The 21st Century Digital Enterprise DXC Breakout 1

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Friends, and family. Okay. This could be fun now. So. Uh you. Guys I don't know a lot of you guys may or may not know Lewis Richards, he's the guy who has a tag and his thumb, which. I'm sure he'll tell you about later. So. It's waits to say what, I really want to talk to you guys about today is is, a little bit about what. Are we learning from the company, from different companies, attempts. To embrace, digital and. Quite. Honestly in pioneering, spirit how many of those attempts. Are really failing at least through the first three. Or four iterations that our program and in this day and age where we should, be continuously, learning how. Do we get there so, I'm gonna kind of you know kick off in the very beginning right um those, of you guys don't know DXE and I think most of you guys do knowing the friendly. Faces I see in the crowd, right. We we, were formed, on April 3rd of this year as. A new, company that's made up from, the merger of CSC. Computer, Sciences Corporation and, EDS. HP, es which. About brought about a hundred and ten thousand, employees. In to make us with the largest, pure-play integrator. In the world but for, me what was really important, and interesting is the fact that we. Actually didn't, just take, two garbage trucks and mush them together, we. Actually built a company, from the top down, we. We picked what. We wanted to be as, a new company we wanted, to be the company who fundamentally. Is, does. IT o as a last resort, that, focuses, in on all. Operation, activities, and fundamentally. Becomes the trusted set of hands to help customers, transform, themselves into this, new digital landscape. It's. Easy to say it's harder to convince the whole organization, to do it but, what what we actually found is that both companies had a pent up demand and. Quite honestly a. Together. A larger. Number of skilled professionals in, those digital, capabilities. That would help us execute better on that strategy and because. It does take critical, mass in order to execute on a digital transformation. As. We again began to also move through it we began to recognize that many of the things that we are as a company that we do as a company are, still broken and I, think for me it's all we important to try to define digital-based it's another cloud washing term that i see over, and over again and you guys know it's like container, washing, cloud washing, you, know take, your take your pick up washing technologies, you, know marketing, never, always, loves new terms but, for me digital is really simple it's.

Actually, Using. Information and combining information enhancing. Information. In order to make better decisions. On. A daily basis whether it's the way that I engage with my customer, whether I the way I engage, with my employee the way that I engage with my partner, it's, about ecosystems, of information, that are coming together in which the information, itself completes. Other pieces of information to create a more complete picture which, allows a better decision to be made time after time and that. Fundamentally, anytime that you actually use machines to actually combine information they leave lots of breadcrumbs around it's, actually making sure that you actually have the right bin for those breadcrumbs so, that you are become a continuous, learning environment. In which the positive and negative decisions, are self-reinforcing on, what, you do want to go forward basis and so, for me that digital, is about putting information to work within the business really as simply as that but, what we also begin to recognize, is that in a continuous, learning organization. In an information, driven organization. And. A, fast-moving, marketplace. That we're all participating, in now one, of the key challenges that we have is the. Organization, itself that actually works against, you as you, move into that transformational. Landscape and what, do I mean by works against you I really, mean insular. People, who fundamentally. Believe. In command and control methodologies. Means. An organization, that fears making, mistakes, and therefore is unwilling to take the risk of running experiments, it. Means, on. An inability to actually understand, what the marketplace really, desires you to be or an understanding, of the dimensions, in the marketplace in which you participate these, are these are really hard things and to some extent our research has begun to grow up around, these six facets, that are needed that, surround, the, digital participant, whether it's customer employee, or, citizen, that. Allow, them to to. Actually a drive, an integrated, change, management model, I don't. Know if that makes any sense but but, think of it as you, know if you have an organization that's coming control oriented in which your boss tells you you can never fail, or. That, if you if you do fail right you're out right. That's a problem. If. What you are is a culture who is sitting there and saying I don't mind is if you fail so long as you recover fast and you tell everyone else why you failed so, that other people don't make them a same mistake that's, a well. Rewarded position. And that comes from the leadership down and then the last thing that I think Peter Sohn and Gard talked about today I think we're gonna elaborate, even more is, is, about being a culture, that is actually rebuilt, by the technical, capabilities, of the employees itself it's. About the digital self and you. See startups, behaving. Differently with, pace, fundamentally. Because they are bringing in awareness, and a skill. With. Their own digital tools that, is actually creating, a productivity. Improvement. That's, really substantial, versus a more traditional office, environment, and, we're. Going to talk today a lot more about that and then, obviously there's there's another dilemma here and that other dilemma is the fact that, the.

