Azure Adminstration Tutorial Azure online Courses Az-104 Realtime training

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so today we are going to discuss about the Aur administrator that is you know exam code is ag14 okay so basically first of all those who are new into the cloud also I'm going to start from the scratch so that they are able to understand each and everything okay so first of all in this particular anation we are going to cover uh from today we are going to cover B basically not only ag14 we are going to cover both AG 900 and and ag14 so AG 900 is known known as aure fundamental and ag14 is what aure administrator okay so both have the no basically we are going to more Focus on aure administrator or with the person who is totally new in ag no in Azure Cloud we are going to cover AG 900 also so I'm going to start from the scratch okay guys so let us discuss about what are the stuff we are going to discuss and how ag14 is what described okay so basically AG 104 We have basically five modules okay in the syllabus so first one is what let me uh put all together okay so basically it belongs all ag14 have five modules and class notes and uh the recording will be Pro provided each and every participants okay guys so first of all that this is what right now we are going to discuss about the syllabus of the ag14 syllabus of ag14 so what are the what is the syllabus basically one ag14 is consist of five modules okay first one is what manage Azure identities and governance a identity and governance from this they are going to ask you almost in your exam they are going to ask you 15 to you know 20% those who are going to prepare the certification second model is what implementation Implement and manage stories Implement and manage stor this okay so this is also going to ask you 15 to 20% next they are going to ask you mainly know deploy and manage Azure compute resources that is VM Azure VM deploy and manage aour compute resources in the bracket you can call as VM also virtual machine we used to call okay so here they are going to ask you almost 20 to 25 5% this is very important modu okay 20 to 25% they are going to ask you here this module they will ask you 15 to 20% one more two more module is what conf uh next module configure and manage virtual Network v it we virtual Network we used to call in here vit configure and manage networking from here they will ask you again 20 to 25% okay so mainly uh module number third and fourth are very important okay Monitor and maintain all you resources this is they're going to ask you 10 to 15% okay so these are are the modules of a104 This Is How They are going to ask you okay so this is the overall syllabus of ag14 now in the exam point of view how many number of question no what is the total you know marks they are going to ask and what is the passing criteria that is also important okay yes or no guys so they are going to ask you total number of marks equals to how passing criteria is what passing crer is 70% 70% means what 700 so these two things are very important okay and this is what we have to put in green if you are going to give the exam if you will get 700 then you will pass okay so this is the overall picture of the ag14 first is what manage Azu identity and governance so in in Microsoft Azure we have what ad Services Microsoft in ID okay then we have we are going to study about the Implement and manage storage we have a service called storage account deploy and manage Azure Computer Resources that is what VM that is they are going to ask you 20 to 25% after that virtual networking without networking we cannot do anything in aure okay so that is what it is going to ask you 20 to 25% a monitor and maintain Azure resources that is 10 to 15% okay this is how they are going to ask you in the exam correct guys now let's move forward so as I told you right we are going to discuss about from the scratch right so let us discuss about what is cloud okay so first of all everyone please try to understand this is very important okay so what is cloud what is cloud how can we Define the cloud basically cloud is what it is a service which we are going to use over the Internet yes or no it is a service which we are using over the Internet that is what service okay so there are so many cloud service provider okay so what are those let us discuss first is what suppose Azure okay these are what cloud service provider second is what [Music] AWS third might be gcp IBM there are so many cloud service provide correct gcp is not go Cloud okay and Etc okay so these are but mainly we are going to nowadays the market share of aour is what more than 38% okay so cloud is a service which we are going to use over the Internet major cloud service provider are azour AWS gcp IBM Etc okay so what is cloud cloud is a service which we are going to use over the internet now who all are the cloud service provider first one is azure second one is AWS third one is gcp okay and IBM Alibaba the ENT data there are so many you know cloud services are there cloud service providers are there okay so this is what what is cloud cloud is what it is a service which we are going to use over the internet now this Cloud have also the multiple you know uh you can say that multiple characteristics okay in if you going to tell about the current market scenario why now the question is coming if we have Aur also AWS also and JCP also why we have to choose the a cloud correct guys why we have to choose Azure Cloud why aure so first of all AUM cloud is what it is a market leader currently in the