Audiobook for learning Russian аудиокника audiobook russianonline

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punishment without crime do you want to kill your wife - asked the dark-haired man sitting at the desk yes that is No not really I would like the surname her name or mine yours George Hill address 11 Sep James Mr viw the man dispassionately wrote down the name of your wife Katherine age 1 31 questions rained down one after another, color of hair, eyes, skin, favorite perfume, how does she feel to the touch, size of clothes Do you have her? A photograph and a film with a voice recording. And I see you brought it. Okay, now a whole hour has passed. George Hill has been sweating for a long time. The dark-haired man stood up and looked sternly. you haven’t changed your mind about George No, you know that this is illegal yes And that we do not bear any responsibility for possible consequences for the sake of God, stop quickly - George Vaughn shouted for as long as you’ve been holding me, do it quickly, the man barely noticeably smiled, making a doll of a copy of your wife will be required 3 hours while you take a nap This will calm you down a little The third mirror room on the left along the corridor is free George slowly, as if stunned, wandered into the mirror room He lay down on the blue velvet couch and the pressure of his body made him rotate from the mirror on the ceiling, a gentle voice sang Sleep sleep sleep Catherine I don’t wanted to come here It was you, you made me, Lord, I don’t want to stay here, I want to go home, I don’t want to kill you, George muttered sleepily, the mirrors silently rotated and sparkled, he fell asleep, he dreamed that he was 41 years old again, he and Katie were running along the green hillside, they flew to a picnic and their helicopter is standing nearby, the wind is blowing Katie's golden hair, she's laughing, she and Katie kiss and hold each other's hands and don't eat anything. They read poetry. All they do is read poetry, then other paintings, a quick change of colors, they fly in Greece Italy Switzerland that In the clear long autumn of 1997 they fly and fly without stopping and suddenly the Nightmare of Katie and Leonard Phelps George screamed in his sleep how it happened where did Phelps suddenly come from why he invaded their world Why life can’t be steady and kind Is it all because of the difference in George is almost 50 years old and Katie is young so young Why why this scene remained forever in his memory Leonard Phelps and Katie in a park outside the city George appeared around the bend in the path just at the moment when they were kissing Rage fight attempt to kill Phelps and then more days and more nightmares George woke up in tears Mr. Hill everything was prepared for you awkwardly he rose from the couch he saw himself tall and motionless now in the mirrors Yes he looks like 50 it was a terrible mistake people more attractive than him took young women as wives and then made sure that they inevitably slip away from their embrace, dissolve like crystals of sugar in water, he angrily looked at himself a little thick and a little Tolstoy's chin too much salt and pepper in his hair and not enough in his body the dark-haired man led him into another room George caught his breath But this Kathy's room the company tries to satisfy the needs of clients as much as possible her room down to the smallest detail George l signed a check for $50,000 the man took the Check and the street in the room was Quiet George sat down and touched the gun in his pocket Yes a lot of money But rich people can afford the luxury of a cleansing murder without violence violence death Without death he felt better, suddenly he calmed down, he looked at the door, finally the moment is approaching for which he had been waiting for a whole six months, now everything will be over, in a moment a beautiful robot puppet controlled by visible threads will enter the room and hello George Katie, he quickly turned around Katie escaped from him, she was standing in the doorway behind him she was wearing a green dress as soft as feathers on her legs, golden braided sandals, her hair in light waves hugging her neck, her eyes shining Clear blue, he was shocked for a long time, he could not utter a word for a long time, finally said You are beautiful Have I ever been different Give me “to look at you,” he said slowly in a strange voice, he simply approached her with his hands hesitantly, like a sleepwalker. His heart was pounding stupidly, he moved heavily, as if crushed by a huge thickness of water, he kept walking, walking around her, carefully touching her body. You’re the same with