Digital. Capabilities. Within the organization, actually, create a self-reinforcing constraint. So, if you don't have the people that allow, you to build up the capability, of capacity then. Fundamentally. You never can really operate at scale and a pace in this marketplace and, so what we're looking at right is a set, of services. That we want to offer to give, our enterprise. Clients scale, we. Actually believe that there really is a talent gap in this marketplace and one of the best ways to actually fill that talent gap is where, they bring your own teams model in. Which we actually work with you, to augment, your skills, so you both become self-sufficient. But, also that we can actually have our, 170,000. Employees bring. A broader set of expertise, for the right expertise, the right time to you and we kind of turn this the outside-in enterprise, in, which you recognize that all this not all the right smart, people work for you and so. We're all about filling that digital, capability, gap but, it also takes the experimentation, within, the business itself to, find the right uses for mobility and field service to drive analytics, artificial, intelligence, Internet of Things these are all things that are going to drive multiple. X. Productivity in the enterprise and we're gonna go after them in a big way and I'm gonna show you some strategies in a few minutes on how we're going to get, there even faster as a scale play within the marketplace with. That I'm gonna bring, Luis. Up real quick to talk a little bit more about what I alluded, to which is this notion that a 21st. Century organization, can't be built on the backs of 20th century people and. So Luis you want to run. Us through some experiential, learning here yeah, so our key. Messages. Sort of we try to think about and the concept of how do we as organizations actually. Make our people more, digital. In inverted commas and it's, we've, got to get past the concept of it being a buzzword if I was stood up here eight years ago I'd be exposing. The benefits of green 80 we're. Going to make it more than just a label right so digital as the word of de rigueur at the moment and I'm. Really interested in this one listening to but. Glenn Hutchins this morning I'm to be the Sondergaard talking about this morning it was lots. Of buzzwords and even though our digital capability, gaps that Dan put up there I'm, interested in the fact that so thundergirls point was that there was a massive talent gap for. You know in certain areas for people right I'm more interested in the fact that as firms we all have 50, 60, 70 thousand, people who already work, for us in the business now challenge, is to, actually take the model that Dan talked about the 21st century organization, model right, to flip that around to say to, get the organization you've also got to have the people you've got to bring the people with you to, that kind of you're gonna close that gap and. We. Think it's actually challenging, we've got to move some of these things from the abstract to the real so when you, talk about the Internet of Things or you talk about mixed reality or artificial intelligence these kind of things what, does that mean to Jeff who works in accounts Jeff, who's worked in accounts and worked in Excel for 20 years what does a ie or natural, language processing or, machine intelligence mean. - Jeff and, we can do much better jobs, of actually making our people, better we can make them more 5 10%, 15% better, and understanding how, they fit as humans, in a world that's surrounded by digital technology and, that's part. Of the interesting concept, that we have as. Business. Leaders really and it comes from the executive it has to come from the people in you know who run the organization's we've got to be able to walk. That walk and actually be seen to understand, those, concepts, ourselves, to be bringing that to life for people in the organization, and we've also got to make sure that we know if, we're going to address this problem where does that land inside the organization if you've got a transformation, project, to, transform your business there's a strategy, line and there's a technology line I'm interested in the people line who's doing that people bit to make sure that we actually make a know people better another.

Answer To that is we've, got a framework that we went from the early earth which we called the 21st century. Human. Upgrade model which is basically the flip side of the organization one so Dan talked about the six attributes, that the organization, needs this, is our six attributes, that we think that humans, need to be able to do that and that she starts fundamentally. With sensing. All. Of those to, counter the fear uncertainty and doubt that we hear this morning from you know but all these new things that happen to us people have to contextualize, that you have to be immersed in those things you have to understand. The ramifications of, what is mixed, reality, what, does AIE, look like at the moment right is it Skynet, or is it is it a computer that kind of just works the way it should work at the moment you can ask eight questions there's, a continuum with these things but, until we have to get a better job of bringing that to life for people it's, hard for me to grasp what those concepts, are I just. As. You set up right um you know I'm gonna take this and bring it to light so at DXE we, made a specific. Objective. In. Our technical community, to actually change the way that we collaborate, as a team. It meant. Teaching. People to become comfortable, with technologies, that they weren't always comfortable with and using. The technologies, that they were already comfortable with, in order to create more productivity so what do we do so we. Do town halls on on Google. Hangouts. Okay. For the world to see we record those on YouTube we, invite our partners right. We're being transparent, we're at the marketplace in order to create a more engaged both. Employee, set who now becomes accountable, to the marketplace in general but, also to attract, clients. And partners and new employees because we're running a more much more open, culture it means, recognizing that, we're gonna actually reward, the technical staff for, making contributions, to, the Commons what do I mean we have an open-source model and so we're going to run the majority the company on open. Source I mean the operations, of the company on an open-source basis and. So how do I get people to actually feel, valued. By contributing, their. Bug fixes or their improvements. Back to the, same tools that everyone else is using in a way in which we actually are able to harness the scale the organization then the last thing that we did is we actually decided, that for collaboration. Everybody. Was used to clout enterprise collaboration and, everyone thought it stunk. Okay. So we actually went out and we we've been experimenting, now for eight months with Facebook workplace, Facebook, at work why. Well. We had a key problem and that a lot of our. Older. Employees. Were. Very, very comfortable with email and not. Very comfortable, with tools like slack and others because they had never really used them to interact with their kids, or grandkids versus. Say Facebook, in which they fundamentally, brought, a pre-existing, knowledge. Base but. They also could, begin to use their mobile device and and, their PC and their iPad and any other computer that they go to to interact, consistently, with a community in a way that was very natural to them and so we took some very very explicit steps as we, went to build the company and its cultural. Basis, around making sure that we were reinforcing, that outside in culture, teaching. People that it was okay to use consumer technologies, within the enterprise but, also using, some tools that were familiar to them and others that weren't so that they had to learn some new things and yet, get pace from the things that they already knew. Cool. Chuck can you flip me over to the Apple, TV please, all. Right cool so, one of the problems we gonna talk about the abstract concept right we talk about the digital world we, try to bring it to life so it's more than words on a powerpoint deck as well so we try to say to people the digital world is a real thing right it's it's a it's.