cloud service provider it is a market leader current scenario it is a market leader with 38.763611 second reg is what easy to learn and use how to use each and everything it is very easy to learn okay and it is going to support all most all the major programming language okay third the very important point that is what we are going to always see we all are human being so basically we are what going to focus on what region we have to pay less and we have to get the more output correct so cost wise as compared to AWS and Google it is as comparatively it is low okay so we can put less price as compared to other cloud service provider okay as compared to other so this is the major you know Point okay so as business point of view it is a market leader every almost all the organization and one more major point is what in day to-day life we are using multiple Microsoft product to integrate the Microsoft product with the Microsoft Cloud that is Aur is very easy there are so many plugins and now okay so that is the reason all the leaders are moving towards ajul cloud in their organization clear guys if anyone have any doubt feel free to chat here okay I will take the questions also don't for at the end of the session okay thank you so we have in Azu Cloud we have the I know uh those are the you know basically right now we discuss it is a marketer with 38.763611 so let us move towards next that is features of or characteristics of or you can see that benefits of cloud okay features of AUD Cloud those who are totally new in Cloud they can also understand so why we are now why we are going to use the cloud there must be some region correct first region is what cloud is a high avability okay so what do you mean by high see 20 High means what anywhere you can use 24x 7 you can use okay ability means what 24x 7 you can use next is what what is the next characteristics that is es scalability so what is escal the question is what is so see escal is what according to your requirement you can increase or decrease the number of resource from the in cloud in a fraction of minute or fraction of second okay so it is very easy to increase or decrease the number of resource based on your requirement third point is what why we we are going to choose the cloud third point is what elasticity elasticity So based on your requirement you can change the configuration of the you can change the configuration of the existing virtual machine or any storage account and whatever may be the resource okay that is what elasticity next is coming agility so I think agility everyone knows based on our requirement we can change any time any uh time we can change the requir there's no hard and fast rule that you have to change after one month or two month or okay anytime anywhere next is your fall tolerance so fall tolerance means what let me explain you this is very important know the people used to get confused what exactly it is for so so fall to tolerance is what if something is not working how to bypass that particular stuff okay and do our major stuff like let me tell you the simple example if you have a scooty right sometimes you are not able to start your scooty with the start button correct so that time we are using what what kick to start the scoy okay although we know there is a fault in the battery batter is not fully charged right might be so many and there are so many stuff we don't know what exactly right so that is the reason we used to call that that kind of situation is what we used to call we are tolerating the fault of the battery by using the another way that is what fault orance okay there next next we are are going to discuss one more know that is know and another features of especially azur cloud is what disaster recovery so everyone know how we have worked in Corona right how we have worked in Corona right so in the corona what we everyone used to work from the home right so that is the reason disaster if something will happen Okay so how to how to design application such a way that there should not be any kind of impact this is known as disaster recovery okay so how to overcome the unexpected event so that it will not going to impact our project our current job Whatever May or our current situation okay next is what we are going to discuss about the global reach this is also one of the very important characteristics or features of cloud Global reach means what the person who is sitting in India the the person who is sitting in you know us the person who is sitting in Canada also able to use the cloud services okay next is what again we are going to discuss about the another know characteristics of cloud that is known as customer latency capabilities so customer customer latency capability is what very you know you can say that latency means what DeLay So delay time to provide the service is very less latency what delay so delay is very rare rare of the r rarest moment even you are not able to recognize the delay okay next is what predictive cost consideration so before using any services or aour cloud is providing multiple services that is VM storage networking Services okay resource multiple uh Services okay but before using any Services we are able to predict this much cost let me give the simple example see if we are going to use I know something called it VM suppose we are going to use VM so VM in which either we can use know window or to or Linux okay so one to price is uh like you know Linux price is different and window price is different because window is what operating system and it is not a free but one to is what