AWS re Invent 2020 Achieving tangible business outcomes with edge-to-cloud IoT solutions

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welcome to our iot session achieving tangible business outcomes with edge-to-cloud iot solutions before we start i would like to introduce today's speakers my name is mike romosa i'm working on iot edge devices and solution delivery in the aws partner network garof gupta who is an aws partner solution architect will join us as well as byron v miller director of smart building and smart home vertical at our aws partner semtech simplicity is complexity resolved this quote is attributed to constantine branch an influential pioneering romanian artist born in 1876 most renowned for his abstract sculptures his interests also extended to painting photography music and science to me his quote easily transcends the world of art and applies quite universally and especially to the world of iot which needs resolution of complexity on so many levels to be successful on a broad scale so even though oprah cooch likely did not have the topic of today's session in mind at all in this so in the spirit of his words in our session we're going to take a look at the challenges of iot with some of its inherent complexities and how we can help you simplify it so you will learn more about how solutions and solution components provided by aws partners and the airbus iot services can make it easier for you to resolve iot complexity challenges allowing yourself to focus more on innovation and achieving the simple but most important often challenging goal of delivering outcome at scale for your business and your customers we will walk you through how new always iot services and the offerings of aws partners can help you simplify including a demo and finally we will also talk about a customer success story that shows how adaw's iot solutions have helped customers to be more successful quicker the opportunity iot office is significant iot empowers you with the intelligence needed to build new services and business models improve products and services over time enjoy better relationships with your customers because you are able to understand their needs your business operations become more efficient and you can make intelligence decisions faster and over time develop a data-driven data-driven discipline all of these advantages lead to revenue growth and greater operational efficiency however iot and iot technology are also extremely complex with many challenges across more than one dimension starting with edge devices and sensors and their onboarding provisioning management how those devices collect and process data how they connect and securely communicate the analysis and visualization of data and how to properly act on it development of applications and services to help you empower and delight your customers and last but not least the transformational shift in the culture and alignment across all stakeholders in your organization so in today's session we'll show you how address iot services and areas partners can help simplify this iot complexity and address key challenges and then we'll specifically focus on how we can help you resolve challenges around iot connectivity with technical use case examples now as a result of complexity in the multi-dimensional nature of iot that we just talked about many customers are struggling so a recent mckinsey study shows that just 30 of enterprises engaged in iot project launches were able to take their programs beyond the proof of concept or pilot phase so let's find out what we can do to simplify all this to drive success while starting a proof of concept based pilot for an iot related program is actually relatively easy but also as we just saw not exactly a recipe for success beyond pilot or even for pilot the conceptual focus design focus of a poc rarely delivers a repeatable value proposition delivering something that is better than what has been there before they also lack the complete operational integration that you want because iot is all about leveraging the data and data needs to be shared and used across the entire organization to create the value and insight you're looking for and equally important technical implementation in a poc is more often than not based on proving out something in that in principle works but the components in architectures show them from hardware software are not ready for prime time a traditional poc approach is simply not ready to scale with a narrow view on short term results that means at the end of the day products get stuck in the pilot phase without a viable path to move forward to production now taking a proof of value build approach instead can help you deliver a value beyond the mere concept with a path to production what's the difference building a value proposition designed to scale and operational integration but if i would have to choose one keyword i would pick scale a proof of value shows you can the proof of value shows you how to deliver a tangible value and outcome and to do that you need to scale so a proof of value is also a proof of scale scale goes across the value proposition operational integration at scale as well as the design of your technical architecture which is the aspect that we are focusing on today designing with scalability in mind is crucial scalability includes design aspects such as your architecture individual component and vendor selection build versus buy decisions device connectivity and iot technology as a whole aws and database iot services provide you the building blocks to build to scale iot is complex and services have shown that the most successful projects are leveraging partners so don't go it alone and rather than building everything yourself leverage aws partners to your advantage to remove complexity areas partners build on the scale and rich functionality that aws