As Real as the world we live in no it's just that you're, not biologically, equipped to. See the digital world so this is my freebie, for you for the day if you want to impress. Your friends at weddings, and parties about the digital world there's an application you can download called the architecture. Of radio it's a couple of bucks on the App Store and, what it does it ties together three publicly, available databases, it ties together cell. Towers, satellites. And Wi-Fi, hotspots, and it gives you an augmented, reality view, of the, world around you and to. Me it's it's actually the view of the digital world right so this is the world of digital that we live in so each one of those spikes isn't actually a mobile phone cell tower need. One of those red dots is a Wi-Fi hot. And, these squares up in the sky are actually satellites, as we move around right this is the best thing that I've found actually what I like about this is actually the digital artist who's created, it can you see the kind of the, kind of fabric he's put around it right so he's trying to illustrate the concept that it's radio bubbles around it but you know research within the lineage for him we were we actually. Call it the matrix with a nod to the films and, once we can get our employees to realize every single product that they bite whether it's a car a fridge, the mobile phone their clothes increase in these shops they go into mobile, phones every, product that we bite has a radio, inside it is designed, to. Connect into that fabric I mean most of that fabric is powered by AT&T I mean this is the whole point it's like looking, at me and we've, got to get at humans, our concept, is we want to be able to traverse that, world so it's not an oblique abstract. Concept, we've got to get our people better at hands-on understanding, how they can control, how, data moves. Between that world so it's not an abstract concept as well so it's a really good thing to have on your phone with a gyroscope, if you actually want to show people what their what, the digital world looks like so it's fun, and the same things are out there with respect to flow rate of enterprise data and other elements so you know as we think about digital with that definition and it's really about how, do we actually find interact, use it you know find information, interact, using information with, our device and surroundings, what you begin to recognize right, it's at those same Maps helping. People to understand what it means what the how the network tone is everywhere and how it underpins the exchange of information that, were there we're running actually, can benefit them thinking about how to solve problems by recognizing. That it's not about the information I have it's about the other information, that I have access to that augments, what I have to make it even better I, was, gonna give you one example as well and about why we think it's important, that so. If you think about Dan's organization, one when the bottom Square and on the circle was actually called pro hac proactive, haptic sensing as an organization right mister but I run for our leading edge forum program and, that concept is that firms have to understand, their.