free and it is a community ver okay and price of VM especially if you're going to use window it is going to around cost you maybe based on your configuration or basic configuration it is going to cost you almost 14 rupees per hour or something in INR okay I will show you that part also okay so this is also next is what security of the cloud provider especially aour is very high we can trust on that okay so these are the characteristics of Cloud especially a your Cloud okay first one is what high avability first one is high ability second one is what scalability third one is elasticity fourth one is what agility fifth one is what very important that is fall tolerance okay so every day guys you will get a this PDF notes also for the class apart from that you will get the recording also this is what Global reach predictive cost consideration customer latency capabilities and security so security is what very high you cannot deny or you cannot say that the security of this particular a cloud or some whatever maybe the cloud is have less security so these are the features and characteristics of azure Cloud okay so let us move further these are the characteristics or features of azure Cloud first one is what high abilities scalability elasticity agility for tolerance G recovery Global r customer latency capabilities predictive cost consideration and security now we are going to discuss about the types of cloud in aure because it is very important guys Ty of cloud in I so basically Nur We have basically three types of cloud first one is what public Cloud second second one is private Cloud third one is hybrid CL hybrid Cloud okay so these are basically three types of cloud so guys do not get confused if you're going to search on Google types of cloud you will get a five types of cloud that is private public hybrid Community cloud and multi level cloud okay do not get in aour we are going to study only three types of cloud because this is the way of you know providing the service okay so first one is public so whatever the cloud we are using in day-to-day life like Gmail and all those are what comes under this public Cloud okay private cloud is what totally private hybrid cloud is what it is a combination of public and private that is known as hybrid Cloud hybrid Cloud we can Define okay so what is public Cloud let me Define here so basically public Cloud have okay or let me Define one by one then you guys will able to understand more clearly public Cloud so basically whatever maybe we are going to use in day-to-day life like Google know Gmail and all those are what public Cloud so public cloud is what public cloud is owned by cloud service provider a public cloud is owned by cloud service provider we can access public Cloud directly on the internet Okay Internet nothing is required see cost of the public cloud is what less is very less as compared to both hybrid or private Cloud next next is what agility agility means what based on your requirement you can increase your CH and decrease anytime next one more gu one more thing nothing is free in Cloud okay and also in public Cloud you do not have any control control controlled by cloud service provider okay so these are the characteristics of public cloud so this is what the public CL so these are the characteristics of public Cloud now we are going to discuss about the after public we are going to discuss about the private cloud okay so private cloud is what first thing cost wise very high or we can we can access rabit Cloud through bpn that is virtual private Network okay only we cannot access directly on the internet next point is is what controlled by owner of the cloud it is not going to controlled by any of the vendor Cloud vendor if you are honor you are going to manage everything so as the controlled by the cloud runer then security is very high to public and habit so due to that reason cost is high cost of the private cloud is very hi as compared to public and hybrid so let me save here okay so these are the features of first one we can access private Cloud only through VPN controlled by Cloud owner security is a very important and as compared to very as compared to public and hybrid and cost of the private cloud is very high as compared to the public cloud and hybrid Cloud so let me put the arrow Mark here so we can private Cloud through only VPN and controlled by Cloud owner it means you if you are the owner you are going to control you are going to provide the access you are going to revoke the access okay guys next is what security is as you know controlled by you only then security as compared to public and hybrid is what high and cost is also high as compared to the public and private public and private now we have a hybrid Cloud so what is hybrid hybrid Cloud as I told you right it is a combination of public and private Cloud so basically it is what combination of or you can say that public plus public plus private Cloud access through only VPN okay you cannot access without vpm less price as compared to other Cloud other means compared to private CL because public have the less price as compared to hybrid also okay basically hybrid cloud is going to provide the flexibility you can switch either private or public so that is the reason it is going to provide you flexibility mity okay next so these are what types of cloud which we have discuss and these are the features of cloud type okay first one is hybrid hybrid we can access it is a combination of public private second thing is what access through only VPN we cannot access you know we cannot