services provide deliver expertise that help you scale further and in the end allowing you to focus on your core business expertise rather than the intricacies of iot technology a pov will allow you to iterate and extend your projects more easily across other use cases across your entire business it eliminates the need to reinvent the wheel every time but rather build and repeat building quicker using shared components and architectures that allow your products to realize customer and business outcome through the sharing of data as you continue to embark on a multiplying multiplication of use case implementations a pov delivers scale for a long-term view driving outcome for your business and customers now let's find out more about how aws iot services and the aws iot partner community can help you without the need for you to become a subject matter expert across the entire iot technology stack and eliminate the daunting task of doing it all yourself the adobe's iot services offer broad and deep functionality to build iot solutions securely and scale ranging from device software that enables intelligent edge hardware devices using fiatus iot greengrass connectivity and control services like iot device management and iot device defender or even the new alias iot core for lower rank service that we will cover in more detail later in this session we will also offer you a broad range of analytics services such as iot events iot analytics or iot site-wise aws offers seamless iot edge to cloud integration across aws services with multi-layered security and superior mlai integration in the cloud and at the edge using aws services such as amazon sagemaker and amazon salesmaker neo the adobe's iot partner community offers expertise across the entire iot technology stack including use case specific solutions and solution components aws hardware partners offer hardware devices that are qualified to work with lws offering you the selection and confidence to simplify the implementation of your iot projects you can leverage aws and our aws partners combine extensive digital transformation experience and take advantage of customer specific acceleration and funding programs to help you to go to production faster given that the iot technology stack is complex and involves assets and things such as microcontrollers sensors gateways fleet management vertical platforms cloud infrastructure data analytics secure and applications we help address these complexities and remain responsive to a diverse set of customer needs by establishing an edge to outcome partner value chain view this concept takes into account that iot expertise is distributed across a number of stakeholders there's typically not one partner that does it all like there's typically not one customer who can do it all the partners across the edge to outcome value chain allow you to leverage partner expertise whether it is selectively with respect to specific iot solution components a complete use case-focused end-to-end solution or even something in between whether you're a builder or buyer you can take advantage of the awit community to simplify your iot projects by selecting the approach that works best for your iot projects and strategy so in order to further simplify building iot solutions we provide the adobe iot solution repository and the aws partner device catalog they allow you to discover aws partner offerings across the entire h2 outcome value chain ranging from devices to end-to-end solutions whether you would consider yourself more of a builder a buyer or even both you simply choose the approach that works best for you by engaging in aws partners in the aws partner device catalog you can find devices and hardware to help you explore build and go to market with the iot solutions search for and find over 600 devices qualified by aws partners to work with aws including development kits and embedded systems to build new devices as well as off-the-shelf devices such as gateways industrial pcs edge servers sensors and cameras for immediate iot project integration the choice of aws enabled hardware from from the curated and growing catalog of devices from aws partners can help make the roller of your iit projects easier and the growing ada was ig solution repository showcased the solutions that aws and aws partners have built on aws services to tackle the complexity of iot for common industry use cases enabling you to select from qualified devices with memphis architectures to solution accelerators that allow you to build on repeatable shared platform components all the way to complete end-to-end so solutions and here you can see an example of the aws iot community members including independent hardware vendors isvs connectivity partners and both regional and global system integrators this rapidly growing group and their products and services all work with aws and are here to support you and your iot journey so as i mentioned earlier on today's technical focus will be on simplifying iot device connectivity and how aws and the errors partners can help you making selection integration and deployment easier the edge is one of the most important components of iot without the thing on the edge whether it's a sensor edge server or gateway there is no iot edge components produce the data to create the insight and efficiencies that all the other layers build on to generate the business outcome and the need that and they do need connectivity to do that so now t connectivity spans from sensors to network and like iot as a whole is in itself rather complex a kind of complex area that's very technology focused iot connectivity relates to wider wireless quality for network connectivity to the cloud there's ethernet wi-fi silent technologies we have sensor technologies like current loop io link modbus zigbee bluetooth laura lauren and many others so specifically respect