Context, In the world we have to be able to curate. And filtrate, and understand, all of the innovation that's happening in the space and make decisions on that that they can inform, their, organization, but if you're going to change the culture of an organization it, can't just be an organizational. Level thing, it starts with everybody, so everybody has, to get better at sensing. This is one of the challenges we have as organizations. Is the fact that we're all quite blase, about the, technology, that we have the everyday that we walk around this in the pocket in fact that like, so is everybody the room got a smartphone yeah. How, many people in the room have got more than one smartphone, on them a couple. Of PE yeah. So how many people look at Apple phones. Excellent. Android. That's. Typical actually they're funny the demographic, is globally, Android I've got like you know 80% of the market but any, exact should go it's always the other way it's always Apple. Phones the, challenge is so factually because I've been using the word phone a lot and it's okay I keep using the word phone to describe that device, that you've got in your pocket and when in reality it's the most personal, IOT. Device that our generation will probably ever owned it's equipped a wallet it's the VR engine that drives your VR headset, it's the AR engine now if you've got a new iPhone into, the dog mented reality, it's got your health information in the data and all, of that stuff, basically. Streams, data, off their, phone no if I could if you could actually sit here and look through an augmented reality view, of that and there's a big right bread room host pipe of data blasting, off the top of your head because, the echo of all the data you bleed out would you be inclined to do something about it because, you can't see it we, don't tend to do that kind of work I'm, just gonna give an example of a piece of technology that and, this is the kind of from before my point about sensing, so. This this little device here is an occipital. Sense. It's $300, sensors been out for about three years now you can bite off a credit card and what. It does is for a digital skill point of view is a great example of how consumerization. Can. Impact the enterprise if you actually make, people aware of Technology. And how you can apply it to workflow processes, so, what it does is you blow you put onto a light Pat and the digital skill involves me doing that. Then clicking it in and what I've done there is basically turned the iPad into a lidar. Scanner a laser scanner and. We. Took this as part of our experience lab we take it at the client and be sure to end-users to kind of show what you can you do with it cuz you can actually create 3d models if I I just do a quick one if I um I scanned. An Y, scan your face you do your face you, can, see we do it quick. Scare people a quick 3d done right so so you keep still for me then a little lock on the screen what I'm going to do is I'm just going to show the guys right it's what it's doing computationally.

Is Locking, on to Dan and. Then about I just walk around really quickly and do kind of its, kind of bit wonky on there. Do, again. Very. Quickly so that creates a very very. Quick 3d model that kind, of stuff and, if I can wrap us I can wrap a color view on that and she put a model onto it as well so we wrap a skin around it in terms of model and we actually showed this to a lot of engineers for clients in the UK because you what can you do with that what what kind of plywood is that if you give this kind of ability to model. Things in real time we've done it with we, worked with aerospace and defense organizations, and said well if you had to blow out on, a plane part on an airfield you're going to shut it down well as well as he's gonna bring people in to actually, manipulate. That, scene before you make a decision what if the engineer could just whip out a scaling, and put it on and take a model the, real interesting use case for that that's not bad actually for 20 seconds that's. Pretty. Good 3d down into about 20 seconds of Technology, the, interesting when we found those with a utility, company in the UK National Grid who do gas. Manufacturing. And we took it on a road show around the country with an ex-lap and visited about three, or four hundred at gas engineers, and in. One of the wrong shows in Scotland one of the gas engine is put his hand up and he's literally. Gas engine is a driver and in vans fixing, gas mains and, he put his hand up and he said could. You scan a hole with it and. We will with the BRM when we were in the program with National Grid and we were like I don't never tried before which one a scanner hole for and, he said well our workflow, process we've got these multi-million, pound vans. That drive, to a location to fix a gas main and we've got a 30 million quid SCP system or iPads it gives us. Limited. Rubbish, information, to. What to go in dig but we've got it on an iPad now and you say we get there we dig the hole out when we get down and we fix, the gas main but. At. The end of the process they'd, outsource the filling of the hole back in to, a third party company and. He said that's where the kind of tech washing was we went up in the field watching the BRM said all this kind of technology do this kind of work to fix it the last part the process was to estimate how big the hole was to, send an invoice to the third, party company to come and fill the hole back in and we literally watched the guys put all the technology down and get a stick, over the back of the van and put a stick in the hole to see how deep it was and they were didn't got a tape measure though he actually got in the whole engine, and he went at, about four foot so. We took word to the Beermen it turned out that they were getting the bill every year about thirty million quid basically. For just tarmac, and rocks to fill the holes back in in there so we took the scanners as a, project and said well how, hard is it to capture a volumetric scan of a hole I can say only turns out he's actually quite hard to do it but, using. The SDK we, did a very successful little pilot with them and so, they could be seized scan it at, the end of the project press a button and capture, a volumetric calculation, the point was it, didn't have to be a hundred percent accurate it, just had to be 99 percent more accurate than the blow of the stick to improve.