access uh this without VPN and this is what flexibility so these are the types of no Cloud which we have discussed now we are going to discuss about the service model of cloud what are service model okay so let us discuss about the service model see the people used to get confused guys service model and the types of cloud they used to say say both are same but it is not the same okay service model of cloud which Cloud that is a cloud okay so what is the service mod first one is what first know uh especially the service model is have you guys heard about IAS infrastructure as a service platform as a service correct software service I AAS first one second one is pass platform as a service third one is SS software as a service okay so these are the three types of service model okay so whenever I see I'm also working VP in one of the MNC and the people used to know if I'm going to ask types of cloud they used to say this is is pass and SAS so please be careful about that okay so these are the three model of service model of cloud so you can see that these are the three different color I have given so all the color have the different different meaning okay if you are going to choose the infrastructure as a service you are going to manage multiple things okay if you're going to choose platform as a service you are going to manage only two things okay and if you are going to choose software as a service you are you are not going to manage anything you are going to be become a just you are going to do your business work that's all okay so now the question is coming what is in you know IAS so IAS stand for infrastructure as a service basically in this particular category try to understand guys this very important concept so I is the most basic basic category of cloud computing service okay with I what exactly we are going to rent what are the items we are going to take the rent on what are those we are going to take the rent of BMS VMS next we are going to take the rent of stores we are going to to take the rent of network network Services I mean to okay Etc so these are what example of infrastructure as a service okay we are going to rent these item in the infrastructure service from where from azur or everything you can put it here okay everything we are going to take from the I Cloud okay so this is what we are going to take everything from the cloud so infrastructure service you can say that infrastructure service is what first gate or entry gate of the cloud computer infrastructure as service is what inate of the cloud computer okay guys next is what we are in platform as service see platform the service this is what you can say that it is what second layer of cloud computing okay and here we are going to you know take the platform okay so what are those platform example what is the example of as platform as a service example is what OS operating system second one is what development kit or development tools Etc okay if you're going to choose the right tool right platform your what efficiency will increase next SS means what software service right now we all are what connected with zoom right Zoom is also one of the software ad a service okay one of the example second one is what teams SK Skype Google meet Etc okay so these are the example of plus software as a service okay guys these are the example guys okay so if you're going to choose the infrastructure a service it is going to give you the what flexibility it is going to platform as service if you're going to choose it is going to give you what productivity and software as service is what it is going to solve your business problem not your technical problem this is the main I know Advantage uh these are the main advantage or characteristics of service model of azure Cloud okay let me log to the now we I'm going to explain you aour portal so let me log the portal guys anyone have any queries please ping here okay I will answer all the queries at the end of the session e so I will take all the question please feel free to write your questions in the know chat box so let me explain you guys uh here this is what I just now login portal portal. okay and for creating any

you know uh creating any St and all we required an know account that is what account so how to create account we have to go to the portal. and you you can create the account you can see that left hand side top most these are what all the core Services of cloud especially Azure Cloud after that you can see that this is what the you know icon of Microsoft if you're going to click on it is going to navigate to the homepage after that this is the search box of all the services offered by Azure okay either you can go like that or either directly you can search here okay after that you can see that co-pilot new introduced okay so this is kind of AI facility it is going to provide after that you can see that cloud cell you can create instance through GUI also through Power Cell also and through CLI command also after that notification bar whatever the activity you are going to do you can know you can see all those activity here after that you know settings and I know profile and all okay so we are this is what the overview of the Azure portal okay guys after that we are going to do some Labs also so first lab we are going to do is what create Resource Group second La we are going to do is create virtual machine so let me go you can so as I told you right you can just search your you can see that after res typing this know RS is show in the resource Group this is the dashboard of the resource Group