with respect to law one raw vendor delivers a low power wide error lp where networking protocol designed to wirelessly connect battery-operated things to the internet with a long-range communication at low data rates with end-to-end security mobility and location localization services now in order to help customers to simplify the integration of iot device connectivity we have just introduced aws iot code for io for lower ran which makes it easier for customers to integrate reliable lower rank connectivity and by the way you can find devices such as gateways that are msit core for lower and qualified in our aws partner device catalog let's talk more about the technical integration though i'm now handing it over to our partner solution architect gareth gupta to tell you more about how aws iot core for laurel simplifies implementing reliable and secure private law van connectivity in your iot projects gareth thank you mike i am gaurav gupta partner solutions architect at aws and iot edge let me start by providing you a quick snapshot of wireless technologies based on the range and throughput they support unlike cellular technologies such as lte np iot 5g that are deployed by telcos in licensed spectrum laura is a technology that is that uses unlicensed spectrum and offers the valuable alternative to build private lot of when networks laura technology applies to battery powered objects in low power wide area networks lorawan is the protocol standardized by laura alliance and built from ground up for the battery operated things that have low data rates want to be amazed you can get 10 years of battery life and signal broadcasting up to 10 miles with laura industry analysts such as ihs forecasts year over year growth of 45 percent and more than 740 million lot of connections by year 2025 let's look at different network elements of lorawan a lot of an enable end device is a sensor that wirelessly connects to lorawan network through radio gateways using lora radio frequency modulation when these end devices are manufactured they are assigned several unique identifiers these identifiers are used to securely activate and administer the device to ensure the safe transport of packet over the network and to deliver encrypted data to the cloud alarm gateway receives laura modulated rf message from any end device in hearing distance and forward the datum message to lorawan network server lns which is connected through the ip backbone such as cellular or wireline the lns manages the entire network its responsibilities includes implementation of the lorawan protocol connections to the gateway via basic station protocol validating the authenticity and integrity of devices deduplication of messages forwarding uplink messages scheduling for downlink messages to the gateway and forwarding joint request to drawing server for the device activation the join server manages over the air activation process for the end devices to be added in the network application server shown is responsible for securely handling managing interpreting sensor application data it also feeds the data to drive the dashboard ui all the interfaces across each of the network are secure and the device data itself is encrypted to provide overall security and in order to simplify laravel and deployment for your iot projects we have recently launched aws iot code for lorawan iot code for lorawan enables customers to set up a private lorawan network by connecting their lorawan devices and gateways to aws cloud without developing or operating a lot of network server this eliminates undifferentiated development and operational bundle burden of managing an lns and associated infrastructure reducing the time needed to configure and set up all the required network components aws iot code for lorawan includes support for open source a lot of in the gateways lns communication protocol called lora basic station which means no writing or testing of custom software in order to connect lorawan gateways to aws iot core once laraven gateways and devices are connected device data is automatically routed to aws iot core rules engine accelerating the iot application development and offering end-to-end security developers can write rules like simple sql queries to transform an act on the device data raising alerts or routing it to the aw services like amazon s3 using the aws iot core rules engine from the console engineers can also query metrics for connected devices and gateways to troubleshoot connectivity issues with pay as you go pricing and no monthly commitments customers can connect and scale loraw and device fleet reliably and build applications with aw services quickly and efficiently our aws iot partners make it easy for you to get started by providing aws iot code for laravel and qualified gateways that connect to aws iot core without any need to modify embedded software the aws iot code for lorawan qualified gateways are available from broad curling layered multitec and tectalic you can always find the current list of qualified partner devices in aws partner device catalog in addition aws iot partner also offer additional ways to connect laravel devices to aws iot core including through select laraven network operators and through partner lauraven network servers and gateways or in the cloud combining the benefits of the low power wide area nature of lara and lorawan technologies with the richness of aws platform is a strong value proposition for our customers that is the reason we have designed aws iot core for lorawan as a mechanism to enable the deployment of private laravel networks that can easily and securely connect to aws iot core and leverage the rich integration capabilities of aws iot core with other aws services for building solutions some of the characteristics of aws iot core for laravel service are its high scalability and security so that you as