The Tolerances, and that that improvement, of tolerances. Has saved them Millions basically, in this thing because they're just pretty more precise with the data going on and the knock-on effect from, that from, the for that for the work force is that the engineers, have come up with lots of different use cases and ideas for using the sensor the geologist spotted the fact that the models they, could see the stratification, of the rock so. That was really useful said that so this date to know the models get sucked into their bidding system online so, much so that National, Grid of no cell, that service, as a serviced, as the utility companies, in the UK and they've won awards for it and they've just gone to the government, in the UK and actually got a big grant to go and build basically an AR Pokemon, go version, of all the utilities, in the, UK so any then they're going to share that cross platform with the electric companies and so they don't have the thing of you know the gas guys to dig it up and they go through an electric cable and electric cables go through, yeah. But it goes, even further right so you know that not only had they done that but they also recognized them not only am i rolling a fill truck after I'm done but. Actually these gas lines actually have to be inspected by engineers, right. So now all of a sudden I had to roll an engineer truck to inspect the, fix, and repair before it went there, may have been other pipes that were underneath it so now I've got a cross connection that I might need to share with an electric utility or somebody else, you, had the problem of actually knowing exactly what, the repair looked like before so if I were going out to fix it again right, what's, you know is it likely where the repair was or is it is it north or south of that repair and so it becomes part of the inventory management system and you, know if you're running a field service organization, this becomes critical if I'm inspecting telephone poles trees anything. Else right, understanding rates, of growth and other elements become critical to making sure I have the right tools with me or the right ladders with me or or, whatever those things are because we know that ERP, is not because, it's implemented, by people Yeah, right not, reliable, as a source of information so this is digital this is actually you finding, that actually once you begin to, take apart, and, see the value and information, then actually, what you begin to do is begin to unwind enterprise processes, right I see the issue we found with this more than anything else is it's not really about the tech it's we're, going to talk about VRT it's a lot about the headsets but the mindset is the fact that the. Thing I found jaw-dropping, amazing I show this to people this scanner which has been up for about 3 or 4 years now and people, still go oh god never seen that before he's always comes as a shock that that can be done as an accessory but the point is that's already been surpassed by, the technology because of Moore's law right so I've got a phone downstairs if you come down to my lab session, which isn't about, flagrant. Plug for a session in 45 minutes I've, got a google, tango empowered smartphone so Google have taken all of that camera technology and baked, it into a normal mobile phone chassis so if I put that phone next to your iPhone and your Android on the phone they said you which, one's different you go phone phone phone because, it's the way that you your visual acuity looks at that so, the bit that worries me and scares me from an organizational, point of view is where. In your organization's, or in our organizations, do we have that kind of 21st century human, skill set to know. That this technology exists, because I'm not worried about in the new organizations, through the upgrade program people getting these devices, I'm not worried about the engineers who understand, how that works you can find utility, unit we're gonna play to the business processes, I'm, worried about the ones where you've got semi secure, offices. Right, and you but you've got a really smart bring your own device policy, you allow your staff to bring your phones in so, they're all walking down the corridor after lunch. Instagramming. The photograph of the quiche they just had I couldn't phone that way but of course they've next next next on, the Google, tango app or they've got the new phone and gone all. Right so that rubbish, Pokemon go I'm not using that and turned it back off again so, as they're looking at the phone that way there this thing's scanning, your organization, is reading all the stuff you're agile boards on the wall and beaming all to Google if, you if you don't have a sensing, capability, developed in your people to.

Know That these things exist you will miss opportunities and. You get blindsided, all the time because you don't have the fundamental. Sense of haptic function, to actually think about how we're going to play that and put it to a business process and it's. One of the key skills we think it's important for firms to develop is how do we get our people better at listening and learning how, do we teach, them to learn again. And again so that and, the ultimate info program the model the entire thing is, basically to develop confidence, and competence, in our staff and, that's that's kind of what we look for in a film because I think that's the only way you going to close between not winning. In the 21st century having the organization, if, you've got a big, card, room of people we can't just throw them away we've got to make them better we've got to do a better job of helping them, to get better and. That's kind of what we think about it really. That. Make sense yeah. We, just need to know I mean we're. Here have you guys got any kind of program in tonight in work at the moment I mean how do you I mean. And. This is I don't feel free to not come back to me in terms you want to talk about but I mean most firms that we work with if over, the last couple of years have developed CBT. Based training sessions they've kind of out sourced train, into a web portal and they've made it all kind of where you just go enough to do it yourselves these followed a MOOC concept, where people don't really follow it on this kind of stuff has anybody got any kind of advanced, sensing. Kind of capabilities, they do or anybody programs, for your digital champions, or exactly so anything that where you have, a way of making sure that people move. These concepts, from abstract the real or is it a something, that's probably. Meaning. Might be underutilized or but under strength at the moment, it. Is no, yeah. Okay. We'll, get a drink Q&A yeah we're getting through the session you go on talk a bit more. Yeah. Mmm, now. I see. That one quite a bit I mean one of the things we do terribly as humans is watch screens. Right. So trying to pick a needle out of a haystack and a moving log file right is impossible, on the other hand if I'm able to tell Splunk right. To go and find me things that look like this right it does a really good job at pattern recognition right, and then that turns people into instead, of you. Know observers. Right into, reactors. And that's where we tend to use, the critical thinking skills but still then, you begin to you, know to you. Know question how many people have those, correct. Reaction skills and how do we actually move even that population, forward, faster because that that is the productivity lens whether you're a cyber security professional, or you're, in, procurement.