here you can see that create button manage view with this you can you know modify the dashboard of the you know Resource Group okay so click on create button how to create I'm using PSU go so that is the region basically it's our organization RG test 01 that is the name and region is what any geographical area so before creating any instance we have to check we have to use the uh we have to select the or either choose the vision Okay click on review and create and you can see that validation got pass then we can click on create this is how we are going to create the RG test 01 this is the resource Group just now we create okay after that you can see that we are going to create the virtual machine you can see that virtual machine click on create click on a virtual machine we have already created the resource Group select that okay and after that we have to give the VM name VM test 01 after that you can select the one to data sent window okay here we have to give the username Azure user here we have to give the password to access the VM we have to repeat the password because it is asking to confirm the password and then it is in bond select his RDP and click on review and create so you can see that 15.64% so it is in progress it will take couple of minutes okay deployment is in progress you can see that deployment is in progress it will take few seconds 30 to 40 seconds more so deployment succeeded it means what our VM is ready so go to the resource or directly you can type virtual machine and you can see that your VM is ready okay guys so how to access this VM directly you can what type the RTP remote connection okay here this is what your public IP copy this and put here here you have to give the username which we have provided at the time of creation of the VM click on connect after that we have to provide the password which we have given at the time of creation of VM now it is connecting the VM click on yes now it is creating the profile guys it will take few minutes maximum one or two minutes so our VM is ready so that is what how to create how to access all the operations which you are doing on your laptop you can do here in the VM okay guys okay then let me stop sharing and guys now the time is what you guys can ask any question okay please type your question can we consider M65 publication SS uh legit M 365 is what tell me this is application correct yes or no guys application correct so basically Ms off face is what application only right yes or no so in which category we are going to consider platform only right okay clear next guys any doubt any queries please feel free to ask me right now I'm here to take the questions only any kind of queries questions feel free to ask why you cloud is better than AWS yeah so I have already given the answer in my you know demo let me tell you once again because aour is right now the market leader okay and maximum I know all the major organization is using theur Cloud okay so almost major part that is 38 point something you know it is going it have already capture and also the price wise it is it have the less price as compared to a okay and there are so many very you know uh good services available in Azure especially let me tell you one example Azure devops so in Azure devop single platform you can do all the St project planning also you can do the testing also you can do the deployment also you can store your artifact also you can use the repository also okay but in AWS we don't we do not have uh we do not have this kind of service we have the dev service also in AWS but for everything we have to choose different different services but in a single platform in a DeVos we can do all the task okay that is a reason you must have seen that know aour I know devops is very popular yes next question all UB 2 and all everything are available okay VM image available only for Server us okay or window client emails available yes window is also available Okay window is also available Central everything almost I will show you all the list of you know operating systems are avilable next yeah NIS you are asking something yes just say please type your question everyone feel free to ask any question silence means what I'm going to take as there is no question you have okay could you please let me know the difference [Music] between ABD and and 365 this is especially I I will tell you no issues okay but this is the class is 104 correct no no Resource Group is not know uh uh Resource Group is not kind of you know container is not equal to don't say the equal to it is a kind of container okay but not exactly equal it is okay because see container means what you can S3 is what in AWS S3 we used to call as container complete container any kind of you know data you can upload any kind of structure and structure but Resource Group is not providing that kind of facility okay clear Vin Kumar but it is a kind of container where we are going to create any kind of instance inside the resource Group VM also storage also okay yes next so guys uh you guys are not asking any question so shall I wind up I'm going to wind up within 30 second if anyone if no one is going to know ask any query so there are multiple you know use of aure without Azure you know without cloud we cannot imagine our life itself okay Nar so see on daily basis you are taking the selfie right and you are restoring that selfie where you're restoring your selfie in Cloud only okay okay guys thank you so much okay thank uh thanks for joining the session guys thanks all


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