me, please wait a little, he suddenly sat down weakly on the couch, pressed his trembling hands to his chest, closed his eyes, this is simply incomprehensible, this is also a Nightmare How They managed to make you, we are forbidden to talk about this, the illusion is being violated, some kind of colsedonia a single seam, he looked at her and he remembered the words that they so often read together those happy days about You are beautiful, my beloved You are beautiful, your deep eyes under your curls are like a scarlet ribbon, your lips and your lips are all kind You are beautiful, my beloved and there are no spots on to you George That his eyes were icy he wanted to kiss her and the milk under your tongue and the fragrance of your clothes is like the fragrance of Lebanon George a deafening noise in your ears the room in front of your eyes began to shake Dada Now for a minute he shook the howl to shake the noise out of her about How beautiful your legs are in sandals daughter Princely rounding your hips like a necklace the work of a skilled artist how they managed to do it he screamed so quickly for 9 hours while he was sleeping how they melted gold strengthened the thinnest watch springs diamonds sparkles confetti precious rubies liquid Silver copper wires and her hair hid them metal insects No , probably a golden yellow flame was poured into a mold and allowed to harden. If you talk about this, I’ll leave right away - she said no no don’t go then get closer to the point coldly she said you wanted to talk You wanted to talk to me about Leonard Wait a little about it later No now - she instructed there was no anger in him anymore Everything seemed to be washed away by a wave when he saw her he felt like a nasty boy Why did you come to me - she asked without a smile I ask you no answer If about Leonard, then you know that I love shut him up, he covered his ears with his hands, she didn’t let up, you know very well that I’m with him all the time now, I’m now with Leonard where you and I have been, remember the lawn in Monteverde, he and I were there last week a month ago We flew to Athens, took him with with a box of champagne, he licked his dry lips You’re not to blame It’s not your fault He jumped up and grabbed her hands You just appeared on You’re not she’s to blame She’s not you You’re a completely different lie the woman said I am she I can only act as she’s not in me not an ounce of that in her, practically we are one and the same, but you didn’t behave the way she did, I behaved exactly like that, I kissed him, you couldn’t, you were just born Yes, but from her past and from your memory listen, he begged, shaking her, trying to force himself to listen, maybe it ’s possible, but pay more money and take you away from here, we’ll fly to Paris, to Stockholm, wherever you want, she laughed, the dolls are not for sale, they are only given for rental, but I have money, we’ve already tried this a long time ago, it’s impossible this makes people go crazy, even what is done illegally You know we exist because the authorities turn a blind eye Katie I want to be alone with you it’s impossible After all, I’m the same Katie all the way down to the last cell then we beware of competition dolls are not allowed to be taken out of When opening the company's buildings, they can unravel our secrets and that's enough. I warned you about this, you don't need to talk about this, you won't destroy the illusion when you leave, you'll feel dissatisfied, why give up, but I don't want to kill you, part of your being wants you, you're just suppressing him from breaking through, he pulled out a gun from pocket I'm an old fool I shouldn't have come here You're so wonderful tonight I'll meet Leonard again shut up Tomorrow morning we'll fly to Paris you heard what I said and from there to Stockholm she laughed cheerfully and patted him on the chin That's how we are fatty what- then it stirred in him, he turned pale, he clearly understood what was happening hidden Anger, disgust, hatred pulsate in him and the thinnest telepathic cobwebs are phenomenal for the mechanism of her head to catch these signals of death, a puppet, he himself controlled her body with the help of invisible threads, a plump eccentric But once upon a time there was a stop You're old and old And I'm only 31 years old Oh George, how blind you were working And meanwhile I fell in love again and Leonard is just lovely really He raised the gun without looking at her Katie his head is pure gold - she whispered Katie don't - he shouted to the curls his wavy black hands like crows, his golden round logs studded with topazes. Where did she get these words of the song, they sound in his brain, how is it

that she pronounces them to Katie without forcing me to do it; his cheeks are fragrant in his flower garden - she muttered, closing her eyes and silently stepping on in the room his belly is like a statue and the ivory shins of his marble pillars Katie - he swizzled his lips the sweetness of a shot That's who my beloved is another shot she fell Katie Katie Katie he stood up He put four bullets into her She lay and twitched his unconscious mouth opened wide and some kind of brutally mutilated mechanism forced her to repeat again and again beloved beloved beloved George Hill lost consciousness from the touch of the cool wet tissue of ki in the forehead it’s all over - said the dark-haired man, it’s over in a whisper, George asked again, the dark-haired nodded, George looked helplessly at his hands, he remembered that they were covered in blood, he fell to the floor when he lost consciousness, but even now the memory of what was flowing down his hands was still alive in him Real blood now his hands were washed clean I need to leave said George Hill If you feel that you can quite well he got up I'll go to Paris I'll start calling Katie all over again and probably shouldn't do anything like that Katie is dead Oh yes of course I killed her Lord blood was just like the real thing. We are very proud of this detail. Hill took the elevator down to the lobby and went out into the street. It was pouring rain. Note to wander around the city on his own; he was cleansed of anger and the lust for murder. The memory was so terrible that he understood that he would never want to kill even if the real Katie would have appeared before him now He would have thanked God and fallen, Forgetting about everything in the world at her feet, but she was dead, he did what he was going to do, he trampled the law and No one would know about it, the cold drops of rain were refreshing to leave immediately before this feeling of purification passed in in the end, what is the point in these cleansing procedures if we again take up the old main purpose of puppets is to prevent a real crime, you wanted to beat up , kill or torture someone So take your soul to the puppet, there is absolutely no point in returning home, maybe Katie is there now And he wanted to think of her only as dead, and after all, he took proper care of this. He stopped at the edge of the sidewalk and looked at