And You're really just looking for contracts. In and POS right there look funny, yeah it's it's the big it's the big kind of paradox the age we are surrounded by more collaborative. High technology, as humans and we've ever been before and yet productivity, is absolutely flat and. People miss an opportunity and it's because we're not doing a good job of helping our people understand, and this is a bit it's the counterpoint I had to what, sonic, God was talking about this morning a little bit when he's talking about a little bit by saying there's not enough talent Microsoft. And Google and the big players have all realized like two years ago right that they know that. We're not gonna have enough people who can do data science that's not the point in terms of data science what they're gonna do is they're baking natural. Language processing they're, baking machine, intelligence into, their core products they know that 99% of the people on the planet use, office so, what they're doing they're baking that functionality into, the product sets we already use into, Excel into. Google sheets into Word right. So the bigger not all in there it's all in that in there no to actually use these things the difference is is are we, training, our people to know how to ask questions of, those systems differently, because if we're still using the tool, set the way we've used it in 1987. In 2017. We're still using the same you. Know basic, 10%, functionality, no-one's trained us to actually interrogate. The data in a different way ask the right questions of it then we're not going to see those polity games so we've got all the technically got all the riches in the world but. We're not we haven't taken that baby step, you know that kind of like baby. Common-sense digital, step button this is why this stuff always tends to stay out, of reach for the masses this, is the challenge. That we have I think in terms of improving people making them a little bit better to improve productivity. So. You know what we what, we do know is that. You. Know I actually, honestly. Believe that IT, has a role in digital, in the firm I just don't think that we. Should call it IT anymore. I think. One. Of the trends that I'm really seeing in the marketplace and it's a little bit different from what Peter said this morning I, actually, believed, that the mega players are. Engineering. The, next set of platforms that are going to give IT scale, and. I think a lot of what we're looking for is, give me a platform that raises a common denominator so my, I don't have to build all of these pieces we just talked about from from Ground Zero all. Right so I don't think anyone would question the fact that you, know Google G suite and, Microsoft. 365, office. 365, franchise or right now being sold as utilities, and that. By and large is almost, no differentiation, company. The company to company to company in terms, of how productivity. And collaboration are, expected to work right.

You Know we know the tools right there there, you know email basic, collaboration. Voice collaboration. Emerging. Ly our you. Know augmented. Reality and, mixed reality you know situations. But fundamentally, they're integrating, through a common. Collaborative, space right. With that occurring right you start to ask yourself why would I ever spend, another IT dollar building a custom. Productivity. Environment, inside of my environment when I could fundamentally, source. On a per month basis, a productivity. Suite for my employees right, work alone platforms, you know I think the clouds got it a bit wrong right. As we built some of the first clouds because IT told, us what they wanted right, they wanted, infrastructures, service, or bare metal as a service, because they still actually it was like turkeys voting for Thanksgiving, right. They, wanted to get more leverage out of the skills they already have rather. Than find a way to actually. Make. The environment to do what the business really wanted which is to actually say I want, invisible IT I. Actually. Want, my business users to be able to drag and drop from a canvas the ability, to compose services. So. That they can actually accelerate. Business impact. From those services so, we're getting closer with platforms, of service we're beginning, to bring lifecycle, concerns into the model but, I think we still have a long ways to go around workload, platforms, and making. IT truly, invisible to the business around, the core IT that. Operates, it I think, a higher common denominator, in the first place where I think that there's a very rational IT, and, business partnership, is around business processes. You, know I'd ask you to raise your hand but I think you'd all you know raise your hands, right how many of you believe that you, know process is negatively reinforcing. The culture of the business, or. Not succeeding. And driving the productivity, within the business right and the answer is we, all stink, right. And in turn through our processes, right, we've been locked into large-scale systems, which has between, 6 months and 3 year change windows on them right. Our business it doesn't look the same in three years guys or even two years and so, what we're seeing is that peel down to the monoliths, and really. Recognizing, that some of those big blocks right CRM, the ERP, the. The. Wfm, right the HRM, systems. That. Really operate every business or have become table, stakes and we've seen a huge trend in the marketplace to say stop trying to customize s ap stop trying to customize, workday. Stop trying to customize, Salesforce right. You know configure, it don't customize, it because I want to take advantage that continuous improvement and upgrade cycle that are going on inside of all these environments I think, the other trend I'm beginning to see for sure is the, fact that these big elements. Of traditional IT these large-scale systems of record, typically. Have a surround, of application, servers around them and this is really where the modern business processes, are living today unfortunately they're all app servers in. The process logic is all hidden inside of them and they're very few people who actually understand. The processes that are inside those we used to talk about this in the mainframe and now we've created the next generation, of technical debt in the app servers I see, most si P landscapes, having between 40 and 100 application, servers around the edge of it what do they do they.