a customer can focus on solving what is unique to your business without worrying about underlying connectivity technology details the aws iot code for lorawan service is deeply integrated within the aws iot portfolio services allowing our customers to easily route messages from lorawan sensors into the aws services for storage visualization or analytics that basically means the traditional role of application server is now replaced by aws platform allowing a broad set of options when it comes to transforming the data coming from devices into the business value in addition the service also includes the required features to remotely manage gateways and devices as well as monitor network health to simplify development using aws iot core for laravel we have qualified development kits that include gateway sensors and getting started guide to build hello world application qualified dev kits are available from curling laid multi-tech and tectalic here is one such kit from our partner multitec as you can see it comprises of the lorawan gateway that is qualified for aws iot a sensor and a link to getting started guide similar development kits from other partners are listed in aws device partner catalog and provide you a step-by-step guide to connect lorawan gateways and sensor and use them in action once the gateway sensors are provisioned on aws iot for laravan the getting started guide further walks you through how to transform raw binary payload from sensor into usable json format for seamless integration with other aw services such as for notification and visualization for instance the hello world architecture shown the transform data from the sensor is sent from iot rules engine into simple notification service sns to demonstrate how how to get alerts on your mobile phone when the sensor reading cross certain thresholds the transform json sensor payload is also sent to the iot analytics and into the quick side for visualization aws partner device catalog recently added a new category of ready-to-use vertical solution kits together with tensor iot and semtech a smart building kit and asset tracking keyboard developed and qualified to resolve complexity of braille building private lorawan networks these kits allow the necessary hardware including a lot of and sensors and gateways cellular connectivity and a web user interface to deliver an out of the box solution for end-use user who is looking to experience the power of iot the smart welding kit enables end customers to quickly deploy sensors and gain insight into what is happening in their buildings the smart building kit solution utilizes aws iot services under the hold and is easily extensible such that customers can add additional sensors and capabilities on their own or through si services from tensor iot under the hood the raw lot of and sensor payload is transformed into readable json by aw7 it is then ingested into lambda dynamodb and into s3 for data like use cases for administration there is a mechanism to add update and delete sensors from the kit and to manage users using cognito to enable the dashboard in real time app sync securely connects with dynamodb updates and enable dashboard ui as you may notice the backend architecture for processing and storing sensors payload and to manage devices and users is modularized by using the same set of serverless aws services and flows the front-end dashboard can easily be adapted to drive vertical specific use cases for instance asset tracking would use map and real-time placement of sensors instead of customizable indoor floor plan this enables you to address other use cases with a similar general shared backend architecture now i will walk you through out of the box experience with laura van smart building kit a building owner looking to experience the power of iot would receive a kit like this inside the box are sensors and gateways that are pre-configured in the architecture i showed earlier you would log in by scanning the barcode and that is inside the box and use the credentials that are provided inside the kit the wi-fi hotspot and laravel and gateway that comes in the kit are pre-configured to work together you would just have to power up the hotspot and the lower one gateway after placing the sensors in the building you can now update the tags and mark them on the float plan according to their placement now let's look at the data being collected by the sensors that is how it is easy to get to get up uh and running with the lorawan smart building kit not only you can get the most recent data but also the history over a period of interval for instance the occupancy sensor provides the occupancy over 24 hour period a week and over a month it provides average daily occupancy over a week let's go to the environment page the environment page provides an overview of temperature and humidity over the last 24 hours now let me demonstrate how the dashboard updates sensor in in data in real time for this purpose i placed a room occupancy sensor facing the wall so that it's currently showing gaurav office is not occupied as i move the sensor it will detect motion and update the dashboard automatically and all of this is done out of the box to the end customer without writing a single line of code i'm now handing over to byron b miller from our aws partner semtech thank you gaurav i'm byron b meller with semtech and we're pleased to be part of the team putting together the smart building kit based on laura wan so you've heard aws describe the components that they have available to support the building of an end-to-end iot solution and you've heard tensor iot describe how they've used those tools to do exactly that with the smart building kit we'd like to do now is tell you a bit more about the real world problems that the smart building kit can solve first let's talk briefly about the connectivity technology