yeah so yeah so in that first one I would say first give the hierarchy one okay yeah uh like in the presentation they should be aware like how in the genre there could be something different hierarchy here you have to give the hierarchy organization project and inside project your agile is there so in agile epic features how you're going to decide and user story and task and one topic will be there how many meetings are there okay so that you can check meetings for uh for agile okay how many meetings are there you have to at least give them very high level don't give a lot of detail in that give what all meetings are there what is the plan for each meeting uh example like what is that um meeting for uh like what type of meetings you're talking about no in one Sprint for that in one iteration how many meetings will be there right like initially in the beginning of the Sprint you will have Sprint planning call okay it's a broker planning call they can maybe Sprint your uh refinement task refinement call also is there which is optional we don't have but earlier we used to have okay where there is some some of the user store you will get which we won't have much Clarity right initially during the beginning so that call is for task refinement is getting more clarity on that task okay before before actually commencing that task so that that call is also that is optional again towards the end you will have Sprint review where you will showcase the things which is produced artifacts all that and Sprint retro will be there okay yeah so those kind of things you have to just mention that brief at a high level like okay this is now our working methodology slightly changing okay these all meetings we will have this this is the time at least one hour for other calls 15 minutes for these daily calls this is the agenda for each call so these kind of initial information you need to you have to present to that on on the Monday call okay and on on the boards level you just give us a snapshot of this kind of photo with the image of that okay and just explain what is the Sprint okay backlogs how it will work in that okay so all the items will be there in the backlogs and we will [Music] like what to explain he gave me okay what to expect I can share uh he gave me like as I told you for peon designers um hello yeah oh do you want me to show you okay one second [Music] [Music] and that's very based barking yeah you're closer to isn't it yeah yeah Tower hamlets Are All Saints okay um [Music] no no I'm from Orissa odisha okay you I'm from Hyderabad let me share my screen can you see like this yeah yes I can see yeah so these are the tasks that he gave me so I split it into two days so first day po designer and tech leads I'm going to do this and the second day devs secures and uh and these are the things um so which day is for Monday which topic is for Monday Monday is po designer and tech leads okay how to use can planning kanban boards okay okay so the first one like how we decided you have to in the yeah so that is the hierarchy you have to show the top level big task is their epic okay which can span across multiple Sprints okay maybe it can take three months or four months also that's fine okay but your user story will be shot time bound two weeks okay if your Sprint your applying is two weeks so the user story should be in that range okay yeah feature may spend one or two that's it okay it shouldn't be six months or overrunning okay but epic can overrun like that okay two months like that two three months okay yeah so you have to give a brief idea in that and you have to show the hierarchy that that's fine so that point that is dealt okay you know how to now create as well in that yeah uh and the planning kanban board


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