Actually Integrate, the information, of the rest of the enterprise, with, si P as a system of record. Answer. There's no magic there but you sit there and say there's got to be a better way and so. We're beginning to see platforms, like Dynamics. And and. Some, of the new si P tooling that are beginning to create evident, business, tunable, processes. That. Integrate, information. In. A drag-and-drop. Web-based. Model, that is business accessible, so, I don't need a developer anymore, in order to tune my processes, this. Is beginning and we also see it in ServiceNow which we use exactly the same dynamic, dimension allows, you to take the services, you have to, lift them up into a process, environment, and drag and drop to, be able to test business, processes, and moreover. All, those business processes are designed with the kind of telemetry we're all looking for, what's, the dwell time in the process how long did it take to enter an exit what's the dwell time of the overall process where. Am I seeing a lot of error rates who. And my who. In my environment, always approves, on Friday afternoon, who. Doesn't approve at all until they get six notices, these, are all this is all really interesting. Business improvement telemetry, that the business VPS are looking for because they're all looking for pace and productivity and then. What that starts to give us once I begin to now make the business processes, both agile, and evident. Is it, begins to give us the right kind of information to begin to interact with the new digital world right. Bringing, machine learning and AI into that decision-making in. Mobilizing. Those processes, to the point in which integrated messaging, is beginning to allow for people to click, through approval limiting. People from approval. Entirely. When. You have a low-risk transaction, moving through the system and doing that systemically. Right. Chatbots, process, spots an automation that naturally, begin to live within those processes, as you touch your client to your touch your employee in ways, that allow them to self-serve, within. The core business process, with an affinity and a pace that's that's unrecognizable. These are really changing and now allowing custom, clients, to, both go, up and drive their productivity up into, the company in terms of both margin, and capability. But also giving, them the ability to extend their processes, to third parties and so, when I am in a cloud where I can begin to use a process that naturally, has a handoff, to a third party much. Like AT&T and DXE have integrated our event, management systems that actually run IT we're. Able to share information across, the boundary that each of us to make a more contextualized. Decision, when, we're given and given and request because we can both drill down and drill in and we, can both tell each other what we're doing so these processes are actually enabling, even, partnerships. To occur in improved, ways than we've ever seen before so this for me is really important because I really do think that we have three. Core platforms, that, underpin, modern IT in order to make it is as, invisible, as possible to, the business users who are fundamentally the ultimate customers, for the technology that were producing the, image did a bit but the bots piece as well if you think about Facebook Messenger right there's about 60,000. Intelligent. Bots that live inside Facebook messenger right how many people have actually got facebook messenger on their phone everybody in the room how. Many of you actually use, a facebook, Messenger bot to do anything anybody. Know. And this this is the other counterpoint, to dumb things you see we've seen this emergence, this transformation, is initiative of these three core platforms, but again it goes back to that thing we started off on there's the organization, and then, there's the people you, can build all the stuff in the world but we still have to make people and said be augmented by these things try to use process use BOTS and use automation this kind of function as well so it's it's, another challenge that we have of the organization do you have a bot program, do you have a way of telling your people to find utility, in things how do they look.

At These things and self-regulate. When these things they find utility, in that I'm going to use that because it helps me do my job I'm not going to use that one or do they just ignore it all and carry on just emailing, documents back and form work the way they've always worked yep. So. Back you know back to kpi's when you measure productivity you. Know one of the critical elements is actually celebrating, and continuous improvement. All. Right so how do you begin to recognize and, intentionally, move into areas of continuous, improvement how, do you set KPI is not around end state and outcome other, than, what, did I do this month can I create 2%, 3% process. Improvement, month every month it feels very Six Sigma and we should have a lot of people that are able to do it but what's remarkable is, that we're now in the hands of the masses, in terms of if we're, able to lift it up to the business in which in, which individuals. Can make changes, and contribute their own improvements, to those processes, in pull, requests and open source or a community source inside of your organization so it's really changing the last box which i think is really important, is this, notion of platform DXE or the operational, box. I do. Believe that the technology, providers. Are helping us to. Build out the novel platforms, that are going to enable the kind of digital execution, as a business that we, want to take advantage of and and, continuously, improve that, and keep that innovation evergreen, but. What is also still important, is that we recognize that the enterprise is hybrid. You, will continue, to have your. Applications. In your legacy estate which operate the business which need the right kind of operational, care and feeding right. I mean I was talking with the CIO at a major airline and he said look it takes 300. Legacy. Systems to launch an aircraft. Right. And if I improve one of them it still takes 299. Legacy, systems to launch an aircraft if. I do - right it's still 298, so you know you kind, of get where we're going here there, is a need to have a common, operational.