the cars rushing past. He took a deep breath of fresh air and felt the tension gradually subsiding. Mr. Hill - said a voice next to him. Yes, what? the case on his hand clicked the handcuffs you are under arrest but follow me Smith arrest the others upstairs 9 pm It has been raining non-stop for 10 days now It is still watering the walls of the prison George stuck his hand through the bars of the window and the raindrops were now collecting in small puddles on his trembling the door kicked in his palms, but he didn’t move, his hands were still getting wet in the rain, Kat looked at the back of the weak man standing on a chair by the window and said it’s all over, tonight you’ll be executed, I’m not a murderer. It was just a doll, Hill said, listening to the sound of the rain. That’s the law and nothing can be done about it You know others, after all, the president of the company Puppets incorporated was also sentenced to die at midnight three of his assistants in the night your turn 3:30 thank you - said Hill you did everything you could Apparently it was still a murder even if I killed an inanimate person intention there was intent and a plan was also missing, only a living Katie, you were at the wrong moment - the lawyer said 10 years ago You wouldn’t have been given a death sentence, in 10 years you wouldn’t have been touched either And now they need an object lesson, a whipping boy took the hype around the dolls for the last the year is just fantastic proportions, we need to scare the public and seriously scare us, otherwise God knows what we can get into. This problem

also has a religious and ethnic Aspect. Where life begins or ends. What are robots? living beings or machines; in some ways they are very close to living things; they react they even think to external impulses, you know the law on living robots was issued under the influence of this law, you just got into bad timing, that’s all, the government is doing the right thing, now it’s clear to me, Hill said, I’m glad that you understand the position of justice, but they can’t legalize murder even such a conditional one with the use of telepathy mechanisms and in them it would be Meryem to let go of the sign of the crime and all the time from that hour I felt like a criminal felt that I deserved punishment It’s strange the truth is how society rules over a person’s consciousness, it makes a person feel guilty Even when for this it seems there's no reason I should go maybe you have some errands No thank you I don't need anything Goodbye Mr. Hill the door slammed George Hill continued stand on a chair in the window, spit his hands wet from the rain behind the bars on the wall, a red light flashed and a voice from the loudspeaker said Mr. Hill is your wife here, she is asking for a date With you, he squeezed the bars with his hands, she is dead - he thought Mr. Hill called his voice again, she is dead, I killed

her your wife is waiting Here you want to see her I saw her fall I shot her I saw her fall dead Mr. Hill can you hear me Dada - he shouted pounding on the wall with his fists I hear I hear you she is dead and let him leave me alone I killed her I don’t want to see her she’s dead pause okay Mr. Hill - muttered the voice the red light went out the sky lightning flashed his face illuminated he pressed against the heated office two figures in cloaks came out they stopped under a bright arc lamp and raised their heads it was Katie and next to her Leonard Phelps Katie she turned away the man took her hand they ran through the black rain across the road and got into Katie's low car - screaming he pulled the bars Prussia pounded with his fists On the concrete window sill she's alive Hey Warden I saw her she's alive I didn't kill her I can be set free I didn’t kill anyone it’s all a joke a mistake I saw I saw her Katie Come back Tell them that you’re alive Katie the guards ran into the cell You don’t dare execute me I didn’t commit any crime Katie is alive I just saw her now We saw her too sir then Release me Release this, it can’t be they just went crazy He suffocated, almost fell, the court has already rendered its verdict, sir But this is unfair, he jumped up and grabbed the bars, screaming frantically, the car started moving, she took Leonardo to Paris and Athens and Venice And in the spring to London in the summer to Stockholm in the autumn Vienna Katie Come back Katie you can't do this to me The red headlight of the car was moving away, winking through a curtain of cold rain, the guards came from behind and grabbed him and he still continued to scream


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