used the smart building kit is based on laura which is a patented radio technology from semtech it is a very power efficient radio technique with the ability to operate in very noisy rf environments and over long distances on top of lora is a wide area network standard for low power networks called lorawan lorawan is owned and specified by the non-profit organization the laura alliance the lore alliance maintains and updates the spec and provides certification services as a way to ensure interoperability secure communication and roaming between networks the law alliance is comprised of nearly 500 of the largest network operators cloud service providers and device makers in the world there are many types of buildings and uses of these buildings but let's focus for a minute on the biggest market commercial office space you will hear later about an application in the food service industry as well you're looking at a survey done by the research firm verdantix which asks facility managers what the most important influences will be over the next three years you can see that topping lists or concerns about making the best use of space and getting maximum productivity from employees by providing a safe and comfortable work environment now let's drill down a little more specifically on the types of service that can help building managers address these concerns monitoring desk and room usage can help real estate managers gain unprecedented insights into how a space is being used and to avoid costly and unnecessary footprint expansions when simple reconfigurations will do real-time booking information makes employees more efficient by showing available desk and room space in today's covid world it can also be used to ensure proper distancing and density requirements predictive cleaning allows managers to ensure that areas that were actually used receive priority cleaning services rather than the traditional time-based cleaning approach and water damage is responsible for nearly two-thirds of insurance claims and can cause serious disruption to operations not to mention costly repairs so the smart building kit was done by a partnership of the players you see here each of which brings their own area of expertise to the party as mentioned semtech has provided the lora silicon to provide the long-range low power connectivity qualified sensors and gateways have been provided by hardware partners brown and radio bridge and finally systems integrator tensor iot has put together these hardware components with iot solution components from aws to provide out-of-the-box solutions ready for the market in the future aws iot core components for lorawan will be used to further simplify the overall solution architecture and make it even more efficient and scalable now here's what you will actually find in the kit when you purchase it as mentioned before it's self-contained so you receive two mini hub pro gateways which are connect to the internet via wi-fi you receive desk sensors which can be placed under desks pretty self-explanatory room occupancy sensors which again placed in rooms grid eye sensors which can be used to actually count the number of people in the room uh temperature temperature and humidity sensors and a leak detector along with all this you also receive a portable wi-fi hotspot so that you can set up the system without having to go through corporate i t infrastructure if desired you get access to the full dashboard source code and documentation and if you'd like to know more about the the kit you can visit the web link on your screen so as i mentioned before we also have an example of use of the kit in the food service industry uh saravana baffin is the world's largest south indian vegetarian restaurant chain and the u.s group wanted to provide a peace of mind and safe dining experience for their customers and employees so they're looking for a scalable solution that can deliver occupancy monitoring real-time insight and record-keeping of historical data for additional insight the immediate customer challenge was selection of technology hardware vendors rf deployment configurations connectivity management and cloud-based application development siervana baffin uses the smart building kit implemented on aws iot core to securely collect dining room occupancy data from aws qualified wireless lorawan sensors and gateways to process that sensor data stored on amazon dynamodb trigger actions govern activities and visualize the data in dashboards for restaurant branches and chain management the impact for the chain was immediate by reducing the need for timely and costly custom solution development with a deployment able to incur in two weeks instead of the estimated four months required to build it build a fully bespoke solution building on and integrating with existing solution the customer is also exploring the integration of a partner ilt solution that monitors the restaurant environment for adherence to osha and cdc guidelines the solution can proactively predict violations so issues can be addressed as quickly as possible existing cameras and sensors can be connected to the system with machine learning and detection happening at the edge the results are then processed in the cloud for reporting monitoring action and analytics thank you for listening and now i'm handing it back to mike to conclude our session mike now if you want to learn more about some of the content that we talked about today you can find the number resources is a starting point listed here well and this concludes our session i want to thank our speakers gupta and byron bemiller again and most importantly of course you for joining us today please do not forget to complete the session survey to let us know how we did have a great rest of your day wherever you are in the world see you soon


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