Cadence So you actually understand. And never lose control of your target environment and so, what dxc is doing is actually building, and providing, to our clients, a scalable, learning, platform, and which, we will help you to operate your systems using, the intelligence. Generated. From all of our clients within the domain, right. And that's important, is we've begun to record, and run. Analytics across, the full scope. Capability. Of our delivery and that's, giving us an insight, into what's really causing failures, where have we seen this bug before what, should we do about it with high reliability. Who, are the best people to work on this to, recover it more quickly and when they recover it how do we get them to recover it not by putting hands on keyboards, and fixing an operational, system but, instead, changing. The pattern of the digital recipe so it can then be redeployed, correctly, into the landscape and these are things that we're working on as a company to bring ourselves. As a safe set of hands to help you to operate that that, that. Traditional, estate as it hybridizes, into the new estate. I'm. Gonna wrap up pretty quick so we can have a little bit of time for for. Questions but you know as we see it there. Are a set, of foundational. Objectives. Within a lot of companies right cloud operate, your business in the cloud as a cloud right, there should be a cloud first mandate everywhere I'm sure all of you guys have that in some way, shape or form people, focus in on your people and, create. That that choice that that client, that your employees, demand right. You know gone are the days in which an employee will ever love working, for you if you show up for the first day of work and there's a black brick on their desk, well you if there's even anything on their desk, that, is a device that is older than the one they have at home and that they really don't want to use right. It is a massive dissatisfy. Er and we work for big companies and it's hard to, get into the model of a just-in-time supply, chain for employees, it tends to be fairly low on the list versus just in time for the clients but, they're just as important if you're going to try to get the digital staff to, empower them to make the choices that are. Friendly to them and to create that culture you, know security and risk changing. And with these new technology, bases we have to change the way that we think about risk right, there is no such thing as zero risk anymore okay. To try to create a zero risk environment. Constraints. All of your degrees of freedom and creates, a culture where nobody, will fundamentally ever, challenge, much, less change. The. Status quo and so we have to rethink security. And risk we, have to actually, change the, way that applications, are built and delivered in the landscape right, we cannot tolerate six. Months 18 months of delivery and application, we, have to expect an intimate, partnership, with the business on a weekly basis if not faster and deliveries.

To The marketplace, for testing whether it's an internal or external marketplace. Every couple of weeks we have to execute on that and there are new strategies, for bringing those teams together around. Scalable, agile and, all, of these things automation. Analytics, right are feeding into it and this is where we're focusing our time with our strategic partners is, to actually create, these. Scalable, platforms, and offerings for our clients. And. With that if you are interested in learning about some of the data digital, things we are doing with clients much like the project, with the gas, utility, in the UK we, built a public website with, all of our evidence and it's always dangerous to put. This out but we actually believe that you. As members, in your company, need. To, have the tangible, examples, that actually stimulate, the thoughts why can't I do that what. If I took that and did this with it the translational. Learning. From the existing digital capabilities. And hopefully it also begins to showcase for you some, of our core capabilities, whether it's around blockchain, or mobility, Internet. Of Things there's, a lot of AR and B are out there there's some drone work out there all kinds of fun stuff videos. Are in hand out there and and, feel free to take it and use it to help influence your organization's, if you think everybody needs those, success. Points and a scalable partner that can help you to provide the skills to help you perform those same kind of experiences. And. With that Lois, was down at our booth booth, 208, in the Innovation Center in, a little bit and he's. Got kind of all the demo gear you could want. To play with and, it changes on a monthly basis yeah much, of my credit card chagrin, but. But. I do invite you to come and challenge us and if you're engaged with us today I really. Do challenge you to make us to, hold us to this promise of becoming your transformational. Partner right. We want to be the ones to take you to public cloud we want to be the ones that change your work environment for your employees we want to be the ones who help, you get more value out of your data we want to be the ones that help you become that so that learning organization. Through, the ways that we behave and we have a couple of clients that have now told us that, when, we started doing agile projects, with them around a major IT project, it actually changed their culture and they were they, were remarkably. Surprised, and how their teams are now much more productive than they ever were because we've taught them some new tools and ways to collaborate as a team so it's, not true for everybody and, that's oh I don't want to over generalize but, I do want to be that company that's the trusted set of hands to operate, your business your, legacy business and to hybridize it to develop, the new digital edge to your businesses. So. Any questions head of a minute, or two left any anything good for us. Thank. You guys very much for your time thanks all the French family that are out there really for sure.


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